Lincoln County leader. (Toledo, Lincoln County, Or.) 1893-1987, September 09, 1921, Image 1

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. ... .
. Mine oh onnfp WeMer.
, , , " ' " m, i . i imiripn ty
en m
Mr. and Mrs. Fred W. Freeman left
for thoir v.ome in Tacoma, Washlug
ton, Saturday. They had been visit
ing with Mr. Freeman's mother, Mrs.
Baldwin Fairchiid. Freddie Freeman
was born on Silets and attended the
Government school at the Agency
and from here he entered the school
at Chemawa graduating from that
school in 1907. While at School be
learned the tailors trade and follows
that business to the present time.
From Chemawa he went to the Cush
man school at Tacoma, Washington,
as an employee and remained in tha
service for 25 years. Here be met
and married his wife. She was a
teacher In the school and a stenog
rapher. He was in the school so long
he became a part of It and was noted
for his industry and attention to busi
ness. He was also a good musician
and was vice-president of the Musi
cian Union at Tacoma, where he now
lives. He owns a forty acre farm
near the city. ' This farm is set to
"berries, mostly strawberries and rasp
"berrles. He keeps the farm rented
and lives in the city where be can
follow his trade'and send bis children
to school. Thijy have two children,
a girl and a boy aged 19 and 14 years
respectively. The boy is only 14 but
ke enters high school this fall. The
girl wbose name is Prudence, is learn
ing the tailors trade from ber father.
Freddie Freeman, as he is known here
by the home people, has made good.
He anil his wife stand high in the es
timation of his friends and neighbors
and the business world. He Is
member of the Improved Redmen's
Lodge and has passed through all the
chairs'. After leaving Silets he was
thrown on his own resources and
never came back to live here. By
honesty, industry end perseverance,
lie has made his way and has attained
the high position he now occupies by
his own efforts.- His mother is en
Indian woman and his father a white
.-man but Freddie , Freeman is not
-ashamed of his Indian blood' What he
has accomplished can be done by
others if they only try. Mr. and Mrs.
Freeman and their two children came
to Silets in their own car a Reo
coating $2160 and it is paid for. The
8uccss of Freddie Freeman ought to
be an inspiration to others who wish
to excel in llfea battles.
Jess Daniels started out Friday
with the big truck loaded with 25
lop pickers and their baggage. The
reads were a bit slippery as it had
rained some during the day. The
pickers were going to the hop fields
near Independence. On leaving Cor
VEllla Jess had a blowout. This de
layed bim and added, something to
the bill of expense. But It was soon'
tixed and he went on his way. When
a political meeting blows out it don't
amount to much but when an auto
tire blowsout it amounts to a good
deal and always delays.
Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Chandler Have
gone to McMinnville to spend a few
days and to have their baby examined
by a specialist. He went out with
his father and mother who had been
here on a visit.
' A good many autos and folks are
coming to fish after the rain. The
fishing will be good. '
Notwithstanding a good many of
our people have gone to the hop fields
tobacco makes 50
flood cigarettes for
We want you to hava tha
beat paper lor "BULL.'
So now you ean reoeivf
with each packag a baak '
I 24 leaves of KUHs
tha vary finest olgaretta
paper In tha world.
Silets will be well represented at the
County Fair, September 8th, 9th, 10th.
Mrs. Bradbury and Miss Nellie
Bradbary have been quite 411 but are
better again. '
Esra McCraughry. of Philomath
drove down the middle of the week
to take his sister, Mrs. Volgt and
thlldren out but found them all so
.poorly they thought it best to post
pone the trip, but expect to leave on
the train some time this week.
Did you see the brand new Ford?
Its a dandy, and if you didn't know
who the owner was we will tell you
Andrew Nye.
School commences here next Mon
day morning, with Miss Verne Ross
of Toledo at the helm.
diet Paulson expects to leave some
time this week for Corvnllis to ma"ke
uratigements for his entrance at the
0. A. C. which commences September
the 19th.
Mrs. Isaac Hendrickson received a
'olerram tolling of the dea'.h of her
daughter-in-law, in .an automobile ac
cident. Mrs Hendrickson will leave
for Michigan Immediately to be with
her son In his bereavement.
iMrs. Wilson and little daughter,
Dorene and Fred Dozler, who have
been visiting with J. W. Doiier, have
returned to their home ln Portland,
leaving Thursday noon.
