Lincoln County leader. (Toledo, Lincoln County, Or.) 1893-1987, June 24, 1921, Image 1

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    ' .si
A) f '
vtlAi'Uyi ---UOtJ-r '.1
Tha revival meetings that have been
' going on' for two weeks, and ho'd at
the M. E. church, conducted by the
noted evangelist Robert Breyman and
e pastor. Rev. Walter Ross, closed
Mrs. James Hllard returned from a
few days visit at the Norton home in
Portland Monday.
Mrs. waiter Winkler and Email sons
Sundav BVBnln Th;. lommy ana Louie, or KOSCDurg, are
ell attended and m eh in e. . : n Mr- and Mrs GV Wlnkler
came in Monday for
-e restart hv ths at,.Mi. i . . miles Uiuesm
VXXf ' P0".ap- was in
Is a master in conducting Jv,v," Nashville Sunday and Monday looking
mating. Uve churchea and !Y, -T'" 10 PU"
schools are the foundations for a pros-i , f,; L , IMI
perous community. P I, Mr: HlMhaw is build ng a very at-
Prof. T. T. Waterman, a teacher in tr,acJ'Vt baiow on hls Pace north
.th lTnio,i. f i. if. ot Nashville.
J"-J """J M T,-s,,.M Viol, M-!,.
Ut T V V, b A lull flilJI Mi 1VllSUC
(By P. M. Carter)
Lee Wade was bora In Logan County
Illinois, April 14th, 1866, and died a:
Albany, Oregon, June. 16th, 1921, agel
65 years, 2 montns and 1
CHANGES OWNERSHIP In the Circuit Court of the 8tate of
Oregon for Lincoln County
Iva L. Hunt, Plaintiff,
W. G. Emery and Mary J. Emery.
on the Reservation for the purpose of T g
getting information in regard to the , ".d 0f
customs of th.3 Indians. Their habita Q,,V,f, Jn.-
nf llrl IJ A .... ouiiuay Y1S1IUT t
ti.l. a Hn,.,. ............ nunie.
uii virivn, aiiunfj, tCI lldp, HSU-
ing spears, fweat houses, tepees, etc.
This is to be used !n wrltlne a book.
Such information will toon be lost as
the young people don't know much
about tliefw customs. Prof. Waterman
will be here two or three weeks.
Portland was a
the Charley Hamar
H. A. Holland of Portland recently
purchased the plant and lines, of the
Yaqulna Electric Co.. in this countv.
rinv Ua.iM, UllanH tuna I. Mn.nn.l 1 A .iJ
ceme to what is now Lincoln County day and Oiere Saturday looking over f?' Z1,?1
In August, 1S76. a nitre boy, and h hi. property. The new company has ."t,!"L!!!KLCm,J,i-.w,r.
l.ved nere ever since that time. He 'made no announcement of Its plans,
grew to manhood la the county and and for the present the service will
Archie Chambers, M. S. Connor and
Martha Connor his wife, Malinda J.
H w" ? " h" "eon the pa8t several m mne r'. 55 a V
Neppach, Defendants.
To W. G. Emery, Mary J. Emery, S.
THREE DAYS CELEBATION h- Chambers, Ray Chambers, Isabel
unaniDers. Arcnie cnaniDers, ra. b.
known, prehaps, as any man la tlie months
crunty. He helped to open up and
make the county what it Is today. He
had faith in Lincoln County. He
knew of her vast resources In llmbor,
in dairy products, her fruit, her fish
eries, and her splendid harbor and
seaside resort
to develop them
which required that this Summons be
published in the Lincoln County Lead
er, for six consecutive and successive
weeks beginning with the issue of
Juno 17th, 1921, and ending with the
issue of July 29th, 1921.
G. B. McCluskey,
Attorney for Plaintiff, P. O. Address.
Toledo, Oregon.
In tha Circuit Court of the State ot
Oregon for Lincoln County
Eugene Williams, Plaintiff,
John E. Mathews as Executor of the
estate of Annie Marie Mathews, de
ceased, John :& William
No one thought he wps so dangerously
111. Ho kept working up to a few davn
Mrs. Smith, wife of the S. P. Agent,
is here for a few days visit with Mr.
