Lincoln County leader. (Toledo, Lincoln County, Or.) 1893-1987, August 05, 1921, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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Everything for QUALITy
notnwQ tor snow
THAT'S OUR IDEA in making
CAMELS the Quality Cigarette.
Why,' just buy Camels and look at the package I
It's the best packing science has devised to keep
cigarettes fresh and full flavored for your taste.
Heavy paper outside secure foil wrapping inside
and the revenue stamp over the end to seal the pack
age and keep it air-tight.
And note this ! There's nothing flashy about the
Camel package. No extra wrappings that do not
improve the smoke. Not a cent of needless expense
that must come out of the quality of the tobacco.
Camels wonderful and exclusive Quality wins on
merit alone.
Because, men smoke Camels who want the
taste and fragrance of the finest tobaccos, expertly
blended. Men smoke Camels for Camels smooth,
refreshing mildness and their freedom from ciga
retty aftertaste.
Camels are made for men who think for them
selves. ,
New Poobs
on Titan and
International Tractors
Now Lowest Ever Quoted
CTFECTIVE immediately, we make another big
reduction in the prices of Titan and Interna
tional tractors. These reductions wipe out all former
advances and place Titan and International
tractors at the lowest prices at which they have
ever been sold.
International 8-16
This price is about one-fourth less
than the price at which the 6-16 sold
prior to March of this year. The new
figure is the lowest at which it was ever
sold. Thenew priceincludes allthe nec
essary equipment platform, fenders,
governor, belt pulley features which
must be paid for extra on some tractors.
Titan 10-20
This is the.lowest price ever quoted
on the Titan, considering the equip
ment now included (formerly sold
extra). Up to March of this year the
price was $1,200 today it is $900.
At this figure the Titan 3-plow
tractor is the best value in the farm
power field.
The International 15-30 has been reduced to $l,750--lower than it has
ever been before. The man who needs a 4-plow tractor cannot find a better
investment than the 1 5-30 at this price. (All prices f. b. Chicago.)
Considering quality, power, equipment, and the service which follows every
machine Titan and International tractors at these new low prices are
unquestionably the best buy in the tractor market.
As these prices have been made regardless of manufacturing costs, we do
not guarantee to maintain them.
These prices certainly justify the immediate purchase of a tractor. Put it at
the horse-killing work of hot weather plowing, and your fall and winter belt work.
See our tractor dealer for full information on deliveries and terms.
International Harvester Company
92 Branch House and 15,000 Dealtrt in the United State
Dauce al Sileta August 13th.
Aluminum kettles at Colvln's.
James Dell was down from Pioneer
Children's play suit reasonable at
Ed Hunter of Newport was a county
seat visitor Monday.
Large etock of men's and boys' work
clothing at Colvln's.
Mr. and Mrs. ChaB. Hyde drove over
from Orton yesterday.
Don't forget the . Saturday-Monday
Specials at R. S. Van Cleve's,
O. P. Dickson was over from Drift
Creek as s Juror this week.
Siletz Cheese Just what you've
been watting for, at Burcroff's.
L. L. Fuller of Siletz wua a Toledo
visitor Wednesday.
C. G. VoorliieB was down from Elk
City the first of the week. :
Earl McMillan of Waldport was a
county seat vlshor Wednesday.
P. L. Buker of Waldport was here
as a witness in Circuit Court Wednesday.
Attorney B. P. Jones of Newport
had a number of casesln Circuit Court
here this week.
Attorney O. Middlekauff was over
from Corvallis Tuesday attending Cir
cuit Court.
Henry Tinner of Rock Creek was
here as a witness in a Naturalization
case Tuesday.
Con Christiansen and crew are
getting ready to put in the rip-rap
work on the Port Dock. ,
Paul Chatterton of Taft was a To
ledo visitor this week, having been
called on the Jury.
One lot of ladies' white Sea Island
coth shoes, leather soles and heels
closing out at $1.95.
Mrs. Elma Marvin and sister, Miss
Nellie Peterson, were pasengers for
Newport last evening. '
W. W. Grant was down from Har
lan this week attending Circuit Court
having been called as a Juror.
The lighthouse tender, ltose, was" in
the local port the first of the week,
paying Toledo a visit Tuesday.
C. B. Fleece of Denzer, In the
south part of the county, was acting
as a Juror here this week.
Merchant C. B. Hallmark of Wald
pcit was In the city several days Mi:
first of the week acting a.i a Juror.
Miss Edna Altree departed for Port
land Friday after pending a few days
with friends and relatives here.
Our new Fall ,line of "Ball Band"
Rubber Boots, for the whole family
will be here In August. The Bootery
' Toledo Platoon will give a dance at
Mahoney's Recreation Hall, Siletz, on
the evening of Saturday, August 13th.
R. C. Johnston and family -who live
on Olalla, motored to Yachats lost
week attending the picnic held there.
