Lincoln County leader. (Toledo, Lincoln County, Or.) 1893-1987, August 19, 1921, Image 1

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' 6
A grand ball wag given Saturday
evening, August 13th, at the Recrea- lnS at Corvallis and Salem since in
-tlon Hall, at Slletz by the Second Pla- June, has returned to her home here.
4oon of the 3rd Company, Coast Ar- Ml3g Margaret Cooley of Woodburn
tillery, Oregon National Guard. The 'a visiting at the Bradbury -home,
music was furnished by the Laraen Mr. Bertha Paulson is recovering
orchestra of Slletz. A large crowd from a severe attack of heart and
was present Toledo was well rep- nerve trouble. Dr. Belt Is In attend
resented by the young people of that nce.
place. The dance was under th con- Little Gertrude Volght has had an
trol of a corqmittee of arrangements other serious spell of asthma or
consisting of the following gentlemen: bronchial trouble.
Lieutenant L. Hoyt Brown, Company ' A very pleasant evening was
officer, Fred Salvage, Frances Altree sPent at L. T. Stephenson'3 last week
and C. F. Lockwood, all members of when a party in honor of Miss Geber,
the 2nd platoon. The proceeds were a former teacher, was glvan. It
to pay for the grub which the Third served bolh as a welcome and fare
Company did not eat wIiIId at Ft. we" a:1 slle anl sister left for Salem
fi'evens. The evening was fine and tne following day for a few days be
the maze of the waltz and tha joy of fore returning to their home in the
tripping the light fantastic toe was clty of Grants Pass. I
unalloyed, till the wee small hours of Mrs. Dennis Swaney and children
the morning. The proceeJa amounted' ave returned ' from their outing at
to $36.34 which will be used for the Newport with Mrs. Swapey's mother
eneit of thr company. It is said no and sisters who were enjoying the
moonshine was in evidsnce during the beach a short timo before returning
dance. This is ju:it as it should be to their home in Illinois.
not a town, villag3 or city in Lincoln '
county but what is diaturbti by the
nse of moonshine and sometimes the
rowdybm and disorder at dances and
... u . pudnc greets or our cities are
nearly as bad as in the early days of
Oregon in mining camps . If this is
not corrected law abiding citizens will
not attend either our dances or sea-
Hide rPBnnV Hi it nn i- v,
f-If n A nnA .a ...111 1 1. . . ,
..u c , lmv3 ueuer or(ler
and more prosperity.
T! ,he County curt
iu i-..ui.tu over iae con-
V'ion of our roads and the road work
that is bsinj done. Especially the
ftork that is bs.T c'.jne cn the JI?.r't?t
read between Slletz and Toledo. The
t, ad to the Stempl, landing and the
uinue. i.a uie nmitea
amount of money the Court has to use
for road work It is Impcjsible to im
prove all the roads In the county but
the most Important roada will be
"""" auer '
The auto travel too, has been much
better than ever before. Some days
fcs many as twenty-five autos come
(Siroush Siletz on the detour at Nor
tons and many of them stop along the
Siletz river to fish and enjoy the cool
shady nooks along the river banks and
to feast on the milk, eggs, butter.
hnnov and th.-, nlc vpR-nhlno thev
can get from the farmers. Everyone
. ....
speaks of the beauty and charm of
the Siletz Valley. When the Falls
City and Nortons roads are onened un
a large tourist travel will come this
way. Our people are buying autos and
getting ready for that time. A few
. .
flays ag6 Jack Winkler bought a nice
Gardner car and from this" Mr. and
Mrs. Winkler are going to take life
u little easier and have more enjoy-
Meat. "All work and no play makes
Jack dull boy."
The work on the public scho 1
building is nearing completion. When Prt "e this week visiting rei- Hamar years of continual happiness. ing the many advantages of FRIDAY and SATURDAY Harold
done it will add fifty per cent to the au8- I " 0 j and bidding welcome to the tourist. Lloyd in a Two-Reel Comedy
looks and convenience of th build- nd J; Huntsucker call- SECOND PLATOON TO 'One of the catchy phrases which lm- "BUMPING INTO BROADWAY"
1 n 1.. nii-i- 1 1 1 t . sa ftt 1 nm Hurler r Mnnnnv 1 .
n. oureiy oneiz is mvisn in ex-
tendlture of monev to make this on
of the centers of education in the
county. Our peoDle must be educated
. in order to be intelligent and patriotic Mp t0 Tolei Tuesday,
citizens. The sawmill is cutting the! Mrs- M' G- Shermer has been ser
lumber for building and otner pUr.1,ous,T 111 for tl,e Past week
poses. 0 r
Siletz is blessed with a herd of
measily dogs ihat would be better
for. the country If they wore exterm
inated like the wild animals we
would have less fleej and more grub
Xor the children.
