Lincoln County leader. (Toledo, Lincoln County, Or.) 1893-1987, July 27, 1922, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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NotIr.8 is hereby given of the Intei.
(43) minutes west two Hundred thlr-
lng plants of said company, and In
cluding the following described per
sonal property, rights to receive mon
ey, claims for value of services ren
dered, and rebates, te-rrlt: One bun
dle Iron pipe (Southern Pacific Com-
Department of the Interior
U. S. Land Office at Portland, Oregon,
July 8, 1922.
"'Hifc Is hereby elven tlmt
rendered on January 7th, 1922 and
entered In said court on January 0,
1922, ln favor of the plaintiff, Port-
i.miu company or uregon. a
corporation, against the defendant,
Yaquina Electric Coinpanv. a rorpor-
sale, and ln accordance therewith,
and in compliance with the commands
of said execution, I, M. Simpson, Sher
iff of Lincoln County, Oregon, will on
the 5th day of Aug., 1922, at tho hour
of 11 o'clork A. U. at the front door
teen (213) feet to left bank of Depot
Slough, theneo north fifty-four (54)
.HnirrrtPfl fl'k-.lvvn fr.2 mlnnta.. wacI
tics, of the City of Tloledo, Oregon, to along bank of Dopot Slcu-h two hun-
etaxiin a grade and cause to be im- dred eight (20J) feet to a point on
pruvt'd that portion of Fifth street 0rsoction 1110' thence n,)n seventy (70) pany); 8Vi -lnch
TuImSo Ore h.wn , W0.!"? minutes wst Mor. Co.) ; cartage p
.along tank or s.Ud slcugh fifty (50
Pxittt: Fifth street from the Intersec- feet, thence north forty-three degree
of Fifth street with the east sid9ieai't fifty-eight (08) feet to sec
of Uie Southern Pacific company's !;ne- tl,ence no.rt,h on,B 8ald 8ec
i . . . . 1!"8 to place of beginning, conta i
ngK.f-way to the intersection of Fifth 64 acl.; more or Ie88.
auwl with the west side of Hill street I Also that tract of land' bounded
oJthaClty of Toledo, Oregon. Said , described as follows: Beginning at a Corporation); motors and parts, from s It' 8 W m,,n .il;. i ' f said decree p.nd execution, reference or had In the above described property
r ... . . nr.lnf nn apnHnn lino nno tl,,,u,l r-,l., .1 j i ir-u-j o. i '. 0 " UP" WniCIl final Certlfl-I, .i,i,, , , ... . ' . . ., I , . , .
BIL'UJ IIIUUU U pail UI 11118. ul "J yui L ii ifmui;i uioi uul W1.II I'lO
been and am thereby
' this notice, I have been
ebv commanded to sell
ciwraspund to the official grade, andteen (18). In Township Eleven (11) steam feed; two steam swlngup saws; laml Receiver of ti, tt s f'w-r- lnd have levied upon the following
ay travelling the same through thel"UUL wi " " ecu"n ieu nana Hiue nve rons; i8t Portland Orecon -.unicriueu rem anu personal properly
Iron pipe (Soils .Geprge O'lver Adans of rh'lom nh la a:"' likewise against the prop- of tho court house In Toledo, Lincoln
ipe (F. Horning) ; 'p., moil Ci-untv Orr.i.,, .i., .L-' ! L"' ' 'a.r des'-rlld, for the County, Oregon, sell nt public auction
)resaw (J. E. Martlnla); band saw, Itember ''5 1913 nn -o add! ionnllinm . f "m (f "'"-ftnn-n0. together with In-1 to the highest bidder, all the right,
s, carriage and set works (Phoenix Mfg Btia,i pntr'v v'neijo .i.':. J'' .. ' Iterest thereon at the rate of five per title ami Interest which the within
tlon.Co.); one 15-HP motor (L. K. Altree); 0f the Act of 'April 28 1904 for tliP'ceIlt per ammm fro,n August 15, 1919, imincd dpfendants Yaquina Electric
tlon. express on machinery supplies froml-W ' SWU Sec 13 T 12 S n tun(1 for tlle furt!le' sum of $3500.00 .Company, Guy Roberts, Kllliam Print
ting Corvallis; freight on machinery fromiw Willamette Mor'rit-iii l.Pin'i- n,iHi iatt0cs fees, together with expen-Mng and Stationery Company, and
iTnrtfinpllHunpB! hWke nlno n1 linio ! l , . ,. "'"" ULinh UHU1-! f roivri,. ,i ("rprtlf Pnrvli-O rnn.nnnv o.wl oil n'
I - f-K tiuuiii to ins lionies'.ead entrv Nn ,,a.n wnu - - -
ana .(United States Soruce Production na::::i f u, i.-i. L.v-, . . . ' Ibursenienis or tliis suit, and bv which said defendants or any of them, havn
cx'-eptlon of the property described In
subdivision (h); that the personal
property described In subdivision (h),
1 Shaw-Walker filing cabinet, 1
