' T '.-1.i-.'-(.,,'--'i ' PAGE SIX LINCOLN COUNTY LEADER, TOLEDO, OREGON, THURSDAY, JUNE 29th, 1922. ROSS THEATRE TONIGHT Btllie Burke ki Paramount Co-nedv Drama . . . . . ful years on this routa and wishes to THE EDUCATION OF ELIZABETH" thank hl8 many patrons for their kind- Also Harold Lloyd' In a one reel ness during my stay and also to' thank BAYVIEW AND TOLEDO raised successful crops of vetch this MAIL CARRIER RETIRES xw ana irom whom th -bug method' Pmnu H,mt...rv.r tnnwi of growing vetch may be learned. mail carrier from Bayvlew to Toledo. I retires from duty Thursday, June 29, ' . tni - ' - i j -a . i -. . Comedy "PINCHED" 30 cents 10 cents ithe postmasters at both ends of the route, Mr. E. E. Dyer of Bayvlew and .Mr J. J. Gaithor of Toledo. FRIDAY SATURDAY "THE RESTLESS SEX" BARNES AND RAY Continued Trom Page Five) on these occasions he would dive for the ropeg in an endeavor to break away. Barnes' aggressiveness was not one iota greater than that of Ray. The "I am now going to take up farming I smaller man had his heavier onnnnnm six miles south of Toledo on the eame.in dangerous positions on several oc- route. A brilliant photoplay lavishly pro-'., 00;,i ' aunt ova v "Yours respectfully, "FRANK HUNTSUCKER, Toledo, Ore. 19-2t duced with beautiful Marion Davles in the lead, from Robert W. Chambers Story which ran in the Cosmopolitan a 7 Reel Paramount ALSO BUSTER KEATON The Serious Laugh Maker In "ONE WEEK" 2Rcals of fun arising from Trials of Honeymooners. 35 Cents 10 Cent casions and Barnes was compelled to use his greatest strength to free him Forces Miller. self. Immediately following the match Ray made the following statement: "I came to Toledo tonight to wrestle Olson he backed out. I wanted and was Dromised a match with Miller he backed out. and thev run ma niO against Ihls man Barnes, whom I the WHEN VETCH "GETS THE BUG" IT f GROWS One time It wa Bald red clover ... t J 1K 4Un HUll ft , wol COnte8.a 18 the toughest man I !nocutteranUdal,theM " S rKXilA I methods employed it spread until the i61,,"1" ?f,aJ WiU d 80 unclovered areas are small In extent. ; -, ,,' . . .. . ,. . . . Miller was present and accepted the Ve predict the same experience frlcIlalie h ... " vefh growers in Lincoln County. But i ?.!?. BOOn 08 the bacteria necessary must be pro vided. This can be accomplished by Barnes' Statement. Ladles ajid gentlemen I came here 1 inoculating the seed with culture ob- tonight to referee the match between SUNDAY MONDAY A Good Drama and a 2-R EEL ALL "NIGGER" CAST COMEDY AND SINGING 30 Cents and 10 Cents THERE WILL BE A Show the evening of July Fourth. HMt I ,l1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ! HI I II I A Glorious 4th and a Hearty Appetite We have a fine stock of Fruits and Vegetables and the very, best "eats' for the picnic. Closed all day Tuesday, July 4 The W. C. Burcroff Mercantile Co. talned from O. A. C. or by spreading Mr. Olson and Mr. Ray and was reallv soli fro ma field where vetch grows not Incondltlon to meet a man of the ' well. As ninny of the Lincoln County; calibre of Ray. However, I will do ; soils are acid the growth of all theanything to keep the game clean and; legumes may be hastened by adding ' protect it by giving the fans their j "Fall seeding is a necessity to good 'and'uis my highest' ambition to'mako' WWW WWWWWWH tWMWfMWfWWHWWWWWr veitn. ivix. iv. r. orauui, lwtuu, w. me game so Clean mat women ana' . .... . . . . . . . . . R. Stokes. Yanuiiia. E. H. Stelnmotz. children will feel nerfectlv at !iborv ! ecrery. The stockholders ar en. : rWWMWvWmWftvrrr Chitwood, and A. C. Crawford, Siletz, to attend." . Itlrely made up of Newport auu 'id-1 2 are among the farmers who have I The wrestlers were roundly ap. leao citizens. C. E. Hawkins, cashier . plauded for their statements and vl lu" "Bram. V".n'y liau'it ll01'e' 18 ! 