VOLUME 29 TOLEDO. LINCOLN COUNTY, OREGON. FRIDAY. JANUARY 27th, 1922. NUMBER 49 ' SILETZ Tho revival meetings that have been going on here for two week a closed Sunday evening. The meetings were well attended and everyone seemed to bo Interested In the singing and the fine eloqent' sermons preached by the pastor qf the c"mrch, Itev. C. W. rogue. Tha moral splritural and In toloctual conditions of the community were greatly benefitted by the meet ings. There were a few accessions to the church. The order was excel lent during the whole time of the meet ings. I Charles Kllpple of the Bell Tele phone Compuny, with his family have been here for several days installing machines and putting up telephone linos. Mr. Kllpnle is tn expert at the buslnass and he is going to see '.hut the work Is done right this time. Some people are queor. One man would not let the lineman come into his house to fix his machine but fixed it himseX I suppose he did not like the looks of the lineman. When this Job is completed we may expect splen did telephone service. I notice in the Portland papers they are having a great "Uproar" inreguard to the dances in the public schools. T'he ministers and directors have lock ed horns on the subject and call each other hard names. The directors stands for the dance properly chapron cd and the ministers are opposed to the dances in the public schools under any condition. It appears the young Tlinn liova trr. on nlnn I V. n .. .1 .. cw u:v.T3 HIC KUU l UailCO with the young ladies at all unless rw ult, .uu i uauto they wii: park their corsets. This is a new advance in modern education. The young folk3 at Sil .'tz are not that far along yet. It seems Dr. Wilson a prominent minister has the evidence that school dances are conducted in that way, such things might go on In a dance hall and not be noticed by a great many persons It is a fact that a great many girls date their downfall from attending Information concerning the town to tlicse dances. These young men say be started on the Southside. Inquiries they won't dance with young ladies have been received from real estate that are "iron-clad with corsets. This dealers newspaper men, garage own la an evidence that the morals of the ers, barbers, confectioners and a man people are going to tho bad and If not who wantj to Btart a pool-hall, checked will result ln the down fall As soon as the town is laid ou.. it of our boasted civilization. This is will beeln to erow. What u nrtH i. a ftajtt Th hnmn trnlnln. r,t o w.,..,..e, children is going out of fashion and the children are allowed to do about s they please. The little dears must not be corrected but allowed to do as they please. We don", have home , Sovernment any more. The govern ment Is turned over to the school and Mrs- J- C. Dixon visited her mother it dosen't take a prophet to see where we are drifting. This community was HhoekM n haar' of the sudden death of County Judge John Fogarty which occured at his homo in Toledo Monday nlirht Judge Fogarty had been In poor health since taking office. He did not "WOnt tho nfftVo hut hia frUna lnnln cd he should run thnt h rm.M k elected. He finally consented and "he result showed he was elected by a scod majority. He had been County Judge before and had a good record. The people trusted him and this was a strong factor in his re-election. He desired to finish up his term but cruel fate ordered It otherwise. He was conscientious, well informed ln county matters and wanted to do the best thing for the people. He was caro- ful and economic in the use of peoples money. I often heard him say he must treat all the people alike. In business he had no favorites. Ho wanted to do justice to an. His record Is made, his race run, his life was snuffed out like a candle in tha midst of Important matters that he hoped to finish up but he was not permitted to do It. Hail and fnrewell. Sunerintendent PhMr-raft lft n .n . ? . . official visit in his district. He will go as far as Seattle before returning home. cm, . r,, . , S. T. Louden Dis Wet Deputy o, the Grange Is visiting Siletz in the interest of the order. V3 .i lV OUT AND PL AV T3JV1 FINISHED VO0n M -i lil cm rwr n-r" 'V rrtnTnm mj? I tk K) 1 . 