Lincoln County leader. (Toledo, Lincoln County, Or.) 1893-1987, April 14, 1922, Image 1

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comnosed of Jim
Prn n Iro w-iio. ti m m r i a
r. ' -""uor- oacK is getting along line. The people
VS'Ji TiC a ""fnt, went 1;er. m this community know how to sup-
rZZ A?-7 00Jlfr Wl? th!iPrt worthy organization.
hX 2SltS? 0
, u, u. iujoi uw.
were washed away last November,
thus ohatji,o4tn ti K..Bl.Aa nn '
WWV. uvwi.Q ,ug UUD1UGGO W UU I
alarming extent. In trvine- to hulU
.. 1 1 , i . ... .
.uuuo, Bcuuoi nouses, ana jetty woric,
the countv has rone almost to th
limit in her bonding capacity. Yet the
County Court assured the delegation
moj ouuiu uu me very uoai tiling
i .i.
iaoium iu reputce me 'unugog. lie
taxes have been increased from last
year. 1921 J349.978 to 428.r,BS. ihiathls community.
year or 1922. This makes an Increase
of about $2 on the $100, bo it Is plain
to be seen that the County Court
must be careful how they Increase the
taxeeof Lincoln County. The Increase
of this county Is next to the highest J
In the state. Deschutes county is the
highest being 23 per cent while Llu -
coin county Is 22 percent. While it
is true we have several industries
starting In the county, the largest be -
ing the big mill at Toledo, we must be
careful about increasing our county
debt, lest It becomes burdensome,
With our harbor improveftnents and:"ere-
the prospects of getting the Roose
velt Highway when thla ie accomp
lished, as It will be, Lincoln will be
one of the best counties In the state.
The worst thing we have to con
tend with now is the illicit and un
lawful manufacture of moonshine In
the countv. This is a trput mnnmi
to the moral, physical and intedlectual There will be a community dinner, . fine hounds recently,
well being of the people of Lincoln Rftpr whtch Sunday School will be Mrs. Charley Hinahaw returned
county. If this thing goes on we are held and the Easier program rendered. , Sunday from Independence where she
liable any day to hear of a car behig' ,Mrs- R- Payne and daughter. La went to have an ulcerated tooth treat
wrecked and Innocent children andVcr6 MlS- c- s- Ohmart, R. W. Oh-,ed.
women being mangled and killed. We mart and Guy Twombly and Roy Hass-! 'Mrs. Esther Gordon of Klamath
have had several examples of this man' visited at the Phelps home on Falls spent a day or two with her
kind In the county. How much better Tuesday evening. , brother here the first of the week,
it wluld be If the men who are en- Lincoln Grange will give a dance Otis Humar, who is working on the
gaged in this nefarious business would at t"6 Grange hall Saturday, April pile driver at Toledo, was at home
quit it and engage In some useful em-!22d- Everybody come. . Wednesday and Thursday.
Jdoyment that would help to build up 0 Mr. and Mrs. Vem Grueslng are the
the county instead of tearing it down. WIN1AMT firsnts of a baby daughter born March
If this county Is built up we must! vvunri Ithe31st.
build it ourselves. We must have j Mrs. H. C. Johnson spent the week-' Abe Stevens, Ceorge Frary and Vorn
raith in the county and In her citizens. end with her parents Mr and Mrs : Milrtln' s- P- nien who have been at
The sentiment in the United States U Joseph Blower at Newport' ':home for a few days have returned
Vprv tttrnni (n favnr t n,nhihl(lnn ! ... ' , tn A 'Komi,
j ... y.utnuuiuu
and It is growing stronger ail the
time. When the Eighteenth Amend
ment to the Constitution waa adopted,
January 1st, 1920, out of the 4S s'ates
of the Union 45 voted for prohibition.
At that time there were more than
100 million population in the United
States. The enforcement of the law
Blnce then has been 75 percent ef-
. ' , c w" ?a3sea!wera guests of Mrs. Prank Shermer
i.w wu iu in c iiuuzr: auu wo iu
Oft 1U. f V k i- T 1 T ... . .
