MOODY A surprise birthday party was given on Alfred Tangen at his home last Monday evening, June 12th. The venlng wag spent In games and cards and at a late hour the birthday cake shining with 20 candles was cut by were served. Those present were: Alfred and ice cream and strayberries Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Blower and son. "J, i'ii. una mrs. z.eo Islower and 1 e:l11 "unoys. children, Anna and Joe, Virginia Stev-! AVI,at thl remedy has done in so ens, Torhild Brauti, Carl Tangen, Mr.!manr cases of thl kinl is the best aiiic isngen and uiara Stevenii Misses Huth ond Torhild Rr.inti brother, Erllng, spent Sunday at th f ralelully glven Dy a reslent of this Tangen home. 7 I locality: An annual school meeting was holdLA- A' Crowder. 203 Ash St., Dallas, at the Moody school house In district ?re'' Says: " had kldl?ey comPlalnt No. 15, Monday evening at 7--0 n m ' r 80ms tlme ani euffered wltn severe New officers were elected as' follows'' lpai,n8 ln my back' 11 hurt me t0 Btoop Cecil Blower, director, Carl TanEeAa Jmy-'dneys acted lrref?u:arly- 1 Clerk; a teacher was employed I read f(DT" .Kldn,ey P'1U and lJley Miss Margaret Ralston closed her !pr?ved ' be what t needea ,or 6ftcr school at Moody. June 12th with a U8lng hem my kid,ieys flre pat ,n program and picnic in the woods A S?.d, t , , large crowd attended. ' I Prlce b0c" at a" deal,!rs- Dn Mrs. Julia Christiansen spent the ! ni j ii . ' 1 . l. "IB c.u iniiniB Ui iHra came ran gen's at Moody. Carl Tangen has been sawing wood the laHt few days at Brautis. A surpdice party was given on-Tor-hlld Brauti Monday afternoon at her home below Moody. Those present were: Bessie lavenport, Mary An drew,, Anna and Joe Blower, Airred Tangen. Lunch was served at the closing hour. GLEN Mrs. Julius Bugn. and two children and her father, Mr. Drue, arrived here from Chicago last Saturday. Mr. Drue returned to Chicago Tuesday going via Vancouver, a. v. ,w ... T , , ..... . .,,,, ware guests of Mr. and Mrs. T ncn Sunday. PtlTn eT Mn nnrl M n I til. I L. Bohan- E. C. Wjilcox came In from the Peak the first of the' week for a visit with Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Aplet. C. W. Br6wn went to Toledo on business Monday. W. R. Moore came home from Mill Creek Sunday. Charley Meyers and Dorcey Roches ter came up from Elk City last Friday for a visit with Nathan Watkin'e. Mrs. T. L. Bohannon came home from Toledo Saturday where she took teacher's examination. Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Moore are the grandparents of an eight pound boy, born to Mr. and Mrs. Alva Moore on Mill Creek. Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Brown and enn dren attended a birthday party at N. L. Grants at Harlan Saturday night. NORTH BEAVER Mrs. J. M. Bowers and Mrs. C. W. Lewis were gue.s of Mr3. Hy G. Ilhoades Tuesday afternoon. Mrs. A. Peterson and daughter, Edith and Josephine, were guests of Mrs. Joe Kohler and family Wednes day afternoon. II. G. Rlioades and daughters, Al etha and Alpha, A. Peterson and Gene Cook were trading iu Yaqulna and Newport Thursday. Mr3. I. N. Huyett returned home Thursday after a week's visit with Mrs. K. D. Martin and family. Mrs. C. W. Lewis departed Thurs day enroute for Corvaliis, stopping a few days In Newport. Mary and Charles Smith were call ers at the Peterson home Friday even ing. Floyd Rhoades spent the week end with home folks. Joe. Wildfong spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. A. Zeek and family. Mary and Charley Smith were call ers nt the Wolkitu home Sunday. Mrs. Joe Kchler departed Monday for Marshfield where she will visit her daughter. II. G. Rhoades and A. R. Zeek made a business trip to Yaquina Monday. Miss Hope Wolkau irom Ona is spending a few days this week with Mary Smith. Lloyd Lewis and Adolph Peterson were callers at the Rhoades home Monday evening. ';wiMvj pHONE At this season you may find it difficult to get a variety for the table. CALL US UP We carry everything in Groceries, Fruit and Vege tables. Complete line of Canned Goods and Dried Fruits. Fresh Fruits and Vegetables. Everything in Good Gro ceries. When you buy your Groceries here you get the Good Quality you want at a price you can .afford to pay. GILDERSLEEVE'S GROCERY 1 USE PACIFIC STUMP POWDER TO CLEAR UP YOUR LAND 135 STICKS TO THE BOX Free Literature on How to Use It at PATRONIZE YOUR HOME HARDWARE FIRST " ANY THING WE HAVEN'T GOT WE WILL ORDFR FOR YOU TRf IT ONCE