twain VOLUME 29 TOLEDO. LINCOLN COUNTY. OREGON. FRIDAY. JULY 8th, 1921. NUMBER 20 ountv SILETZ WV . I. I t . 1.. A : M A 1 nv -villi u uuuriuny uiueuuK vi i Methodist Episcopal Church was held oni. c....j j cj k.. at Siletz, Saturday and Sunday by Supt. Dr. Bradford, who preached an ll CLKC,k- .?J" eJ a wii ouu ciuij uvui ui iau n 11 humor, pathos and logic The Dr.; imuTLwL StcDrrthe Master. After Church was over the . congregation repaired to the Chalcraft park where a nice luncheon was served with Ice cream. The day was fine and ! in tile cool shady grove with a' carpet ; Mr. and Mrs. Ben Hogvohl and three of green, everyone enjoyed themselves littlo daughters arrived in Nashville to the utmost. It was a great outing, via auto from Klamalh Falls Friday, j Dr. Bradford Ie one of our best The Hogvohls, who are former resi preachers. He found Hie church in dents of this place, will make their fine condition socially, sp!r''ually and home here, having purchased the cot-' financially. All Ia!n.s were, provided tage formerly owned by ".he Nashville for and the Sunday School and oilier Creamery Akt-u. J Church activities in fine condition and The following party from the Big-1 prosperous. M. S. Collins was elect d low Doane Mill niolorid to Newport a trustee to fill the vauiaey.cau&ad by the Second returning Wednesday Mr. the resignation of .Ice Cti'rn. The and r.'rs. r'ar:ar.J and children, Mr. Church property is in h-.m sl.upo and end Mrs. Goose and baby, Mi and worth about 55 000. Mis. Blglow uu 1 son, Mr. Biglow, Sr., A' large number of our citizens at- and Mrs. Stcrment. ! tended the three days Fourth of July Mr. and M-rs. Hinshaw, Mr. and celebration at Newport. The weather Mrs. A. F. Eriglin and Vern Martin was fine and the City by the Sea was made up another party tha. motored to decorated with flags, bunting an 1 ever- Newport for the Fourth, uremia, presenting a most beautiful Mrs. N. G. Harris and children appearance. Front Street and The were down fom Cain's Monday after Abbey were the center of attractions noon. and looked very beautiful in the even- Prof, and Mrs. Crowley, Mrs. Crow-, ing when the hotel war. ilumlnated ley's nic'her, Mrs. Hinshaw and Char mith a hundred electric lights. The ley Hamar spent the Fourth at New committee of which Dr. W. M. Berry port, driving down in Prof. Crowley's was chairman had taken great pains car. preparing a program which wsb care- Mr. and Mrs. J. O. Davis and daugh rully carried out with the exception ters, the Misses Mary and Goldie, son of the hydropbne, which did not come Vay, and Vance CILne spent the Fourth en account ojt an accident which befell at Summit. it just as it was preparing to start on A number of young people from here the trip Saturday, caused by something went to Norton? for the dance Monday la Its machinery. Some five thousand night. people were at Newport during the Among thoce who took advantage of celebra'lon. Special mention should tha 3. P. excursion to Newport for the be made of the Indian Feather Dances Fourth were, Abe and R. Sievens, Mr. that were put on. This dance seemed nnd Mr3. Vern Giuesing, Mrs. Gus to attract more a tcntlon than any Winhltr and Louie and Tommy Wink other thing at the celebration. The ltr. fiance itself is by the old people W. H. Mar'in purchased three cows dressed in their ancient and a: the Jersey tale at Toledo July 1. jjoing through the tame fonn of danc- Mr. and Mru. Lou Hamar and child ing as their fi'.hers did a hundred rea arrived in Nashville Tuesday from years ago. Some of ihe songs are sad Portland, for a visit with relatives as when chanting and singing for their here. dead friends that aave paosed away Mrs. Martha Officer and baby of years ago and other songs thanking Portland were visiting Mr. and Mrs. the Great Spirit for his gotdn?es and Otie Hamar and other friends last etill otiiers are sung when they dig up week. the scalping knit's and the tomahawk A jolly crowd of Nashville people n4 go on the warpath. These dances drove up to the lake Thursday evening will soon pass swsy never to rc urn. to:- e few hours fishing. Tlie Indian himself Is rapidly passing Delbert Ewuig returned Thursday