PACE FOUR LINCOLN COUNTY LEADER, TOLEDO, OREGON, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 28th, 1921. .ystsry Ccikc Canyounameit? Here is another new Royal Cake, so delicious and appetizing that we have been unable to give it a name that does justice to its unusual qualities. It can be made just right only with Royal Baking Powder. Will you make it and name it? . $500 for tKemBest Names For the name selected as best, we will pay $250. For the sec ond, third, fourth, and fifth 1 choice, we will pay $100, $75, $50, and $25 respectively Anyone may enter the contest, - but only one name from each ; person will be considered. All names must be received by. December 15th, 1921. In case of ties, the full amount of the prize will be givsn to each tying con testant. Do not send your cake. Simply send the name you Sug gest, with your own name and .. address, to the ROYAL BAKING POWDER COMPANY 149 William Street, New York X z How to. make it Use Uvtl mniurcmcMs fir aH material ' 14 cup shortening 1 cuptnipar Crated rind of !4 orange 1 egg and 1 yolk 2S cup flour 4 tcuspoom Royal Baking Powdtf 1 cup milk 1H Hiuares i ot$.) of unsweetened chocolate (melted) teaspoon t.Jt Cream Aortenit.3. AdJ nurar in J :steJ oranse rind. Add Vnti ton yolks. Sift together flour, salt and Royal Baking Powder and add alternately with the milk; lastly fold In one beaten egg white. Dtvldr hatter into rvo parts. To one part add the chocolate. Put by eblpoonfuli, alternating dark arrl light batter, Into three gieaaad layer cake paw. Hake In moderate oven 20 minutes. FILLING AND ICING 3 tWpon milted butter 2 tM nincn oranse lute 3 cnp confectioner', uieir t ess white tl'owdetcdiuBarmavbeuiedbut 3 tuarc. i? on. d-c not make u smooth lcin unaweetene.1 chocolate Crated riml of j4 orange and pulp of I orange Put butter, augnr, orange Juice and rind into bowl. Cut pulp from orange, removing akin and aeedf. and add. Beat all together until imooth. Fold la beaten-egg white. Spread thU telna on layer urcd for top of cake. While Icing la aoft, iprinkle with unsweetened chocolate ahaved In fine piecei with aharp knife (uae Mi iquare). To remaining Icing add 2H aquarca unaweetened chocolate which haa been melted. Spread ibia thickl berween lavera ana oa aea or caxe, FURNITURE FOR SALE Mrs. L. J. Brown, Toledo, Oregon, Phone 2703. (-..I .RANTED Live Wire to handle District Sales Agency for "Mission Vh ttcjc" makes the "Zinfadel Wine Crj).u Juice" In the home, big money for a real hustler. California Grape Products Co., 310 Hoyt St., Portland, Oregon. LOST Bunch of Keys, between A. L. Jacobson's and Toledo. Finder please leave at this office. WANTED GOOD DURHAM milk cows, fresh or to freshen soon. Give description and price. J. D. Steere, SI lets, Oregon. FO.t SALE 1918 Bulck Light Four In first class mschcnlcal condition. Price $500.00 $100.00 cash, $400.00 In easy monthly payments. Address W. G. Emery, Newport, Oregon. (36) WANTED Use of gentle pony by boy, for feed. Address: F. H. Vehring, care of Gieblsch Road Camp near Toledo. FOR 8ALE Baby Basslneth on wheels. Mrs. L. H. Brown. FOR SALE OR RENT 165 acre ranch, 1j miles north from Toledo Phone liio1, or address W. W. Mo Mickle, Toledo, Or. FOR SALE 2 Purebred registered O. I. C. boars, splendid individuals from some of the best stock In the northwest Priced for Immediate sale Guaranteed. O. W. Whits, Box 147, Toledo, Oregon. FOk SALE Good Grade Jersey Cow, enquire at this office. (36) FOR SALE A Good Durham Milk Cow, will freshen early. Is priced right. Carl Tangen, Toledo. (30j HAVE VjDU SEEN the Pictures of the Fair Exfflbits? On sale at the Drug Store. HORSES FOR SALE I have nine head of horses, and desire to sell six cf