Lincoln County leader. (Toledo, Lincoln County, Or.) 1893-1987, November 04, 1921, Image 1

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Superintendent Edwin L. Chalcraft
Will commence Wednesday, Nov. 2d,
to draw checks to pay the Indians
.money derived from the sale of land
Under the treaty of 1894. The amount
Is $41,222.60, to be distributed among
421 pergons, which amounts to $97. &2
to each person. The larger families
will get 'several hundred dollars to
each family. The Indians say they
are going to be careful how they
spend this money as they will have
but one other chance to get easy
money. And that will be for some
timber land they still own.
The Ladies' Aid Halloween Party
givea at the school play house was
successful beyond till expectations.
Some three hundred persons were
present embracing all the school
children of the district. Tho follow
ing abort program was rendered:
Music by the l'.i jon Orchestra;
Drill, Mrs. Colvln's pupils; Recita
tion, Vivian Larsen; Ghost Drill, this
was very Interesting. Fifteen ghosts
took part in this drill. Announce
ments.' This was followe. by the
serving of ice cream, cake and cof
fee. This was delicious. An exercise
In which all took part. It was a re;r
coclal affair in which all took part
nd everyone had a good time. Si
lets is becoming noted for Its hos
pitality and sociability. Everyone
noyed the fine large play house and
gymnasium the best In the county.
The room was full of spooks and
ghosts. Everything looked dark and
weird and as the spooks flitted about
It made the hair stand on your-head
nd to add more to the weird scene,
two witches commenced UTelr work
of bewitching everything that came
along. In Jefferson's time, such per
sons would have been hung because
they were old and wicked and people
thought they were bewitching other
people. In another booth a photog
rapher was taking pictures the most
horrible pictures you ever saw I
gave mine away. It was a most en
. Joyable evening. The receipts were
$52.44 which will be used for church
Major Shepard and his stenograph
er, Miss Edith, Workman, have gone
to the Wfarm Spring Agency but will
return in elghC or ten days to finish
the work here. Major Shepard Is
the examiner of Inheritance claims.
(To late for last week)
Our Items seem to be sort of
kit or miss these days and mostly
miss. But we are a very busy com
munity. . Everybody getting fish and
Jwreparing them for the winter.
Mrs. Isaac Hendrlckson and son, Mr.
Oleson, el so two children, have ar
rived tfom Michigan Where Mrs. Hen
drickson was callod at the death of
Iter daughter-in-law, Mrs. Oleson.
Wade Osburn caught a big black
bear In his trap last week.
Columbus Day was observed, by the
school, October 12th, having a short
it's toasted, of
course. To seal
in the flavoi
program in the afUrnoon.
Mrs. R. F. Baker of Newport spent
several days with Mrs. Chas. B. ot
this place, while Chas. was angling
over at the Siletz. (
.Mrs. PauT Paulson Is again under
the Doctor's care but able to be up
we are glad to say.
Such weather and almost November
let's all enjoy 1U We may need to
remember it before next summer.
'Mr. Cabot of Albany has located at
Pacific View for a while.
Will Ewing went to Toledo Tues
day and returned in the evening.
MI33 Neta Phelps our teachor, went
homo Friday evening and returned
Sunday evening.
FOR SALE Pure bred Jersey cow
to ficihen in December; 2 hcKers, to
freshen next sprang; 14 rt. skiff; 5125
Edison phonograph fcr $50. Joe Wln
dred. Toledo, Oregon.
M. G. Shermer left for Corvallis
Thursday where he will join his wife
who has been unde. medical care at
that place.
Harlan Branson and Eugene Emer
son attended the Masquerade dance
at Newport Monday.
B. F. Updike returned from Port
land Saturday night.
Averll and Harlan Branson departed
for the Valley Wednesday after a
short visit with their brother, B. F.
Branson and family. They will "fliv
ver" to California Monday"."
Mrs. Peter Shermer spent the week
end In Newport, s guest of her son, J.
A. Shermer and wife.
Howard Amsbarry left Wednesday
for The Dalles where he will be em
ployed by the O. W. R. & N.
Wm.' Bain, and Geo. Campbell, of
Yai.ulna, attended the masquerade
hero Saturday.
