Lincoln County leader. (Toledo, Lincoln County, Or.) 1893-1987, July 20, 1922, Image 1

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it.:-?, -
ren. Pitching for Visitors,
I OU'tea as Leaguer, IS Driven more to be used In financing the re
From Box by Hard-Hitting count contest of Mr. Hall,'' were made
TnlaHnitaa " public by Governor Olcott Saturday In
i uieuuues. a gtatement , whlch tne governor ,n.
u I, u u iii tj . . a o j. v,tes Hal1 "t0 make a 'air and square
Hall Holds Waldport to 8 Scat- count of all of the precincts of the
tered Hits and Strikes Out 16; state to determine the exact result
Weeks' Heavy Hitting a Fea-
ture Gettinc 3 Two-Bace-ers
' K
The members of the Toledo baseball
team fattened their batting averages
in great style Sunday attornoon at
the fair grounds field when they drove
the "Invincible" Wren, who is touted
to be a cast-off from the "big show".
out of flu. W In tha riftl. Innln. h.
bombardment of 9 safe hits, five of
l, I- it. ...,t,
IIICIU I.UU1IUI 111 L1IQ 1UUI V 11 llllllllg,
aided by two errors, a walk and a
sacrifice, Toledo putting nine men
across the rubber la the one lnniua.
Wren w heaving the twisters for
the visiting Waldport team. He was
relieved by Spence, who fared little
better than his predecessor, seeming
to lack the necessary ability to stop
the onslaught of the local lads.
The Toledo bunch batted entirely
round in ' the fatal fourth, Ser
vice and Hal, each getting two safe
hits in the Inning, and when the dust
had cleared the score-keeper, who, by
the way, was Editor Davis of the Pa
cific Herald at Waldport, it was found
that nine men had crossed the home
plate, taking all the heart out of the
Although we did not attend the
game, from the score sheet it would
seem that "Tubby" Weeks was the
He connected for .Liree two-baggers
and a sacrifice getting a batting av-
erage for the day of .750. Hall and
Service also fattened their averages,
na:i getting lour sinsios out ot rive
trios to the niate while Service con-
nected safely four times with six times
" -
o, k vonrf.onvaM
Hammond, each connected for two
safeties each. Hall pitched a steady
game and. according to the score
sheet, was never In danger, striking
out 1 of the opposing; batsmen and
allowing but t scattered hits. -
Spence must have heard of the way
Louie Bain has been losing the apple
In the Jujngles lately, and. rather than
hi . i M ..t. i.
th. WWdnort hMvr "tried to klli
(Continued on Page Two)
Work wi! be started Immediately
on the new tourist park to be con-
structed on the Peter Frederick pro-
perty in Run Bottom, according to Year at Oregon Agricultural Col. had the party comfortable located at
E. L.' Scot, a member of the com-' lege and University of Oregon. , their various Hotels and private re
mittee appointed by the Chamber of sidences, there not sufficient accom
Commerce to look after the building Non-resident fees for students In the odations for all at the Hotels,
ot the park. Peter Frederick Is chair- college and university were Increased At 9. a. m. Monday the meeting con
man of the committee, but ln his ab- from 60 to 1105 a year, effective with veined Dr. C. H. Douglas President of
sence from the city Mr. Scott has the opening of the next fall term, by the Del Norte Chamber of Commerce
taken the work In hand. Arthur Nye aactton of a joint committee or regents was nomnated Chairman of the meet-
will do the pmmblng work and it is
expepted that volunteers will be ask-
ed o erect the few small buildings
that will be. lequired.
inn unamoer or i;ommerca at a re-
r. . . .. .
cent meeting aonaiea au tor me para,
The members of the committee are
as follows: Peter Frederick, chatr-
man: Miss Eleanor Grady. E. L. Ssott.
J. Dunn and O. W. Hall.
Senator McNary
Sees Benefit in
. tSl " '
ln3UranCe flan
Idea It to Cover in Polltiee
Great Many Hazards to Which
Crops of Farmers Exposed.
WooM, ,. 1Kj0.,. w
ash n.' iu'y .15:enat?r M5:
7" ZVL .mS iVT'
introduced for Investigation by a con-
..i i i i . I.. . i
w i..- . ,.,. ., , iMembers of tha Joint committee
Ject ot crop Insurance and which has . ? v nr..,i,..
k a nnMMii v ,i, . considering fees were J. K. Weather-
m?B 5PH?,uJ ? t h..n tird of Albany, chairman; Whiter M.
