pace two LINCOLN COUNTY LEADER, TOLEDO, OREGON, FRIDAY, MAY 19th, 1922 Local News PATTERSON VISITS YAQUINA Word comes from Yaquina that Lieut. Patterson was tliere on Monday looking into the possibilities as to how many men could be taken care of there by the Multnomah Box & Lum ber company that will soon start oper ations, according to reports. - Tanlac Is unquestionably the most widely talked of medicine in the world today and those who once use It Invariably buy It over and over again and tell their friends of the splendid results they have, derived from Its use. Tpledo Drug Co. 13-lt NICOLAI HOTEL SOLD C. E. Sheffield reports that B. Mer ger, of Portland, has purchased the Nicolal Hotel and will furnish it and have It open for the summer tourist trade. Yaquina Bay News. See the new Bon Ami oil stoves at Colvin's. .13Ht "Go to a friend for advice, n strang er for chalrity, and a relative for nothing," la a little piece of advice an ''old, timer" gave me years ago. Sunset J. C. Dixrn, merchant of Elk Citv was a business visitor in Toledo Thursday. James Hae of Newport was a busi ness visitor in Toledo" Thursday. Edw. Abbey and Lester Martin were visitors in Toledo Wednesday. o'tweaT''; Co0"?:' '""T fSwhW three I O. R. Altree, builder of barges for 'Seattle Dully Star. tne J. D. Kern rock quarry, left on the noon train Monday for Portland where he will visit several days with his family. .v.. .,. Ule gcnool expressed its E. L. Chalcraft, superintendent of i e "lanl' Mls Rounds eolo the Sileta agency, and daughter,. Hai-1 mucl1 appreciated, lie, arrived in Toledo Thursday. Mr. j Thomas Butler has been making uaicnui axienueu w Dusiness nere. quite an extensive trip through the while, Miss Hallie took the noon train Big and Little fiv i .1. for Seattle where she will visit with " 7, coun'ry ,n th ,n her brother who isi employed at the 1 or tne l,rll8e8 of Lincoln coun ty. .10 iiiurig a lavorumo and encour aging trip. Though an old man, Mr. Butler is one of the most progressive Bert Howe was a passenger for Elk City yesterday noon ou a fishing trip between trains. Tanlac Is the people's medicine and the people themselves have made It what it is. Toledo Drug Co. 13-lt For window shades ee Colvln. 13-H Mort Abbey of Newport was a Tole do business visitor Monday. Look over the new dress shirts and ties at Colvin's. .... When you get the Idea In your lioad that the world is against you It Is. CHITWOOD men m our community. Ho i ,. i def&tiguable worker, not only for the interests of his own community, but for the welfare of th entire county. At the regular meeting of the South side Improvement Club held May 6th, committee reported that in. almost every section of the county th senti ment was growing In favor of bridges and other county Improvements. Uncoio County has too long re mained in the background. people are- waking tip to the fact that "jthey wish to enjoy prosperity to For ranges, Colvln. cook stoves, etc, see 13-1t MOVIES TONIGHT HO U DIN I, the handcuff king In "TERROR ISLAND" a smash fng melodrama In six acts. It's a Paramount. Also a Pathe Comedy "The Straight Crook," 30c. and 10c. SATURDAY-SUNDAY WILLIAM S. HART, A man's man In "SAND", a v. 'stern Paramount drama. Alio, a Harold Lloyd oomedy "Pinched" 35c. and 10 cents. TUESDAY-WEDNEPDAY, May. 23 24, a riot of fun Carter Dehaven and wife In "TWIN BEDS" a 5-reel all comedy picture. . It's a scream. Also - a 2 reel Toonerville comedy with the old sailor who meets every train, making a 7 reel comedy show. 30c, 10c. THURSDAY-FRIDAY, May 25th and 26th -Dorothy Dalton In a Paramount drama "ROMANTIC ADVENTURESS" also a comedy, 30 cents and 10 cents. ..SATURDAY-SUNDAY, MAY 27-28 "THE SHEIK" with Rudolph Valen tlno and Agnes Ayres in the lead, a motion picture de luxe, an enthralling picture of tremendous heart appeal, with magnificent scenes and drama tie acting;, one of the greatest motion pltcures. An added attraction will be the aong "THE SHEIK" by Bert Geer. Herbert Kynlston of Toledo was a rn. h.H.. .