4 III -J f f---" BJ I home u wMmr m SWEET p:S WK&aS II 9 HOME WXl X El mEm. NOW THE AUTO VAMP tit V?vt V it i r " . AOTOCArCf Helen McGinnis of Chicago ha been convicted as being an automo bile vamp. She smiled sweetly at Martin Metzcr as he was drivine by in his car. He asked her to go riding mill. ..urn icaiucu tun- sciousnesi at a lonely spot in the country his money and diamonds were gone and so was Helen. One to ten years for her. SCHJTHSIDE Miss Ester Chamberlain has been S'Ck at h5r home the fir8t n ot , Mr. and Mrs. Dan Hendrlckson and , ay Frank Harrison has been on the sick list this week. The sale of the late William Darn ley's personal property will be held at lUs former home on Saturday Feb ruary 4th. Mr. Darnlcy's sistor arrived from Utah and It is reported that she may take Willard back with her to be ed ucated. . , Letters are pournlng in asking for ....... A .m t miiuo Kjim wuu will nuance me Dian. From present indications there will be quite a town on this side by ml time next year. 0 r-i it ri-ri ' u" and father of Newport Friday, returned on Sunday's train. Vlvicn Polmsbee of Salado has sold hls lnterest in nls PIace to ns brother;. Vernon and ls now working in the' quarry here. I ( " psia'B nn.y, 'l ls Blv'ag occupation to the mea IierO. ! There w111 ba a dance given In the oew cook shnck at tha uar Saturday the 28th, every body invited. Wm' Daniels and famlly loft Satur- day for Summlt where wl" make thelr hom8' The new noor has been la,d ,n he S88 hal1, after flnlshin8 Saturday "ight they gave a dance- ' gran- gers have glven consent to the acho1 ch"drcu to U39 il tor Baskct BaI1 pur" .P"868, Monday Ralph Schmitt made a trip " " c "au ou'" u-"1"' fnij-. ...i t, ,j j , i The Elk City school children have 0Tanizei cook'"B. sewing and poul- try clubs . The EIk Clty glrls haVe 8tartod a uonci .. u.. The Elk City saw mill started Mon- aay- U roimsuee oi caiaao was in the city Tuesday. The Elk City Sunday School has started an aeroplane contest. The los- In ttii n Al. ... J ,"5 ""' B" tt lo u.o wm- aers. Alfred Jacobson of Pioieer made a trip to Toledo Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. B. Graves are the proud parents of a baby boy, which ar rived last week. Frank Gatens, husband of Mrs. Agnss Gatens, the primary teacher, Is working in the quarry at Elk City. Mr. Sprague, after making a visit of two weeks in our city left for his home, Sa'urday. ONA L. D. Nash of Nashville and Fred Commons of Harlan were in thfs vi cinity the last of tho week buying beef cattle. They drova out 53 head Monday. I. It. Puyno and Guy and Hen Twombly going along to help tlit drive. Earl Wolkau made a trip to Vn.i.na r;ie-.