MCOE, .TOE PRINTER'S DEVIL " lUCt GOT XMM MEM AtRCDME POP, SET. AMOM ROVJW , "YvV OUIN NARO WAS A MOU CW T. tb Ue VJHERE. tWtf SHee9, CLOTHES AMP Toledo Defeats Siletz Team in July j4th Game Local Boys Hammer Indian Twirler for Total of 18 Hits, Including 3 Homers, a Three Bagger and Four Doubles. , Beforn a crowd of about 400 peop!e the Toledo baseball team swamped . the Siletz Indians 'Tuesday afternoon ' at Newport 'by the one-sided score of i, 14 to 6 in one of th' most loosely play- ed contests of the season. The heavy : hitting of the Toledo players was the main feature of the game, connecting ' for four homers, one tripple, four two- baggers and nine singles. This coup-!tific led with the several errors made by the Indians was responsible for the , heavy sroring of the county seat men. The Toledo team started early to put .Jie game on ice and in the first inn ing mcde four runs. Service, the first man to bat for Toledo, connectea for a three-bagger, Galther and Van- Decoverins fanned but Louie Bain who, by the way made a record for himself for home runs, connected squarely and sent the . ball soaring over the tree tops In the left garden , for a home run. Hammond singled rand scored when Weeks landed for a two bagger. Center, struck out. Toledo put one across in the second inning when Weaver got on through an error and scored when Galther con nected for a single. The flrBt two men In the fourth inning. Service and '. Galther, conld not connect and struck -out, VanDecoverlng singled and then ; Bain came up again and duplicated his home run stunt of the first Inning. Toledo scored another in the fifth . when Center doubled and scored when Weaver hit for two bases. In the sixth -Loule Bain hit for his third circuit smash after Galther had singled add x'ing two more scores to the ever-ln-creasing total of the County seat team. ,'Tolcdo scored another In the seventh, wen out In one-two-three fashion in the t.ghth and In the ninth inlated an- i other batting rally that seemed to " ""Q " I!f. I QittO. (tribe. Weaver-singled, " Hall Service doubled, scoring Hall and i Weaver; Galther drove Service home 'ahead of him by losing the ball in the .outer gardens- tof the fourth homer of 'the' day. The Indians shut the locals off from further scoring by pulling a snappy double and Hammond struck out. The Indians managed to put a man across In the '.first inning following several bobbles by the Toledo team, . two more in the fourth when Coquel.e , singled and scored when Downey con nected for a three-bagger; Downey -scored when Adams singled. Hall pitched himself out of .bad hole lnsplred Ballard-ites. In the first frame, the second inning when Bellinger gotiR(,rt oiaser nltclilne for th Fish, took to first through an error, Conuelle sin gled and Adams walked, filling the bags with none out. Hal', immediate ly became stingy and struck out the next two men up and caused Wash' ; lngton . to . ground out. The Indians could recover from his lead. Tommy -staged e. batting rally in the seventh , chatterton pitched good ball for Kern , Inning, landing for two singles and a vIne for two mnlnBS. He retired at . double, but were able to put only two the beginning of the third with a men across the home base. In the Btrained, arm, and was succeeded by ' tw, ll?nlng -?nIy me,n fac!a Joe Wesloe. Joe was maltreated by Hall and they went to their doom In tne Fishermen who put 4 runs across .order. ' '., ,"',., . in his first Innlnf. He Ftitfened Up, . Adams, pitching for the Indians has however, and struck out 7 men alto perfect control and struck out 15 men geUjer in the three innlnss tha. he -f but was hit hard at critical times. nitched. Following the heavy scoring ' Jne b0 score fol.ows: . in tho third, Miss Ballard took Glaser icuio ujr ji4umBa. ... , . Siletz . ............. 100 200 200 5 Toledo f ...... 810 212 104 -14J - SILETZ i AB, R. H. PO. A. E, : Lane, If. '.. 6 '.Washington, ss. 5 - Bensel, lb. 6 Flemmlng, 2b '.. 4 ,1 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 Kvans, c Bellinger, cf. , . Couquelle, 3b!. Downey, rf. . Adams, p Umattata, 2b. . 