PAGE TWO Xiocal Hews II. R. Hartley drove his heard of Jerseys to the Siletz last Monday. Mr. Hartley and family will move to the Mowery ranch this faliT Elmer Wilson returned from the Siletz Wednesday. He assisted Mr. Hartley in taking his cattio to Siletz. G. S. Frit7pntrkl; of I.-Mver R'W-.-was a visitor in Toledo Tuesd&y and Wednesdaay of this week. We guarantee all shots and cloth ing we sell to give satisfactory ser vice. The Bootery. Wm. Andrews 01 Toledo left last week for Portland where he was sum moned to serve on the Grand Jur". Mrs. Andrews loft Thursday to join her husband. Jim Hodges of Idle City was a To ledo business visitor Friday evening. Mr. Hodges states that the dry. weath er has had ecnaUV;rab: bad electa on the crops In his sertion. However, he Is optimistic as to the future of the southside. See our new black kid and Patent leather Oxfords and pumps. Black is going to be the color for fai:. The Bootery. J.1NCOLN COUYLEADER, TOLEDO OREGON, THURSDAY, JULY 27th, 1922. Miss Dora Spicer, nlece of Mrs. j Arthur Cordon and fr.mily, of Oak- reier rreuencK, arrived on the even- land, Calif. Motored to Toledo oa the Ing train Wednesday from Portland 20th inst. Mr. Gordon was formerly for an extended visit. She accom- a resident of Yactuinu, Ore., where his panted the Fredericks to Yachats ' parents were engaged In tho hotel Thursday where they are spending i bnsiness. the summer. . Mr. and Mrs. Drris Dalaba accom PARTY who found camera in back ofipnnied by Mr. Dalaba's mother and Ford at south end Siletz bridge, will! sister, Mrs. O. G. Dalaba and Maxino kindly return same to Molfit's ' Dalaba old time residents of Eik City, store, Toledo. Reward. 23-2t- ! Motored to Toledo from t'r.elr home In o Redding, Calif. On the 20th inst. J. E. Warron motored to Albrnv Sr.nday morning and spent the day ; New Fi-11 and Winter samples of with his family there. He states tho! "Snitch Wjolen Mills" are here. Two rcids arc in good snap with tho ex-ipieie suits all one price, $25.00, any ceptions of a few spots. atyU The Bootery. P. G. Gilmore, proprietor of the Gilmore hotel and Geo. Blanchaid, both of Newport were visitors lu To ledo Saturday They canto here aa a committee representing the beach reset to welcomo and escort the ed itors' special to that city. Vernon W. Burke, general agent of tho Western Iuin A Rlll'fllTiir Cn with headquarters at Portland, was a Toledo business visitor Saturday. Special Sale on 42-pIere dinner sets at Colvin's. it- MY. and Mrs. FFrank Huntsurker of Right creek, near Toledo, were Toledo business visitors Saturday. Ned Clark, deputy assessor, has Just returned from Harlan where he has been for the past 10 days on duty connected with his office. He stateB that the Big Elk country is flooded with fisherman and that the catches ci'o fine. Just received latest up to date sam ples of woolens for men's and voung men's suits. It will pay you to look them over at Colvin's. lt-pd Clyde McDonald or Harlan was painfully injured at that place last week when the horse ho was riding fell ou his leg, crushing it badly. Oft? iltUdd Lloyd Commons from Salem Is mov ing into his new home at Har'.an. For that stoves, etc., cook stove, range, oil see Colvin. It-' ,Mr. and Mrs. Springer of Har'.an announces the birth of a fine baby boy. Mother and baby doing fine. Miss Winifred Spencer is here from Ashland visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Sherm Bateman. Mr. O. V. Hurt passed through To ledo Wednesday on bis way home to Yachats after a business visit to Cor-vallis. IT IS COMING dc'arctiss O 4 i They are GOOD! mm TONIGHT A William Desmond Taylor Pro duction "THE WITCHING HOUR" Also Comedy. 