T" . - j
tobacco makes 50
flood cigarettes for
Mrs. Ollvo Nye, who has been visit-
f t nnrl Mr-t A T-I A Vr o ro n n nnrl
daughter, Hazel, and Mr. and Mrs.
Kredhmi Mr. Oldenburg and Mr. Leit-
hUee 8.srd ,lojna Tuegday atlernoon
by aut0
mi. 'e0 M,.in.noi, nf tv,.
land arrived Sunday evening for a
aort vacation
M, TeeTa and Mrg 01denburg left
n l,'e buat Tdav for
I,.,..,- in priionn
Mircene Feltcn came home from
Nashville where he has been for a
couple of weeks.
P I.. Vr.nri cmnp down frnm Tn. .
,,do Satur(lav Jnd reiUrned Sanday ;
Mrs. Ewins. Margaret Ewing. Lu
cile Rex road and Will Ewing were out
camping up the bay for a few days.
They report a good time.
Mrs. Ashworth gave a dance and
nri purty Monday evening
Mr. 0mlid wpnt to N,wnort TllM.
Frank Shermer and family visited
motner, Mrs. Feter Shermer, Sun-
. i
Mr- and Mrs- DeD Fol!et and family
OI "omam came in bunday even-
lnS ani are now In our vicinity. Mr.
. 1
0Uet eXDecte .t0 fl3h this
Bailey of Toledo spent Sunday
th. n.i..i,- u
" v "u"u""-"u
Mrs- Feter Shermer called on Mrs.
-erson Monday.
Mr- ani Mrs- Ge0- Davenport, son
ana daughter. Spent Monday evening
,at Huntsucker's.
John Emerson and wife of New
Aaoipn r eterson was la our vlcin-,
ltv Tuesday,.
J. C. Huntsucker made a business
Frank Huntsucker of Bayviewpass ,
raaucarrier rranK Mun-.sucKer of
Bayvlew passed through here Sunday
on his way to Harlan, where he will
spend a few days with Mr. Commons
1 and family there.
'Mrs. John Davenport went to To
ledo Friday, for a few days visit wllh
her father, Al Martin.
Lon Sharp of Elk City, spent a few
daya last waek with Elmer Walkins.
C. F. Wheeler and son, W. J. Wheel
er and Mr. Jeffries of Portland and
Ray Wheeler of Albany drove in Sun-
day for a week's outing and a visit ;
(With Ray's brother, J. K. Wheeler.
I John Davenport made a trip to Fall
; Creek Saturday to get one of his dogs
I that had strayed over there. Mr.
Davenport is rapidly recovering from
I his Injuries received by one of h'ls
j horses kicking, a nhort time ago.
I W. R. Moore and Elmer Walklns
I were both County Seat visitors last
j week.
I Mrs. J. W. Davenport PDent Satur-'
'day night with her daughter, Mrs. S.
otewart. bhe reports Mrs. Stew-
lir'H litt P-ll-1 nilllo 111 n..ooll,l.r o
u r' . , jiudciuij
light, case of pneumonia. I
Elmer Walklns was a dinner guest
oi .vir. ana Mrs. J. K. Wheeler's Sun-'
a ay,
On Sunday, August 7th, the spirit
of rivalry between the residents of the Fair scheduled for September 8th, : WMle working filling silo for his On Frlddy the twelfth of August,
the Upper and Lower Siletz River th, , and 10th. Three big carnival brother who is renting the Wtn. Toner khe young people of the Methodist
districts broke out in the form of a companies are bidding to play, ar- P'ace south of Toledo, Lawrence Hen- Church met at the home of Miss Vlda.
hotly contested ball game at Prickett' rangements are being made for a big "rickson met with a painful accident Beck, to form the Society of Standard
ranch, which the Upper Riverlte won dac on the grounds, a brass band Tuesday morning, shortly before noon. Bearers, this being their first meet
by the, score of 9 to 4. The result of has been scheduled, the big stock barn In ome manner his foot was caught ing for the conducting of business,
the game gives no Idea of the real ball i8 being built, and the various com- ln the sllaKe cutter ana th rl"hl1 Blde 'rho ,ollowlnK officers were elected:
playing which took place. , mlttees on exhibits report good dls- of h, foot was cut away com-. President, Marlon Rounds; vice-pres,
Tom McNally playing first base for plays coming. pletoly leaving the left half of the Helen Rounds; secy. Hazel Agee; cor
the losers featured the game with the The State Fair Nleht Hnru sn foot only. Dr. Burgess was called to responding socy. Rose Gwynn; treaa.
