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About Lincoln County leader. (Toledo, Lincoln County, Or.) 1893-1987 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 3, 1922)
AGESIX LINCOLN COUNTY LEADER. TOLEDO. OREGON. THURSDAY. AUGUST 3, 1922 LINCOLN COUNTY LEADER OFFICIAL COUNTY PAPEP W. H. HALL, E. F. HALL, G. W. HALL Publishers. G. W. HALL, Editor. "jiit-red t Toledo, Oregon postofftce, As secocd-olass matter, under the Act of March 3rd, 1S79. Established Twenty-Nine Years Agq. SUBSCRIPTION PRICES 5nd year, In advance, $2.00 Six Months, In advance 1.00 way commission has been able 'o give the construction of the highway by short stretches is already in prog ress. The line is being laid out by en gineers with a view to a scientific construction and ultimate permanency. The line south from Tillamook is rap idly approaching the Lincoln County line on the north. Engineers are now 'setting stakes near the south line of Lincoln County. A recent convention of the Roosevelt Highway association vestor would not care to place his money In Oregon and pay the addi tional burdon of a state income tax on any profits he might make. This would reflect directly to the detirment of the farmer who depends for his markets on the Industrial grow th and Incoming population to the state. Experience has p-oven that any new form of taxation is simply "added tax ation." New forms of taxation do not reduce the former total tax bill they simply make It larger and establish was one of the most largely attended another payment which the taxpayer Down By The Sea ('"om the Oregon Journal) Th people along the Oregon coast want the Roosevelt highway. They are working for It. They are struggling for it. They are spending their money for It. They are bonding themselves for It. They are building part of it by short stretches and at great sucrifice. They preach the gospe of the Roosevelt highway to all who jour ney coastward. They presented It to the Oregon newspaper men at Newpart Saturday evening. vision a finally completed when travel by automobile from and most enthusiastic road conven tlons ever held on the Pacific coast, The coast line highway cannot headed off. It Is one of those things that are inevitable. Foreign cars ' and Oregon cars are at every acces-, sible point along the ocean. It is so human and so natural for people to I seek the greenery, the ozone and the j beauty of the coast line, the thun der of the surf and the maajestic movement of the ocean, that cars must meet. Let the people beware of loading be themselves with new tax burdans. tax renuciion win uo bcl-uiou uy making less need for tax revenue rath er than by creating more tax revenue rom new sources to tax. NINE NEW LAWS PROPOSED I Beside all the legislation will enact, nine measures will confront the voters ' 1111 1. UI1UUI Will II "II t..lU-VH the ajre of 8 nnrt 1C yonr would be and down thn Oregon shores. . i. , . cumncPed to nt?n I tin jiudiic cr'noois, ?l -LPnTMX elimination of a.t private school. lino will ultimately complete the Roose velt highway. The line is as certain to ultimately bo a part of the Ore gon system of highways as that the last rays of the seUinsr sun spreatl their golden sheen over the boeom of the Pacific. And the rest of Oregon should do Its part in the great enterprise. Sinple tnv emendmont to raise all tixPB on real estate. Prohibiting use of seins. traps or fish wheels for catching s.ilmon and requiring that 50 per cent of palmon snpwn lrnst 'le planted in streams from which taken. State income tax providing for rats. In? of one half 01 the state taxes on Portland down the const to California " "' " " " nc. incomes. win be on smooth reads with easy DON'T BE FOOLED Graduated Income tnx measure on graJes. They know that it will mean 'all net incomes for state expenses with the opening up of innumerable small I The proposed income tax measure exemptions and deductions slmillar to vollays to production, and the support on the ballot at the coming election federal income tax. of a population doubled, trebled and proposes to reduce the property tax Port'.nnd Exposition under term8 of quadrupled. They know that the ac- by adding to the tax on incomes. whl.