Lincoln County leader. (Toledo, Lincoln County, Or.) 1893-1987, October 28, 1921, Image 1

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Dr. C. H. Newth of Pntlomath came
over Tuesday, October 25th, to see
Mrs. Margaret L. Brown Cain who wag
dangerously sick with pneumonia fol
lowing an attack of flu. This is a
dangerous form of pneumonia. Mrs.
Cain lingered a long Monday
morning at 4 A. M. when she 'quietly
and peacefully passed away. Mrs.
Cain was 23 years old and was the
, oldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John
L. Brown who live on a farm on Drift
Creek one mile from Millport where
the daughter died. Mrs. Cain was of
a lovable, generous disposition and
very popular in the social circles
where she lived. The funeral service
was conducted by Rev. Cain, pastor of
the M. E. Church at Toledo. The In
terment took place near the home of
her parents. She was soon to have
been married but cruel Fate ordered
It otherwise. Instead of a wedding it
was a funeral and her beautiful trous
seau was used for that purpose. Her
Intended husband was a brother to
her sister's husband, Mr. Max, who
lives at Marshfleld. This sudden and
unexpected death cast a gloom over
the entire community.
Within the last few days we have
been favored with an old fashioned
Oregon rain, but as we have been
blessed with such fine fall weather,
we have no complaint to make. Most
of the farmers have their farm work
done and most of the potatoes have
been dug and put in the dry. Since
the raise In the river the salmon and
salmon trout have been coming up
the river by hundreds. The river
banks have been pretty well lined
with fishermen who had fine sport
catching the big speckled trout. It is
no exaggeration to say that Slletz and
Its trlbuUritj mako some of the best
fishing grounds in Oregon. The water
shed is large and the great number of
small streams .that enter the main
river make it an ideal spawning
grounds for the salmon. The people
who come from California and other
arid districts enjoy the shady nooks
and pure water along the banks of the
Silets river.
Mr. Mowery Is now earring the U.
S. mall between Mowery's Landing
and the Slletx and Tom Chatterton is
carrying the mail on the river to Taft
In a gasoline launch. These gentle
men are genial and accommodating
and seem to have the good will of the
people all alons the line. The wagon
road from Euchre mountain to, the
ooat landing Is a "Holy terror"- but it
Is said the stage driver never swears.
This piece of road would try the pa
tience of a Job. But the driver
wears a pleasant smile and this makes
it nice for the horses and passengers.
Next year no doubt this part of the
road will be gravelled and made good
as the rest of the road.
The Ladies Aid will give a 'Hallow
een party at the public school housa,
Saturday evening, October 29th. A
fine program will be. prepared, ,lce
cream, cake and coffee will be served
everybody cordially Invited to at
tend and have a good time.
Roy Bnttertield passed out Tuesday
c to Salem to see hla mother who is sick
and in a hospital. ' .
Jesse Daniels got a telegram from
Spokane Wednesday morning stating
that his brother-in-law, Ray Calkins,
bad been operated on In a hospital
tor appendicitis and the surgeon said
he could not live more than 39 hours.
Jo particular "were given. It is sup
posed the case ran too long before
operating. .
Curley Schaffer and two other in
Notice this delicious
flavor when you
smoke Lucky Strike
it's scaled, in by
the toasting process
coming to Silets Wednesday evening
just huoui aam ran on 01 me nu near
the shed for the housing of the county
trucks and machinery ana the car
t,.rnrt .,n .M Ho . Kn .
hurt because the top held the car up
and the bova crawled out. It wan
lucky.. The car went down in the
gulch about fifteen feet. At this place
an eight foot plank road is laid over
ti, mi ,m, o ,.K.f. i.-
v - " vi -bvvuvj .wui "Ui-0 VI
scantling nailed to the sides to keep
the wheels of a car from running off.
In this case the driver went too far
to the north side of the road, off the
plank and the car turned turtle as
above stated. The car will be hard to
get out. Maurice Andersen took the
boys to Toledo In his cor.
