Lincoln County leader. (Toledo, Lincoln County, Or.) 1893-1987, July 22, 1921, Image 1

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Alexander Bentley his death Doctors Forbes and Belt passed!!
Saturday, juiy lBtn a: 4:30 p. m., in, "" on uieir way to waia
the following manner: He was af- port Wednesday. i
fected with oreanlc heart disease Mra. Oralid, Mrsv F. Moore. Mr. I
and had een for fifteen years. On Collins and John Moore went to New-
Saturday In the nfternoon. he with port Thursday,
his son aged 12 years, undmtook to MIp Violet VanHoeter of Portland,
take the car from his home about came Saturday for her vacation here. ,T
four miles from the Agency to get It Hev. S. W. Smith of Coqullle j
repaired at Siletz so thai, he and the called on Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Lynn, i
family might get some comfort out Monday evening on his way home, j
of the car by using it. They got as Mxs. Abbey, Mrs. Brown and her
far u a level piece of road opposite Bister spent Monday on South Beach '
the home of tMr. Hoffman, when he Blde of the bay. !
undertook to turn around cut of the Mr- Omlld has gone to work on
road and stop the car but the effort the Jelty again. i
"was too great for his weakenel con- 0
dition and he only remarked to his FPIIITVAI P
eon "My breath Is going " and passed j rnuiiLt
away without any distress or pain. A very pretty wedding took place
The boy called to Mr. Hoffman for ,t rtm itgin rihpiiid rnn,i
help but it was too lato-mothlng afternoon, July 11th, when Wallace i hp Hnnp. Mr. Rpntlpv hurt i j t
- jii iv t?r ui iMswpurv tin a ivutis Jessie lu. J.
jjseu ueyona iiuman neip. ne was Nice of Waldport were married in the
born in Finland, March 22d, 1859. He presence of relatives. La ar in the
came to thn United States in 1873 evening a dance was given in their
and was married to Amanda Ilistalla honor, nearly everyone in the whole
In 1886 In Red Lodge, Montana. Six community being there and all had a
children were bom to them but only perfectly giand time until about 3 a.
two are now living, a gill and a boy, m. when they departed for their
aged ten and twelve years respect- homes wishing the new couple the
ively. He came to Slletz with his begt of )uck and happiness,
family in 1909 and bought a nice D, T M Blerce of Portland Is
tarm on Baker Creek, four miles from spending a few days on his place
the Agency where he continued to here.
live to the time of his death. Mr. Flmt Baker and family of Vancou
Bentley was a member of the Luther- ver wash., who have been spending
tin nurcu ana coniinuea m mat iaiui ft aUOrt vacation with his brother. I
to the time of his death. He is aur- Charles, left for a short visit with ! f
vlved by his wife and 'wo children, Eugene relatives this week. ! t
t wo tlatpra in Finland nnH nnn rr,i i i
- - i ne lurmurs arc mi mru or neany
brother whose residence (? not at B0( witn their hay and aU feel proud
Dreaent known. Mra. Andrew York. i u i
V uu mauniui iui nuuii hub weaiuvr x
who was formerly a sister-in-law, and tne extra fine quaity hay. ! f
and her husband, of Newport at- Mr and Mra Fred McCaulou ana t
tended the- funeral The funeral was ui Tinj c.. in t
in '.id sun. t i iuicuu w i c uuuua vis
held at the Me.r.odlst Episcopal ltor8 wlth Mrs McCaulou'a sister,
cnurch and the nernion was preached Mrj Andrew Nye. of this plaee.
by Rev. Walter Ho-,? , The tntermpnt Mr. nam3(m of Albany spent Sun
took place In the Rlver,,ido Ceme- day evenin3 at home returning Mon
tcry. Many tokens of love and sym- ,jay t0 ng work.
