PACE SIX LINCOLN COUNTY LEADER, TOLEDO, OREGON, THURSDAY, JULY 20th, 1922. SILETZ (By Dr. Carter) A night spent at the Gorge followed by a day of res', and pleasure is not on the schedule of every person who 'would like to make this trip but to tiiobti who were lortunate enough to be present bad such a trip last Sat urday evening. We'll not soon forget 1t. Three autog left Slleta Saturday evening loaded to the fenders with camp paraphernalia and ' plenty of good eats and, after a drive of about 15 miles, arrived at the Chief John camp grounds and proceeded to make ourselves at home. The chief was very kind and accom. modating and made himself very use ful in directing us to the best camp ing grounds and the best place to fish. By the way, the big chief has only one wife were it is very common for the chiefs to have five or six. The usual preliminaries inclrent to camp life were followed without ex ception and from the way all entered Into the work It was evident that no green-horns were in camp. The ladles, assisted by willing helpers, soon had a spread fit for a king and all did honor to the Occasion. A. C.Crawford earned the title of "Java" chief for the excellent coffee he made. It was clicious. A round of songs that mude the dim woods ring, Intermingled with Josting and jokes, about ihe campflre and making of beds finished the even, ing'a work. Everything would have ended peacefully but for the sudden commotion caused by W. S. Hall who ftarted a cushion battle with Inez Daniels, Myrtle Larson and Mrs. Hall, i which. In ti;ne, extended throughout the entire camp. A so't bed was made for Mr. Crawford and. he slept and snoared like the bellowing of a fog horn. No casualties were reported. altho Vivian shed some tears because and the water was not eo cold a to ijinies, HMntsifker of Oysterville were chill you. It was here again that the -callers at the Trombly home on South Java chief showed off to good advan tage. Another sumptuous meal was prepared by the ladles and It was de voured by the hungry vacationists. To any we all had a good time would be putting It mildly. The picnic crowd included the fol owing, Mt. and Mrs. Samuel Eunlson, Miss Alice Randle, Miss Lillian Por ter of Portland, Mrs. Carle Bacon; A. the could not sleep and her dad got c. Crawford, Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Hall, ui j ivi r, ana Mrs. uaniei, Mr. ana Mrs. weights and the curtains went down.chas. E. Larsen and little daughter, and quiet was restored. Vivian and these were Joined on Sat- The following morning found every 'urday by Mrs. Bateman of Toledo, one up and ready for the day's pleas- Mrs. Paul Greening of Great Palls, urea and adventures, and after a hear-1 Mont Mrs. Greening Is a sister ofayv'eW- .ty breakfast, the camp fires were ex-jChris Larsen; Miss Marie Peterson of tlnguUhed and all hands Btarted for ; Silets, Miss Marie Peterson, suporln the gorge further up the river. There jtendent of the Silver Cross hospital; is no question as to the scenic beauty Jollet, 111. ; Mr. and Mrs. Maurice An of SUetz river, but when you desig- derson and Mt. Chris Larson and Mr. nate a certain spot as being more and Mrs. Eunlson, Mrs. Bacon, Miss beautiful than all the others, men porter and Miss Candle will go to beaver. Hat urday. A Sunday School picnic and pro gram will be held at the Grange Hall, Sunday, July 16th. There will be church services both morning and afternoon. AH are cordially Invited to attend. P. M. Cook left Tuesday for aabust- ness trip to Portland, i Miss Margrete wolkau returned to her home Sunday after having spent a few days with Mis Mary ,Jano Smith at North Beaver. Rev. and Mrs. Phelps from Summit passed through this nleghborhood Tuesday evantng, on their way to we question your right to declare that spot the most beautiful, for, after passing several cool, shady nooks we decided it was a matter of Individual opinion and that every member of the Newport and spend a week at Ore gon s wonder resort. SOUTH BEACH Mrs. Mcintosh and little daughter Ermine of Portland are at South Beach for the season. Mrs. Oscar Petersen of Astoria Is visiting with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Hoffman. Mlrs. Ernest