Srgely n"eg"c ed subjec h. decide. Plerce " nde' a"d Prealdent w
i Itiw S ?X V.. ff.; -T- Kper from the college and Judge J.
omeTafan TSJuSS Wffl'i
" Strnlnttrlculture. h..Cb.n from the university,
has found, ha. comparatively little I nnMircTir csripwrc xn .
written for loss against fire, destruc
tion ot grain by hail ln the northern
states, and few restricted forms ot
other character.
The McNary Idea is that a plan may
be devised that will cover practically ate a new course of instruction In tho
all the risk, to which the farmer is schools hare for the coming term,
exposed, from the. grasshopper and lo- The art of domestic science will be
cust down through excessive heat or taught to the girls students of the
cold, fromt, rains, drouth and the pest, high Bchool, according to O. B. Mc
of field and orchard.. iCluskey president of the bor.rd. This
He does not expect that all these , la commendable step on the part
hazards can be worked into one policy, of the board as domestic science ha.
hut that manv of them mav be. This . Proven a valuable asset ln other
will Involve a study of c'loato'ogy.
reacurrence of dammaglng pest and
all the element, which enter Into the
safeguarding of the crops at a cost
(Cont. on Page Two)
Governor Denounces Scheme of Going
Outside of State to Build $50,000 Re
count Fund; Reeanvass of Only Part
of Precincts Unfair.
i Salem, July 18 Letters showing
that the Ku Klux Klan has "developed
s now raising a fund up to 50,ooo or
of the election and to satisfy the peo-
pIe of tne 8tate-" Instead of limiting
the recount to the few selected ore-
?'"?ts, i ,thue, conte,stan' fee's
that a recount might result to his ad
.J?? L ' ' .....IT 8;''
'" " UI
cuuni BUll.
a fund for expenses In the Hall re-
Another Bruin
Pays Penalty
Goat Killing
, , e . . L..
nry dtOKes, Aided by HIS
Bear-HoundS, Bag 150-Pound
Animal Within TWO Miles Of
TolHn riiHa Fnin.
. - &
Another "B.'j Black Bear" has
le"iied o hisi sorrow that k!Ung
BUUl8 una sueep n "ncoin county
is not a healthy iiantime. Tuesday
eyenlns iiarry aioKes and n:s aogs
treed and bagged a large bear about
two mllcs northeast of Toledo on the
Claus Chriatensen farm.
" ? , . '
anoK tne "earas 01 Mr. lunstensen
r 11 i ri 1 1 1 1 ti 1 t.
" iu;iuyviuS ui
discovery of three partly devoured
s " 7"""s
war was declared and Mr. Bruin paia
tlie penalty that many other of nib
ooomea w pay
"7cJ:0?11.nB ? Mr .ullfSlLr18.' ,
"'f? " the neighborhood f 1M
f j40 S'und,nJ th"1 muc.h. ""f,1.1
ta. HanT stoke foJ S1"?5
of tnla PWlng pest. Mr. Stokes Is
a near nunier 01 consioeraoie aouuy
nd h wi'l P8 a valuable asset ln
l,ll nu Jt.l . T. n. n . . ,
"uim v -
animals that Lincoln County is in-
tested with.
i One of the bear's feet Is at
Leader office. . . .
1 v " . 1
Yearly Raate to be $105 Next School
of both Institutions In Albany.
The two Oregon Institutions
of rl
1 Ion
this action, taken as a imeans
dicing the burden, of. state taxation
nnta h two firnrnn .-nstitutions on a
r 'r . . - .. - -
par with the state universities oi
Washington and California in respect
to non-resident tuition. In each of
thn nKlrhhorlnar ataten the differentce
between the charges paid by the real-
dents and those paid by students from
outside the state !s equal to the $106
to be charged ln Oregon.
Graduate students ln both Instltu-
tions will be exempt under the new
ifee. The committee of regents em-
phasizes that the increased fee is not
retoractlve; . aay non-resident who
has entered the university or the col-
lege nnder the present fee or 60 a
year will be permitted to imisn nis
course at that rate. To put the fees
where they would be prohibitive and
at tne same lime wouia db on an even
basis with other states, so that the
flow or non-resident students would
neither be entirely cut off nor become
flow of non-resident students would
a Kood which tax the Institutions' fa- j
cilitles, was the aim of the commit-
At a meeting of the school board
this week it was decided to inaugur
schools, and will no doubt apeal not I
only to the students but will Also be
j appreciated by the parents. I
Under thla course ot Instruction'
student. wlU learn the science of
cooking and.needlewoik.
