J 1) V incoln Tender. VOLUME 29 TOLEDO. LINCOLN COUNTY, OREGON. FRIDAY. AUGUST 5th, 1921. NUMBER 24 (MO SILETZ The board of trustees have elected the following teachers for the ensu ing school year: Daniel Daeg, prin cipal; Miss Lurena Treat, re-elected, 7th and 8th grades; Miss Jessie Clark, 4th, 5th and 6th grades; Mrs. Colvin, primary grade; Miss Junia Smlih re elected to teach the Long Prairie school and Miss Mary Henery, a grad uate or tne Slletz High School, is em-! ployed to teach the Lower Farm school. The board of trustees by the authorlty of the tax payers, are mak- lng extensive improvements on the Slletz school buldings to cost about $700. A new stairway la being built entering from the front of the building to the east with an eight by twenty foot porch in front of the stairway, The room on the wes'. tiiat was used for a wood shed will be fitted up for a school room. This will make four rooms that can bo used for school pur- poses. With this new and splendid equipment and live corps of teachers Siletz may look forward to a very sue- Swimmin' Hole" a very popular place. ceBsful year. The principal comes o from the state of Washington and Is ' NASHVILLE highly recommended as an educator and disciplinarian. The foundation or N- G- Prettyman of Portland spent our republic rests upon our public a ,ew davs ln Nashville last week as echools, hence they should be Intenaly tlle gueat of the w- H- Martin's, democratic and patriotic. The trail June Edwards went to Toledo Sun should be made ph!n and strong day- leading to the college and university. Parwln Nash was a Toledo visitor This cannot be done without hard 3undav to Tuesday. study and good training. The student who Is well up In athletics and good sports such as basketball, baseball, and tennis will rr.ako a better scholar than the one who does not like sports. Messrs. Kearns and Williams, with their wives drove to Salem and spent a week looking over tin logan berry situation. They visited a number o: big berry growers and it was the opin- ion of all of them that the logan berry industry had come to stay. While the price paid this y?ar is very low this is only temporary because of the ble price paid last year the people who hold the product want to get their money back; consequently but few aleg are made. The people don't want to pay the high prices for the product. Messrs. Kearns and Will- lams are going to put in extra labor to develop the berry Industry at SI etz. Mrs. S. P. Euni3on of RoBe City Park is now on a visit with her brother, Jess Daniels. Mr. and Mra. W. W. Grant of Har lan are also visiting Jess Daniels. James Roberts with a party from Corvallls came to Siletz Sunday and1 Mlss Dorthea Nash returned Sun put In the day fishing. They caught . day trom a vacation at the beach, a fine string of fish. They took din-j Stanton Co., has installed a gaso aer at the Crawford. i llne tank and pump In front of their 0 store. FRIIITVAI P I Rlley Stevens who has been working j on the county grader is at home now. Ray Moffitt and family, Melvin ; Abe Stevens and George Frary have Johnson and wife, Ben Moffitt and gone out near Junction City where MIbs Nellie Moffitt and Ivan Nye, : they will work a couple of months, made a trip to Rock Creek last Frl- M1s Emma Brock of Woodburn, day, returning Sunday. 'and Tressa Churchman of Portland Ben Moffit and family are content-' spent Monday night in Nashville, plating a move out to the Valley These young ladles are on a hiking eoon. trip to Newport. Chas. Baker and wife, Mrs. Allgood, I 0 L. T. StephenBon and family and Mrs.) SOUTH BEACH R. F. Baker of Newport made an ex-1 tended trip up the coaat to Rock! J' Le'thisner of Bellrose Station, Creek last week, spending Saturday ; Portland, arrived here Wednesday night at Molauk Creek, then going on .morning for a, abort outing, the next day to Rock Creek. Surely' Mls9 Lucile Rexroad of Milton, the U. S. has no more picturesque ! Orerjon Is visiting with Miss Margaret features than the rocky coast from Newport north and until every Ore gonian makes that trip they are miss ing one of the grandest natural sights Do you know you can roll 50 Aood cigarettes for lOcts from one bag of GENUINE