Guy Twombly -of Twomblyville
drove to South Beach Sunday after-
noon, returning home the same even
ing. ' -
The Masquerade at the Grange Hall
Saturday night was a great success.
There were about 30 couples present.
Many of the coBtumes were clever and
amusing and all had a hilarious good
Wm. Farrel Is hauling hay from
Poole Slough this week.
R. W. Oh mart returned home Mon
day. Mr. and Mrs. C. S. Ohmart and
small son and R. W. Ohmart visited
at the Hassman home Tuesday.
Gene Cook and Clifford Phelps are
hauling gravel from' Seal Rocks this
week The gravel to be used for ce
menting in the boiler In Cook's saw
mill. Mrs. Effle Hubble and daughter,
Miss Evelyn went to Waldport Tues
day. Frank Huntsucker is suffering' with
a very sore hand, caused by running
a rusty nail into it
Mr. and Mrs. I. R. Payne and daugh
ters, and Mr. and Mrs. D. C. Gray and
'children were guests at the Wilson
home Sunday.
Pete P. Byrnes returned last week
from a fortnight's visit In Bend, Ore-
Miss Neta Phelps, who Is teaching
at South Beach spent the week-end at
! Mr. and Mrs. John Emerson and Jim
Huntsucker of Oysterville, and Miss
Mazle Teeters, and Miss Lillie Bain ot
Yaquina, attended the masquerade.
. Halloween' passed off quietly here in
Toledo, no serious damage beiig done,
which was perhaps due to the fact
that the City Council provided a good
ly number of deputy marshals tor that'
A number of wagons, scrapers,
cream cans, etc., were distributed
around the main streets. Someone
j took a bar of white soap and went
; down the street writing this legend on
the store windows, "wash your win
' dows, here's the soap." . The next
' morning the Instructions were obeyed
quite generally.
Lester Waurjh and Ed Meaker have
purchased the half Interest of Wm.
Oldenburg In the Toledo Meat Co.
We will not be responsible for any
19th, 1921.
Waugh A. Meaker.
Six Indians and one white man had
their Innings In Justice Parrish's
Court here Monday afternoon, having
been arrested, at Siletz Sunday -and
Monday .and charged with drunken-
ness. The arrests being made by dop-
uty snenns. Jesse uameis ana lea
in u ii w a in, xtusuuuiiii miuruuy xvic-
Cluskey appeared for the state. Four
of them paid fines of $20 each, vi.
Scott Lane, Darwin Watte, Matthew
Williams, end Jinks Williams. Les
ter Bcllenger was fined 550, this being
his second offence. F. H. Downs,
white, was released under a suspended
sentence. The charge against Homer
Evans was dismissed. ,
An Interesting and instructive meet
ing of the Chamber of Commerce was
held In the Chamber's clubrooms last
Friday evening, G. B. McCluskey
'Many matters of Interest to 'he
town and county came up for discus'
lon S. T. Loudon of Eddvvllle was
present and asked the assistance of
the Chamber In putting over the Po-
mona Grange's scheme of giving each
delegate to the National Grange, at
Portland next month, a Lincoln county
agate, etc. The Chamber endorsed
the plan and promised asiistance.
Mir. Case of the State Chamber of
Commerce was present and gave an
interesting and Instructive talk.
The next meeting will be held No-
vomber 9th.
' All members of the .American Le
gion and all ladies interested in this
organization are requested to meet at
the otTice of G. B. McCluskey Satur-
day afternoon, November 6tlj, 1921, at
4 o'clock for the purpose ot making ar-
rangements for the dance supper on
Armistice Day. The proceeds of this
dance and supper will go to create a
fund for, the benefit of needy ex-sol-
diers and their families.
By Order of Committee.
from the World Fam
Aim KaaI ku Anna aiall
T. , n j
A Special Product.on with an
Ail-Star cast.
A play Every Child should see
for Crown Folks also.
The race scene is one of the
greatest ever filmed.
50 Cents and 25 Cents.
.,. ,
S?.cee?T DJlaj
Last Saturday evening at a special
drill called for the purpose of holding
an election for a first lieutenant to
replace Lt Brown, resigned, Serg. K.
H. Hayden received a substantial ma-
Jority of the votes cast. Major Dusen-
bury was present and conducted the
Oiher promotions made at that time
wore: Serg. Harry Johnston to acting
first sergeant; Corp. Henry Campbell
to Sergeant; and Pvt. 1C1. Vernon
Johnston to Corporal.