T.athy were exemplified by larg3 and 0
beautiful floral offerings. The funi
eral procession was quits large, con
taining twenty-four autos besides the
wagons. His family Is left In good
circumstances. It may be said of
JULY 23d and 24th
CVWnPQIQ QPPPIAI JUMP !E- p- Altree, Work on Orader. 39.29
SYNOPSIS SPECIAL JUNfc lyroledo Tire Shop, repairs, vul-
I Ed iviaucn. Mdse. for roads .. 3.05
Bills audited and allowed as follow: Oregon Stae Hospital, Examlna-
State Industrial Accident Com- tion of Clara Parks 5.00
mission, protection of road M. Simpson, Fees, Expense de
hands 1307.27 llvcring Ballot Boxes 74.60
Walker & Starr rent for election ' Jack Logan, rent of ground for
and mdse. for county poor.. 17.50 : Rock Crusher 100.00
Philip Redfleld surveying roads 16.00 L. L. McBrlde, payment on Slmp-
Salem Woolen M11L clothing for I son Creek Bridge Contract . . 250.00
Feeble Minded 37.90 A. L,. sorter. Salary as Market
R. E. Chandler, Juror on Ft
Road Engineer (Mkt. Rd. Fd. 250.00
zier Inquest 1.00 Wm. Kyniston work on Slletz
Jess Bosler, Juror on Frazier
Mar ket Road 50.00
Inquest ; 1.00 Ed. ' Mauch Mdae. for Spout
Elvy Strum, Juror on Frazier
Creek Uoad 17.75
Inquest 1.00 Cook & GUI, Inc.. Mdse for Si-
W. Benson, Juror on Frazier In-
lotz Market Road 11.30
ques,t 1.00 Robert Becker, Work on Siletz
R. L. Prlckett, Juror on Frazier
Market Road 64.95
Inquest 1.00 Coast Culvert & Flume Co. cul-
Dewey Goodell Juror on Frazier.
Clyde M. Morris, witness on
verts for Market ltoud
1.00 H. Lutey, et al, Work on Siletz
i Market Road 313.25
Frazier Imiueat . r 1.00 Albany Iron Works, repairs on
John Graser, Witness on Fraz-
ler Inquest 1.00 R. ! Hathaway, et al, work on
F. M. Carter, Coroner fees on
Spout Creek Market Road.. 5S2.23
Harvesting is going full blast.
Mrs. J. E. Crooks and small child-
Friday and Saturday we are pre
senting "Mary Pickford" In "SUDS"
Thers will be but two Pickfords
this season. You must try to see it
r. Eently that ho was a good neigh- reno, Toledo are .pending this week "j; ,iy with Til aim
r, -Kina nusuana ana inauigent " "'"' ""'. "" Gn Sun(lav and Mondav. 24th-25th
father. He will be ruipsed In the com
TKn A KKn. nf..1 k.,na r-
mun'ty- """" -"uuc' ""ci uuui wm- . wIthnu, rtonht flip rpntpot tniv.
r...... t, t, .- vallla n-g . hllvlnir ottlp Ir, thlo vl.ln. 18 '"'GUI QOUDl 1116 greatest BpeC-
ri.mer i. niKiey, supenm. .uueui - - 1 j o - tacular picture ever filmed. Even
of Indian Missloilt Methodlsit y last week. T . , . . ,
Churches visited Siletz an hjspec- Mr. and-Mxs.John Dajenportd - agnie s
tion oi inaian missions in tne unitea -- --?, They are simply tremendous.
" v.iiw,ii iia.o -- . I. la ,n ij;rvK. Kill HAHTS anfl a
about forty separately. Mr. Hlglty the first of the week,
Mrs. J. E. Crooks and children were
bsiq tne inaians or aneiz were tne - - sible get one of our heralds, and don't
best educated and most advanced In Kuests of Mrs. J. W. Davenport's on mlM eeiai this ahow
civilization of any mission he had Sunday. B
visited. His plan Is to educate the Mra- N- L- Gran' and children of por dress pants see Colvin.
Indian in the public schools same as Harlan, spent the first of the week o ,
whites and make them citizens like with Mr. and Mrs. T. L. Bohannon. ,..,.
