-A A p LINCOLN COUNTY LEADER, TOLEDO, OREGON, THURSDAY, JULY 27th, 1922. PAGE FIVE WiiMANT Mrs. M. G. Shcrmer ana children left on Sundays tr?.ln fcr a visit with Mrs. Sliermors sisiter Era, ut Philo moth. Johney Emerson, wife and Infant son, Dale, called on his mother and sister Sunday. Jim Huntsuekor came homo from a logging camp whore he is working, for a day of two with hon'e floks. SOUTH BEACH Merceno Folton left Sunday for C-jr-vallls. Mr. and Mrs. Woods -and daughter Mrs. Elder Anderson and little son of Portland will spend a week at the beach. Mr. and Mrs. Gates of Lents are vis- itlng with Mrs. Gates sister Mrs. E. R. Lynn. Miss Axcline Johnson of South Da kota is spending a cou;le of weeks with Mr. and Mrs. E. tt. Lynn. Miss Melon Daugherty of South Da kota is visiting her Aunt Mrs. E. H. Lynn. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Doziar have mov er to Portland where they will make their future homo. Mr. and Mrs. Howe have moved to Portland. Mr. Eric Johnson met with a very painful accident Thursday whllo jump ing from a moving car, he dislodated his knee. Ko went out to Portland. CHITWOOD rs. Beullah Barkalow and her son t t iiiibuii! 1 lilt Tl'ii'-iHt 'TM i I J Ml III 1 1 1 1 1 M I II 1 1 1 1 II lit I 1 1ll II JIH 1 I MM 1 :: ' I IIS iiiiii iiiiiiIIilJS 1' i.nd daughter Mine in Saturday from Los Aneles Calif, to spend a few weeks visiting with Mr. and Mrs. R. R. Wilson. Alfred Dwlnell left for Dayton, Mon day, to visit his grandfather D. D. Warnack. D. Hamar made trip to Corvallls Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Miller were passengers for Newport Sunday. " W. N. Cook and family are being visited by two of his nelcc3 which came in a few days ago from yallejo, Calif orn la. R. R. Wilson made a trip to To ledo. Duddley Henry left for his home at Shedd a few days ago after spending i little time.vlsitln friends at Chit wood Heights. A numbar of auto trucks have been busy the ndst few days hauling cruph is visiting her sister-in-law, Mrs. John Davenport. Mrs. and Mrs. R. T. Moore and children and Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Brov-n and son returned to their homm mi Mill Creek, Wednesday after a munla "cuiva visiL tii w. u. flioore e. Erertt Brown hauled a ln:nl nf household goods to Elk City Sunday j ior mt. ana Airs. cook. Who aro mov ing there. Elmer Watkins went to Toleda, Tuesday. Raleigh Crooks returned to his (iioine in Albany, Tuesday after a two "'" visit witn ills Uncles, Elninr and Nathan Watkins. &w-v&Hfw.;, : r AN INVITING HOME portrays the character of the own- t er in every nook and corner; in arrangement of every pic- turs; the hang of a drape; even in the way a chair is placed. 1 We all like nice things. We all aspire to express beauty f in our living, but unless we are wi!li;-. to investigate and f learn, our vision is narrowed to the confines of four walls, t We ask you to investigate thi3 store first the pleasing design, sturdiness and quality of our furniture then to in vestigate the price. Our regular prices aro always lowest. This week we have arrangedf special prices on LINOLEUM at $1.10 Per Square Yard. WICKER ROCKERS. Fron-i $16.50 to $18 50 RANGES Ranges Majestic, Colonial and Lang Ranges. Our prices are right COME in and investigate. OIL STOVES MOODY Mr. and Mrs. Zeb Blower and child ren, Anna and Joe spent Saturday evening at the Tangen home. Cards ed rock from the qua'ry and placing it w01"" played and at a late hour refresh on the road near here. About a fourth nu'n,s wpre served, of a mile hns been rocked already. Mrs. Zeb Blower returned from Mrs. A. B. DTinc:! -. c'-.:M-"i TV ".md list Tuc;tfay evening, mid Mrs. W. H. Price and S. C. Nida ! Mv:i. Carrie Tancen wont to Toledo 'drove to Toledo and br.ck