-I OFFICIAL PAPER of LINCOLN COUNTY LINCOLN COUNTY LEADER LARGE8T CIRCULATION In LINCOLN COUNTY VOLUME 30 TOLEDO, LINCOLN COUNTY, OREGON, THURSDAY, JUNE 8, 1922. NUMBER 16 ROAD PROJECTS PROVIDED FOR THIS COUNTY Court Commissioners at Meeting With State Highway Board Get Promise of State and Fed eral Aid on New Highways. All-Year Highway Between To ledo, Newport and Tillamook City; Project to Cost in Neigh, borhood of $500,000. Portland, June 2 The Lincoln county court came and saw and conquered. County Judge James and County Commissioners Dunn and Warren will leave for home tonight, having been granted an they asked for In road matters. At a conference la the court house this morning with the sUite highway commission, United St?.tes DiBtrlct Forester Cecil. United States District Engineerr Purcell of Bureau of public roads and the Lincoln county court, two badly needed road projects were settled. 'Lincoln county Is without funds to do the work that Is greatly needed, but with promised state and federal aid, these highways will be hurird to completion. Work to Proceed. In the matter of the Neskowln-Sal-mon river forest project, it was de cided to go abend with the construe tion in Tillamook county through the forest reserve to Devils lake, in Lin coln county. Next year, It was de cided today, to continue the road work from Devils laka to a crossing of the Siletz river. This will give an all year highwa) between Toledo, Newport and Tilla mook City, a boon coast residents have been proymg for for more than a generation. The project will cost about $500,000, Lincoln county to pay $120,000, the rest to be paid by 'he state and fed eral government. The matter of the Alsea proejet was also taken up UiIb morning. This road is between Corvallls and Wlaldport by way of Alsea and Tidewater. - The section discussed this morning is the twenty-eight-mile stretch within the forest reserve. This project has been under con struction for several years. This year It wiil be worked from Tidewater to Waldport at a coat of $150,000 county, state and federal governrment ach to gtve $50,000. Contracts submitted yertesday for (Continued on Page Six) Prizes Offered Boys and Girls In Jersey Club Committee Appointed to Ar range Excellent List 0f Prizes to Be Awarded at Fair This Fall; Club Picnic Planned. A committee consisting of L. A. Wu'burt. H. R. Hartley and County Agent Cooter, met lat week and ar ranged prizes to be offered at the County Fair this year to Calf Club members. $75 in prizes offered by , the American Jersey Cat'.le Club to clubs with a membership of 20 having been socured by the local club, has been arranged; four classes of oalvcs, junior and senior yeaifllngs, junior and senior calves being made. Five -awards will be made to each claps for best calveB 'as follows: First $7.00; 2nd, $6.00; 3rd, $3.00; lit, $2.00; 5th. $1.00. Lincoln County Bank prizes total $40.00, and will be awarded in two classes; 1st, to club members between the ages of nine and twelve, and 2nd, to members 13 to 19 Inclusive. Four "prizes are offered in each class, Is $8.00; 2nd'. 6.00; 3rd, $4.00; 4th, $2.00. The Club members in each el'iss will be required to Judge a clnss of calves, and the prizes will be awarded to the youngsters showing the most pro ticlency in this Judging contest. Be tween the, present writing and the Fair members of the club will be in structed in Judging work so that they will have some knowledge upon which to base their decisions at the time ot the Fair. Special Prizes Also Offered The following! special prizes will he offered to club members as follows: The best fitted calf, $6.00; The beat shown calf, $6.00; A prize of $2.0 will be offered for the calves excell ing in the 5 "bl lowing qualifications, best udder Jtieve'.opment, best dairy capacity best hide and hair, best head, best tijp line,. AH club members will be urged u. nttond the Jersey Picnic to be held on the fjrm' of L. A. Hulburt, June 24th, at whloh time they will have an opportunity to get some excellent training in judging. The main idea of the Calf Club' work is one of educa tion and those Interested In the local