other folks. The Indian proved his 0 HOMESEEKtRS COMING
CiS rtnounrofdieiran OBITUARY I Portland, Ore.. Ju.y ...-Follow-buyinj
over $60,000,000 worth of the Alvln Thomas Cook was born at f the recent announcement the the
Llbertv Bonds to help end the war. Chltwood, Oregon, February 21st, date of the settlers xcurslon from the
not only to save the liberty of the 18" and died at Albany. Oregon, on middle west to Oregon had been post
United States but of the world as J"'y 7th. 1921, being 24 years. 4 joned from JuJy 19th to September
well months and 16 days of age. 20tn uPn r-'squest of large numbers of
.Mr. and Mrs. Jes Daniels have just He had Just returned home from homeseekers who are unable to make
received a letter from Mrs. May attending school at Cottage Grove, the trip until after harvest, the Ore
Calkins written from Sunset, Wash., Oregon, planning to attend Walla gon Sta.e Chamber of Commerce is
stating that they had got to their waHa College to prepare himself for making complete preparations for the
destination, that they were all well the ministry. He was suddenly taken September trip, according to an
and well pleased with the place. Mrs. ' which led to blood poisoning that nouneement today
C gave an account of a very ext- ended In his death. He was burled In Commercial clubs of the state have
In'g experience they had on the way the Chltwood cemetery. been urged to complete the listing oi
to Washington At the John iDay The funeral services were con- available lands in each community for
river we saw a large mother lynx ducted by Pastor N. C. Erntson of the 'he information of the settlers, and
with two kittens crossing the road in Seventh Day Advsntist Church of these listed lands will be placed In the
front of us. We Btopped the car, which he was a member. hands of each member of the party,
piled out and took after the kittens. ' Deceased was held in high esteem according to Secretary Quayle. In
Rav fold mp tn eft a hlnnkpt. I ran BS Was SHOWn Dy tne IlOrai COntrtHU- "). "uuietceicr will Knuw ill
to the car and got a quilt and qulcko tions.
threw It over one of the kittens and 0
we then had him. We took him to FIRE PATROL
Arlington in a washboiler and made cricnw rc iooi
a crate for him. He is about the' OLAOUfM ur 11
size of a big cat. He hasbig feet The season has ooened. not June 1st f,"
advance the price and description of
actual tracts of land in each district
in the state.
A Ions telegram from Omaha, re
questing additional literature on Ore
gon for distribution among prospec-
rs, stated that a large num-
For boys dress suits see Colvin.
and head, and oh my, what a savage as stated In the law but July 1st as . rhnnfooi,o,.
looking thing he is. He would not weather conditions has permitted. ZL tn ra f ,
cat nr rtrlnU fnr Imoral ,lnvo nnH , COIH8 tO Oregon In
wv w. uur uiLeuiiuus are iu ire 01 iiiuiuui uBrv(J.. ta
nlght3 but now he will take meat benefit between the men chareed na"esl 18 over
from your fingers. The mother lynx -t'h Protecting and regulating fires
was as large as a big dog. She ran and the general public. Our policy
off a little ways and sat upon a rock ij to burn everything that is a fire,
and watched us while we cap'ured menace and slashings, logging oper-!
her kitten. She showed her teeth ation3 together with debris of every!
and looked awfully savage. If we kind that can be done safely. I
can capture a few more wild animals' irai na;rnimpn with head nuartprn ,
We Will slart a menagerie. ' !u follow with dUtrtot nnmhera fan I
are preparing to
September after
Mr. and Mrs. Brucker and dau-rhtpi-.
MIbs Helen, from Moscow, Idaho, were
visitors at the Brigham home, Sun-
Frazier Inquent 6 30 Washington Iron Works, repairs
Pacific Tel. & Tel. Co., Phones on truck. Si" tz Market Road 8.19
for Court House ; 19.30 R. B. Chandler, Mdse for Siletz
City of Toledo, Wa:er for Co. Mrket head 8.40
Court House 6.00 A. E. Marvin, Wftrk on Slletz
Home for the Aged, care of C. Market, KoaJ 150.90
M. Drake 30.00 Frank King, Ditto 132.00
Lincoln County Leader, Print- 1 Royal Dunu. ditto 31.50
ing County & Elections 254 79 Charles Larson, ditto 91.00
W. C. Burcroff Mercantile Co., "Oeo. Chambers, ditto 81.00
Mdse. for CouMv Poor 10.00 Frank Shard, ditto 108.00
E. C. Paine, Running Ferry at !Norra Sherwood, ditto 73.00
i Toledo 25.00 Al Benson, ditto 91.00
F. W. Gerttula, Running Taft iVivan Peterson, ditto 38.50
I Ferry 20.00 Carl Brh.tlin, ditto 40.25
iThos. Barker, Woik on Roads 42.00 Fred Brown, ditto 33.25
J W. F. Hoefs, Blacksmlthlng and Ernest Bryant, ditto 33.25
Repairs, Roads 4.76 J- M. Swisher, ditto 21.00
Bushong & Co., Supplies for Co. : Roy Calkins, ditto 67.75
Officers 181.10 .Anuy uooaeii, ditto zriiu
i Roly Taylor, ditto 22.50
7 80 Win. Kyniston, ditto 4.50
Grant King, ditto 8.00
14.20, Jhn Yuiiek, ditto 70.00
Wm. Benson, ditto 36.00
J. Daniels, ditto 38.69
Lincoln County Bank, Interest
on Road Bonds 4850.00
W. C. Belt, Examination of Al
fred West, Feeble Minded . .