mway and whatever is to keep in from a vacation with home folks at history, traditions, customs or le- South Beach. gends should be put in permanent E. S. Lister was a guest at a fani- form in books and writings. The ball ily dinner at the Nash ranch July 4ih. Came on Sunday between the Albany The Misses Mary and Goldie Davis nd Newport teams was of special in- are here from Portland for a visit terest. A clean gama well played, with home folks. The score stood 3 for Newport and 0 Earl Davis and Fred Hughes have for Albany. The Harbor Parade was returned to Albany after a week's visit greatly enjoyed. The Newport band with relatives here. furnished the niuslc. Monday was the Darwin Nash was down from .the best day of the celebration. The sing- ranch Thursday. irg and band concert In the city park Francis Cummins went to Yaquina "were greatly enjoyed. The oration of to spend the 4th with his father and Mr. Boozer, eloquent and patriotic, a sister, who are living there. fitting address for the day and time. Messrs. Stanton, Milem, Linn Frary John Williams dressed in his chiefly and Hcgvohl made a flying trip to To- costumes made a very Interesting talk lodo and return Thursday. that was much appreciated. The races Miss Loretta Milem, who has been and water sports on Newport and visiting her grandfather here, has re- Hy beaches were enjoyed by hund- turned to her home in Portland. reds of people. The breeches-buoy Mrs. H. L. Johnson and children drill attracted much attention and was from the Steer Creek community, left seen by hundreds of Joy seekers sitting Thursday for Salem, where they will on the soft green grass or strolling on pick loganberries. the beaches. In the evenfhg the Mr. Frank and Luther Ray came In wrestling match Ireld in the Rodand from Falls City for a visit with their Jun Club building between Paul Amort parents. of Portland and Charles Miller of Arthur Barnes rode out home Mon Llncoln County was a real contest for day for a days visit with home folks. the championship of the Northwest. 3 The besit two out of three was won by ' . . . DADI Mr. Miller. This was a clean scien- AKUAUIA rAKIv tiflc contest between two splendid ' CELEBRATION young men almost faultless In their 1 . physical development and skill in 1 July th dawned with a bright and wrestling. The county should be very glorious sun and arrangements wore proud of Mr. Miller. He Is now the completed for a celebration at Arcadia champion wrestler of the Northwest. Park which is located near th8 fall3 Mr. Amort said he won the distinction and mineral springs of Ecman Creek honestly and that he was the best man two miles eat of Waldport. The peo he had ever wrestled with. Lieutenant P'e of the community as well as some Patterson was thG referee. The com- from Waldport and Bayview, number mlttee did the best It could to have "S about ona hundred In all began to everything go off satisfactorily. It gather at this beautiful place at ten a mnii mnttpr tn An it teemed o'clock and at eleven ahort and very to your scribe that Dr Berry and Will Emery had much of the work to do. SOUTH BEACH a . . . , cream, oranges, candy, etc., was en Mrs. Van Hoeter and part of her joye1 b a family came down from Portland to ln the aft;,,noon time was spent ln spend her vacation at the beach. root race iack races ,iug of wari Adelbert Ewing came down from Ql)d c)oged b an address by R2V. u T. Nashville to Bpend a few days with Powell The pc0plo then departed ln his parents. tlleir cnrs anQ wagon8 for their home Mr. Peterson returned home Tues- feelln tllat they nad participated in day evening. ono cf the best celebrations ever held GLEN The Fourth was spent very quietly! in this neighborhood. A number of the people went to Hrvrlau. I Mrs. J. W. Davenpcrt returned from j tha Valley Sunday, where she was celled on business. She also spent, a few day3 with her brother, Mr. Ben- nett, at Marion. Mrs. W. R. Moore tnd grandson, Everett, and Mrs. J. K. Wheeler, spent lost Thursday with Mr. and Mrs. Eutcn j of Salado. John Davenpcrt came home from j Toledo sr.tureay, wnere no nau ueeu employod on the highway. He was accompanied by his brother ln law, Jcsbo and Ray