30-10c Friday & Saturday Viola Dana in a comedy-drama "The Match Breaker" Also four reels of comedy and good comedy too. Buster Keaton in 'NEIGHBORS' and the Old Skipper in a TOONERVILLE COMEDY 35c-10c Sunday and Monday DOROTHY DALTON" in a Paramount Picture "The Idol Of The North" GOLDI And a rush of soldiers of for tune to a No-Man's Land In the North. GOLD! And the queen of the Totem City dance hall found it easy "dig ging" with her charms. Took all and gave nothlngl Till the baffled, maddened miners forced her to marry the worst man In campl And that only starts a story that fairly tingles. You who saw Dorothy Dalton In "The Flame of the Yukon," know what to erpect. COMING Watch for Them! "I ACCUSE" Harold Lloyd in "A SAILOR-MADE MAN" "WAY DOWN EAST" "THE THREE MUSKATEERS" "A t n ND Man raised up on. his hind legs tied a smooth Etone in the fork of a stick right there establishing the ILRDVARE business. Man had a working tool an instrument or v.-capo'ii which mails brain master of brawn." ALL VERY INTERESTING to look back over those years but no more interesting than the many useful and labor saving tools and supplies arranged in this big store for your inspection. CI1 HOSE, per foot. .60c BOILERS, whole copper and Copper Bo. torn and Tin $3.50 to $5 50 WHEEL BARROWS $750 i RAKES from 95c up to $1.25 STOVES The famous UNIVERSAL range six lids, extra large bake oven, warming oven. In white namel trimmings a real kitchen Joy spec ial at $108.75, $90 and $G0. ! Shsrvood and Hayden G. B. McCIuclcey and family, Tom Hawkins and family and Mr. and Mrs. j.'re Tooth made ! trip to t heSiletz j river Sunday and 3pent the day fishing I "Wtaard IJshtfcot Arch Supports." Tlio jficotery. Mr. diid Mrs. Peler Frederick ar- ' rived Jrom Yachats Sunday, for a chort iiu.s.(iers inp nere. l ney reiunea to ; the Vrrh resort Wednesday where ! they are upending the summer. A marriage licenes was Issued to John L. Cofflald and Amy" Walker at the county clerk's joffice Saturday. Beth pr.rtiea gave their residence as Waldport For beds, mattressos, spnnss, etc., see Colvin. It- Accordin g to word revolved by County Clerk Carl Gildrsleeve from Circut Judge J. W. Hamilton of Rose burg, tho Circut court will convene in tho county court house here Friday, Aug. 4. The regular term will meet on Monday, August 7. Fred Montgomery of Big Elk was a busisess visitor in Toledo Saturday. Large line of men's dress caps and tats at Colvin's. It- C. W. (Hilltop) Brown, and wife were Toledo business visitors at the county court house Saturday. Mr. Brown is one of the many successful goat raisers of Lincoln county. Henry F. Rand and wife, traveling representatives of the International Correspondence schools, were business visitors In Toledo over Saturday, Sun day and Mondaay. Mr and Mrs. Rand have several acquaintances here and spent considerable time visiting. Mr. and Mrs. Newklrk, Mr. and Mrs. Bunn and Mr. and Mrs. H. F. Rand motored to Newport Sunday where hoy spent the day on the beach. For barbed wire see Colvin. It- Mr. and Mrs. F. N. Hayden. Mr. Norman Stewart, R. A. Arnold and family, Wlarren Hall and family, Ar thur Nye and family, N. H. Sherwood daughter, was one of the many Ask ing parties that spent Sunday on the Siletz River. Large line of Granite and Aluminum ware at Colvin's. It- Mrs. G. W. Hall and daughters, Max ne and Willoughby, arrived here rom Boise, Idaho, Friday afternoon. The Halls have purchased the pro perty of T. J. Mecks where they are making their home. Dr. E. H. Hall and family motored to Siletz river Sunday and spent the day fishing. For men's and boys' clothing see Colvin. It- County Clerk Carl Glldersleeve and C. K. Crosno, insurance man, were Siletz visitors Saturday night and Sun day. They returned Sunday evening and reported a good catch. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Loomls and little son Leland drove to Corvailis last Thursduy on a trip of business and pleasure, they returned In the evening. Mr. R. S. Hath way of Harlan pur chased a Ford Truck from Peterson Bros. Tuesday. Andrew Kent the Waldport mail carrier purchased a Ford from Peter son Bros. Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. John Winkler of Siletz wore business visitors In Toledo Wed nesday. Arrived a large assortment of men's and boy's cloth hatB and caps for fall. The Bootery. II. a! Schlecht will soon open up an oft'i o in Toledo for the purchasing of wild black berries. Ho will announce in these columns his location. E. L. Wilson made a trip to Yaquina, Tuesday. H. G. Rhoadcs is assisting A. W. Weber with his haying. Dan Henderson of South Beach was a business visitor Is Toledo Wedn.cs day. Mr. and Mts. F. T. Cunn loft Thurs day on the noon train for Springfield, Ore., where they will visit for two months. Thev will later co to Los 'fAnseles where they plan on spending the coming winter. W. J. Barry, senior cost accountant of the war department at Washington, D. C, accompanied by Arthur Fuller, Jr., son of Col. Fuller of the U. S. Spruce corporation, are here this week inspecting government property. E. R. Smith of Oregon City has ne cepted a position at the local First National bank. According to the Oregonlan Albert II. Ilazelton and Viola B. Turner, i whose addresses are reported to be I Toledo, Oregon, wpre Issued a mar riage license In Vancouver, Wash., i on 1 uesduy, July 25. I Victor Si.awp. who will be EUDer- I Intendent of Toledo public schools , Uio coming year. Is erecting a mod 'H''MKW'i THE BEST IN PIC TURES AND MUSIC Eras "GOD'S OL 93 A Jack London Type Sea Story featuring NEAL HART A Big Picture crowded with Thrills and Action from - start to finish. Thursday &. Fnchy Also "Midst Raging Tigers" The great Animal play "MIRACLES OF THE JUNGLE" 'and George Ovey in one of his funniest farce-comedies "GOOD MORNING, NURSE" "PLAYING WI TH FIRE" starring Gladys W altcn in a Jazzy Syncopation of Flap per Love and High-Tone Adven ture. The picture of Lhe thing that ev ery girl dees at least once in her fife Also thtjills of the kind seen only in heavy dramas a whole city block burning the girl jumping from the third story with a a birr fight going cn at the side. Saturday & Sunday Also INTERNATIONAL NEWS The latest doin's of the world and a good comedy "THE BOTTLE BAEY" PRICES Adult s 30c; Children 10c. ONA I Mr. and Mrs. C. S. Ohmart and fam- Mr. and Mrs. D. C. Gray and family U'v have moved onto the Toner place PROGRAM MIDWAY THEATER NEWPORT Friday, Saturday, 28-29 Duglas Fair banks In "THE THREE MUSKETE ERS" You know Doug and this is the best he has made. Prices .25c-.50c. Full musical score played. Sun. Mion. Sn-Xl cthb n a ttt.. a First National attraction which is SDent Sundav at the rtpucli Quite a number nf npnnlp from htn neighborhood and South Beaver at tended he picnic at Yachats, Friday. Those who attended wrrn Mm I n Payne and daughters, Miss Neta Plielns. Clifford Phpln nnrl Mri w G. Cooper and son, and Guy and Ben jTwombly. Dr. Robins of Waldport was called a guarantee of it. wn,M, , I u w "?.mB turuay evening ed his wifQ o,,; '-;ob account 01 tne serious Illness of ot ttVJtrjL'L? '"2 lM' E? Hauser; We are pleased to caused him to loose his """"" ; SZ ' tlllS Ume slle ' very near Toledo. Wm. Ferrel lias rented tneir property nere. I? n v atwl Ti-a PliMrw nf Summit passed through here Monday on their Trl n V hnmo fmm Rnvvlaur urhara thav fhave been holding meetings the past two weeks. MiHHPii TjiVpra nml Flnrpru'O Pavna visited at the Hubble home, Sunday. Richard Vhlk-au mirrhflneri o fine, young colt from Archie Zeek. Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Phelps and Mm. Cook visited at the Miller home Sun- dav. tllj fill Jijl MBUIW ntjKM III III I JJ lull III.I1I1W.IWW IIIIUI.I IIJJIJPW. V'-'WW p fc'" i ifU.,.1f...,K.,',n, ,.rfM5-a,g i mum Is Still On We Want to Close Out All Is M uMi lis :h " - vr IN NEXT 30 DAYS TO MAKE ROOM FOR OTHER LINES WE ARE GO ING TO ADD TO OUR ALREADY LARGE' STOCK OF SHOES AND CLOTHING. See Our "Bargain Coy titer" Specials ,-, .,, . . . , . , SPECIAL PRICES ON ALL BROKEN LINES OF WOMEN'S, MEN'S, MISSES', BOYS', AND CHILDREN'S BROWN AND BLACK SHOES, OX FORDS AND PUMPS. ALL MAIL ORDERS GIVEN PROMPT ATTENTION THE BOOTERY S. E. NEWKIRK, Proprietor. Phone 2S05 TOLEDO, ORE. ! ern B room bungalow near the high ' school. i