Lester Martin, Stenographer
Hire, State Highway Com...
J. F. Jones, Salary as Sealer of
"Weights & Measures
Yaqutna Eledtrlc Co., Lights for
Court House
IIU UC, 31111- . - . . . . ... t . .
rtnv m. ni,. i. . Fred Horn nc. Dravlne 205.65 i. arren. ainry as county
n.r'rh.t'nfM.l i "Jr". Ord Castle. Salary as County ' Commissioner 64.38
his vacation in tourinj through the I 25.00 O. B. McCluskey, Rebate on er-
states of Oregon, California; and Z- M. rJerrick, Surveying for Co. 67.60 louneous tax assessment . .
Washington I A- L Porter, Expenses as Mar- Thos. E. Young, Payment on
net Koaa engineer 7.201 nunu luiiuki uuuu ruuuj
Ed Flescher. Road Work 121.70 Gay Roberts, Lumber for Siletz
W. A. Cooner. Work. Tractor 82.48 Market Road
old Lloyd In another of his 2-ree
comedies, "Number Please," alto a
J. Warren Kerrioan drama. "The Cost
'of Opportunity." 35c. and 15c
SUNDAY and MONDAY, The Pathe
Feature "Man and his Woman" and
a Ford Weekly. 30c. and 15c.
Post Adjut.-.nt Patterson is mailing
cards to all Legion members ihls week
In an effort to securi the names of all
who plan o attend the tvo-day Ya
chats picnic so that arrangements
can be made for their accommodation.
The Legion expects to have a good
time and a profitable trip.
WHEREAS, The citizens of Lincoln
County and the State of Oregon, have
taxed themselves thru their reprei
sentatives in the State Legislature
for the construction of hard surface
roads, with the ultimate purpose In
mind of providing direct routes of
travel from the California to the
Washington line, and,
WHEREAS, The citizens of Lln
coin County have issued bonda for the
construction! of (macadnntlzed roacg
to connect with the above mentioned
direct routes, and,
WHEREAS, It has been brought to
our attention, that certain citizens of
Polk County, have applied for an in
junction Interfering with the direct
ness of the construction of the road
known as the West Side Highway, as
provided by the Highway Commission
(hru Monmouth, and,
WHERMAS, We, the citizens of
Peterson Hardware Co., Hard
ware for County 19.79
H. Lutey, work on Roads 13.50
L. Wolfe, work on Taft Roads 43.60
L. F. Robbins. work on Eddv-
vllle Roads 18.60 Daisy Overlander, Clerk
I. R. Payne, Work on Roads . . 14.75 Bessie Doty, Clerk
Payment of Judges & Clerks of
Election as follows:
Alsea Precinct
C. E. Linton, Judge ......:....- 3.00
Aria Head, Judge 3.00 '
.. 3.00
. . 3.00
Fred Luethe, Work on Waldport
Roads 30.13
Dudley Trapp, Work on Chit-
wood Roads 29.35
Clara Everson, Clerk
F. L. Buker, (also booths and
mileage) Judge 10.00
B. E. Barclay, Judge 3.00
R. L. Moffit, Bridge Work .. 42.87 j Charles Bulkey, Clerk i.uu
C. H. Lumber Co., Lumber re- -Bertha M. Durbin, Clerk 3.00
pairing slide 11.40 'Fenton Starr, Clerk 3.00
Watt Shipp Powder Co., Powder Bay View Precinct
etc, for roads 47.94 .0. C. McWIllis, Judge, booths
H. A. Taylor, Work on Siletz and mileage 13.80
Roads 12.00 1 Edwin Oakland, Judge ....... 6.00
F. S. Murray", Work on Devils George Stephens, Clerk 6.00
iUp nnnrl 41 7K I.MIiida Twombly, Clerk 6.00
J. K. Gill Co., Mdse. for SurJ
veyor's Office 12.21
Howard-Cooper Corporation,
Mkp.. for Rnadtt 11.75
John Yasek, Draylng i.50ic- s- Ohmart. Clerk
Annie Stephens, Clerk 6.00
Beaver Creek Precinct
A. H. Phelps, Judge 6.00
J. M. Bowers, Judse 6.00
(Sunday School Sunday morning at Lincoln County have full confidence
n n?; V. u. n... ! Pe?pnel of the Highway Com-
v um 1M ua licit: rivev. I mission or f in K ata rf HroffAn J
, J lUtlU a TV l Ml UIOUILt UUlll 1 a lUU ,1 , , , , , " - w. . w V4 J 1 (KUII. U 11 U
mr3. j nines umson ana ner aaugn- De reached locally. These men are , , , . "c"-" i"s
ter urs now on a visit at the home of instructed to investigate and aid jn , at eight o clock.