Ham Kautzman, former editor of the
Tualatin Valley News, published at
Sherwood. Or., passed thru Friday
evening enroute to Waldport where be
expects to start a newspaper soon.
The name of the new paper will be
the Pacific Herald. Mr. Kautzman is
an old hand at the game having been
at the business some 69 years. Wald-
port has been without a paper for sev.
several years,, and the establishing of
the "Pacific. Horald." lll fill a long
felt want. .
- ...ttiiks
... ., . . . .
une or tne questions to De taicen up
and discussed at the Chamber of Com-
merce meeting to be held on the even-
tnir nf Mnvomiior dih u th mnttor nf
, ,. , " . . . , .
the construction of a foot bridge
across Depoe Slough to the Club
House, the plun Is that this bridge be
built by "public subscription and the
i n . . . .
; proceed of dances to be gtven for
, that purpose.
I ' The proposed plan Is for tle bridge
tn hn hiilll Bt thn nnnnr onrt nf thn nld
mill dock and would bo necessary to
drive 4 piles in the center of channel.
The brlaje will be built at least as
high above the wator as the wagon
bridgo just above the site of the pro
For men's dress eoats, see Colvln. I
For rubber boots of merit see Colvln. '
Dr. R. D. Burgoss was a passenger
up the line Monday. j
Trade your old Ford fit a new one
now. Ford Garage, Toledo. I
Ralph Wflson of Chitwood was a To-
,edo vigUor yegteraay.
Come , nd haye headnflhts
adjusted Free. Ford Garage.
Mrs. F. W. Carson was a passenger
for Portland laat Friday noon.
"Fithlan-Barker" 10 Inch Calked
Logger Shoes, $13,50. The Bootery.
'. 'Mr. and Mrs. L. L. Fuller drove over
from tho Siletz yesterday In their car.
Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Hawkins wont
ao.,fl t0 Newport Wednesday evening.
,f in need ot , rana8i cook 8tove or
heaters', stove pipe, etc, see Colvir.
Oliver Johnson of Chitwood was
down to tho McMlckle sale yesterday. ;
Merchant C. B. Hallmark of Wald- i
port was a county scat visitor yester
day. Alumlnumware granlteware, tinware
waarrtubs, boilers, boards, etc. see
Mias Sara Crahen spent Sunday at
Elk C"y vlsltlnS wltn har Blster- Mrs-
C' Morrlon.-
Agsnt-For "Bow of the Road"
"rk c,oth,n ,or M-n nd
Tna Bootery-
' V- Hurt P86d tnru Mondar
eTenlng Corvallis to
Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Cooter have j
moved Into the Frederick's housa on '
Second street, recently vacated by El-,
mer Hornin'
"scotch Woolen Mills', all woolen!
or silk and wool Suits all one price.
We invite you to look these camples
over before buying. The Bootery. j
Tanlac has been an unfailing source
o comfort to millions throughout the
length and breadth of this continent,
Have you tried it for your troubles? ' !
..Dr- F- S. Fuglt arrived down from
Portland last Friday evening and Is
now practising dentistry In tho offices
formerly occupied by Dr. Brown,
" J- PP'n of Chitwood was In the
oltj Saturday. -Mr. Pepin has rented
hi ranch to John Sliger, and Mr. and
Mrs. Pepin will stay In Portland for
several months this winter.
Saturday Monday Cash Specials at
R. S. Van Cleve't Mill Run, Flour,
Whole Wheat Flour, Corn Meal, and
Alfalfa Meal with Molasses will be
sold at tho lowest prices for the year.
, . p .nhllfirlBt7OB.
Leader subscriptions received this
week are: J. W. Walker, Waldport, !
Or; J. T. Mahoney, Siletz, Or.; Mrs. 1
Mlnda Twombly, Bayvlew, Or.; V. D. ,
Graves, Toledo, Or. j
Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Akin returned :
home from Blodgett, Friday evening, j
where they have been located the past
wveral months, Mr. Akin being em-1
pk)yed 0Q tne highway survey. ,
George Carpenter, the , coal man,
went down to Portland Saturday to
868 about getting the necessary
equipment for putting In an aerial
bucket line between the mine and
the railroad at the Romtvedt place,
Mr. Carpenter Bays that he expects
to open the mine at- onco.