peppery style of hl3 play. Frank
Wheeler and Alva Stroma played very
snappy ball at third and short.'respect-
llrely for the winners. It was the
ability of the Upper Riveriies to
tighten up in the pinches wl ich won
tha game. in the face of a classy of- orana or Dan. -umpire ueorge
Heueht deserves considerable credit
for his ability in piloting both teams
through tho many stormy discus-
slons. A return game with improved
lineups will be played at Scott's ranch
on Sunday, August 21st.
The lineup follows:
Upper River Position
Lower Rpler
S. S. Peters
Wheeler, F. 3 B. Foyt, R.
James, 2 B. DUon
Flnke . IB. McNally
Foyt, C. C. Rinna
Wesloe P. Lud
Muno L. F. Momson, B.
Wheeler, J. R. F. Mills
Racky C. F. Momsoh I.
Struck out by WcsJoe 6, Lud ' 3,
Baje on balls, Wesloe 7, Lud 1. 2-
bjsa hit, Strome, Wesloe. Sacrifice
hits B. Momson 1.
Umnire. Feucht.
The gasoline scuconei; Roamcr made
. , . .
tins pert Monday afternoon after be-
, . . . .
ns delayed at ine mouth of tile Colum
! bia with a broken propeller shaft for
several days and over due here. The
vessel carried a general cargo af mer-
i chanditje for local merchants and also
Iliad on board a quantity of cement for'
. the Lincoln County Bank.
Monday evening, August 8th, at 9
o'clock, the people of Nashville gather!
ed at the Nashville store and in cars
and with teams, from ther went to
the home of Mr. and Mra. fWl w.
. ...i
nmr, wnere mey surrounaea tne nouse.
i. th- too. oi
As the laBt people were arriving, Mr.
Hamar threw open the door and
called "Come In Everybody." and
they went 44 s.rong. After congratn.
lations and a hilarious ime the good
tedles were to be seen going toward
... .... . . . .
t"e aucnen. soon not conee, aand
wlches and pickles made
their an-
pearance and after
. :
eaten to their hearts content the men
kissed the bride and all the women
present, the groom. At about one
they departed, wishing Mr. and Mrs.
Negotiations are being made this
we0K wnereoy we second Platoon of
the 3rd Co., C. A. C. will lease the
Club House from the local post of the
American Legion. The Platoon will
have lockers, storerooms', etc., con
structed for tho protection of the
equipment and property of the organ
ization, and will also set up the artil-
iery Instruments for indoor practice.
rpiie Platoon must vacate the Fair
building which must now be prepared
for the coming fair, and will move
Into their new quarters at aii early
The committee in charge of build
ing tne livestock barn on the fair!
grounds wish to announce a big Barn
Raising Day, Tuesday, August 23rd. I
Every man who can is asked to'
come or send a man and donate a day's j
u,.l0wura getting inismucn needed
ta bullt- I
The women are asked to bring abas-:
ket dinner which will be served ln ,
tlie Fair Building. Come left
"Build a Barn in a Day!"
Sunday School Sunday morning
ten o'clock. A brojram Is beine ar -
ranced bv the schnnl r,.r n,Q nnii r '
Picnic at the Club Houso, August 27. !
Preaching at eleven in the morning
o n ,1 o. lk 1- .1.- I
.uu .b hi uiu evun.ns.
Epworth League Sunday evening at
seven o'clock. Topic "The Tower of
a Lovabl0 Personality." The League
iu climbing upward. Come and help.
naM are D1WCTe88w .,, ,J
s anxious to schedule a conlsst be-
twesn Lincoln Countv Dotato ram
teams with the Portland Hunt Club,
if the Lincoln fvnmtv .,.,
the contest it Ib probable that a po
tato race will be run each d-.y By
Ule time fK the next issue of the Lead-
or definite announcement? of all tli
details and attractions will be made
ai6 committee this yaar having de-
cided to be sure that all attractions
and events scheduled be actually held,
newly organized Oregon Wool
Mohair Growers' Assn. will ship
lnelr llTJt shipment of wool and mo-
hir to Portland by boa,. "The cargo!
wil' lcave Toledo about tho 27th or'
28th consequently all growers expect-
lng to snlD at this time should get
tnelr cllp to To'edo by August 2Gth,"
say3 tll5 ofrc'a' call issued by the
oan'zation. j
Tne "ew organization which Is a non
proflt coperative organization, sell-
: Ing the wool and mohair at the best
possible price and giving all the re
pQpj turns eii the actual cost of operation,
"" to we producer, now has aprox-
t,atou. es . . ,
imatel bo per cent of all the sheep
nnd nnt . ,Qr. ,
ana Boats of Western Oregon slcned
up In the association.
