Lincoln County leader. (Toledo, Lincoln County, Or.) 1893-1987, March 04, 1921, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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i '
Fordson Tractor ribw $625
A. T. Peterson
THE OLD RELIABLE, '(Established " 1900), TOLEDO, OREGON v
H 1rii'---
Toledo Bakery
Oil Stove at Colvin's.
March came in like a lamb.
For Tailor Made Suits see Colvin.
Mens and boys clothing at Colvln's.
Pomona Grange meets here March
C. IC. Crosno was up from Newport
Dan Mears was down from Elk City
J. M. Ewng was down from Elk City
Alec Catfish was over from the Si
letz Monday.
W. E. Ball returned Monday evening
.'rom Portland.
Dr. W. C. Belt was up from the Re
port City Sunday.
Wm. Toner was up from Yaqulna
Tuesday afternoon.
R. H. Williams was a Valleyward
passenger Monday.
Z. M. De;rl; k returned from Sum
mit Tuesday night.
Miss Rulli Cozine spent Sunday with
her parents at Elk City.
P. H. Eltlhg returned Tuesday even
ing from a trip to Portland.
Gust Jacobson came down from Pio
neer last Saturday evening.
E. A. Slnionson of Ona was a Toledo
visitor the first of the week.
Delm&n Rhoades was a passenger
for the Valley Wednesday noon.
Miss Margaret Ferr was a passenger
for the Lower Bay Saturday evening.
Luke Wolfe of Taft- had business in
the county seat Tuesday and Wednes
Wm. Darnley and son returned Sat
urday evening from a business trip to
Chas. Small now has his lunch
counter ready for business. Read his
ad In this Issue.
Mcrchnut and Mrs. R. E. Chandler
ji silelz were iu Uie cuy Tuesday en
routo to the Valley.
Mrs. C. L. Morrison of Elk City was
In Toledo Saturday visiting with her
sister, Miss Sara Crahcn
t:.'i. Lee Wade and dayghter, Mrs.
Lola Jruaon, and children were passen
gers for Albany Sunday.
' s'-p About 200 Logan berry
Enquire of Mrs. Corey, Toledo
WANTED By middle aaed women
with 6 yr. old boy, s place to cook
in camp or ranon. Ranch preferred.
Also a place in Toledo where a High
school girl can work for her board
and attend school. Address all replies
to Mrs. Flora Cox, Toledo, Or care
John Coovert.
FOR SALE Or will trade for ranch
west of Coast Range, my equity of
$8,CC0 in 108 acre dairy and general
purpose larm, iu miles from Eugene,
and 3 miles from Coburg on one of the
best roads in Cane Co. This land Is
in high state of fertility,nd all under
cultivation. The buildings have been
built 5 years and would cost $10,000 to
$12,000 to replace. House is strictly
modern, bungalow type, 8 rooms with
plumbing, hot and cold water, bath,
and electric lights, 2 large barns, 2
silos In dairy barn, all kinds other out
buildings. Two room grade school
250 yards from house. Machinery, In-
ciuciing new samson tractor, stock,
feed, etc., to value of T3500, I would
trade for like value in stock, tools, etc.
My casn price for place Is 914,000,
mortgage $6,000 at 6 to run 4 years
from next May. If you are interested
in a trado, send full description of
your place. A. L. Tlrrel, Eugene, Or.
Motor R. B.
into our store with the
many , other good dressers
who are now ordering the
made to your individual
order and selection from
hundreds of brand new 1921
woolens surprisingly low
at $20.06
and up Guaranteed for
correct style, perfect fit, fine
workmanship and absolute
S. E.
FOR SALE One good dairy cow,
red durham, due to freshen the 20th
of March. Will give over five gallons
of milk per day on good pasture; test
5.2. Also T. B. tested. Price reason
able. Carl Tangen, Toledo, Or.
FOR SALE Cuthbert Raspberry
plants, 01-50 per hundred. H. S. Prun
er Yaqulna, Or.
FOR SALE A good 5 year old team
and harness, weight about 1350. .$450.
Must sell. 2 good cows, Durham stock
fair condition, &80.G0 for both. 1 Two
Section Itteel harrnui ft-IRnn 1 491m
I port Tuesday, going on over to Siletz . steel Sean plow, $10.00. 1 Economy
I to look after his loganberry interests. ! Chief Cream Separator, $15.00. They
are bargains. W. M. Brlstlin, Elk City
J Mrs. Hester Peterson and Miss Hah
; Sherwood arrived home Friday even
X ing from a visit at Corvallis.