39 6 8 27 7 6 AB. R.H. PO. A. E. TOLEDO Service, cf. Gather, ss. ... VanDecoverlng, .... 6 .... 6 3b. 6 .... e '3 2 Bain, c. Hammond, lb. 6 Wneks, If. Center, rf. . Weaver, 2b. Hall, p 48 14 18 27 12 Summary Earned runs, Siletz Toledo 12; first base on errors, Siletz 3, Toledo 3; left on Bases, Slietz 8, Toledo 9; base on balls, off Hall 2; off Adnms 1; struck out by Knll 7. bv Adams IS; double plays. Weeks to Hammond, Ad- to Umattata to Pensol; stolen Vasos, GulLcr, VuuJooovoiiiig, ilaui- LINCOLN COUNTY LEADER, TOLEDO, OREGON, THURSDAY, "Z.EB PETERS, DkFFEREWCa 6fWM to teu. h& 4 SORE paid a eew IU THREE SVM AMOS AU- fl Dtf utuA T.6BS GARAGE mond; sacrifice hits, Hall; home runs -Bain 3, Gather; three base hits. Ser vice, Downey; two base hits, Service, Weeks, Center, Weaver. Thye Defeats Geo. Barnes In Newport Match Before Decidedly Small Crowd PortJand Man Pins Nebraska "Whirlwind" to the Mat in One Houre and 3 Minutes. : Before a crowd that only partly filled the large Army and Navy c:ub nouse at Newport Monuay evening, July a, red rnye, miaaie-weignt champion of the world, of Portland,! Ore., pinned the shoulders of George Barnes, of Lincoln, N'ebr., to the mat dance in the evening and the regular in just one hour and three minutes meeting of the grange was held Sat in one of -the fastest and most eclon-.urday when Mr. Whitnev Lane's effi- matches ever witnessed In Ore- gon. From the call of "time" until Thye conquered his opponent the fans were treated with thrill after thrill as the wrestlers demonstrated their abH. ties In the mat art. Barnes was the aggressor practically all the way up to the last few minutes. Thye keeping himself "In the clear" by speedy foot 'work and cleverness In breaking holds that to any other would have spelled defeat. Thye used his fam ous wrist lock continually and had his opponent in dangerous positions on mony Instances, but Barnes baB wonderful speed and science both in breaking and c'.amplng on holdB and Thye was compelled to go his best to beat the Nebraska whirlwind. Those who know Thye realizes It was "curtains" for Barnes when the Portland man gained the head scis sors and wrist lock at the end of one hour's wrestling. Two fast boxing preliminaries pro ceeded the main go. Chas. Miller of Toledo Issued a chal lenge to Thye but the Portland man refused to accept, stating that he was not Interested unless Miller could produce "the coin." THYE DEFEATS SWEDE According to a report from Albany Tpil Thvn nt PnrMnnrt Hoplafvolv tin. ,.,,ttj -,,, -,, ,Ti, t n.i rsweflel at tnat n are on Tiinartnv Swede) at that place on I J.U P)lV fTW,rt, July 4th. Thye Is reported to have gaIned te flrat fan in 52 mnuteB and the second fall in 3 minutes. Upriver Beats Kernville (Contributed.) Kernville, June26th. Under the cap- tnlnnv rt Mia- DaiiIoI TZnlla. lnMU famoug submarine fishharmer) the Dp.Rlver boyg took tho gtarch out of Kernville Sunday. Miss Lolita Wheel er chaperoned the millmen; but her team was -powerless against the in- a hot one off Wesloe s bat, and dou bled to Toberer, catching Dixon off 3d. In the second inning Carl Tobere grabbed one out of the air at third. doubling to Strome before Fitz Patrick from the mound in favor of A Toberer. n nrnmlnlne recruit. ' Al started ' wild. allowed a run. to cross, and tliree men on bases, witn no outs, wnen Glaser was recalled. Red caught one of the runners off first, and proceeded to strike out the next two batters in 1, 2, 3 order. Toberer went back to pitch in the 4th, and managed very creditably. The game started late, and was called off at the end of the 6th inning to allow the Up-RIver peo ple to milk tbelr fish. I The score by innings: ! Kernville 1 0 1 1 3 ! Up-River 2 0 0 28 o ROOSTER INTRUDES ON GRANT DAY CEREMONY; CROW HEARD 30 MILES The geese whose cackling saved Rome, will please move over and make room in the zoological hall of fame for a rooster which has established a 2 claim to historical recognition by shar- 1 ing a program with the President of the United States and breaking the 6 lone distance record, Into the bargnln 3, Shortly before the exercises In corn- memoration of the anniversary of the Dirm oi uiysses a. ciraui were Djgun nt Point Pleasant, Ohio, on April 27, the chanticleer In qnoRtln, no doubt unable to master the fooling of local nrido which tho other f'vr score n- habitants of the 1UI3 villutcn worn liui'd t,uc.c.Li ill f . ...L.. itJK-ftai-u."