gincoht m We&der. wimntu VOLUME 30 LJ TOLEDO. LINCOLN COUNTY. OREGON. FRIDAY, APRIL 21st, 1922. NUMBER 9 SILETZ ine Easter Sunday services were of iuo Duumj aciiuui T . .7u . 1W- Tne audi- L" io uatwcuy. rat "'"" w preacneu Dy s. n, i-ugue, pasior, ana inter- ' Jargon Dy jonn Williams instead of Archie Johnson. iMr. WU1- euuu use oi tne jargon ana n. Ycrjr pmiu m me oia inuian iwopie. ne aiso made it plain that no "moonshine" or wicked person mum gei 10 neave-n witnout torglve- icon, ai noon a spienaia basnet uiuuBr Vs servea in caietena style t , , y- ociock p. m. ltev. """" " BApitmiBu ju jargon me uii in, vruuuixion ana resurrection or Christ. This was also made very piam to tne 01a people. , quariene cumposea 01 nir. ana "' vnaries mr.ien, .Aruiur uenseu, and Jess Daniels. A song In Jargon by Mrs. Maude Andersen. As this eang referred to the future state or -existence the Indian psopie were very quite and attentive w:Uie it was being rendered. Mrs. Andersen knows the Jargon language to well that the ex- pression and sentiment were brought oul so fully that It was no wonder the Indians looked sad when they thought of their friends over there beside the beautiful River of Life. uuet by the HoTman sisters was rendered in a beautiful manner. These girls have won the hearts of the Deo- pie of Slleti with their beautiful Mr Mclntyre of this city has Everett and Elmer and Nathan Wat voices, noved to Pioneer. Kn spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs Seng by class 01 young girls. Solo 'Vivian Larsen. Thi concluded the program for the day.. A large audience was la atten- dance. Saturday evening some twenty or thirty of the friends of Major Shep-! ra met in tne Orange hail for the purpose of giving him, a farewell party. Mrs. Chas. Larnen acted as mistress of ceremonies. It was a real surprise to the major. He did not know anything of the kind wu going on. .Games, plays and prome- nades were Indulged In until a late liour.. Fruit Juice and cake were served. During the past four or five years the major has been in the In- lion " " 1.1 ! . 1 heirship claims ht hed visited Silotz ;.t;;l. r vr ;?L7 ,. , . t.v: ; ,7'. oitwii numcra UJ Ul.' Sillier .liiljor Shepard spoke of the friendship he! liril formed .for fJie SIIbIk nunnln nf uiiu luiuieu nor uio ouen people, 01 , the kind nd courteous treatment he had received while among them, of the-vastness and r-eataJB? of the -s-f ..1 . 1 of 'it. people. Mrlhed ha. Cr.TI,:,"! w'l9 lngton, D. IC. He left Monlay morn- lng to assume th0 dutiee of his new ' .MtaV VrmT yLlr:r . fmIfwH j.Vu'Z " .r r ''. &m ivriamui agency Tlio -V,imi.nIt li.:, ...,,.1 Prof. J. B. Horner of the O. A. C. to ' where there are no law schools or churches. The entertainment will be In 'the government school house Fri- day evening. April 21, commencing at o.ui;iu(;ii p. m.. aii -a.e mvnea 10 at- tend this lecture. I songs by the schcol children.; also a H. N. Camp, traveling auditor U. S.jtrio by Mrs. J. h. Ticas, Mre. J. W. j .nuian service, was iiere lor iwo aays nosers ana mrs. a. awaacum; reel- Incniuth. the v.n.1,. ...tinn k v n fi-,ao v.,, ....... ..... ni.iii'a u u u n.iauo VL this office and found everything O. K. He fJso left Monday with Major Shepard on his official touf of Inspec tion. SOUTH BEACH Mrs. Omlld went to Newport last "week. Clen Howe returned to ' Soutn Eeach Sunday evening. Attorney Yates of Corvallls stopped In South Beach for a short tlme Sun day evening on hin way to Waldport. Clins. D. Shaw. of Shedds, Oragon, spent Friday night with E. R. Lynn. Chas. Ewing. wife and baby went to Newport Sunday afternon. Mr3. Gilbert of Newport spent Fri day with Mrs. Eric Johnson. -Mrs. E. G. Carter of Newport spent Friday nl?ht with her nelce, Mrs. Ed Howe. . o CHITWOOD Twenty young people met last Sat- urany nignt ana organized a literary Ona Grange Hall Sunday, society. Mr. Floyd Pepin was elected! H. G. Rhoades tnt1 A. ' Zeek made president; Mr. Albert Schleicher, vice a trip to Winant to meet the latter's president and Emma Wilson,, secre- mother-in-law, Mi-s. Cooper, Tuesday tary. It was decided to meet every "evening. other Saturday evening so the nextj Mrs. Guy Lewis went to Corvallls meeting wHl bs( Saturday, April 29. Tuesday