-cantor thereof a width of 20 feet withlaniette Merldlan' running thence south one secticn liv roll drive; live rolls; The DurDose of thin notlr n l t t,i ilorat1 'n Lincoln County, .Oregon, "funding tlosk, 1 stool, 1 Pacific Coast
.nilijd rock to be lHld b fnllnwB-nno alonS seotion lino t7o hundred one section live roll drive; one tec-'iou- m n.'L. ini.i." i " J ?1 . "iwlthln tho jurisdiction of said court, 1 ln safe, size 27 in. x 25 in. x 42 In.,
lajw sbt Inches ln thickness of coarse 'Weight (-8 feet, thence south, tlon right hand side live rolls; nue-n,,,!,- nr J,Z toll: j said property now being located In the
... . .. inrfv-tiirpa 14 :i ri;ifrroPS vvnar fiftv. oant nn Iva ,1 ,.,.tt nA " " ' w " " fn
nicl to be covered with a layer three lV ., .'. , , r" f",v,e; one section live (mineral in character and opportunity
.intAr. In thickness of fine rock. KUL t o, , 7, V, . . a"ve: ,rlp BKlas a.strcin m,. objection In this office on or
KuM improvement to be made at the ot Oepot Sough, thence north lifter; one-section right hand lira roils; bPf(ire theJ dlltP
I . -., six v-sevpt. (67) deerces fifteen nS nna rnnvavnr- onm-ofn. f-m 1 Miui'l.
Bjiaifu ui uio owners oi i s aajaceni, - - , .. , ... , ALKXANDKR SV'E'-I'v
BiBnr aionz sa il nortion ot sam . . . . -------- ----- . "" muuii-j, who
with the charter a:np loft ba,lk of said shmu- Ihence 25-HP 870-ItPM slip ring motor; one'
) Oregon which Ilort1' e,Bht 8) de'reeg forty-five (45) 20-HP 6C0-RPM motor; one 5rt-ITP; NOTICE FOR PI
r'lv described as r-l!nutos eaBt two hundred (200) feet, 90 RPM motor with pullpv; one 75-!
thence nortn tmny eigiit t.ixj degrees HP 900-KPM motor with ouliev: one I
id 7 block 14 of G'-aham's tl!irty (:'01 nllnutns east 0116 hundred 20 HP 1200-RP.M motor with pulley; : Dc3ar
tlon to the City of Toledo f'fty-elglit and eigh-tenlhs (158.8) one 20-HP 900-RPM motor with pul'ev; ' f s I ,nd
led by Valentine Thiol-' ' f0(,tl tll('nce ea!,t 0118 hundred nine- one 40-I1P 8G0-RP:i motor villi flexi-1
arrwt in accordance
of thf. City of Toledo,
trrpt-rty is particularly described as
I ah 3 6 an
Fimrth addi
Orison, owned
I Ml
aiid) t hmi
nd as
(a) Lot 1. Plock 1. Graham's Sixth offic.i of snld Vaquina Electric Com-
Addllion to Toledo, Lincoln County, ipany in Toledo, Oregon.
Oregon, together wilh tho electric gen-1 1 will likewls soil on said day at
erating plant constructed tlioreon and (the hour of 10 o'clork A. M. at tho
Ifps-ialpr -t 'attached thera'.o, consisting of build-; office of Yiuiiilna hlpctric Company
in?a. 1 Skinner Automatic engine, 14 I in Tolndo, Lincoln Coimly. Orefon, all
tmcnt of the Interior
Oliice at Roseburg, Oregon
June 22, 1922.
Inches by 15 inches, directly connnct- to satisfy Haiti execution, decree, lu
ted with an Allls Chalmers 2300 volt, iter. -st, atiomoy fees nnJ costii.
3 phase, Go cycle, 277 R.P.M, 100 kll- DATED .'lOlh day of, 192
owatt generator with belt driven ex
Iciter, 1 Alias 4 valve engine, 22 inches
,by 27 Inches, belted to Allis-Chalmers
r.f h n..V 14 nrnnhnm'i l---U V " I "- ouuv.i ".ukj- mo mi 1 i 1 11 li . Ullt3 .J-III 3UU 1 , T Ml I. HI- V.'ITIPD 1.. 1 1... i ...... tlIL. . llllilf. UU C'.U ti. l.UW 11. 1
wi u.uua j- ui Mt niiaiu o r will in ... . , . . . . .. . -'"1 I. 1M lit; 1 UV U1VH11 IllilT I i ... ' T
to the City of Toledo, Oregon, 1 Ie"' l, e"ce f 81 , 1,1 ny i tor wltn ney- on3 "50-KP.M k,s M. u,n, of Aiapa. 0rpon wlln kilowatt generator with directly
by Vernle Ross; v !u?1 ' u,e Dme OI Beginning, .motor with slip ring pulley; one 10-, on October 22. 1317 made HoniMteml ,:(,:le,, exciter, 1 Russel boiler
1 and 2 of block 13. subdivision containing one acre more or less , u- SbU-KI'.M motor with flexible coup- .Enu v, Serial- No. 0 1114. for tho NH : ncllP! lu feet- ns(!' HdRes
ck No. 13 of Elizabeth Graham's . '','s'...i.fuJ"r. 1,,u-llr'11 motor; one o- 0f XWU and W of XKu nr Section ' " " "u;l" 8 u' 18 ucl- 1 smoKo
aaJillon to the City of Toledo, ,r . , ? W l ..r. , ' i""leJr- U,IB ;-Z2, Township 14 S. Range 8 W Wil- " '---
, -owned by E. M. Akin. "ur;"V.,BJ. 7c ,ul,rul;r 'V I110wr wll P1"1: 1 5HP ln-llamette Meridian, has filed notice of ,r "eaters z single phase, nil cool.