-vr.f.ijias; . By Charles Su;';r,roe VUWO S TRMIm' c.R., 5eT. we Mif PSt PEPMCS , AU' BOB rtneC: aii rtC VUOV.., SEZ. led to the rostrum and crowed lustKy The feathered orator's tribute to his honored fellow townsman was heard distinctly in Cincinnati, thirty miles away. It happened that the bird had selected for his unsolicited addition to the program a point directly in front of the transmitter connected by tele phone wires with the Bell loud speak, ing apparatus which enabled a crowd of 20,000 people gathered in Lytle Park to hear the entire program at Point Pleasant. DEMOCRATIC NOMINEE SPEAKS AT FISHER (Contributed) Walter M. Pierce, Deiuofnitlc nom inee for governor, addressed a large and enthusiastic audience here Fri day. Other speakers of note were, M,rs. tfona secretary state grange, .William F. Keady candidate for joint representative, Lincoln and Polk counties. Alsea Crangs furnlhed the music. The Dicnic was followHd hv a hie Have You Seen This New Super Stove? New Invention Now on Display The widely advertised New Perfection Oil Range with SUPERFEX Burners that for the first time combines gas stove speed ivith oil-stove economy, is on display here. Let us show you this big handsome new stove and its marvelous burner. Dealer's Name NEW PERFECTION Oil Range with SUPERFEX Burners BATEMAN Toledo, FURNITURE CO Oregon I REPORT OF THE CONDITION OF THB LINCOLN COUNTY BANK At n' 202 . o ese district No. 12 At Toledo, Oregon, in the State of Oregon, at Close of business, June 30, 1922. , . .'" RESOURCES 1. Loans and discounts, Including rediscounts shown in items 29 and 30, if any 51 g37 68 2. Overdrafts secured and unsecured '764I06 3.,U, S. Government securities owned, including those shown in items 30 and 35, if any 1,000.00 4. Other bonds, warrants r.nd securities, Including foreign gov ernment, state, municipal, corporation, etc., Including those shown in items 30 and 39, if any 46,572.76 5. Storks, securities, claims, Hens, judgments, etc l.OHO.OO 6. Banking house, $9000.00; furniture and fixtures, $7082.67 16.082.67 7. Real estate owned other than banking house 16,600.60 9. (ab) Cash on hand in vault and due from banks, bankers and trust companies designated and approved reserve agents of this bank 74,761.84 . tc) Net amounts due from other banks, bankers end trust ,, , companies 16,078.19 11. Checks on banks outside city or town or reporting bank and other cash items ; , 964.84 Total cash and due from banks, Items 8, 9, 10 and 11, J9080&.37 TOTAL , '..i. ......... 1. 424,612.81 LIABILITIES ' - Capital stock paid in ' . . . . 1 10 mm on 16. 17. Surplus fund ,, 8,000.00 18 (a) Undivided profits $8,229.20; (b) Less current expenses, interest and taxes paid $6737.80 1,491.40 DEMAND DEPOSITS, other than banks, subject to reserve: 23. Individual deposits subject to chork. Including deposits due the SUte of Oregon, county, cities or other public funds.... 314,843.02 26. Cashier's checks of this bank outntanrtng payable on demand .. 2,031.02 26. Certified checks outstanding ". .'. 382.00 Total of demand deposits, other than bank deposits, subject to reserve, items 23, 24, 25, 26, $31,726.04. TIME AND SAVINGS DEPOSITS, su-jject to reserve and pay able on demand or subject to notice: 27. Time certificates of deposit outstanding 65,436.22 28. Savings deposits, payable subject to notice 22,429.15 Total of time and savings deposits payable on demand or subject to notice, items 27 and 28' $87865.37. TOTAL , $424,612.81 State of Oregon, County of Lincoln, ss. I, (J. B. BiJoth, cashier of the'nbovi named bank, do solemnly swear that the above sta'tomont Is true to the b-st of my knowledge and belief. J. B. BOOTH. Cashier, CORRKCT Attest: C. E. HAWKINS, C. O. HAVTKhWS, Directors, fluh'irribe'l rml sworn to befnm i" t'-li nth d;iv of titlv. 