to be wilh little Francis An extulmnt program Is being pre- who has Just underwent an operation pared. A cordial invitation is extend-1 (or uppendici'tis. ed to all. , j Mrs. j. m. Bowers called on Mrs. H. Miss Lydila Schleicher entertained G. Rhoades Monday afternoon, her Sunday School class on Easter j Miss Aletha Rhoades is spending a day. All report having had a good few days with Mrs. C. W. Lewts this time. . i (week. Considerable athletic equipment! Mr. A. Peterson was helping Joe has been purchased lately and if the Kohler do some spring plowing Tues weather ever clears p 'there will be, day and Wednesday, "some" ball playing. . j H. G. Rhoades made a business trip One farmer reports having seen a to Toledo Tuesday for the Cook good hat In the middle of the road brothers. but on closer examination found a- D. C. Gray and Eugene Cook made load ot hay, a man and a four horse a trip to Poole Slough Tuesday olter team below the hab Some mud. noon. School will be closed three days James Huntsuckor vas iu our v!cin next week. The teacher ha? to go lty Wednesday. to annual Institute at Toledo. j Edith Peterson was absent from ' 0 school Wednesday being sick with a MILLP0RT The Highway Commission has seemingly located the end of the Till- j amook-SUetz Highway on Elmore's A large crowd gathered last Sunday Bluff about one mile wes. of Millport at the Grange Hall for 'the commun We hope this Is a bluff as a thorough lty dinner and Easter service. Af tourist cannot get to Toledo or New- tar a bountiful dlnuor which all en port unless tills road is connected Joyed, Sunday school opened with with the present county road. j Mr. Altree is expected down to omm mo uiiusb er ocnooner creeK. - . n, picnic was iiem on me- ran owtu uaaivr omiuay uy me upper river people, iwspiie me rain every- ooay seemed to be quiis nappv. 'Mrs. A. W. Barr has taken charge 01 me cooxnouse ana notei or tne oiieiz uay iumver company. Jonn and Axle Olson left for T0 - ledo Sunday to enter their claims for me oust Olson estate. ine mill ot we siietz nay Lumber conijpany Btartcd operating April 14. us nope tney win be more sue- cessiui 1111s year. iour nonorauie lnsn oacneiors nave recently been rebuilding the tele - phone line to Otter Rock. line scnooner smitn is expected in dally wun a cargo 01 groceries and supplies for the Siletz Bay Trading company. ' 0 . ELK CITY Hiss Ruth Cozine cf Monmouth was visiting at tha home cf her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. J. V. Cozine, over th3 Easter vacation. Mr. Ellis Scot llle of Portland is visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs S. jY Scoville of Pioneer. 1 The play given by the school Snt- iirdpy was a success and was well attended. Mr. J. E. Davis an- brother. Hugh. 'took Sunday dinner with M.. and Mrs. C. L. Morrison, Miss Marjorie Small of this - ci'y .as visiting at the home of Alvina Anderson of Toledo, Mrs. Lula Howard was visiting at the home of her mother, Mrs. S. "V, Scoville Tuesday. Mrs. Jessie Harding is vlsitlnr her wother, Mrs. lCd. Taylor. J'liere was a -lanr-e given at tlie Hoffman I til Saturlay nielu.. Eveiy 0110 had an enJoaM. Urn. ' Lois Mclntyre of Pioneer was visit- lng In our city last week. Mrs. Ernest Dixon and Mrs. Ella Lawrence are visiting at the J. 0. n, 1 There will be a dance a', the Elk "" BMU'7 n,gni- u , . .... . UrrLK UirJt VALLLT " The second monthly mooting of the Swesibriar Civic clu- was held in tne 8wetbriar school house, with, a rec- k.i .o.! , Mrs. W. RogerP" lister, Wlor 'a Cls Saturday fter" rZ?""::.XfL who has been in the neighborhood fori' a few days, staying with his daughter ,S. " "Z v."T u.u.iBr, prugraiu uuu 0uuCTB mei- rr,Xh reAlt rannnt h. .1. Mrs. V. D. Graves for the sumptuous . Usiying of the hungry mouths of those , lreccnt Full Justice was dono to the tempting viands. There is u doubt about that. me procram, loo, was very gaou; ; itatlon by Mrs..V D. Graves; talk by , b motioa unanllnouglv ad ted th6e Mrs. F. Romtvedt; yiolm solo by Mr. oecretary wa8 nstructed to convev S. Romtvedt, and (he c!ui vras fav ored by two violin olos by Mr8, j Morley. Business meeting rnr.inly discussed he county fall fair. It was decided that the Depoe would be well rcpre-,and seated in oxhibns tills fall end a iiB i ...o i..UUiw. i appointed to look after the various exhibits which ranga from potatoes to curiosities. NORTH BEAVER Everyone around here thinks we 'have -had enough rain. II. G. Rhoades, D. C. Gray ,-.nd Fred '-ook wie trading iu Toledo Thurs day. A. R. Zeek, H. G. Rhor.dea, E. L. Wilson, and J. Kohler wera trading in Yaqulna Friday. Miis Evaiina Peterson, who has been visiting home folks returned to Newport Monday. Wuite a lew or the people here a.