20 In the Senate . So John Barleycorn
Is positively aniNsurely sliding out of
exis'oiiee on the toboggln of public
sentiment, and I euesa thera will hn
tut few teats shed oer his demise.
EftKtor Sunday will ha rnlnhratori !
at Silotz ln a unique way. The pastor, !
Rev. C. W. Pogue, wUl preach two
sermons on that day and have them
Interpreted to the old Indians. In Jar
gon. At the 11 o'clock service, Rev.
John Adams will Interpret the service
and Archie Johnson will intprpre. the
evening sermon. A special song ser
vice is being prepared for the occasion
under the direction of Charles Lar
sen. The services of that day will be
of unusual interest. Mrs. Maurice An-
dertfei Ib to sing two songs In Jargon.
Anyone who has ever heard Mrs, An
dersen sing ln Jargon knows she can
use the language about as well as the
Indians themselves.
If April showers bring May flowers
wmat aoes April nau and snow
bring? Possibly it brings on the farm
ers' tempers because they cannot get
their crops In. It does seem hard to
havo to get this kind of weather after
having a few days of sunshine.
Roy Aplet got another lead of hay
from Elmer Watklns Saturday.
iW. R. Mouie spent Wednesday night
with his sons, Roy and Alva, on MU11
Creek, going on to Toledo Thursday.
J. K. Wheeler spent Friday night
at Mr. Kessi's at Harlan. ; '
Mr. Sheets purchased some pota
toes from W. R. Moore last week.
C. W. Brown was a county seat
visitor one day last week. Mr. Brown
is trying his luck in the political rint,
again, being a candidate tor county
Roy Aplet is making some Improve
ments on his house.
(Mrs. C. F. McDonald and little
daughter, Maxlne, came over froiu
Harlan Thursday for a few days' visit
with her parerote, Mr. and Mrs. C. W.
Elmer and Nathan Watklns and Mr.
and Mrs. J. K. Wheeler spent Sunday
With Mr. and! ' Mrs. T. ' L. Bohannon.
Mr. and Mrs. C. W.' Brown are the
proud grand parents of a baby boy,
born to Mr. and Mrs. Louis Brown at
W number pf young men met at Wm
D "'
Daseball club. Ray Roblson was
elected manager, and Perry Mosier, I
secretary and treasurer. ' It was de-'
cided to call the organization the!
Chitwood Athletic Club." ' . '
The box social given last Saturday
evening was a decldea success. The ,
receipts were sixty-three dollars. Sam
Nida made an excellent auctioneer. I
The most unique baBket was iu the
form of an aeroplane. It, was made
by Miss Lydla Schllecher and brought ,
the highest price paid $5.25. i
The old timers say that good
jonnson s sunaay ana organized a
weather Is due as we . have had
double header winter.
: TK. c... c.i 1 1 j i. n
U UUHUO oiuuw uisuiicu jiiio
. .
A dairymen's meeting was held at
rkna flMnffA hall UailfiAailii a t n.
noon. This Is one of a number of such
meetings which the Farm Bureau Is
holding In this county. Prof. Fltts of
th nnonkora Wnna mora nud. tn
organize a cow testing association. In
I Mr- and Mrs- Ora Sharp and little j
'daughter, who have been visiting at j
ule "ome oi Mrs. onarps Drotner, jj. ;
c- Gray, returned Saturday to their
,"onlB 81 quina.
Arthur Holmgreen and Earl Wolkau
,,eft Monday for Bend, Eastern Or.
! Mrs- J- R- Coovert and nephews,
Clarence and Kenneth Edwards, vis-
lted at the Rhoades home Sunday
' afternoon.
Unrest Nelson moved his family
"down from Toledo last week to the
"ranch which he recently purchased
Miss Neta Phelps and brother. Cllf -
ford, accompanied by little Bobble Ed -
wards, drove over to Waldport Sun-
day. Miss Neta will remain In Wald-
port for some time.
