LINCOLN COUNTY LEADER, TOLEDO. OREGON. THURRAV. """mst 3.1922 HAYDEMS AND ARONLDS OFF FCR YELLOWSTONE P. N. Hayden and family, Mr and' Mrs. R. A. Arnolds and neices, Miss ' Akin of Toledo and the Misses Jen-j evieve and Marjory Tilloison of TyKh Valley, left Tuesday morning by auto for Yellowstone National park. The route to th 8 park will carry the 'our lsts through Southern Idaho, and, by the way, they will pasa through Boise and Buhl, home towns of the Leader force; they also expect to stop over some time In Salt Lake city, Utah. The party expects to return the north ern route via Butte, Spakane and Seat tle. They wHl be gone from Toledo about one month. Mr. Hayden Is the former editor and publisher of the Leader while Mr. and Mrs. Arnold 'are the proprietors ol the Arnolds Dry Good Store here. ACHIEVEMENTS OF THIS CONCRESS RANK P'jwrrs of Euro??. The Senate with- !ln record-breaking time ratified GREATEST IN HISTORY iv., ,?"l, J"". 3S' E which placed the Unit"'! States and the wcrid farther along tho read to'co,. peace tiian they have Cut Public Expenditures. Reviv ed Agriculture and Business-1 Internationa. Aided Labor PAG FIVE eqii-l, hut v.' dii-l'l kaoft .1 .-.!. ,Y; .i. t ami we won't admit what wo't know. t! :-ii &tGlrv . . wv . ..e.'"- (By John T. Adims, Republican Na tional Republican) Washington D. C, July 14 The achievements of this Congress will rank anions the greatest of any in the htbtory of the :ouutry. No Con gress ever assembled confronted io I many problems of such magnitude. I There was the necessity of recon struction following the most destruc tive war in human history which had consumed the accumulation of centuries and completely changed all economic nnd political currents. In addition, it Inherited the results 'l".-.v who knocks ills hnnit, town w- uW put. up n ml-tli'.y . : vl i' ! ' I to K.i climvlsere. HI... ..... ever been. I , n B ""or utv11 13 batterM fi This Congress unsnarlnelv eti' piib- ''" ' l only a brutal nmrd- r. Imt lie appropriations. No nation in the:''!'". v,r',,m ,ls iwscn of w rld has made such drastic raduc-; , "" "" e 11 Becomes an ns.,. tions expenditures as the Ulted States;8 ,m- since a Republican Congress .was Be patient with the poor bneb vln dieted. trtes to ronvlneo you that you are a! It enacted no destructive, paterna- C,MI"'P- He doso:'t know that his! listlc, class or sectional legislation. ; house is of glass. I On the other hand, no Congress in Beauty of the face commands admlr- time of peace ever enacted so much ation, but purity of soul wins confld- constructive national helpful legisla tion. . No Congress ever came Into power with a greater program to be carried out. No Conrress has ever enacted a greater percentage of legislation ence ana respect. The woman who hag both is trebly blested. Babe Ituth is tnking himself so seri ous other people are ceasing to do so. The plank is beelnninc in tut FORESTRY EXHIBITORS NOTICE. Anyone wishing to make an exhibi of wood work or forestry at the com tag Lincoln county fair will be a4 vised by Allen Mayhew, superlnten dent of forestry, of what to exhibit and how to make their entry. Ad dress P. O. box 4G5, Toledo, Oregon, or Call at Roberts Mill. 20-tf A. MAYHEW in aaumon, it mneritea ine results'" ' Tim a. ... of eight years of riotous waste eros. promised by the administration and , Ther n,r two tl,lnss every young l?TL: le8lBlaUVe bf-at nlZ ana The nation s business was In a mess, ,DV lne executive. ,u. , ,, .iu-uu disorganized without leadershiD of It has not been a "do nothing" Con- er la Impossible to manage, 2 f. ' thUt leader8Dlp ot!eres8. as falselv chared. No P."5v' betwe" hence of one and Ross Theatre TONIGHT A fine Paramount Comedy-drama "GHOST IN THE GARRET" A boy's adventure reel and one reel comedy 30c-10c 0 ; Friday & Saturday "I ACCUSE" Sarah Bernhardt said she regard ed this picture as one of the greatest of screen production. The Kin? of Belgium calls "I Accuse," a tremendous picture. A picture1 taken on French Soil and of special interest to men of the America Legion, having the endorsement of American Leg ion Posts everywhere. Also a 2-reel LARRY SEAMAN Comedy "PASSING THE . BUCK" . -35-10c . 