James Bras3flcld. They came In the burnlne of all fire menace- ! Epwth League Sunday evening at
their car. Miss Gib3on has been e C Jones DIst No 1 Address- seven o clock. Come out and help us
teaching in Douglas at a place called otier Rock; territory: Coast, Lower,nlake .thl.ngs 80 witn a SDlrlt
Olalla. Her school closed and she. siletz ' 1)l,n t forget you can get your pies,
was offered the school again with a: John P Savage Dist. No. 2- Ad- caKep- elc- rrom the Epworth League
raise in her salary She will prob- drees, Siletz territory: The Siletz for R,,niJay at the Wade and Schenck
Gibson is a graduate of the Siletz j iSam Kimmel. Dlst No. 3: Address. Midweek prayer meeting every
High School and will devote her time! Valit7.: tprritnrv. KiiPtz naain inur3aay evening
to teaching for the present.
i G. H. Horsfall, Dist 4; Address
NJnrtnrt a Tarrl t rrr DnnV Pi-nnlr
Maine' Briggs! Dist. No. 6: Address AuSst,
jBlodgett; Territory, Turn Turn.
V. B. Jones located at Spencer
i Creek.
Rev. Cain and family will be at
home In our city after the 1st of
(19) for tale at 50 cents on the dol-
Any one of these men will attend ,ar: bea"tlful ?-room bungalow
(To Late for Last Week)
airs. a. i. urani weni to rorxiana , "" l ,H , f t Ci. ., ,-.
Wednesday to consult a specialist.' 0 your needs and assist you in clean- "n0d0Aaed d "'"""op am i ff
She was accompanied by Mr. Grant, " "P the District. W. E. Ball, uZblttr l; b.rr Hun
and daughter. Mrs. Lora Young. DJactJIre Warden. , ShlV. Vnd". kVn
viuiciico iavis iiau uia uiioiur uiic
to hurt his knee playing ball last Sun-, NOTICE
The road work up Spout Creek J er my long Illness I am glad to "c.h ""i.J.lL.'T.. n,m i , snrum mat w i soon resume mv . s -
of shrubs and shade trees, etc. This
Iwas built for a permanent home, and
progressing nicely,
glad when that roi
the detour Is pretty rough
glad when that road is open again as and will be In Toledo, Aug. " "- i r y...ow -ir
bi. to orn. nc ur nipuunnrT. Ann. - ...... ... ... -.-
, , . - -. , - -, -, -
ot. A ... ;. . . . . tire bulldJna. Thp hnllHInn ! lfie,rM
M. H. Cv.m left for Portland last lo "l" (inclusive;; waioport Aug. . ; . - , -week
after an exiended visit with- his 25th 26th, 27th, (inclusive). ,'p 2'5uu-0 "a ' valued at $5,000.
lister Mrs l"Fe Grant i v Sincerely your. T,he 0rou"? "orth $2,000.00 at least,
sister, Mrs. L,ipe urani. p W Kallonn If sold within the next 30 days I will
Mrs. E. F. Norwood s nieces. Min- Br- F- w- Kellogg. . . . .. j.,,...
i i. . - n . . - b " tit j m icvi uuiiui
Die auu r run rug ivustuui txut., ui run- mnr than k ni.. i. (
.and, are visiting her for their sum-! CATHOLIC CHURCH I n.ome "term.!5 TXX:
per vacation. I Next Sunday, Mass an! Sermon at See my agent, Ira Wade, at Toledo,
Lots of hay cut now and everyone ten o'clock. or call on the owner at Siletz, Ore
praying for good weather. j Father Vollebregt. M. S. Collin.
in Its loyalty and broad experience,
to construct roads over routes which
are best for the interests of the State
of Oregon, as opposed to that of any
particular locality or Interest,
That, the Chamber of Commerce of
Toledo, Ore., does hereby voice Its
condemnation of the action of cer
tain citizens of I'olk imntv In ap
plying for the afor.uaifl injun-tion.