102?. G. h. .uuLiivi!.i , iSotary I'ublic. My eoinmlsafon expires Sept. 2, 1923. JULY eth, 1922 VJE'VE WOT "time, VJW V-j v cient county agent addressed them takine for his subject. "The Dairv Cow." NOTICE TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: WHEREAS, the State Game Com mission of the State of Oregon Is auth orized under Section 8, Chapter 66, General Laws of Oregon, 1921, to close any open season or open any closed season in ary county or district of the State of Oregon for th0 shooting and possession of game animals and birds: NOTICE is hereby given that the State Game Commission of the State of Oregon has made and entered and does hereby issue the following Order Thfit tha oncn season as defined in Chapter 163, Section 2, of the General Laws of Oregon of 1921, for hunting, killing, taking or having in posses sion, alive or dead, the following named game animals and game blrdx respectively, shall be as follows to wit: Thn open seas-n for deer through out the entire Bt.'tj shall be and is hereby derhred to be from August 20th to October 31st of each year, both dates Inclusive. The open season for quail and Chin ese pheasants in all sections of the state where there is an open seaso. therefor, Bhall be and Is hersbv do clared to be from October 15th to Oc tober 31st of each year, bcth dates in elusive. The open season for grouse cr nallvr pheasants in all sections of tho Etnt where there Is an open season, is de clared to be from August 20th to Sur tember 20th of each year, both datee inclusive. The open season for sage hens In all sections of the state where there is an open season, is declared tn be from July 15th to July 31st of each year, Dotn dates Inclusive. The open season for prairie chick ens in all sections of the state where there is an open season, is declared to be from October 15th to October 31st of each year, both dates inclusive. NOTICE Is also hereby given that the changes In the open seasons made by this Order in no wise affects the bag limits or other regulation's provid ed by law respecting the hunting for, killing, taking or having in possession, alive or dead, of such game animals and game birds. Any and all persons hunting for, killing, taking or having In possession, alive or dead, any deer, quail, Chinese pheasants, grouse or native pheasants, sage hens or prairie chickens in the State of Oregon, In violation of this order, will be prosecuted as by law provided. Dated at Portland, Oregon, this 12th day of June, A. D., 1922. Oregon State Game Commission, By I. N. FLEISCHNER, Chairman. By GEO. H. KELLY, Commissioner. By BLAINE HALLOCK, Commissioner, By M. A. LYNCH, Commissioner. By L. E. BEAN, ' Commissioner. 20-2t i tU' euRCicLP. HEAR , PER SOIAE "sex otecw'M DJEMM(3c AU MAO iHOW& eft AB9 , " am' mow Q TO PARK M tH VURoVii XW36 WERE ues Rvor View RAOUMPHOUES WW VAEAR'OA ?aiut evEMce A The only people who think business is dead are the ones who do not ad vertise No one knows they have a business, consequently its Just the same as dead. Ex. CATHOLIC CHURCH Next Sunday, July the 9th, service at Siletz. Catechism and Sunday school at 9:30, Mass and sermon at 14 o'clock. FATHER VOLLEBREGT. CEO. LiCKEY FIXALL SHOP REPAIRS--Shoes, Boots, Clocks, Watches, Umbrellas, Pans, Buckets, Tubs, Boilers, Flashlights, Cut Agates, Sharpen Shears, Knives. Repair all kinds of things Don't throw anything away, Come in and see us. Furniture Repair ed. ELECTRIC SHOE SHOP First Class Work Guaranteed Have Your Soles Sewed On JOHM M. ATWATER. Prop. Next Door to Peterson's Jewelry ' Store. NOTICE TO BIDDERS The school board of School District No. 47, of Siletz, Oregon, wishes to receive bids lor painting three school houses and out-buildlngs In said dis trict. Bisls o be opened at Postoftlce at Siletz, Oregon, on Saturday, July 15. District will funilsh paint. E. E. OOLVIN, - Clerk. 20 2t FOR SALE FOR SALE (Heavy team, sound and irue. wm sell cheap If taken soon. 'Box 371, Toledo', Oregon. 