Lincoln County leader. (Toledo, Lincoln County, Or.) 1893-1987, September 30, 1921, Image 1

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v i ii r if
! J ' ' '
At a'apeclai meeting of the Com.
ttunlty Club held at the public .chool
huildlnr SYMair SSril. ha fnllnnrlnu-
T . 1 - o
officers were elected- for the ensuing
.year:' President, Charles B.: Larson;
Vice-President, i Walter 8. Hall; Sec
retary. Lurena Treat; Treasurer. Mr,.
' E. .Colvin; , Sergeant-at-Arm,, Jess
Daniels., The Community ,Club co
operates with the school , to Promote
the educational, commercial, social
end athletic activities of the community
and school. The membership Is about
forty of the young Droeressive stu-
' ' O V O
dents and wide awake people of the
In thft flhnpnnA nf V Hint r Int. Rim.
erlntendent. Rev. Walter Ro-s held
the Fourth Quarterly Conference Mon-
4ay evenlns, at the M. E. Church.
The financial condition of the church
being In fine condition. The pastor's
-salary and all claims were paid up n
full. The church property is in fine
condition. $430 have been used this
year In making. improvements on the
property. Four years ago when Mr.
And Mrs. Ross came here and took up
this work It was found to to at t
-very low ebb, The buildings were
leaking, the paper on the parsonage
orn and rotten, the fencea were torn
down, and everything was in a dllapl-
tA hhi hv. . .a t.n
In. Is as nice, neat and clean as anv
4n the commnnHy. If anything .will
iulld' up the Intelligence of a com -
anunity it Is the Interest taken, in the '
schools and churches. " ,
Since the tain the salmon have
legun to run, and fishing has been
' Dr. and Mrs. Turner of Canton, S.
D are r.ow on' a visit at the home
f Morris Andersen's. " They came
over from Newport where Mra. An-,
dersen hail been on a visit to her
mother, Mrs. C. G. Copeland. Mrs..
and M. Ross took up the work of a0U9e 18 IUU awms now' 'Z r,anR Bna cam. of Pomona wlu talsm up In the which were significant of the toop: . " Z 1 "
. t and with ihe,help and u" " cn uuuu . morning and evening sessions, an eration between the Bchool. parenU : . ' . "r . " , " -
spirit of the eomm.ity. -th. . ?.r."T '" program Wn, arranged for -the and community for the coming year.,; there -ZZ
rm wrii ha m, rnnrrn nulla - nnviuwu vokiuiiiiik Mb 1. . vviwn. 1
Copeland also accompanied the party.'111 06 Klven al iau' oaLurQay. "cl-
to SileU. Fred Chambers was also "uu- wuu """"- uuu " "'f thlng it tB gura that mucn legislation
visitor here, a kln4 of family re-ood Prosram belns Plan"el. The ISastern Oregon, where they attended I faTorable to farmer will be en
union. Dr. Turner wa. at one time fundB are to toward the b"Mta of the und UP' " 1 acte(i.
Agency Physicia..t Slletz, He has the new halL Tne Grange ls laying We are In receipt of a card from Farm Bureau News.
many friends and many pleasant mem- Plans t0 make thIs' b'Bge8t event Clyde McMllIa11- dated Sept 8th, and
.r)o. f Rnt Hrn h hi. wif. ever at Taft In this line. Why not try written from. Genova, Italy, In which rDAwrl Tri Br put
whose maideu name wa. Anna Cham-
ters., The Doctor will put in several
u.. u. :
V l and . narn a , oc.
cupymg.metr new uaugaiow. - . 1
Mr Reams moved his .household
-goods to Dallas,; 1 Arthur and : Cally
ijain came up trom wewport i-uesaay
TJoTn. .C11rana
some trpuhle going over th. road eq
Account :Qt. th late faiar r. :,r i
Left. William, h tea acre, of th.
logan berries aad.tho th lea acres
was sold, to Mr. Ptclnnan of Newport
Mr. Pickman i a practical tterry-man
nd believes fillet, ft. am tde.l.ilaee
tor- growing th. logan berry a. well
&. othftr, .mall fnHta.,,' Waiara Ud
m TSTH.. w
lith I. JT-sZan,? wm .nlnH .
deal " hVSr.rK. Mr '
and Mr,. Koarh, will spend the winter
in California and' maybe' neict summer
. wUl com. back to Sileti. " 4
tobacco makes 50 ,
good cigarettes for
' W. want you t. have th.
beat paper lor "BULL.1
8. now you can receive
wlth.ach package a book
el 24 leav.. .1
th. vary lineal cigarette
paper In the world, ; . . . ; .