0 . 3 .r direction gress, as falsely cnarson. No K"puv Private business, as a result of the llcan need or wl" apoligize for it. 'policies of the Democratic adrnlnis-1"8 record is not on the defensive. It : tratlon,-was in a worse shape than itwll! B before the country and receive had been for half a century. Hard iendorsement and a commission to con jtimes prevaled. The farmers faced j,lnue 'n power. The people are not bankruptcy. Fivle fnilHon Industrial Klnf5 to stop the magnificent work 'workers walked the street. Business u nas 80 wel1 begun. They are not lived from hand to mouth. Commerce going fo lose the advantage it has gained. They are not going to return the Democratic party to power, and thereby restore the evil conditions in public and private affairB which this Congress has so largely corrected. the presence of the oilier he often finds hmself In a devil of a fix. Speak softly or don't speak: Bark ing dogs make loud noises. Calling Cards Printed at the Leader t TTTT 'I'TTT TTTTfTTTTTTTTTTTTT TtTTTTTTTTTTTTTT TTTTTTTTW i JOKES Do it today. You will never see was crippled. Finance was fearful. Such in a broad way were the con- 'dl tions prevailing when this Congress 'convened. Kveifthin? rv.ded read justment and reconstruct. Because I those needs were so vast and varied, be.i-usa so much was expected of this Congress, it was inevitable that all expectations were not realized. The wreck was so great and so complete that it could not be craned up in a day or a mcntii or a year. It has tomorrow, bucome a custom to eriticzo Conp-esa Every head is filled with something land fair criticism U not res.nteu. 'or other a few of thorn with brains. I iiut since the beginning of this Ke-1 The fellow who knows it all has one public no Congre.13 has been so de- thing yet to learn what others think liberateiy lied about and misrepresent- of him. .ed as the present one. The proof of Silk stockings are like pocketbooks. tills Is It3 record, which Is made up They are most attractiro when filled, jand cannot be denied or minimized. I "'V? U the flea-m vlien t'.ie st-nw-The Congress t.-.eU-.d the tatk of h'rrv shortcake tastes good v.hen it reconstruction pron'i't".:-'. Almost Im- i.; vlicre we can taste It. jmediatlty it rc-eiiactsd the bud? :t j rtosos are beautiful and sweet, but Haw, v.ljich the prvxus rtepubli-an they :re discounted by the nutrition of jCongrtsu jiad passed only to have a the spud. Democratic President veto it. This I June brides are wizer, at any rate, was the first and tho essential step iThey are beginning to count the pen- toward putting the nation's business jnles. on an economical and orderly basis. Do not pretend a virtue you do not .It was easily the most epochal piece possess. Others see the faults you try jof business legislation which has been to cover up. enacted within this Eeneidtlod. Influential citizens are people who it ueganTlie revivaFand rehabili- know what to do and do it when 't 'tation of private business by turning jought to be done. What are you? Mts attention first to the underlying) When you don't know which way to industry of agriculture, then flcing 'tu,.n, lurn anyway. Standing still 'bankruptcy Agriculture engages one-' etB vcu anvwhere. nan me pDpuiai on . oi me Liiri-a , Te 'roubles to the unwel- States, who buy 40 per cent cf the om UC3t He will soon depart, products of Industry and constitute , that percentage of the patrons of thJ e m kn,ows h'8 own ln1 buslnes