club are anxious and determined to stress this feature. COUNTY COURT TURNS DOWN TWO BRIDGE BIDS The county court at a special ses sion Wednesday held for the purpose of receiving and opening bids for bridge construction Drift Creek and I a bridge on Wlolfe creek near Taft, was compelled to turn down all bids i received because of the fact that they exceeded the estimates. Bids for the construction of two bridges on Drift creek were received as follows: Pepin & Pepin of Newport, I '$3525.00; Otis Hamer of Nashville, I $3C50.00. For the Wolfo bridge, near Taft, the bid of Pepin & Pepin was , $780 while the bid of Otis Hamer was ' $645. Commencement Exercises to be Held .Tonight Five Younj; Ladies Will Receive Diplomas as Result of Four Years Work in High School. High school diplomas will be pre sented to the graduating class of the j Toledo High school at the school gym tonight when the annual commence ment exercises of te school will be . held. The graduating class consists of ! five young ladies. They are Nellie Peterson, Carrie Wfade, Edith Young, .Rose Qwynn and Helen Huffman. . Dean Straub of O. A. C. will deliver I the address to the graduates while O. D. McCluskey will present the dl Iplomas. The program, in fu'.l, is as I follows: March Orchestra. Invocation Rev. Cain Piano Solo ''II Trovatore Nellie Peterson Valedictory "I am an American" Edith Young Song Mies Davies Address Dean Straub Music Orchestra iPresentation of Diplomas ..' G. B. MoCluskey Music Orchestra B'.nediction Rev. Cain Goats Necessary If Population Is To Be Increased Wea'thy Chicago Man Urges Wide Breeding of Hollow Horned Ruminants; No Goats No Babies, He Says. DELEVAN LAKE, Wis., June 6 Preparing for the next 100,000,000 In crease of the United States population who he predicts will bring a demand for more goats than can be raised, Chas.-A. Stevens,, wealthy Chicago business man is breeding the Cinder ella of the American barn yard. Mr. btevens plans to invite distinguished visitors to a goat auction on his estate at his fashionable summer resort June 24, at which time he will dispose of a herd to twelve other persons who are also starting ln to develop goats' for their miilk. These twelve also are said to be wealthy. The auction Is not confined to these twelve but no other bids are expected. The invited guests will include railroad officers who have charge of agricultural promotion on their lines. president of leading agricultural col leges, prominent physicians, includ ing baby specialists, together with officials of infant welfare organisa tions, sanitariums, and kindred Insti tutions and agencies. The sale will afford opportunity for the study of milk goats and methods of breeding. irar. sevens, according to his own account, started his first herd three years ago with three does, utilizing an old horse and carriage stable. He learned, e said, that the supply tn pure Drsa floes had become made- qquate to meet emends. "Lnst fall herdsmen appeared on the scene very determined to buy five of my does, and offered a very high price, giving me the privilege of selecting them. i declined the offer for two reasons: I would have been robbing him bad I accepted the offer, and I had no doeB for sale. I asked the herdsman whom he represented and he declin ed to give the name, saying that he had te money to pay for them and wanted to take them with him Ga zette-Times. G. H. HORSFALL IS VISITOR IN TOLEDO G. H. Horsfnll of Norfons, Demo, erotic candidate for sheriff, was a To ledo business visitor Wednesday. Mr. Natrons called at the Leader office I while here and, while we do not agree with him in politics, we must admit that he has the appearance of being a man that would serve the public In an excellent manner and there is but little doubt ln our minds that he has the ability to be a sheriff that would strike fear to the hearts of those that some times stsp from the straight and narrow. Mr. Horsfall stated that he had no fight with any one but would seek the office of sher iff on a platform pledged to bring the criminal and moonshiner ' to justice. Olcolt Supporter Resigns Position In State Service Claims