-...- -j i 1 A iwrgo uumuer. ullruou uul, luT ulo Vli..,T u V:Jr: literary program Saturday night All '' . ,' I ithe numbers were well rendered and any extent and open up the county to ! the program was excellent in evsry I settlement, they must have good road w n tj - ff.'. Prtotor of the way. All here appreciate the work of 'and county officers who will work for W. C. Burcroff . Mercantile Co.. left Mihi V.Win whn hn Anna an mnph in lhA Int.i.nri. .t,x 7 on the noon train Mondav for Port-! n.. nto,rv on.iiv starts Thol.m.i i. . , county ... u wo "'".next program win De given saiuruay Jubilee. ' evening, May 27th. It will be short ' J and snappy. Cene Williams of Newport was &j MLss Emma Wilson went over to Toledo business visitor Monday. siletz last Monday morning. Miss Lydia Schleicher returned from a visit with friends In Salem, h,,.in,.. in i n in. . mesaay. wm.udoo .u kuhoiui imJUUay. .nh Homo- la ohil.l m fMllfnho. I trnn j ' vTL if, " . ""'ii man wis sec- His leg, which was broken recently, ition. John Stlger's strawberries and Royal Dunn returned to Burnt . getting better. Thomas Butler's English walnuts are Woods Monday noon after spending! The rock quarry on E. H. Stein- proof of the fact. Besides there are several days with his parents r.t Tole-! metz's place haa proven out to be 'small patches of all kinds of berries do. igood rock and It ia planned to go which are doing remarkably well I ahead and work it so forty or fifty! Now let us work together to build up men will Drobab'.y be needed to work the rnnntv hnglneer A. L. Porter and crew .i,0,. aru, I . rr m6c ... I , v... " - -vbw uiu will 111 i II t: II 1 11 II V npn. .Between sixty and seventy were out ! pie from the east who will make homes to the ball game Sunday. At the end i in Oregon. In looking for those homes of five Innings the score stood 9 to 9 ' they will naturally follow roads If (Chitwoad vs. Elk Eity. The Elk our roads are not eood nnrl i,01-' ,-, City folks had to leave for the train, (no bridges they will of course pass us i-1 Wo plan to start earlier next Sunday. I by. The natural resource- nf t Ma Ai,nf have not begun to be developed es pecially on the south gide of the Ya quina. Lumbering and dairy Interests have begun to operate, but compara tively speaking, almost nothing has been don In the fruit line; yet there i uo Deuer place in the state of Ore Come again Elk City. s:letz went up the line Monday noon to do road work. . All kinds of men's and boys' work clothing at Colvin's. 13-H D. J. Derby of Yaquina was a busi ness visitor In Toledo Wednesday. Dr. F. M. Carter, Agency Physician of Silotz was In Toledo Wednesday morning enroiKe to Newport on pro fessional business. Stop for brief Visit Mts. Carp P. nnhlrtH nnrt fMHrwn nrora In Pni-ual. Iln SiinHnv fnr hHnf viuit with friQrf ndersen, vlcerpresident, Otto Tangle- while enroute from Toledo, Lincoln man- secretary, Mary Alice BenselL County, where they passed several treasurer, Agnes Winkle, Janitor, Har weeks with relatives. They are to rv Downing. The next meeting will spend some time In Portland and that Be 11,6 flr?t FrWay after the public vicinity before returning to their school commences in September. The home in Montana. Corvallis Gazette- Community club is an auxiliary to the Times. , public-school. The' Club now numbers about forty active members. This