The Beaver Creek Sunday School
is preparing a program to be given at
the Grange hall on Easter Sunday.
inn mpr . 11. h.Tnorenn ra lofl
at the Miiler home Sunday. i
Mrs. Merle Kendoll and children I
left Friday for the Volley where they
will visit her parents over Easter.
Joseph Shertfer made a business
trip to Albany last week i
Sir. and Mrs. B. F. Undlke. visited In
Toledo Sunday
c,. :
Mrs. J. C. Huntsucker and nhildrnn
Guy Twombly of Ona was In South
Bescl1 Sunday.
Belt was In South Beach Satur-
A sewing circle was organized last
week by the ladles of this community.
Dan Boone and his two little bro'.h-
erg were visiting at Pacific View Sun- i
Mr. Dozier is building an oU house
for Wtorren Ashworth.
Mr. Humfleet went to Newport !
Mr. Humfleet purchased a cow anu
calf of Mr. Lynn recently.
Still it rains. We keep hoping for
good weather though.
H. O. Rhoades, A. H. Phelps, A. R.
Zeek and Mr. and Mrs. A. Peterson
and daughter, were, trading ln. New
port and Yaquina Thursday.
"William Smith made a trip to Poole
Slough Ejiday evening to meet Mrs.
A. Peterson on her return from New-
Virgil, Aletha and Alpha Rhoades
and Blanche Brown were dinner i
guests at the Weber home Saturday.
Messrs Carmle Hubble and Wilbur
Collins of Seal Rock were in our
cinlty Sunday.
Messrs. Gene Emerson and Lloyd 1
Lewis spent the forepart of the week
at the Peterson home.
MU-s. Hester Coovert and Clarence
and. Kenneth Edwards of Ona were
callers at the Rhoades home Sunday,
ueorge ana ira Huntsucker were
dinner guests at the Peterson home
JMr, and Mrs. Guy Lewis and moth
er. Mrs. C. W. Lewis, spent the day
with Mrs. A. R. Zeek Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Zeek and son.
went over to Poole Slough Sunday.
i)r. Forbes was again called to our
neighborhood -Tuesday a the Lewis
home on account of Francis having a
Dad case of appendicitis.
J. M. Bowers made a trip to Yaqulna
Nice winter weather we have been
Mrs. P. H. Martin was over from
Eddyvllle to spend the week end in
her home.
. . . . ., . . V-. . . 1 ..." t I, I, IV TI ao u
Harlan visitor last week,
Mrs. C. F. McDonald Is visiting her
parents at Hill Top ranch,
'Mr. and Mrs. B. O. Young spent
Sunday at Frank Davis'.
U McBrlde of Eddyvllle Is here
conypleting the bridge across Spout
We are glad to hear Mrs. Chas.
Cator is Improving now. She is In
Salem under a good doctor's care and
no doubt will soon be with us again,
Maine Brlggs is home again. He
W caretaker of Chas. Cator's ranch,
during Mr. Cator's absence.
Charley Liudley and Tom Kelly are
i. , ... , ....... , ,,
uuliwiik uu) minifies lor -nail lup
Brown s new house. We expect a big
house warming soon. Mr. Brown.
, It la considered no disgrace to be
! o' W.ta our vicinity because.-
"KvervbodVa do n' t'.' th Is vsap.
frank Davis and son, Clarence,
mad 3 a trip to Blodgett the first of
the week (or a load of freight. The
.. . o,nrB.vBAor ii
ru l re. pe. ua
his troubles
Vm ' "nd Mrs Erbes visited
Jr- nf " - ?r vl8lted
C. B.
Mrs Norwood rrvplvH word that
TH. nurwooa received WOra Ulai
TeBsn Johnston and wlfn hsvn a hahv
If.8, 8!. nAu l118 haVe a baly
girl born March 27th.