4 991 sDortsmanshiD. U,1H OI U1B siocKiioiaers Barnes meets Ted Thye of Portland OULY GOODS, BUNTING, FLAGS, FIRE CRACKERS, TOY PISTOLS AND CAPS, FESTIVAL CAPS, ETC. For ail camping needs, such as cooking utensils, camp beds, stoves, tents, siools, clothing, etc., sea us, our prices are always right. For men's and boys' clothing, see us. Let us show you our line of ranges, stoves, etc. .. .For. these hot,, days, buy the beautiful Kercgas oil stoves now on sale Bods, mattresses and springs, etc., at right prices. For your dinnerware needs give us a call. A dependable line of merchandise at all times. A big bargain )n china tea cups and saucers. Buy early we vill be closed the Fourth. at Newport on July 3rd. CHAMBER DONATES (Continued from rage 1) I. JERSEY PICNIC (Continued from First Page) K4WW I 4TfaVfV,4. ! Celebrate Jiily I Newport B 4fli SUhlSCT Vl I (OGOtNaSHASTAl I y T!i8 Sea $100 and $1.05 Round Trip SPECIAL TRAINS TUESDAY JULY 4th attention. This heifer as a two year j eld with her first calf shows a won-j derful udder development with much! hauled away several weeks ago, but promise for the future. I $ due to misunderstanding many of tha Members Giving Calves Good Care I rubbish piles were left, where they That the Calf Club members are giv-1 4 wore piled. Mr. J. W. Dunn, who was ing their charges good care was well ' J present at the meeting, warned of illustrated by the display of calves at I I hauling rubbish and cans and dumping the picnic. At the close of the after-, them along the public roads, stating noon a very interesting sight was wi:-: th s was in violation of the state law. nessed that of the youngsters lead-1 Many other subtests of minor im- ing their calves away, and of the won portance were discussed at the meet- derful attachment that, had grown up Ing. . . I between the calves and their new Dainty Refreshments Served cwner3. Lincoln Coun'.y people will Following the business meeting Jndaed be treated to a real show In (be ladies served dainty refreshments o! cockles, strawberries and Ice r roam. The strawborr'es wer.i donat ed by Mr. D Ai: Peterson, local berry "i?n. who. It is said, has one of the tinest. ? f 'awberry patches In the state of Oregon. the Fall when all of these youngsters' calvea as well as the newly acquired stock of the other purebred breeder , ' are assembled In one siiow. i Addis Compliments Breeders. Mr. Horace Addis, representative of ; the Oregon Farmer, va3 present an(i , Lieutenant Patterson who arrive paid the local breeders the compli- late wns called upon to give some ln-jmcnt of stating that he bsi?jved Lin formation as to what the fair board . coin .County and especially Lincoln "us doing towards sthe coming fair County purebred Jersey breeders, were this fall and Mr. Patterson gavo a beginning the era of , real prosperity very optomistic talk as to the pros-land that the quality of livestock shown nects of the big show nnd stated that 'at the picnic was a sure indication of the superintendents of the various ex,! tho success the breeders would have hlbits were v.