Organization work has just Btarted
in Lincoln Couniy and from results
so far obtained fully 95 per ent or
; more of the sheep and goats in this
county will eventually be in the or-
""U Arnoia, Mr. and
h. ; ; : , :. : .
iwrs. w. it. Hal . Mr. nnrl llr. V M
i, t' 7 arrivea
.... ' " '
"wile i ucDUdv k vKii'iriir rrnm a inti r
country. On their
triD thpv vtaito ti, v n .
P 1 ey visitel Tygh Valley, where
uuklJ. ,,1 iuCII
were joined by Genevieve and
iw-rir -mv,..
From Tveli Vol.
. . ---
icr iiicv unirppnun nam tr LAniintn.
at which ni7 .h V o
Booth and rM?d TM "
kmw i w -J Mr-ani M.
J r . ... cftiH iu reiiuieiun
r rom i'en-
. . . . ,
dleton they went on thru i. p...n
t n t 1. u
" "oncu cuupie
OI days With Mr onH M.i t .
Baker has a large arch erected ov
the highway where it enters the city
with lnd. ,in( ...
pressed us most wes on. whi,h
From Baker the party drove over
into Idaho, visiting Weiser end Pay
ette, then back into Oregon at On
tario, men west to Vale, then south
to Crane, then west across the sage
brush country to Burns and Bend.,
From Bend they drove to Redmond
J!1'"6 "'ey Vliiltud wltn Mr- a,ld Mrs
' ' """"'". yaqulna
Krogstad Davenport.' From Redmona
the trail led west across the Cascades
just north of the Thrsa Slaters, across
great stretches of barren lava at the TllRre will be a program by the fol
snow line, where the most wonderful lowlng Sundny Schools: Eddyvllle,
scenery Imaginable greets the eye, E,lt ''ty Sunny Ridge, Craves School,
then down, the McKcnzie river to Eu- sllut'' and Toledo. It will bo an all
gene, and home. ; duy affair Come and bring your
eu, V., . ' "
nwv vvmm r 1 imo
Alden Abbey Post No. 54, American !
"Bin nas secured the War Films,
"F:a,)"e8 ot Action" for the nights of
th0 6th, 6th and 7th of September at
Waldport first, the night of the 6th;
Newport second, the night of the 6th,
and the night of the seventh at Toledo.
These films are in five reels, 4,983,
feet of film, and were purchased direct
from the United States Signal Corps.
They show action of the 1st. 2nd. Srd.
4ih. 4L'ni1. nn,l fllut i ikoi.
various drives on the battlefields of
Europe during the World War. Also
.1 .... .
jsmiw iiuuija uu iraufporis, suuiuunne
battles, embarkation pointi, reviews,
action of the various divisions at Cha-
toau-TMerry, Solssons,
St. Mihiel and Meuao-Argonue,
aress tlie wound.
His brothers.
Dun and Henry
brought Lawrence to the train and
sent him to the Alhanv HosDltal that
noon- The parents of the boys live
ncar Albany. 1
Last weekrin the article about the
fair credit for the erection of the new
stock building on the fair grounds
was given to the Olalla Jersey Caittle
Club. It should have read Lincoln
County Jersey Cattle Club. This club
,nclude8 the whole county and not Just
one community.
The Schooner Mirene came in Sun-
dav with a general cargo ot merchan-
dise for .lcaK moTchants ;id also
haa on board the new smokestack for
Ule Yaqulna Electric Co.'a plant liere.
The dance given lust Saturday floors, partitions, etc., and if the car
evening Siletz by the boys of the penters don't watch out Lincoln
3econd platoon proved a hugh succcsj. county will soon have a court house
V ?cz'" crov;:l attci(!o:l, many going ready for occupancy,
from here and other communities. T. P. Fish' Is building his r,lx foot
Music wah furnished by local talent sidewnlk nlon his property on Seo
at Siletz. The gross receipts of the ond street, this week. Ho iB setting a
evening were 136.34. good example which might be followed
The evening of Saturday the 27th with good effect by many other prop
the Guards plan to give a dance at erLy owners.