Mr. and Mrs. W. B, Lynn left South
Booth Wednesday for Roseburg for a
few days then will return to Portland.
Mrs. E. R. Lynn went with them for
x short outing.
The entertainment and dance given
last Saturday evening by Lincoln
Grange was a decided success. The
program consisted of the following
numbers, all well rendered: Instrumental-
music, Miss Ellen Hassman;
playette, "Hiring a Servant," Misses
Ellen, Jennie and Freda Hassman, P.
P. Byrne, Arthur Holmgreen; solo,
"Love's Old Sweet Song," MIbs Ohpha
Myers; dialogue, "The Minister's Mis
take''; instrumental music, Miss Orpha
Myers; Song, "Wandering Home," E.
L. Wilson, Clifford Phelps and Miss
Orpha Myers; "The Miser and his
Gold," E. L. Wilson. After the program
the floor was cleared for dancing
which continued till a late hour. A
large crowd was present and all ex
pressed themselves as having had a
delightful time. The receipts came
to $30. - :
, Lincoln Grange held their regular
meeting Sunday with a good attend
ance' in spite of the fact that most of
the' members had been at the dance
the, previous night.
Mrs. Mamie Wolkan entertained a
number of ladles Tuesday afternoon,
those present were, Mrs. E. L. Wilson,
Mrs. D. C. Gray, Mrs. H. H. Cook,
Mrs. C. S. Ohmart, Mrs. Hattle Hill,
Mrs. J. R. Coovert, Mrs. Hattie Ed
wards, Misses Neta and Helen Phelps
Evelyn and Vera Payne, Orpha Myers
and Hope Wolkan.
Mrs. Hattle Hill who had the mis
fortune to get a severe fall TQesday,
Is getting along nicely.
Mr. and Mrs. I. R. Payne returned
home Saturday from Tillamook where
they were callsff by the death of Mrs. ,
Payne's sister. j
. -o . . i
x Application blanks for tho cash '
bonus or farm loan are now in the
hand,. of the American Legion, Posti
No. 64, Toledo, Oregon. Those desir-!
lng the blanks and directions for fiil-'
ing put,' apply in person or write en
closing stamped return envelope for
mailing to applicant. The Legion will
help you in anything you don't . un
derstand. It' applying in person tor :
the blanks it is well to bring along
the 'original discharge certificate.
. Alden Abbey Post, No. 64.
, Miss Dorothy Newton, daughter of
Mrs. H. A. Newton was married yes
terday morning to Merle H. Cummings
of Albany, the wedding taking place at
,lhe Congressional parsonage on Col
lege Hill. The immediate families
were present to witness the ceremony
performed by Rev.' J. P. Clyde. Mr.
and Mrs. Cummings left immediately
on their wedding trip and are soon
to be at home to their friends in An-!
bany. iCorvallJs Gazette-Times.
Miss Newton formerly lived here at
Toledo, and Is a niece of Mr. and Mrs.
To the boy or girl looking for high
school education the Toledo Hlsrh
School offers exceptional advantages
for (he coming school year. Tuition
W free to all living within the county.
the corn, of ln.-r.iotn,. i. o.-,i.n.
w sw
strong and the board will assist any
boy or girl in finding a place to stay.
should they desire to attend school
and work for their board.
The school will be headed this yeal
oy rroi. s. B. Robertson, of Dawes,
Iowa. Mr. Robertson, who is but 30
years of age, has been principal of
the Dawes schools the past seven
years. The Dawes schools employ 18
teachers. He will be assisted by Miss
Mary Harrison, who lias taught here
the past two or three years and needs
no introduction, she being an excep-
tlonnlly fine teacher. Mrs. Louisa
Shaw, a graduate of Whitman College,
with several vearn tenohln, .-,
lence in Eastern Oregon and Idaho, pales that Lincoln County is grad
wlll also teach . in the Toledo High nally improving its dairy herds.