notice is given bv virtue of "' 'JUJ"1 ''-iiu' motor wiui puuey; -one zu-Hf 1 intention to make Finil Tlirnn vpnr" " lytlB n'inunon iransiormers
ZrfJ Jl " J'"" Addition to Toledo, Oregon, running 1740-IIPM motor with flexible coun- p, V . ?. n,e i,n5 .J10"?6" for 6000 volts primary, and 2300 volts
Date of first publication, July 6th,
Date of I:;st publicaticn. Am;. 3rd,
Sheriff of Lincoln County, Oregon.
by mon council of h City of nce south twelve (12, feet, thence ling; one 10-HP 860-RPM motor; oneo've' described . b Z e Fred Mc
Tio, Oregon, on the 17th day of s Y1 ,(,eet thence north jJO-HP 900-RPM motor; one 20-HP Henry, Clerk of the County Court of
-Juiy. 12. said resolution directing l' County, Oregon. .Vco
I secondary, including injector, valves
and piping.
roe as city recorder to give notice of:12 fe?1 f pIa?, ' beIB,innin lrcn chain: 200 feet 812x2 iron
the Wention of the City of Toledo, ' "BO Vo, I vViJ ... , ' . ln; 0"e Knlte 8rlnaer; one slab
Oregon, to cause said grade to be es- raham Slxth Addition to Toledo, . head grinder; one circular saw grind
taW3ea and said improvement to be 0reen- ;er (Covel); one 75-HP compensator
mad to the manner hereinbefore set sou.hwes ourater of the, and TFRMS; (freight on above to
iortls. and directing that this notice southeast quarter (SWU SEV); and ; Portland) ; one 5-HP rewound motor
Riven by publication in the Lincoln 'he """L la ' of the southwest quar- (Sumner Iron Works, Everett, Wash
TouBty Leader, said publication to be tor SSWK); and the northwest mgton,; oneog loader; one 10x27 slx
Br period of two Issues - quarter of the southwest quarter saw edger; one 40-Inch 21-saw trlm-
Any owner of property' hereinabove (NWH sw'j and 'ne northeast mer; ene log turner; freight on three
set forth objecting to said Improve- the fut'we8t Q'wrter .cars government machinery; machin-
nBt shall file a written remonstrance (NEUEW4); and the northwest ery supplies (Marshall-Wells Hard
to tho time with the city recorder on ?u,a"ere ' the southeast quarter ware Co.); cartage on supplies (Horn
or before the 7th day of August 11'2 : (NWySEM); all ln Section Seven- ing); W. R. Thompson's expenses to
R R MILLER tee" 17) Township Ten (10) South Vancouver; rope (Peterson Hardware
.23jt ' city Recorder. RnnKe Ten (10) Wt'8t of Willamette Co.); hauling machinery (Lincoln
' Meridiaa. County); machinery and equipment,
FORESTRY EXHIBITORS NOTICE. I Also the east half of the southeast old; one 6x15 floor machine (United
Aayone wishing to make an exhibl 'quarter (EHSE); and the east half states Spruce Production Corpora.
orod work or forestry at the con !?'4XMhu f18'1 fr, floofr m.'"e: ne
, . a:l-i the souuieast quarter or the 'readv sizer; knives for 6x15 floor ma
in: Lincoln county fair will be ad northwest quarter SE'NW), all In Thine; bells for 6x15 floor machine
-viae br. Alien Mayhew, superinten Section Eighteen (18), Township Ten 'tGraton-Knight Co.); heads for 6x15
'rtent of forestry, of wliat to exhibit - (i0) South Range Ten (10) West of floor machine (Stetson-Ross Co.);
aEd how to make their entry. Ad- Willamette Meridian. knives for 6x15 floor machine (Stet-
trM P. O. box 4G5. Toledo, Oregon,, Also the north half of the southeast son-Ross Co.); head bolts for 6x15
aF J21' 8t KoberU MUI- ,, , .quarter (NViSEU) ; and the southeast floor machine (Stetson-Ross Co.); er-
A. Mi' -uarter of the southeast quarter (SEVi ror 'nvolce 927, account belts (Gra-
swfrifcs rai P oli Vk) I and the south half of the ton-Knight Co.) ; ready slzer; hauling
Oregon, on the 31st day of July, 1929
l lalmant names as witnesses:
Marshall-W. Ruble, of Alsea, Ore
Con. William Adams, of Alsea, Oregon.