J. O. Davis reports a fine crop of
strawberries, and a good aie for them
Mr. CrabiU's ever-bearing berriecare
At tho annua! Hchr.-il mntlno- hM J 1 UC6"""U6 l" H mi-eijr. "I'.eiore ne was laitaii to tne lospita .
, ft. f'' ...1"98' ?? eld Crablll has five acres cf these berries I ecn't bellev he thought the aid wa.
which bear all summer. so r ear, he was always planing all the
Oliver Martin, who purchased the j time for the future.
Fish place, left Monday for .he Valley Lee Wade was engaged in the saw
where he will work this summer. , mill business and expected to continue
max wniKicr, wno lives near uorvai- that business right along. Ho owned
, 1U A 1 1 ... , . . ... , '
The publicity expertfrom Die City by Connor, Martha Connor, Maiinda J
e Sea called on us today and spread pinm nipr. aIro thn unknnwn holm ri
and has alwav. helno? I .g'a? ,nfonuaUo11 tnat Newport's wm. R. Jefferles. deceased, A. Ncp. 'at law of Annie Marl!
ii He il-ni m p!v 1 celebration was to start July 2nd and "puch. and' each of the above named ! teased, Defendants.
;,mv h.r" Hulc.cntlnue ,or tllree ful1 da'8- He defendants: I To John E. Malhew
. uctonec-1. "Wl,en I , X ,Ie " '"?. N.m. of the State of Oregon:
beXoT nof hlsS Z? " -,of thopUtintiff In tho above ia
raonuay, w. h. Mall was elected a
director and Mr. ttolvin racbeted clerk
It was decleded to make fcome Import
hni' improvementts on the public school
Dunmng at S;!etz, Lower Karm and
Marie Mathews, de-
K'Vdi'lltni- nt
n the Name of the State of Oregon: 'i" ' rS1" , lnA'8v S. Mfii IS?
lou. and eacn ot you, are Hereby M;lthoW8 ,,, ""Vin.tVJ
tvs anu r-ariiie'- i avitt, lieirs at
the .....( hotw-on MinQ a - r.. : " ' ' V, : " .'- ",-" uueM. uereuseu
a , i . ---"" n.,. enuiieu sun now ira nio in mo omce in me Name ot the State of Oreoon1
Amort, with the Albany v. Newport of the County Clerk of Lincoln Countv, You are hereby required tn appear
hasebail game in for good measure. Oregon, on or before the day named ftnu answer the complaint liled against
iiiere were some oiners, out lets go n the order for publication of tills ,.u 111 ule aoove en:iueu suit within
Lor? Prprie Tl.o lamavur. rst h fu,.r,Uit, uuB.iiKPb rigin along, no ownea
unHrrnddSrh.S'. ?: visiting Mr. and Mrs. James a large tract of timber ne'arby that he
In ner oloSc S. Wooded of faille was o I 7S ? Sea HM'f Aoth. hy noUfied ttitlf tZA
rff buslnePS visl or ln Nhv"le Thursday, underway and nearly completed a fine 1' H NeVer Me" 30c a"f "W,ef ' IS cmlalnt a- 'erein re- t Pu1ear::;'dffun7orut1Ke-
A a a nuiiou.pmiuiiu wm npn'y iu ie uuuve .sum due on said note and mortgage,
tuiui uo,., mm uuiitinf, an a,viuuuu euuucu i. tut um iciiui ueiuuuueu idio.uu wuii interest Ttiereon from th
r t j i .i . . . Mj m.. 1 I ...
ed imnrovomrtntB shp . tauin, ""ttl ":' .expeciea to saw up.