Mr. and Mrs. Edwin P. Chalcraft
' 'rom '. wedding
tr,lp Newport and after a reception ,
7 """ " "
M m T ni l nr. j )
ing, the happy couple will reiurn to
Seattle where Mr. Chalcraft is em-
P'" a. writer on one of the paper,
nf Ih.l . .. I
. "- - - i
Mrs.-Collins has returned from a
visit at Portland. I
At the reception of Mr. and Mrs.
Edwin Pickering" Chalcraft, Ice cream
was served. Two piano selections
were Bmgt KtB- Covln ftt tne P1".
j i l 1 iit
"ZZZ r' ....:
, -
ijibiiu. a very yieuaaui uiuo was nau
by the thMy or ,orty frIends 6nd
',hb? eent.
The summer season doesn't seem
to be over yet, a. a few campers are
stil coming in. v"" . -
Miss Showers of Nebraska, who has
been vlsItlng w,th- Robl80n' the past
iwo wbob, ion. iur caiBjr ovuei
Sunday, where she will stay during
her teach,n8 f the ower Bchoo on
Scnooner Creek. - ,
'Chri Lar',on of SlleU wa8 at Ta"
Thursday bringing the mail down.
The constructing of the now school
Taft was ,ately. Kern- ,
yIUe ls maW ome reat "P-
'ments by pntUng m a naw Btore' 9001
om and dance hall.
Tom McNallcy havIn8 hl house
' Palnt8d and a11 RxeA UP-
a. weea ana wue. 01 uus. passea
thru Tart Saturday enroute home with
nmn llTatnck '
P. Chatt is doing some discing and
plowing for Mr,. Lankford this week.
Sunday being Grange day a nice
crowd gathered at Taft.
A jtnr0 hanVpl nrhpfnl nni, nrntrmm
A lance' DasKel 800181 ana program
and be Pre8ent? We will appreciate
yur PalronB8B- .
A. Bauman of Rose Lodge passed
tnru Taft enroute t0 SUetz where he
wiU look after business interests. '
IWrv MnatnH mnrln a! trln to Port-
,an(1 Sunday returnlng Wedne,day.
' aiMl Mr- w,ll,ott d
Elmer .Wllaon Of Toledo
were here Saturday and Sunday. ;'vrr
p. A. Wildman has just' returned
from a trip to Illinois and Iowa where
he ha, been visiting his friends and
relative, the past tew weeks.'. I ; -.tlV
'The .tore building owned by George
- o ,.1 1 . . ... . .. . . . .
T, Smith was broken into and robbed
- - ' -
hoes...Md . ome candy.And orange,
token- robber -
Kbout getting caught'. ' :;
.NCook. ha. been ;very bu.y
iwuiuii ui iwj uub iui7 nusnim,. . .
i, .. ... - . jv, I
' The following la a clipping from the
Honolulu Star-Bulletin of Thursday.,
September 15, 1921:
BOOK.HE3RE.5-rD.-; C E;, Linton-of,
Waldport,:. Oregon-,-is a v7sitor; here,
arriving on the steamer Cordova a few
days ago. Dr. Linton iaOhe author of ,
several books among them "The.Ocean
Cava," and other Western stories. - -. I
. "1 am here for the purpose of .ecur-
In, Anln, tn mv n, nnval. "Tha PaO
pie of. the Surs." says Dr. Linton,
"and I have certainly found color-a-
plenty.' The charming condition, ex-(
istlhg here are without a parallel in
the wide universe. All these Islands
needs la publicity to crowd them with
eager pleasure seekers.
Sunday School Sunday morning at
ten o'clock. Preaching at eleven instate, and Canada, i Get your bottle
the morning, and at eight In the even-. now at Toledo Drug Co.
lng.. r . - We received a letter this week from
The Methodist Church gave a re-jDr. Linton of Waldport, who 1. on a
ceptlon for the Faculty of the Toledo, trip to the Hawaiian Islands. The
schools Friday, 23lrdf Part of the
evening was spent in playing games,
then each of the teachers gave a short
talk. Lemonade and cake was served
at ten o'clock. '
Epworth League Sunday evenlnj at
seven o'clock. ; Every body come.
' 8e' the 'Wy eult, at CoMn'.. ,
Feed it ioW at R. $. VaiC Clav.V
Bert Geer went up to Elk City Sun,
"y uuuu. . . tl ., 1
Agency Wednesday. . k. ...
-Willtard Carson has enrolled . a
. ... ..
student at Albany College. ...
or D,1.. ... ... "
.t. ,h7vuiiDWf; (vvmuvu uv u 7v V
the week from, a ylslt at Salem.