them. You can take your pick. Em. I T. Raddant, Logsdon, Or. FOR SALE 100 Sheep, write Perry Mosler, Chltwood, Oregon. FOR SALE 1917 "Ford, first Class condition. Peterson's Garage. FOR 8ALE Row boat and Fsrro out-board motor which may be seen at this office. Max Hayden, -Toledo. (37) DESCRIPTION 20 acres, 13 In prunes, cherries and loganberries, 1 mile of Dallas. Nice 5 room house, price $7,000. Will trade for Dairy ranch. L. D. Hardin, Dallas, Oreg. HOMESEEKER or Speculator? I have 40 acres unimproved on the 81 iletz River 4 miles ' below Agency I which I will sacrifice for Immediate I sale. Will make you a price way be , low assessed valuation, write or In quire of M. D. Miller, Toledo, Oregon. (39) THE SALVATION ARMY will hold Sunday 8chool in the Liberty Theatre each Sunday afternoon at 2:30 beginning on the first Sunday In Oc tober. Bible class for young and Old. Everybody come. FOR SALE Purebred Jersey heifer to freshen In Jan.; O. I. C. hogs; bred gilts and weaned pigs; purebred Barred Rock pullets and cockerels; milk goats; also household furniture; and Ford auto. Rock bottom prices If taken AT ONCE. O. W. White, Box 147, Toledo, Oregon. . FOR 8ALE One Full Blooded Jer sey Cow, to freshen in January; One Pare Holsteln Cow, to freshen in April One Full Blood Jersey Heifer Myrtle Welter, Toledo, Oregon. (39) WANTED .A girl or woman for general housework In small family modern country home.. Apply before Nov. 1st, Mrs. X, car of Toledo Leader. (38) GOOD PASTURE FOR RENT for five or -twelve months, lota of grass and good shelter. Hans Olson. (38) FOP. ,SiAL' 50OJ000 feet 2nd growth fir situated en the Big Elk, seventeen mites - above. Elk City. Lloyd Millhollen, Corvallls, Oregon. , Sewing Machines for rent $3.00 per month. Bateman Furniture Co. (36) FOR SALE OR TRADE FOR Stock Hogs, a 2 yr. old pure-bred CXiroo Boar. Ray L. Jenkins, Elk City Oregon, Severson Farm., (36) FOR SALE CHEAP OR WILL Trade for stock hogs, an old fashioned piano in good shape. ,Chas. Severson, Toledo. (37) FOR SALE: Pure Bred, regis tered Jersey Bull, three years old, fror- ft register of merit sire, and a "" of merit dam with 4 official records the highest of which is over 680 pounds of fat In a year. Price very reasonable quality and breeding considered. H. R. Hartley, Toledo. Acetylene welding bring In your broken castings arW have them made as good as new. F. W. Carson, To ledo, Oregon. (44).. MRS. L. W. COREY, a practical nurse, cares for maternity eases at her home, Newport, Oregon, Box 291. FOR 8ALE Second Hand Car. Ford One Ton Truck, first class con dition, body and top. ' 1919 Ford Tour ing. Peterson Ford Garage. FOR 8ALE 7 Passenger Studs baker. Square Deal Garage. Toledo. (36) APPLES AND PEARS DIRECT FROM GROWER: If you like good fruit and find It hard to get, send your name, address and $3.00 to me and you will receive a box of Fancy Ore gon Apples, wrapped, all charpes paid to your address, direct from the best fruit district in Oregon. Ready now: Delicious and Winter Banana apples and Anjeu pears; later, Winter Nellie pears; Spitz and Newton apples Some good qrapes at 15c. prepaldi Will assort the boxes and put in some pears as directed. L. C. Smith, New port, Oregon. FOR SALE 120 ACRE DAIRY Ranch, one mile from Toledo on Ya qulna road. Al Martin, Toledo, Or. ENGINEERING WORK Professional Engineer In tho State of Oregon. Topography work, Civil Engineering and Sub-Division work. A. J.. McMillan, Toledo, Oregon FRUIT TREES AND SHRUBBERY I represent the Salem Nursery and will take orders for Fall delivery any time now. C. R. Ellsworth, Toledo. HOUSE AND LOT For sale. In quire at this office. FOR RENT 5-Room Bungalow with Bath. . 