Lincoln County leader. (Toledo, Lincoln County, Or.) 1893-1987, March 25, 1921, Image 1

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    1 1
ff IK
HP i
vlLv Mf oil
so we guess Mat nts you. If you
A masquerade ball was given at the can't push, don't pifll back, and then
Recreation Hall Saturday night. The when it does go, get on and ride We
Hall was crowded with merry makers, are llvin j in a fast ago, wonderful
The music was furnished by the Or- achievements in invention. Think of
ion orcheatra led by Mildred Collins, the flying machine Vlmy with its wing
who was the main one in organizing spread or 67 feet. Its petrol tanks
and training Its members. The music had a capacity sufficient to keep the
was fine and the dance was one of plane in the air for 13 hours, travel
the best given at the hall. Everyone , ng at a 8ecd of SO miles an hour,
had a good timo and the order was. when loaded weighed 13,000 pounds
fine. Two prizes were given first 1 with Sir Rosa Smith as pilot and Sir
prize went to Morsa Andersen and Keith Smith second In command. They
Mrs. Frank Sharp; second was given few from London, England, in winter
to Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Crawford. .The .weather, sleet, tnow, rain and clouds
committee was Mr. and Mrs. W. S. g0 ti,ey couia not Bee th0 eartn or gky
Hall and J. L. Goodell. 1 all the time, to Australia. Half around
Prof. J. B. Horner of the O. A. C. the world In 23 days. Now a man
will be here Friday evening and will telis U(J ne can establish transporta
dellver his celebrated lecture. "Ore. tion for us, with a queer device that
gon History and Literature." He will don't take ,nSill!cns to put in and
also show pictures on canvas of the run. will it not bear careful examlna
Holy City and other interesting places tion? and if good, we don't need to
in Pallstine. The lecture will be at stand and throw at nigger dolls and
the public school building. A larse miss, and lose our money but hit the
audience no doubt will be present to marit every time turning up two dol
hoar Mr. Honitr. These lectures are iar8 for one. If we put that road up
interesting as well as educational. Salmon River and in a few years,
Prof. Horner takes greet interest in standard gage is put on down here, we
his work and .s doing much good for Can take It up and put it up Siletz
the young people of Oregon. Siletz River wnere no otner road wlll ever
should be represented In the O. A. C. be put. Then we can put a man from
. each year. We are almost under the Taft to Siletz for a dollar and not take
caves of the college and it is easy for aU day for it either, end have to stop
our people to patronize it. Lincoln 0n the way and pay fifty cents Tor a
County has been greatly benefitted by meai. we don't want to give the facil
this Institution and we all have a ities we now have any discouragement
warm place In our hearts for the O. we aro glad we hf ve g0 good a wy
A. C tn rat Arnnnri Tt koola nv loa m
Easter Sunday will be observed at
me m. cj. anuria wnn a very excellent as mucn aheid of what we have as an SUDl- uoln ,a" saiuruay was good,
program, especially the musical part ox-team Is behind. We are writing the Mftny teachers from Newport and ruf
of It The committee is taking great Spauldlng Co. to find out their position aI schools attended. The big dinner
pains In havin;? the house beautifully and the terminus of their road. Also ' aerve1 bv th9 women wa3 appreciated.
uocumieu wiui nowers ana evergreens
in trying to exemplify the beauty and
trior? of the resurectlon morn. This
event Is the light and hope of the
world and the settling of the future
state and if we believe In Him our
"Walter Ross will preach the Sermon,
Mm. Anna. Uuitei field and her son
t..if nf lum. ... c..j"
Satem ww Mr. T Uu?tP-,,irt w,l
ntpr hmtni Tn? Lnm
tl f L BUXi 'Sf
were so bad below Eucher Mountain1
that it was almost impossible to get)
over them. She said I? was a shame
to try to bring a sick person over such
a road. An effort is being made to
h.v. i. ,ni
passable. It Is a mail route 'and by
.... J
all means should be put In good con-
dition for travel. , an1 Mr- B. H. Scovllle started 'bt.
H. A. Lewthwalt of the U S. Navv, for California Sunday. j Ro'and Harland has been at Toledo
was at the King Tuesday on his way farewell party was given by Mrs. f0' seve' daa- Perhaps he will
to the i-ecrulting station at Portland ChaB- Alien for the departing Scovllles. br'"B a housekeeper home with him.