. Joe Kosydar was over from his farm
on the Sileti yesterday.., .,'. ; .: ,
For Alumlnlumware, dlnnerware and
araniteware. aefc Colvln.
Chris Larson of Silets went out to
ii. n . r ' -mi r . 1
lor tne uowerw suuuay evening.
Mrs. Rose Wilson of Nortons wa
a county seat visitor yesterday.
Mr and'Mrfi. P. Frederick are ill
Silem this week attending the Slate
Fair. " . , - v , -
ftHvnr AUreA rAtnrnPil loaf AVnnlnr
from a trip to Portland and other
Valley points. . f
Chas. P. Miller was down from
Chltwood Monday, tranactlng business
bi me county neai.
. Mrs. C. Myers and daughter, Jean,
wenl to Portland Sunday to visit rela-
tives. . . . , . I
eadok Th&yer BndyJlm Derr,ck
have entered the Oregon Agricultural
Men's and boy.' underwear at Col-
y'n'a. - - - - -'" 1
Pror- AH,ert 'e'" over Irom
hi. school on Rock Creek Tuesday
afternoon looking after; business at-
fairs at Toledo.
van. u. r. waggoner was cauea o
McMinnviiie tnia noon by tne serious
IllMim of her uneln who la not e-
pected to live. .
Perry Mitchell of Yachata . passed
thru Toledo yesterday enroute to the
Hot Springs to receive treatments
fnr rhumntlflm. 1;
anQ jno- rererson remrneu
he sends best wishes and regard, to
a.. u - ,
Saturday-Monday snecials at R. 8.
van C..V.W F.v. R,n, 95.ia 10
oz. Borax 25o.i 8 o Fancy. Tea, 30b.;
cne Pound Fancy Tea sue.: 5 Quaker
' ' 1
torn riaice, ouc. . . .
1 Mr. nH Mr f! l? lu-v.n .n4
..!.. oiw. nr.a
negday. Mr,. Lockwood recently
rlTd from a visit with her parent,
.tr Eugene' ' .., :.. . ,
d. I-. Peterson is making the epocted that-all the road wiU be
rounds of Eddyville, Burnt Woodsy graveled In a short time. The gravel
Harlan, Rose Lodge, Oti and Taft bunker, hgva been completed near th.
thsi week arranging ' for' thi Farm Dunoon bridge and will be used for
Bureau speaking o, be (held ( ntt.'the- work at thi, end of the road,
week. v, n. . . .( -- - p
I.- Men's and boy,' wool sweater, at
Mr,. D. L. Chesley received several .,,ui,. ; . '.: :..
ur r.awm,j
e- eniug wien she wa, tnrown' "by tne'
bouncing of .th. car' driven by her, so that her head-truck th.
windshield, breaking W . ... :,
mrs. a. a. rtoDenson arnyea oun-
j.- w .. nr..u
lnon to hir duttoi'ai-an
lnfArucUr in th. Toledo Public School
0f which her husband is Superintend-
ant. . ' . V , . ... i
Leader subscription, received this
week are: R. K. Owynn, Toledo;, Or.;
Moftlt Bros., ' Toledo,, 6r , Martin'
Ness, Logsdon, Or.; .L. E.. Bain, Ya
quina, Or.; . Mrs, Lulu C. Pennington,
Coal Hill, Ark.; Thelma Nelml, To
chats, Oregon.-. ; ';. ' ' :j
Mr. and Mrs. E. I Chalcraft were
over, from the Agency yesterday ac-
r.fmn nan ltA Vtw t1,nt- mam DI.I,MilM n A
bride,, who were- leaving for their
future, home at Seattle, after a honey
moon here. Mr. Chaloraft Jr. 1, with
the Seattle Star.-.
Just received a large ahlpment of
the wonderful remedy.. Tan lac Thi,
I, tne great medicine you have been
heaping ,o much about Th. remedy
that', made auch a wonderful reputa -
tlon and which has accomplished such
remarkable results all over th. United
Doctor says, "The temperature of th
sea here i. 84 degrees, and I have
( taken that long delayed bath. Condt -
tlons herel are excellent in every way J"
Will be horn, the last of October.'
etc. ; ,
I Mtn's logger .hlrt. at Colvln'a,
. ' '" ''' ' ' "' :
, . - - - . - ATTENTION!
re dres. of O. ' Mansfield.
niwalriant nt iho n.
Elk cttr ' . .