Bruno Knolinskl, of Alsea, Oregon.
John Steeprow, of Alsea, Oregon.
Register. 19-5t
'In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon for Lincoln County,
Thomas Ho!:i:an, Plaintiff,
C. J. Dillon and Elizabeth Dillon.
fb) 1 nnrrel of rpnl pointp 1 Ri i llis wife, also all other persons or par-
acres mor or less, specifically des-, tles unknown claiming any right, title,
cribed, as follows, to-wlt:
lien, imoicst or estate In the real
estate described in plaintiff's com
plaint, Defendants.
To C. J. Dillon nnd Elizabeth Dil-
Beginning at a point on the section
line 1090 feet south of the corner
RPPtlonR 7. ft 17 rmH IS In InwnJ.ln
11, south of range 10. west of the !1(m' llls wlfe' aIao a" ct,lGr Persona or
Willamette Meridian, in Lincoln par,ll's u,lknowl1 claiming any right,
County County, Oregon, running Utl ll('n' Interest or esU.te In the
thence north SO degrees 40" enst 212 lands described In plaintiff's complaint
feet: thence south 7 degrees 32" eastiherei"' tlle al)ove llamed defendants:
212 feet; thence south 15 degrees 43'l"the Na,me f tne state of Oflon.
west 2-13 feet, to loft bank of the I ' ou al"l each of you are sumr.ioned
Depot Slough; thence north 54 do--a,nd rpciuired to appear and answer
grees 52" west along
ig bank of Denot tlln C01"Pl!,1t of the plaintiff herein,
point on section a,nl now on fiie i the office of County
70 degrees 52" f-lerlt of Lincoln County, Oregon, on
Notice is hereby given that the un
dersigned administrator of the part
nership estate of Waue Brothers. Lee
iirn.t.. a .1 ...m .... . fi1
nn " 1 uci.uusej, will uy virtue Ot atl . Cl,....l. nno .
order of sale duly made and entered I HneT thenrp nnr.l.
or record In the County Court of Lln-'.( i 1 , ; or beforo the date of tho last nubllca.
coin County. Oregon, on the 3d day feot ,,,e7ce "l A de" g PaHt tlon of thls summons,-to-wit: on or
of July. 1922. authorizing and licens- fee to' section line; Whence north b"tore 0,8 27th dtty ot 1922 and
lng the undersigned administrator of Long 8aid section Une to ouicb of you and eaen of yu are neroby not'
said estate, to sell the real property Winning P tied that If you fail to so appear and
belonging to the said estate Tc) All rights Drlviledires nnd frnn a"swer said complaint, as herein re-
. . or Newport, Oregon to H A Sand- l"1 "vi"! lu
f ,'!.G..6tli ?ar ,.f UK"" V 13:2' a! stone, i'ls and assigns by Court for (" lipf "cmanded In
the hour of 10 o'clock A. M. of said
day at the office of the Vaquina Pay
! special ordinance of tlio City'of New- lIttIntff,R complaint, namely; for a
r.,.w t 1 - i-i t .... nocrpo t int n nfntirr in in nwnor in
Land and Absiract Co.. in the city of approved February 3. 1909 ' which f,'e 8lm,,,u r 11,8 ful'-owiB described
Toledo, Lincoln County, Oregon, offer Ba nrdinanre I, tl.wl real property situated in Lincoln
ERIFF'S SALE (SXE). and Lincom'' County Ureia? ZAT VlZl "rd!"" " 0 U. D. Sand- Jo-wlt:
. .u c. . VThree (3,: a" ln Seetlon Nlnete" (Stetson-Ross Co.); lathe and shape.-; I uroDPrW belong sal, 1 , S,"M0- hl8 - and assigns. U)t; inilockoe o innDtock,
it Court of the State of ,U3), Townfhlp Ten u0) South Range twelve peavies; one forge; one No. 50 ,,?? y' beIon';l"e to said estate, to-,f,.nnt,li;.e riB,lt anfl prlvi!pK0 t0 bu'il(, Nye & Thompsons Addition to New-
Beginning at a point south anu por-
j u ilan- tools; one Willamette wide face don-'anBi wIlh Vllp i- ', ' T" Vin 1 r 1 pov,'er ,,,nnl witllin 11,0 corporato 1
and ban- Mo the southwest quarter of the ;key engine, size 12x13; one Wlllam-" vine en t's Audiiion fn ,p Tnif n Us of t,,e of Newport, Line
?h.' 3 ad,n':f..rtl!l J?",? .1? ? r"e..Humb0''!Ld3nl5ey ?B'ne- !,ze Toledo whfch point is 670 feet from feU" a"d t0 USe 'J'e stre
. -,c ' ""'"'.-"- i-xi; one wnmmeue wioe race non- th .nllthpn.t nrnBr nf nlnv Muiposo or setting
utinvest key engine, size 10x13; 5000 feet of 5 8 in sa,d vincenf.. Addition tnTnln n I polBS an(l trlnglnir wires thereon to