We have smoked brown barefoot
sandals for both women and children,
Just the ticket for hot weather. The
Bootery. '
Tom Jackson arrived up from
Marshfield Friday evening, going over
to the Sllels where he will visit with
Mrs. Clara, Curry and children re
turned to their home at 'Albany Satur
day after spending a week with Mrs.
Curry's parents here.
Circuit Judge John M. Ccke do-
parted for Astoria Wednesday noon
where he was called to hear some
fishing cases.
Attorney J. Hennessy Murphy of
Newport was here attending Court
this week, having several cases for
R. P. Pendleton, of Everett, Wash.,
had business here the first ot the week
Mr. Penlleton has large timber hold
ings in this county.
Hon. Wallace McCamant of Port-
"Perhaps You Don't Know"
B say the Good Judge
How long a little of
the Real Tobacco
Chew will last
Nor how much gen
uine chewing satisfac
tion the full, rich real
tobacco taste will give.
Ask any man who uses
the Real Tobacco Chew.
He will tell you that
this class of tobacco
will give more satisfac
tionand at less cost
than the ordinary kind.
Put up in two styles
W-B CUT is a long fine-cut tobacco
RIGHT CUT is a short-cut tobacco
.. - j. . j, t t t fc ti iti A .f , j, ,t
C3-E3'T "OUR
9Cigs-r,3, Tobaccos,
IPiypes cSc Smol-zrs'
A.r'ticlea cxt
i:"-&o..?..:t;M.viOHx 5..!..:. v.. vc- -" :
SUMMONS Isouthwest quarter of Section 12; The
, . i .. ..east half of the southwest quarter of
In the Court of the State of Sectlon 23; the entire section 25.
Oregon for Linccln . ounty Plaintiff will also apply for a decree
United' States Sorucc Production Cor-' adjuil(;inK it to be the owner in fce
poration, Plulnlili, i simple of the said property, free from
v. ; all llrn or claim on the part, of
Robert B. Elder, Darwl- nider, Edith ' id defendant. in default of such
E. Elder, Helen I. Elder, Dorle T. appearance the allegations of the corn
Elder, being all the heirs of Andrew plaint will be taken as confessed
W. Elder, deeecs:d, Jackson Ander- ngainst said defendant. This summons
son, Joseph M. ndersi- n'l'ews published bv order of the Hon.
Fleigor, and the unk:jSn Heirs of Jon s Coko marte the 2nd day of
James C. Anderson, deceased; a!so j - , 1921 , d b ,ha ,d ,
all ether persons or part: s unknown I ,,f u ' "1 'j ,E .?mo. kI
chimin any rlglu. title. estate, lien I V that he summons be
or interest in tne real ostate acs- "- - -.--r" ;
crlbed in the ame:ik 1 c.mplsint I ..P.-'" fl;i' publication. August
st 5,
lioroln nafnn.ViiiU I ll'-l. M lnurcn,
To Robert U. hider T,;x!n ... McCamsnt A Thompson.
Edith E. Elder, Helen I. tr. Dons! A ,ora?.y" IHta'53. 'J'IS"
T. Elder, beirnr all the heirs of Andraw wes'.ern UuDk Bldg.. Portland, Oregon,
W. Elder, deceased, Jackson Ar.der.iosi, I
Joreph M. Anderson. An.1rv I'leigc,
uu.l tho Unknown heirs of J-mo. C . " --reuy Riven inai um
AnderBon, deceased: e!?i iV. o'Avt 'un-lerslKned has been appointed by
No'jcn Is hereby given that tht
pertons or parties unknown canning
any Hunt, title, estate. l..n or Interspi
in :he real estate describe! in the
amended complaint heroin. De,'?".'lrir't8,
In the Name of the State of Oregon:
You are hereby rr-quir-'-i to ::ppar
in the above entitled court and cause
on or before the 24th day of Se:.te:nbor,
1921, then land there to answer the am
ended complaint filed npa'nst you
in the above entitled cause, and If
you fail By to appear the above
named plaintiff will apply to '.he
Court for the relief demanded Id
tho amended complaint, to-wit, for a
decree quieting plaintiff s title to the
followine described real property sit
uate in the County nf Lincoln and
State or Orepon, to wit:
A strip of land 66 feet in width, be
ing 33 feet on each side of the center
line of the railroad known as hpruce
Pfnflllpftrin till llrvtn H 11 fnfherwtHn
'sna was a Toledo visitor Tuesday I described as the Alsea (Southern Rail'
having a number of cases In Circuit
L. C. Mo-wery of Siletz arrived home
Sunday eveming from a trip to Port-
: land. Mr. Mowery lias been acting as
, a Juror here this week.
Shed Rosebrook of Portland visited
road), as the same is surveyed, lo
cated, staked out and constructed
throueh Lots two (2) and three (3)
of Section seven '7 In Townnhip 12
South, Ratge 11 West of - the Willaui'
otto Meridian.