Governor Played Petty Politics In Removing C, t. Gates as Member of State Fair Board. Removal Is Claimed to Be Di rect Insult to Citizenship of Oregon and Will Be Acceptes As Such. SALEM, Or.; June 2. Governor Oi cott Thursday received the resigna tion of Bert Anderson of Medford aB' a member of the state game commis sion, effective at the governor's ear liest convenience. , in his letter Anderson ascribes the governor's summary removal of C. B. Gates as a member of the state fair board as the reason for his action. I Mr." Anderson expressed regret at the necessity for severerag his con nection with the state game commis sion, declaring that "I do not feel that I care to have my fraedom of action hampered by being connected with an administration that sees fit to play pilltlcs with the reputation and stand ing of one of southern Oregon's best known and best loved citizens." Anderson's letter of resignation follows: '1 hereby respectfully tender my resignation as a member of the state game commission, to take effect at your garliest convenience, i 'This action is prompted by learning through the press that you have re moved Charles E. Gates, mayor of Medford, from the state board of fair directors. "A courteous letter from you asking for Mayor Gates' resignation would have been of small importance and ' would have received no criticism from myself or other citizens of southern Oregon, but a summary removal, coup led with the press statement that ."this action is taken under the pro visions of section 4043, Oregon laws, for the good of the service. Is quite a' different matter. "When my mind drifts back over !the cast six eventful Year that ! Charles Gates has been mayor of the city of Medford, this statement herald ed broadcast over the state, that he I has been removed 'for the good of the service' arouses within me a profound resentment. When I recall the unself- Contlnued on Page Six. Poultrymen Have Future Plans for Egg Production A. F. Grable, known as one of Lin coln County's pioneer poultrymen, Is j certainly having phenomenal success I in raising his chicks this year. About his brooder yards he now has some 1600 baby chicks varying ln age from jone to six weeks. Figuring losses .from all of these clcks to date his losses have amounted) to but 1.7 per cent Mr. Gnable expects to have a thousand hens laying this fall and winter. Al Waugh lal building hlmaelf 1 a fine new poultry house on hl fanr in the uorth pan of town. Mr. Waugh is a fancier of the Oregons, n-J will be producing enough eggs to supply Toledo's requirements and nn-e dur ing the winter. National Jersey Week, June 5-10 June 5-10th Is National Jersey Week. This period has been set aside by sponsors and fanciers of Jersey cat tle as a time for each of us to lend a helping hand, drop a pleasing word to give your nearest neighbor, a gentle tip as to how, where when and why we should at least give an un prejudiced ear to Real Jersey History based primarily on facts and figures produced on national official tests now completed and made a par', of National Dairy History. Her primative homo on the Isle of Jersey in the English Channel, has iwith its mild climate, similar to that of Oregon, produced a breed of dairy ! cattle neat In form and gentle ln ap pearance, highly susceptable to kind treatment and good care and an anl ratal acknowledged to be , -the queen of the dairy breeds for production of I milk rich in fat, produced in any ell 'mate at a, minimum of cost. In all great tests for economy of production she has led the flock. , The Lincoln County Jersey Cattle Club Is anxious to assist you in any Jersey way and especially in securing more pure bred sire. The club also has an excellent win dow display ln the drug store window and will be glad to give out any de Blred Information on the Jersey breed. CONTRIBUTED. For beds, mattresses and springs, go to Colvin's. 16-tt Drastic Fight to Be Made Against , Coyoteand Bear Goat and Sheep Men Sart Bis Counter Attack but Will Need Reinforeemnt Frnm rhri , Interests. Number of Sheep and Goats Due to Depredations of Various . Preying Animals of County. . But