He expects to have to enter the Navv Bert Geer and R. H. Howell, loggers . Margaret Ewing has not been at
again. He did not know Just what It of Elk- sPent several days In their tending school for the last week or
meant to be called In again.
At a nir.n f cii, ir.n'
Cheese Company it was decided to a' Toledo Saturday night I guess- P,rly r,,!,128' ,ew davs
move the building from where it is they belng Mr- and M- Hoffman, Mrs- W111 Klne and "le son, El
now on Mr. Brassfleld's land ar-ros Mr- and Mrs- Hexom and Mr. and Mrs. mer; came down 'rora Toledo with her
the county road to Joe Bryant's land. Ha"k,n; mother and returned the same evening.
Thio is a better location and the com- M. W. Small was In Toledo on busi-1 Margaret Ewin and Mrs. Ei R.
pany will have more room to operate ne8s Monday. Lynn went to Newport Tuesday,
the factory. What we need is a pay- A blg DOat load of Elk cl'y road 1 o
roll at home. It Is up to the people rooteri lft for the Pomona Grange; NASHVILLE
iu press uiese inaustries ana bring this X.. ",c 'u,u-
county out and make It what nature Tne Improvement Club met at Mrs. Max Winkler, who is living near Cor-
. Intended it should bo. It should be Hexom s thle week. , vallisi, was a visitor in Nashville over
equal to Tillamook in productiveness. A very enjoyable surprise party was the week end.
t0 Mrs J- Cl Dixon by the tedles MlBS Marv Ellcn Davis is here from
of Elk it being her birthday. I expect Portland for an indefinite stay with
I r I to stay here a while yet, so I wont her parents.
- s- Parmele say which one it was. Darwin Nash was a Toledo visitor
The railroad meeting was not at. Rev. Pollard gave a very Interesting Saturday and Sunday
tended .-the. 14th as well as expected, illustrated lecture on the Yellowstone' Mr. end Mrs Everett Fish enter
Wo talked pro and con un.ll the noon National Park here Monday and It talned with a family dinner Sunday
mail came In at noon to get a letter ' was enjoyed by an exceptionally large , Mrs. Boyle came up from Newport
from Mr. Patton, which caine. It did crowd. , i(or a Ehort visit with relatives and to
not give the information we expected Big ihow at Elk Saturday. March attend the family dinner at Mr Fish's
eo we are writing the Southern Pacific 26th, "The Voor Married Man" given Sunday. Mrs. Marks of Summit also
"Co. Some were enthusiastic for some ' hy the Elk City improvement clun to came to be a Sunday guet at the
kind of transportation, while others help furnish the new grange hall, to home of her neice Mrs -Fish
m mey uio noi want a railroad. Just
wait a moment, we will read part of i
.Patton's letter: "I had rather make
No cigarette has
' the same delicious
flavor as Lucky
Strike. Because
Lucky Strike is the
toasted cigarette.
I VooK 90Y OlALO-HE I Af, HgOiO' II I HEY DONALD 00 COME PlGMTl lo PqP !' j wiluESAPP 5aS, I III W'& 11 I I I 0,0 HE SAY 1 LL
HOME knocked mv tooth V--vSSh,ow to .you F--- risr L u noco,-P W flfT three testhJ,
1000 men happy than one millionaire,"
hand power. But the railroad will be '
writing the S. P. Co. to get their idea
0n the Patton Co. Invention. I, like
others, am innnoi m hnnrftn. h
mnntv nr nv ivai- nf i f..wi,i.
COUnty now. I have another plan and her house
" tbe d "re of itself : Toledo "th
we don't want it.
, ' . , "tatlns VT if DlaterIal
furnished fast enough he can build one!
mlle a . I
VAnn, ,
, ?d Gillespie was a visitor at To-.
le1 one st week.
Dan Meais was hom from Prrtini
Yrii:iy aad he and famiIJ' weDt to T-
luln j . .
led. tor tne week end
, home tiwn.
All the H 's of E k went to rh. rtanr-o
oe given in tne Grange hall at 8 o'clock
adults 50c. children 25c.