Roosevelt Highway
More Than Dream
Says Newport Man
B. F. Jones Reviews Activities
of California and Oregon As
sociations in Recent Meeting
at Crescent City.
In view of the fact that many peopib
In Oregon and even the coast coun'.los
do not' realize that thousands of dol-
, . . .i
tlon of the Rocsa'nvolt Highway, and
that the building of a highway along
the Oregon coast Is now more than a
Probably no other highway in Ore-
gon has been so much advertised as
, . RoOBeVBlt C-OflSt HisrhwaV.
the Roosevelt Coast Highway.
The last fight of the Roosevelt
Highway association was their effort
In gating co-operation from California
,to obtain Federal Aid for the building
of the Roosevelt highway and the Cal
ifornia Red Wood highway along the
! Oregon and California Cor.ot.
j The State of California Is building
a Coast road known as the Red Wood
highway to the . Oregon-California
State line, tbey are therefore as anxt -
ous as we of Oregon are to see the
Roosevelt highway built (.long . the
shores of the Pacific to the Columbia
Therefore the Roosevelt hldhw&v
association arranged with the North
01 amoruia 10 novo a joint meei-
,n 10 D . crescent city cai-
ifornia on July 10, 1922.
i Saturday at 9. a. m. July 8th, our
mvrtv ipft MrhfulH in l Autn's
to attend this meeting at Crescent City
in the party were the govenor or Ore-
pnn Ron vv oir-ntt. Hon R A Rnnth
Chairman of the State Highwaay Com-
mission and Comissioner Barrette and
yeon. Tho President and directors of
the Roosevelt Highway association,
uoumy juage ena couniy commission -
erg of neariv ali the Coast counties
. '
three Representatives of Dally News -
tn Pr.ninn,i nnri oni nnra.
sentatlves of newspapaers from the
CoaBt counties.
Tn6 party stoped ,t near:y oll the
ODg tlj, coast south ot Marsh,
fleld- Coqueill; Bandou Mngatoa, Port
Orfortf, Wteddernburn, Gold Bencji.nnd
Brookings, Dinner at Bandon. At
Rogue River the party divided for the
pwfoae of accomodation. Some stop-
ln- ,v. .-,h k -i... i
wddernburn and other. Canine atiOB0" Now Has 100,000 Colonies of
" ,
Oold Beach on the south side of the
k,v . ,..! wn hold in th nn.i
bay, a reception was held in the even
ing and speeches were made by
number of the party.. Saturday morn-
coast arriving at Brooking for Lunch.
then m the afternoon continuing on
down reaching Crescent City at 6, p.
m. Here a committee from the Del
Norte Chamber of. Commerce: soon
lng and Fred C. Baker Secretory of
CecreyeTe,t Wa eleCte
hSW. U Miner President 0f tho
. . ....
norm or uav counties Association
.. , .. - -
iiverea me aaaress oi welcome, b. .
Jones President of the Roosevelt High-
.. w - - w-v.. w..o-t
way association responded for Oregon
then followed an address'bv Govenonony.
Olcott of Oregon, the Govenor heartely
endorsed the Roosevelt highway and
promised hia earnest support, then
followed .peeches by directors of th
Associations and the Judges and com -
mlssionors of various coast counties
California and Oregon, and other
eluding the President of. the Oregon
Toursist association, who said the
Roosevelt Highway would be the most.
traveld nignway ln Oregon when com-
pieiea. Ait me speaxers agreed mat
the budding of the Roosevelt High-
way and the Red Wood highway a'.ong
me snores oi me racinc ucean ironi
the Mexican line to the mouth of the
Columbia river was of the utmost lm
coiumma river was or tne utmost lm-
portance and that the two states
(Continued on Page 6)
Pierce Will Sneak
Hfrt Frif-AV NmKfishLTlntolhetrto'Tbo to their promise" Tsupply i Tdance0 re- den; Ethel Fish. Nashville; John Oil
liere rriaay mgnt ,?.,i,tJ",?i,Jt. . 8 nularly for Toledo folks who enjoy Ion, Toledo; Chas L. Baker, Newport;
According to a telegram receiv
ed here Wednesday evening by
Geo. 8chenk, one of the local
followers of "The Long Eared
Mule," from Mr. Walter Pierce of
La Grande, Ore., Democratic can
didate for. governor of Oregn, he
will stop over In Toledo Friday
evening. According to Mr. Schenck
a meeting will be held In the
Chamber of Commerce rooms at
, which Mr. Pierce will deliver a
public speech, taking for hi. sub
ject "Tax Reduction."
