J . - ' g . " .... tl VOLUME 29 TOLEDO. LINCOLN COUNTY, OREGON. FRIDAY, AUGUST 26th, 1921. NUMBER 27 geader. SILETZ Seymour Bell and N. P. Sarinson of Portland were visitors at tiilei Mon day. Mr. Sarison Is a logger and ' timberman of lona experience. Mr. Bell la well known In the county, but Mr. SarlHon bad never been In th fcmintv wn u , . . ? Lw , . T e. for Z,ZT?!! KLT to market. These Sllets and th timh th 7 . Sllet. and the timber that grows In this section of the county. When told tflflt SIlAt hail In r rwl ( .... . ( 1 . ... Mu ... avauuiug t-IUl UOi , un- ttinfhaA K u- l j , , elEht6en wiiton t I Tan; E eighteen billion feet of lumber, as line as grows anywhere In the north 'west, this was a revelation to Mr. Sarinson,-who is familiar with the timber interests of Oregon These gentlemen came oven from Newport with Dr. Belt In the doctors car. . . Jim Franks, Chris Larsen, E. E. Colvln and Harald Hansen went over Tuesday morning to work on the new tock pavlllion that is being built at Toledo on the fair grounds, This v""u,"s 's m uj-ivv reel, set on rock Piers covered with cedar shakes. m . u.-mj,-- . "... wvtj .iuuiui uujiaing ior the purpose of the fair. It was a com. munlty affair and the work u -rni. anteer. The Indies served a free din- 'aer. . Just such a dinner as farmers , "wives know how to prepare on old . fashioned farms. Some twenty-eight Jersons worked on the structure and no time was lost. It should have been a hundred persons working on rthe countr Th allent heTle o farmers to n lZ 1 -t 5 a rl J.o, T . ! " ntrest in a niaxier 01 so mucn Importance to themselves does not snpik wii f. inemseivcs noes not speak well for xne public spirit of the county. It is uui enougn to mass a mere hvlng but Henry Stocker of Newport was at we should take pride in bringing Lin- south Beach -Monday forencon. coin county up equal to Tillamook, or j0hn Moore went to Newport Mon any of the coast counties. This can day. be done but It takes continuous per- Mrs. Johnson was sick for a rew evering work to do. The Siletz jays but is better again. cneese are already galninj In the con- Udence aqd support of the people by the excellent quality of the product. It Is selling readily at Newport, To ledo, Siletz .and other towns In the ounty. The logan berry people of the Si letz are looking forward to the time when a cannery will be establ'shed at Siletz to-manufacture the fruit into ouei iv-uiauuiuuiure mt iruii into Jelly, Juke and Jam,, which lt-ls es- pecially adapted fer. The demand for the Juice and jelly la Increasing risht alotig. It is said in New York a fis made out of logan berry juice Is worth fifty cents. This drink is es pecially used In hospitals for sick eop)e. .- In a few davs a hundred hnn nlcltnra 111 1 . V. . 1. ,I.IJ. . Valley to Independence and Corval- lis Billle Metcalf Is the manazer and 1S. " icouw iu KUkiiuK in coo yiCKurs iu- Kether and wUl look after their inter- uiunr auu win iook auer ineir inter- ests while In the hop fields. Siletz will be a quiet place when all these people leave. Tuesday evening Mr. and Mrs. Tur ney gave a musical concert at tho Government - School building. . The program was as follows: piano solo. urogram was as follows: piano solo. The Lark," opening number played fay Mrs. Ruthyn Turney. The follow- Ing numbers were violin solos played ' by Mr. Turney, Hadyn; violin with Mrs. Turney at the piano; Dudelsack Minuet, Beathaven. 