Lincoln County leader. (Toledo, Lincoln County, Or.) 1893-1987, April 21, 1922, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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Taste is a matter of
tobacco quality
We itate it u our honest
belief that the tobaccoi used
in Chesterfield are of finer
quality (and hence of better
tatte) than in any other
cigarette at the price.
Uu"t & Mjurt Ttbatn Ct.
lower Prices
20 now 18c
10 now 9c
(Two 10't 18c)
of Turkish and Domestic tobaccos blended
The Ford Runabout is a Runabout in reality a regular business
messenger, solving the question of economical and quick transporta
tion. The Contractor, Builder, Traveling Salesman, Collector;
Solicitor, all find the Ford Runabout the most convenient as well as
the most economical among motor cars. Low in purchase price,
cost of operation, and low in cost of maintenance. Durable in
service, and useful every day in the year. We solicit your order for
one or more. We ask your patronage in the repair of your car,
assuring you of genuine Ford Parts, skilled workmen, reasonable
e know we can satisfy your wants of motor accessories.
Local Agent
In the County Court of the State of
Oregon for Lincoln County
In the Matter of the Estate of Gus
Olson, Deceased.
To Christina Olson, Enegrelema Ol
son, Coljaun Olson, Joham Olson, Jolin
Olson, Axel Olson, also the unknown
heirs of Gust Olson, deceased, and all
other persons Interested, Greetings:
In tho Name of the Strte of Oregon:
You are hereby citod and required
to appear In the County Court of the
State of Oregon for the County of Lin
coln, at the Courtroom thereof, at To
le lo in the County of Lincoln, at ten
o' lock A. M. on the 1st day of May,
1922, then and there to show cause If
any exist, why an order of sale should
not be made for the following des
cribed real property, belonging to
said estate: ,
South halt of southwest quarter or
section ten; north half of northwest
quarter section fifteen In township
nine south of range eight west of Wil
lamette Meridian, in Polk County, Ore-
. Southwest quarter of northeast
quarter; southeast quarter of north
west quarter and northeast quarter of
southwest quarter and northwest quar
ter of southeast quarter of section six
in township one south range thirteen
east of Willamette Meridian, in Was
co County, Oregon.
Beginning at a point on section line
that is 992 feet south of sections 7, 8,
17, 18 township 11 soutn or range iu
the City of Toledo, Oregon.
Beginning at southwest corner of
lot 1 in Jones & Gaither's Addition to
Toledo, run thence southeasterly to
line between John Graham's and J.
T. Vincent Homesteads, running
thence along said line in a westerly
direction to the east side of Catherine
Street, thence northeasterly along
Catherine Street to place of beginning-East
half of northeast quarter of
section 1 Township 11 south of range
11 west of Willamette Meridian, in
Lincoln County, Oregon.
North Vi of southeast quarter of
southeast quarter in section .24 town
ship 11 Bouth range 11 west of Wil
lamette Meridian, lying east of Derby
Lot 7 Block 1 in the City of Toledo,
Block 3 in the City of Toledo, Ore
gon. Lot 12 in block 5 in Fourth Addi
tion to the Town of Toledo, Oregon.
West half of lot six in block six
Fourth Addition to Toledo.
Lots 7, 10, 8, block 16 Fourth Addi
tion to Toledo,
West half of lot 5 block 13 Fourth
Addition to Toledo,
Lot 1 & north 10 feet of lot 8 block
14 in Fourth Addition to Toledo,
Lots 7 & 8 in block 18 Fourth Addi
tion to Toledo,
Lots 3, 14, 15 block 23 Fourth Addi
tion to Toledo,
Lot 4 block 2 Sixth Addition to To-
In the Circuit Court of the State ol
Oregon for Lincoln County
Clara Stevens, Plaintiff,
Alex Stevens, Defendant.
To Alex Stevens, the above named
In the Name of the State of Oregon:
You ere hereby required t8 appear
and answer the complaint filed against
you in the above entitled suit now in
file In the office of the County Clerk
of Lincoln County, Oregon, on or be
fore the last day named in the Order
for tlin publication of summons, to-
wit: On or before six weeks from the
first day of the publication hereof.
And you are hereby notified that if
you fall to appear and answer said
complaint as herein required, the
plaintiff will apply to the above en
titled court for the relief prayed for In
said complaint, to-wlt: for a decree
of said Court dissolving the marriage
contract heretofore existing between
nlnlttttff nnA ilofanil-int n nA nwaerlttifr
3,..ij l : 1 1... i i-.w.......,., u.,u
oeaieu uiua .u .m-cv , ,and decreeing to the plaintiff the care.
