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About Lincoln County leader. (Toledo, Lincoln County, Or.) 1893-1987 | View Entire Issue (June 29, 1922)
MiME, THE PRIliTER'S DtViL 52 Barnes and Ray Wrestle to Draw Saturday Night uison K6TUS9S io uo on vvuni " r . . iii.i Ray When He Sees Crowd Is Small; Barnes Takes Place and Fans Witness Wonderful Exhibition. A small crowd of Lincoln County Bportlng . fang witnessed the moat scientific and hardest rought wrestl ing match ever pulled In this section Saturday night,- June 24th, when Geo. Barnes or Lincoln ieDr., na 10m nay . of Omaha wrestled six rounds, white , rules, to a draw. I Ray had been scheduled to meet Cha. Olson, (The Terrible Swede) of Albany, but when Mr. Olson came to the fair building and beheld the crowd that naa turned out 10 see mm ln action, he refused to go on, stat-. Ins that he could not afford to work ! oei ore sucn a smu.i iiuusb. i . As luck would have It, Geo. Barnes, "who had come here with the Inten- tions of refereelng the match, volun-J teered to take Olson's place, for tits' good of the game and in order that ' the fans might at least be given a j pariiai ruu iui men uwuc, i ' Promoter Don Avery tried to pur- Buade the Swede to go oh and when the Swede refused Mr. Avery accepted , Barnes" offer and announced the de- cislon . "If there is a person in the i house who Is not satisfied after this i match is over he or she can get their monev back for the asking," he stated. iTVnm thA vprv start of the match the fans did not regret that Olson had refused to show. He has worked be fore here and his style of wrestling Is not pleasing to real sportsmen, i Barnes and Ray are without doubt two of the fastest and most scientific men ln the wrestling game and it is! only once in a life-time that a town the size of Toledo has the opportunity, to see Buch men work. Barnes Is a for the midd".e-welght cham pionship of the world while Ray,! about 10 pounds lighter, has no equal j for speed and science. From the instant time was called until the final ending of the match July celebration to be held at New the fans were given thrill after thrill port, commencing Monday, July 3, as the grapplers demonstrated the 'and ending Tuesday, July 4th, will be on hold after hold and even as much science was shown by ability to break seemingly deadly holds. i Barnes' Terrible Legs. ' On at least a dozen occasions Ha would gain a head and arm scissors i A nl.f DD ma InCOlU IIIUU UU DCCmiUSlJ I . have him ln danger but Barnes, on each instance would manage to clamp , the head of Ray ln a scissors. So vice- in,- i. iiu mtramrih nt Rnrnna' Ipcb .that Ray was compelled to Immediate-: ly turn loose all holds and exert ever ' ounce of strengin at nis possession io . m 1 t I a r 1 .n..Inn , iree nimsen. uu j en nay was on wv oiub uhui head locks. Ray demonstrated his at ability by breaking all holds, ed great At times Ray would become entangled Id the snake-like legs of Barnes and (Continued op ,Pae Six) Q ' TED THYE IN ACTION LINCOLN COUNTY LEADER, TOLEDO, OREGON, THURSDAY, JUNE 29th, 1922. i I i l ft QVrW' ' '' I f -f, mm 1 V- CEO. BARNES LINCOLN, NEBR. BARNES TO MEET THYE AT NEWPORT JULY 3RD One of the main attractions on the program for the two-day Fourth of lng at the Army and Navv Club house at that Dlace between Ted Thve. u. defeated middle-weight champion of the world, of Portland, and Geo. Barnes, a strong contender for the ti - tie, of Lincoln, Nebr. '.' Tho mar art oa wlU vrao 'a tAi hourg provldlng neither gains two faIla , the mean time. Pollea fiazattB , nleB t0 govern the match. . - r.iii conversation,, urn hnard hv rnv. enue officers at a great distance. when you hear a man boast, "I . . . . , ,hink., 1llat nllt 1K fLJTo(I't ,mT1U ' ' pUt lb down that he doesn t think. . I never could feel I was in a re&u- ' lar place of business where men called 'stenographers by their first names. Toledo Defeats Siletz by Score 8 to 0 Sunday Hall, Pitching in Excellent Form, Holds Indians to Two Hits and Strikes Out 16 Bat- terc; Toledo Boys Land Hea. vy. In a game that was featured by heavy hitting on the part of the lo cal boys and the e.xceiiei.i