-uay. B.'roor Cook leturned home fro a ' : Portland the first of the week. J'.iem Neta Plielis returned hom? I'nni South Beach Wedncsdav. C. P. Bunnell and C. S. Olunart went to Toledo Wednesday to attend the , meeting of the Farm Bureau. J. R. Coovert and Clifford Pholps 'were hauling feed from Poole Slough Sajtnrdnv Mr. and Mrs. I. R. Payne anl fam ily were dinner guests at the D. C. Gray home Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. C. S. Ohmart spent Sunday with Mr. end Mrs. Miller. Gene Cook is plowing for Mrs. Wolkau this week GLEN Wo have been vhltert by all kinds v. nuonnji .nit, ncun Mlli, BB11, SHOW , . . aiiu BUliBIlUlU Through the Lsader ws learned of the death of Mr. J. T ZZ ., i" home in Portland. Mr cl n" . d family resided here for severs years miy rcs.acu ere lor several years, He was a splendid neighbor and liked .it h, t y all who knew him. ...... v munity extend their sympathy, Roy Moore returned to McMInn,!:).' MnnrB ' Mrs. John Davenport has been quite s in me past two weks, having a severe com wnicn settled on her lungs. She is some better. Mrs. W. R. Moore and Mr. and Mrs. ' moss man) passed away January 7th J. K. Wheeler spent last Thursday at the Old Soldiers' Home, Los Ang with Nathan Watkins. eles, Calif., after a lingering i:ines3 John Davenport, W. R. Moore, Alva . KT T , . m , . , Y G'T ? T coyotes, but as usual, were unsuccess- . , j Mr. and1 Mrs. T. L. Bohannon spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Moore. , T " "ulK,ns wa a 01Rner wst v.. mi. tuiu iuib. w. ii. moore B lasi , Tuesday. NORTH BEAVER Mr. and Mrs. fl P. Inwl. anA mother spent Thursday wl'.h Mr. and Mrs. Archie Zeek. j TT n Dhn.lnn TnA Trl. 1 a n tfirBm, a w ww n.A i m n..... wero trading m Yaqulna and Newport .Thursday. 1 Elmer Cook passed through this vi- clnity Thursday enroute for Portland. Mrs. Hattio Edwards called on Mrs. J- M. Bowers Thursday afternoon. K. D. Martin is ln this vicinity at the Present writing. H. G. Rhoades, D. C. Gray, Mr. and Mrs- H. H. Cook and son, Fred, made, a business trin to Tolrio PrMav Joe Kohler and William Smith made a lrlP 10 100le Slough Saturday r!...i r, i . . n . . yngio luiouuKB weni 10 seal KOCKS Saturday returnLng Sunday, accom- panied by Wilbur Collins. Mr. and Mrs. Archie Zeek spent Sun- dav with Mr- and Mrs. Tom Barker of rooie siougn. , T. B. Butler of South Toledo was in this vicinity Saturday and Sunday,' maKing business calls in regard to the telephone lines. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Kohler and son Charlie, spent Sunday with Mr. and k r n . . mrs. u. v.. L,ewis, ana rainlly. , Mr. and Mrs. A. Peterson and fam- lly spent Sunday at the Huyett home, Misses Alertha and Alpha Rhoades and Blanche Brown spent one day with Mrs. J. M. Bowers last wotk. Messrs. Floyd Rhoados and Georga Hun' sucker of Yaqulna bay spent Mon day in: tills neighborhood. Thomas Barker of Poole Slough was In this vlcln'ty Monday. Mrs. A. Peterson little daughter, Josephine, and Mrs. Joe Kohler spent Wednesday afternoon with Mrs. Ar chie Zeek. G. B. Lewis went to Newport Wed nesday. ' NOTICE Will open for business Saturday, January 28th, Confectionery and Bak- ery coblned, Fresh bread. Cream Puffs. Rolls. Cookies, Pies and Doughnuts. Ice Cream, Candles, Nuts, etc. I Tobaccos and Cigars. Apples, Bananas, Oranges and Lem ons. All fresh fruits in season. ! Call In and see us, at the Akin build ing. SURVEYORS AT WORK County Commissioner Dunn receiv ed a letter from Commissioner War- ren this week, In which tha latter Btates that the State Highway Da- I Partnnt has a crew of surveyors in the field locating the section of the jg. ..uUii.i. '"h'lna'l 1J11IK UClfft!ei an bridee on SAlmnn rlvm- a-nA t!bo. .f.