Lee Williams came up from New-
FOR 8ALE 243 acres land, lying
4j miles north east of Toledo; about
80 acres havs been cultivated, now
pasture, fenced. Small house, good
timber, fine 'water. Clara Denny, Sll
verton, Or.
- : : -A-
R. I. REDS Utility Flock, having
fin; shape arid capacity. Eggs for
hatching, $1.00 per "5. Mrs. H. E.
bemitt, Toledo Or. .
FOR SALf 1 S. C. White Leghorn
rooster, stotk fcom Chas. Nerdham
Poultry Farm, Salem, Or. Price $3.00
Mrs. VV. M. Brlstlin, Elk City, Or.
Phone 2805
Representing the Famous
Master Tailors, Chicago.
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon for Lincoln County
John Pugel, Plaintiff,
. vs.
J. L. Cordell and Lottie Cordell, his
wife, and Mrs. E. J. Winsklll, Defend
ants. To J. L. Cordell, nnd Lottie Cordell,
his wife, and Mtb. E. J. WInskill, the
above named defendants:
In the Name of the State of Oregon:
Notice is hereby given that the un
dersigned administrator of the Estate
of 'Dennis L. Cusack, deceased, will
by virtue of an order of sale duly made
and entered of record in tlia County
Court of Lincoln County, Oregon, on
the 7th day of February, 1921, author
izing and licensing the undersigned
administrator to sell the real property
belonging to the estate of said de
ceased, I will in pursuance thereof on
i Miss Francel Stanton returned Mon- i
HlLV eVPIlfnP fpnill Alhunv wliara elm I FULL
' lias been visiting the past several
BLOODED Poland China
boar for sale, weight about 225. Price
$35. A. Martinson, Tidewater, Or.
r.- m n .xt . J Wo'Ve flot It If we haven't w
Dr. W. M. Berry of Newport passed j will make It for you. Toledo Planing
thru Saturday evening enrouto home Mills.
a business visit to Albany and
You are hereby required to appear and and after the 12 day of Mlar., 1921, at the
nqur or Ten ooiock a. m. or Bald day,
at tile law office of G. B. McCluskey,
Toledo, Lincoln County, Oregon, offer
for sale at private sale, to the highest
bidder, the following described real
property belonging to said estate, to
wlt: Beginning at an iron stake on the
C. & E. Tight of way, on the west slo?
thereof, that is 45 feet S. of the SE.
corner of the E. Graham property, be
ing the Old Graham Homestead, runn
ing thence S. 70 Vi deg. W. 'to deep
water channel In Depot Slough thence
northerly along said slough to the S.
line of said E. Graham property, thence
easterly along said property to C. ft E.
It. R. right of way, thence southerly
along said right of way to beginning
containing acre in Section 17, Town
ship 11 South of Range 10 West of the
Willamette Meridian in Lincoln Coun
ty, Oregon.
Terms of 'salo: Cash In hand.
Da'ed at Toledo, Oregon, this 7th
answer the complaint of plaintiff filed
aeahist you in the above entitled suit
on or before tile expiration of six
weeks from the date of the first publi
cation of this summons, and if you
fail so to appear and answer, for want
therfeof, the plaintiff will apply to the
above entitled Court for the relief de
manded in his complaint, to-wlt: for
a decree of this Court foreclosing a
(ertain mortgage executed by J. L.
Cordell and Lottie Cordell, his wife,
on the 10th day of November, 1917, on
the following described real property
situated in Lincoln County, Oregon, to
. wit:
Beginning on the 1-16 Sec. Line, 20
chains North and 15.71 chains West of
the S. W. Corner of Sec. 4, T. 11 S. R.
9 West of the Willamette Meridian,
running thence West on said 1-16 Sec.
Line 6 chains to center of Yaqulna
river, thence up the middle channel
of said river to the right of way of the
Corvallis and Eastern Railroad Co.,
Sorted, . graded, processed and stand-
Paris Parks of Elk City was in the!"? ?"J!!!
olty on business Tuesday. He called j saem, Oregon, Route 2. '
in ana suDscriDed for the Leader while
in town.
Miss Sara Crahen was a passenger
for Portland Tuesday. She was ac
companied by her sister, Mrs. C. L.
Morrison of Elk City.