pi'ching of Hall the county seat baseball nine took the Siletz Indians to a cleaning by a score of 8 to 0 at that plarn Sun day afternoon. Two home runs, two three-baggers, two two-baggers and nine singles tolU the story of the way the Toledo bunch romped on the of- ferinea of "Big Chief' Goodell who heaved the twisters for the Indians Outside of two easy chances that were muffed by Hall and Weeks, the local lads played a perfect game. Goodell, although hit hard, pitched a steady game and had he had any sup port from his teammates Toledo's end of the scoring would have been cop- siderably less. Hall, who has just recovered from a "game" side which has 'been bothering him for several weeks, seemed to have everything, and the "Indians" were held at his mercy in every stag of the game, only four Indians reaching first base, two of them when Hall fumbled an easy one and when Weeks missed a pop-up fly, 'he other two got on when goodell got the first hit of the day for his team in the sixth Inning, slamming the ball far over the center fielder's head for & three-bagger, ana again when Lane hit for two bases ln the ninth inning. Sixteen of the Siletz boys walked to the plate and attempt ed to connect with the Hall-room bov's offerings, only to walk , back again after taking three husky swings at the "twisting pill." Sunday's game will likely stand as a record for the number of batters fac ing a pitcher in nine innings, in seven of the nine Innings only three men faced Hall and in the other two only LEGION STILL CALLS DEMPSEY A SLAKCER San Francisco, Cal. Jack Dempsey again Is assailed as an alleged slacker, his "expressed intention to wear the American flag as his colors ln his .'forthcoming fight with Bi.I Brennan at Michigan City," Is attacked, and Patrlots are unred to stay away from ihis fight in resolutions adopted by the ' Pin frVfinilatx rminiw nnnnnll nf n iv,.Dv . ui mo American Legion, ?he resolution states in part "we P?" vf, Jac "enPey to have proven himself void of all Datriotic instincts during the world war by abstaining ,from military service at a time when j thousands of his fellows were wearing the uniform of Uncle Sam's fighting force. He Is a slackerin our estt - - - -o"- matlon and 1119 estimation of many patriotic American citizens despite his acquittal on suck charges in a court of law, because of technicalities, which prevented certain convicting and conclusive evidence being introduced. four men came to the bat. . In the third, seventh and eighth innings three Indians fanned out successively. The box score follows: Score by Innings Siletz , 000 000 000 0 Toledo Oil 101 1218 SILETZ AB. R. H. PO. A. n. Lane, 3b . . . Umaltata, ss Bensell, 1st ., Evans, c Albertson, 2'o 4 4 4 3 3 3 2 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 3 0 Dave Goodell, If ...1 Ward, cf 3 Ben, rf., If 3 Goodell, p 3 Strong, rf 1 29 0 2 27 8 7 TOLEDO AB. It. H. PO, Service, cf 6 Gaitlier, ss 4 Vr.n Decovciing, 3b 4 Haln, c . . . Hammond, Center, rf Weeks, 2b Roddy, rf Hall, p. .. ..5 ..5 ..6 . .5 ..6 ..5 lb 44 8 15 27 7 2 Summary left on bases, Sllet 2, To ledo 11; first base on errors, Toledo 7 Siletz 2; Two base hits, Service, I Lane;Three base hits. Wteeks, Hal Goodell; home runs, Weeks, Hall; Sacrifice hits, Gnlther; stolen bases Service, Galther. Van De-rverlns. Ba!i Double play, Goodell to Lan". Walked, by Goodell 1; struck rut. t- Goodell 11; by Hall 16; umpire, Baker o Local Boys Are Hitting the Ball At Rapid Rate Five Members of Team Have Batting Averages Above the .35Q Mark; Hall Leads With Average of .470. 'Flve member of the local baseball team are hitting the "Apple" above the .360 mark and from the way the boys slammed 'em out at the game at Siletz Sunday, there is every rea son to believe they have hit a new stride. Weeks, Hall and Service were especially prominent with the Big Stick Sunday, Weeks and Hall each slamming the ball out for a homer, a three-bagger and a single while Ser vice ran them a close race with two two-baggers and a single. Van De- covering, who has been far In the lead in batting, had a slump Sunday, and lost the lead. He is still second, how ever, in the batting averages, having a percentage of .450 which is top notch in any man's league. Louie Bain who has been a dependable hitter ln past seasons has Just commenced to.' find his eye and he Is very likely to "hover" around the top before many more games are played. Trommletz Is fourth in the standing with a per centage of .346. , Tho percentages to date are as fol lows: BATTING AVERAGES AB. H. Pet Hall v.. 17 8 .470 Van Decoverlng 20 9 .451 Service 23 9 .383 Trommletz 11 4 .36-! Weeks 17 6 .35:; McMillan 7 2 .2 "5 Hammond 25 7 .2.'0 Galther 4 1 .250 Bain '. 