6-Room Bungalow without Bath. Close In P. Frederick. (35) DAIRY TO RENT to respon sible party for term of years, renter to take horses, cows and machinery. Anyone wanting to rent, call oh or address, I. J. Pepin, Chltwood, Oregon. Also Cos two Id ewes In lots to suit purchaser at their actual value. R. D. BURGESS PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Toledo, Oregon Office In Andrews Building. Office hours 10 to 12 a. m.; 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 p. m. Emergency calls at any time Tinware and granltewar at Colvlns. Dr. W. C. Belt was up from Newport Tuesday. ' All' kinds of men's clothing at Col vin', ' Miss Anna Wright was up from Poole Slough Saturday. j ..First class water shed loggers'; hlrts at CoJvin's. Mr. and Mrs. Loverldge Axtel came over froin CorvaiHa ba.uruay. For Wash boards, tub and boilers see Colvin. Hon. J. K. Weatherford of Albany was a Toledo visitor last FrMay. ,. j If In need of a range or heating' stove see Colvin." ' ' Emil T. Raddant of Logsden was a county seat visitor Wednesday. For first class loggers' shoes, at right prices, see Colvin. ' Mrs. Albert Carey returned home Friday evening from a trip to the. Val ley. County Clerk Carl Gildersleeve was on the sick list several days the first of the week'. Ike Burpee, local manager for the Miami Quarry Co., was In the city Tuesday. Wheeler Cllne and wife came down from Eddyvllle on business Wednes day evening. I W. W. McMlckle Is holding a Dubllc ' auction on his place north o'f town, tne 3rd of November. County Agent and Mrs. J. E. Cooter arrived home Monday evening from a few days spent at Oorvallis. Joseph Patterson of Newport passed thru Monday enroute for Pittsburg, Pa., A-liere he will visit his mother. Henry Olson, Traveling Freight Agent for ihe S. P. Lines, was a Tole do visitor Saturday. Mrs. E. M. Thayer and went out to Corvallls Friday for a visit, returning Sunday. People who have been helped by Tanlac are always anxious and willing to tell others about it. Toledo Drug Co. Miss Sada Chambers arrived over fiom Monmouth Wednesday-evening for a few days visit with the home folks; Rlrs. is'ewcumbe returned to her home at Summit yesterday after . a short vliiit with her. daujhier, Mrs.' Gfcuige Parrlsh. Miss Luclle DeCellcs, of Helena, Mont., arrived in Toledo Saturday evmlzz to accept a position as teach er In the Grammar School. Leader subscription? received this week are: C. Christensen, Yaqulna, Or.; John Leahy, Log3den, Or.; D. M. Ludemann. Newport, Or. Dr. and Mrs. W. C. Belt and child ren of Newport drove out to Corvallls Saturday to take In the O. A. C.-Wkvah-lngton fooiball game. They drove back Sunday. George Llckey and family arrived ( in Toledo Tuesday evening from Rain ier, and will make their home here. I Mj Llckey is a brother In law of Chas. : Mock. The Rt. Rev. Arch Deacon Chambers will hold services at the Episcopal Church Sunday evening at eight o'clock providing the railroad strike Is not called. Miss Sara Crahen arrived home Wednesday evening from an extended visit to her former home In Michigan. She camu home sooner than she ex pected on account of the threatened i railroad strike. . The Leader is now taking sub scriptions to the Daily Oregonian one full year at 15.00. Daily and Sunday one year $7.00. Weekly one year 75c. This offer expires Oct 31, so act at once. - Mrs. Jesse - Daniels of Silets was In the city yesterday enroute to Sno- lM.k TIT I- 1 . . . j uus, usu., in response to a tele- ' rryn m annn. . 1 . ... a".... diuuuuwug me aerious Illness of her brother, Ray Calkins. The lat ter was operated on for appenUMtis and according to reports, was not ex pected to live. Dr. aad Mrs. L. Uy- Brown -nnd son, expect to leave tho first of the week for Corvallls, whern the doctor will be associated with Dr. W. A. Q. Han ford in the practice of dentia. try. Dr. F. S. 