Plaintiff will also apply for a decree
adjudging it to be the owner in Tee
simple or tne sain propertv. tree irom
all lien or claim on the part of
it. is reoulred that the summons be
miMlshed for six successive weeks.
Date of ilrat publication. August 6,
1921. Max Church,
McCamant & Thompson,
Attorneys for Plaintiff. H-6 North
western Iliink Bldg., Portland, Oregon.
here several days the first of the week said defendants. In default of such nn-
with hin nlfl fripnrt w v itnnn poarance tne allegations ot uio aimwi
witn nis oltt friend, W. E. Peterson, Lj oomnfoii-H will l taken ns conf s l
r.nd family. ;aguinst said defendants. This sunni'ions
Otic a tvao laoimJ An it. , Is uub lshed by order or tne lion.
nst 2nd to George B. Parrish. 3 lr
v.iijr, iuiu .wiiBH cva newcunwe, is,
of SunrmiL
Come to Bateman Furniture Co. for
your wants In beds, springs, ' mat
tresses and other house furnishings.
Our price are right and Sve will
treat you right
Born, To. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Romt
vedt Sunday moming, July 31st, 1921,
an 8 pound girl to be known as
Mary Helen. Mrs. Romtvedt and child
are at the Anderson Hospital, Con-
Mrs. D. C. Peterson, mother of D. L.
Peterson, arrived this week, from her
home in South Dakota for an Indefi
nite visit with her son and family.
Incidentally Mrs. Peterson will avoid
the extreme hot weather with which
the east Is afflicted at this season.
Tracy Davis waB taken sick with
appendicitis the first of the week.
Dr. Burgess attended hlm two or
three days and brought him thru the
attack safely. Mr. Davis, accompanied
l y K'd Wade, went ouf to the Corval
'li hospital Wednesday for an opera-ion.
rt the Circuit Court of the State of
Orepon for Lincoln County
United States Spruce Production Cor
poration, I'lalrnin,
The Santa Fe Pacific Railroad Com
pany, Defendant.
To the Santa Fe Pacific Railroad
Company, Defendant.
In the Name of the State or Oregon:
You are hereby renuired to appear
In the above entitled court and canse
on or before the 34th day of September,
1921, then and there to answer the com
plaint filed against you In the above
entitled cause, and if you fi'll so to
Rnnnnr the above nn inert nhilntiff will
apply to the Court for the relief de
n'anrl',d In the comnlnlnt, to wit. for a
decree quieting plaintiff's till" to if a
following described real property sit
uate in tne county or Lincoln and
State of Oregon, to wit:
In Township 14 South of Range 11
West: Lot 19, the east half of the
southwest nimrtT and tho southeast
qunrter of Section 6.
n Town shin 14 South of Ranrro 12
!West: Tho northwest qur.rl'.T of the
the County Court of Lincoln County,
Oregon, administrator of the estate
of Loo Wade, deceased. All persons
!:p.vlng claims against said estate are
hereby notified to present the same to
me at my office at Siletz, Oregon,
within six months from the date here
of, properly verified, as by law re
quired. Dated and first published July 22d,
Frank V. Wade.
Administrator of the Estate of Leo
Wade, Deceased.
Notice Is hereby given that the un
dersigned has been appointed by the
County Court of Lincoln County, Ore
gon, administrator of the partnership
estate of Wade Brothers, Lee Wade,'
deceased. All pesons having claims
against the said par.ncrshlp estate
are hereby notified to file the same
with me at the office of Yaqulna Bay
Land and Abstract Co., within six
months from date hereof, properly
verified, as by law required.
Dated and firs! published July 22d,
Ira Wade,
Administrator of the Partnership
Kstnte of Vad( Brothers. Lee Wade.
Department of the Interior
U. S. Land Office at Portland, Ore.,
July 20th, 1921.
NOTICE Is hereby given that M,.r-
Ion F. Wagner, of Chltwood. Llnrn'-,
County, Oregon, who, on August 10
tins, made Homestead Entrv. N
06126, for SVi SW(4 and S SV.
Section 26, Township 10 S.. Hn
W., Willamette Meridian, has filed
notice of Intention to make Three-
ear Proof, to establish claim to tho
land above described, before the CWw
of the County Court for Lincoln Coun
ty, uregon, at Toledo. Oreenn. m -ha
30th day of August, 1921.
Claimant names ae witnesses:
D. L. Poterion of Toledo, Origon.
Fred Chambers, of Toledo, Oregon.
A. T. Goodrich, of Chltwood, Oregon
W. N. Cook, of Chltwood. Oregon.
Alexander Sweek,
Notice !s t.ereby given that all war
rants drawn on School District Nn. 2
Toledo, Oregon, nnd endorsed not paid
for want of funds, up to ana ineludine.
Wnrmnt No. 819, Dated Dec. 1920.
are hereby called and Interest stopped
this date.
Dated July 29th, 1921.
L. M. Starr, Clerk.
School Dlst. No. 2.