20-2t FOR SALE Spring chickens, 20 cents per yuunu nve weight. Mrs. H. E. Cory. 20-2t FOR SALE COW; Inquire at Leader Office. FOR RENT Store Room en Hill Street, I. O. O. F. Building. 8ee Car: Glider-sleeve. 04 ACRES Near Toledo; State Road; Mutual phone; daily mail. Good 6 room house, good newt barn, or chard; some timber. Good bargain. Inquire at Leader office. 13-tf FOR SALE 20 acres of Timber land; some bottom; 25 per acre, unlimit ed range. Write T. Hennessey, To ledo, Oregon. 19-4t FOR SALE A fine milk cow, fresh 4!.ou u taken soon. .Carl Tan gen, Toledo, Ore. 19-3t FOR 8ALE In Toledo, Oregon, six ots eacn au x 100 feet and house under construction In front of High 8chool. Will sell cheap for cash; or give good terms. Apply to F. E. 8chmldt, 1710!2 Fell 8t, San Fran Cisco, California. 16-St FOR SALE .From 1 te 28 acres Just c-utsiae oity limits at reasonable price, see M. C. Miller or address, Box 113, Toledo, Oregon, 18-5t FOR SALE From 1 to 28 acres just outside city limits at reasonable price, see McMillan or address, Bx. 113, Toledo, Oregon. 17-5t FOR SALE Team of mules, gentle, good ana true workers, weigh about 2000 lbs., double harness, light wa gon with bed and extra bolster eprlngs, everything In first class shape and condition. This Is more of an outfit than what I need and a bargain for someone. Call or ad dress, John Stelgen, Toledo, Ore., Box 106. 20-3t R. I. R. HATCHING EGGS From a fine pen $1.60. A wonderful value call and see them. H. E. Demltt. 10-tf FOR SALE In Toledo, Oregon, six lots each 50 x 100 feet and nous under construction In front of High ..School. Will sell cheap for cash; or give good terms. Apply to F. E. 8chmldt, 1710a Fell St., San Fran cisco, California. 16-tf FOR SALE Saddle-horse, saddle and brldie. Wm. OUenhor- 13-tr. PAG-E FIVE Ardund Town Gossip : Ja AlMiVA AT TW fRT KNRSMA'- , Bawk. AeeoeMTAtw vjevit off uist WOBOOW AlWt aU MWX CAR VOUTU' VJANOOGH, twep YOUR EYES ACCURATELY FITTED By GRADUATE OPTOMETRIST Private Office for Examinations Prices Reasonable F. M. French & Sons Optometrists and Opticians Albr.ry, Oregon Have Your Soles Sewed on. Prices Reasonable Mail Orders Promp'y At tended to. DICK. WENNER & SON Shoe machine repair shop Newport Oregon TtTTTttTT tTTTTttTTtTT H'TTTT Dr. Boggess Chiropractor, is now located at the Hot Sea Bath house, Newport, Or&g. Special Rates till July 1. lS-4t NOTICE Notice Is hereby given that I havi funds on hand to pay outstanding rants on the General fund endorsai up to and including Feb. 11, 1921. Interest on same ceases after this ate. Dated July 7, 1922. City Treas. 20 J. B. BOOTH, FOR SALE 1 team mules, 8 and 9, well broke and gentle; wt. 2500; team, wagon and harness; price $300.00. A great bargain. Inquire of C. F. Mock, Box 289, Toledo, Ore gon. 20-tf $100 COMMISSION to anyone muking a sale of the acreage at Caledonia belonging to Mrs. W. Scarth, 654 Halsey Street, Portland. 20-4t FOR RENT LOST one "Goodyear" all-weather tire and rim, 33 x 4 between here and Newport, Sunday. Finder please notify Victor Shawe, Toledo. 20-lt WANTED CLEAN Cotton Rags at The Leader Office. Must be Clean and Suitable for wiping machinery. 3c. per pound. tf WANTED PIANO BOX Must be la good condition. Leader Orice. FURNITURE FOR SALE-Toledo steel range, heating stove, tables, chairs, mattresses, beds, rugs, lin oleumn and aluminum wure. Mrs. Watrous, Conlber houso, Toledo, Oregon. 20-lt PROFESSIONAL CArtDS Dr. Ernest H. Hal) Dentist First National Bank Bui Id Inn Phone 1108 Toledo, O's. INSURANCE FIRE, LIFE, HEALTH 4 ACCI2If AUTOMOBILE CONTRACTORS' LIABILITY - C. K. CR08NO, Toledo, Oregon Office In First N. B. Bldg. ENGINEERING WORK. Professional Engineer In the Staf of Oregon, Topography work, Clvf Engineering and Sub-Divls on wort A. J. McMillan, Toledo. Oregon FOWLER'S RESTAURANT Hill St., Toledo, Oregon Ask about our $1.60 PER DAY RATES Best established eating- place tn Lincoln County E. J. FOWLER, Prop. TOLEDO LODGE NO. 108, I O. O. T meets every Wednesday -venir. Visiting Brothers always ;lcomi L. B. Wiswell, N. r. Ctrl P!l?;nr-lve F-. . tur (