great pride and interest
Sw&rtl E- - Ll8ter enterta,no,i Tuesday bungalow, which when finished will
VZ7 7 Tt Z un?ye f fln68t h0mCS in
Ju'lebVa-riufw JT t,ielr I Lee Wade was we., acquainted with
port in their celebration. Slletz will I" , . ,T . T . . T
HARLAN vas' noay or. nne timber that stands
n. .-, ,ich v . ti ! untouched in tho northern part of ttie
other parts of the countv to loin with Rev- P'P" of Summit held two county, and the two townships that
us In making the fair a great success, services here Sunday. The ladles of siaria n tne soutnern part. He bad
Slletz is a good place to hold a fair 11,0 neighborhood served a basket din- helped cruise a larse part of this tim
and spectal -ffor-s will be made by the neI a' 0- ,Pne:Ps wa3 accom"' S ln"' F" L"
wieu people to make it a success. VTt", "' . J", ":" r
i: laun. iinuii i uui ainuilg us aaill. ..'"e "t. jtwj 1.-3 r, u-a t.110
He still walks with cru'.ches but thinks trusted Reader ln locating claims and
he can discard Ihem soon. homesteads. He was employed by cor-
Mies Dorothy Ownby left for Mc- poratlons and timber Lien to do their
Minnville Tuesday. She Is a very work, and he novc betrayed a trust
popular girl and will be missed by all. or Proved untrue. He v;a3' procress-
Mrs. E. F. Norwood returned last lye and gave free'.y of his tir:o and
week from several weeks visit with money to help develop tho resources
relatives at Salem. of the county. He was ttlso a booster
Charley Lillard came down to John for Eod roads ar.d harbor Improve
Fcigles Sunday. ments. He served for tea yyars as
The dance at It. L. Hatlmwav's was Deputy County Clerk and wr.s a rieni-
Frank Wada as manager Slletz wl weU a'ended and every one reported 'ber and secretary of the Port of Tole-
make wveral lmnrnvemenl thl. v 1 socxs DO e,nce or-?Hn:ianon in I'JIU. H8
ISi iuK,taKd!d Mr-and Mrs- B- F-G1 r9turned had a host of frIends ,n and out of the
; Sunday from a business trip to Cor- county who mourn his untimely death.
'vallis. It was sad indeed to 3eeAis his body lay
FRUIT VALE Calkins Bros., of Slletz, will run a In state' s0 many friends movo up and
(To late for last week.) truck thru here to Corvallls this sum- take a last sad lock of tho familiar
and find them out.
For preserving kettles ue Colvln.
Tonight, H.irry Morey in a drama of
tlllD ,, , ; ,
summons, made by the Honorable John ,hi ... ..... . . V . UJ ? OI..,l,e nrst
.Fogarty. County Judge of said Lincoln fore the fifth dTy ot ' Auguat. 1921. the"
County, which said order and time tor lust day of the time perscribed In :he
aiinweriiiB saiu isuiunions iiereuy oruer or publication or this summons,
referred to, to-wit: On or before six and If you fail to answer for want
weeks from and after date of the first thereof, the pluintiff will apply to the
publication thereof. And yo.i are here- "ove ontit ed Lourt for the relief
The roads win b3 gcod and it will
be a pleasure to travsl them. We
have plenty of room.
Mrs. Grant King and her daughter
Helen have eone to Portland on busi
ness and will ba gone for several days.
Clyde Morris passed thru Siletz on
his way to Portland to be gone some
The weather has cleared up and
road work will be resumed as usuil.
The sawmill has started ud with
Mrs. Olive Nye and granddaughters, mer. They will haul paseengers and features of Lee Wcde as he lay quietly
Olive of th:s place and Juanlta of To- freight. This will be quite a conven- at rost ,rom t!!0 cares ond troubles
ledo, are visiting and seeing the sights iencu to us. They will start as soon incident to humr.n iife.
in Corvallls. Mrs. Nye will make an fls the roads dry and will make three Among tho number that viewed the
entended vlBlt, while the girls will trips a week. remains were five Indian women, who
eoon be horn-; aga'n. ; o sadly viewed the remains of ono y honi
Our school was out June 8th. Afterl t. .-r-..,n , tney Had always esteemed as a friend
nine months of studies, it will be- a
real vacation for both teacher and
rv.ui rauison or AlDanv visited nt r i ti.... - .
home Sunday with homo folks, also th- train Ti"'"rtTv with bM "'al offerings from
Chester of Corvallls is home for a Mrs. Ella Wllsnn l mn, . ,f.rl:inds atAll,anv' Newport, Slletz and
j .,: , , , " " nome town.