O. B. MKlupkey and family motored society is a useful thing in any corn to the Siletz river last Sunday and niunity. All questions of interest and spent the day angling for speckled importance to the school or commun beauties. We cannot tell a lie, so you Ity are taken up and discussed at will have to ask "Mac'' a to the luck, these meetings. The members learn , ,,, . parliamentary rules, learn how to Mr. and Mm. P, Frederick and Mr. ,1, i,n withmit omhnrraR-.. and Mrs. P. N. Hayden motored to the ment and how u, conduct public meet Siletz on a fishing trip Thursday. . 1nea For the 1 ot this traininz and knowledge public' meetings in mnst rnmmunities are very fioorly A..nA ntrnlFH Tllla Iftl lUT 1 All IT O you get in a well conducted Commun ity club at very small cost. ' Dr. Danford, district superintendent visited Siletz on te 10th of May in 4 the interest of the Home mission of the Metnouist episcopal vnuren. n conducted the affairs of the mission in a most businesslike way and was well satisfied with the condition of the affairs of the church with the minish ter's salary and all other expenses paid up to date. A well conducted Sunday school and all church activi ties in a splendid condition. The min ister in charge, Rev. C. W. Pogue, is asking, and Is quite sure he will get t $5,000 to construct a community build- ing jusi ou uie t;tti aiuo ui tut? wimwi 1 building. In this building will be a '. library room, eleetric lights and a cooking and dining rooms and a radio ' phone, which will be up to date and ! a great blessing to the Indian Mission of Siletz. The church is taking grei. interest in the welfare and prosperity of the Indians of Siletz as well as en ' interest In all of the Indians of 'the ! United States. The Indians aro now Increasing instead of decreasing a ! Jformerlyi, especially the mixed bloods. ' Dnrwin Watts was convisted in the it s niiiri-. last, week for having a ! Ktlll in his Dossession and some tnoon Bhine that ho had made hlmseir. Juage Wolverton sentenced Watts to serve fmir months ill iail and a $100 fine, Tim rnnviftlmi was secured by the . vigilance of Supt. E. L. Chalcraft and rv.iu:v RliprmT .less Daniels. If a person violates the law and is punish' 4? . ed for it he should not complain. , 1 m I siiniT u na vlsltpd bv a number of .commercial men headed by Thomas Colinan and, a delegation of citizens V from Toledo aud Newport. Among thq Newport visitors were E. J. Ab- bey, Lester Martln and Joseph Patter ; ; large dallies, and Chas. L. Baker, can . . son, newspaper correspondent for the " didate on the Republican ticket for I! eherilT, Ira Wilde, Ted McElwaln and W. II. Tindall also a candidate for I ; sheriff on the Republican ticket from ! ! Toledo. These two gentlemen Tin- il ill mid Baker are making a can- J ass among the people In their candi dacy. The Primary election will soon be here and these candidates will soon know their fates. Deputy Sheriff Mc Elwaln is distributing the ballot boxes this week. Profit By Great Reductions East Through California ROUND TRIP 8UMMER TOURIST TICKETS BTg jeqo)30 ?iuin ujniOH ?STS isnSnv oi S3 BIB nO Liberal Stopover Privileges "HIGH POINTS" ON THE, WAY The Glorious Siskiyous Majestic Mt. Shasta ' . ' The Rugged' Sierras "PLEASURE PLACES" YOU MUST SEE San Franc!sco World famous city tat " 'tis hard to leave." liM Angeles Wonder city and noted tourist center. San Diego iRomantic city "Where Caljffornla began.". Three National Parks Yosemita Sequoia General Grant, Scores of Charming Seashore and Mountain Resorts. For fares, sleeping oar reservations or beautiful folders ask any agent, or write Southern Pacific Lines JOHN M. SCOTT, General Passenger Agent win. Glison and Harry Clark of Southside accompainled by representa tives from Toledo aad Siletz made a trip to Newport last week. Thfl oh. The Community club at Its l ist iject of the trip being to foster a more meeting Tridny evening, May. 12th, i friendly and co-operative feeling be eiected the following officers for the tween the different sections of the ensuing year: President Mrs. Maurice county. The people of Newport met Surplus Army Goods AT United Army Stores WOOL O. D. ARMY BLANKETS $2 95 ARMY WOOL SWEATERS '."