Toledo. i J The frume of Al Peterson's new
o j warehouse was raised yesterday.
ALVIN ANDERSEN HAS 1 II(mry Lewis is 'rt'i,"ri" t0 ,,10T
Last Thurfidtvv evening at fLhont
eight o'clock, Alvin Andersen'i
oaxon wenl over 1,18 ot lne
Saxon went over the edge
planking in front of the house owned
i m..i.i.. r- i .
B ,u roriunaieiy
the car was going slow so that Alvin
had time to Jump before the car over
(Hr Whv Kiiini; Rifiw nn I mr a v r
turned In going down the embank-
. ...... . .
w .
B 0 anclu,rea
h""SClf n A'Vin' and 'n aUoniptl,lg
t0 brush ihe Intruder off hB lost enn-
trol of the car. The car turned over
i... . - - ..... 1..1,
,,,1 B ln, oit., uU. was nut uumy
aamageQ. Arter tne excitement
all over Alvin discovered
still on his shoulder.
the beetle
Thl. I. th. I.t 2.r..l I inurt nio.,r.
that we shall have for sometime. Also
the Drama
35c. and 15c.
SUNDAY and Monday The Drama
with H. B. Warner in the lead,
Ford Weekly. 30c 10c.
Cn...K.. A. V. n7l. ll.n.n n.t1l
Saturday, August the 27th there .will
De a Pcnlr' at tno Lluu House' ioieao.
baskets. A good time for all.
T.nif Thnrurlnv nftnrnnnn ttltt TnriilH '
Andersen, son of Mr. and Mrs. Neils'
Andersen of oialla hold o birthday
parHy , ,lonor ot ,ll8 birthday. Hi. 1
VOUIlir fHenda were ,nvited and SI)ent (
a pleasant afternoon.
Mombers of the Second Platoon of
the Guards will please assemble at
"e Fair Building at ten o'ctock In
the forenoon of Sunday, 21st
L. H, Brown.
Epworth Leuguo Bake Sale at the
S.'henck & Wada' Building, Saturday i
Plo Cuke Candy Etc,
Oneatta Van Cleve.
The local power plant s!artcd up
Monday evening after having been
shut down a week for repairs to the
plant, with the expectation of giving
continuous night service.
But when
an attempt was made to raise the new
smoke stack unforsoen difficulties
arose Tuesday that left the work un-
finished Tuesday evening, it being
completed Wednesday and the service
Manager Ford expects to render
better service with alio new fireboxes
and the general overhauling of thai
equipment made possible by this tem
porary shut down.
On last Monday evening's freight
was a car load of machinery for the
cannery at Oystervllle.
The court housse is" getting right to
tlie front. Monday night they had
it enclosed and are now putting In
uis store uutiuing around to race niu
Tooa.T.,., ,rni,,,r,c ...! n.,.i iia
, UCDU.J L ... II 1 11 11 1 1 II 1 II I 111 I I V. 1UV
people down to the beach. The larg-
est crowd, on the regular passenger.
0f the season
Albany expects to do
nerseir proud on
the HHh of this
month when the boys come home from
MmmIIa Tt'n civn thrpA dinars fnp
our bova In blue.
iUg steamer Alice manciiara, ar
r'ved In this port from Coos bay witlt
t about 700 young sprinc
calves Tuesday morning. The calves
.a i M.tiim. t md( n. w
i 1 h tin li V ii iu ii. ij i ii 1 1 a m . ii i. uu hv
. .
lore being snipped Hiasi.
Teacher was explaining to the class
the difference between "abstract'
and "concrete" and was endeavoring
to make her explanation very simply
and clear.
"Now," she said, "concrete is some
thing you can see,, and abstract is
something you can not see."
Willie looked quite enlightened, so.
j ... 1 .
Willie," she said, "give me an ex
ample of something concrete."
I "My trousers),'1 was Willie's re
sponse. "Correct," said teacher, gratified;
and now something abstract.
Toledo, Oregon
111 AIIUICWB XJ U lllllll.. UUII-O
hourg M tQ 12 a. m.. 2 ,0 4 and 7 t0 ,
"i rr I t.. A .1 n t .. 11 ,1 1 .. rtftiA
p. m. Emergency calls at any time
jiyjfnUta tVi!V-?