and business affairs of
romance, a marriage above the clouds ln her complaint, namely: For a da- first dav of Anrr. 11)17. nt inn mt nt
in the drama "Sky Eye." Ford Week- creo of said court that plaintiff's Hitle .'en Per cent per annum,- $270.00, to
ly. 30c, 15c. to the following described leal proper- iBether with the sum of flOO.83 taxes
o .ty to-wit paid on said mortgaged property by
ITpErlnninir at thn minrtpr 0'nntlr.n Pontiff, and the further sum of
CARD OF THANKS . LSfJ beSfeJn SploM frar and v16,0l0 attorney'8 tes and t,,e costs
icorner Detween sec tions tour and live and disbursments of this suit That
We desire to thank our friends for ln township eleven south of range plaintiff's mortgage described In said
Ihir aid and sympathy during the eleven west of Willamette. Mi-ridian, .complaint bo declared a lien ln said
death and burla. of our husband and running thence west twenty-five chains 'sums upon the mortgaged real prop
father. Also for th miinv hnaniifi.l thence north six chains, thence east ier,v situated In Newport, Lincoln
floral offerings. . twenty-five chains, thence south six 1; "u"tv;, .,reKOIV 'P,"1 otsix ',n
.cliains to 1110 place of beg 1111 ng. Bit- " 7' i. " . mym70
l.,nt.,H in riinn flvn nu.-,fui,i 1 , "''L' n adu." .'". to Newport, Oregon.
I IT. V . . , 7 ,, inat pialiitin a snln mortgio lien
DU1IL1I t.L 1 JUKC U.CVl'll tVl!..l ... II MI!....-
The Wade Family.
Mn CI Atrnc urnr
.t .t--10IXIr0 ntrC. nlta Mnrlrllnn in T.lncr.1.. f'm..,,,.
Bert. Geer. former chairman of the of Oregon. Except ItlghlB of way for
Lincoln County draft board, Is just In County ltonds and rlnlrnads.
receipt of a letter from the Adjutant 'B Bood and va. ; that you, tho snld
General's office at Washington, D. C, defendants, and each of you, have no
in which he informs Mr. Geer that right, title or Interest whatsoever In
Lincoln Coutnv. Oregon, is one of the or to said lands or any part thereof.
fiw counties of the nation ln where ana ;'lat any and all claim that you
there were no draft slackers or desert- ,lm' claliu against said lunds is wrong
er. ,ful and without right whatsoever; that
0 .you the said defendants, and each of
MFTHnniHT ruilDru "e Iorever oarrea and enjoined
lICiriUDI5l tHUKCH from a8s,ertlng any clulm whatsoever
Sunday School Sunday morning at ln.or to said lands or any part thereof,
ten o'clock. adverse to plaintiff, and for cm h other
Rev. Cain will preach Sundav morn- and further relief as may be equitable
Ing at eleven o'clock and in the even- and just.
ing at elht o'clock. Everybody in-' Tni9 summons is published In the
vited to attend these services. Lincoln County Leader, once a week
Epworth Lea?" Sundav evening at for six consecutive and successive
seven o'clock. Topic, "Men and Wo- weeks beginning with the issue of May
men Whose Uves inspire Us." Lead- 20th, 1921i under and pursuant to the
CHITWOOD These wemen said Leo Wade had i er- Sada Marie Chambers. This is an directions contained In an order made
n,,n-i Ttn ,,m a , "ever deceived or mistreateh the In-' ""-terestlng topic and there will bB a D me Honorable John Fogarty,
Dudley Trapp killed a fine bean djan people great deal of discussion on it. Abo County Judge of Lincoln County. Ore-
Monday evening. , ThB u,a, mri mHlR duet by Dorothy Beck and. Hazel on. which Bald order Is dated the
Mrs. Ella Wilson is spending a fet - ,ne home tov.,..
davs visiting friends necr Toledo. 1. ii
l n 1 n t . ' it.ia i.U UUBtllCDB ttlLUll EV VI
.TL f. u?ur DT cane uown the county Lee Wade will be missed
wt,... 1410 , WBUIlBBUr.V. Ho lo si.rvlvoH K l,lo nm) ...