This will give Democrat, "and
other Interested In Mr. Pierce's
' candidacy likely the only oppor
tunity to hear . Mm before elec
tion. Mr. Pierce I. on hi. way
to Yachats where he will apeak
to the farmer of Lincoln, eounty
attending the Farm Bureau picnic
that I. being held there.
Toledo Now Has
Artificial Ice
Can Produce 600 Pounds Per 12
Hour Day; Located With To
ledo Co-oporative Creamery
One more home Industry lias been
added to the list for Tolorta.
Xno Toledo Creamery Co.' has In
stalled a modern ice plant at a cosl
,'nf annrnvimn.'oiv spsnn Thn r-.-it.nritt
of approximately $2500. The capacity
of the plant is 600 pounds every 12
hours and It Is now producing arti
ficial ice for those business houses
and residences that require extra cool,
ness. Ice is being sold at lc per
Will Make Ice Cream
The Installation of this new plant
will not only supply Toledo and out
siders with all necessary ice, but will
also afford this cooperation company
an opportunity to manufacture a home
product in ice cream. A complete
equipment for the making of this de
licious food Is included In the pur
chase of the Ice plant. Sixty Icej
Cream cans, ranging In size from 1 to
iten cottons and tubs Tn?h ar In
stock for delivery of the product The
manufacture of Ice cream will start
I some time next week. Clyde McMi.
Man of Toledo has been appointed as
manager of the new Ice plant
Cream Output
According to Joseph Swearlngeu,
aeneral manner of the Toledo Cream-1."
ery Co., the installation of the Ice
plant has been much needed necessity
not only in supplying Hie city with Ice
but also for the purpose of supplying
a cooling room for the butter and
cream 01 tne creamery, ine loieuo
creamery company are manufacturing
a fle product in creamery butter,
shipping an average of 2o00 pounds
11""' "v
e 10,sao -reenmry company ia
1 i 1 r t
i coopemioin uwmm u.. ul -""-"
I county people. - Its offfflccrs are G. B.
preniui, 7" .u"'" '
secretary and J. W. Parish, R. H. Will-
i lams. Fred Rompvedt and Hugh Murry
consUtute's the board of directors.
I n I kl... u mflM D-.l.n. r-a
" nw "-""
Says Specialist.
sixty careJoads
or what would'
iamount 10 a d Blie freSht traln
l conservative estimate of the amount
of honey produced each year In thel
:tate. acordlna to H. A. Scvtlen. spec-
iallut in bee culture at the Oregon
The state now ha. 100.000 colonla. tvIm of the United State. Depart- LirbTlnTh
of bees, managed by nearly 10.000 bee- of Agricu.tu announce, the J? TC tZl
keeper The largest honey produc 136. 000, OO0 1 board n't nD; that Helen Thoma. ot Newport also
log section In the states are the ir- er Sauk River. Snequalmle National! ked about exhibiting her freak ban
rigsted district. ,n eastern Oregon. J iff?.?-
TImatilla and Malheur counties lead-
lng. With 300.000 acre. . under irrl-
Ut.on and 1.20000 more which It ta
im.biik- a HMtnn ! flhln
....B-., lV.-0-
,..-K .ndmn ln mnnv mnr
" ' -;"
colonies then she now nas. lve acres
. . . . . 1
a tuuBmorca iuuiucu. w.
w-m. "' "'
" Jl 11. 1
of s.fllfa sweet . plover, als ke ana
'white clover, ana nrewoed Mmmim.
1 It la this grade u Brodu''ed ' ln.
eastorn Onsgen. From lb to i car-
in-iload, are produced
counties, some large producers sell-
lng as muon as one or vq wra. -
In the western partof the i Mate bees
are n u'"""'"
r.nV .h .nrnv used in many
portanre the spy used in many
tWnlt o paaa n ca nf minAP IITii
5L"? hTrr,:ury;,mTh. flr0'.
weed found In the large burned over
semuno m w v, . ..
i As much as 75 per cent of the state,
I production Is .old through the local
dealers, or passes through the hands
of a jobber. Most of It 1. consumed
within the state, .ome being uhlppod
into Washlnton and other near-Dy
states. Honey from other states ana ;
Biaies. .. .o -..-,
Tn- n th markfit
. K,.t mA.
l HQ .1 Wll V. F.H.U1- .- -
:.).- SiZtonfhtorMt affair last Saturday, and according to 'Boyle, Newport; C. S. Bateman. To
! Ay" VefllpXeer0UKThe ZlZ "Si
S rnrt .Mrt Ore'
white grade, " ned; j--nd 'd a 0r,e; .
fflncv nrlce. although some is stl'.l
! sold ln cake as taken from the supers. ,
ITires veFy Becoming m um tiws
and amount to be sold. Large quanti-
ties sell for as low as 10 cents a pound.
while fancy honey in small lots bring
from 85 to 30 cents.