1!) 4 .2.i Center 5 1 W Roddy 13 2 .16 Anderson 6 0 .0C Taylor 3 0 .OflU Weaver 4 0 .00u ON THE SIDE LINES; BASEBALL-WRESTLING We hate to see him do It, but It t a show to witness what takes place when "Tubby" Weeks makes an er ror. He hates himself and everybody about him and paint? the air blue with his mutterings of disrespect for tho poor little "apple." It was a shame 'but we just simply had to show those good natured In , dlans that we could deliver a shut-oul also If we went our best. The Indians handed a goose egg to Waldport one week ago Sunday by a score of 6 to nothing. Van Decoverlng looked like a mil lion dollars at third base Sunday, handling several hot ones perfectly and accepting two chances to stoji runners at his station. He took a slump in batting, however, from which It Is to be hoped he will soon recover. XJp'to last Sunday's r" he was bai ting at the high mark of .6G7. Calther look fine y..M H':1v V, hnrir' ' shortstop rn more games. He handled two chances and connected for a single at bat. "Smiling Water'' Bensell kept a steady war-whoop going on the coach ing line at first base Sunday, frantical ly endeavoring to get somebody riled up and excited, but without success. He also came near getting his bean knocked 'oft on one occasion ' when Louie Bain attempted . to throw a runner out at first. Umattata (we guess we spelled It right) is about es big as a pinch of snuff and It is sure some job to heave the apple while he is standing at the plate. It is about 12 Inches from his knees lo the top of his shoulders. He sure has a pitcher handicapped. Weeks put all his excessive weight behind a swing ln the fourth Inning for the longest hit wo have witnessed this season. He is a second Babe Ruth for driving tho ball Into the outer gardens and if there had been a fence there at the regulation dlstanc", we are of the opinion that lite ba'l would have cleared It 30 feet. Toledo Is slated to meet Siletz again at Newport on July 4. The teams will likely put up ona of the best exhibitions of the national game of the season at that time. Tiia "Jn dlena" will not soon forget that beat ing Sunday and ihey will hava a much stronger team for the Fourth of July game. Speaking of wrestling? What do you think of the Swede now? When Olson saw that there was only a small crowd at the match Saturday night he refused to go on, Btatlng that he could not afford to work for the am ount he would get out of It. There was a lot of people here who had sym pathized with him in his previous matches, but, unless we miss our guess, he might just as well seek other fields tor his future matches. We don't like to call a man a quitter, FOR SALE FOR SALE 20 acres of Timber land; some oottom; fb per acre,, unlimit ed range. Write T. Hennessey, To ledo) Oregon. 19-4t FOR SALE A fine miik cow, fresh 4B.oo if taken soon. .Carl Tan gen, Toledo, Ore. 19-3t PIANO IN STORAGE at Corvallis for sale cheap, will deliver here to re sponsible party and aell on terms of $25.00. cash and $10.00 month. Ad dress L. L. Miller, Newport, 18-1t FOR SALE Two hives . of Italian bees; price - $5 each. Inquire of Mrs. M. N. Anderson, Box 294, To ledo, Oregon. 18-2t FOR SALE In Toledo, Oregon, six lots each 50 x 100 feet and house under construction In front of High School. Will sell cheap for cash; or give good term. Apply to F. E. Schmidt, 1710a Fell St., San Fran Cisco, California. 16-5t FOR SALE .From 1 to 28 acres Just outside city limits - at reasonable price, see M. C. Miller or address, Box 113, Toledo, Oregon. 