quarter lnch cable; 1000 feet of 1 3-8 Inch nJl 1 ,". , I . if.l. tnsmlt electric light and power to
crart nnd nnrmfp nn nlontHr. Hirii port;
power plnnt within tho corporato lim- And that ail ndvnrsa claima of aatd
InCOln u ltJIitlililla' CULII UL lULlli, limy
streeis detormlned by said decree; that said
uBiuiuiuuis, unci eacn 01 moin, uy
said decree, bo declared nnd adjudged
to have no right, title, lien, estate o
op. lanuinn iu-c- (SVSE4); all in section Twenty cable: 900 feet of lH-lnch table: 1300 r. 5 ."'.".'" " . . ,''c "B 11 i different parts of said city, and any 'merest, in or 10 saw mnuanuove
corporation. H. A. I (20). Township Ten (10) South Range fflt of WJmh and 1W..lnrh oW- orn. "lit "t". "f ,en l.m lne outl,-and all other annnrtonanpea or thin, "escribed, or any part thereon that
of sali Yaaulna;Tpn (i0) West of Willamette Merid- Pioneer Iron Works loader, size I. lnel... ..lne. norlne..RSt 'I.uar!.e.r ner-essary and -usual in conducting nnd Ho said defendants, and each of them.
. Chris Larsen. G. ian. ou,u- nno mii.n,hln irnn "l ie sonu wesi. uarpr 01 section 1. oneratine said ele. trl.. liirlit nnrt .., "e forever barred and enjoined from
er. Msrwyn Paget! Also the northwest aua-ter of the lna'der size 9x11 one Cnlnmhla Iron 1 .nsl!,?...1.t 80U,n .r r.anBe 1.n- west plunt: and further aulhorlzlns tim issertliig any claim adverse to the
n. defendants. northeast Quarter (XW'iNE',1): and wv. i.,in .!,. 1ivii- mnn oi me wiuanieite Anrmian. in Lin-imavnr n(1 rwnr,ih ,,. ;, , plalnlifl 3 c.aiin. und lor t-uch other
In Tne Circu
Oregon for the County of Lincoln Ten (10) West of Willamette Merid- SCrew plate: miscellaneous blacksmith
tine aim 1 rust v..ijnipr.iiy, u uui iju-. iajt
atyvs, as trustee, for taq uca
nti s of the owners of tho bon
criln In the complaint In
pfcrtilT, vs. iayuina Harbor Lumber'tcr (X'iSW'i); and the sou
Ccipny, a corporation, Albany iron ; nnarter of the soutliL-ast
v urj;s. a corporat.
ti-jt- l'onip3ny, a
Hi4J:ind, us receiver
Elifrlrie Company
W. Vnri. P.. L. Book
:oi Tuna Jolins':
Xc'Jco Is hereby siven that by vir- tiie north
toe of an execution and orinr of sale .- nuarter
in icirectosure issued ou:. of the Cir- Twenty-nin
cail Court for Lincoln County. Oregon, South Range
n J'lae 30, 1922, pursuant to a decree in lamette
tin- Inivzoing entitled suit, In which Also th
-jnit oti .May 2, 1922, plaintiff recover- northwest
ffii i.!Sgnient against said Defendant Section
uMi-rr-i.-. tnereon suicb uuiu-jui x, nan (s'4) or section fourteen (14) writer; one Todd Protectograpli
ujk rate 01 seven per ccui yei nu- lownsnip len (iu soutn Kange revolving desk chairs; five etralgn
ram. anu me cuma ui hj.u run., eleven viij wesi 01 vviuameiie aier- chairs
n7rHu iu me buiu ui uir,inj .c.6m laian.
DtiVAW ($S8.00), Which
"iAiT..pnt wfiR ilnlv pnro'
-. uuu rigiiiB 10 property 01 every cnar- tate or lee Wm o. rlor p.mprt will hv '"' " y P""- uieruoi. eiiMMnme
fr, 'VrnLn r l M vlfS: S,0' rlJSZnlVi ac.l?r- wherever situated, owned by virtue of an orde? of sale duly madei d rW': Privilege, and fran- , the circuit Court of the State of
1 ,S7 nrt Tn d execuUon: to me v7' " n,T w" hE !al" ""D0UmD?r mvnny ana entered of record in the County V""1'
- . V i -. K ' "v, ' on uciouer 1, iu, or acquirea uy saia it ourt or Lincoln County. Orecon or , v.uumy, uruisuu, u uio ia
east nuarter of the southwest i,.inrh raKet 1000 feet lv..Tieh mMp? lCO County. Oregon, running from NowDO t0 ., ,ea8e to mld wntn, and further relief as
(NESWll): all In sectioi. aim roat r hio- .nimDf : ueb'""'"B poini west ah teet,;frnn(: nr(1pHv w.t,,,,1 ,H ., f able nnd just.
e 2S), Township Ten (10) !,i,u- ; hri'i.lh',- h LuTnVn J "?n.ce . no.rtl1 190 cet, thence east v,wm)rt f'P .p nlininiin . 'tL This summons is
Ten (10) West of Wil- t0ols and supplies: one Hall's safe. ! ? ' :;' 1,1 lsu IeJt t0 1,18 building and completing thereon a Hncu.ln toniiiy Leader.