M ..- ., .v ,
P. M.' as announced,' on the posters.
PlaaOA Av1oA 0.11 flA -tllA lilnmnmnlttf
this 8itot In Duplicity
. ' '"-:''f'
m ivDtDDv bdim naicre
t,,-,',xt',-l4-, rmvc. i"""
Manner -Wallace of the. Vaqulna '
BiT Packing Co., this morning re-
ive& word from President Kurts, of
C aa m . r lha rift ant (tta( tha hlanlr.
13 Il
i u, wii. ,.D (h ,i
" - f-
for berries to 44 cents. : -
There are st.,1 lot. of berries yet
to be picked and this raise of a half ,
cent In price will .mind good to the
Pickers. ' .
1 1 O
Pomonfl. Cranre nontnoned from tha
September meeting will be held at
Ftoher. OcL 6th. Pomona members
from Mountaln Dell and parUcu.
tarly are nrsed to attend, as members
from these , granges could ; get to
Fisher In case of inclement weather
mucn thsn thOM from more
j.., . .... -n.. i l
ui-.m puiniB. in. icduwi uuaiuw,
xhe firat part of m. program wnl be
big community dinner to which .
everyone 1. urged to bring a basket
A gpecla, feature of the afternoon
program beginning at 1 o'clock, will
be an address by C, C. Payne who ls
repregenting the Oregon State Farm
Bureau Federation.'
. n n .'.. '
rao u range ana t arm Bureau are
worltine hanit in hand In an attemnt
to .,. .ome of j.e farmel.8. Drob. .
,ems Wlth repreBenlatiVes of these
two blg Natlona, organizations con-'the
.... .. .
tinuously in Washington presenting a i
oUd froItt at,a agklng for the Bama
- ,
Wednesdays freight brought a car.
' .on, to" be used by the "7", and
contractors in laying gravel on th.rned to .PorUand W ay
' " " "
-j .1 .1. t 1 j
Blla and Al.n on NAi.nnrt iw.ri
" '
Due to the fall rains making the gravel
truck. helDless On the newlT worked
roads.. dump wagon, were ordered at
to compleUon
-Winter rain. Mt in. Jt .,
, B
0-.,, Dl tMre ll r tivtm
' Attorney Q, B. MoCluskey reports
bonu. application blank.
- ..v .. . "
nlv ha. , been, .ant for. Man v have
" - , ' . ' - ,
"" for blank, but until th. new
supply arrived these mu.t wait. ,
, J" 0 " 1
NO I lt I U rrKtN I &
No. pupl. accepted after
Monday, October 3rd.
" Toledo Publlo School.
P "''"
An Interesting incident happened
recently well evidences what
the bankers, who are real friends of
in a farmAW Inlnlr nff tna nam, T) n nan 11
movement. D. L..Peterson, who haa;
been selected by Chris Larson of Si-
letz, president, of the County Farm
i Bureau and G. A. Mansfield, president
of the State Farm Bureau, to arrange
for the series of the meetings which
are 10 do neiu in tne ixmnty irom uie
.3rd to the 8th of October, stepped
.lnto the bank to get some expense
money. He outlined to Mr. Hawkins
the plan of holding a meeting in
every community and having a wide
awake speaker present' the greater
Farm; Bureau movement to the people
"That's the stuff, Pete!" mid friend
Hawkins, bringing his fist down on
the counter with a thump tmtt made
the money jingle, "The farmers of
j this country have got to get together
, and pull together If they ever get
anywhere, and you are on tha right
track, it appear, to me.. Go to It."
Farm Bureau New,.
will give an entertainment and lun-'Ked the publicity campaign. In
cheon to Its members at the club 1 working up a sale for Lhicoln County
rooms, the evening, of Thursday. Ue' h9 w'"ln and ort of the' County
6th of Octoter. ' ' , , tor "eTeral months.- He now states
The committee on entertainment, ! anions . to work up some
consisting of Mrs. J. E.. Cooler,. Miss ,opt of Plal neIP th Ashormen
Eleanor Grady and Mrs. L. Browa,lon our various bays dispose. o7 their
Siave arranged a splendid program lor bi" atche of salmon. . As a sug-
tke evening. , i ... .i f . '
It Is the Intention, of the Chamber j wuni, propi,
to give these entertainments and lun-wrUo tllelr trlenAa in the Valley urs
cheons to its members throughout the in them to Bend orders for flsh
..nUr.-Tl,; Board of Directors re-
mint nil members to come and bring
r -
their wives, bliow tne unamoer oi
Commeroe by your presence at - U.
entertainments mat you appreciate
! .u- j u-. a v. .,.i...
, ' ' n
rFpTriN mfiq
The members of the M. E. Church
a welcoming hand. Jo the
teacher, of the Toledo scnoo.s a
Friday evening. ' Tha
were Tastefully decorated with au-
... . , ,, , , .