'Fug-it, of Portland, will occupy Dr. Brown's office here this I winter. Dr. Brown is planning on re turning here in the Spring. County Judge John Fogarty went down to Portland Sunday to meet with the State Highway Commission. Mr. Fogarty's mlssien was to see if ne couldn't get the Highway Coinmi slon to have their engineers look up 1 available rock ledges along the route of the Corvallls-Newport highway. mis winter so mat next summer vat-, uable.tlme would not be wasted, but the road rocking rushed to comple-j tlon. There will be a meeting of the To-1 lPdo. Chamber of Commerce at their; rooms this evening at 8 o'clock, a' programme will be given. This pro gramme will consist, of music anu ; other entertaining features. The State Chamber is sending a man who will be present and give you an inter esting and instructive talk on matters of direct concern to each and every tax payer of the community. All are Invited to be present No admission fee or charge. T I ."; ! V .' . Mi.SK JUST ARRIVED DIRECT FROM . THE . FACTORY II . MADE BY ENDICOTT, JOHNSON SHO.E COMPANY ! I THE LARGEST SHOE MANUFACTURERS IN U. S. ! ! BIG VALUES FOR THE PRICES WE QUOTE BELOW: .'.' ' V.T . : .. : . 1, ;; Misses Gun Metal Calf Blucher Shoes, Sizes 11 to 2 " Price $2.85 , ., ; ,.. Misses Brown Calf Blucher Shoes, sizes 11'j to 2. Rubber ' ' ( ; i Heels. Price $2-9G .. ; . !! Children's Gun Metal Calf Blucher Shoes, sizes, 8 to 11. '' Price $2.65 ! Children's Brown Calf Blucher Shoes, sizes 8 to 11.11 Rubber Heels. Price $2.75 , ;; Children's Heavy Brown Kid Button Shoes, sizes 5 to 8. ! ! Spring Heels. ' Price $1.95 .0 .,,. . , ; ; Boy's Brown Calf Blucher Shoes, 'sizes .6 io 8ubber Heels. ' ' . ' ' Price $2.75 ' , Ladies' 1 strap Black Kid Slippers, Cushion Sole, Rubber ' Heels. Price $2.75 W Ladies' Black Kis Juliet, Cushion Sole, Rubber Heels. ' Price $3.00 X Ladies' Black Crome Calf Blucher Shoes, Heavy Uppers and Sole. Priro $4 5fl Ladies' Brown Calf 10 inch Tops, Blucher, Vlikihg Boots- I , rnce o.iu . ' , . YOU HAVE THE LARGEST STOCK J OF SHOES AND ; ; FURNISHINGS GOODS IN 'LINCOLN COUNTY TO i ! CHOOSE FROM AT LOWEST PRICES FpR CASH S. Ei MEWKIRK, 'Prop.' Phone 2805 i"t" '"" i Water Front Market J WHOLESALE eV RETAIL i' srMTi.l'S. Dealers In " 1U DRESSED A CURED MEATS ' FISH IN SEASON , HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR HIDES WAUGH & MEAKER, Props. . I , L INCOLN VaOUNTY ANK DOES A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS ' ' . (INCORPORATED) , ' TOLEDO, OREGON 4 Interest Paid en , Time and Savings Deposits ( . p,, , ; T C. E. HAWKINS, President ' J. B. BOC-TH, 'C'fcWler' '. C. O. HAWKINS, Vice President . A. E. HAWKINS, Asst. Cashier I ttttt if H j't 1 1 , LADIES' MILLINERY GOODS, ARNOLD'S- . vli: v., .f v . .also ; . . COMPLETE LINE OF LADIES' AND GENTS' FIIQNISI-IIMrVQ ' v ' Call In and look over our line of , Hats, Caps, Gloves, Ties, Shirts, Hp. lery, Ribbons, Jewelry, Etc, Etc. 4 III 1 1 1 REDUCTION IN PRICE OF , ' ':' Sherwin-Williams Faint ACL SHERWIN-WILLIAMS PRICES ARE REDUCED FpR THE 1 THIRD TIME WITHIN ONE YEAR, AS .THIS MEANS THAT IT WILL COST YOU ONLY' TWO-THIRDS MUCH TO PAINT AS LAST YEARS PRICE. TOLEDO DRUG CO. T. P. HAWKINS, Prop. 4 Bring Us YOUR STORAGE BATTERY TROUBLES i THIS WINTER We will repair your Storage Battery store it over X the winter while not in use at a nominal charge. T We handle the Philadelphia Diamond Grid Batteries I J In 12, 18 and 24 Month Guarantee types Get our Driees T x . , . . T I Derore Duying. . ' , . , , Peterson HardwareGaf age SUA i V ...