Meridian. door 25x30 inches one Norris safe: one .""n-." ' ... , ,. ... !cold storage, creamery and said elen- ror .Blx eonsocutlve an
n ncrJieast nuarter of the n inn oav n Air. le'" " "l sala ""e-naii casn, Daiance .., .,,,. .., ... ,.ln, weeks, beginning with
CUarier (NE',4NWV.) of nn vnp.-rltp'r tnhlo with Hr-worJ S8UrC1. Dy m.0rt.ff.a '".. . II. D. Sandslmm in form nnd nvinnnr JU,1B 1022, and
Thirty-two (32). TownshiD ,. .n,n iihmr w. loemo, uregon, tins M ,., ..,,, .. tho , u ,,,.,, issuo of July 27tU, 1922
- .4.l VUUlb, V I. W UlltD-'lInU ff I1U lU'MJ V "
jnina Harbor Lumber Company for Ten (10) South Range Ten (10) West drawer filine cabinets: one Dalton
j.nm of Two Hundred T.ilrty-tmee ct Willamette Meridian. nddinir machine: one RiirrnnPli iv.
Dollars ($233,000.00 , with. Mso the south half of the South bank ndding machine; one Royal type-
i: three
day of July, 1922.
Administrator of the partnership
psta:e of Wade Brothers. Lee Wade,
may appear cqult-
publlshed In the
once a week
and successive
the issue of
ending with the
, under and in
the form of which I,ul'aull"co of the directions contained
ly approved by the an ord,;r made TbV tlle ? w
tiEiuy.eigiii iaian. , Also including all property, real, I Notice is hereby given that the un- repealing all ordinances nnd parts of' l eyior rn
,,"e .1 There is excepted from all the fore-' pera0nal and mixed, and Interest In designed adniinLrator of the "rdinances In conflict with this or., -Toledo. Oregon,
'a of said 1 Clr-'f K, ,eSCT r inl fn t aI,d rlsht8 to Pr0Derty of every char-1 tate of Lee Wade,, deceased, will by1dlnanre )r ""v Prt thereof." SUM
under salt1 lease.
lpnap I1114 hppn Hiilv
members of tho City Council and In " huiuuhi
r....i, f,.. m.Mioi.mi .,h oi.,n.i i, County, Oregon, on tiie 12tli day of
"t isniil ninvnr mwl rnpnnlnr om iifpT-oo-ilH June, 1922.
ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE declaring an emergency to exist, and I ... . a- ?,tU'L'?Sli'V'
nwmimoinniuug oftLC ...... . . .1 Altnrnpv fnr Plnilitlff P O Aililrpaa
Oregon for Lincoln County.
C. HrnnRriplrt nnrl .Tpnsin HT
Electric Company or its prede- Brassnold, PlaintlffB.
uy ana unner a certain iran-
granted by the city of Toledo
Toledo Light, Power and Man
during Company and cs.-dgncd tc named defendant:
Lewis P. Walters, Defendant.