- '.i Portland would levy $1,000 uUO ceseibility of thousands of acres of In other words, while theoretically n year for thr3e years for financing exceedingly fertile but now virgin assisting the farmer by promising to the world's fair. land to railroad termini and ocean reduce his property tax, the bill would Interest rato amendment limiting ports would instantly change the civ- double the tax on the income from in- the legal rate of Interest to 6 per ilizntion from that of a frontier to a dustry, farm and manufacturing en cent and the contract rate to 7 per busv modern life. terprlses. cent. With such help as the state high- The result would be that the in- Two constitutional amendments to nermiL ijinn aim dvuwu wuumhoo w The state wl'.l probably vote No on all these bills but tho Portland fair bill. SLAT'S DIARY SLATS' DtARY (HEAD IN PAPER) Vr'i'ay ' pa voodent of got' to ta wiring" this evnlng wile we had Co. visiting. n levey special taxes to pay outstanding warrants. The White Corner More j Special Cash Sale. July 29, to August 5th, Lifebou) r-Coap 3 for .25; Koama Cleanser 4 for .25; Chinese Nood J les 3 for .25; Sunkist Peas 3 for.. 63; Jiffy Jell 5 for .50; Bathing Suits Sxtra Special R. S. VAN CLEVE PHONE 9005 - - TOLEDO, OREGON Water Front Market WHOLESALE & 1ETAIL Dealers In ORESSED & CURED MEATS FISH IN SEASON HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR HIDES WAUGH & MEAKER, Props. How We Will Serve You We not only give you the utmost in tire value in Good rich Tires, but ve back up that value with the kind of service that Essure3 you of the most satisfaction in your dealings with us. We are not satisfied with merely selling you the best in tires. We want to help you get ail the mileage that's built into them by giving you advice and assisting you in their care. ' Drive around and let us prove to you just what Goodrich extra service means to you in tire economy. AUTO SERVICE ALBERT TAYLOR, Prop. Phone 2403 NEWPORT, OREGON ed. Work of grading St. Helens-Pitta-burg road now complete. Waldport eunnery to run this sea- be , t rir LADIES' MILLINERY at GOODS ARNOLD'S I also COMPLETE LINE OF LADIES' AND CENTS' f FURNISHINGS Call In and look over our line of HU, Cops, Glovei, Tlea, Shlrta, Hot- T ' ' lery, Ribbons, Jewelry, Etc Etc. "Goodform" HAIR NETS Just the Shape or Color that the most Fastidious Feminine Tastes May Desire. Careful Selection from Imported Stocks Guarantees Them Perfect We are as Proud to Sell Them as You Will Be to Wear Them. "GOODFORM" Nets are Made for and Sold exclusively by REXALL Stores Only POPULARLY PRICED AT 2 FOR 25c DOUBLE MESH. , ' ' Th TOLEDO DRUG CO. IttoxaSSL T."P7H A WK INS, Prop. in probably wood cut of made any 'irake.T by his l !".n vpraatinn. A 'i1v vm n tp'l- 'ou' ,Jl 0 Lr.f V, Myrtel Point-Fifth rnd Sixth st sect of haveing boing lmPV0Ved- tlmeazeis and ?"WMMS to CI C(, IQU U TCI LJUIL jl Cell, pa being sick on Toledo Preparations being made the mumps- and for fair. hooping coft & Wallowa Work starts on new Pow- Colic all at once watka road. at the same time Florece GaruInerViIghway boing lm- when he was only proved. 4 yrs. old. Whlli Oregon City County awards nine -e was nil quiet mile paving contract. pa up and lnqui;-- Redmond 3.7 miles cement walks cs of her Old yure to be laid here at cost of $19,800. pa live threw It. Marshneld shingle mill puts ou night Saturday. ma shift, had anticipated Eugene Irving waarehouse to be that I wood wlrk 'opened, in the g.-Ttn this nioiu.ns and then I Astoria to improve several streets. I was to go to the crick a swimming ' Htllsboro Survey being made for this P. m. Buk with 1 thins another railroad up Gale Creek. 