That we cull upon the County Court
of Lincoln County to rentier evory
assistance pcSaihle and take -what
ever action Is necessary to aid the
Highway Commission of the State of
uregon In defending their innllenahlp
right to select the route for any High
way, wincn is constructed by or with
the co-operation of the State o: Ore
gun. W. K. Patterson, President
Peter Frederick, Sacy.
D. L. Peterson, Vice-Pros.
Joe Booth, Treasurer
Guy Roberts,
Ira Wade,
R. S. Van Cleve,
V. D. Graves.
Teacher Nmv run any of you tell
me which Is the most dangerous part
of an automobile?
Tommy (who walks to school) Yes
ma'am; the driver. St. Louis "Globe
Siletz Valley Lumber Co., Lnm
ber for Lower Siletz Road . . 106.00
C. S. Ohmart, Work on Beaver
Creek Roads 44.00
Sam Hayes, Road and bridge
work, Waldport RoadB 14.00
W. M. Cook, Bridge Work .... 20.00
Spuare Deal Garage, Repairs on
Ford 30.00
Lincoln County Bank, Money
Advanced Siletz Market Hoad 179.49
H. L. Williams, Mdse. for Turn
Hester H. Coovert, Clerk, mileage 9.60
Mario Wilson, Clerk 6.00
Big Elk Precinct
T. J. Buford, Judge 6.00
Re?8ie Moore, Judge, mileage. 11.00
Martha M. Arthur, Clerk 6.00
Lora Young, Clerk 6.00
Frank L. Allison, Clerk, rent . 8.00
Elk City Precinct
Lizzie Dixon, Judge 6.00
C. L. Morrison, Judge
F. H. Haskell, Clerk ,
Turn Market Road
Peterson Hardware Co.. Mdse.
for Slletz Market Hoad 29.53
3 20 ' uottie A. iiasKeu, t;ierK
I R. A. Abbey, Clerk, mileage .
hive Kivers rrecinct
Watt Shipp Powder Co., Powder
for Spout Creek Market Road 186.90
Howard-Cooper Corp., Mdse for
Slletz Market Road
Oregon State Highway Commis
sion, truck repairs, Slletz Mar
ket Road 88.71
J. K.. Gill Co., Mdse, for Spout
Creek Market Road 13.79
Wade & Son, Lumber furnished
for Slletz Miirkot. Road .... 113.58
Ord Castle, Surveying on Slletz
Market Road 30.00
Geo. Wells Work on Spout Creek
Market Road 3.50
E. A. Harris, Work on Spout
Creek Market Road 6.25
Siletz Transfer, draying for Si
letz Market Road 28.00
Stewart Bros. Co., Mdse, for Sl
letz Market Road 90.97
Allen & Hebard Co., Mdse. for
Silelz Market Road 27.55
Meese & Gottfried, Mdne. for Si
letz Market Road 60.14
Kilham Stationery & Printing
Co., Mdse. for Slletz Market
Road 2.32
Oscar Wood, Rent of Ground for
Siletz Market Read 25.00
Albert Martin, rent of Ground
for Sileiz Markut Road 25.00
John Yaek, Draying for Slletz
Market Road 74.00
H. Lutey, work on Newport-Cor-
vallls Highway (Bond Fund) 38.25
First National Bunk, assigned
claim of Thos. E. Young
(Bond Fund) 1500.00
Thomas E. Young, payment on
highway contract (Bond Fd.) 2347.53
E. F. Altroo, Work on Truck .. 39.00
Geo. H. Clark, Work on roads .198.11
Clms. Llllard, work on roads . . 218.50
M. Lollis. work on Rocky, Creek
bridge ' 69.00
M. Simpson, Expense Account. 147.83,
F. C. Denzer, Judge 6.00
Ethel Fleece, Clerk 6.00
Geo. H. Clark, Clerk 6,00
17 I)0!C. B. Fleece, Judge, mileage . 18.60
rercy uatiett, i,iern
Glen Precinct
C. W. Brown, Judge 6.00
W. R. Moore, Judge 6.00
Delia Moore, Clerk, and mileage 9.20
Jennie Bohannon, Clerk 6.00
Nelllo Davenport, Clerk 6.00
(Continued Next Week)