Mr. and Mrs. Ben Hogevoll have an-
' nounced the birth of a baby boy born
the 27th of March.' He has been named
Jack Leroy.
Afrg. M. Cook and Bernlce Hogevoll
Bpent the week end at Albany,
. Mr. and Mfs. Thompson, former
'Nashvlllo people, were In from Silver
ton visiting relatives the first of the
, Mr. and A. F. Eng'.in were Wednes-
day to Sunday visitors in Portland.
I (W. H. Martin Is in Vancouver this
: week.
Mrs. W. H. Mbrtin was in Albany
and Corvallls the first of the week,
e. S. Lister, former resident of
, Nashville, now of Pofland was In for
a short vi alt rainnflv
' Darwin Nash hrmiiit in mni
'lam,?3 HHand made a business trip
t0 Corvallls the first of the week.
. A m3Pt-1"S will be held at Nushville
ln the near future for the purpose of
teaching the women of Ihe-commun-
Ity t0 make dress forme end all women
V ureCT1 10 c18- me aaie 01 meet.
lng will be announced latr
On Tuesday the hill folks were
I treated to a regular snow storm. We
I believe with the cartoonist for the
regonian that the weatherman I
ikbiuiik ins uaies mixed, rnis ib the
season for flowers not snow.
Mrs. Odell left on Monday for Idaho
to be with her sister who Is not ex
pected to live.
Floyd Hayes lost an even dozen of
flne llttIe Duroc Jersey pigs during
me coin speii sunaay nig&t.
iMr- and Mrs- DaB McCarthy are re-
;ceivmg the congratulations of their
miny friends these days. Mrs. Me
Uarthy was formerly Mrs. Ina Stur-
devant. We wish to add our good
wisnes for a long and happy married
A large delegation from the South
side met with the Court oa Monday
ana luesaay or this week; the matter
to be considered being the petition
for all the necessary bridges in Lin
coln Co. It was set aside as the
prosecuting attorney stated that it
was not worded In a legal manner.
He claimed that all petitions for
bridges mut come under the title
"Road Petitions." The Court gavt
another day ln which to secure sjgn-
ers ror a new petition. By makine
strenuous efforts a commlttAR nf fmir
secured the necessirv Biimnturoo
within twenty four hours. As . the
Trose-uHng attorney hlmRnlf drow
vi-lthis petition it will undoubtedly meet
nil requirements. On the ballot Itwlll
probably be called "Rnnrllno' nt T in.
; coin County for 140,000 for rermanent
iRoadr." Wlhen you read that, vote
"YES" as 'hat means a brldse across
i the Yaqulna at Toledo. When you
read on -the ballot "Bonding of Lin
coin county for $63,000," vote YES
to that also, as that means bridges
across the Sllett. The Court, will look
after the smaller; bridges. ' It was
placed on record, we understand that
the money so raised can be used, for
no other, purpose than the building
of these bridges.
The annual meeting of the Lincoln
County Fire Patrol Association was
held here last Saturday. State For
ester Elliott, R. S. Sheljey of. the' TJ.
3. Forest Service and several outside
tlmbermen attended the meeting. W.
B. Ball, N. H. Sherwood, W. y. Fuller,
W. R. Hall and C. L.' Starr were elect
ed directors, and at the directors'
meeting held immediately after, W. R.
Hall wag elected president, N. H.
SherwootV vice president, W. E. Ball,
supervising warden', and Ira Wade,
Hill 8t, Toledo, Oregon
Ask about our .
Best established eating place In
Lincoln, County
E. J. ffOWLER, pr0p.
iFrlends of Miss Julia M. Brown,
daughter of Mrs. Eliza Brown of
Poole Slough will be greatly surprised
to hear , of her marriage, April 8th,
1922, to John M. Zleser, Jr,
Mr. and Mrs. Zleser are located ln
Redmond, Oregon.