Martin. Mr. and Mi3. R. T. Moore r.ud chil-; in, from McMinnvllle. Sun - day to spend tlie Fourth with Mr. Moore's parents. ! Mrs. T. T.. Rnhnnnnn rAtnrnait trtvm irn-.. i... r-. i 'ri Jri m Vi, n . . Clarke Rllllcr of Big Elk, DPent a fow d , . . , . jf , aaJL ,1 o n' -, dinner guests of Nathan WaWe Sun- ' .1 M'r an(J Mrs c w Browu and sr.i - Lett' spent ,ast week "ey- 0 NASHVILLE "vely program was rendered. At noon :the hadks prepared a feast that I'll venture iu Eay uiiniu. ira wm uwuc uj any community. Tha generous amount ifo good things to eat including Ice In this community and all will remem ber the little park on Ecman Creek.. One Who Was -There. I.O. O. F. INSTALLATION Toledo Lodge No. 108, I. O. 0. F. and Do Good Rebekah Lodge No. 70, will hold joint insinuation, at Odd Fel low's Hall Saturday Evening, July 9th, 1921. All members of both orders are cordially invited. o THANKS We the members of the Ladles Aid Society wIbIi to thank Mr. Cooler for 'his kindness ln suggesting and aiding , the ladles of the M. E. Church at the dinner given June 30th for which we ! are very grateful. j Elma Waugh, Pres TOLEDO BOYS HOME FROM FORT RTTVENE (By ihe Leader Staff Artist) JERSEY CATTLE CLUB ORGANIZED The Lincoln County Jersey Cattle Club was organized at the Chamber oi Commerce roo:i;a July 1st, the follow Ins officers being elected: L. A. Hul bert, Toledo, president; V. D. Graves, vt.j-pitsient; W. W. McMIckle, Sec re aiy. Tl.o consignment Bale of pureDreu Jerseys offered in the afternoon was under the ausrices of the newly or ganized Jcrsoy Cattle Club. The Jer seys are the predominating breed of dairy cattle in Lincoln County and an effort will he made by the newly or ganized club to furfheV advance the interests of this breed In tho county. L. A. Hulbert, president of the new organization, has l';ng been Identified with this breed, h.'s uncle, Mark Hul bert, having bred the noted old bull, Golden Glow'B C';ilf. Mr. Hulb'rt has recently purchi -,ed Oonan's Golden Chief, a son of Golden Glow's Chief. Following is a lltt of cows sold, their purchase! s and the prlco they brought. "Or.-grn's Pacific Star," W. R. Tin dall. $100. "Angelo'y ColJy," J. W. Rogers, S1S5. "Goldy's Nancy,!" W. H. Martin, $115. "Nellie Y.," W. H. "Holger's Nellie Y $95. Martin, $105. .," E. E. Colvin, "Noble's Lady Y.," Jno. Rooth, $125. "Holger's Noble Lady," H. Han:;en, $S0. "Aurora Cherry Blossom," W. " H. Martin, $105. "Holger'j Starry Twilight," L. A. Hulhert $1G0. "Pride's Belle of Cfregon," J. H. Loomis, $160. "Pride's Holger Boy," Olalla Bull Assn., $10. "La Belle's Oxford Lads Lady," L. A. Hulbert, $100. "Duchess Frpnces Counteos," A. L. Jacobson,. $140. "Princess Duchess," J. E. Cooter, $115. "Miss Hazel Olga Pogls," C. W. Erash, $160. "Unnamed Heifer," Chas. Miller, $130. "Golden Chief's Bonny," Ted McEI waln, $220. "Unnamed Heifer," J. W. Rogers, $150. "Chief's Merry Olga," Chas. Miller, $190. "Unnamed Heifer," L. A. Hulbert, $100. "Unnamed Heifer," C. W. Brash, $100. "Golden Chief's Peggy," W. W. Mc Mickle, $200. COST OF DISCOVERING AMERICA Documents found in tho archives of Genca are said to ehew that ihe dis - covery or America cost only a ..vl.u the two captains who accompanied hiin a yearly salary of $200 each, while the members of the crew were paid at the ra.e of $2.50 a month. METHODIST CHURCH Sunday School Sunday at ten a. m. No preaching Sunday morning as Rev. Cain will bo at Eddyvillo. Epworth League at Baven o'clock. Mrs. Rose Gwynn will be the leader, more than $7000 These documents for tl)e maln event Ti,e prciiminariea lure his milk Into cheese. Mr. Craw give the value of the first fleet of 'will al:jo be arraJ1Rea by thls commH:'- ford hag a fine farm and a large herd (.olumbus as $3000. Columbus him-tPe. The committee; W. K. Patterson, of dairy cows. self was paid a salary of $300 a ysosv, ain,i,0,. nnA i n vviu,UQn t,. Our meetings ara quite interesting. Ah. Hayden, Adjutant W. K. Patterson, large number enjoyed the duetj by vice-Commander, Ed. S!orker, C. L. Nadlne Hamar and Jewel Patterson Glldersleeve, J. T. Gather, H. W. last Sunday evening. Campbell, C. F. Lockwood, H. Kynils- Dist. Superintendent. D. S. Danfordhon, B. F. Updike, L. B. Wiswcll, C. was