interests. It was plain, there- realizes that he baa. yet much to J. Iluss Wyatt, attorney from Al bany, is here to attend to legal busi ness during the August term of the Circuit l ourt. Be sure and look over our new Fall Suit Samples, fit guaranteed, large assortment to select from; price are right at Colvin's. It- County School Superintendent Goin Is a business visitor at Harlan this week. Kor all kinds of Cooking Utensils in granite and alumlnumware see Col vin. it- !o to Colvins for your dinnerware. Get your wash-day need at Colvins. MIGXIE SAYS I , , VA POOR. PROM, EVBM TIW16. "Vft FIMD A LETTc.ts OUT Or r VAAVCE MO WvVKGa AR& Mu-miw", UKE SOU Sunday and Monday BIL HART In His Own Story 0 Malley of the Mounted Hart takes the part of a Royal Northwest Mounted Police Offi cer. This play shows the Rodeo of wild riders in big scenes in cluding broncho busting, rop ing, cowboy games- steer riding, etc. IT'S WM. S. HART AT HIS BEST Also a Comedy. 30c-10c fore that neihter business nor indus try could Improve until agriculture Don't worry over what others think was revived. This revival the Con- of you. Unly the Lrd can lurnisu gress effected by a series of enact- you a through ticket when you kick ments. It reduced public taxes over $SO0 800,000. By the restrictive immigra Sharpies Separators Skim Clean H. S. PRUNER Local Agent YAQUINA OREGON Only $6.25 TOLEDO TO PORTLAND and return Iff) SUNSET Sale Dates Frl. and Sat. Return limit 15 days from Sale Date ASK AGENT ABOUT SEASON FARES Travel now and realize big profits In transportation costs For turther particulars, ask agents. SOUTHERN PACIFIC LINES J. M. SCOTT, i General Passenger Agent. off. Thg path of honor Is strewn with manv stones, but to the righteous tlon law it stopped the inpouring of,they are less than the pebbles upon hundreds of tliousards who would .the beach. have only aggravated Jie unemploy-1 The man who has just been jilted ment situation to tin .urt of labor, has at least one great consolation the It passed a resolution restoring peace I other fellow will have to foot the bills. between this country and the Central They tell us' that all men are born ft (SVSii" " " '. 3T L-m v WW Editor'i Note: Dev. Mitthewt Pres byterian Minister in the First Church at Seattle, Wash. The Presbyterian Church has been one of the greatest forces for liberty, education, and evangelism America has ever had, I think. It TO was t'le autnor ' modern rcpresen- PRESB I- ative Republican terians gorrurekntAmer- ica owes much of her government to the Presbyterian Church. She has been one of this government's trreatest examples and most oower- Oful defender. In the old days the XI 1 . . 1 I t 1 1 . . -Tcsoyicnan cnurcn s aanerence doctrines and principles, added to the stre. gth, character, and integ rity of American citizenship. In these latter days, it seems to me, she has come upon perilous times. FIRST. The Presbyterian Church commits a folly and sin if she permits infamous here tics who deny the deity of Christ and the infallibility of the Bible to stay in her ranks and to occupy her iey-Mi-Matthews' DlD-LXJO. 4UTOCA3TEK pulpits'. I insist she has no right to allow such enemies of God, of home, and of government to carry her name. I think a Presbyterian minister who denies the deity of Christ or the infallible Word of God and continues to occupy a Presbyterian pulpit is drawing his money wider false pretenses. We have all taken oath to teach the deity of Christ and the infalli bility of God's Word, and for that we receive position and compensa tion. SECOND The Presbyterian Church commits a folly when she becomes a meal ticket for faddists and place-hunters who constantly devise schemes and plans and or ganizations to increase their power, patronage and patrimony. They live and work exclusively that they may subsist upon