Monday. ! Friday to attend the Ladys Aid of the A number of pponln were present at Luthern Church and a!su attended Arthur Peplns residence Sunday even-;chur li on Sunduy. ing to hear the music over the new Mr. Cecil Blower has been helping radiophone Some nice music wasjMr. St0(.kpg fill his B,lo tllia week hear from Ijicy, ashington and some i Mr. Carl Tnngen butchered a fine from Portland. hicf fnr Air n..i, n m.. Hf..r. . . .1 1 ItUHJ. mm. ritxuii w.iuiJeil w J3 uunu Hum . Nortons, Tuesday. I A number of people from Blodgett were here Sunday to attend the ball game between Chitwood and Blodgett, which turned out favorable for Blog- igett the score being 7 to 12. GLEN about over is iu this vi- Oil Ranges Just received new shipment of New Perfections j in three different models. ... f RUGS J Rugs Axminster Tapestry Velvet Congoleum and f Grass Matting Rugs. Haying cinity. 1 JJie dance given at W. R. Moores last Friday night, was well attended and enjoyed by all. : Mrs. O. F. Dickson and Mrs. W. L. Dickson called on Mrs. W. R. Moore, Sunday. ! Mr. and Mrs. J. K. Wheeler returned home last week from spending the Fourth in the Valley. I Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Brown and fam ily attended the danee at B. F. Grano's at Harlan, Saturday night. Mrs. R. L. Moore spent Sunnday with Mrs. R. L. Aplet. ! Mrs. J. K. Wheeler made a triD to jElk City Saturday, returning Sunday.! j 'Mr. and Mrs. Denver Greor deported , Saturday for their home in San Fran cisco after a few weeks visit with Mrs. Greer's parents, Mr. and Mrs. O. F. Dickson. i Mrs. W. R. Moore went out to the Valley, Wednesday. I Mrs. Alice Davenport of Elk City Mr. Andrews went to Eugene on a business trip last Wednesday. Mr. Hayzelton went to WVildport last Tuesday to look at the country around there. Mr. Hazclton lias just bought the Hanson farm. Mr. Wm. Ralston and son Donald returned to Albany Tuesday. The dry weather still continues. Leslie Sharp made a trip to Win ant Tuesday. Bessie Davenport, Glen Davenport, FOIl SALE 4 Head of cowsT" 3 fresh this spring, one fresh 2 weeks ago. Now giving 6 gal. milk aday. All Jersey or over. One Brood Mare Purcheon stock 11 years old. One saddle poney. Will make bar gin on one or all. N. W. Miller. Toledo, Oregon. 23-4t- Tailored CiotSies We are pleasod to announcs that we have recsived our NEW FALL SAMPLES of Bruner Woolens. Our TAILORED-TO-FiT Clothes Last Longer, Look Better and COST LESS. We show the genuine BRUNER Brand. Come in today and look them over. W. A. LINDSEY "The Nifty Tailor." TOLEDO Next Door to Telephone Office OREGON x B a tern an Furniture Co. l NOTICE TO CREDITORS In The County Court of The State of Oregon for Lincoln County. Li the matter of the Estate of Ewin D. Skagns. deceased. I NOTICE is hereby given that the undersigned has been appointed by the County Court of the State of Oregon for Lincoln County, Exeoutor of the estate of Ewin D. Skairirs. deceased. " : All persons having claims against slid I estate are hereby notified to present the same to the undei signed, together I with proper vouchers therefor, veri fied as by law required, at the office of the County Clerk in Toledo, Oregon, ior at the Officn of McKartd?n & Clark. in the city of Corvailis. Benton county, ; Oregon within Eix months from the date hereof. Dated this 22ml dnv of July, 1922. Walter C. Skaggs Executors of the EsLate of Ewin D. Skaggs, Diceascd. McFadden & Clark, Attorneys 5S nni THERE IS GOING TO BE SEVERAL NEW BUN GALOWS ERECTED IN TOLEDO AND YOU CAN GET A HOME ON REASONABLE TERMS PROVIDING YOU ARE A RESPONSIBLE PARTY. CALL AND TALK IT OVER. INQUIRE AT LEADER OFFICE FOR INFORMATION. t $ oiedo Sehoo! of losio BRANCH OF PHILOMATH COLLEGE ' Department of Music Instructions given in Pir.no, Voice and all Orchestra Instruments Monday and Tuesday Each Week at the LIBERTY THEATRE Special Attention Given to Beginners ACCREDITED TEACHERS ONLY Prof. R. T. Norton Lester Warman, Assistant Mak8 your applications without delay for Executors. lot NOTICE is hereby given that tli The Photoplay Novelty of the Alio "REPORTED MISSING' At the LIBERTY TEATIIE i STRAIN TO GREAT i Hundreds of Toledo readers find daily toil a burden. I The hustle and worry of bti.