County Court of Lincoln curty. r.t0U8tody and control of the infant
l"0., ,ae' 1 V, "' -hlid. the Issue of said marriage, to-
.",,.' V,, , vlt: Rna Virginia Stevens, and for
May, 1922, for the 'ol owing w..rk: ,,, other nd unhet ord(jr and d8.
r J,x , ' , cree as the Court may deem meet and
lilt) eunu ucnuil ui u. Luuuei u-0 Just
over the Siletz River nil!o south of i Th,8 BUmmons ls gerved upon vou
tne biietzs l'os.onice. bv publication thereof by order of the
. 7rJect No- . Hon. C. W. James, County Judge of
Aiieiuuiu '"'"""' Lincoln County, Oregon, made on the
tion of a steel structure at tho same17th day of Mareh( 1922 drect)ng pub.
location. - Hcatlon thereof once a weeit for six
Ah proposals must be prese nted lConBOCUtlve nnd 8UCCe8siVe weeks .be
under sealed cover to the County K,nnnK wl(n ,he i83Ue 0f March 17th,
Court of Lincoln County at the time 1922( and endlnB wtl, e , of fhe
uuu piuvQ piuieu uuuvts, ttuu muai. ud
Lot 6 block 14 Otter Rock
Lot 1 block 16 Jones & Nehrbas Ad
dition to Otter Mock.
Witnesj tho Hon. C. V. Jumes,
Judge of the County Court of the Stite
of Oregon, for the County of Lincoln,
with the seal of ald Court affix-id,
this 2St day of Mur.:h, A. D.. lf!S2.
Attest: Carl Gildersloevo, Coun'.y
Clerk, By E. M. Thayer, Deputy i:ie;k
For Oil Stoves see Colvln.
Win. .ijer of Yaquina was in the
city yesterday.
For garden tools see Colvln.
Mr:. Lola Cruson and children, re
turned to Corvallis this noon.
Full line of men's work clothing at
Colvln's. '
Jim Derrick was over from O. A. C.
for the week-end.
'Mrs. Gregdon was a passenger for
the valley Monday.
Eugene Williams of Newport was
a Toledo visitor last Saturday.
MVs. A. F. Grablo returned Sunday
evening from a trip tc the Valley.
Or. C. Robison, the Taft merchant.
was a Toledo visitor the first of the
(Miss Elsie Lickey returned Monday
evening from a visit with relatives
at Deer Island.
Walter McCaulou returned to Al
bany Monday where he is a student
at the Albany College.
County Clerk and Mrs. Carl Gll.l-
ersleeve were Chitwood visitors yesterday.
For rubber boots, men's rubbers.
rain clothing and loggers shoes, tee
Supt. G. W. Ford of the Toledo Elec-
trie Co. was a passenger for Portland
We will have a shipment of U. S.
Army Goods In first of next week.
The Bootery. 9-1t
George Lewis of Wllnant went out
to Salem and Portland on business
this noon.
City Recorder P. T. Harding of
Newport passed through to the val
ley yesterday noon.
J. 0. Storey the millman wns down
from Portland Tuesday and Wednes
Air. and Mrs. W,. K. Patterson visit
ed at Alhany the first of the week, re
turning home Wednesday evening.
Mayor and Mrs. W. E. Ball return
ed last evening from, a trip to Port
land. Editor Win. Matthews and wife of
Xe.vpnrt went out to Corvallis last
Sa'uvday, returning Monday.
M s. Lola Cruson and children ar
rived over from Corvallis Saturday
Jlrs. Andy Goodeil of Siletz was in
the city yesterday visiting with her
parents, Mr. and Sirs. G. K. Free
man. Prof. Victor Slvawo lias purchaser
a couple of lou near the high school
where he will have a houso built in
te near future.
F. W Stevens, general manager of
the Pacific Spruce Corn., returned
Monday evening from a trip to Port
land. and Mrs. F'-ank Wado we:v
over from the Siletz the first of tha
week visiting Toledo rtbd-tives nun
Mrs. W. B. Gllson returned Sun
day evening from a trip to the Valley
R. H. Moffit arrived home last week
from Eastern Oregon.
W. R. Hawk and family have
moved up from Yaquina and are oc
cupying their new house up Run Bot
tom. Miss Bernice Prescott, who has
been staying with her sister, Mrs.
Dan Ilendrlcksen,. near this city, de
parted Saturday for her home near
Expert Electrical Work Toledo
Electric Co., office and store In Flat
iron Bldfl. All work guaranteed to
pass most rigid Inspection.
Toledo Planing Mills
For all kinds of Building Material. We carry a Complete Line
of Windows, Doors, Glass, Roofing, Roof Paint & Building Paper.