-.. it. c,, , " ' " iivco .ouip un me oumx river. TVlla urnrlr j.smna no a wnn..u ,u 'n . ""'"J-""' "l U"ty T 1 IfZZT 'mT T L " ' have made the Court. By pulling to- nt.i,- i -m , h . Bether ln a11 V1 of the county we win vhi tiiit iinn m v.n tnon ? " norses, weirht 1300 and 1200 each. ' . , 0 ; R W WCiVJ nrin 1 R. Wl S'ow, (better known as the" extending over a period of five months. . . . , . . , t ."T ummer' ,n U C?"nty bU3""g moss, and spent the winters at itho Soldiers' Home. He was very active 'or his age and was liked by all who knew him. He leaves two daughters and one Bon lo mou nls l088' WISWELL KNOCKED OUT The wrestling boutat the fair build lng Saturday evening, between Jinx Wlswell and Curtia f'hwnilmro rnma to a sudden end during the first fall when Wlswell's head struck the mat so hard thot It, 1U Ut A i i.i ' with him . ,, Vi,,,,.. brought Mm to, but he was In no con- dittos to continue the match, Tho referee gave the match to Chambers. Another match will probably be pulled off later. Max MoffM and Jimmy Chambers put on an interesting preliminary, each of the boys receiving one fall. TO OPpN Dnvt.Mp. r,nnM TO OPEN DINING ROOM Mrs. Small will open the dining room at the Ellsworth Hotel, Monday, Jan- ..nM. OnU rtn. I- mi v i ouui. mo mn wm ue B'Jrvea family frlyle, 40c a meal or 1.00 par day. Adv. BUILDING FrinTRRinr.P ACROSS DEPOE SLOUGH i-wwun Tno Pacifio Spruce Co. has a crew! "" uu pueanvor nusy mis wee.t building a foot bridge across Dnpoe Slough, connecting the old mill dock " this side of the river, with the walk Innl1lnn n 1.1,. V. tf n . iu n. v.uu ruuse on me omer Bide of the river. This win chorten the distance, about half ln going from 'own to the mill. VOO OONT KNOW THESE VFDV WIFll OOnAi TT ) THIS ONE - NAME ANIMALS FOUND I NORTH POLE f THIS WOMAN WILL HANG A MAN . -v. ; J Poor woman I She is a sheriff. Kirs. Gunda Martindale, of Allama kee, Iowa, and she must sprig the trap that sends Earl Fruat.i fiendish slayer of a young girl, to eternity She once caved him from lynching, now she must kill him. FARM BUREAU MEETING The annual meetine of th i.inpnin County Farm Bureau was hold at tho Commercial Club Rooms in this city VDBtnil1air Tlila 91 .1 ... ""J uia nun uiu mat tiuuuai iiioemiB oi me nuieau anu delegated from all sections wore .nrwipiit irusi.ient t'lirla. Larson, called M:e n,TO,,nB to "d -ate. from 0,9 tM"S answered th r": J"n B'adbury. Beaver Creek club' W H M-irtin NanhvlllR- r 5 Martin, las!illlB, 0. S. Ohmart, Ona; V. P. Mitchell. Yachnts: I. J. Popin, Cliitwod; A. Martinson, T' .Ue; j. w. Parrlsh, Dopoe; W. R. Har'ley, -' Sou,h Rav L. Jenk lis. Tn bjIo- w p stuVn. Mill Four ' a nrn. . J .... .... . , u" . . year were: V. P. president. V. 0. Graves, Toledo, vice-president. W. R. Hartley, To ledo, ecy.Jtreas.' Directors: W. F. Wakefield, Eddyville; J. W. Parrlsh, iinu, uuj mud, vv . i urrisn, Toled: Joh adbury, Toledo; L C. Mowery, Siletz. Many matters of Importance to the county came up before the meeting and there is no doubt but what the Farm Bureau is doing much to ho:p the farmers of this county. We will try and give a more detailed account of tho meeting next week. AT THE "MOVrES" Drama "The Whispering Market," also a 2 reel Bio V Comedv "Pnnlr.pina" 30c and 15c. TONIGHT Corlnne Grlfffth In the CaTiirrlau A C.h... ft- jivl.i Girl MontanJir:nm.HU r... ; tomers." , , 14 EPISODE"The Avenging. Ar- row.-3Sc and 15c. ICE PLANT FOR TOLEDO Jos Swearlngen this week conclud- ed a d -al for the purchase of the Ice I making machinery and Ice cream I equipment of the Newport Creamery 'This U what is known as a five ton ' plant. Tho equipment for making Ice cream Is practically new and Is In first ' class condition. Mr. Swearlngen was . at Newoort VWidntisiluv mnk nir nr. rangnments to have Ihe plant brought j to Toledo. He will Install same ln the j Toledo Creamery. LtuiuiM U tilVE DANCE FEBRUARY ELEVENTH Alden Abbey Po&; No. 64, American (jORlon B piannlns R larKe d f , the erenlmr of Saturday. pBhr,rv n i celebration of Lincoln's birthday. ' A committee appointed at the last' meeting Is now at work planning' the details which make the Legion dances so popular as-well