County School Supt. Ooln and family
I were in Waldport last week. He In
spected all departments of the school
while here. . I
The main street of our town is be-
ir.g graveled. This Improvement is
largely through the efforts of certain
individuals and donation work.
The movie gave a show last Satur-' Thursday returning Friday,
day night the first for four months. ' Mrs. Farrand and Mrs. Goorey spent
Hobart Durbin and his sister aie , Saturday ad Sunday in Corvallis.
spending the Easter vacation with John Stevens, S. P. man, spent Sun
their parents. Mr. and Mrs. Brown, ; day In Albany returning here Monday.
students of the O. A. C. are guests of -
the Durbins.
The cottage of Prof. Boty of the O.
A. C. faculty is filled with O. A. C.
boys enjoying themselves until after
Many valuable agates have been
picked up in the streets since the
graveling organ. . with home folks at Nortons.
Supt. Goln the high school i W. C. Cummins returned from Ya-F"-p.e
rood talks and helpful sugges- quina Tuesday. Mr. Cummlna has
Hons in the work. i ourchnsed some property therB and
.VI r. Brown, one of the O. A. C. vis- intends moving his family there in the
itnrs, gavn an address at the high near future.
school laBt Tuesday. His talk had an Mrs. F. C. Barnes Is entertaining
inspiring effect on the students. 1 Mrs. Gregory of Albany Uiis week.
Short talks were made by others. We Mrs. Carl Edwards was uu from her
will always welcome the O. A. C. stu-
dents come often. 1
A local institute fr teachers, par-
ents Rn 'riends of education held here j
Mrs. D. S. Conrad left for Toledo
and returned Monday after
household gooas. They will make
dn their hnmA.
Mr. Omlid has his house inclosed
i: rain, r.e cai vara insiae now.
Mr. Hoffman's have their house in-
closed ready for the inside work.
Dr. Forbes, wars called to' Mr. Hoff-
mans one day last week The baby
drank some kerosene, but the Doctor
said it was not a large enough dose
o harm him.
Joe. Ewing has been very poorly
r the last week, not being able to
?et ?r.U1i toT, Seyelal iays; bu,L. f?r
r n A la at . turn navi nan Kaai a 1 1 1 1 1 a
:the last - two days .has been a little
bo on account of her eyes.
ranuma r ejion lias oeen quite
Mr. and Mrs. Darwin Nash snent
Wednesday, Thursday and Friday of
last week In Nashville.
Prof- P"8 of - A- C.. was a pas-
enger to Newport on Thursday s train.
J. E. and. Mrs. Cooter and children
pased thru Tuesday, enroute home
from Portland.
Mrs" 'ox nas come from Portland
to make her home on her ranch west
of Nashville, known as the Harris
Charley Appleate went to Toledo
Artie Fendall of Portland, Is vlslt-
ing his relatives at Nortons and Nash
Miss Baker spent the week end with
friends at Waldport.
M. Biglow went to Corvallis Monday.
Johnny White, who is attending the
O. A. C. came out Fiiday tor a visit
home neui Nortons shopping Tuesday
Mrs. R. N, Nash, and Murv Lou
were down from the ranch SumUy.
Payne is helping on the log
1. R.
Miss Leach of Spout Creek and Miss
Waylett of Solado were dinner guests
ai it. a. uram s Sunday.
Mrs. B. O. Young returned from Cor
vallis Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Daniel returned
to Siletz after visiting several days
witn w. w. Grant's and Mrs. J. T.
Mrs. Wade Daniels of Plum, Wash.,
nab been visiUuj old tneuds In this
neighborhood. ' Mrs. Daniel lived on
(Big Elk for a good many years and
has many friends here. She leaves
for Washington Tuesday
Will Kessi of O. A. C. is visiting his
father, Z. A., of Flegles Creek. He Is
Accompanied by a school mate, a Mr.
N. L. Grant and family, W. W,
Grant and family, Mts. J, T, Calkins
Mrs. Wade Daniels, B. O. Young and
wife, R. E. Grant, wlfsj end daughter,
Z. A. Kessi, Will Kessi and Mr. Rimes
spent Sunday with B. F. Grant and
Word has been received that Mrs.
Leonard Grant's operation was suc
cessful and she is gaming rapidly.
She is in the hospital at Corvallis.
E. F. Norwood and family visited
C. B. Arthur's Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Moore and Roy
Moore were Harlan visitors yesterday.