Scn00'- 1 Today is billed as Newport and Si-
Prof. Victor Shaw, former school tets day with the following events on
supervisor of the territory comprised the program;
by Jefferson, Deschutes and Crook . I A. M. Trap shoot begins,
counties, will be in charge of the 19 A. M. Kids go clown hunting,
grammar schools. Miss Ardlnelle 10 A. M. tfudglng of livestock be
Clark who taught here last year will tin.
have the fifth and sixth grades. Miss 11 A. M. Morning program and
Clark has been attending Summer band concert
Normal at Logan, New Mexico, to bet. ! 1 P. M. Aeroplane exhibition.
ter fit herself for her duties. Miss ' I P. M. Address by Geo. A. Mans-
Eva Saunders, of Seattle, will have Held, president Oregon State Farm
the third and fourth grades. . Miss .Bureau Federation.
Saunders is a graduate of the Belling, j 8 P. M. Heavy weight wrestling
him Normal Schools and has had ser- match: McBride vs. Graves.
eral years teaching experience,' com-1 .3 P. M. ports program.
ing here highly recommended. Mrs. ! 8 P. M. (Dance and evenfng amuse-
Olga Bateman will have the first and ment
second grades again this year. Mrs.1 Tomorrow is All Lincoln County
Bateman's ability as a teacher Is too 'Day, the program to be as follows:
well known to need enlarging upon,
and wa cannot but feel that we are in
leed Tortunate to be able to retain her
U. 11. AltiUIuskev received nntl
the first of the week that he had been ,PRJSBD-"
appointed bonus attorney for Lincoln '
county, by the World War Veterans" AT THE MOVIES
State Aid Commission. Mr. McClua- PARAMOUNT WEEK,
key is a veteran of the late war, hav'-' THURSDAY AND FRIDAY Mar.
Ing been stationed at Camp Pike. Ar- guerlta Clark In comedy-tirama-kansas,
at the time the, armistice waa "LUCK IN PAWN"
signed, where he was attending of- a Brians' comedy
ficers training school, and it is espec- "SKIN NY'S SICK"
tally fitting that he should be honored ; 35 cent, .nd 15 nt.
by ihe foregoing appointment
Sunday afternoon, October 2nd, the
Whitney Boys Chorus will give a big
concert in the State Fair Grounds at
Salem. The grandstand will be used
for the Auditorium. In front of the
E-andstand will be erected a mam
mouth raised platform capable of
holding the entire Chorus.
LaBt June 700 members of this
Chorus gave a concert In the Port-
land Municipal Auditorium to a packed
house. The Oregonian said It was
one of "the most remarkable and
thrilling concerts ever given in Port-
Jand" "
The entire chorus will be present
ana render the best program this
famous chorus has ever produced.
31) FOR. SALE 15-16 Saanan buck
Z r 7,"' P " r 9 yr'
pld., gentle, large and a proven
breeder. John Stelger, Toledo, Ore.,
Box 105. ,
We are sending one of our representatives to Toledo, at the
"Lincoln Rooms," Wednesday and Thursday, September ,14th
and 15th, to examine your eyes and fit you with glasses if you
need them. All work guaranteed no charge for examina
tion. Ask your banker to ask any Bank fn Salem as to our
ability, standing and reliability. Wa are associated with Drs.
Findley & Steeves, Eye, Ear, N oso and Throat Specialists.
Mor ris Optical Company
"Oregon's Largest Optical Institution-'
1 The eighth annual Lincoln County
Fair started off yesterday under very
favorable We&lJinr pnnrfltlnna anil la
now in full swing and everything
points to A very successful fair.
The Clown, was very much In evl -
Hanj.- .a - t . .-..
HVV uu aisu S, iai fcO 1U11UW1UB Ui
snttll boy. trailing around with him.
The ferris wheel, merry-go-round, baby
racks, shows. Stands. etl all lanil in
the carnival spirit that makes the old
feel young and the ' young ones
younger. The new dance pavillion
has a fine floor and Is one of the chief
centers of attraction in the evening..'
The Newport band dispenses music on
tha grounds and an orchestra play. '
for the dances.
The exhibits cover a wide scope and '
are very good, all except the vegeta-
ble exhibit which is not nearly up to
the usual standard. The showing of
livestock Is larger than usual, some 1
fine nln,i h h,h ,,.