Mrs. W, R. Curry and Children ar
rived over from Albany Monday even
ing for a visit with her parents Mr.
and Mrs. Hans Larson.
thence Northwesterly along the right-'day or February. 1921.
of- way to the place or oeginmng, con
taining 3.90 Acres more or less. All
sit, luted in Lincoln Co. Also the West
Half of the S. W. 1-4 of Sec. 14 T. 11 R.
9 WoEt of the Willamette Mer., con
taining 80 Acres. All situated in Lin
coln County, Oregon.
And that the above described tract be
sold by the sheriff of Lincoln County,
Or. son. as provided by law to satisfy
the amount due and owing to plaintiff
on said mortgage
John J. Cusack, Administrator
of the Estate of Dennis L. Cusack,
Department of the Interior
U. S. Land Office at Portland, Oregon,
February 17, 1921.
Notice Is hereby given that Clyde
nnd further for a M Morris, of Siletz, Or., who on Nov-
h.u. hf orh nf mild defendants i ember 28, 1919, made Homestead
and all of them and all persons claim. Entry No. 06504, for Lots 9 and 10,
ing by or through you said defendants Section 2, Township 9 S., Range 11 W.,
, h.rrori ami f orHrloKPil of nnvlW. Meridian, has filed notice of inten-
pstate, right, title, lien of Intorest in''n to make Three-Year Proof under
or io said mortgaged premises or any i.wn-u.o. io i-umu m me
part thereof, and fur such other andi'nnu aoove aescnuea, ueiure uib lyier
furlier relief as nay be equitable und of the County Court for Lincoln
,u,t County, Oregon, at Toledo, Oregon, on
This summons is served upon you .the 2th day of March, 1921.
i. ni,iiruHnn In Bcrnrdiinie Willi ?.n Claimant names as witnesses: Wm.
Spring 1b here the pansys, daffodils,
snowdrops, etc, are blooming and what
la a surer sign the boys are playing
ball and the girls are Jumping rope.
Mrs. R. S. Van Cleve entertained the
Ladies' Whist Club last Friday after
noon. Mrs. L. M. Starr won the first
prize and Mrs. Lawrence Brown the
eg on 81.25 por hundred; also Yellow
Daffodil and White Narcissus Bulbs
John Steioer, Toledo, Ore., Box 105.
Christian Science services are held
every Sunday at 11 A. M., in the I. O.
O. F. Hall. The Public is cordially
Columbia River style Heavy duty.
Imperial 4 cycle engine. Practically
new. For particulars writ Box 484,
Tolsdo, Oregon.
In the Circuit Court of ths 8tafe of
Oregon for the County of Lincoln
John. M. Renhie and Bergitta N.
Rennle, Plaintiffs,
N. J. Moore, Defendant.
By virtue of an execution and order
of sale issued nut of the abov; fn't!e''
Court In the abovo untitled action to
xe directed and dated the 11th day of
February A. D. 1921 in favor of John
M. Rennle and Bargitta N. Rennle.
Plaintiffs and against the above named
Defendant for the sum of 1588.42 with
interest thereon at the rate of 8 per
cent por annum from the 6th day of
February A. D. 1921 and a further
sum of $50 00 attorney's fees and costs
taxed at $20.00, and costs of this writ
commanding me to sell the following
described real property situate In Lln-
,coln County, Oregon as follows, to-wit
Lots Six (6) and Seven (7) in Block
Forty (40), Agate Beach, Lincoln
County, Oregon.
NOW, THEREFORE in compliance
with flie demands of said execution
and order of sale I will on Saturday
thr 2nd day of April A. D. 1921 at 1
o'clock P. M. at the front, door of the
County Court House, In the City of
I Toledo, Lincoln County, Oregon, sell
, to the highest bidder for cash, all the
right title and interest of flie above
.named N. J. Moore, Defendant,
in the above named -action in the
above described property to satisfy
said execution and order of sale, In
terest, ccsts and accruing costs.
M. Simpson,
Sheriff of Lincoln County, Oregon.
Date of first pub. March 4th. 1921.
Dste of last pub. April 1st, 1921'
the persons and Estates of said ' tin
ois, und Frances A. Saunders as Ad
ministratrix of the Estate of Charles
SaunderB, Deceased, Defendants.
lv virtue of an ?xtcution and order
of sale Issued out of the above entitled
Court in tlie nbovo entitled action to
me "lii.tclud tiiiX dated the 11th day of
Februury A. D. 1921 in favor of Charles
A. BIckford. Plaintiff and against the
above named Defendants for the sum
of $1144.45100 with interest thereon
at the rate of 8 per cent per annum,
from the '1st day of February A. D.