Stepa are being made through the
COliUBO ana extensive sts.viua w wu-
trol disease among bees, and to In-
crease yields ot heney.
I B. W. Scovllle ot Pioneer was a
Toledo business visitor Saturday. Mr.
Scovllle Is one of the many new sub
scribers on the Leader list.
There are a few subscriptions
on our list that have expired. Not
many, however.
Advertisers demand .a paid-up
circulation and a newspaper must
adhere to that policy. -
If you get your mall at the To
ledo postofflee, you will find the
date when your subscription ex
' plres stamped on the paper, thus:
For example, say your subscription
cxp'res on August first, this year,
the stamp on your paper will read
ak follows: "John Jones fl-1-22."
The first figure represents the
month, the second the day and
the third the year you are paid to-
If you receive your paper out
side the Toledo pcstofflce and
your subscription has expired, the
date of expiration will be. written
on the paper.
We will continue sending The
Leader to those whoset subscrip
tions have expired for a period of
80 days, if at the end of that time
they have not been paid we will
be compelled to cut them off.
Help us make our list 100 per
cent paid up, is all newspaper cir
culations should be..
Farmer Loses
Home Bv Fire
On Lower Siletz
a- 1, n ...: p ri
"'6 r'"V t"
fects of Losing Home in Flood
Last Fall; .No Insurance, To
tal Loss Reported.
The old saying "It nevers rains but
it pours" Is cer'ainly tnie in the case
Mr Joe steere who llves wUh n8
fn,,lily oa the LoWor slieti. Mr. Steor's
home wag totally destroyed by lire
' last week jeeardinz to n rpnnrt. frnm
thBt r,lace by nolEilbo, Acrordinrl
.... '
. - - ' c
to the report Mrs. Steers was In the
linnan iinno vhn ih. .isrj
the roof, apparently from a defec-
tjve (jU8i and was unable to check the'Tom Horning; for Waldport. Cass
blaze The houge burned entir0ly to
the ground with a'.l its contents, in
eluding new jet of, Xumlturf just
Installed. -- - " .-v .
Flooded Out Last Fall.
The report stated that Mr. Steers
was just partly recovering from the
dlsasterous flood that swept that coun-
try last fall and which totally dns
...... . .
troyea nis nome. Tne people Ot the
community are "comina to the from"
nobly ln hewing Mr. Steere and It la
exPected nat he will soon get another
It Is certainly hoped that (he 'third
time will be a charm,
,..- ,a-
200 million feet of timber. Under the1 Hake" c.rTof 'USTJSA taS
?ySrHF . fc , ,h
lIltJ averagw yearly LUi win no iiiniiea i uri. .n VAM yr,u m.mha. A lh.
. lnl. k,.j m
V miinou mnia irai.
Forty years
win be required to cut out the exist
merchantable timber bv which
I II V III H rP HHnifllllH IirilllHr. IIV WHICH I
- .. immature timber will
Un .j . ,. .. n.. h. ,
of .dentlflc forestry, logging opera-
tlons can thus be sustained In per-
wTn;ontract rice id for the tlm.
ber, which Is subject to readjustment
intervals was $2 76 per 1.-
000 board feet for cedar, $2. for Doug-
pnrchalng company will con-
gtruct nine-miles of rallroaad and will
also establish permanent logging com
munlUeg on"tho aroa ,n ftce of tem,
Porary camps. This plan for the ,
!?J;Jt m
.watershed was reviewed and approved
by Secretary of Agriculture
Dy secretary or
ON N,U" '
According to the p'.lcards that ore
-.' --,-;.-.,,, .'MBrtln N.RhvlIln: Chas. Hvde. Loes.
the healthful
pastime. The "vets'
neio me nrsi regular saiuraay nigui,neu; irene uonnson, waiupun, hax.
letX ' the latest In fox trots, walses,
" ' .. "..k
,ooker udc, are odmtted fr(.B.