Mr. and Mrs. P. Frederick ana j
daughter, Jane, departed Tuesday for I
Monmouth where they will visit a few
day wth their niece, Miss Doris
Splcer. From Monmouth they will go
to Gardiner and visit with Mrs. Vivian
RadcIlff and family. They will also
visit Marsbfield before returning.
Tonight (Friday) The Pathe Drama '
"DAWN," 1bo the First and "Second
Episodes of "The Avenging Arrow."
w wei'e able to 8et tne rat Episode
"Bain so those who were unable to
Bee 11 last week will be able to do so,
30 15 cents.
i The date for public meeting for dls-
cusslon of the Budget of the Port of
Toledo, Is Saturday, November 26,
1921, 8:00 P. M., at the Port Office,
Toledo, Oregon.
Budget -"Port of Toledo Year 1922: '
in? Jan. 1. and ending Decom. '
ber 31, 1922. '
Interest on Outstanding
Bonds $23,460.00
,,,u1(, for retlrlng 0ut3analnf?
Honds 61.500.00
Emergency Fund 1,500.00 :
Traveling, Incidental Expense
iind Insurance 400.00 1
stanip!( atlonerV( 0frlce j
i supplies 50.00 ,
Olr-rlcal Service, Assistant Secy 120.00 j
Kuel 20.C0 i
Total .Estimated Expend!-
Hires $77,OS0.00
Total Estimated Incomo None!
Total to be raised by taxation 577.OSO.00
Guy Roberts,
Tho Community Newspaper
OF ALL the sheets from East
to Wait the local papr is the
bast. Deap is our love and dp
our debt to Record, Journal or
Catena, Whan first I landad on
this hall, a bit of flash wrapped
'round a squall, It welcomed ma
with joy and prida my Ufa has
navar justified. It follows ma my
whole life through, with words all
kind and mostly traei and even
aftar I am hearsed 'twill tell my
best and hide my worst. Whan in
Oihkosh or Wickiup I wander
homesick as a pup, or if in foreign
lands I roam, it brings ma .pleas
ant news of homo. Acrots, the
sands, across the sea, the olJ home
paper comes to mo. It is a friend
both true and tried, and to it,
gents, I point with pridoj yea, I
will hock my Sundsy pants to pay
Up six years in advance.
And Through It Peddler Learned That
Family tie Had Known for Flf.
teen Ysars Ware His Relatives,
"Publishing a country newspaper re
minds lue of tossing a pebble into
the ocean. We never know how far
the circles which It sets In motion will
reach," suld Wlllltson Mauley, publish
er of The Plaindoaler of Canton, N.
Y, the other day, In speaking of "Sub
scribe for Your Home Town Paper
Week," which is to be observed the
country over the week of November
7-12. ' "I had a good reminder of this
not long ago," he went on.
"One day there appeared In the
Plnlwlculcr oltice a short, stubby, ro
bust mull of prohuhly sixty. I knew
the minute I saw him tliut he hud
come In from the bg outdoors In some
section, lie told me that hp In: (I tii'u'n
the paper for muny yeura, probably
forty, ever since he had left Clinton,
where he was horn, He told me where
I would find the paper going, and I
found It -His post office was in u
little town way out In the Ilockles. Ho
said he had come hack to the old town
to live. He paid what he owed and
a year over for good measure, and then
ho nat down and I knew something was
Forty Years In the Mountains.
"'.Say,' said he, 'newspapers are
great things. You can never tell what
they are going to do for you. I have
been a peddler eut in the mountains
for forty years, making my trips, me
and tho little burro, once In
six months. There were a lot nf ion
Jumps between houses. For fifteen
years I bad been going out of my
trail, about Uve tnllitt to one slue, to
cell to a family that had moved In.
You get rather well acquainted with
people if you see them once In six
months for that long, so when I got
there one afternoon and didn't And
anyone home Just the door unlocked,
as all doors were there I went In arm!
mnde myself comfortable, and when
supper time came I didn't hesltntc
shunt hunting around forgruh. And
while I was doing it I found a copy
of the Plaliulealer on the kitchen shelf,
and one or two more around the
house the Plnlndenler, mind you, the
paper I was taking right from the
old home town I And I wondered who
these ljfteen-year-old friends of mine
were. I snddenly realized we had
never talked over our pedigrees any.