-.inoss i ;:ien, ! The hard work and stoopiny. of work men, The woman's household cares, Often weaken the kidneys. Backaches, headaches, dizziness. Kidney troubles, urinary troubles frequently fellow. Read the following and learn the way to find relief: -rV y Ul , . es"u, Mrs. L. D. Clevenger, 506 E. 6th St Z 1,7 t , r ', . Albany Ore., says: "I know the value Sirh ph, ' m T, a? 'ommend them. I have used Doan's such executrix o? said estate, and ,wnen my kidn ,vere wpuk a1(1 j llfid w Ton0,Saa! 10 Ith day, L Se.P5en,-ilull backaches. The action of my kid ber, 1922, at the hour of 10 o'clock npyg was irregllIar but Doan.g ahvnyB a. m. has been fixed by said court ,.ellBved tllese backaches, and put mv as the time for hearing of objections kidneys in good condition. Doan's are to said report, and the settlement wnrthv nf a trtnl bv m,vnn Knffnrinn' mlth kidney complaint. Price 60c, at all dealers. Don't simply ,ask for a kidney remedy get Doan's Kidney Pills the same Mrs. Clevenger had. Pos'.ar-Mlilurn Co., Mfrs., Buffalo, N. Y. thereof. Dated this 21st dav of July, 1922. PRISCILLA PAVEY, Executrix of the Estate of ThoHia? Pavey, deceased. 23-5t FIXALL SHOP WELL WE FIX EVERYTHING CLOCKS A SPECIALTY Shoes, Boots, Clocks, Watches, Umbrellas, Pans, Buckets, Tubs, Boilers, Flashlights, Cut Agatos, Sharpen Shears, Knives. Repair all kind3 of things Don't throw anything away, Come In and see us. Furniture Repair ed. GEO. LiCKEY ' YOUR EYES ACCURATELY FITTED Ey GRADUATE OPTOMETRIST WANTED To Rent at Once PIANO In Good Condition Apply Leader Office Private Office for Examinations Prices Reasonable Ffc M. French &. Sons Optometrists and Opticians Albr.ny, Oregon Have Your Soles Sewed on. Prices Reasonable Mail Orders Promptly At tended to. DICK WF.NIMER& SON Shoe machine repair shop Newortrt Oregon jNivERsnY Okkon 41 '''iw"3Si:iiiv- J5lWj)i fell IN The UNIVERSITY (y OREGON eon tains: The college of Literature, Science end the Arts with 22 departments. The professional schools of Archi tecture Business Administration -Education-Graduate Study -Lw-Mediiine Music rhysicol Educa tion Sociology. The 47th Yer Open October 2, 1922 For acutalaiue or ani) information Write Tht Reiiitrar, UnWcriity of Oregon, Eufne, Oregon. ELECT1UC SHOE SHOP First Class Work Guaranteed Have Your S0I03 Sewed On we make your old shoes look and wear like new. Mail order work promptly repaired. Next Door to Peterson's Jewerry Store Toledo, Oregon CARD OF THANKS We wish to thank our kind friends and neighbors for their kind actB and words of sympathy during the illness and death of our father and grand father, and espically do) )b wish to thank them for the beautiful floral offerlhgs. Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Kyniston and family. NOTICE TO HOUSEWIVES FOR SALE Candle select es: irom the Olallu Poultry farm are being handled by the Uildersleeve Gro cery. This guarantees yuii a 108 per cent perfect product. Call for thorn when ordering. 