with us last Sunday evening. "As ltristlln, G. Jacobson, N. W. Miller, urnu, su lie in, wu-s inw ibal used. If we who are a part of the most wonderful country known to man fall beeausa of our evil and sinful thoughts, the world is lost. "As goes I America, so goea the World." Amer Uca Is the beacon light of the world. Our thoughts determine our destiny, because we become like our thoughts. Let us turn our thoughts toward the higher planes of living. A large num ber were Inspired by this text and many Jewels wore gleaned. The Ladies Aid Society met with - m nDir io T..j.n r.rn . ;the 'ensuing year were elected as fol - lows: Mrs. Al Waugh, president, re - elected, Mrs. S. Strattcn, vice-presi dent, Mrs. Bock, secy., Mrs. JacV Bellany, treamre-r, reVIectet'i Tlie Ladies Aid wishes to thank the public for tlieir patronage at the dinner that was served last week. j Mid-week prayer meeting every (Thursday evenin3 at eight o'clock. OREGON MILLER WINS WRESTLING MATCH Chas. Miller, who lives en a lunch near his city, won . the wi-cstling match at Newport July 4th, where he was matched against Paul Amort, Pa cific Northwest Champion at 175 lbs. Fourteen minutes were required for tho first fall, which was won by Amort. Miller wen -'he next two falls, the first I of which lequirod 13 minutes and the , uiiru iu m.nuies. w. iv. rauerson or mis city aetea as rereree. The match was very Interesting from a spectator's standpoint and nil present sure got their mensy's wcrlh. Quite a crowd from Tolrdo attended. This givet Mlllor tho Northwest championship. CARS COLLIDE Monday morning the enrs of J. H. (Loon-is who lives on upper Olalla, and T. J. Casey of Newport, collided head cn, about a half mile out of Mr. Starr cut his foot with an axe town on ihe Corva.lli3 road. Mr. lend blood poisoning developed. loms was driving a Ford rcadsterj , h. -,,,1 f. rlviltlren nr. and Mr. Casey, who operates the Now- port-(.'orvall!s stage, was driving a Studebaker Big-Six. The Ford escaped with but slight Injury, and was able to proceed on Its way to Newport. bu- the Studelip.ksr wi:: pretty badly ; iL. C. Mower was over from the stove up. The front axle was sprung. Agency yesterday In tho interests of the fender bent, the steering gear the Siletz Valley Cheese Factory. The damaged, and the head light broken, plant will soon be ready for operation, Mr. Casey turned around and btarteu , which will mean much to the dair Jmen back- to towq for repairs, and when . ot the Silptz. making the turn at the N. H. Slier-; p r. Wilson wt down from Chit wood pfce the steering gear failed to W0Q(1 yealeri?,y ,lavln3 f,lv uJu,-ed fin- j ""j" , T " . . irin Ha anil nJlnfl A ntin i Vi a turontiiJ m grade and rolled down the twenty-five foot embankment. Mr. Casey stayed with the car, and fortunately escaped wutclinu.n v.;th eight hour shifts each, flive. altlio he suffered a broken bone In his hand. The top and wlndsluola Miles Jones of Roseburg arrived in were broken off, fenders ben. and the 'Toledo last Saturday evening for a ir badly racked by this latter accl- visit with his old friend, George An dent. .drews. Mr. Jones drove up in his car. Roy Fuller took the tractor and a He and Mr. Andrews spent the first blr.ek and tackle and pulled the ma- of the week fishing on the Silotz. chine back into the road, and It is Some thirty-two Toledo! tes cele now In the Peterson garage awaiting brated the Fourth with a picnic din- 'cl-'air3' ncr near Euchre Creek, on the Silotz. 0 ; Several championship horseshoe con LEGION MEETING Alden Abbey Post No. 54, met last By special arrangements, wo re night at tlie Court Houi'O. initiated ceived a number of pictures of the four new members and disposed of big fight, held at Jersey City last Sat Oiher. business. Carl Bristlin. Toledo; urday, for publication In this Issue, Gust Jacobson, Elk City; Nels W. Mil- but through an accident all but one It Pioneer: and EJwin K. Jacobs, were destroyed. Pioneer, took the obligation and ww ' w R Peterson re made the newest members of Por I t . . 