BliifDURHAM TOBACCO of the world. i Mr. Swaney hs taken the wood con'' tract for the school this year. W. H. Oaburn has commenced to butcher his beef stock and says he never had such fine conditioned ani mals a true proof of extra good range feed. HARLAN Several car loadi wen', out to the Burnt Woods ball game Sunday. J. C. Johnston and family of Spo- kane, Washington, are spending a few days on their ranch here. iW. W. Grant and family went to Slletz last Sunday to visit Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Daniels. Mrs. 13. P. Grant is home again after spending everal weeks in New-j port and Corvallls. She Is a Utile I better and the doctors think with care ' they can build her up again. ! Prank Davla, our local merchant has bought a new Chevrolet truck. These warm days make the "Ole 1 Mrs- Darwin Nash was . a Valley bound Passenger Sunday. I J,r- aud Ml;J- Asn MiM Zora Briggs and sma" brother, are here for a ten ou'.ing and visit with relatives! the Gilletts. They are camping at: lake wlllle nere- ! cha'- Hmiar'was a Toledo visitor Iast week- Mrs- Towsiey came over from Steer j Creek Thursday for a few day3' visit. Vern -tt&rtin was a Sunday visitor at Jess Heeder home. Mr- and Mra' cha3- Hinshaw, Mrs. Hinshaw, Sr., and Prof, and Mrs. Crow- ( ley returned Sunday from a black-1 berrying trip on the Slletz. . '" MrB- Stanton, Mrst Towsiey and Mrs- Hogvohl visited Sunday at the ' N- G- Harris nome near Summit, go- lnS UP ln the Hogvohl car. Little Mary Hamar visited' the first of the week with her cousins near Summit. Mrs. W. H. Martin was in Toledo and Newport Wednesday and Thurs day. R. N., and Mrs. Nash and Mary Lou, out from the ranch Tuesday evening. Ewing for a few weeks. Miss Pauline Walton and her mother of Eugene are spending a few weeks at Seal Rocks. ' , iMr. and Mra. Hawthorn are at Seal Rocks for an outing. Mrs. Omlid went to Newport Wed nesday, Dr. Forbes parsed thru here on his way to Waldport Wednesday. Sydney HoiHington left Monday for hi? home ln Michigan. 0 GLEN Last Thursday, while hauling hay, John Davenport was severely injured I by his team. Ho had split the wagon j tongue, and in attempting to go be- tween the horses, accidentally touched I one of them with a piece of wire. The horse became frightened and kicked him with both hind feet, tearing his clothes and Inflicted several bnd wounds. Mr. Davenport believes that one and possibly two, of his ribs are fractured. At last reports he was gett ing along nicely, but it will be 'some time before he will be able to do any work. Mrs. W. R. Moore and grandson, Everette, left for McMinnville, Tues day, where she will remain for an In I definite period with her son, Ever- otte's father, Roy Moore and family of F. R. PENDLETON MAY that place. PURCHASE SAWMILL thrSLrt8SrtrdaySt0Cker P' R" Pendloton of Evere"' Wa8h"' Nathan Walkins visited with Joh.'w" ln.the c,t eveln? ' Davenport Monday. Misses Rosa and Alice Davenport went to Toledo Saturday. The bears are certainly getting very m,., i .m nat wh' Thai. numerous in this neighborhood. Their tracks are seen every day along the roads, and they are becoming so bold that they come right out in view of the farm houses and kill goats. One even was brave enough to venture up to within about fifty yards of Nathan Walkins' house. ' PLAYS OF THE WEEK AT THE MIDWAY, NEWPORT Cn Wednesday and Thursday, Aug- t 3 and 4, we have Mack Sennett's big 6 reel comedy I "A SMALL TOWN IDOL" I This will be the bi-jgest laugh you will get this season. The Mack Sennett "Dolla" 500 of them .will be there. ! You will see Melodrama, Spectacle, ' and Comedy. Friday and Saturday, 5 and 6, we are showing "BLACK BEAUTY" Thai wonderful film that has had such a wondeii'ul success. It took the Aud itorium In Portland to hold the crowds that saw it. You will have a chance to see this in Toledo later. Sunday and Monday, "ith and 8th we will present another 3Uper-feature by Paramount "MID-SUMMER MADNESS" ; Acclaimed by the editor of "The Movv ing Picture World" as the greatest legitimate dramatic production the' screen has ever seen. i FAIR BOARD AT WORK The County Court has named Peter Frederick of Toledo, J. Franks of SI- letz and Chauncey