1921. and a further Bum of $100.00
attorney's feen and costs taxed at
$27.60, and costs of this writ command
ing me to sell the following described
real property situate in Lincoln County
Oregon as follows, to-wit:
The Went hair () of Lot no. onn
(1) in iFalrview Block, the same being
a subdivision of the West half of
Block No. Six (6) of Nye ft Thompsons
Addition to the City of Newport,
County of Lincoln, State of Oregon, as
nlitted and refordud in tne clem?
ofllte of said county and sta!.
NOW. THEREFORE in compliance
with the demands of said execution
and order of sale I will on Saturday
the 2nd day of April A. D. 1921 at 1
o'clock P. M. at the fsont door of the
County Court House, in the City of
Toledo, Lincoln County, Oregon, sell
to the highest bidder for caBh, all the
ris'iil title and interest of the above
named Frances A. Saunders, Isabel
Chambers, John Chambers, Lesley
Frances Howe and Ed Howe, violet
Naami Saunders, John Carter Saund
ers. Frances A. Saunders as Adminis
tratrix of the Estate of Charles Saund
ers, Deceased, Defendants in the above
naniR.i action, In the above described
property to satisfy said execution and
ordur of sale, interest, costs and ac
cruing costs. M. Simpson,
diieriff of Lincoln County, Oregon.
Date of first pub. March 4th, 1921.
Date of last pub. April 1st, 1921
at reduced prices while they 'last, H.
R. Brown, R'3, Wood burn, Or.
Miller's 8. C. Rhode Island -Reds:
Special matlngs $2.50 for setting of
15; $12.00 per 100
W. R. Tindall and Clans Christian-1 Ber lOO
sen wore passeugers for Marshfield, i Booking orders for baby chicks 25e.
Cooa county, Tuesday where they will each from special mating; 20c. each
Investigate the workings of the Dairy-1 , ' ' "V" -run
men.' t .Lowest hen In special mating has
mens Lagus. trap nest record of 150 eggs In 2nd
State Highway Engineer OUrlf was ' yMr- Watch our records climb
over from Salem Tuesday looking af-, Evere" MJl!?.r' pTh'!n?.refl0n' BX
trr road matters In this section. Bids
for the rocking of the Toledo-Newport
highway will be received in April.
County Commissioner C. M. Warren
arrived down from Roho Lodge Tues-
In the County Court of the State of
Oregon for the County of Lincoln
In the matter of the Estate of Har
riot Curl Duncan, Deceased.
Tt f T T)linrnn Plnv A anna rmn.
day evening to be in attendance at can. Caroline Jnjiette Duncan, Joseph
me regular March term of County Alexander Duncan. Hannah Duncan,
Court which convened Wednesday.
Soolt of Silets, Or.; Sondre Romtvedt
of Siletz, Or.; Tom Chatterson of Si
letz. Or.; Gust Sied of Slletx, Or.
Silets: Act August 15, 1894.
Alexander 8werk,
ordr by the Honorable John Kognrty,
Comity Judge of Lincoln County. Ore
gon, which said order Is dated Febru
cry 17th, 1921, and which rerfulres that
tliis'summons be published In the Lin
coln County Leader for six consecutive
end successive weeks beginning with
tha Issue of February 18th, 1921, and FOR SALE Corner lot, with small
ending with the issue of April 4th, building, high ground, one block from
1P21. G. B. McCluskey, jB.-.y; Price will advance soon. For
Attornev for Plaintiff, P. O. udilress. tmt anrt oher property Inquire of
Toledo, Oloa. : Mrs. F. R. Overlander, Waldport, Ore.
and all other persons interested,
County Agent and Mrs. J. E. Cooler In the Name of the State of Oregon:
and children were passengers for the I You are hereDy cited and required
Valley Sunday. Mr. Cooler will at- L ?ppe?r Jn the C,Uny Crt f the.