Mrs. Zleser has a host of friends ln
Lincoln county who extend their best
wishes for t long and happy married
The Toledo Grammar School girls
defeated the Elk City girls ln a postr
swsan game of basket ball at the Fair
building last Friday evening by the
score of 37 to 10. The Toledo boys
won from the Elk City boys by the
score of 27 to 9.
J. G. Turck and Ethel Alexander,
both ft this city, wore married tav
County Judge C. W. James ln his of
fice Mtrnday. Mr. and Mrs. Turck will
make their hotae here for the present,
Mr. Turrik being employed as a dumb
er on the new houses being erected
by the Toledo Investment & Develop
ment Corporation.
Three of the sixteen houses which
are under construction by the Toledo
investment and Development Corpor
ation are now. practically complete,
Two 'more are lathed and ready' for
plaster and seven are now under roof.
The work is goln right along despite
the bad weather, but wouM Dror
a whole lot faeter If the weather would
oe reasonable. :
At tho meeting of . the Board of Di
rectors held Tuesday evening It was
derided to levy another 20 percent as
sessment for MJay 1st.
The regular meeting of the Tolorlo
Chamber of Commerce was hold Wed
ne.?'lay evening, wi;h President G. B.
McCluskey presiding.
v" S. Frederick, J. W. Dunn, and W.
K Patterson were appointed as a com
mittee to wall on the city council to
3ee what could be done toward clean
lng up along the back of the buIldlnKS
abutting the railroad right of way.
Th9 railroad company has agreed to
giude and sead its right of way if the
property owners wla clerji ud and
paint up,
"ine Annual Teachers Institute la
to be held here the latter, part of tills
montn, and two committees w- re an.
pointed at this time to lock out for
tne nouslng and entertainment of the
teachers while here. The committee
on housing is: Mrs. P. Frederick, Mise
Ariiile Hawkins and M'iss Eleanor
Grady. The committee on entertain
ment is; Prof. Victor Shawe, W. C.
Burcroff, and Mlsa Corinne Penning
ton. '
A committee from the Southslde
Improvement Club v,as present and
asked the cooperation of the Toledo
Chamber of Commerce ln their efforts
to secure a bridge across the Yaqulna
river. The Chamber went on record
as favoring the project and promised
to assist in. every way possible. The
commHtee from the Southside Im
provement Club was: H. F. Clark, W.
B. Ollson, and Floyd Butler.
"SIIet Grove" is the trade mark
name that has been reserved exclu
sively for the use of O. A. Olin of
SHetz, as a prefix to the regular regis
tration name for all Holstr.ln animals
raised on the 'Olin, farm and registered
with the Hofste'ln-Krleslan Asjodatton
of America, according, to an officio:
announcement recently' made by F. L.
Houghton of Brattleboro, Vt.
Friday Ethel .Clayton In
Also Hal, Roach Comedy "Open An
other, Bottle.", 30 and 15 cents.
"Doug". Fairbanks In "THE NUT"
a comedy drama said to involve some
of the meat original and comical, com
plications ever shown upon the screen.
Everything happens to him from los
ing his clothes to setting himself afire
and In the story, he impersonates
Lincoln, Grant. Napoleon and Tom
Thumb. Also a comedy 40, 20c.
Also Musical Reeding by Mist
Edijth Young.
Last Friday Frank J. Scott and Miss
Clara Hartzog, both of Newport, were
married at tho home of tho Rev. C. R.
Ellsworth ln thin city.. Mr, Scott op
erates a jitney, and Miss Hartzog is
one of the teachers ln the Newport
On Saturday, the 8th, Daniel Mc
Carthy and Mrs. Ina Sturdovant, both
of this city, were united ln marriage,
tho Rev. C. R. Ellsworth officiating.
Mr. MWarthy is forman In charge of
the Roberts logging camp on Mill
Creek, and Mrs. Sturdevant was the
eldest daughter of tho late I. F. iliser.
You are cordially Invited to attend
an entertainment to be given by the
pupils of the Toledo Grade School,
Tuesday evening, April 25th, at the
school gymnasium.