1. Les Melodies- Les Alpes, Scheuer; The Bag Pipe, Op. 2, Turney; Impromptu, Op. 43.,' No. 1, Turney. flo; 1, Turney. The Piper, Op. 41, Johnnie Jump Up, 28, No. 2, Turney. Tne Violet, Op. Do you know you can roll agarettesfor lOcts from one bag of ley.. GENUINE BullDurham TOBACCO es. No. 3, Turner, fidelity. Op. 15, Ia J"88'8 "1" wu,lani ITU. xa. luniev. . i ii 1st nrnmin a a followed by a reception given by Mr. ' people of Uncoln Count' w,u F. A. Kurti of Salem this week pur and Mn. Chaltrraft in hnnn, f m. be Particularly fortunate this year In chased the Toledo c.nri ,. and Mrs. .Turney. -About one hundred persons were present. It was a royal .. ... t. .1 ,.., uu w u. uieon ttucumpusiiea mus- lclns- During his visit at Silets Mr. Turkey" has been busy writing the orche8tration of his light opera Amer- ,can8 ,n Yucatan- He wrote the play .liberetto and all and has the piano and vodal scores i completed only orchestration In to h fiihH " ".iiuiru is w uo unisnea when 11 w111 be ready tor Production. CD I I IT 1 A I C Frank Nye was in from the ValW ranK ivye was in.rrom the Aall'ty iast Wek for a f w dava vUitlnv .-ih ,a" ,wee.K Ior a rw davs visiting wi.h .11 11 1 ii. l" "Jrae .- Paul Paulson came home sick from An,anv e Jw Is train Inspector, ,a8t week- b" Sunday, what improved In health. Mrs. Paul8n also much better from her rece"t "'" "" .i ouver, wasn., oui now ot xsew- nort. are utavinr fw Hav. wi-h " - j " hl brother, Chas. L., of this place Jus' notice, will you, that In time they a11 corae back nd ay .there is 00 P,a.ce llke Lincoln County after ' 1 SOUTH BEACH Mrs. Walt and little daughter, Shir- ey, who have Men visiting her v" v " " , .... T,n8g Luclle Rexroad, who has been visltine Mnrearnt Kwine for thn lt V , c J I three weeks, left South Beach for ner home In Milton. Oregon. Mrs. Mcintosh. Evaneeline Mcln- ; ah and Ermine' Clark have returned i to their home In Portland. from . ONA - iRIchard Wolkan came ' In Wellsdale Monday for a few days visit with home folks. Mrs. Hattie Edwards and sons of -T" 0 - """f' Mar8tlIlela re ltln8 " "8 coovert home. Mlsfl Keta Phelps returned home Friday after a two weeks' visit with friends at Salem. Miss Orpha Myers of Portland Is a v,sltor e nome ot- ner u,It airs. m. woman. . . A number of , the people of this neighborhood spent Sunday at Seal Rock'- . Mls9e,, C,ara Mlke,s and azel Lambert of Lebanon were visitors at , the Wilson nome ""t-week. '. - .. . , n-ttua' 01 rwuMUl w" m thi8 neighborhood tuning pianos Tues- ,day and Wednesday of this week. nr tf ir.u- n 1 J f Mrs. -A.,H. Phelps departed for "Yakima, Washington, Tuesday. Mrs. V W. Ohmart returned to her homo At Rnlpm TtifiHrtftv after finend- lug at he home of her iDg a"w "'I' " tM m W on C. S Ohmart. Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Coovert, Mrs. , . . . Bna . ... 1 , aa- . e -n..pe Ve ne made trip WaIdDrt onday ' v 1 uu& , ; Mr. and Mrs. Howard anO child, spent the week end &y Nashville. Mr, Howard is witn tne b. r. o. Mr. and Mrs. Hiland were In Bert-.' land a few days the first of the week.'" Mr,. Hll.n enlne nn to Seattle for a,n.fi0v nr tnn dava. Mr. Hiland re- lurning nome weanesuay. . Mr. and Mrs. Vidito of Brownsville were here the first ot the week visit- ing with Mrs. Vidito's eon, Billy Co- cnell , i The Hershey brothers of Eddyvllle- 1, TXahvUle Sunday between in waanvuie tounuay Deiween trains. They came up to meet little n.(la. W..,hBtt who was nn the In- coming train. Mrs. Charles Hamar ,,, Sll. I reiurnea oun- day from a two days trip to the Val Charw Hlnshaw hr traded his , ha.yH " a7. , fllver to Mr. Ray for his team. . Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Stanton were Toledo visitors Thursday. Bert and Mrs. Smith of Corvallls, : former residents of Nashville, passed thru in 'their machine recently, home- ward bound from Toledo and Newport. ' Vera Martin is In Portland this week. 4 Mr. and Mrs. R. N. Nash and Mary (Cont. on Page Two) COLUMBIA BEACH AMUSE. MENT COMPANY AT FAIR baTlng at ?e county faJr M otahe be8t ttmuBement- nd concession com - Danles to Play In the State. The Fair " , . . . Board has Just closed a contract with Ja W. Duff, who has been playing at Columb,a "lhlng his sea- "uu lUBrB """" n" come" " once 10 loleao' cringing notning but 11)8 n'enest claM attractions. - terns wneei is a orana new ma- .. ch,ne of modBrn Th? mry-go- . round is of the best construction, , swinging around the center pole the ,taBnd a" tUrnlng- 11 18 e1uiPPed with an esnec a lv ennil ornn with . , . trap Jrums. Mr. Duff assures the Fair Board thai he will have nothing to .do wltn the cheap concessions or shows, and he will not handle attrac tlons of the .49 dance variety. Re- contIy tnIs year aa many ag 8000 peo. ple were on the Columbia Beach amusement grounds, and the same equipment tliar entertained them at Portiand will bo at the Lincoln County ' pair. , AT the Mflwice . I ... FRIDAY AND SATURDAY The drama , "MY HUSBAND'S OTHER WIFE" uitth Cut..;. D . a n 1 1 witn Sylvia Breamer and Robert Qor- don as leads. You will remember Robert Gordon as "Hock" Finn In "Huck and Tom". lie - n.n 1 1- 1-"-3 "d c SUNDAY AND MONDAY Frank Keenan In "DOLLAR FOR DOLLAR" . -.-.-n. a., ........ " mxieiy , and bia businet.. it rewMi. th. secrets of those who worship the Al- mighty Dollar. Ford Weekly. 30c. 10c. Coming, Gspt. 7th, "FLASHES OF ACTION" War Films, In Five reels. i-o . , MRS. HOLMES INJURED WHEN CAR OVERTURNS t 'MTsrEff,la 1'"" ' of Corvallls, formerly of this place, was quite badly 'Injured Tuesday when the car which 'she was driving overturned with her near the Stelnmetz place, just this side of Chitwood. Mrs. Holmes and daughter, - Mrs. Dessa Poulson and children, had been here anil t Ainto Rrh . of we ks and were enroute home at the time ot the accident On the grade at the Stelnmetz place they met a truck, and In turning out Mrs. Holmes evidently eot too clon .to th edge and the car rolled down the steeP embankment pinning her under- neatn. When rescued she was uncon- sclous, and it was feared that she would not live. . She "8ned Corvallls and late report. Indicate that she Is recovering nicely Fortunately no bon wr h,nv. w Mrs. Poulson and children "escaped . . ' t. . un"i. 0 SPECIAL TRAPSHOOT WILL BB FEATURE AT FAIR On the annrttnir nritrMm a a.ti.. . - ------- -.-" .. ' 111 n imi'iH 1 iniMrfliir 1 a no in niann aet t tha commlttee- that ot a ?lBee-4rapshoot. As an exhibition ..... ' '. .AVniir 111 a la VOIV lntaiut n 1. . ,,,. .M . .. ! spectators, and the sheot at the fair this year will be the nrst in vhlch all interested; In this sport will be able ,t0 participate. Details of the shoot I will appear on later programs. - 0 ; I BOYS AND GIRLS BIG 1 PRIZES: FREE TICKETS . . - -""-" " l" " r -can " ea8"r- 10t ot otner D1S PS6S are .1.. t a .t in . tickets. Any boy or girl who sells iouiub me mosi , - - - , - worul 01 UCKels wm De B'ven a free ticket to the fair. Those sell lnB HO.OO worth will get a free ticket and ten free rides on the Merry-Go- "ouna or wneel- P" such as cndf fountain pens, baseball .. . . 've8 ana amera8 ar tnoee e'""8 mre la worth of tick-, ets. Prices on tickets are as follows- ' Season tickets, Adult U.00, Children T . 