Mr. Parker and Bane have invesied
ln a new Ford truck.
11 r a f. . 1 . .. - I
o. otepneneon or fort and is, Mr -ml Mm 1 eiiMo p,f..j j ' "i iw iuur
visiting th his nephew, L. T. Steoh- i A? JtVL, ZZ1 uJt. children, Mrs. Lola Cruson. Frank.
enson and.famllv. 1 " " '"" uy. corrle and Artl.
"MnnAav Tnin OftK k 1 : ,-1
...u..uu.., uu'io i.iii, wua uie annual rvmitt TnlH n
Bchool election. L. T. Stephenson w ' Pemitt' Toledo' 0r'
elected director to succeed R. L. Mof-!
nt ror a three year term. Mrs. Mary
ur, Toledo, and three
p 1 pc no mm II I Z '. brothers, Ed and Ira, of Toledo, and
tin.' .h. . TU tlllty,.Floek' havLn Dye of Portland. He was kind to his
h.?tei.InJP 11 iS n.apaiCK ity,uE"; 1oJ fami'y. generous to a fault, a good
hatching, $1.00 per 15. Mrs. H. E. n-i-hw. a hi,. hnA whii0H
-n n . . . , , i . A i . . . . no . u.n.i m ..tea ntic iiciu at
' " ""i-L-wuumu JMr.; tl,n nntnnmn
Mid-week Prayor meeting every
Thursday evening at 7:30 o'clock.
Hercules Steel Jack, about as good at conducted bv Rev. Walter Ross, which
Osbum WfLa nlnntnrl ..lrrlr f.M- Ana AA
to succeed Mrs. Bradbury. i nw one one third the price. were singularly beautiful and' appro-
Mrs. Bertha Paulson Is very poorly1 NewPort' Oregon. priate. Two selections were sung by
at present following an aUack of heart ix
and nprvfl t.rm.hln '
and nerva trouble
land in his
T i u a Varna Dfin.. 1UH Dnaa 11nl?ln.nln
reds Eggs hatching, and Jess Danleli; "Rock of Ages Cleft
Osburn made a trip to Port- m.ri b. pr'ce1'00 J"' 1S' for Me", and "Just as I am, Oh Lamb
i.i. iwj .u. also Pur bred Black Monarchy hens r nj i r, i nn
and intends bringing his wife and :J0 n.r vn ? 'a P ,?! Interment took place ln tne family
children rome. i. i., 7.' i. V"1" be Pleased wltn plot in the Toledo cemetery. Pall
md has been very ill at w i f n.'mVti. t i !T bearers were: Jaues Franks, Grant
is improving again. 1 Demlt1f8' Toll!d' 0reaon. King. Ted McElwaln. Walter Ball,
Mr. Richmond
his home but
Ir?Ln"fln8.a!'e fast., sPo'nB(19)-PRUNES REDUCED bel
the strawberries In this section, but
ow ore-
'war prices. First grade 60-70o post-
' oiner crops are excellent, .paid, $385 ner 50 lb box Km Mr "u
' Miss Olive Nye returned home fromll .Lk!, P S,!Z.a o"' uZ.a? per Pee
ItA. Miuib n t n II. . '
v urvttins ana reports a
real fine time.
Fred Stanton and Al Wauch. The
funeral was largely attended by
friends and neighbors. Requlest ln
Mr. and Mrs. D. C. Gray and son
George made a trip to Toledo Wed
nesday. Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Coovert and E.
Ik Wilson went to Newport Tuesday
by way of Poole Slough with H. G.
The annual school meeting was held
at the school house last Monday. C.
S. Ohmart was elected director and
S. A. Holmgreen reelected clerk.
Mrs. I. R. Payne went to Corvallls
Thursday, returning home Sunday.
She was accompanied by her daughter
Klnqwood Orchards.
aaiem, Oregon, Route 2,
Machine, (18.00 Only been used one
season. Enquire Leader Office.
FOR SALE 200 Acre ranch, j been provided and other arrangements
I of cattle, 10 hogs, 2 horses, ! made. Watch for future announce-
15 head
wagon, buggy, go with place. 70 acres ments.
n cultivation. Price J3500, half cash
Address, Percy Catlett, Denver, Or.