We are prepared .to lo All Kinds of Mill Work 4 Cabinet Work.
Cor. 4th & R. R. Sts.f 1 ' Toledo, Oregon
Rexall lc Sale
25c Baby Talcum, 2 for 26c
40c Cream of Almonds,....
2 for 41c
35c Baby Laxative, 2 for 36c
$1.25 Sarsaparllla Tonic
2 for $1.2e
10a Nipples, 2 for ......11c
25c Sulphur Ointment, 2 26c
50c Analgesic Balm, 2 for 51c
30c Throat Gargle 2 for 31c
45c Shaving Lotion,2 for 46c
1 dot. 15c. Aspirin, 2 for 16c
100 75c Asplpln, ..2 for 76c
40c Tooth Brushes . .2 fpr 41c
$1.00 Hair Brushes 2 for $1.01
75c Combs 2 for 76c
10c Drinking Cups, .2 for 11o
30c Beef Cubes 2 for 31c
$1.00 Symphony Lawn,
2 for $1.01
-APRIL 272829-
T. P. HAWKINS, Prop.
Call In and look over our line of
Hats, Caps, Gloves, Ties, Shirts, Hos
iery, Ribbons, Jewelry, Etc., Etc.
Christian Science Services every
Sunday at 11 a. m., upstairs in An
drews Building, Toledo. Sunday
School at 9:45.
Before buying Hardware, get our prices. We
have marked prices down on nearly everything.
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon for Lincoln County ,
William Zwlcky, Plaintiff, ,;
Christ Wogslnnd and Elsie Woes-
I am a candidate for Joint Represen
tative Lincoln and Polk counties sub
ject to the will of the Republican
electors at tho Primary election to be land, his wife. Defendants.
held In May. B. F. Jones. 1 Tt Christ Wogsland and Elsie Wors-
(Paid Adv.)
endorsed "Proposal for the construc
tion of the Siletz Bridge.
28th of April, 1922, In the Lincoln
Comity Leader, a weekly newspaper
published end of general circulation
Each bid shall be accompanied by wlthln LIncoIn county, Oregon
west of Willamette Meridian, Lincoln ledo .
County, Oregon, running thence east Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, block 3 Sixth Add!
so fppt thence north to C. & E. R. R. Hon to Toledo.
Co tie'nee no'thwesterly along R. R. Fractional Block 4 in Sixth Addition
right of way to where It Intersects the to Toledo, Oregon.
section line thence south on section! Block 3 In Seventh Addition to To-
liVZCXllk feet south "tit 3 block 5 in Seventh Addition
of the corner to sections 7, 8, 17, 18 to Toledo, .
tow-nship 11 wmth range 10 west of Lots 1 & 2 block 1 Jones & Galthers
Willamette Meridian, running tnce Addition to Toledo A(,(lltlon
south 40 deg. 46 min. west 1165 feet Lot 9 block 2 Jones First Addition
to Dopot Slough, thence down the to Toledo.
Slou-h to comer of Toledo Mill lots.) Lots 1, 2. 3, 4. block 3 Jones 2nd Ad
thenre following the line of Mill lots dltion J Toledo, AHl1ilinn .
to the s-.ction line, between, sections Lot 1 block 6 Jones 2nd Addition to
17 15, irr above towrslitp anl ranee, Toledo, . ..,.
tin me north on soclh-n lino to placo Lot 1 Mock 1 Yaquina IlelghthB
S beginning, except 3'4 acros sold to I Lot 4 block 4 Vacuum HuiglUUs
cash, a bidder's bond made payable
to Lincoln County, or a certified check
made payable to the treasurer of sadd
County, for an amount equal to at
least five (5) per cent of tho total
amount of said bid, and no bid need
be considered unless said cash, bond
or check te enclosed.
Said bidder's bond shall be condi
tioned that if said bid be acospted,
the party bidding shall duly enter into
and execute the contract.
Plans, specifications and bidders'
C. E. Hawkins,
Attorney for Plaintiff, P. O. Address:
Toledo, Oregon.
Date of First Publication, March
17th, 1922.
Date of Last Publication, April
?8th, 1922.