8 tO 14 years, 60c; daily tickets, adult 160c. children 25c Contest closes Wednesday, Sept. 7th, at s'lx o'clock. Bovs and girls outside of Toledo aim. . . ... .... .... ' a8K yur menQB l,lev wul : ; their tickets from you, then send In ur oroer llCKOls 10 J: voowr manager, Toledo, Oregon. Toledo D0VS and Blrl" 01111 at County Agent's U",,;B ""ernoous. omn 10 worn rig.it -ow' The tickets are easy to sell if , ... .... 1 you start early everybody is going to the Fair. This announcement opens Ihe Contest. Adv. i . - CANNERY SOLD WILL START MONDAY now ha crew busy, putting same . - shape for operation. The name-tot tha na .... . . . -"tom una ueen cnangea t0 "Yaqulna Bay Packing Co." and A. I Wallace of Salem ha. been pi,ced In charge as manager. Tb Plant will open for business Monday, which Is good news for the berry pickers as the starting of this Diar.t eiiahln th ......... -..i ,mu,o luu growers ana p,ckf;r8 t0 get a better prlce for their Minaeer WaIL-i ifn,m. w a new cooker will, be installed for .1.1- . lu eai a run, aim Deiore next season the Diant will h .tir.i. MhH enlarged and -taiiprt all new equipment in The comnanv waSu to rn .11 kind, of berries anT fruiu an? wn Ub p0wer u indurt thefarm er8 here to dive! tt ImaM Z,' Ldustry " This county is especially adapted to the growing of raspberries -trawh luo rowlnB raspoerries, strawber- r,es' ,ogan Derrleg and Blackberries Md U Wl" b" th P'1Cy f tbe MW u.jmnj, , ui8pens.e inrormatlon on the growing of these fruits, and to aid and encourage tha farmers in the Placing of same. The fruit industry j hafl wnrlrpd wnrdun o .ri.T.il CLiAm ' "rnea wonaers around Salem People making more off of a five acre fr" 'ract than they formerly made riff nf 1 Hfl iipa Mnnh A no trouble to get pickers fron the 'ty, who will come here and camp Pend the'summer picking frul.'s. ' Thn Pflnnapu will' rtrnhadlu hnnJU - - ..m.uio vegetables, but is Drimarilv in tlm market fqr fruits. The establishing of an aggressive : canning concern here means much to ' Toledo and Lincoln county, and the people should get squarely behind the preposition and boost it for all it is worlh- . . UPPER RIVER AGAIN WINS In a game featured by its many hits, the Upper Siletz River again defeated the Lower River crew by a score of 9 to 7. From start to finish the letters from your Senators ex It varied from a comedy of errors nlalnlnsr whv thev dirt" not Ia fnr one inning and flashes of real base- t-ii i . . ." uc" auu l" mBny Bpec tators each an ardent rooter, oper- elr Vocil cords" at hlgh ten sion throughout the eame. Slim FInke at short played a spectacular SamB but ,n keeDln6 with the rest of the performance was a victim of the hidden ball- stunt George Feuchfs ab'"ty t0 get hlt by the Pitcher was rcuuy creauaoie, also it showed far omy 88 three " broken wthout his help. . The errors were mostly chargeable to the ex- ..u . , . . treme r0Ugh Kround8. tact It was nn ntrnn.TA airh ., no strange sight to see an outfielder suddenly disappear from view, and J stealing eecond was a sure enough down hill job. The Lower River en- thusiasts' will lav nut a f!rat Maaa . . w ...u.. .ttaa . . . .. . aiamona on tne siletz Spruce Co.'s . grounaa end will be opened soon for with outside teams. I tinner River P.iin 1 d. ' wPPcr Position Lower River . r.n.ee"' ' 3 B. S. S. 2 B. C. 1 B. R. F. C. F. P. L. F. Dixon Finke n poyt C - Renter Thompson .Tronsen - .Greeg Foyt, R. ! Rinnan I Stone ' Day McNally Lud Feucht ' Knight Towner Munor Sltuc)t , . . . TownB. I 11:base an w... T ' II ,7 T"' ' hu " . base hit, "rwner, Tronsen, Muno and Stone:-, three bann hit. 1? Pnvt hit by Ptchr'- Knight,' Feucht. (2); nmihla n1nv PlnUa , ' " n """""" BETTER THAN EVER Pendleton, Ore., Aug. 25. Fast rolay 8' teere. bucking "kmnv" j.m.i.. ...m .... ,1.. " -"i"""."" " "! " '-, wwuuy-u. are, so,ne of tne attractions promised for the 1921 Rnd-up to be staged In , Tj...,,n.. c . 