I. R. Payne returned Friday from a
business trip to Harlan. .
Little, Joe Bunnell had the misfor
tune to hurt his arm badly while play
ing at school Thursday. '
Misses Ellen and Jennie Hassman
were in this neighborhood the first of
the week arranging for the purchase
and delivery of a piano for the Orange
HalL They -were fortunate in secur-
!ng the Raymond piano which has been '
at the J. J. Catena residence for the
past year.
C. S. Bunnell is having his new
milking machine Installed this' week.
Mr. and Mrs. J. R. , Coovert were
Newport visitors Saturday. '
Miss Neta Phelps left Sunday for
South Beach where she will teach
this winter.
Miss Neta Phelps and brother, Clif
ford, and Guy Twombly were guests
at the Coovert home Friday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. I. R. Payne and
daughter, Florence, visited at the
Hassman home Sunday. ,
(L. J. Brown of Toledo Is in this vi-
clnlty looking for beef cattle.
A number of the young people, gave
Clifford Phelps a surprise party at
his homrj on the evening of October
22nd. The occassion being his ' 25th
birthday. A delightful evening was
spent with music and dancing. Those
present were: Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Howe,
Mir. and Mrs. H. 0. White, Mr. and
Mrs. D. C Gray, Mr. and Mrs. E. L.
-WHlson, Mr. and Mrs. C. S. Ohmart,
Mrs.' Hattie Edwards, Misses Jennie
and Ellen Hassman, Evelyn Hubble,
xiuiio yvbjkbu, awei uray
and Roy Hassman, Guy and
Twombly and Earl Walkau.
The Sunday School is progressing
nicely, the attendance having in
creased to 30 lest Sunday.
Mrs. J. R. Coovert, Mrs.' Hattie Ed
wards, Miss Hope Walkau, Miss Vera
Payne, Clifford Phelps and Earl Wol-
kau spent Sunday afternoon at Seal
Mrs. H. H. Cook and son, Elmer,,
their new house on South Beaver,
1 Ms. Robert Lowry came over from
Bay City to spend the week end with
her husband, the S. P. agent here.
I Mrs. Towsley.who is making her
homo with her daughter, Mrs. Bert
Hayes on -Steer Creek was here, the
last of the week tor a short visit
Abe Stevens and George Frary are
giving a dance at the Nashvlll.i Club'
House, Saturday night,
invited. ' -
Mrs. Fendall of Nortons spent a few
days recently with her daughter, Mrs.
Otie Hamav.
" Mr. and Mra. Walt Stanton who
fllvvered to California the first of
September are reported on their way
back to Nashville.
, N. G. Harris of Summit was down
on a business trip the last of the week.
j tMarlon Biglow who has been In
Portland and Vancouver on business
has returned. Mr. Biglow says he has suggestlveness would you wish to have
I not as yet closed a deal for the new xert an Influence In your family life?
; boiler. I The 62 Issues of 1922 will' be crowd-
j Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hlnshaw and ed vith erial stories, short stories,
small son, left Tuesday for a visit editorials, poetry, facts and fun. Sub
with relatives at Independence and , scribe now and receive:
Falls City. 'j The Youth's Companion 62 Is-
Messrs. Lewis and McGee, cattle ues in 192Z
buyers, were thru Nashville the last 2- A11 the remaining issue? of 1921.
,of the week on their way to Toledo. ! 3- T,le Companion Home Calendar
Darwin Nash was an outward bound
passenger Monday, returning Tuesday.
W. H. Martin attended the Plckard
&Ladd sale at Marion Tuesday, where
he purchased two heifers, one a grand
daughter of the gold medal cow, Old
I Man's Darline. the other a grand
daughter of VlveXa-France,
'Mr. and Mrs. Arthur F. EngUn ftn
day, the 26th. The little lady has
Deen cnrisienea Marjorie uucue. j
Mother and baby are at Albany. '
- Mrs. Catherine Carey who harf been
i,h ha. m, m,. B.
lund, since the death of her husband,
haa rnturnnri In Vancouver Wash.