-; lenriad thfl K.istpr tirotrram fl.t th bad cold. ONA singing of appropriate hymns. Jm- mediately after Sunday school Kaster program was rendered, con 'sistlng of pnga, recitations, dialogues and Instrumental music, Hie c logins number being an egg-hunt for the Jit- tie folks.- ., The social meetlns of Lincoln Grange met. at the crange Hall Sasi evening with an attendance of about 20, ... . riv 1 Mrs. J. R. Ooovert and nephews Clarence and Kenneth Edwards, vis itted Mrs. Hattie Edwards in Wald port Saturday. j ..(Miss Neta Phelps returned home Friday from Waldport where she had ! been working for a short time. 1 Clifford Phelps ! visitor Sunday. was a Waldport d. C. Gray and. tho Cook brothers made a trip to Toledo with H. O, Rhoades last week. 1 a n riM ULLIM i re- Moore returned home Saturday after spending the past six weeks In the valley. She Btonned or- e" a few days with her-sons, Ray and A'va Moore, on Mill Creek. ' (Nathan Watkins went to -Toledo Wednesday on a business trip, O. P. Dixon lost some fine yearling calves law week. He believes they ate some Kind or poison weed "r and Mrs. T. L. Bohnnnon, Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Moore, and Krandon J- K- Wfheeler. John Davenport spent last Tuesday nignt with his sister, Mrs. 9, J. Steir art. Mr. Cruson of Toledo spent last weeK at the O. F. Dickson hom. T. L. Bohannon lost a nice cow last week. Samtmw and Lawrence Stewart went to Toledo Saturday. , Mrs. J. K. Wheeler spent a couple ' days last week with her brothers, IUy and Alva Moore on Mill CrneK. filayton Dickson Vent to Toledo Sat- urday on a business trtp. 0 CHITWOOD BchU ToUee ktuX evTnlng ana A number of !i- ty and et. ed officers for the coming three months, I Ralph Hamar met with quite a sad accident Saturday mnrnlno- A ho haling Ws out Z ' Umbtr n thf S I L It Sf tol. 1 H. taiiS Don in nis leg. He was Uhen to ""om Eglln has built a new wood 'rancn Wednesday. was down from .started to working again on tne railroad Monday. A basebalI club wag organlzed here 1 IeW aay.B B WH1CU W flOP Will proVe 10 08 a Kood auccess, CHAMBER EXPRESSES APPRECIATION 1 . April 13. 1922. , Hon. Chas. L. McNary, " Wahinrnn n r rjear Sir- I At a 'meeUng of the Toledo Cham- Der of Commerce held laHt vpnlnir . 1 ul vouimertw neia iasi evening, ecretary was Instructed to .convey Toledo and vicinity, for your effor.t ,nTB. Ana f.m tha IT a s,t,r duttion Co w are t gratetu; u ,n ,the futupe we B portunity, we will show you -that o people do not forget. With the hops that you will be sue cessful In securing for our people mat wuicn is justly due, we are, Yours very truly, TOLEDO CHAMBER T 0 MERCE. C0M- G. B. McCLUSKEY, President. PET3R FREDERICK, Secretary. BARGAINS IN ELECTRIC APPLIANCES One good Health Vibrator, all at tachments and Instructions, $12.50; 1 Sewing Machine Motor, $14.00; These have been rebuilt in our shop and guaranteed to give same service as new. TOLEDO ELECTRIC COM- PANY, Flat Iron Building. 9-1t FOWLER'S RESTAURANT Hill 8t., Toledo, Oregon Ask about our $1.00 PER DAY RATES Best established eating place In Lincoln County E. J. FOWLER, Prop. CHICKS CROWD BROODERS Overcrowding ruins many flocks of chicks. A brooder that will accommo date 300 day-old chicks will care of only one half that number when they are two weeks old. Better raise a few good chicks than a lot of culls. 