Sherwood & Haydens A. Clay Nichols Pool&Billard Hall A high class line of cigars, tobaccos, candies. We also have the best soda fountain in town, mixed .rinks of all kinds served. Take a carton of ice cream 'lomo with you. . "THE COOL'IST PLACE IN TOWN." "SERVICF l-i OUR MOTTO" yHMWWW'4Mrt1l'ir1rtiff1fM4rtr ; your kidneys Toledo residents must learn the im portance of keop:ng them well. Perfect health means that every or gan of the bedy is performing its func tions properly. Perfect health cannot 'so enjoyed .i the kidneys are weak and dlsoir.ered. ir.ou3auds testify that Dean's Kid- p1! a revivins action on prou101113mo.1t. Read .the following. It's testhrony ! " p' "! lur reuleu'ei P:an s Kidney Pills the same that an's Kidney Pills the same that Mr. Crowder had. Foster Milburn Co., Mfrs., Buffalo, N. Y. NOTICE TO BIDDERS Bids will be received up until the hour of six o'clock on the evening of July 3d, 1922, for the following pro posed work: The construction of a dam across Mill Creek, as a part of the Municipal Water System. Plans and specifications may1 . be seen at the office of City Recorder. A certified check for at least ten per cent of the amount bid must company the proposal. All proposals must be presented un-1 1 i . -, i....nM i iici fieaii-u turci iu mc majvi auu ,ritv f-nunrll flf the Cltv nf Toledo, and must be endorsed, "PROPOSALS FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF DAM." By order of the Common Council. GEO. W. ANDREWS, City Recorder. 18-2t ' YOUR EYES ACCURATELY FITTED By GRADUATE OPTOMETRIST Private Office for Examinations 1 Prices Reasonable F. M. French & Sons Optometrists and Optician! Albr.ny, Oregon Have Your Soles Seved on. Prices Reasonable Mail Orders, Promptly At tended to. ' DICK WENNER & SON Shoe machine repair shop NewDort Oregon GEO. LiCKEY piXALL SHOP REPAIRS- Shoes, Boots, Clocks, Watches, Umbrellas, Pans, Buckets, Tubs, Boilers, Flashlights, Cut Agates, Sharpen Shears, Knives. Repair all kinds of things Don't throw anything away, Come In ar.d see us. Furniture Repalr- ed. 22Q2 y X f' LINCOLN COUNTY LEADER, TOLEDO, OREGON, THURSDAY, JUNE 29th, NOTICE OF PROPOSED 8TREET IMPROVEMENT WOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Common Council of the City of Toledo, heretofore and on the May 22nd, 1922, passed a resolution de c'aring its intention of making the following improvement in Slid City: That portion of 4th St. between the North side of the Intersection of Hill St., and the North sido of the inter section of Grove St., be planked a width of 16 ft. through the center ana on the official grade. Said resolution further provided that said improvement be made at the expense of the owners of adjacent property which property is described as follows: Lots 7, 8, West of Lot 9, in block 12 Grahams 4th Add. to the City of Toledo and owned by A. T. Peterson. Lots 10, and the North of lot 9, Block 12, in Grahams 4th Add. to the City of Toledo, owned by Lee Wade Estate. Lots 11 & 12 block 12 In Graharr-s 4th Add. to the City of Toledo, and owned by Bert Smith. Lot 8 Block 9 Grahams 4th Add to the City of Toledo and owned by the Episcopal Church. Lot 1 block 8 Grahams 4'h Add to the City of ToWo, and owned by Lee Wade Estate. North Mi fo Lot 6 Block 6 Grahams 4th add to the City of Toledo and owned by the City of Toledo. AVest of Lot 6 Block 6 Grahams 4th add to the City of Toledo and owned by the Olson Estate. Lots 4 and 5 Block 0 Grahams 4th ac-!dd to the City of Toledo and owned j"y Leo Bateman. L"1 3 In block 6 Grahams Add to thp Citv nt Tnlpiln And nwneri hv P. - r reaencK. Lots 1 and 2 Block 6 Grahcms 4th Add to the City of Toledo and owned by the First National Bank. Any owner of property herein above described objecting to said improve ment shall file a written remon strance to the same with the City Re corder, on or before the 10th day of July, 1922. This notice Is given by order of the Common Council of the City of To ledo, Lincoln County, Oregon. GEO. W. ANDREWS, City Recorder. 