, 9 A. M. Trap shoot "
10 A. M.-i-Klds go clown hunting.
10:30 A.M. Band concert
2:30 P. M. Sports program begins.
. 3.1 Pi'. M. Northwest championship
wrestling match Chas. Miller vs. Paul
.8:30 P. M."YOU'LL BE SUR-
las Mcteap and Doris May (These
wera tha leads In "232 Hours Leave")
,n eomedyroTama
As a Brlgg's comedy
35 cents and 15 cents.
Assessor Ed. Stocker and Prosecut-
Ing Attorney G. B. McCluskey motored
out to Salem Monday to meet with the
members of the State Tax Commission
and take ud the matter of Dlacln on
the tax rolls of the county, the U. S.
Spruce Production properties ln this
county, which have recently been sold
under contract These properties
amount to about ten per cent of the
assessed valuation of the county, and
.... , ....
" they were Pavln8 taxes would help
Swell our tax receipts amazingly.
Guy Roberts has a crew of men
building a dock at his sawmill in the
south part of town. The dock. when
completed will be 32 by 180 feet In
. 1,1 a , .k . .i.i
It is a very substantial struc-
.,.., w f. vn- m.
' ture. nothing but the best Yellow Fir
L.. ,,.
V111UH UtSlUg UHUU, Willi 16 A 16 Uya,
! and 3 inch decking. .
! . Mr. Roberts is an ardent believer In
wntnr f rnnannptntlnn. And uvn "If thn
Port of Toledo would buy
schooner and put it on th
a lumoer
San Francisco run, r: would be
making of this place, enabling the
mills now on the bay to run full capa-1
city, and causing other mills to lo-
cate here."
Mr. Roberts will soon have his dock1
ready, and hopes to be able to make
use of it in the near future.
, On account of people going -hop
picking, the dates of holding Pomona
Orange at Five Rivers has again been
changed, this time to October the 5th.
" J. E. Coo ter, Secretary.
Jack Bellany mached one of his
fingers while working at the light
plant Tuesday evening, and as a result
now carries It ln a sling. .
Earl Roberts arrived home Satur
day evening from Alaska where ha
has oeen wort Ing In the fisheries the
past Summer.
Lee Collins and son, Bobby, came
over from Portland Sunday for a short
visit with Mr. Collin's mother. They,
returned to the city Monday.
Miss Vivian Tlndall departed for
'n ..... . , . ... .
Portland Monday where she will atr
. ... T - . , TI. . . .
tend the James-John High School the
i . .
coming term.
... . . , ,
Mr. and Mrs. Wescott and daughter,
Evelyn, drove down from Portland last
! Friday for a visit with their daughter.
I ... . . , .. , ,.
. Mrs. L. J. Brown, In thlB city.
j Mr. and Mr. E. M. Stanton de -
parted Saturday, via. auto, for the
Belknap Hot Springs. on..thaJJppet.
McKenzie, where Ed. will take treat-
ments for his rheumatism.
Miss Mary Newton returned to her
home at Corvallis Sunday after spend'
Ing a couple of weeks with her aunt
and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Swear
ingen, In this city.
President George A. Mansfield of
the Oregon State Farm Bureau Feder
ation arrived last evening and will de
liver an address at the Fair Grounds ',
this afternoon.
Walter M,cCauJou came over from
Aioany luesaay evening 10 iuk m
the Fair. Walter Is learning the bar-
ber trade, being employed In a shop
at Albany.
Ned Clark has been on the sick
usi me yaBl ., ". Bu...cU .
severe hemorrhage of .... bronchial
tubes. He is much better at present.
lid Wade has bsen taking his place as
watchman at the government mill.
H. A. Matheson arrived home from
Alaska Wednesday evening, where
he has been in charge of fluhlng oper
ations the past three months. He was
accompanied by his wife and Mrs.
Allen, who mot his &t Astoria.
Engiueer Castoel of Yaqutua was In
ti, ,iv it Soinrdnv. murine at-
I mmintannna wlUi old friends. "Cass"
' 8 now pulling a train on the S. P.'
Elec'rlc out of Portland.