1 forgot the garden wlrk. 1 Then ma 1 "iagenerPiii- DeH Thet fretsrnity r W V V ITT TV will got contrary and cancelled mv swim-, building new home. ming trip & made' nin stay at horn! - Kroewater . Federated church all evening and all I cud do was to construst modern $33,000 edlflce. Ionic at the eloctrlrk Mta ' und w it h - Ashland Hyatt . prairie- dam.: work tho Bats running around up In thn jprosrosHins. air.. Banks paving streets. Sunday Bill H'.x and his wife! Medford will have $75,000 armory, went on there vacation today, ho' Eugene New method pruno dryer went north and she went East. Pa being bulldt. snys the renson was that tiny c?n.t live happy togather unless they are apart frum each "nnothor.y Mouday I red In the noose-anor tliat evrybufldy nhud ousrht to Im prove there Voonbularv und I ask pa how to it and ho re plj'ed nd sed he gess H was done by deep bree'hl.x and etc. Tuesday 1 gca. pa Is sick in tirwl of polatlx ar.d Candidates, ho says it use to be that a man got electel to see hw much good he cud do the , county and now they try to nee how much good the coun ty cn do tlioni. Wpjresday . At ifhn livru Tal.f tcnite I got Teds rjirl to oh-vmi with me r.nd I brung her Ice - cream and J .-ake till my 15 c. was cxnu3ted. & . ,;Ted was Bora and called me a clo ''chicken thelf witch wa3 a prltty 1 1 "good joalt. I think so at lease. ! Thursday ,Pa tayed off today jnnd he dlsslsded him and me wood !v.'!'-it n i,n ".rdnn. But 'ho trub- 4 le with pa is that when wo wirk t- gather he keepn teUing me imt how to do It and he sets arour.d and acts like a Audience. MICKIE SAYS r. BETV1EEM FRVEMO$ , BUY GOSH, I JEST 6S.T Nl what rr it i OGEGON WEEKLY INDUSTRIAL REVIEW M'ahleuh Nugget worth $128 found here. Bend Larne new theater building under construction. Portland Contract avarded for erection $60,000 factory. Pendlenlon Contract soon to be lot on Grant county rad. Astoria $r.400 ta be spent for gen eral work and -1802 for heating end plumbelng at hlch school. . 1 1 Eugene Pear crop Is placea at BOO,. ,000 pounds. Portland Bids being received for I brick store building. j Lumber shipment form port of As i torii to both foreign and domestic X ports reathing large figures. ' Harrlslmrg Paving - work 1 procres- T ;lng rapidly. , Contract let for construction of Cre- J scent lake forage resei vo r for Turn e!o Irrigation project: . 'WWt PER. Mr. and Mix. Thornton Porter of Kansas City arrlveu here h-st v;cek end .have fioved Into one of the com pany houses on the hill. Mr. Porter is employed by t,he Pacific Spruce coi poration, and 'will act in the capacity of shipping clerk, when the big mill starts its product to market. NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC ;.. You re hereby warmed not to tress pass, plch berries,, cut wood 0n roy nronerty. Known as the' Nortons' Flat Store i e.o irrigation project. . . . footed in' theJ vldntty' of Vaqulna. ii w liumina . ick piant now in oper- Mr. u L. Poulson at Yaqulna is In i"1!0"'.. charge of my property and-; to look bt, nenens to pet Dig new gawge. after it and to wory U. Signed. WVldportContflict let for nei ' -Mrs: L. f. Rasmussen, grammar school bulld!ng. , . I . Portland, Oregon.' 23-2t St."-HDllens-Long Bell ferry com-1 o r t:. pitted aud In operation.' .... I A!l men know; few things. Some l M HH ! ' Toledo Tourist park being lmprov- know less. Tlie Peoples Meat Market f WHOLESALE. AND RETAIL DEALER IN A NO. 1 MEATS, Fresh and Cured; also FISH & POULTRY LEAVE YOUR ORDERS WITH US FOR CORN FED BIRDS WE FEED THEM FOR OUR MARKET CLEANLINESS OUR MOTTO 8 HSFACTION GUARANTEED PHONE 2903 TOLEDO, S. R. ANULKsOfM. Proprietor OREGON i ill it I f l rvTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT tttTTVTT ED'S SMOKEHOUSE COME IN AND GET A TASTE OF OUR ROOT BEER THE ONLY BARREL IN TOWN E. A. LYTLE, Prop. 1 1 1 1 1 HM Pi Indigestion s DO YOU KNOW that indigestion can be cured, permanently cured, so that you can eat any kind of food that you crave? It has been done not only once, but in almost every case when Chan: -berlain'8 Tablets aref used. An instance: Mr. T. Pominville, Stillwater, Minn., who had spent cv - $2,000.00 for medicine and treatment was perur nently cured by these tablets. 1 1 iiiinim Remember We Have a Good Line Of CARPENTERS' TOOLS FISHING TACKLE POCKET KNIVESFLASH LIGHTS AND, IN FACT EVERY THING FOUND IN A COUNTRY HDW. STORE IT WILL PAY YOU TO VISIT US Sherwood & Hayden Q I j.i -c : COZY BILLIARD PARLOR, Kishols and Bain, Propria! . A' high class' line of cigars, tobaccos, candies. -We also havef'the best soda fountain in town, mixed in . . L 1 -r t. . . . minus ui. mi Mnua soiveu. a canon ot ice crearrt - home with you.- . "THE COOLEST PLACE IN TOWN." rSERViCE IS OUR MOTTO"