18-2t NOTICE OF PROPOSED STREET IMPROVEMENT NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE Common Council of the City of Toledo, heretofore and on the 22nd day of May, 1922, passed a resolution declaring its intention of making the following improvement in the City: Graveling that portion of 6th Street between the S. P. right of way and the South side of the Intersection of 5th and Hill Street. Said resolution further provides that the said improvement be made at the expense of the owners of adjacent property which property is particular - ly described as follows. Lots 1 and 2 block 13 Grahams Add to the City of Toledo owned by J. S. Akin. Lot 6 and 7 Block 14 Grahams Add to the City of Toledo, owned by V, Thiel. Lot 8 Block 14 Graham Add to the City of Toledo owned by Vera Ross. Any owner of property hereinabove objecting to said improvement shall file a written remonstrance to :n'. same with the City Recorder on or before the 10th day of July, 1922. This notice Is given by order of the Comnion Council of the City of Tole- do, Lincoln County, Oregon. GEO. W. ANDREWS, City Recorder. 18-2t NOTICE TO CREDITORS 1 In the County Court of the State of Oregon, for Lincoln County In the Mutter of the Estate of Wil liam Dick, Deceased. The Undersigned having been ap pointed by the County Court of the State of Oregon, for Lincoln County, Administrator of the estate of Wil liam Dick deceased, and having qual ified, notice is hereby given to the creditors of, and all persons having claims against said deceased, to pre sent them, verified as required by law, within six months after the first qublicatlon of this notice to said Ad ministrator at his residence at Sher idan, Oregon, or be forever barred. P. A. THOMAS. Administrator of the estate of Wil liam Dick deceased. First published and dated June 15th 1922. Otto W. Holder, Attorney for Estate Sheridan, Oregon. l7-5t SUMMONS In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Lincoln County. Thomas Holman, Plaintiff, vs. C. J. Dillon and Elizabeth Dillon his wife, also all other persons or par ties unitnewn claiming any right, title, lien, Interest or estate in the real estate described in plaintiff's conv plaint, Defendants. To C. J. Dillon and Elizabeth Dil lon, his wife, also all other persons or panics unitnown claiming any rlnht. ; title, lien, interest or estttn In tho ;lni'o d 'scribed In plaintiff's complaint ner. .. tne above named defendants: In the Name of the State of Oregon; Vnii and each of you are summoned rid required to appear and answer ti.e complaint of the plaintiff horeln, and now on file in the office of County Clerk of Lincoln County, Oregon, on or before the date of the laBt publica tion of this summons, to-wlt: on or b'-fore the 27th day of July, 1922; and vtiu and each of you are heroby noti fied thnt if you fail to so appaar and I answer said complaint, as herein re quired, for want thereof, the plain- tilT will apply to the above entitled Court for the relief demanded In plaintiff's complaint, namely; for a di e roe that plaintiff Is the owner In eo simple o! the following described il properly s!iuated ln Lincoln County, Oregon, to-wlt: Lot ;x in niock tne, Cottaga Block, i Nye Thompson s Addition to New- hxirt; Anl that all adverse claimo of r.n'd 'id , i s, and each of theni, n . y m.1 del; ruined by said decree; thut t,:id ' The Ford Runabout is a Runabout in reality a regular business messenger, solving the question of economical and quick transporta tion. The Contractor, Builder, Traveling Salesman, Collector, Solicitor, all find the Ford Runabout the most convenient as well as the most economical among motor cars. Low in purchase price, cost of operation, and low in cost of maintenance. Durable in service, and useful every day in the year. We solicit your order for one or more. We ask your patronage in the repair of your car, assuring you of genuine Ford Parts, skilled workmen, reasonable prices. We know we can satisfy your wants of motor accessories. i defendants, and each of them, by said decree, be declared and adjudged to have no right, title, lien, estate oi interest, in or to said lands above described, or any part thereof; that the said defendants, and each of them, be forever barred and enjoined from assorting any cluim adverse to the plaintiff's claim, and for such other and further relief as may appuar equit able and just. This summons is published in the Lincoln County Leader, once a week for b!x consecutive and successive weeks, beginning with the issue ot : June 15th, 1922, and ending with the issue or July z i tr, iva, unuer unu iu ' pursuance of the directions contained (in an order made by the Hon. C. W. James, County Judge of Lincoln .County. Oregon, on the 12th day or 'June, 1922 O. B. McCLUSKHV, Attorney for Plaintiff. P. O. Address Toledo, Oregon. SUMMONS In tho Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Lincoln County. S C Brassfi.