. 0
w H prlce of chltwoodi 0re i wag
Ift DUslnegg vlgUor , Too Friday,
Mr pr,ue ,g of(ermg nlg farm for gaie.
tne ady0rtisement appearing In the
,rt ..n nf n.a u
has an ideal aairy or goat tarrn mat, nave taken on a new appearance since
he Ik offering at a bargain. Mr. Price 'receiving two new coa's of paint The
stated that he- Is forced to get off the color is light grey.
farm because of the fact that Mrs. The carpenter, are finishing th
Price's health is poor. , upper story of the high school build-
lng also and the entire building will
Mrs. Ada Soulle was an cutbound be ready for occupancy by the tlm
passenger on the train Saturday. school opens ln September.
Personnel Lincoln County Peo
ple Who Are Working to
Make Big Show Success; All
Should Cooperate.
"Preparations are going forward In
fine shape to give Lincoln county a
big fair this year and it is up to all
Lincoln county paoplo to get their
shoulders to the wheel and help put
: the big show over," stated Lieutenant
IPattsrson today. Mr. Patterson Is
preparing the copy for the premium
'list which will soon be turned over to
ilhe printer for publication. "Business
men, not only of Toledo, but all over
the county are contributing liberally
with advertising In the booklet," Mr.
Patterson stated further, "and I an
ticipate that this will be the largest
(premium list ever put out by the fair
board. The fair will be held the first
I work In September and those antici
pating displays of any kind whatsoev
er should get Into communication with
the supervisors or the different dis
plays." The officers, board of directors and
supervisors of the various departments
are as follows:
Officers of Fair Board.
. President Peter Frederick.
Vice president R. P. Coin. '
Secretary-treasurer W. K. Patter
son. Members L. A. Hulbert; Ray L.
Jenkins. Clifford Wakefield.
Manager Not yet appointed.
Advisory Board and Exhibit Managers.
Livestock L. A. Hnlbert.
Poultry and Pet Stock 'A. F. Grable.
Vegetables farl Tangen.
Fruits A. B. Marvin.
Iioss and Lumber .Allen Mayhew.
Art and' Curios Miss Corinne Pen-
. r .. : r .1 . . i t t n tt .1
IWHT froaucts H
1 mil j riuuutiu n. n. nuriiny.
Bees and honey Tom Hawkins.
Fish and Shell Fish For Newport,
u- u'emnson; iw uner n.m .
Wolfe; for Yachais, Perry Mitchell.
Flowers Mrs. Poter Frederick.
Baking 'Miss Vernle Ross.
Canning Mm. W. T. Ball.- -s
Textiles Mrs. Norman Sherwood.
Indian Exhibit 'Dr. F. Carter.
School Kxhlbit iR. P. Goin.
Sports a. W. Ford.
Above are the names of each super.
I . . . . . . - . j. ,
inieuueni 01 eacn aepanmem in wnicn
you should exhibit something. Get In
touch with them at once. . Emulate
little Julias Schafer Julius Is about
10 years old and he taokled up. on the
treet for a coop to exhibit his chick-
ens in. We advised htm to write to
Mr. Grable1 and he answered that his
mamma was sick. So this put It up
to us to write to Grable for him and
ln addition set us to thinking that
Julius should not be compelled to en.
(PnoasMw. iae iaa is 10 leu s your
I troubles now. It gives us chance
When yon meet a member of tha
fair board tell him what yon thought
of the outside concessions last year
. . . ... ,
. ? ' lu D"
Panel of Jurors
Called for August
Term Circuit Court
The following Lincoln County people
constitute the panel of Jurors called
for the August term of the Lincoln
for the August term
county Circuit court:
E. H. Bryant, Nortons; Abe Abrams,
Taft; Grover Doty. Waldport; N. L.
Gullllams, South Beach; Vernle Ross,
Toledo; Chas. B. Arthur, Harlan; E.
W. Morrison, Kernvllle; Alva Strom,
SUets; J. H. Early, Tidewater; B. F.
Updike, Wlnant; Irvln V. Cosine. Elk
jClty; Mrs. L. J. Bain, Yaqulna; W. H.
W. N. Cook, Chitwood; Wm. iScott,
Arthur Nye. Toledo; L. U McBrlde.
'Eddyvllle; Oliver G. Day, Logsden; O.
1,,un' "owporii "r.
The Toledo public school buildings,
consisting of the grade school, the
big gym and the High school building