Siletz is planning on a big com'
munity fair to be held at Slletz, Aug.
ust ZR, 26 and 27th. Grounds have
FOR SALE PUREBRED Cheste. j ... . , .
White pig., 10 weeks old, also some ' 3 Jn ? ay celebration at New
older ones. Owing to III health I am port start off Saturday afternoon,
nnshi. -r. " , t at 1 P. M. with a Trap-Bhootlnc tourn-
w vn ,u, ti.v.ii ii.vl lid .Q
nrir.ri h.n -it,. ..i-i, i. .... ament, for residents of Lincoln county
O. W. Whit.. bv id7. Ti.Hn' n' only- There will be some five events
of 10 targets each, entrance fee su
July 2-3-4
16th day of May, 1921
G. B. McCluskey,
Attorney for Plaintiff. P. O. Address,
Toledo, Oregon.
Dute of 1st publication, May 20, 1921
Date of last publication, July 1, 121.
Miss Evelyn, who has been attending for sale uo acrp nAipv cents, with $7.00 added for each event
High School at Philomath. I Rancn 0", , j0e0 ""'SI oa a special purse, donated by the Cele-
Revno ds Ohmart went fn Tnlon I " ... ' . m. e. V '' e.a0. " Ta , hratlon rnnimttloo k
. . . . - " uuina roaa. a I Man n. or. . . " l" " " "v
-lilfiv rnifl reriirnaH hnma Snnrfnv ' '
Friday and returned home Sunday,
Mrs. E. L. Wilson and Bons visited
at the Phelps and Ohmart homes Tues
day. Fred Commons drove Mr. Payne's
car In from Harlan Wednesday. He
will drive his team back. '
Krod and Eugene Cook and P. E.
Miller were trading ln Yaqulna Friday.
Mr. Cox cani0 In frmo Portland Sun
day and stayed all night at the Coovert
H. G. Twombly of Bayvlew visited
at the Wilson homo Sunday.
Miss Helen Phelps went to Newport
' Wednesday, whore she Intends to work
the remainder of the summer.
charged for each targe', and the bal
CALL rnn srunni xaadpamxo ancB of Oie entrance fee will be added
CALL FOR SCHOOL WARRANTS, t0 the $7.00 as above. The purse in
Notice Is hereby given that all war- 'each event will be divided, 40. 30, 20,
rants drawn on School District No. 2. jand lC7r, according to the rules of
Toledo, Oregon, and endorsed not paid j class shooting.
ror want ot funds, up to and including The shooting grounds will be on the
Warrant No. 829, dated April 30, 1921. bluff overlooking the ocean Just back
are hereby called and interest stopped ;ot "Arcadia", which will give a Bky
this date. Una and ocean back-ground to shoot
. Dated this 30th day of April, 1921. against. W. G. Emery, of Newport.
L. M. Starr, Clerk.
will have charge of the tournament.
Professional Bhooters from the outside
will attend tho meet, and will give an
expert exhibition with shotgun and
Our Toledo scatter-gun artists can
To Insure Insertion in current
week's Issue, all changes for adver-l
Mrs. Hester Coovert and Mr. Cox of : tlsements should be handed In not be expected to attend and carrv off
Portland wero transacting busings ; latep than Wednesday evening. their sharo of the prizes,
ln Toledo Monday. J
In the Circuit Court of the State of
uregon ror Lincoln gounty
W. C. Winters, Plaintiff,
Oceanslde Investment Company, a
corporation: James Thorp. J. H. Colt
and H. A. Hosteller, Defendants.
io uceanslde Investment Company,
E corporation. James Thorn. .1 H.
Colt and H. A. Hosteller, the above
named defendants:
In the Name of the Statu of Oregon:
You and each of you are rouuired
to appear and answer the coinnlnint
of pluintiff filed against you in the
above entitled suit on or beforo the
expiration of six weeks from the dine
of the first publication of this sum-
;mons, and if you fall so to appear ami
'answer, for want thereof tli9 plaintiff
will apply to tne above entitle 1 court
ror tne rener demanded in Mis cm
(plaint., to-wit: for a decree of this
Court foreclosing his certain mort!;ags
executed Dy aerendant, (JceacKldc- In
vestment Company, on the .10th iluy
or June, iui4, on tne roiiowinu: Ucs
crlbed real property sltuut'id in LiU'
coin County. Oregon, to-wit.