Hawkins of New-j port as members of the Fair Board in addition to die permanent member R.' P. Goln. 5!r.' Hawkins has been compelled to roruse thru pressure 01 business, to serve. The board held Its first meeting on July 27th, at this time a number of the committees on exhibits were named. It was impossible to name the exact date of holding the Fair until such time as they could get a Hat of the fairs in the surrounding counties. The date will be announced as soon as possible thru these columns. You must have something along the livestock, agricultural, relic, school, art or housework line that you think well of. Bring It along to the fair and let your neighbors see and talk about it. PARRISH-NEWCUMBE Mr. George Parrlsh and Miss Eva Newcumbe were untied In marriage at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Turnldge in this city, Wednesday morning, August 3rd, at 10 o'clock; Judge John Fogarty officiating. Mr. Parrlsh is the son of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Parrlsh, who live near this city. He is a veteran of the World War, having saw service In France. Since his return he has been em ployed by Fred Horning. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. New cumbe of Summit, formerly Toledo, -.nd was a student at the Toledo High SehoolVhe past year. Just the immediate relatives of the contracting parties were present at the wedding and Immediately after the ceremony the happy couple de parted via auto for a honeymoon trip to Lebanon. Mr. and Mrs. Parrlsh will make their home in the cottage recently purchased by the groom of Prof. W. C. Cox. ST. JOHN'S EPISCOPAL The Rev. Simpson, of Corvallls will ho In TnlRrin SiiikImu ovonlnir o,wl will give his sermon at 8 o'clock at the St. John's Episcopal Church. Sunday evening, August 7th,8 p. m. COOTER'S LOSE BABY An 8 pound boy was born to Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Cooter in this city, Frl- day evening, July 2!)lh. The little fel - j low was not strong and lived but two 1 days, passing away Sunday. The child: va3 buried at Corvallls Monday. Dr. Barber of Waldport and Dr. Burgess Wo are looking forward to the time ; DATES CORRECTED of this city attended Mrs. Cooter and J when we can have a Dist. Sunday j Dr. Kellogg the Eye Specialist, will she is getting along splendidly. School Rally. t)0 nt Waldport on the dittos of August ,Mr. and Mra. Cooter have the sym-j AVntch for the Epworth League Bake If,, 16 and 17, Instead of the 26th, parhy of the entire community Inhale. Every Saturday. Sdienck and 2t;th and 27th, us heretofore adver their sorrow. I Wude Building. Quality baking. tiscd. connection wnn a proposed aeai, I whereby his company may purchase i the mill and railroad of the former I ClBt.A.n: IV.- r U. T,,.-. .11 . , met with the City Council, to see if , . . 4,ry arrangements could be made ,or the laylng of water malns to the 8lte of the m1"' in case the aoai was cunsumaiea. ine company alao would want the bridge across the tide'ands moved farther up stream so that boats could loud at the mill doc lib the channel would have to be ' dredged, etc. Tlio company's tracks 'would cui. across one corner of the city park and playgrounds, and they would want to secure this necessary ground. Tlle Council expressed Itself as will- lng t0 aid Pendleton in every way Possible. 'l wi" be about sixty days before anything definite is known, but Mr. Pendleton seemed lo think that every- tMng was very favorable that the deal would through. I For boys' good servicable achool : suits, see Colvin. ' 0 LIGHTS OFF FOR THREE DAYS Manager Ford of the Yaqulna Elec- trie Co. Informs us that there will be uo lights next Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday evenings. The com- pany expects to rebuild Its furnaces, at this time, 30 remember on the evenings of August 9th, 10th and 11th there will be no lights. The work v.