Mrs. Hester Coovert attended the
local teachor's institute at Waldport
&aturday. .
C. S. Ohmart, C. R. Phelps, A. W.
Weber and G. E. Lewis of Upper Beav.
er went to Toledo with H. G. Rhoades
Mr. Brocha and Mr. Glenn of
Brownsville were looking over the
former's property here, the first of the
F. M. Cook, D. C. Gray, C. S. Oh
mart and C. R. Phelps made a trip to
laqulna Monday.
R. Girts of Rainier came In Satur
day to look for a homestead. While
here he visited at the Cook home.
Mrs. Eva Parthemer and son, Joe,
of Newport came in Sunday for a r3
months stay at the Commons ranch.
Mrs. Niokelsen and daughters and
Mrs. H. H. Cook and son, Elmer and
daughter, May, were visitors at the
C. F. Ryan home on South Beaver,
L. M. Commons came over from W.
Yaqulna the first of the week.
Mrs. H. G. Downing arrived homo
Thursday from Eugene whore she has
been visiting her daughter, Mrs. Chas.
Leech and also the new grand daugh
ter. Mr. and Mrs. John Leech and family
visited at Chas. Roscoe's over Sunday.
Ollie Adams of Upper Big Elk was
visiting Turn Turn last Satin day.
Mr. Chapman and Jesse Henderson
spent Sunday with their families at
Burnt Woods.'
Several neighbors gathered at Wm.
Harrison' St. Patrick's eve where
they had an enjoyable time.
Come to the Rest Room tomorrow,
Saturday, and buy your "eats" for
Easter from the Ladies of the Civic
There wlll be a benefit show for
the Library given Wednesday, the
30th Margurlta Clark In "All of a
Sudden Peggy." Watch for announce
The government has appropriated
$145,000.00 to be Bpent during the year
on the construction of the North Jetty
at the mouth of Yaqulna harbor.
It Is expected that the work of driv
ing piling for the north jetty will be
commenced early next montn. A re
ceiving wharf will have to be built
and much preliminary work done be
fore the actual dumping of rock is
The local platoon of the 3rd Cm
p;ny, Coast Artillery Corps, are ar
ranging for a big dance to be given at
the Club Hcmse In this city on the
evening of Saturday, April 2nd.
This is the first social affair at
tempted by the boys and no expense
Is being spared to make It a grand
success. An orchestra from Corvallis
will furnish the mu!lc. Splendid eats
with ice cream for trimmin's, and lots
of fun for all.
' Quite a crowd is expected up from
Newport, as well as Yaqulna, Stlott
and Elk City.
Some preliminary practice on the
first scenes of the play "The Coach"
Is being done this week. The book
keeping section Is developing a distinct
spirit of rivalry In completing of
statements and seta.
- All of the school lj eagorly looking
forward to the illustrated lecture by
Professor Horner on Friday night
The Community Club Is arranging this
to be held at the Government school
house. The general subject wlll be
"Oregon History and Literature." A
local plan for competitive theme work
on native legends is being worked out.
' The boys are planning to stage a
post-season basket ball parte at this
wiiek-cnd. i '
The program orlgluully billed tor
laBt Saturday was necessarily post
poned on account of illness of some of
the members.
The plan for warm lunch, by which
soups and cocoa have been prepared
and served will likely not be contin
ued through the warmer spring season.
Sunrise - pryr-. weU, Easter
morning at six o clock. Easter pro
gram given by the Sunday School, Sun-
daymornlng, at eleven o'clock. Every
body welcome.
Epworth League Sunday evening, at
seven o'clock. Norma Fish will be the
leader, and at eight o'clock, Rev. Cain
wlll give an illustrated lecture, and
also wlll have several Illustrated songs
which will be sung by the choir.
There was a large crowd out it
hear Rev. Pollard's lecture last Sun
day evening on the Yellowstone Na
tional Park. This lecture proved to
be very Interesting.
Teacher's Training Sunday after
noon at three o'clock.
Don't forget the mid-week prayer
meeting, on Thursday evening, at the
hour of seven o'clock.
Rev. Pollard gavo an Illustrated lec
ture on the Yellowstone Park to the
student body, Monday morning.