..'. -2J5 WOOL SLIP-ON SWEATERS 100 ARMY WOOL SOX 25c to 50c O. D. SHIRTS 2.75 OVERALLS l!oo REGULATION ARMY SHIRTS (OFFICERS') .. 3.00 KHAKI SHIRTS '. 1.00 WORK SHIRTS 1.00 O. D. REGULATION BREECHES (RECLAIMED) 1.75 O. D. REGULATION BREECHES (NEW) 3.50 to 4.50 KHAKI ARMY BREECHES (RECLAIMED) 1.00 KHAKI BREECHES (NEW).....' 3.25 ARMY O. D. WOOL COATS 1.50 OFFICERS' ALL-LEATHER PUTTEES 5.25 RUBBER HIP BOOTS (NEW) ...J 3.85 UNCLE SAM WATCH 1.15 REGULATION ARMY 2-MAN PUP TENT (NEW) 2.95 REGULATION ARMY PACK CARRIERS (NEW) 1-50 15 LARGE BARS ARMY SOAP 1.00 PEACH OR PLUM JAM .10 GRAPE PRESERVES, LARGE CAN .15 CORN BEEF 23 CORN BEEF HASH 15 12 POUNDS BEST ARMY BACON 2.45 2 POUND CAN ROAST BEEF . . .35 TENTS OF ALL SIZES: Why pay high rents? We will sell you a ter.t for the amount you will pay for one month's house rent. Our tents are made from new U. S. Standard 29-inch Duck, one-third pitch, and 3 to 5 ft. side walls 7 X 7 .... $6.80 12 X 14.... $15.75 8X10 .... 9.00 12 X 16.... 17.20 10 X12 .... 11.00 1 4 X 16.... 20.65 OTHER SIZES DESIRED WE HAVE THEM. tne m In the same soirlt and mnrh Is hoped for as the result of the meet ing. A plan is on foot to get all the clubs and organizations of the county to unite and In that way much more ran be accomplished for the general good man wnere eacn one endeavors to work out Its own salvation. It has been suggested that at some time during the summer a oCunty Pic nic be held at some central place In the county a sort of get-to-gather meeting where people from all- over the county can air their views and tpii their needs, then decide upon the best course oi action ror the good, of the entire county; and at the game time have a real, old fashioned enjoyable picnic. NOTICE aMlPl TAKE Of The Large Fire Box. Will Take 24 Inch Wood. Just Received, a Shipment of Garden Hose ARTHUR NYE, PLUMBER IF SOUTHSIDE School closed on Friday, May 12th, Irene Clark and Ingvaid Strand had Tirti tnimaA a. om.v lot been late once A.diirlnr thn eleht month term. T some of the pupils were taking the j. aiaie examination n w ui h"0'"" 1 to have a program on the tot day to I it was decided to hold a picnic on Wed nesday, 01A7 II. A much larger attendance than Us ual was noted at the Sunday school last Sunday, many of the parent be ing present. We hope they will con tinue in the good work. A number tif the vounc neoDle from Toledo were nlcri nnptumt f'rmie ncafn. MiSt VldA UNITED ARMY STORES Th Workingman's Store Toledo Hotel Building SUNDA Y AND MONDAY Liberty Theatre THIS IS ONE OF THE BEST OUTDOOR PICTURES PRODUCED IN A LONG TIME. IT IS ONE OF CAREY'S BEST PICTURES, BASED ON COURTNEY R. COOPER'S BEST STORY "CHRISTMAS EVE AT PILOT BUTTE" WHICH RAN IN -THE RED BOOK MAGAZINE. IN E BABY P "A flUDDY GGY BRIDE" A CENTURY COMEDY BABY PEGGY IS WORTH THE PRICE OF THE WHOLE SHOW. ONE OF THE WRITERS ON THE NEW YORK WORLD SAID: "ONE OF THE BEST MOTION PICTURE PERFORMANCES IN NEW YORK THIS SEASON IS GIVEN BY BABY PEGGY IN ,'A MUDDY BRIDE'." The International News iAiftD?n,N THE NEWEST AND MST INTERESTING EVENTS ALL OVER THE MUSIC BY THE TOL-E-DO ORCHESTRA . 30c 10c WHH4MmMHfrHMtHHtMWMHHj.; uKk presented the sl'.ocl with sup-