Notice is hereby given that the un
dorslgned administrator of the Estate
of John Post, Deceased, has filed In
blanks for the above work may be ( the County Court of Lincoln County,
examined at the County Clerk's of-, State of Oregon, his final account as
flee or may be obtained fiom Mr. A. such administrator of said estate and
L. Porter, County Enginoer, Toledo, , that Monday, the 1st day of May, 1922,
Oregon. !at tho hour of 10 o'clock, a. m., of salo
A deposit of $5.00 will be required ; day, has been llxed by the said court
to insure Fafo rnturn of the plans. !ns the time for hearing of objections
Dat;: April U'th, lf22. to nalrt report, nnd the settlement
C. W. James, Co. Judge, j thereof. W. S. Hall,
C. M. Warren, (; .. c. i. Administrator of llio estate of John
Jay W. Dunn, C . C :.. Post, Deceased.
hereby declare myself a Republl-
land, his wife, tho nhovo named de
In the Name of the State of Oregon:
Vol! nro hnrehv rnmitriwl iiium-ip
can candidate for the office of County nn, antiKPT the ,.0niph'ln'. of plaintiff
Commissioner for Lincoln County, filed against you i above euiiiled
Oregon, subject to the will of the elec- puit' " or before '.lie expiration of sis
tors at the Primary Election to be J?00,1!8 fro;nthe dllte of "j-' l)llb"
. ,j , ... r lication of this summons, and If you
held In May, 1922. J. W. Dunn. fuii H0 l0 a,ueur nll(1 un8weri for wu!lt
(Paid Adv.) itlier-of, the plaintiff will upply to the
above entitled Court for the relief de-
I hereby declare myself a Republl- manded in his complaint, to-wit: For
can candidate for the office of County a decree of this Court foreclosing a
Sheriff for Lincoln County, Ore- ";rta,,n n'orlKiiire excntd by l'Ht
. , . . , , ' , Wogsland and Klsle Wogslnn!, his
Bon, subject to the will of the elec- wlfei to plaintiff herein, on the 27th
tors at tho Primary Election to be duy of December, 1909, on th"J follow-
held In May, 1922. W. R. Tlndall. described real property situated hi
..Fifnrr.m.nt of All law. Includlna Lincoln County, Oregon
' Lots No,
LIIS IllfUVI It...
one (1) and Lot No. two
the North East quarter (Vi) of
I am a candidate to succeed mvself the North West quarter (U) and the
as sheriff of Lincoln County, subject Nrth west quarter of the North East
... ,., m At. b L.H I quarter ('41 of Soction Eighteen (IS)
to the will of the Republican voters , township Eleven (11) Sou'h, of
at the Primary election, to be held in ; Range Nine (9) West of the Willnm-
May. 1922. rtto Meridian, Oregon. Containing one
My slogan: efficiency, economy and , "J h " -Wr
enforcement of laws. M.Simpson. Aml .,.. ,,, . , ,
(Paid Adv.) be sold by the sheriff of Lincoln Coun-
ty, Oregon, as trovided by law. to sat-
I hereby announce myself m candl- isfy the amount du0 and ov.lng to
date for the office of County Commls- plaintiff on said mortgage: and fur
sloner, subject to the decision of the ther for a decree that each of paid do-
Republican voter, of Lincoln County, . " - - - P -
Oregon, at the Primary election, May defendants, may be barred and foro
19th, 1922. C. W. Brown, Saladc. closed of any estate, right, title, lion
(Paid Adv.), ir '"wrest In or to said mortgaged
iifiuiBiTo ui nny pari uiereor, ana ror
hereby announce my candldaoy for 'hor and further relief as mr.-
Sheriff of Lincoln County, subject to " T, : " .
this summons is served uoon v ri
the will of the Republican voters at by publication In accordance wl'h aa
Primaries, May 19th, 1922. order by he Honorable C. W. James
I am thorauahlv aeaualrted with -OUnty Judge of Lincoln Countv. lira.
the conditions of Lincoln County, It'0"1 7,!iC,i10,rdr la March
being my birthplace and having spent summons b published in ih u ,T
the major portion of my life within Its County Leader for six consecutive and
boundary. successive weeks beginning with the
If nominated and elected I hereby "r,hVi "n-an(l endlnK
pledge my best efforts towards en
forcement of the law.
(Paid Adv.) Chas. L. Baker.
with the issue of April 2Sth, 1922.
I G. B. McCluskey.
I Attorney for Plaintiff, P. o.
dress: Toledo, Oregon.
I hereby announce myself a candl-
date for the office of County Commis
sioner, subject to the decision of the
Republican voters of Lincoln county,
Oregon, at the Primary election. May
19th, 1922. John Simon. Waldpor.
(Paid Adv.)
I hereby declare myself a Republi
can candidate for the office of County
Sheriff for Lincoln County. Oregon
subject to the will of the electors at
t-hj Primary Election to be held In
May nth, 1922. R. R. Gwynn.
To Order and Harness Mended
Try us with an order In Leather
Work Merit Guaranteed
Lone Star Shoe Shop
Hill Street Toledo, Oregon