"When the family got home that
evening I asked questions, and what
do you thlnkf that wife wus a sort
of grandnlece of mine. She hadn't
beard of her old uncle off stubbing
around In the rocks of the Rockies,
and I hadn't ever heard that any
one related to me had ever mar
ried and was out there living under
another name. Your paper introduced
us to each other. I Just thought reu
might like to know about 1C "
Every normal man has two great
ambitions: First, to own his home;
second, to own a car to get nway from
his home'. Life. ,
Sewing Machines for rent $3.00
per month. Batsman Furniture Co. i
for five or twelve months, lots of
grass and good shelter. Hans Olson.
Ranch, one mile from Toledo on Ya-(
quina road. Al Hfsrtln, Toledo, Or. !
Private Office for Examinations
Prices Reasonable
F. M. French & Sons
Optometrists and Opticians
Albr.ny, Oregon
Died at his home in Siletz Valley,
; of organic heart disease, Saturday,
, October 29th, Henry R. Cobb, aged,
79 years and 26 days. He is sur-
vlved by his wife and five children,
three girls and two boys. Mrs. Nel
; son Braulett lives In Portland; Mrs.
I Ray Sletch lives at Merced, Califor
nia; and MYs. Ralph Salvage at Si
' lolz; one son, Charles, lives in Port
j luniT; and tho other, Warron, Uvea
' at Sile'.z. Mr. Cobb was one of our
' best citizens. Ha belonged to that
i large ciajs called by Mr. Lincoln,
"The plain people." He was a mem
ber of the W. 0. W. and carried life'
insurance. He was born In Alogana,
County, New York, October 4th, 1842.
He was married 1 in Independence,
Iowa,, to Miss Anna L. Fiiu li, April
30th, 1S79. He came to Oregon la
November, ISM), locating at New
berg where he lived till about eight ,
years ago, when he came to Lincoln
: County, buying a place on Depoe
I Slough where he lived for about five
years, when once again he sold out
and bought a home at Siletz where
he lived up to the time ot his death.
The body was taken out Monday to
j Newberg where the funeral will prob
,ably occur Wednesday. The burial
1 will be in tho Newbeifc cemetery,
Mrs. Cobb, her son. Warren, and Mr.
:and Mrs. Ralph Salvage accompanied
! the remains..
! Mr. Cobb did not belong to any
church but he practiced the precepts
: and teachings of the "Golden Rule"
; which is the essence ot Christianity,
j "Hn word was as good as his bond."
i His home was a model of good cheer
! and happiness. No quarreling or
wrangling ever occurred In the fam
ily. Children growing up under such
good Influences cannot help but
make good citizens. Mr. Cobb be
; longed to that class of citizens that
l Is rapidly passing away giving place
! to the new order that Is coming up
jon the Btagn that will have charge ot
affairs but I doubt lt the new Btyle ot
4 men. will excell In, honor, Industry
end the neighborly spirit thnt char-
acterlze the . people of the passing
generation. The world Is moving ai
such a rapid rate that it is hard to
tell what a few years will bring
forth; good and evil, right and wrong
are becoming so intensified that It la
hard to tell which will prevail In the
great unknown future. ' Under these
circumstances we need more men of
such sterling character as Henry R.
Cobb. F. M. Carter. '
Notice is hereby given that the
County Court of Lincoln County, Ore.
gon, did on October 11th, 1921, make
and enter an order regulating traffic
on the Toledo-Slletz Market Road, and
on that portion of the Newport-CorvaU
Its Highway between Newport and To.
ledo as follows:
That between November 1st, 1921
and May 1st, 1922 no chains shall be
used on any car, truck or other ve
hicle, and that no load of more than
one tonswelght shall be hauled over
said roads.
Dated at Toledo, Oregon, this 20th
day of October, 1921.
Carl Glldersleevs,
County Clerk.
Ste eleven
Three Inseparables
One for mildness.VIRGINIA
One for mellowness. DURLEY
One for aroma. TURKISH
The finest tobaccos perfectly
aged and blended.
posed toot bridge.
Secretary, Port of Toledo.