as success- fuj. o TIM FIVE AT THE 1 m n t-M l JUDGE FOGARTY PASSES County Judge John Fogarty passed away at hU home In this city last Monday evening at about six o'clock, death being) caused by heart failure. Mr. Fogarty's sudden death came as a shock to the entire community. He had spont the day at his office and had just arrived home a few minut-s prior to his death. Joe Sijota of Taft was in Toledo and accompanied Mr. Fogarty home that evening, and soon after his arrival there, Mr. Fogarty complained of a pain In his side. His wife went to heat a cloth, wliilo Mr. Sijota assisted him ' his room. Ho expired a few minutes after lying down. John Fogarty was bora In Ireland In 1S52, coming to this country with his mother when but an infant. Ha spent his boyhood in Indiana, receiving his education at a college at Dayton, Ohio. When about 21 years of ag0 ho went to California where ho spent consid erable time In the gold fiolde. Here he married Nancy Jane O'Neal to which union three children were born, Jack, Julia and Frank. From Calif ornia Mr. Fogarty went to Colfax, Wash., where he engaged In the stage business. He moved to Oregon about 1875 locating at Salem where he fol lowed farming for a time. He came to the Vaqulna bay ln 1884 locating at South Beach. This was during the building of the railroad and times wore booming on the bay. Mr. Fo garty made considerable money on real estate deals and would havo be came wealthy had he Bold his holdiigs before the boom collapsed. Ht. was a personal friend of Mr. Hogg, builder of the railroad, and It was largely thru the hitter's advice that he hung onto liis holdings Instead of selling. He soon moved to Newport where he engaged ln the livery and transfer business. Mr. Fogarty served as councilman for tho city of Newport f;nd about 1908 was elected commis sioner. Upon the resignation of Jutisa Gardner he was appoiuiel ,by (he Oovenor to fill out the Iattor's Un expired term. One year ago he was , again elected to this office, Mr. Fo- e-'r'y nindo a good official and had many friends In all parts of ftp county. Ho died In the harness serv ing the people who elected him. Hav ing separated from his wife, a'jMit eleven years a?o he was un'tel in , , ! ft !' ;h,s eo Ith Miss Wisnlewskl, of county. To this union was Item one son, Charles, who Is now nged 9. All the children an now living except his daughter, Julia, who died, Just four years to the day, be fore her father, sho dying January litlfc Jack re., ("es at 147 tllhhs St., Icrtland, and Frank at No . port. Funeral services were comlii :t 'd oy the Masons of which order Mr. Fo farty was a mn Tiber, with lutwmerit In the Newport cemetery. o A CORRECTION In publishing the Kemville items two woeks a80 we Inadvertently omit- ted a ipor,lon ot the with regard to BcllooIs- Tne ""W Have ;'oad as follows: "RePrt c)"'8 frn fftft tlmta Unlon IIlK" Stll0l ls bo,n Panned to Include the four districts f JB' DeVU'S Sclloonor Creok 'l",d DHft Creuk- We "u,;d a ,llBh ' '8 a'8 noed tt CM""da4 Brade BKhol Tlle latcst development ,a roport from up"rlver that a cam" be laU,lched to brl"K t0 vo:a th6 ,88Ue ( t,MS consolldat(-d district, m'ludl'n& a,so the Kernvlll0 and up- TlVOr fl tttHta Tt la nv!.....I T .. - H""iu. u ;ii transPrUltln to a consolidated school at Kernvlll- frora the most distant I points -tf the proposal consolidation, could be accomplished in one hours tlmo, etc.'' We are sorry that this m Intake oc- cured' but ln tha rush of press day :t goi oy someliow. " ' REBEKAH DISTRICT CONVENTION On Tuesday. January 31st at one o'clock In the .fteZn the Rebekah' District Convention will meet at New- nnrt t na , n n WALRUS- SEAL, AN 0 A TH? POLAi? BEARS