1 . , ' .,,., ,....,, ,n,ni Upon motion the Chair appointed a ceived vrord last evening ta their committee of l;hrec to arrange for a 1nI' fK"s,K,n rd'n Smoker to be held at Toledo In the c 1 8f f "glneer on he , U. b , h. Reno near future with wrestling and boxing !Uich ' ln "e BreTiH n-fi w as the features, and an attempt will Teira- to expoct hi" arriV'1' 1,er0 be made to secure a match between soon- Chas. Miller of Toledo, chp.mplon o." A. C. Crawford of Lower Farm' ro th Pnr'IfW. Mri-tliiL'out 1 1 7 Ilia 1 nti.H .ntlv nnrrlmkinil mtlltnptent fttr a , ,.aul Amort Portland principals of . Irt hnnrtn nr .111 v mntfli nt iVQVvnnt-r : JmU The Post voted to try and attend Vacliats in a body July 20-30 and have a meeting there, as many of the pres ent members are from the couth part of the county If nothing intervenes all who can will go. Notices will be ir.W!led to members who will then notify the adjutant if they will go in cider that arrangements can be made for their transportation i Those nresent wero Commander K. hi k. JaCODs. (19) For sale at 50 cents on the dol- lw lived in Waldport about 20 lar. My beautiful 9-room bungalow years and has become spokesman for and V2 acre of ground at Siletz. Large the southern end of Lincoln county, wood-shed and garage. All kinds of He is physician, druggist, legal ad bearing fruit trees and berries. Hum yijPT Justice of the peace and on au dreds of dahlias, roses and all kinds tllor. nna ,laa bet'n niuyor T"y tin'ef' of scrubs and shade trees, etc. ThhvlBh nnd pan,e war(len and nonstable ui.o. hunt . .r, i i and has held numerous other oflices. each and every foot of lumber used was carefully selected by myself and 1 consisted of No. 1 clear yellow fir ! withm.t i,nt i,nntkni. i .u. ... ;tlre building. The building Is insured 1 for $2,500.00 and is valued at $5,000. The flround la worth $2,000.00 at least.: If sold within the next 30 days I will let it all go for only a few dollars more than the place Is Insured for, and give some terms. No trade, See my agent, Ira Wade, at Toledo, or call on the ownr at Siletz, Ore. IM - S. Collins. NOTICE TO MEMBERS OF SECOND PLATOON Regular Tuesday evening drills will be resumed now that .the summer en campment Is over. Word was received late last Tuesday that the Toledo pla toou would be able to drill regularly and word was passed around that evening but of course all members were not reached In time for that evening's drill eleven men only being present Let's all work for 3rd Com pany first for our next encampment. Wa made a good reputation at Fort Stevens lot's Improve on jt. One of the Non-Coms. BACK INJURED WHILE SKATING Miss Aline Altree Eav;rely Injured 1-ir hack in a fall received while ing at the Newport rink July 4th. .;le was iicclder.tclly tripped and fell, several ethers falling on'her. Sha was ltndered unconscicus and remained in that state for several hours, it was thought tor a time that her back had 'en I roken. Lato reports indicate that this was not true, but that her BDlue was badly hurt. However, the dec-tors believe thut she will fully re cover. AT THE MOVIES TnmsuT AKin S.&TIIRDAV AN Extra Good 8.Ree, show. Hara'd u d , one of thooe 2.reel $100,000 ,mdi.. r.t.ntal Kids' Kids." Also the C-reel drama The Volcano." You will like this show. SUNDAY (One change of program. 35c. and 15c. night only) A 30c 10c. Full line of graniteware at Calvin's. Harry MobercU of Albany, travel ing salesman, vas transacting busi ness with our merchrr.ts this week. L. M. S.arr is again ablo to bo out after being confined to his home the past six weeks with un injured foot rived down from Portland for a visit with Mrs. Hounds uncle, J. W. Robert son, ar.J family. They will occupy tho Holem place this summer. 'ger attended to. Mr. Wilson iniornv !.,i,,n , th tunnel, three no tiin.t tno :s I in rptpriLiv inn tests were pulled oft during the after noon. cheese factory which he will Install nn h u n nin "nn nrtw.pfrl in liUtnttrTlt!- A marriage license wns Issued Wed' rnesday to Nicholas Sten.ple, 60, and Mary Selakovlch, 39. Coui.ty Judge John Fogarty performed tho marriage ceremony. Mr. and Mrs. Stemple will - ple can y ...;.. , ' ..'