To Lewis P. Wulters, the above
cjtmtxl in saia aecree ana in me irusi lotz Rnilrnnrt (!nninqnv llnft pa mnv j 11 a t- ui ( ... .. . ' . ' ---- ,., ... i.. i.i.i n . "
tuid mortgage foreclosed In sa.dbe deemed necessary by it Over aa Teener In said ?ru deed ( xcept ! h." Bthd"; 7 m?t Z" " ordmance No ' 10 , '" he rebr're to af
fcSttS linZ XStZtl7r llHP reW0U"a eIeCtr,C m'r aT0t 10 o'clock A Vol daybeing entitled as fol.ows. to-wlt: 'J aUnB'r "onp ant of plaintS
is roirded in tne onice or tne iouqiy by that company or Its successors or ohnnt porinniia nf oi,i i... .,, . ..... . .. . "nrd n mpp irnim'n nntn ...... ,. . , . r
tTfcrt of said Lincoln County at page n,slgni,. for which tho said Toledo & boerg and maohery, delivered toianfl Abstract Co in the City of To
lit Book 19 of he Mortgage Rec- Siletz Railroad Company is required Albany Iron Works about January, ledo. Lincoln CounV Oregon offer
.LSa,Llin CZJnCAl ?i! i'K! if:.?.hk.eS.f l922' ald Yanuina Harbor Lumber for sale nt private "sa'le toTCwert
.edrearnrooertv situated In ld I , 1,; ??J- a". Pn ; bidder, the following described real
Ordinance grant'ns unto the Toln- flle(1 aganst you , tne al)0ve entitled
do Light, Power and Manufacturing Bulti on or bofore tlle expiration of
Company, its assigns and successors glx weuks from the date of the flrst
In Interest, a franchise conveying the publication of this summons, and It
right to erect, maintain and operate you falI g0 t0 appear and answer. fo
an electric-.l plant In the city of To- want tliereof tiie plaintiffs will apply
ledo, the right to sell electricity In t0 Ule above entitled Court for the re-
beaded real property situated in said 0ne Dollar (11.00) per acre and for all oY'ey 'Thacterr wherever ' ertv belongmgTo ?aW ate To
tJh County, to-wit: merchantable timber on such rights- Hitnnted. anm.rtPnnnt tn anirt inrt n, .u-it" UB,u"i"' ' 8tt'Q e3la'e. w
A tract of land bounded and des- r.v,ay So taken at the rate of Two !lf,i,,Irin.r 7,i,i vi n,l,l mm, , . nift rltv fnr tnht n.hnnfnPtm-inB- on.l ,..".? -".f..T "",,. i:
.ra-Trwl au fnllnM'B- P.pp-lnnlnff At n rv,.ii..r tttrr il,n,,nj . ..,...- - - - i... .1 1, 74 uuu ui in-,4 ui , - t- " 1101 ueiuunuKU 111 meir uuiupiaiiii, iu-
wn! two hundr80d Snine and 2J1!. nl il? , hi Lumber ComPany: se- 81. Township 12 South of Rang0lPer purposes for tho period of wlt. for a docree of thi8 Court rore.
,?? ,17 , fh an2 boaId mea?urej such payments tp be, Now, therefore: In the Name of the , 9 West. twenty five years, and granting unto ci0B,nK a certain mortgage executed
Jtf? takiDS such.Stateof Oregon; by virtue of said ex- Lot 1 and west 29 feet of lot 2 and the said Toledo Light. Power ant by defendant, Lewis P. Walters, cn the
1? Ptlon. ZlX f7) SehtTsT P aP ? h ,. a , !r"utlon and M decree- and ln eom-1 fractional lot 8 and west 29 feet of Manufacturing Company the right to luJl duy of 0ctober, 1920. on the fol-
lPPn muS Etahtoen (18) In h vS.nS w,tw i nL " pItoBM wlth the commands f said fractional lot 9 in block 8 In Graham's use the street and alleys of said city IowlnK do8crlbed real property sltuat-'
Thlo Ellven(l) South Range and 8afd decree' 1 wUI- at 4lh addltlon to Toledo- 0reBn- t0 P:,IeS' Btrlng WlreS nd lny ln L'ncoln County- rBBon, to-wlt:
r?io? Wes ' of Willamette MeS , . ?Z 'it,' t6a mlnUte" after nlne 'clock ,n the Lot 10 and E of Lot Block 12 conduits.- The south lmlf ot the nor.h east
li. LXLAr im- JS a tn ! I m5 I forenoon on tha lh day of August, I In Graham's 4th addition to Toledo. I Said ordinance having been parsed uarter of section twenty-six in town-
tJ?e"ce IS?,!!?: I 5 ,t lhereon- and tne r'Bht to cut timber ,1022, at the front door of the Lincoln Oregon. by the common council of the city of ahp nln8 B0Uth, range nine west ot
MTrtmn?Zto ?rZCiT,nrLfrnrr County Toledo, Lincoln! Lot i2 In Block 78 In Bayley. and Toledo. Oregon, on December 18. I'.Jl. willaniette Meridian In Oregon! con'
taudwsd (1100) feet more or less to rrom. to-wit: The northeast quarter County, Oregon, offer for sale and sell Case's third addition to Newport, Ore-1 e) The electric dlstrubutlon system laning 80 acres;
am water on Depot Slough thence up f the northeast quarter of Section sl pubi,c Mctlon to the highest bidder gon. Newport, ore iuhJn of en 1 g a . deacrlbed tracl
X-LX ' cash. In one lot or parcel (pursuant. Lot 12 in Block 3 In Vincent's Ad- vlrons Including wires, poles, 41 elec be Zi by the Sheriff of Lincoln
Taej.Bc right of way, thence In a ter of Section Seventeen (17), and the u the terms of suid decree) all of the dltlon to Toledo, Oregon. All of th 'r'e transformers, 255 electric meetrs, County, Oregon, as provided bv law.
wMOieHterly direction along wld northwest quarter of the northwest vli;llt title and Interest of v iabove property s ln Lincoln Coun y together with nil equipment connected to satisfy the amount due and "owing
rMot wy to place of 'n,; lauarter of Section Twenty (20) and !q,na Harbor Lumber company, and Oregon with and a part of said distribution 0 plaintiffs on Mid mortgage? and
ootahilng twenty-two (22) acres more the northwest quarter of the southeast ,,. ersons claimlne bv. ii,r:,4h ..r Term- of .i. D.n .h k.,. 'system. Lih. . . h-pJL. T , l
. x.-, i o..n . . . .... iiD i....u.i..