few people realize the serious crisis now facing the small stock In dustry of Lincoln County. The de predations of animals, including the coyote, bear, and cougar, together with 1ftt vpnr'R h:rd w'ntor hivn nluoft the growers in precarious conditions, almost putting Borne of them out of business. Others have sold or are offering their flocks for sale. Bands of 300 or more have been reduced two It hlrds In spite of the increase during :the last two years. Only a very few kids were raised this year. The situa tion is serious and something must be :done and done quickly if this highly 'Important industry Is to bo saved to the country. There are hundreds of thousands of acres of Idle hill and brash land which offers excellent range (or goats and sheep, but to make it available the increase In the ravages of coyote, and bears partlcurly must be checked. As previously advertised a meetiw of the sheep and goat growers was called at Eddyville last Saturday and ln a big meeting there the growers de- cldedtomake one last determined tand and planned a year's campaign ?ucce- app...uon ot mr. nm thLn ,m.i imi Th Ings has just been prepared and has nnvnu. ninh w roaniroii wimoio, '.Cline being named President and Earl Woltin of Eddyville. Secretary. The following Board of Directors was nam- ed: Nashville, Rod Nash; Harlan, B. ,F. Grant; Chltwood, W. Trapp; Logs- ,den, W. J. Southwell; Salado. C. B. Arthur; Philomath, A. J. Brooks; Chltwood, I. J. Pepin; Pioneer, Qus Jacobson; Burnt Woods, C. A. Ros coe; Eddyville, Frank WU'.oughby; ToiedOi Ivan Kyniston. Membership (n to Club was set at $1.00 per year. and. the organisation committee ea oecially urges everybody interested send ln their one dollar membership; acnooi gym last fritiay evening, De- tlllery unit of the college military de ,this providing a fund to carry on the ore a crowd that lacked several seats ' partment. expense ot the campaign. f 'Ming the seating capacity. How-j The findings f Professor Horner On July 1st, Sdanly Jewett, of Pred- ever. the play was a success from all and this committee on repioductlon .atory Animal Department, or the U. S. angles and the pupils and Instructors of the fort were shown as a replica. Department of Agriculture, will come are to be congratulated In the pro- prepared by S. Maurice Ball accord ; into the County and assist the growers fesslonal-llke-manner In which the ing to information given by old timers jin a carefully organized campaign, comedy drama was presented. and from the lay of the land, 'aimed Darticularlv at the covote. I Curtis Chambers, taking the part The program was inspiring, held on In the meantime, the Club is plann- ing a number of big cooperative units in the districts wherein the bear and coyotes are doing the most damage at Dresent. The first of these hunts will I be held between Eddyville and Chit- wood In the Wilson Mountain terri- tory this coming Sunday. Any parties interested in cooperating in this hunt should eet in touch with Card Ed- wards, Nashville; I. J. Pepin, Chlt wood, and Wheeler Cline, Eddyville. o Big Coyote and Bear Hunt for Next Sunday Sportsmen Will Have All Oppor tunity in Weld to Get Real Thrills When Big Chase Starts Over Mountains. Any sportsman who would like to get Into a mighty Interesting chase next Sunday need only to get in touch with I. J. Popin, Chltwood, Carl Edwards, Nashville: or Wheeler Cline at Eddyville, and arrange to Join one m At ... Ing drive on Wilson Mountain. This hunt is a part of the recently organ - " v.ujuio vruus pians ia euiiiuime the coyote. A prize of $25 has been placed on each coyote's scalp. The umy requirements is tnat tne prize winner be a member of the Coyote Club, (Dues $1.00 per year). A score of dogs and twice as many men will be in on the chase the results of which will be announced in next week's paper.' HOME STRAWBERRIES ' APPEAR ON MARKET : We had our firsrt taste of Toledo grown strawberries last Saturday when Mr. Miller, living in Run Bottom was thoughtful enough to present us with his firstpicked of the season. To say that the berries were fine Is putting it mlld- they- were simply dollcious and we ' are exceedingly grateful to MJr. Miller.