., ui0 eair. make their home on the John Alberts completo a house on his place near Siletz. There will be a lecture given at the Odd Fellows' Hall, Sunday evening, Julv 10th at 7:30. on the subject- "God's Answer to Man's Distress" by B. E. Schaffner. Thursday evening, July 14ht he w 111 speak on "Is the Bible Inspired? or Can We Rely on the Old Guide-book?" Everybody welcome. A jnegsago for you. Dr. C. B. Linton, the sago of Wald- 'port, Is In Portland for a few days. He 19 al?? vresmmu oi n uou.u m ,r'"1'' lnj,ls citv- lle has written two lmok3 of romance, one a collection of short stories, some of which have Oregon settings Just now he Is at . Imperial with a broken arm. j (21) FOR SALE Beautiful home under construction. Big porches over- looking bay. Six lots, each 50 x 100 good soil; near high school; $2200.00 cah if taken at once. .$2500.00 and term. Enquire F. E. Schmidt, (Log Cabin), Toledo, Oregon. CAR OF FRUIT AND VEGETABLES A car of fruits and vegetables Is due to arrive this week by frioght for distribution among tho Toledo and Newport merchants. The car Is being sent ln 'iy the Lyons Fruit Company or Portland and is the first shipment, of this kind ever brought to this place. The car will be iced and will contain nil kinds ot fruits and vegetables now in the mar ket. Each merchant will thus be ahln to have a complete stock of nice fresh fruits and vegetables. WATER PERMITS SECURED During the months of Acr'l, May and June, tho followin;: set ured permits from Slate Engineer P. r'V A. Cupper, for water rights in this county a;; follows: To V. I. Jones, of Harlar, envt-ring the npprcpriation of water froi:: an unknown spring, for domestic water supply. To I. J. Pep-n, r.f nutwood, cover ing ihe appropriation of water from Crystal Creek and Uributories, and from Hamar L'ake and tributaries, for domestic use, irrigation of a two acre tract, and for water supply for a trout faim. The construction work under this penult is expected -io cost approx imately 5M0.00. To Mrs. Helen B. Sparks, of Eddy villo, covering the appropriation of water from a spring for domestic water supply. To S. T. Loudon, of Etltlyville, cov ering the appropriation of water from a spring for domestic supply. WRIGHT, COOLEY OUT ON BAIL n. W. Cooley, connected with the Halsey bank robbery, was rtleaseo, yesterday on bail of $1500. Gene Tor torn, of Corvallls, and M. W. Small, of Elk City were his bondsmen. Irvine Wright was also released upon fur nishing $1300 bond. Corvullis Gazette Times. CATHOLIC CHURCH Next Sunday, July the 12th, Services at Siletz ut 9:30 o'clock Sunday school and at 10 o'clock Muss nnd Sermon. Meeting ot the ladies aili r Service. Father Vollebregt. himtc.r In the County Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Lincoln In the Matter of tlie Estate of A. N. Lowe, Deceased. Notice is hereby given that the un dersigned, Albert A. Lowe, Executor of the Estate of A. N Lowe, Deceased, lias filed his Final Account with the County Clerk of Lincoln County, Ore gon at Toledo. All persons having objections to the allowance of said Account must file the sumo wilhin 4 weeks from the first publication of. this Notice. Date of first publication, July 8, 1921. Date of last publication Aug. 5, 1921. Albert A. Lowe, Executor. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE In the Matter of the Estate of John 1. Itutterflold, Deceased. Nciticp If htireby glvenl that the undersigned has been duly appointed by the County Court of Lincoln County Oregon, administratrix of the Estate of "John I- Iiutterfleld, Deceased, and has duly qualified. All persons having claims against said estate are hereby notified to present tho samp to me at the law office of G. B. MoClunkey, in Toledo, Oregon, properly verified, within six months from the date of firs! publication of this notice. Dated and first published July 8, 1921. 8arah J. Burterfield, Administratrix of the Estate of John I. Butterfleld, Deceased. (19) FOR SALE 240 ACRES the best of river bottom soil, about So. acres In crops, small box house and fine large barn, 60 ft., well fenced. Also 45 head best Durham cattle, all kinds of farm and hay tools. Price reasonable come and see. Six miles below Agency. C. F. Anderson. Lucky Strike cigarette WW