TT UntAav
followed by inspirational .peeche. by
the chairman of the .chool board,
. v . ,v it.
nev.aiu una ujouiurr, ui wo im.uu;,
Full line of school supplies at Col-
.-, " '
, ' . . , .,, I HOLDINGS
Monday evening a party consisting
of Capt. Farr, property oflcer of the
Spruce Production Corp.; Col. "Van
.. .... -j
way, rreBiaent 01 tne torporauon auu
m.i H,vr on mrlnnr In an ad-
vlm. Mnan!tv. came down from I
I Portland to go over the property of
V. S. Spruce Production Corp.,
I ... . .... .
owned here on the bay, on a tour of
inspection. On Tuesday evening an-
other party, consisting of CnUjrfi Worker8'f has Juat
Scrksmler of the Pacific Spruce Co..1" the Ch Severson farm abor,
Stegman. Master Mechanic, and John- io fnd wl hto home for
eon and Stevens, successful lumber thf yeW' 'f Bst ,ln
operators, also from Portland, joined Oouaty.. He will arrive the 80th
the first party and were shown over
the holdings by Lieut. Patterson, going
down to Newport that evening.
1 ... , .
Knthlns or their nlans
w.M f 41,olr nlana were made
public during thi. visit, outside of the
fact that they went over the property
holding, and Inspected the railroad
. ,, r ... ,
ttiiu luut yuk aaa " o " - -
W. R. Hawk moved his leather
working equipment op from Ms .hop
svt Yaquina the first of the week an
now has it set up In the building
occupied by the Conrad shoe repair
shop. Mr.' Hawk Is an experienced
harness and saddle maker and doe
new and repair work of all kinds.
Tonight Blanch, 8weet In' "Fight
ing Creety" reel production, . SO
and 15 canta. . . '
8aturday8unday A 5 rel drama
"A Virtuou, Model" adapted from
Plerr. Wolffe f.mou. play "The
Gutter" with Dolore. Clnelll In th,
lead. A 2-reel 8nub Pollard comedy,
"The Morning After" also Ford Week
ly, 35c. and 15c. '
The school laws of Oregon, provide
that every parent, guardian or other
P?"? : ' ? child or
j children between and including the
ages of nine and fifteen, shall be re
quired to send such child or children
to the public schools for the entire
length of the school term. The only
exceptions are .those children who
attend private sohool, or who are be
ing taught by private teachers, or
Who are physically unable to attend
school or chlldran between the ages
of nine and ten who live more than
one and one half mile from the school
and children over ten who live more
than 3 miles by the nearest traveled
road. Violation, of the Compulsory
Education Law may be punished by
arrest and fine or imprisonment or by
both fine and imprisonment.
As it Is the Intention of the Toledo
School Board Ito eMforce this law,
parents and guardians of children liv
ing within the Toledo School District
who are not at present attending
school are respectfully requested to
coopera,t ta this matter.
Victor Shawe, Principal
Grade School,
, County Agent Cooter had been W-
""T" T T reco?l
"nco.n County. He further state.
that " th8 various fishormen or or-
enMtno hovlto fi.h f. i ,n,
- - -
- e
. ' -- -
for. sale under caption in the various
,Farm Bureau News publications sim-
liar to the Lincoln County Farm
'Bureau News which are published la
the Wil,amette Vallev """"ties.
- 0 .
The ,
Commerce have decided to drive Dull
p . . .
are away, and have arranged for a
,fre'e entertainment and luncheon
lTnurgdliy eTenJn
. . ,. ' ouu iiibjt
families? are invited ito &tt nd
and there will be some real treats, for
just win what you are going to get
when two of our illustrous artists an-'
Par on the platform with some of th
nawe8t JokeB'h our prominent citk-
w, , rumored Geer )g m(xe
up In this and if so you know what to
wpeci. '
See Colvln's 920.00 all wool suits.
Ray L. Jenkins, one of Alsea's fore.
Jenklns to a Pebred Jersey fancier
!, ,,, ,,,.., . u"
work ' DU"ln Alaea on the map
m Btandpolnt Mr,
Bureau Federation during th.
.ri tl
State, and he should prove a big hp
lln fe Llncoln Cunty campaign Just
now beginning. Welcome to Llncol.
County, hMc-Jenkins,
The sawmill at Elk city started up
last week after being shut down for
period of several month, thi. um
1 mer, to fill several orders now ox
handt ' .- " " ':
Of course
you know
the reason
why millions
of .men like
Lucky Strike
it', toasted
which seal,
in the teal
Bur ley taste