-m be ru ihed as fast as possible, but It is estimated that three days ou bet we will be back ne:t year" will be required. L. H. Payne of bejt expresses the attitude of the peo Newport will be in charge of the l)l8 froni a" over tho stllte who WBro work and as many masons as can be used will be put on the job. A new smokestack will be brought in on the Roamer the next trip, and wiU at once be installed. - : AT THE MOVIES TONIGHT AND SATURDAY tainment consisted of a big free din When the Wind BI0W3" A "Snub" ner, served cafeteria style, followed ' ronara iomeay snowing tne little '"8ro boy and the donkey. The drama "Tn Lve Cheat" with Creighton Hale ln tne leac1, You wl" remember him the ner0 of "The lron Claw" 35 celt and 15 eents. ' Sunday and Monday, the drama "Forbidden Valley" A J. Stewart BUckton production a romance of old Kentucky. Ford Weekly. 30c. 10c. 0 DAIRYMEN PURCHASE I INSILAGE CUTTER A Blizzard EnsiUae Cutter was re- ceived this week by five enterprising dairymen and stock raisers of this vicinity, who purchased it coopera- ; thely. Silage is one of the very beat of stock feed and is gaining in favor ' among Lincoln County farmers since I the advent of the silos. Those joining ' In the purchase are: J. W. RogerB, V. D. Graves, Fred Romtvedt, M. O. , Thompson and D. L. Peterson. METHODIST CHURCH Sunday School Sunday morning at the usual hour, ten o'clock. H.iv. Cain will preach Sunday morn ing at eleven o'clock, and in the even ing at eight o'clock. Ail are invited to be present at these services. Epworth League Sunday evening at 3even o'clock. The following officers are to be installed for the coming year Vida Beck, pres.; Rose Gwynn, 1st vice-pros.; Minnie Crooks, 2nd vice pres.; Mrs. Cyrus Siratlon, 3rd vlce pres.; Mrs. Hart, 4th vite-pres.; Doro thy Beck,' treas.; Ont itta Van Cleve, organist. The monthlv hllMlnasa moot dtp fnr j both Sunday School and Church will be held Saturday evening at seven O'clock. Mid-Week Prayer Meeting every Thureday evening at eight o'clock. Next Sunday at the morning s'-rvice tho delegate to tho Laymen Convention will be elected. During the past week Mrs. Hurt's cbus, the "Blue Hlr.-rs" went to Now- port 011 a picnic. ! Snda Chamber's class hold a picnic ju.t outside of town. . A good time was reported at both ; of the above gatherings. ! GRADING CONTRACT AWARDED A' 01eb,sdl f PorUand WM the "UC- cesafiil bidder on the grading of the loieao-cnitwooa secuon m wo now- port-Corvallls Highway. This Job covers approximately ten miles of 1. 1 Y. ..... .. .1 V.I. hIJ u'n a f U1 11 ! fift . , In the past there has been lively . .u bidding on particular jobs but the blddJnK on Ma plece 0f WOrlC ej"b' lis!icd a new recrd', tilT bflnf iwemy-one uius buujuiiiou. 11. wur the Highway Commission some little time to go over them and determine which was the best bid. Contracts have now been awarded coverin;; all work between Newport and the Benton County lino, except a two mile strip between Chltwood and Eddyvllle, along what ia known as the "Hayes Creek Grade." Grading on the Benton County por tion of he Newport-Corvallis Road is now all completed with the exception of about a three mile section at Blod- gett. The rockins from Blodgetl to Corvallls will be completed by this Fall. a NEW CITY OFFICERS At the Council meeting Monday evening Harry Lutey was appointed councilman to fill the vacancy caused by the resignation of D. L. Chesley, and George Andrews was appointed .pcotAp. ln th n,nrfl nf R. Mm, ..,. ; Wash boilers, tubs and boards at Colvin's. o YACHATS FARM BUREAU PICNIC BIG SUCCESS ln attendance at the big Farm Bureau Picnic held at Yai liats July 29th and "0l"' Tllere was eoniothlng doing every nilute and differing from slmi- llar occasions, there waa more doing than advertised. j Aside from the many native attrac tions of tho Yachats, Frlday'B enter- Dy an excellent program or music, speaking and dialogue. Following the program was a sport program and ln the evening a big bonfire on the beach. Saturday's program consisted of a speclul clam, crab and salmon .bake. an afternoon sport program and big bonfire on the beach at which all the new and best atories of the age were . told- I TIlB NewPrt band added wonder- fully t0 t,le occa3ion- People In attendance were Insistent that the event be made an annual one, promising to bring their neigh. bors with them next year. The remarkable thing about the pcnc wag that the success of the BffBr cannot be credited to any one or few individuals as the whole