Mrs. Earl Marker and son, Robert,
went out to Corvallis Monday for a
visit with Mrs. Marker's parents, Mr.
and Mrs. It. E. Collins.
Mlas Marlam Inglls arrived over,
from Gresham Saturday evening for
a few days visit with Mr. and Mrs. Q.I
Ft. Schcnck and other Toledo friends.
It will be remembered that Miss In:
glls formerly taught In the Toledo high
Mrs. Geo. Hall came over froni Cor
vallis Saturday evening for a visit
with her sister, Mrs. M. N. Anderson,
and other relatives and friends here.
She returned to Corvallis Monday.;
Mr. and Mrs. H'jII expect to move
to Oakland, California, soon where
they have purchased a ten acre wal
nut grove.
the Matter of the Estate ot John
Post, Deceased.
Notice is hereby given tli:t the
undersigned' has been duly appointed
by the County Court of Lincoln County,
Oregon, Administrator ot the Estate
ot John Post, Deceased, and hns duly
qualified. All personB having claims
r.gnlnst said estate are hereby notified'
to present the same to mo at, Silets,
Oregon, properly verified, within six
months from the date of first publi
cation of this notice.
Dated and drat published, August
26, 1921. ' "
. . VV. 8.. Hall,
Administrator of the Estate of John
'Post, Deceased.
C R. Hawkins, Attorney for Admin
istrator, Toledo, Oregon.
''Flashes ot Action" official war
filma tfllrAn hw tha tt a ai..i r
,, . ' ' . v
aurln the World War. were shown at
. ,
i the Ro" Thetr Wednesday evening
("". 7. 77
t0 a Paed house. Many came from
. Qit , ,
fo . th . t CmmU" "e8 nearby
1 J" h If M . ,
' . . ' '
: It Ml fhmilcrh thn nftVtf. 1n..l
, . .. , , ,
I ioi ui me American region mat tne
films Wflra nhtitlnarl tha Tji.lni. to...
. , . . '
a " th V p interest tor
B . ao
? , - A "en Abbey Post has
,0" V " d'ng
. . . ex-8"Tl(;e mn- Tn0
0"auctw8 the work in regard
, U,e , "S ,ulhf! C'alT that
ta,wn ln nand Le3on-
Manf "Hugs not P"lle for an in-
dIvlfunl d possible by
BtronK orsanlsatlon in which the
nig iu awunea me puouc interest tor
members work together lu the sama
The war relics of Frank Wade wera
loaned to the Legion for exhibition in
the show window of Arnold's and may
be seen there this week while here
attending the fair.
"Flashes of Action" were first shown
ln Waldport, the evening of the 6th
and last evening at Newport.
Seven thousand Baas, Kropies and
Catfish minnows were brought ln from
.o hatchery on Wednesday evening's
uriu ivji uiauuuH lu lilt) isrouu HUU
, , . .
Depoe sloughs. These fish fry were
, ...... ...
taken out and planted in the bead-
i ... .
waters of these streams by J. W,
, . , ...
G"htam',nd" was ,argeiy ,thr? h,
f"orU tl'at they were o6lained for
these waters.
j o
One of-the greatest surprises that -has
been sprung on an unsuspecting
'yuunjer set ln Corvallis was the news
that drifted about this morning when
nanrora Snmirn nipt hin frinnrtn mi th
gtr(jet wUh a bM of fl(jura d.ManUto
end handed them out with the utmost
unconcern and Uie statement "Boys,
I'm a married man and don't want to
be tempted."
The bride was Miss Gene Jensen,
formerly of Albany but for the pas.
half a year chief potentate at the
UXy founta,n wher(J sh(J hM mftda
hoBt ot friends. The wedding was
performed at Toledo, Monday after,
noon and for a few days the young
couple visited at the home ot the
groom's sister, Mrs. John Peterson.
They arrjved home yesterday but
fl(jrge flay8 he, be dog.goned ,
knowg fQt gure whflre ihey,ig gQlag tQ
, M ,. fnmi mn,v
the Gem, having been there for mora
than a year. The many friends of
the young couple wish them the best
of good fortune tor the rest of their
Ives.-Benton County Courier.
TO seal
in the
Once you've
enjoyed the
toasted flavor
you will al
ways want it