A varied program will be offered
including the new Exposition Song,
"Beautiful Oregon Rose"; the delight
ful "Yama Yama" chorus from the
musical comedy, "The Three Twins";
a children's presentation of "Little Or
phan Annie"; and many other inter
esting features.
General Admission 60 cents. --
Remember the day Tuesday, April
25th, 1922.
A concert will be given at the M. C.
Church on thq evening of Thursday,
April 20th, under the auspices of the
Epworth League. It is known as the
P. Waldo Davis "Golden Chimes Con
cert," and is said to be good. Tickets
are now on sale and a large atten
dance Is expected.
lT nnl Ci I , tA r nrnA ftltn A.nt
of three wrestling bouts, the first of
which was won by Miller on July 4th,
1921, at Newport, the second was won
by Amort at the County Fair, Septem
ber 10th, 1921, and the final bout won
by Miller, . '
The first fall was won by Miller ln
d0 minutes and 10 seconds, the Becond
fall in 10 minutes and 31 seconds.
;Mill:er weighed, 157 pounds and
Amort 160 pounds, both stripped.
Fred Chamberlain acted as time
keeper and W. K. Patterson as referee.
The winning of this match places
Miller In a position just three removed
from the middle weight championship
of the world, that Is, he will have to
wrestle and defeat three men before
challenging the now middle weight
After tho match Miller challenged
any man In the world ln the 158 pound
class, offering to post a side bet of
'iOOM. winner to take all, or on a
10-2D Dasis.
The preliminary was between Fran
cis Powers and Mblvln Miller, the son
of Charles Miller. Molvin won the
first fall in 40 seconds and the second
fall rn 1 minute and 10 seconds. The
boys seemed to pleaoe the crowd very
mucn and both showed some science,
especially young Miller.
(On the 22nd Miller will wrestle the
representative of Ted Thye, of Port
land, If he defea's him, It is very
probable that he will be challenged
by Thye himself or by someone who
will be named by him. But Miller
wants it distinctly understood that ha
will accept no challenges of any kind
until after the match is over on the
zznd. And should he be the victor
preference will be given to those be
tween him and the championship.
Charlie is going to helD nut Lincoln
.County on Jhe map.
It is reported that, the easf. ap
proach to the South Beach tramway
collapsed yesterday and that the lum
ber for the Beaver Creek bridge, which
was pllf!d thereon, fell in the bay. The
piling nau Deen nearly eaten off by
The Tug Robarts, Hugh Conran.
Captain, broke Its rudder the latter
part of Inst week and Is now on the
ways at the Altree shipyard being re
, Messrs. H. G. Wlolf and R. Ham
mond have established an electrical
store in the Schenck & Wade bulldin r
They will carry a complete stock of
elecfrliral appliances and materials,
and will do house wlrlnu, etc. Mr.
Hammond being a licensed electri
cian. A new glass front has been Dut ln
the store this week and same will
soon be open for business.
Mrs. Austin Altree 10 turned, to her
homo at Portland Monday noon after
an extended visit with her son; Ed,
and family at Slletz. Mrs. Altree pur
chased a couple of acres at Otter Rock
while here, and she will build a sum
mer home thereon.
Dr. C. E. Linton of Wildport passed
thru to Portland Saturday where he
will attend a meeting of the Oregon
Authors League. Ho also will attend
a medical cllntlc while in the city
and post up on the latest develop
ments ln the medioal world.
lEmll T. Raddant of Logsden was
In the city Tuesday. Mr. Raddant
said that the backward spring was
working a big hardship on the farmers
and that most of them were being for
ced to buy hay. Mr. Raddant owns
about a thousand ocrea of the finest
land in the Silotx valley.
A. C. Wehnert is down from Eddy
vllle today on business. Mr. Wteh
nert has recently moved on his farm
which he owns there, having, but, Just
recently returned from a trip to the
state of Nebraska,
(Little Otis Cooper, aged six, was
accidentally shot lost Saturday after-
' noon with a 22 rifle In the hands of
little "Buddy' Wlntermute, aged five.