- Local grown berries can now b had, although the price is a little steep, nevertheless, they are worth the money, considering the price of shipped in berries and the great dif ference in flavor. Mrs. Jim Galther and hor son Ter - rauce, rnveu in loieao wouneaaay on the afternoon train from Corvallls. Terrance is a graduate of the O. A. C. at that place. Mrs. Galther attended the graduating exercises. ot tne parties which will leave the;llbg produced 1000 pounds of butter communities mentioned on a center- ... , fw mnmwutlve vears. She "MICKIE," THE NOTED PRINTERS DEVIL, IS NOW PART OF FORCE "MIckle," the printers devil. Is now a part of the force in the Leader of fice, and will fill his portion of space in these columns tn the future, Mickie is a popular fellow in the homes that are supplied by the weekly pape.'s of the country. Mother, Dad, and all the kiddles are always Interested in what tn19 11 tle country oevi. ia aomg. Mlckie is making his ifrst appear- ance in this issue of the Leader on page five. County Agent Helps Veterans Get Federal Aid Linco'n County . Boys to Get Federal Aid in Training:! Themselves to Be Scientific CoPm... j nlrumiiM Farmers and Dairymen. . . . , 7T . u ,, Three Lincoln County boys, Frank Wade of Siletz Vinton Jones of Ot- d'v"'e' have been assisted in qualify - ng for training on their own farms by1.CutjrxAKeAnJt Coot.er , .1, asked by Mr. Adams in charge of this w,ork ln Jincoln,1Co"nty t0, t,Ct f" Ti!'; The applications of Mr. Wade f ftnd Mr- J,one?f 5ter ?k have been approved and the boys have Mly '"r ted work on their projects whtf.h are lmar. being combination ?u-try and berry units, Mr Wade alreadv con9,t.f,d ,hs br""r r T. I , , Z with which ho Is haying exceptional been submitted for approval. He ex..dan. tnen . ... iiB,nn. nH hi. P1f,ct8 to Pee a d"lry 'arm Through '"'8 cooperative arrangement the vet- eran" who .1ua,,fy for th' fining a'e glv? Py the. same as those who can ava" themselves of similar training " our educational insti utlons Mr. r, . ' "V rn ai OI rcr. A. . UraDle OI lO.eOO. piipil Q AJIM APPl ai ice 1-uriLO VV IN evJ;'J-Yot IN SCHOOL PLAY i The nigh . school p.ay, "tj:rrence" towaa given by the senior class at the f Clarence, was an adorable heart smasher and had even the mald Del- casting dreamy eyes In his dlrec. tion, while "Cora Wheoler," played by Edith Young, created many a laugh as t"8 climaxes of the play developed.! J"8 vy naa nappy enuingi wnen Clarence choose p.s his favorite! among his many admirers, the wln- some little stenographer, "Violet i ruiney piayea Dy uarrie waae. I Addle Graham as Mr. Wheeler and I Nellie Peterson, his wife; Bobble Wheeler, played by Arthur Wade; Delia, the maid, by Roao Gwynn; Din widdle by Max Miofflt and Hubert Stem by James Chambers all acted their parts In a manner that requires much practice and competent Instruc tion. . ANOTHER PRIZE BULL IN OLALLA VALLEY Somo week ago we published an ar ticle telling of a valuable bull that is owned by the farmers of the Olalla valley. 'The Olalla valley has anothor bull ''Oonnns Golden Chief," the property of L. A. Hulbert, whose ancestry and i merce meeting to be held In the near relatives make him a prize to be!Cilanlber rooms on next Tuesday even valued. He is a brother o the world t inK. June 13. The meeting wus post- famous Jersey "Viva La France, who now holds two world's record She Is the only cow ln the world that WHO Id VMH 14l i i,m . ...m 'a rflcnrH fur Inncrnu.) :jaxatlon perlod m fir9t few years of! production. I ..-,,,. nM.n riiiof" u nln a br(tner of 01d Man's Darling, the Second," holding three-year-old record of world for butter fat production. He Is also the sire of the heifer we men tioned in these columns last week, owned by Chas. Miller. Mr. Hulburt also owns "Rosaline Brlgulna," the cow that milked 1600 pounds in May, the Bame cow that was given wide-spread publication ln dairy papers Hist year as a milk pro ducer. From general observations Lincoln county has a foundation for a pro ducer of real "lloyal Blood'' in the Jersey line. .... . , . DEPUTY CAPTURES MAN ' WANTED FOR LARCENY Deputy Sheriff MfcElwaln of this county made a trip to the Five Rivers country .last Friday and captured a man by the name of Henry Lergliman who was wanted In Sherman county for larceny. Mr. McElwaln took his prisoner to Portland Sunday and turn ed him over to Sheriff Chrlsnlan at (that place. We aro doing a big business taking orders for Tailored to measure Suits, and they are all one Price. 