20-4t Dr. Boggess Chiropractor, is now located at the Hot Sea Bath house, Newport, Oreg. Special Rules till July 1. lS-4t t H I' ENGINEERING WORK Professional Engineer In the Stat of Oregon. Topography-..,, wiv Engineering and Sub-Division wcrl A. J. McMillan, Toledo, Oregon TOLEDO LODGE NO. 108, I. O. O. r meets every Wednesday evenig. Visiting Brothers always Welcome. L. B. Wiswcll, N. C, Carl Glldersleeve, Secretary. CLASSIQEDAWERTISEMENTS EOll .SALE 1 tuuni mules, 8 and 9, well broke uud gentle; wt. 2500; team, wagon and harness; price $:!00.U0. A greut bargain. Inquire of O. F. Mock, Uox 2U9, Toledo, Ore gon. 20-tf FOR SALE 6 Room house, 2 lots 3 blocks from Main St., plenty umail fruits. Adress Unx a'ta. Toii.,1 h4.jtt!.it . . . 23-4t FOlf SALE Or trade for Automobile one good team. Inquire of li. A. Hodges, Elk City. 23-lt FOR SALE Motorcycle Side cur; Uo- eu roru Truck; 1320 Ilaby Over land. Peterson Bros. Garuge. 23-tf FOR SALE (Two colts, one 2 years old, one yearling; 6 heller calves, Jerseys, two 2 years old, four year lings. One Klrsten stump puller complete. Address E. L. Howe or S. R. Howe, Waldport, Ore. 22-4t FOR SAL12 130 acres near Chitwood, Ore.; on statu highway; near rail road station; house, barn, good well wood siieds, chicken yards; 35 acres creek bottom land, easily plowed place fenced; Ideal dairy or goat ranch; must sell because of ill health and old uge; a bargain Write to W. H. Price, Chitwood. Oregon. 22-4 1 FOR SALE Kir shw-.a- i., n. and 32 Inchon :,,,,,',,-. . ,,' "o, (Nuiiu uk Ik. Johnsons; farm. Telephone 22-2t FOR &LE CHEAP or Exchange 3 cottages 38 lots; some household goods; 40 fine chickens; In Pacific View near South Beach, P. O. Will take' small place away from coust or small business, good car, or uny thing I can uao. Make mo an of fer; see or write Mrj. X. A. IIuiii fleet, Puclfic View, South Letch Oregon. 21-3t FOR SALE One ncre of land In Run 1 int ttjj'i ; house, Lnr;i and rhlekeu yarJs; imiuira of Hox 2K2, Toledo. Ori",c!i. Must s,Hl becuu.-n of wif-j's lii'iillii and move to lilglier cll'iiat a uunwin. 2l-;it f'Uli b. I, K -Portable sawinill; 22 11. P. frar.i l ii(. engine jiower; will sell separate; also b-foot Doerins bind er; Inquire of R. L. Hathaway, Har lun, Oregon. 2l-4t FOR SALE ClIEAP-Wice Driving ftlare and Harness and light Buggy. Inquire L. A. Hulburt. 24-2t FOR SALE in Toledo, Oregon, six jots eacn tu x 100 feet and hou3 under construction In front of High ..School. Will sell cheap for cash; or give good terms. Apply to F. E. Schmidt, 1710 Fell St., San Fran cisco, California. 16-tf 40 ACHES Near Toledo; State Road; Mutual phone; dally mall, Good 6 room house, good newi barn, or chard; some timber. Good bargain. Inquire at Leader office. 13-tf FOR SALE Two Registered Jersey Bull calves, Oolden Glow and Chief Blood, L. A. Hulburt. 24 2t FOR SALE Tho launch "Florence". a cabin cruiser, 28 feet by 8 feet 4 inch b"iiin; 10 H.P. Campbell en Fine; Inquire of Dr. D. A. Mcln'yie, Newport, Ore., oppo. P. (). 21-4t FOR SALE 101.04 ucrrs of laud, 40 acres level, excellent beaver dam land; soino tlmbcv; railroad on place. Pric e $1500, cash or-terns, inquire Dr. D. A. Mclntyre, New port, Ore., 21-4t FOP SALE COW; Inquire at Leader Office. 15 tf 100 COMMISSION to any.mo nuTkTT a sale of the acreage at Caledonf belonging to .Mrs. VY SL'r:ii t; Halsey Street, Port land. 20 41 FOR SALE 2 good Jers.tv rrwa Kitmiiij I'er uay. Inquire r reo atanton. 2'i.4t WANTED Man to elanh nlut .1 acres of brush, Inquire A. O. Rual, Toiedo. of FOR RENT FOR RENT Store Room on Hit: Street, I. O. O. F. Building. See Cat Glldersleeve. FOR RENT OR SALE 40 r , near Toledo, all l.r.iirovemcn' quU-o of J;! Cotiie-:, Teh 2 shorts. it PROFESSIONAL CARDS Dr. Ernest K. HaI3 Dentist First National Bank Bui, ding Phone 1103 Tole li), Ore. INSURANCE FIRE, LIFE, HEALTH 4 ACCIDEfl AUTOMOBILE CONTRACTORS' LIABILITY C. K. CROSNO, Toledo, Orrjon Office In First N. B. Bldtj. FOWLER'S RESTAURANT Hill St., Toledo, Oregon Ask about our $1.00 PER DAY RATE:i Best established eating p'. ;9 rt Lincoln County r. J. FOWLER, Prop.