J-D, Clll. lun.s, . fc,v.t.w..o 'vu.iuil iCf Ul OU.l'Ut. 1 WC l'U B 1 . i. r.w If In nnH n nil rf . . .. 3 1
L 1. ji . . ,!.. . v. " (."iscriDea or mentionea.
urt Wfllnmette Meridian, together with ' Meridian
if O.THirTef-x
atW and singular the tenements, her-1 Also all and singular the mill, build- i sheriff of Lincoln County Oregon
-siitaments and appurtenances there- ings and mill machinery, tools and ap-; Dated July 5 1122
ato belonging or in anywise apper- pilances of every nature belonging to- Date of Plrst Publication July 20
:taitt'nig. or connected with the sawmill located , y2 ' '
Atop i that tract of hnd bounded and, upon the land herplnhefore doscribed ' Date of La8t Publication, AilmmI
acribad as follows: Beginning at p.nd all mill machinery and equipment ; ; 1922 2-5t
: point on the Fection line one thou-; of avery nature anil kind upon said r.
jam 4 ninety (10R0) feet south of the j promises, and all rights to mill ma-1 NOTICE TO POULTRYMEN
cirt-ufir common to Sections Seven elusory, and also all work shops,' I have been chose nto Bupcr ntpnd
7T. Eight (8), Seventeen (17). and jsheds, fixtures, works, plants, maehm. ' the poultry exhibit at the fair :' Ml.
mrriiteen (18), In Township I'.lcven 'ery, engines, boilers, tools, Impjn There Is a very limited union'1
T1 South Ran??e Ten (10) West of nionts, equipment supplies, and on-1 comuiodations ot the fair gr
WilJsimette Meridian, running thence. piieni-os owned by said Yaqulna Ha'r. ; 1 iruSt know th? number o'
urrlli eighty-nine (89) degrees forty !,or Lumber Company or used In con i t !it will bo on hard, so i
this 2d
day of July, 1922
Administrator of the estate of Lee
Wade, Deceased. 20-5t
(f) The electric distribution system defendant, and all persons claiming
within the city of Toledo, Oregon, In
eluding all wires, poles, conduits, 24
electric transformers, and 72 electric
meters, together with all equipment
connected with and a part of said dis
tribution system. ,
(g) 8 1-3 miles of 3 phase, 6600
volts, eleclrlc transmission line ex
pending between tho city of Toledo,
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon, for Lincoln County
Portland Trust Company of Oregon. 1 Oregon, and the city of Nownort. Ore
a corporation, PlalntifT, gon, including poles, wires, insulators,
vs. .and all equipment connected with and
1 aquma tlectric Company, a corpor- part of said transmission system.
j-IW minutes east two hundred twelve J m-c tlon with the business and plan a
feet, thence south seven (7)
fe;grees thirty-two (32) minutes east
tiro hundred twelve (212) feet, thence
jmath fifteen (15) degrees forty-thret,
of said company, ln. ludlng said sav
mill and all logging outfits, appliance
ni'd apparaMn ct.-uM by or used !n ! : st Toledo
connection wiili n'd milling or lop A
r.uin can be provided If nr-
v'.u plan on having an exhih't -try
at the fair 'his fall plea a
. nllon, Guy Roberts. Fred Hornln
. I'Kliham Printing and Stationery Com
li.pnny, a corporation, and Crodlt Ser
.' .jvi o Company, Defendants.
'"I lly virtue of an execution and or
1 der of sale Issued out of the above
(h) 1 Shaw-Walker filing cabinet.
1 stnndlng desk, 1 stool, 1 Pacific
Coast Company iron safe, size 27 In.
x 25 in. x 42 in., said property being
now located ln the office of said Ya
nuina Electric Company In Tolodo,
; entitled court in the above entitled 'Oregon.
use to mo directed and dat-d Juno NOW THEREFORE by virtue of
'' 1P22. noon itin'rmer.f snd dncree said execution, decree and order of
by, through or under you said de
fendant, may be barred and fore
closed of any estate, right, title Hen
or Interest In or to snid mortgaged
promises or any part thereof, and for
such other and further relief as may
be equMable and just.
This summons Is served upon you
by publication in acocrdnnce with an
order by the Honorable C. W. James,
County Judge of Lincoln County,
Oregon, which said order Is dated
June 12th, 1922, and which requires
that this summons be published In tha
Lincoln County Leader for six con
secutive and successive weeks be
ginning with the Issue of June 15th,
1922, and ending with tho Issuo of
July 27th, 1922.
Attorney for plaintiffs. Postofflra
Address: Toledo, Oregon. 17-Jt