0. A. C. Experiment station. ECONOMY BEGINS AT HOME One of President Harding's chief objects of economy Is his own home. When he went Into office last year it was costing the taxpayers about $80, 000 a month to run the White House. In February of this year the cost was HE 010 the lewpirt hudirnt fni in, month In years. McCHESNEY TO MOVE , LEGION CLUB HOUSE J. MoChesney, the Albany contrac tor was the low bidder for tho mov ing of the Legion Club House, nis bid being approximately $l;(O0. (The building will be torn down and moved to the Fair Grounds and when rebuilt la to hove a new floor and a new roof. Mr. MjoCheii figures that it will take a month to complete the Job. THE TEACHERS' ANNUAL INSTITUTE .The annual instltu'e for the teach ers of Lincoln county will be held in the Toledo grammar echool building April 26, 27 and 28. A good program has been arranged aid 1 am sure all who attend wiH be able to finish their term of school better for the Inspiration they receive will put new lire in tneir work. The Toledo neonle. under tlin rilror. lion of the Commercial club am nut. ting forth extra efforts to make the' Thursday evening the Movies wi'.l visiting teachers feel welcome while nRve a Koa program for the benefit in the county seat of tne visitors. The instructors are: J. A. Churchill, I Frlaav evening It Is anticipated that superintendent of public Instruction; ;1ulte a number will go to Newport is. u. Ressler, Oregon Agricultural college, Corvallls; S. 8. Duncan, school superintendent, Yamhlil coua ty; Miss . Ida May Smith, normal school, Monmouth, and Victor Shawe, Toledo grade school principal. R. P. GOIN, County , School Superintendent STATEMENT BY R. R. GWYNN Toledo, Oregon. iTo the voters of Lincoln county: II have concluded to become a candi date for the office of sheriff at the Priinai-y election on the 19th day of May, 1922. As I will not bo oble per sonally to see every one In the short time permitted, I wish to moka this public statement relative to my claims for your eupporL I believe that from the conditions in this county, as well as olsewheo the chief issue in the campaign will be ww euiuicouioiii, -epeciaiiar oi uue Ijiiruiuiuuu laws oi me B-iate. i du lleve that my record as a resident ofj tha county, as road supervisor for 3 years, and s a constable for a like period, Justifies me in Baying that if 1 am elected the criminal laws will be strictly enforced, and that all pow er at my command will be used fot that purpose, and particularly the iquor laws. I consider that there is no other issue before the peopie which as deeply concerns the moral welfare of the people. I have had considerable experience as an officer, and such experiences will ,be a guarantee that no violator ot the law will escape because of my neglect or indifference. I owe no obligation to the liquor interests, or to the secret violators of the liquor laws, and pledge my best efforts during-my term of office, if elected, to the people who believe in a good mc at community and a quite law-abiding people. If I do not succeed in that end, J will be willing to lay down the office In favor of some one more in terested in law observance. I believe the time has come for a change and a clean up la Lincoln county, and pledge my best efforts In wringing it about. Your support will be appreciated for that purpose. R. R. OWIYNN. Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Smith and l.aby arrived over from Corvallis Wednes day and are spending a few days here with Mrs. Smiths parents, Mr. and Mrs, E. M. Stanton, before going on to their home at Yacliats. iMrs. L. H. Lowe and son. Jack. departed Saturday for Yacolt, Wash ington, where Mr. Lowe is and where they will make their home. Mr. and Mrs. Lowe have made many friends during their residence In Toledo .who wish them well in their new home. iLeador subscriptions received this week are: R. R. ftwynn, Toledo: A. Wehnert, Eddyville; Chas. Mock, Toledo; Chas. Eagleson, Eddyville; M. S. Updike, Chlco, Calif.; J. C. Al t.Tee, Toledo; Victor Shawe. Toledo: rene Seld, Taft; L. n. Lowe, Yacolt. Wash; V. Thlel, Toledo; R. H. Mof- fit, Toledo; W). H. Johnson, Chltwood; Guy LjwIs, Tolodo; Fred Horning, Toledo; J. H. Boyson Alsea; V. D. uoone, Winant; B. D. Leathers. El- ma, Wash. For Electric Cleaners, Wash Ma chines anything In household appli ances see Toledo Electric Co., Wo can save you money. Misses Marie Chambers, Doris Spl- cer, Mary Geer, Iris Akin and Bessie Brigham, all Normal studonts, were over from Monmouth for the week end. , Bait reports the arrival of a ten pound girl at the home ot Mr and Mrs. Delman