300 sain-1 pie. The Bootery. 16-1t OLD PIONEERS DEDICATE SITE OF FORT HOSKINS Two Thousand People Attend Ceremonies on Decoration Day Where Once Stood Old Fortress; Pioneers Differ With Uncle Sam as to Location: Nearly 2000 people gathered at the dedication ceremony on the exact spot where once stood old Fort Hoskins, 12 miles north of Corvallls, on . Tues day, May 30, and listened to a program featured by talks of early pioneers that furnished many happy memories nnd will perhaps prove of general his- trirln vnlim n..r,illn a tn r. . 1 ' t ......... h.wiuiiib IU 111, i.it.uiio Gazette-Times. Though Uncle Sam has officially lo cated Koi't Hsokins at) another point many miles distant, old settlers of the Hoskins vicinity know better, and stated that Lieutenant Phil Sheridan hl,m ,. Q . .,,. ,. . .. . accepted by Captan c. C.' Augur, and abandonod as an army post in 1868. ; Settlers of the vIcnlty , tnose days were present at tne ceremonies on Memorial TJay. and -were able to point out tne exact ,oeatlo of venl of t" buildings. The ceremonies were under the dir. ection of John B.-Horner, professor of hl9tory ot lne .Agrtcmtrai. college( who nng plored tne refflon and uncovered tne faBt diaappenring recordg of Ul8 fort whloh edural waf records say was at the Slleti agency, ,r" ml,os to 1118 weBt- The program consisted of addresses by speakers nnd talks by early pion eers who still remember Philip Sherl- 8Ucce8aor8 ln cowmand. MuPic was provided bv the collego cadet band, and mass singing of patriotic airs was led by Captntn Harry Deardi band dl. Tribute to the flag was read by RIr(! A. B Cordley reg0Ilt ot tne vallls u. A. R.. a new flag was pre- .pntod .), Hnatrln. Mmmnnlt. h iMiB8 Helen Humphrey for & group of college women, r.nd old glory was flung to the breeze on the exact spot where it floated for the ten years ot Indian supervision from this point. A salute of 21 guns was fired by the field ar- the exact spot where the commanding officer's house stood from the time it was erected in 1856 till after the fort was abandoned by the war department : (Continued on Page Six) Meeting Chamber Of Commerce Is Asain postponed Meeting Will Be Held Tuesday, June 13, to Enable Residents Here to Hear M. J. Duryea of Portland. M. J. Duryea secretary of the Or. ganizatlon and' Service depaitment of the Oregon Htate Chamber (.f Commerce, will ho the speaker at the twice-postponed Chamber of Com- poned from it Tuesdjy due1 to the .fftot tnat president McCluskey of the Chamber of Commerce, recelvod a let ter from Mr. Duryea that he would be hero on the former date. IMr. Duryea will also deliver an ad dress before the Community Club ax Newport on Wednesday evening, June 14. II a Is a speaker of considerable reputation and will have a message that will appeal to all public spirited citizens. He has been giving talks before commercial organisations all over the state of Or?gon during the past CO days. This has been done ln connection with his work as secretary of the ncw&y creatod "Orpanlxattin and Service Dept." of the State . or gunizatir.n. Mr. Duryea's visit here will be a profitable one for the people of the community and It Is to be hoped that the Chamber of Commerce rooms will bo packed to overflowing on the even ing of the meeting. The meeting will be called to order at 8 p.' m. MISS ESTHER0 COOLEY : . TO DEMONSTRATE HERE ' Miss Esther Coo'cy of O. A. C, Ex tension Service Depart tent, demon strator of dress makins and millinery will have classes ln Toledo June 19 nnd 20; Ona 21-22; Yacha'.s 23-24. All fnterested are asked to attend. Bring a bj-skot luncheon and tpend the day. Toledo Chamber of Couimorco school opens at 9 a. m. Home Economics Prolect Leader, Toledo, Oregon.. if L