south end of the county jumped rfeht In and helped the Yachats Farm Bureau peo- pie make a succcbs of it. For the dinner, pies and cakes came by parcel post from all over the terri.ory. True it is however, special credit is due Messrs. Mitchell, Kocher and Mrs. Harrison of the committee on ar rangements and Mrs. Hoffman of the program committee, and Mrs. Hcluoehl who remained night and day with tho stand, and Mr. Hays who run his truck at high tide or low but It would be impossible to enumerate all those deserving credit for the big success of tho event was due to the fact that everybody thero Just Jumped In and did all they could to make every body else have a good time. That the people appreciate nn event put on not with a view of money mak ing but -for the good time of all was certainly well Illustrated by the ac tion of many of lio visitors who came to tlie committee asking to he per mitted to muke donations to help do fray expense. 0 NEW GRAND JURY 1 Tho followin;; jurors wuro selocL-d to servo on thu Grand Jury for the ensuing term: I,. ('. Mowerv. Sil..i J o. P. Dickson, Toledo; E. K. Colvin, I Siletz: Virgil Howell Yachats- C n' ' Hallmark. Waldport; Roy .Mills, To- lodo; A. II. Phelps Ona ' ' TWO JURY TRIALS The regular August term of Circuit Court waa concluded Wednesday evening. But two Jury trials were had, one being tried Monday and the other Tuesday. The flrBt was that of George Lewis, of Winant, vs. the Southern Pacific R.' K. Co., Mr. Lewis suing for $2000 damages for alleged damage to bis Oyster Plantation by reason of the defaudunt company dumping mud and debris from a slide, which oc cured on their tracks, over the bank onio the beach above his oyster bed. Mr. Lewis claimed that this mud had washed down and buried the oysters, and as a result of this coating of mud they hud smothered. The jury re turned a verdict of $171 for Mr. Lewis. Attorney B. P. Jones of Newport represented Mr. Lewis, and Attorney Ilauipson, of Portland, defended the R. It. Co. The second jury trial was that of 1). S. Conrad vs. Warren Ashworth. Thia trial proved to be more or less of a farce. The plaintiff was suing defendant for damages received in a peisonal encounter about a year or two ugo. Mr. Conrad was represented by B. F. Jones, and Mr. Ashworth by Hawkins, McCluskey and Clarke. The jury brought In a verdict for the plaintiff In the sum of $7-50. Plaintiff must pay all costs, which amounted to $84.20, so the plaintiff came off loser In the end. Merle Jones of Newport was In dicted by the Grand Jury on a charge of larceny. He plead guilty as In dicted and was sentence.! to three years in the penitentiary. The Court parollod him, however, to his brother, Howard Jones, of Portland, pending his good behavolr. ln llie cane of the State of Oregon vs. Harold Anderson of Newport, charged with an asauult with a dan gerous weapon, the Grand Jury re turned a not true bill. Oilier cases were disposed of as follows: Earnest H. Meier vs. Opal Hazel Muier, Dismissed. C. R. Evens vs. C. L. Diven, et al, Trial had and Judge has taken same under advisement. D. S. Conrad vs. Warren Ashworth; Verdict for Plaintiff for $7.50 and Plulnliff to pay all costs Incurred $S4.20. ln the Matter of the Estate of John Bain Deceased; Petition granted. David S. Conrad vs. Edna Ashworth Dismissed 'Plaintiff to pay costs. Standard Oil Co. va. Soren Dahl; Non-Suit Dismissed. Louise Olsson vs. Oscar Olsson; Di vorce granted. i Ellen Weldman vs. Daniel- A. Rein- ohel, et al; Dismissed. A Benson vs. Slletz Valley Lumber Co., a corp.; Dismissed. , United States Spruce Production Corporation, vs. Edward B. Perrin; Decree for Plaintiff. United States Spruce Production Corporation vs. Hiram M. Hamilton; Decree for Plaintiff. United States Spruce Production Corporation vs. Celia Bullus, et al; Decree for Plaintiff. United States Spruce Production Corporation vs. Henry E. Dore, et al; Decree for Plamtiff. United States Spruce Production Corporation vs. W. H. Adamtf, et al; Decree for Plaintiff. I). A. Reinoehl vs. Mrs. J. W. Weld- nuin, etal; Dismissed. I Geo. H. Wilcox vs. H. O. Meltamore and wife; Dismissed. United States Spruce Production , (Cont, on Page Two) Lucky cigarette