-ld and Jessla M. Brassfield, Plaintiffs, I vs. Lewis F. Walters, Defendant. To Lewis F. Walters, the abov. 'named dafendant: iln the Name of the State of Oregon v horoh vomilrofl tn snoofir land answer the complaint of plaintiffs !fii, vn In tlin above entitled ...I. v,r- the ovnimtinn nr six weeks from tho date of the first: The approving ual opinion of . Mas publication of this summons, and ir srs. Teal, Minor & Wiiifroo of I'oit ycu fail so to appearand answer, fm land, Oregon, will bo furnished the want thereof the plaintiffs will apply successful oiddc.. to the above entitled Court for the re-1 The Court reserves tho right to re lief demanded in their complaint, to-!ject any or all bids , wit: for a decree of this Court fore-1 CARL Gl LD ERSLbliAE, Hn-mir n certain morteaire executed; Clerk, Lincoln County, Oregon. lfi-4t by defendant, Lewis F. Walters, on the 11th day ot October, 1920, on the fol lowing described real property situat ed in Lincoln County, Oregon, to-wit: The south half of the north east quarter of section twenty-six in town ship nine south, range nine west of Willamette Meridian In Oregon, con taining 80 acres; And that the above described tract be sold by the Sheriff of Lincoln County, Oregon, as provided by law. i ju ui to ssitsiy tne amount 0UB """'2 ..... . ji j -?.Lr r n.rJ rrV; ,u, a"r,,D aerenuani, ana an per8u.. :..u. .b by, through or under you said ue- tendant. may be barred anu lore- closed of any estate, rignt, title lien endant. mar be .barred and lore or lnieresi in or 10 sum inui 5.fir premises or any part thereof, and for such other and further relief as may be equitable and just. This summons Is served upon you by publication ln acoerdance with an order by the Honorable C. W. James, County Judge of Lincoln County, Oregon,' which said order Is dated Juno 12th, 192?, and which requires that this summons be published In tne Lincoln County Leader for six con secutive and successive weeks be ginning with the Issue of June 15th, 1922, 'and ending with tho lesuo of July 27th, 1922. Q. B. JVTecijU artuj i , Attorney for plaintiffs. Postofflce Address: Toledo, Oregon. 17-7t NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Matter of the Estate of Michael Roddy, deceased. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the undersigned was appointed ad ministrator of the estate of Michael Roddy, deceased, by tho County Court of Lincoln County, Oregon, on the 5th day ot June, 1922, and has qualified. Ail persons having claims against said estate are hereby notified to pre sent their said claims to me duly ver ified, at my office In Toledo, Lincoln County, Oregon, within six months of the date of tho first publication of this notice. Dated and first published this 15th day of June, 1922. O. B. McCLUSKEY, Administrator of the Estate of Michael Roddy, deceased. 17-lt 1922. ?EE UNIVERSAL CAR . T. PETERSON Local Dealer Toledo, Oregon NOTICE OF BOND SALE Sealed bids will be received until the hour of 10 o'clock A. M. on tlio 6th day of July, 1922, and Immediately thereafter publically opened by the County Court of Lincoln County, Ore gon, for the purchase of bonds of said County Issued lor the building of per manent roails therein in the sum of sixty-three thousand dollars ($Oo,000) amo being in denominations of ?1000 each, dated July 1, 1U22, maturing us v,iiru.-u ti nit- $iu,o00 three years from date of is- $10,500 four years from date of is sue; 510,500 five years from dato or is sue; 310,500 six years from date ot is sue; $10,500 seven years from date ot is sue; $10,500 eight years from date of is sue; Said bonds to bear interest at tne rate of net to exceed six per cent (6';P ) per annum, payiblo semi-annually on the 1st days of January and July, principal unu lllieieai imjumu m Lulled S'.!ts gold coin of the present standard of value at the Flsoal Agency 'of the State of Oregon in New York City. fcaid bids must be unconditi mal and accompanied Dy a ceniiiau ciiec lor $1,000, and the successful bidder must bo prepared to take delivery within tell (1jV3 fr.nn d:i'e ot sele. NOTICE OF PROPOSED STREET IMPROVEMENT NOTICE is hereby given that the Common Council of the City of Toln do, heretofore and on the 22nd day of May, 1922.. pissed a resolution tie during Its intention of making thu following improvement In said cily: The planking of 2nd Street betwe.m Che intersection of 2nd und Hill Stroets to the Y and then extending .i ,,,, ,rt n, ,i, v inn uu ilia iihiu I'uii" w