The little fellows had been playing
together for Borne time when ln soma '
manner little "Buddy" secured the
gun, and In playing with it it was dis
charged, the bullet striking Otis ln the
stomach and coming out Just to the
left of his spine. The force of the
bullet was so nearly spent when It
emerged from his back that it did not
pen at rate his clothing.
The Hole fellow was taken to the
office of Dr. Burgess and every at
tention given him that was possible.
An X-Ray picture disclosed the fact
that the bullet passed thru his stom
ach and Just clipped his kidney, but
did not touch any vital organ. At
present he is getting along nicely, and
unless Infection sets In will recover.
(Hemlock, Oregon, April 7, 1923.
Lincoln County Leader.
Dear Friends:
I am ' sorry I overlooked my sub
scription was getting the paper all
the time' and Just didn't think, for
we couldn't live without the Leader.
It Is just like a big letter from home.
So glad to bear how things are boom
ing I wish we were there to see her
boom.' ' '
.You will find inclosed, $2.00 for the
Leader and oblige.
, : i ; Chas. C, Brown.
' The Toledo Athletic Club is putting
on another athletic card this evening
which promises to be real interesting.
The main event of the evening will be
a wrestling match between Marvel
Edwards, undefeated light weight
champion of Canada and Curtis Cliam-
bers, amateur, champion of Lincoln
County. Other wrestling bouts will
be Lelnnd Kyntston vs. Owen Hart,
and Jim Chambers vs. John Ledahl.
Boxing contests will be held between
Buster Graham and Joe Buel; Gerald
Wado and "Sonny" Hoover.
Ladles are Invited to attend.
A baby boy weighing eight pounds
was born yesterday morning, April 6,
to Mr. end Mrs. Earl Smith of Ya
chatB, Lincoln county. Mother and
babe are at the Corvallls General Hos
pital and both are doing nicely. Mrs.
Smith was formerly Miss Francel
Stanton and in recent years attended
Corvallls High School. She will be
remembered by a number of high
school friends who will be Interested
In the news that she is now the
mother of a fine boy. Corvallls Gazette-Times.
'About Blxty couplo attended the
dance at the Club House last Saturday
evening, which was given by "Dick
& Nick;" and all had a fine time. The
local orchestra Is hard to beat and
certainly make good dance music.
At midnight a spleudid supper was
served by the ladies of the local Re-
bekah lodge, to which all did am Die
Another dance will be given to
morrow evonlng.
The Newport Natatorlum Associa
tion has been form'ed and Is capital
ized In the sum of $25,000. C. O. Haw
kins Is president of the association and
O. H. Ashcraft secretary.
Secretary Ashcraft was in Toledo
Wednesday and purchased the holler
of the Chesley Lumber Co. This
boiler will be taken to Newport and,
used to heat the plunge.
The new natatorlum will be larger
than the old one and will be modern
and ' well ventilated. A dance hall
will be on the second floor.
Construction work will start at once.
A big dance and supper is to be
given by Lincoln Grange at Ona.
April 22, Dance tickets and supper
Word was received here Tuesday of
the death of Waltor Howell, who re
sides on the Yachats. Mr. Howell
was a brother of Albert Howell of this
city, and 'brother of Virgil Howell who
also resides near Yachats. We were
unable to learn the particulars of hli
D. F. Cruson. and C. E. Nichols, bet
tor known as "Ding & Nick," closed,
their pool and billiard parlor last Frk
day, and made a voluntary assignment
of their assets to their creditors.
Messrs. Cruson and Nichols opened
up for Dusmess about a year ago and,
have conducted a clean, ud to data.
establishment, with lunch counter and
Store ln connnnttnn
.They have made manv friends dnrin
he'r business carper, and I( 18 to be
re"r6tted that there Was not business
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