Toledo High School has the distinc
tion of adopting seven Armenian or
phans. The following organizations,
Senior Class, Junior Class, Sophniore
ClaES, FreBhman Class, T. H. T.'s,
Questo Crescentla Club and a group of
Freshman boys have each adopted
The Sophmore C (iss gave a St.
Patrick's Day Candy Sale In the Frosh
Suph room, the seventeenth. The
profits realized were li.05 and a name
for making good candy.
Two undBually good, numbers In
Thursday morning assembly were a
drametlc reading by Sndu Chambers
and a group of songs by Ruth Cozlne.
The girls are anticipating a good
ball season and as soon as the weather
permits there will be a baseball try
The annual Institute for the teach
ers of Lincoln County will be held In
the high school building at Newport,
April 20, 21, and 22. A good program
Is being prepared and as there are
more teachers mw teaching in the
county than ever' before at one time, It
Is expected that a larger number wlll
be In attendance than at former In
stitutes. R. P. Goln,
Co. School Supt.
I. O. O. F.
A hard timo party at I. O. O. F.
Hall, Saturday Evening, March 26,
1921. All members of Odd Fellows
and Rebekahs and their families are
cordially Invited to be present. Prizes
given. Good time assured.
The schooner Wilhelmtna, Just pur
chased by the Lincoln County Trans
portation Company, arrived In the low
er Bay last evening at eight o'clock
with fifty tons of coal for Loe Will
tains of Newport. This Is the vessel's
first trip to this port, but' will make
regular weekly trips In here. Captain
George Tyler, her master, reports, a
pleasant voyage up the coast.
K H. Vader and little son of Nor
tons were In the city Monday evening.
Mr. Vader has purchased the general
merchandise business of H. L. Veit at
Bddyvllle and will take possession
the first of April. Mr. Velt has work
ed up a good business at Bddyvllle
and Mr. Vader, who is an old hand
at the business, will undoubtedly con
tinue, the success of the establishment.
Hock Creek. Our school was closed
laBt week on account of the teacher
and several pupils being sick with
whooping cough.
Bay View. Mr. and Mrs. Titus left
for their home In Beaverton this week
we hated to see them go.
Bay View. Dun Hendrlckscn ha
gone on the Government trail witn
Ranger Durbin this week.
Elk City. Van Orden & Son have
the new school house about comploted,
Waldport. Mrs. Frank Bilker haa
taken charge of the Alaea House.
Kernvllle.-TGeorge Wood, our post;
master and the cannery foreman, gave
his friends a grand ball and fine sup
per on March the 18th. Ail report a
good tme. Mr. Hemstreet ran hi
launch carrying passengbrs, ito' and.
from the ball. '
Elk City. -Several thousand acres
of land has changed hands in this
vicinity wilhtu the last two months.
Foreman Gannon suffered from an
attack of pneumonia, Saturday but
soon got the best of it.
Dr. Tntom arrived Monday evening
and went to repair work n,v' (Uy. Aa
a D. D. S. he's all right.
Our regular trains have lictu hauling
some very large loads recently. Some
flvo or six steamer loads of wheat
from the Willamette are being shipped,
to 'Frisco over this line by the steamer
Last week we reported the depart
ure of John Nye for Los Angeles,
California, where he Intended to re-ft-yecr.
Monday's train brought
him back, he not being physically able
to make the trip.
Last Friday's train did not arrive
here till the wee sma' hours of the
night CnuBe too much wheat.
TfiNir.HT A Drama-Comedy and
the 8th Episode of "Lightning Bryce."
mm.nt nlcture John Barrvmore In
"The Test of Honor" founded on "The
Malefactor" by E. Phillips Oppenhelm
Also a Comedy and Ford Weekly.
35 cents 15 cents.
The seventh grade of lite Toledo
grammar bcIiooI agreed to take an
orphan, when the speakers were here
last week for the Chinese and Armen
ian Relief. So In order to raise money
for tills laudable work they gave a
basket social at the school house last
Friday evening. A short program was
given and some were entertained by
having their fortune told by the MlsBes
Norma Fish and Ilefte Altree, two gyp
sy fortune tellers, after which came
the selling of the baskets. The pro
ceeds of the evening amounted, to
about $16.
50jtood cigarettes ,j
for 10c from fj
one. sack of
im . - m m in 1
.. !
' '