Wednesday afltemoon several ol
the Nashville Misses and Matrons!
surprised Mr. Mllem by appearing at'
ui ij j ,i.u .,i.
thimbles. They worked industriously
and In a short time there were no
buttons off or tears unmended In" the
equal to the
nouse. Mr. Mileni wai
occasion and served a
delicious lun-
Miss Laura Payne has resigned her loPal berrle8 are ?eailIy ting"
position as teacher on account of her able fron thoir AtIantlc COU8in- the
health. She returned to Portland ea8tern cranberry, by the lighter color
Saturday. Miss Neta Phelps of 6na
will take Miss Payne's place as teach
er of the school.
Mr. Gates, who has been spending j
a couple of weeks at South Beach
will return to his homo in Lents Tues-
Archie and Elmer Wilson came up
from Toledo the first of the week. I
A. B. Dwlnell is progressing nicely '
with the new house he has started to
build. '
Arthur Pepin has been on the sick
list for some time. '
G. T. Smith liuu ueea very busy fix
ing his house Ihe past few days. He 1
haa pui on 'a new roof of shingles '
which makes it show up fine.
iMrs. Wilmer
who have been
Kyle and children,
' visiting at her par-
ents home left Sunday for her home
near Monroe.
B. F. Updike made a business trip
to Portland this week.
Frtink Murray of Springfield, who
has been visiting at the W. E. Flesher
home left Sunday.
Dorothy Shermer of Toledo is spend-'
ing a. few days with her aunt Mrs.
Updike. -
B. F. Branson returned this week
from a business trip to Portland.
The fishermen are malting some
large catches this week. Trolling
has been very good this lau.
Supt Goln visited the Oyster City
school Tuesday.
J. A. Shermer and bride spent a
few days last week visiting relatives
at Oyster City.
Mrs. V. D. Boone has been ill set-
era! days
Mrs Will Peterson ana children
departed Sunday after a few days
visit with relatives on Beaver Creek.
0 I
iDr. Minthorn, a missionary who re-
turns to India in November sent from
j the Presbyterian Church of Newport
i will give a lecture ac the M. E. Church
! Sunday, October 30th, at 2:30 P. M.
Those who havo heard Dr. Minthorn
lecture before In Salem and other
places speak very highly of her ability
She has spent five years in service
prior to this in India.
You will hear it said that such and
sucn a magazine prints suggestive
stories, meaning that they
corrupting ideas in an attractive
aress. But there is a suggestlveness
also of quite a different sort the sug-
gestlveness that quickens the reader's
8ensa of dutv. stimulates ambition,
Pve8 courage to face adversity, for-
tinea against yielding easily to temp
iatlon. It is this .better kind of sug
gestiveness that you will find on al
most every page of the Youth's Com
panion. Which of these two kinds of
for 1922.
AU for (2.50.
4. Or include McCnll's Magazine,
tne monthly authority on fashions,
Both publications, only. S3.60.
Commonwealth Ave. & St. Paul St.,
Boston, Mass.
New Subscriptions Received at this
Office. ... y, Vi!
. ...... A. J JrtXjftJ,
v e c i
,od of 11,8 thplllln8 Pathe 8erl' wlth
"uth oin "The Avenging Ar-
The drama, Blanche Sweet In
U"llllos Husband,
" with frltnd.2 adult 30c-
A" ,cho01 chlldren- u,lder 12 year
of age, If with a friend 2 for 15c.
"The Devil To Pay"; one reel Harold
Lloyd Comedv' "Tn8 TP" "Ford
Weekly-35c. and 15c.