Stevens came home from Astoria for socio time. Mrs. Joe Humflut went out to her mothers at Tigard. Mrs. Feltons brother r.nd family of ONA Mr. anil Mrq. S. A ITnlmtrraon M party naa a ngiu 10 ins or ner opinion and Mrs. Hassnwn, and -Mrs. Sim- that could not be questioned. onson and son Elmer were dinner Cnrv.Lllia was visitlne him this weelr. Arriving at Rock Point the trusty guest at the Weber home, Sunday. .They returned home by way of Alaea. bathing suits were brought forth and Hester H. Ccavert and Hattie H. .Miss Margaret Ewing is visiting hor those so Inclined took n plunge into Edwards wero trading in Toledo, Sat- Aunt Mrs. H. Pruner of West Yayuina. the clear, cold water to their hearts1 'urday. Mrs. Roland Harlan and little son content. It is a anice place to bathe Lorenzo and Eugene Emerson and went to Toledo to visit her mother. GROCERIES-FLOUR-FtED-HAY-HARDWARE-CROCERIES-FLOUR a iii ui u. K O l u. h III K III O O K ? Ill Q 0C 1 (ojnorri FEED-H 31 O O 1 1m.M"l"M41r"' m n r O c a m m 9 x $ z o 5 SPECIAL PRICE ON HALF-GALLON FRUIT-JARS g LARGE BOX CRACKERS 50c o m MRS: STEWART'S BLUEING 19c P BULK COCOA ,.12c lb. ? o c W. C. Burcroff Mercantile Co. pi p GROCER I ES-FLOUR-FEED-H AY-HARDWARE-GROCER I ES-FLOUR-FEED-H X j"H"M"!"M"H"M"r Announces That They Are, Featuring The i"zmL - - - i JT TTTT Have You a House To Wire Our estimates are based on the cost of the best ma terial and expert workmanship that is guaranteed to ' pass any official inspection. We would be pleased to figure with you- TOLEDO ELECTRIC CO. r ........ Shop and Store opposite Telephone' Office Flat Iron Building tHtHW4(.MWttWHMttHWHWHMlll m A 0) U:U 1 ' T Z ' 1 2 t x A BEAUUTIFUL FIVE-PASSENGER, SIX-SYLINDER PAIGE PRODUCTION, DESIGNED AND BUILT BY PAIGE ENGINEERS AND MECHANICS IN THE PAIGE SHOPS AT DETROIT, MICH. Fuel Economizer THE JEWETT AUUTOMOBILE WILL APPEAL TO THE CONSERVATIVE MOTORCAR BUY ER BECAUSE OF ITS ABILITY TO "GO ANYWHERE" AND ALSO BECAUSE OF ITS FUEL SAV ING IN GASOLINE AND OIL. THIS CAR AVERAGES 20 MILES TO THE GALLON OF GASO LINE AND MAKES 1000 MILES TO THE GALLON OF LUBRICATING OIL. ITS WEIGHT IS 2530 POUNDS AND YOU WILL AGREE WITH US THAT IT HAS NO EQUAL FOR BEAUTY. IN SHORT THE JEWETT IS BUILT TO MEET THE NEED OF A BETTER, STURDIER AND MORE ECONOMICAL CAR AT A PRICE WITHIN REASON. WE ARE PLEASED TO QUOTE THE FOLLOWING: ' $1295.00 F. 0. 8. Toledo IF YOUR ARE INTERESTED IN BUYING A MOTOR CAR "WE WILL BOTH LOSE" IF YOU DO NOT GIVE THE JEWETT "THE ONCE OVER" BEFORE MAKING A SELECTION. Your Own Terms Within Reason CALL OR WRITE Corvallis Overland Co. DEALERS IN JEWETT, PAIGE, OVERLAND, WILLYS-KNIGHT & NASH AUTOMOBILES ' ' Corvallis Phone 67 Oregon SUCCESSFUL GRADUATES Are the Best Recommendation of O. A. C. This Institution offers a thorough, practical, and standard educa tion at a coat within reach of the high sehttol graduate. It offers training for .collegiate degrees In: Agriculture' Mines Commerce Pharmacy Engineering and Mechanic Arts Vocational Education Forestry Chemical Engineering Home Economics Military Science and Tactics It offers training also In: The School of Music, Physical Education, Industrial Journalism. . " ' ...... . Fall Term .Opens September 18. For circulars of Information and Illustrated booklet write to The Registrar, Oregon Agricultural College, Corvallis, Oregon tttM"MM 1 1 1 tf illumining I VACATION TRIPS PORTLAND And Eastern Cities Cost MUCH less this year $6.25 15 Day Tickets $7.25 Season Tickets TOLEDO TO PORTLAND AND RETURN Fifteen day tickets on tale Fri. and Sat. Good for 15 days. Season tickets on sale daily. Good for 3 months not td exceed October 31st. Mm I I t-INESJ I On Your Way EAST Stonovar at. San Francisco, Los Angeles, San Diego Three world famous and beautiful cities, and Visit California's National Parks and Charming Sea 1 shore Resorts . S "Oregon Outdoors" and "California for the Tourist," beautifully illustrated folders are FREE on request Secure your copy, read about the many delightful places, and you will surely want to see them. For further particulars, ask agents SOUTHERN PACIFIC LINES JOHM M. SCOTT, General Passenger Agent '"' Hill II HI lit I