such efforts. THIRD The Presbyterian Church commits a folTy when she permits her tnemies to begin to build machinery and centralize her government, thereby detracting from her power. I don't believe Presbyterians will " submit to centralized power nor to dictation by agents and machines. They crushed that kind of power once. I hope they will crush it again. It must be crushed in gov ernments and it must be crushed in the church. The Presbyterian Church should return to the sovereignity and power and supremacy ol lier Pres byterian government and to the control by her presbyteries. Hear my plea I Awake, grand old Church of liberty, righteousness and evangelism. ( UNCLE JOHN There's many a puzzlin' problem that attacks a feller's mind, when discoursin' to a Public, of a mighty various kind. h. w There's some will differ with ye, and there's others that applaud an' some that won't believe ye on yer oath, so help ye God I Which brings HONFSTY t'le so'ernn query 'nto this here humble flUiX Ol I song: Can anything be honest yet re main, dead wrong? I've alters heard that Honesty was fust among the things, that took a man to Heaven, on the shiniest pi wings ; that a man that wuzzent honest, had mighty nigh as well, consult the ticket agent fer the slowest train to hell So, a little sober thinkin' will arouse the question ftrpng Can any man be honest yet, remain dead wrong? I try to foller reason in the ideas I evolve an' I some limes pray fer guidance, when I've got a thing to solve, mmm J've catered more to jedgemeot, that; t tolerance pi: taste, in these days of much, palavet where the stntax goes to waste. m .. Let me cast this humbly ebr)le in the nhilosnnhie nonl inai nonesty is resKY in er r - - y Ji P HOMEY PfflLOSOPHT AUTQCASTER The best way te entertain a mam is not to entertain him at all. Don't make yourself a four-flusher by giv ing him a better dinner than you always have. But give him what yo have cheerfully. Then, too, your guest knows you've got tot , work for a living and have lots ofc j things to do, so go an' do them, tell -,, ig your friend to do exactly whaB j most pleases, aim un you get turn . ished. Don't be afraid to say what yoflt think and don't urree if von don agree, but don't expect your guesty i to agree with yoa because yoa'ti:: entertainin' him. Just widen out j Let love an' tolerance be King antffi 0..- .f . k. t, ...I. iTa m flrtiutSrU WIKOI Ul . 1 T V. IIU11I TT 111... p, " " . is with vou. and then maybe you?. won't be able to throw, Uigin SUj First National Bank Member of FEDERAL RESERVE BANK To'edo Oregon L ifl l its Js stl sfa - - - - -- -- rTTTTTTTTTTTTTvT 4 : X ARMY WORK SHOE X ARE GUARANTEED ALL LEATHER AT SpeGial PriG toAdverfise MEN'S TAN ARMY SHOES. Goodyear Welt, regular $6.45; SPECIAL $4.95 MEN'S TAN ARMY SHOES, Sewed and Nailed; regular $4.85; SPECIAL $3.85 BOYS' TAN ARMY SHOES, sewed and nailed; Regular $3.75; SPECIAL $3.20 YOUTHS' TAN ARMY SHOES, sewed nd nailed; regular $3.25; SPECIAL $2.65 U. S. REGULATION ARMY BLANKETS $2.95 U. S. REGULATION ARMY BUCKETS 75 U. S. REGULATION ARMY TRUNKS $2.25 U. S. REGULATION ARMY WRAP LEGGINGS ... .75 THE BOOTERY i1' SPRUCE UP FOR I FAIR TIME ft- -it Time to spruce up for Fall, 1922. Just take an hour o'f now and visit this shop of ours if you are interested in ho -est Tailoring values. We'll take pleasure in showing you one of the most gor geous displays of fabrics you ver set eyes on. You'll be u"der no ob'igations to buy, but we feel "dead sure" if you're thinking of Fll Clothes tht the RELIABLE MATERIALS, the INSPIRING PATTERNS and CONSIST ENT PRICES will influence you to leave your measure. We'll b delighted to show you the goods the new styles and to prove every claim we make. Yours to command, W. A. LINDSEY The Nifty Tailor Masonic Bldg., Toledo, Oregon Iflfi PP.SfilB & S S 9211