' Late Pacific Coast cranberries are
now appearing on the markets. The
of the local fruit. This lighter color
' Is now recognized as a distinct asset,
as it gives the cooked product a much
brighter red hue, ana also creates a
stlffer Jelly. No cranberry could
produce a sauce or Jelly of finer qual
ity than those grown in ou.- own state.
In the great cranberry district at
the mouth of ihe Columbia River is
the bulk of Pacific Coast crarijerries
grown. Oregon and Washington have
joined forces In a marketing campaign
and growers of these states have
formed the Pacific Cranberry Ex-
change which markets their fruit.
The American Legion is sparing no
expense to make their dance on the
evening of November 11th a grand
success They have engaged the All
Star Orchestra of Salem to furnish the
music This orchestra played at New-;
port during the summer where they
were immensely popular and played
at Toledo during the County Fair
where they demonstrated their ability
In a highly approved manner. This
I is clearly one of the best orchestras
in the State and tha Legion Boys are
to be commended In delivering the
' goods when It comes to putting over
a good dance or entertainment. This
dance will undoubtedly be patronised
by Newport. Slletx, Elk City and all
the surrounding country and will be
"some dance."
i A .Halloween Party will be given at
the Odd Fellows' Hall on Saturday
evening, October 29th, 1921. Dancing,
cards, games, lunch All Odd Fellows j
and Rebekahs and families cordially
invited. Committee.
Lester Waugh and Ed Meaker have
purchased the half interest of Wm.
Oldenburg In the Toledo Meat Co.
We will not be responsible for any
debu of Tofedo Meit Co Mon 0et
19th, 1921.
Waugh & Meaksr.
The 1920 lumber cut for Washington
and Oregon, according to data just
given out by the Forest Service of
fices, shows a decided increase over
a previous year. Washington's cut
shows an increase of . 11 per cent
while Oregon's shows a 29 per cent
Increase over the 1919 cutl Washing-
ton led all the states in total cut for
1920, with 6,526,000,000 feet board
measure, with Oregon taking second
place for the fl.-at time with 3,317,000,
000 feet, Louisiana ranking third and
California in fifth place
Sunday School Sunday morning at
ten o'clock.
Preaching 'Sunday morning at 11
o'clock in the morning and 8 o'clock
in the evening.
Kpworth League at seven sharp,
Sunday evening.
The Epwcrth League will give a
Halloween party Friday night at
seven o'clock in the basement of the
Dr. Gertrude Minthorn will give a
talk Sunday afternoon at two o'clock
subject "Conditions In India." Dr.
Minthorn has been In the missionary
service there for five years.
; Special Drill Saturday, October the
29th, at 7:30 p. m. Major Dusenbury
is coming down to hold an election
for a new CO.
Lt. L. H. Brown.
Subscribe to
Come to the Chamber of Commerce
rooms Friday night at 8 o'clock.
Good music, and a splendid speaker
furnished by the Oregon State Cham
ber of Commerce.
Everybody come lets fill the house.
Now that the mushroom season is
coming on the department of botany
advises caution In choosing te edible
species. A circular describing the
edible and poisonous sorts found in
Oregon may be had free by writing
to the O. A. C. Experiment station.
Fanners bulletin No. 796 on the sub
ject of mushrooms Is also distributed
trom the Oregon station. Botuny and
plant pathology.
Root crops that go into storage
should be piled up and let dry so sur
plus dirt falls off, say the 0. A. C. Ex
periment station men. They should
be stored after cooling out In a dry
well ventilated place. Care should be
taken to avoid bruising. This is par
ticularly true with .mangels.
' 1 8 1 2HEH'; '
Nation Wide Campaign Launched far
November 7-12 -Place In Commu
nity Llfo Emphasized.
November 7-12 has been set as "Sub
Wrlbe for Tour Home Town Paper
Week," and this newspaper, together
with the thousands of country news
papers the United States over there
are not far from 111,000 of them, week
lies and small dallies is to partici
pate. The purpose of the campaign is not
only to Induce residents of the small
communities and the home town folks
who are far from their native heath
to subscribe for the home puper, but
also to emphasize the Important place
the home newspaper plays In the life
of Its community.