Northeast quarter of the Southwest
quarter ana Lots seven (7) nine (9)
inu ten (10) in Sectioi fourteen ill)
Township seven (7) Sout1! ltanue
eu.ven (U) west, w. M.
Anu Lot one (l). tlie Sou: lions!
quarter of the Northwest quivtor and
:ii!) soutn nair or tne Nor'ncist quart-
ex of Section wenty-slx (2;i) in Town
ship Seven (7) South of Range
eleven (11) Went, W. M.
Which said mortgage wai made tn
pluintiff herehi and ww . nivou to
secure tlie payment of a ."?rtniii
nromlssory nota In the sum tif ro
TiiciiHiind ($20)0.00) Dollars with in
terest thereon at ten per cent per
annum, dated June 30th, 191 1, payable
to plaintiff herein, nnd that the a'love
described tract of land be sold by the
sheriff of Lincoln County, Oregon, as
provided by law, to satisfy the amount
due and owing to plaintiff herein on
said mortgage, and also the- amount
due .plaintiff in the sum of $773.09
together with Interest thereon paid in
taxes on said land by plaintiff herein:
and further for a decree that each of
said defendants and all of them, nnd
all persons claiming by or through
said defendants, or either of you, may
b barred and foreclosed of any ostnte
right, titje, lien, Imprest in or to snid
mortgnged premises or any part there
of, and for such further reliot as may
be euuitnblo and Just.
Tins summons is server en ycu dj
publication In accordance with r.n
order made and entered py the Honor'
able John Fogarty, County Ji'dgo of
Lincoln Countv, Oregon, which said
order is dated June 17th, 1921, and
be foreclosed nnd that said real pro
perty ne sola Dy tlio Slmrilt or Lincoln
County, Oregon, as upon execution,
uud the proceeds thereof be applied
toward tho- suiislaoiion ot said
nmounls due plaintiff; that the de
fendants and all "purnons claiming by,
from, through or under them be
barred and foreclosed from all right,
t i I lo. Interest and claim in and to Bald
real property, except tlie ttatutory
right to rudeoui and for such further,
or other relief as to the Court may
seem equitable.
Tins summons Is puullsl.ed In pur
suance of un order of Hlie Hon. John
Fogarty, Judge of tho County Court of
Lincoln County, Oregon, duly made
and entered on the 14th day of June,
1921, and which on er dirocis publica
tion ot this sum nous once i. week for
six consecutive weeks In the Lincoln
County Leader, a weekly newspaper
or general circulation published in
Lincoln County. Oregon.
First publication of this summons
June 17th. 1921. Last publication
July 29th, 1921. B. F. Jones,
Attorney for plaintiff, Newport, Or.
o .
FOR 8ALE 10 H. P. International
Kerosene Engine Tank Type mounted
on Trucks Inquire of Peterson Hdwe.
Co., Toledo.
FOR SALE New Z Type 3-Horse
Fairbanks-Morse Gas Engine. Inquire,
at Tracy's Plumbing Shop, Newport,
(19) For sale at SO cents on the doU
lar. My beautiful 9-room bungalow
and V2 acre of ground at Siletz. Large
wood-shed and garage. All kinds of
bearing fruit trees and berries. HunV
dreds of dahlias, roses and all kinds
of shrubs and shade trees, etc. This
wao built for a permanent home, and
each and every foot of lumber used
was carefully selected by myself and
consisted of No. 1 clear yellow fir
without a knot or knothole In the en
tire building. The building Is Insured
for $2,500.00 and Is valued at $5,000.
The ground Is worth $2,000.00 at least.
If sold within the next 30 days I will
let It all go for only a few dollar
more than the place is insured for,
and give some terms. No trades.
See my agent, Ira Wade, at Toledo,
or call on the owner at Slletz, Ore.
M. S. Collins.
To seal In the
delicious Burley
tobaooo flavor.
it's Toasted