-orkln? hard to moke I because thay wera . starting ' in the this the best fair ln the history of the 'right kind of foundation stuff. county. Many other ' fpromptu talkq wire. made at the call of President McClus key. ..... "NEWPORT HAS inner is Big Feature. Perhaps the one event of the day most enjoyed by all wos the niiniT tious food. In addition to all the reg ular goodies of the picnic dinner them was wholo Jersey milk, strawberries and cream and ice cream a plenty. Ed Lytle Makes Debut Among Lincoln .County's-, business men, Ed. Lytle made his business de but, and as we understand will later bo initiated Into the Jersay Fraternity out of hia intorest ln this new In dustry fir the County Mr. Lytle help- a stock of (Continued from Page 1) a'so handled p-lvnt car dining service for the Now York Central. Modern. Dancing Pavilion. The dancing pavlllion which Is sit uated Just above tr.e grill room i likely the peer of any in the. state as ed the day bringing out to its beautiful location. This room , confections which added much to the ;s 48 by 05 feet end Is equipped with j attractions of the grounds. The Jer liard maple floors. It will prove a rev-1 seymen present expressed the desire elation to those who enjoy "sklppiitg that more of Lincoln County's business the light fantastic"' while the break- men would see the advantage to the ers of the old Pacific mingle their roll- County to be iralned ln assisting in the Ing sounds with the dreamy wal'zes development of the dairy industry, and fox trots of the orchestra. I o The entire personnel of the officers A PUREBRED FOR THE SCAB board of directors and stock holder of. the Newport Natatorium Corpora tion is not at . hand but it Is known The County AgenVs Office or the Lincoln County Jersry Cattl9 Club Is leaning Save On Shoes OUR PRICES ON SHOES ARE LOWEST FOR CASH Ladies' Shoes, Oxfords and Pumps $2.95 to $7.50 Mioses' Shoes, Oxfords and Pumps, 51.95 to $3.95 Man's Shoes and Oxfords $2.95 -to $10.00 Boys' Shoes and Oxfords $1.95 to $3.95 SEE OUR WINDOWS FOR SPECIAL PRICES ' i m 1 1 1 f n n m i n n n m u , Bregdon the Electrician With the Yaquina Electric Co. . For Electric Work That Will Pass Underwriters Inspection ELECTRIC SUPPLIES, WIRING & REPAIRING Call Yaquina Electric Company ESTIMATES CHEERFULLY GIVEN that C. O. Hawkins of Newport Is anxious to hear from any farmer who president, B. F. liaker, Newpor. sup-; would like to trade his scrub or grade1 erlntendent; Geo. Ashcraft, Newport, : dairy bull for a purebred. GOING Leave Albany . . , Leave Corvallis . Leave Philomath Leave Summit .. Leave Toledo . . . Arrive Yaquina . . Arrive Newport Round Trip 6:50 A.M. 7:25 A.M. 740 A.M. 8:44 A.M. 10:45 AVM, 11:30 A.M. 12:00 Noon Stops will be made at intermediate points Leave Newport 6:00 P. M. Yaquina 6:30 P. M. Arrive Albany quickly as possible. REGULAR DAILY TRAIN Leaves Toledo 4:49 P. M. arrives Newport 6:05 P. M. For further particulars, ask agents, SOUTHERN PACIFIC LINES JOHN M. SCOTT, General Passenger Agent. , . . 'Qoodform4' HAIR NETS Just the Shape or Color that the Most Fastidious Feminine Tastes May Desire . Careful Selection from Imported Stocks Guaran tees Them Perfect We are as Proud to Sell Them as You Be to Wear Them Will 'Goodform" Nets Are Made For arid Sold Exclusively by REXALL Stores Only popularly priced at 2 for 25 cents , Double Mesh TOLEDO DRUG CO. The T. P. HAWKINS, Prop. Store ":v i h 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i n 1 1 ii i i ii 1 1 1 1 tti m -" xciirsion 4 I p-liNIESJ J Tickets Cos! Loss This fear To Portland And Eastern Cities $6.25, 15 Day Tickets j7;25, Season i Tickets TOLEDO TO PORTLAND AND RETURN Fifteen Day Tickets on Sale Fri, arid Sat Good for 15 days. Season Tickets on Sale Daily. Good 3 months, not to exceed October 31st. Take friend wife alongShe will be glad to set away for a day or longer. .. . , Going east or returning, stop at San Francisco Los Angeles San Diego, three world famous and charming cities. Visit Yosemite Sequoia and Gen "eral Grant Nat'l. Parks, and include; California's won derful Seashore Resorts. For further particulars, ask agents JOUTHERN PACIFIC LINES JOHM M. SCOTT, General Passenger Agent, IIIIIIIMIIIUIHHIIIIIIIIIHHIM I II