Rhoades. on Tuesday, the 18th. Mrs. G. E. Lewis ot Ona went out to Corvallis Tuesday where her son is in a hospital, having recently hn derwent an operation for appendici tis.. CATHOLIC CHURCH Lent Sunday, April 23. Mass and sermon at 10 a. mt Confessions before mass and holy communion during lEaster duty now In order. "'ana cuuei-uons ior me .During mass collections m....... j v-ii wj T7.uf. uinilluuibUi tFATHBR VOLLEBREGT. I ENTERTAINMENT PLANNED FOR VISITING TEACHERS The people of Toledo are making extenslve plans for the entertainment of the teachers of Lincoln County when they convene here next week for the annual institute. i. -1 . .. The Chamber of commerce at its last meeting appointed committees to look after the entertainment and welfare of the teachers while in thl city, and these committees have been right on the Job. Teachers attending the Institute will be met at the train and taken to the chamber of Com merce rooms where they will be as signed rooms, Immediately after which autos will take them to the lodgings assigned. The entertainment for itho first evening will be a play, staged by the grammar school at the gymnnsiua, building. The next evening, Wodnesday, a reception will be held at the Chamber of Commerce rooms, at which time a program and light lunch will- be en- ; Joyed, , lur ai me Deacn. T. A. Cv TO GIVE SHOW At a meeting held at the Toledo At Miotic club rooms Monday evening an organization was completed for the production of a nunslrel show to be given by local talent in the near fu ture, under the auspices of the T. X. C. The production will be given In the new Liberty thoatre on their open ing night if such arrangements can be made, and the best local talent available will be used. Mr. H. Smith, an old time the atrical man and minstrel, will take charge of the production and assures the citizens of Toledo that a first class performance will- be -rendered. About 20 people have already signed up for the production and the program will be a variety of highly interesting selections lncluriinr mn r . i I south, dances. Tiinnrlnlln nni vio j wrestling and boxing exhibitions and .a line Harmony mole quartette. Announcement of the date will he given In the columns of this paper and on hand bills. Watch for the date. MOVING BUILDING; ' WILL BUILD HOTEL A. T. Peterson is havlne tha M hardware building moved back pre paratory to the building of a fine uricK notel at the corner of Fourth ana Hill streets. Mr. Mlnter. a Cor. vallls contractor has the cont.-act of moving the building, and aUo the nine nouse formerly occupied by Mr. Peterson. The new hotel will be three stories In helghth and will have about sixty AT THE MOVIES TONIGHT "Held by the Enemy," a very strong Paramount drama; al so a comedy; prices, 30c and 1Bo. SATURDAY Sunday, "Behold, My Wife"; a thrilling love story of red blood and blue; filmed agalntft back ground of snow capped mountain peaks, bleak Canadian trading posts aim luxurious tngusn country hornet. A brilliant picture, with a sDlendid cast. Also a Pathe comedy. Prices. oa ana loc. COOK FRANK LEW DRANK HOME BREW Frank Lew, who nus beea cooking ior mo I'aclllc Spruce corporation, proceeded to tank up on home brew last Sunday evening. The brew he mnde seemed to possess an awful wallop, so Flunk uroceeded to Hip on his wife. He wound up lu court the next day, and was released en his promise to leave the county. His wife has filed suit for a divorce. H. KYNISTON INJURED. lllorbnrt Kynlstcn was found lying alongsldo the Newport road last Snt- Urdny evening in an unconscious con dition with an ugly scalp wound. He was found by young Mr. Bradbury, who came along in hia car, and was taken to the home of Andrew Nyo. He remained in a comatose state un til Sunday evening, and upon regain ing consclou-mass he stated that Henry Schaffer ha hit him ovor the head with a bottle. Deputy Mc Elwain went to get Snhaffer Monday and found that he had left the coun try. OREGON HIGHWAY IS FAVORED Washington, D. C The Roosevelt Memorial highway In Oregon is being considered as a road of primary Im portance, the chief of the bureau of public roads told Representative Haw ley today. The matter is now being investi gated by engineers of the bureau at Portland and San Francisco, It was said Oregonian. I. 0. 