1 nn nn . : 1 D"u"""' Viomuur ana . The events of track and arena give in- dicatlon 01 8nmssjng those of all for-1 year". a y of experienced I rnwhnVR nnrl rnwvlpln " nIll nnm nofn . ,t' - "Z," . Z .7. "u " " "'"" worms I'ftnorda will he hrnlrnn - 0 ENGINEERING WORK Professional Engineer In the State ... . -of Oregon Topography work, Civil Engineering and Sub-Dlvlslon works . A. J. McMillan, Toledo,. Oregon I MAKE FAIR ENTRIES EARLY The Fair Board la particularly anv ioua that all exhibits be In place as early as possible the first day of the I falr ,nd to accomplish, this end, urge a liibitors ho possibly can to miV Ihnlr ktiMai nn Wndnurlnv thn , " venth, so the fair may start off ' P"mptly with the opening on the I eighth. Entries will be received on ,ne morn'n8 W eln" " W logue. All exhibitors are particu- : lar,y urged 10 got thelr entrles ,n early. All entries in the mllK and . hutterfat contest must be entered , Wednesday, the seventh. Parties ex- ' pecting to exhibit livestock should make thelr entrle8 betore the Penln6 nf thn fnlr with Mr T. A Tiniwt " ' superintendent, In order, that proper exhibit Bpace may be plannoa in ad vance. VETERANS; ATTENTION . Allien Abbey Post No. 54, American Legion will handle-all detail in ref erence to the Bonus In Linnnln fVinntv -applications will be made thru thlfl Post. A KtiAcf rI rnmmlftna will be appointed for this work at their regular meeting. Thursday, Sept IsC A Clean-Up campaign is being car- ried on by the Bureau of War Risk innrn nn. tl. v.i.. n,,... under the Sweet Bill just passed, and . ' . . . ,a suuad will shortly arrive in Toledo to ciftan 11 n ail mattor. n.pt.ininr in the aecurm. of romnBn.tinn rnrflMi . ..... wr,te to Box 436. Toledo, and you will ' be notified of the arrival of this squad ; 0r. get in touch with the renresenta .. . .. tive or tne Ked Cross in your district. n..... r,... .,. wln take pIac6 n Angeloa Cai. Crn!a, September 24th and 25th. It is anticipated that Oregon will send a largo delegation to the reunion of1 their old division I a membership campaign will start with the showing of the war- film. "Flashes of Action" at Waldport on the evening of September 6th; New port, the evening of Sept. 6th; and' Toledo the evening of the 7th. Get into line and help us o help you. Come to the next meeting and hear the Bonus, COMICAL CLOWN COMING The Fair Board received the follow ing letter today: "Funny Land, Ore., August 25th, 1821. To All the Kiddies, Lincoln County, Ore. My aear uttie f riends: 1 am tlle funn,est cIow V0" saw and am on my way to the Lincoln County Fair. I have my pockeU, full .' . - . ... of peanuts-and pennies for you. ha fr,,.,i om,i,. , A W lit be found asleep somewhere on the 'Fair Grounds every morning of the fB.it a.nd the boy or girl who finds me and wakes me up wllfget fifty cents find n fran rlrin wtrh ma nn tha Farrln - - ....... . ... . jvneol ana MerryJo-Kound. Be sure And come to the Fair. Yours truly, The Funny Clown. Mrs. J. J. Fogarty came up from Newport Friday noon. - Mrs. Wren Emerson of Wlnnnt was aToledo visitor Friday afternoon. Youths' Scout Shoes for Berry Picking 1114 to 5. Special f 1.95. The Bootery. Miss Catherine Collins came over frora Corvallls Monday for a visit with hr .,,,. Mr. Fart M.rlr.'r. - " r..; -.r." Mrs. David Mahaffey arrived down ! from Portlund last week for a visit with her daughter, Mrs. A. I. Turner, with her daughter, Mrs. A. I. and family, near this city. She re-' turned to the city yesterday, Mrs. I Turner accompanying her. Engineer and Mrs. "Bob" Scott passed thru this noon enroute to Al- bany where they will again make their . im h.ain ....1 , a,.n,.u. . 