18-5t OR SALE A few young grade milk ing shorthorn cows; a. so grade Jerseys. All fresh this spring and roduclng good. Fred Romtvedt, ! oledo, Oregon. i7-2t 'OR SALE 3-ton "Standard" Truck, Engine, transmission and tires In fine shape; Extra long wheel base for logging; also one 5-horse gas - engine and wood saw mandrell. Ao dress, E. H. Olmstead, Toledo, Or. 17-2t FOR SALE From 1 to 28 acres Just outsida city limits at reasonable price, see McMillan or address, Bx. 113, Toledo, Oregon. 17-5t FOR SALE 1 team geldings, 4 and 5 years old, wL about 1200 each, well broke. Also one good saddle horse. Inquire of M. F. Briggs, To ledo, Oregon . 18-2t R. I. R. HATCHING EGGS From a r fine pen $1.50. A wonderful value call and see them. H. E. Demitt. 10-tf FOR SALE In Toledo, Oregon, six lots each 50 x 100 feet and nous under construction In front of High ..School. Will sell cheap for cash; or give good terms. Apply to F. E. Schmidt, 171054 Fell St., San Fran cisco, California. 16-tf FOR SALE will sell or trade for young stock, one team of 5 and 6 year old mules, good shape. Inquire Of Al Martin, Toledo, Or 15-4t "rt SALE Saddle-horse, saddle ond PACE FIVE Better Stay There, Boy! . nor are we going to do it now, but If he was as near death as he is to the quitter class his life would nut be worth a German mark. I upun me reiusai 01 uison to go on, Geo. Barnes, champion middleweight wrestler of the worliL who had come j from Eugene where he met Ralph Han Friday night, for the purpose of ref ereeing the match, the fans would have had to file out without witness ing a contest. The fans were not sorry that the Swede had left because Barnes and Kay furnished a treat that will long be remembered by those who had tho pleasure of seeing it. There was nothing l;ft for to do but accept tlis lmhen.,o ..l ;..y following the match Saturday night, and now It Is up to "Smiling Chuiiio" to set tho date as Ray says li will meet him at any time and wrestle any way to Miller's choosing a side bet of any amount, or winner take all of the gate receipts. Sot tho date, Ciarl'e. BASEBALL BATTLE AT NEWPORT OU :, Another feature of the Fourth of July celebration' at Newport will he the baseball game between thu Siletz Indians and the Toledo team. These teams are undoubtedly the strongest organizations in Lincoln county. To ledo gave the Siletz boys a drubbing at Siletz last Sunday. The Silutz line-up will be greatly strpnTthc.ted for the Newport game as several of the old-timers are couiiib .k.j.m co spend the Fourth and are 'rurin' to aid their former team mates to clean up on Toledo. The teams will play for the gate receipts winner 76 pe cent and losers balance. IHall, who shut the Indians out las Sunday, will be on the mound for Tc ledo, while it is rumored that ' Ti Clef" Goodell will attempt to get re venge on the mound for the Indians. r- FOR SALE Tomato Plants 25c. Doz. Post Paid CHAS S. WILLS, ' Newport, Oregon FOR SALE COW; Inquire at Leader Office. 15-tf FOR TRADE 320 Acres grain land in Douglas Co., Washington for land near Toledo. Owner, David Fisher, Saint Andrews, Wash. 17-2t . 04 ACRES Near Toledo; State Road; Mutual phone; daily mall. Good S room house, good newl barn, or chard; some timber. Good bargain. Inquire at Leader office. 13-tf . " FOR RENT FOR RENT One 6-room furnished house for the summer. Inquire at this office or see E. M. Stantnn.17-2t - FOR RENT Store Room on Hill Street, I. 0. O. F. Building, i'ee Car! Glldersleeve. WANTED CLEAN Cotton Rap.3 at The Leader Office. Mutt be Clean and Suitable for wiping ma-.hlnery. 3c. per pound. tf PROFESSIONAL C903 Dr. Ernest K.' Hal Dentist First National Bank Buildinu Phone 1106 Toledo, t!rs. INSURANCE FIRE, LIFE, HEALTH & ACC:c ;. AUTOMOBILE CONTRACTORS' LIABILITY C. K. CROSNO, Toledo, Oregon Office In First N. B. Bldg. ENGINEERING WORK Professional Engineer In the Stat of Oregon. Topography work, Civ Engineering and Sub-Division worl A. J. McMillan, Toledo. Oregon FOWLER'S RESTAURANT Hill St., , Toledo, Oregon Ask about our $1.60 PER DAY RATES Best established eating place In Lincoln County E. J. FOWLER, Prop. TOLEDO LODGE NO. 108, I. O. O. f meets every Wedneoday evenin Visiting Brothers always V lonu I. B. W'swell, H. Pa -I O'li'i've, f . . ..tar;