0. F. ANNIVERSARY. The Odd Fellow and Rebekah lodg es of Toledo will celebrate the 105th anniversary ot uuaieuowsnip in Am- 1.-1 l.i Nl"U llllll Ul 3(IU1UU CfUU- lng, April 29. ROAD CONTRACTS LET. A. Gleblsch was tho successful bid der on the road rocking contract be- tiween here and Eddyville, a sectlou of 17.25 miles. This is known as unit No. 2 and also Includes .08 of a mile ot grading. . The contract pr'ce was $90,672. Unit No. 1, comprising 17.2 miles, being the stretch of road from Eddy ville to Blodgett, was bid In by Wash burn & Hall, their bid being $65,875 for rock surfacing. ffhis work Is to be completed this summer, and when finished will give a continuous rock road from Newport to Corvallls. v ESSAY CONTEST The Oregon State board of Dental Examiners conducted an essav contest through the fifth and sixth g-ades and the seventh and eighth grades of the public schools of the state, for the educational value It would have, In showing the relation between good health and good teeth. The contest had the approval of the Oregon De partment of Education. The winners in this county are Alice Murray, nn eighth grade pupil In district No. 10 and Harriet Clark. a fifth grade pupil In diotrlct No. 69. A ten dollar prise goes to each of the successful young writers. WRESTLING BOUT SATURDAY NIGHT The wrestling bout between Chas. fclillor, the local celebrity, and Jtmmia Anderson of Portland, will be held here tomorrow night. Interest is run ning high with everyone pulling for Miller to win. Several : interesting wrestling and boxing preliminaries have been arranged and an evenlni of roval entHrtnlnniHiii In nmmlutuf )ocai sport enthusiasts. Quite a number are expected to at tend from neighboring towns. INJURED WHILE LOGGING. Ralph Hnmar of Chi'wood had his leg badly Injured last Saturday while logging. As near us we can learn he fell down nnd a log rolled over him. He was taken to Corvallis for treat ment. DANCE AT I. 0. 0. F. HALL. A nice little social dance Is being arranged to be held at the I. O. 0. F. hall In this city tomorrow evening. Music will be furnished by the local orchestra and a good time Is assured. Dance starts at nine o'clock prompt. SATURDAY, APRIL 29TH WILL BE CLEAN-UP DAY The ladles of the Civic Improve ment Club have named Saturdav. April 29, as "clean up day," on which day all citizens of Toledo are request ed to clean up their premises. It will be arranged to have trucha call and pick up the rubbish, cans, etc., which should be sacked or boxed. Itemombor the date and "do your bit." SCHOOL ENTERTAINMENT You are cordially Invited to attend an entertainment to bo given by. the pupils of the Toledo Grade School. Tuesday eveiiing, April 25th, ot the school gymnasium. A varied program will be offered Including the new Exposition Song. "Beautiful Oregon Hose"; tho delight ful "Varna Yama" chorus from the musical comedy, "The Three Twins": a children's presentation of "Little Or phan Annie"; and many other Inter est lug features. General Admission 50 cents. Remember the day Tuesday. AdHI 2Cth, 1922. GRANGE DANCE AT ONA A big dance and Bupner Is to be given by Lincoln Grange at Ona. April 22, Dance tickets and sunner $1.00. o SHALL THE PORT OF TOLEDO BUY A BOAT? 'This and many other Imnortant questions will be discussed at the meeting of the local Chamber of Commerce the evening of May 2. An opon meeting will be had on this date ana ail persons interested In the de velopment of Toledo and vlclnltv re quested to be present. o NOTICE FOR SEALED BIDS Bids will be received by School District No. 2 up to and including the 18th day of Mav. 1922 fur tha following labor to be performed and materials to be furnished: (a) To complete the UDoer floor of the high school bulMIng In accord- anca with plans and ppoclflcaltlons on file in the office of clerk, which may be seen at the office of O. B. Mot-iusKey. b) To furnish pilnt for the pant ing of the school buildings, together with stain for roofs, price to be sub mitted per gallon for paint and stain, specifying nom and grade of paint. Bids on carpenter we-rk to be ac companied by certified' check cover ing ten per cent of the amount o proposal. L. M. STARR, Clerk.