v" " " Ift. the planking to be laved on the o. de now established and to bo i6 ft. wide , .,,, f,,rthnr nrovides th the said Improvement bo made at the Q h) c of the BdJacent ' whJch rty l9 deacribe(1 property, which property as follows: Lots 7 & 8 block 5 Graham Add to the City of Toledo and owned by P. Frederick. Lot 9, Block 6 Graham add to the City of Toledo and owned by Grant Hart. Lots 10 & 11 Block 5 GraliamB add to the City of Toledo and owned by Lot 12 Block 6 Grahams add to the City of Toledo and owned by the Gust Olson Estate. Lot 8 Block 7 Grahams add to the City of Toledo owned by Alice Wlaugh. Lots 9 and 10 Block 7 Graham add to the City of Toledo owned by C. E. Hawkins. Lots 1 & 6 Block 1 original town of Toledo owned by T. P. Fish. Lot 6 Block 1 Original Town of To ledo owned by Mike Mackey. Lot 7 Block 1 Original Town of Toledo owned by the Gust Olson Es tate. Lots 1, 2, & 8 Block 2, original Town of Toledo owned by Mrs. Alice Waugh. Lot 4 Block 2 original town of To ledo owned by Mrs. Mable Simpson. Any owner of property hereinabove described objecting to said improve ment yhall file a written remonstrance to the same with the City Recorder, on or before the 10th day of July, 1922. This notice Is given by ordor of the Common Council of the City of Toledo, Lincoln County, Oregon. GEO. ANDREWS. City Recorder. 18-2t PACE THREE 53 NOTICE OF BOND SALE Sealed bids will be received until tho hour of ten o'clock A. M. on the tith day of July, 1922, and immediately thereafter publicly opened by the County Court of Lincoln County, Ore- pon for tho purchase of bonds of said County issued for the building of per manent roads therein in the Bum of .Two Hundred Forty-three Thousand Two Hundred Forty (213,210) Dollars, same being in denominations of $1000 niich. exient ten of said bonds which ure in denominations ot $,ii.uu eacn. dated September i, ivzl, maturing as follows, towlt: $24,324 fivo years from date of issue; $24,324 six years from dato of issue; $24,324 seven years from date of issue; $24,324 eight years from date of issue; $24,324 nine years from date of Ishu; $24,224 ton years from date of issuo; $24,224 eleven years from date of Issue; $21,324 twelve years from date of Issue; $24,324 tlilrtoon years from date of iu.nio; :i:.'4 fourteen years from dato of issue; fiuld bonds to bear interest nt the rMo of not to exceed six p-r cent (fi) tier milium, payable semi-annually on ti.o 1st day9 of Novembor and May, principal and Interest pnyublo In I n i ted States gom com of the present standard of value at the Klsca'. Agency of the State of Oregon In New York City. Said bids must bo unconditional and accompanied by a certified chock for $1,100, and the successful bidder must bo prepared to take delivery within ten days from date of sale. The approving legal oplon of Messrs. Teal, Minor & Winfre of Portland, Oregon, will be furnished the success ful bidder. Tho Court roserves the right to re ject any or all bids. CARL GILDERSLEEVE, Clerk, Lincoln County, Oregon. 16-4t NOTICE OF PROPOSED STREET IMPROVEMENT NOTICE is hereby given that the Common Council of the City of Toledo, heretofore and on the 22nd y of May L'.izz, passed a lesoiuuon aecinnng us intention of making the following Im provement In said city. The grading ot Stanton St. between the Intersection of Stanton and 2nd Street and the Intersection ot Stanton and 4th street and the planking ot said portion of suid Btreet a width ot S ft. Said resolution further provides that the Bald Improvement be made at the expense of the owners of adjacent property, which property is particular ly doscribed as follows. Lot 7 Block 4 Stantons Add to the City of Toledo owned by the City ot Toledo. Lot 6 Block 4 Stantons Add to the City of Toledo, owned by Lots 6 and 7 Block 9 Stantons Add to the City of Toledo, owned by O. B. McCluskey. Lot 1 Block 8 Stantons Add to the City of Toledo, owned by Lester Enos. Lot 12 Block 8 Stantons Add to the City of Toledo, owne by J. Turnldge. 'Lot 1 Block 5 Stantons Add to the City of Toledo, owned by City of Tole do. Lot 12 Block 5 Stantons add to the City of Toledo owned by City of To ledo. Any owner of property hereinabove described objecting to said Improve ment shall file a written remonstrance to the same with the City Recorder, on or before the 10th day of July, 1922. This notice Is given by order of th Common Council of the City of To ledo, Lincoln County, Oregon. GEO. ANDREWS, City Recorder. 18-2$.