1 .4.. Mr. and Mrs. O. B. McCluskey, and Misses Annie Hawkins and Corlnne, t 1 ..... 1 .1 1 1 ! rouuuisi uhiyou nuiu m uajr j evening from an auto trip to Washing-, ton and British Columbia points. They visited the Rainier National Park ark . In Washington, and the cities of Van couver end Victoria In British Colum bia, ferrying across the Sound to Van couver Island. . They covered , some thing over 1300 miles and report a wonderful trip. Dnivc mll Eoworth League Bake Sale at the n 1 r out r- Schenck & Wade Building, Saturday . Tie Oake Candy Etc, . , ' nil I . CHANGE IN ROAD - v . DISTRICT LAW ., ( ' Toledow Aug. 24, 1921. Section 4586, Road Laws of Oregon for the year 1921 amons joiner tnmgs, provides: . . Each County Court, at the j January Term thereof, shall to .arrange the Road Districts of th-County, so as to conform to the provisions of this section: and at the January Term of said court, every year thereafter, and at no other term, make such changes in the Road Districts of the County, as may pa deemed, necessary; Section 4590, provides among other things: Meetings for the purpose of voting additional taxes in Road Districts, shalLbe held in the month of November. County Court of Lincoln County Oregon. TROUT FRY PLANTED T. J. Cral Supt. of fish dlstributloa arrived over from the McKcnzie river hatchery Monday with a truck load ot trout fry for planting in Lincoln County streams. The consignment consisted of 50,000 young' Rainbow and Cut-Throat Trout, most of which. ' were placed .In tributaries of the St- ' lets. Deputy SUte Warden Brown and County Warden Christensen, together with A. Q. Schumacher of the Lin coln County Rod nd Gun Ciub were in the city to assist in the distribution of the young trout. This planting has been going on for several years In tho Siletz and the trout Ashing has been gradually Im proving in this stream. HOW ABOUT POTATO RACE TEAM? The State Fair Board is anxious to . schedule a potato race between the ; ladies of Lincoln County and the Port land Hunt Club team,' the match to -be held on three nights during the state fair. The Lincolu County team expects to accept this challange, and with a view of preparing the team and giving a means ot selecting it, special potato race contests are being ar ranged for at the county fair and at the Harlan fair, and on other practice dates. It Ib expected that the mem bers of the team to represent Lincoln County at tl)e fair will be selected, the ! individual members winning their places through meritorious work in the contests above mentioned. Any lady who might wish to enter the eon- ' test at the state fair should write the county agent or.Mrs. Ben Young, Har lan, Oregon. ONA GRANGE TO GIVE PROGRAM AND DANCE Lincoln Grange No. 395, of Ona, la arranging for a big time on the even ing of Saturday, Sept. 3rd, when. program and dance will be given et the Grange Hall. An admission ot SOc. for Adults and 25c. for children will be charged. The proceeds ot the evening to be used for the purchase of a Grange piano. ST. JOHN'S EPISCOPAL There will be services at 8t, John Church Sunday Evening, August 28, at 8 o'clock, p. m. Also Holy Com munion at 8, Monday morning.) Rev. Simpson. Vicar. CATHOLIC CHURCH There will be services next Sun. day, August 28th, 1921, at 10 o'clock. Father Vollebregt Cigarette No cigarette has the same delicious flavor as Lucky Strike. Because -Lucky Strike Is the toasted cigarette. - PUCKY IIstrsueJ