This campaign has the hearty sup
port and co-operation not only of tht
newspapers but thousands of minis
ters and school principals, and muny
state agricultural colleges and farm
and home bureau organizations.
Some persons, it Is pointed out, havo
been Inclined to bollttle the place and
function of the country newspaper.
They have not realized that In reality
the home paper Is a community insti
tution and that It enables the other
Institutions, such as the church and
the school and all the rest to function
better and more effectively. That it Is
a necessity If the town Is to advance.
During the time between' now and
"Home Town Paper Week," Novem
ber 7-12, this newHpaner In Its col
umns will have much to say about the
Home Town Paper not this newspa
per in particular, but the home town
paper the nation over, the home town
newspaper as a real and distinctive
factor In American life.
A Mescengsr to Garcia.
Tha. local newKpnpor ' Is the nies
sender to Garcia for your town. It
goes out to the world as an advertise
ment for the rntmuunlty. To be n good
advertisement It niUHt be a (rood news
paper. To be a good newspainr It
must have the support of the people
of the community In tlie way of sub
scriptions and advertising. Are you
doing your part toward making your
paper a good arvertlfioment for this
community, one that will carry the kind
of a messugo tho people of the com
munity wish carried to the world T
The National Grange, with repre
sentatives from every State in the
Union, will meet at Portland 'he third
week in November. The Granges of
Lincoln County conceived the Idea
that since agates were so abundant In
Lincoln County and as the agate is
the emblem stone of the Orange, lt
would be a nice little token of appre
ciation, as well as a good little ad
vertising stunt for Lincoln Couuty, to
present each of the official delegates
with an agate.
Since ihe advertising vdlue of this
stunt Is of Interest to the, entire
County, the Grange is asking the co
operation of every person in the
County, and particularly of the public
organizations. The P'nn is to get Just
as good agates as can be had, surface
one side, inclose in a neat little box
in tho lid of which will be placed an
advertising leaflet giving a brief
writ-up of the agate and Lincoln Co.
ters will visit the subordinate Granges
and he will tell them there about the
National Grange meeting. Again the
agase will go the rounds. Many more
things might be said regarding what
this little stunt will mean to Lincoln
County but you can think of these as
well as we. What the committee In
charge of this event wants is agates.
If you have an agate which you would
like to donate tor this purpose to help
this cause along, leave It or eend lt to
S. T. Loudon, Eddyvllle, J. E. Cooter.
Toledo, or send direct to A. L.
Thomas, Newport, who is preparing;
the stones.
Will lt payT Let us think of it for
a moment.
The delegates at the National
Grange consist, of the State Masters
and their wives from each State in the
Union and the Past National Officers.
Each one of these delegates, on re
ceiving his agate, will at once be
come Interested and want to see the
other fellow's agate. Think how they
will marvel at the beauty of the spec
ial display put on by Mr. Thomas.
The papers will mention the agates
and Lincoln County in their write-ups
of the National Grange meeting. But
what will happen when the delegates
return homer Each State Master
will at the first State Grange meeting
report to his home people the "do
ings'' at the National Grange. And
we'll bet you that in not one Instance
will they neglect mentioning the ag
ates and Lincoln County. He will
show them his agate and they will
read the little pamphlet Then dur
ing all the next year the State Mas-
First Lieutenant L. Hoyt Brown is
In receipt of a telegram this week
from Major Gjedsted, announcing
that Major Dusenbury would be here
the evening of Saturday, October 29th
to hold an election for a lieutenant to
succeed Lieut Brown who is resign
ing. Hence all enlisted men and non
coms are called for a special drill
for that evening at the Legion Club
House, Toledo. -
atl,. BURLEY
Notables TURKISH
The three greatest
cigarette tobaccos,
eleven f