end a wool growers meeting at At-1 Lincoln, at the Court room thereof, at
bany the first of the week und then Toledo, in the County of Lincoln, at 10
later, go over into Coos county with a- m- on tlle 14tn ot March, 1921,
Messrs. Christiansen and TlmHll to then and ll",ro tn Bhow cauae lf any
... ,. , . ' exists why nn order of sale should not
investigate the workings of the Ore- De ,,, jf0P ,he of the following
gon Dairymen's Leaguo in that county, deserlbed real property belonging to
Colonel White, Adjutant General of westHalf of the Northwest
tne btate or Oregon, and Federal Of- Quarter, Section 33, Township 6 South
fleers will be In Toledo Monday even- Range 10 West, W. M., Lincoln Coun
Ing to inspect and muster into the ty- Tenn-
service th trH rn n a n , WITNESS, the Hon. John Fogarty,
service the, 3rd Co.- C. A. C. which Judse of tIie Connty Court of the
lias rocently been organized in Toledo State of Oregon, for the County of
by the Chamber of Commerce. The Lincoln with the seal of said Court
ranks are still open for further re- amx,'(, tllls-10ta "' of February, A.
crults. 1921.
. ATTEST, Carl Glldersleeve, Clerk.
In the Clrc-Mlt Court of the State of
Oregon for the County of Lincoln
Fred B. Church, PUvintfff,
Marvin L. Bradley and Lulah B.
Bradley, Defendants.
By virtue of an execution and order
of sale Issued out of the above entitled
Court in the above entitled action to
me directed and dated the 11th day ot
February A. D. 1921, in favor of Fred
B. Church, Plaintiff, and against the
above named Defendants for the sum
of 84720.83 with Interest thereon at
the rate of 7 per cent per annum from
the 5th day of February A. D. 1921 and
the further sum of Twenty Nine and
50-100 dollars with Interest at the rate
of 6 per cent per annum from the 5th
day of February 1921, and the further
sum of Twenty' seven and no-100 dot
lars costs and disbursements and the
cost and expenses of and upon this
writ commanding me to sell the follow
ing described real property situate In
Lincoln County, Oregon, as follows,
Lots Seven (7), Eight (8, Nine (9),
and Ten (10), Block Two (2), Stearns
Block, Nye & Thompsons Addition to
Newport; and Lots "A" Five (5), Six
(6), Seven (7), Eight (8), and Nine (9)
Block Two (2) Sea Crest, Subdivision
of Nye & Thompsons Addition to New
port, Lincoln County, Oregon.
MOW, THEREFORE in compliance
with the demands of said execution
and order of sale I will on Saturday
the 2nd day of April A. D. 1921 at 1
o'clock P. M. at the front idoor of the
County Court House, in the City of
Toledo, Lincoln County, Oregon, sell
to the highest bidder for cash, ail the
right titl.T and Interest nf the above
named Marvin L. Bradley and Lulah
B. Bradley, Defendant, in the above
named action, in the above described
property to satisfy snid execution and
order of sale, Interest, costs and ac
cruing costs. M. Simpson,
Sheriff of Lincoln County, Oregon
Date of first pub. March 4th, 1921.
Date ot last pub. April 1st, 1921
Of th Bank of Waldport, at WaW-
port, Oregon, in the State of Oregon,
at 'the close of business Feb. 21, 1921.
No. 96-310
Loans and discounts $10,338.02
Bonds and warrants 6.384.53
Banking house 2,100.00
Furniture and fixtures .... 3,204.95.
Due from approved reserve
banks 3,361.15
Cash on hand 2,230.81
Expenses 67.70
, Total ,...I27,676.W
Capital Stock paid in ...... S 8,169.00
Individual deposits subject to ..
check 17.605.5J
CAshlnr checks outstanding 1.186.00
Time and Savings Deposits 736.00
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon for the County of Lincoln
Charles A. BIckford, Plaintiff,
Frances A. Saunders, Isabel Cham
hers, and John Chambers, her husband,
Lesley Howe ani Ed Howe, her husb
and, and Violet Naomi Saunders and
John Carter Saunders, Minors, and
Frances A. Saunders as Guardian of
n the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon for Lincoln County
Paul Fundman. as Executor of the
Last Will and Testament of Rebeccs
C. Wilson, deceased. Plaintiff,
, vs-
U M. 'Scroggln, Henry C. Starr,
G rover Cleveland Starr and Henry
Boyer, Defendants.
Notice is hereby given that under
and by virtue of an execution Judge
ment and order of sale issued out of
tne above entitled Court and cause
on the 2nd day of March. 1921, and to
me directed, I will, on Saturday, the)
2nd day ot April. 1921, at 10 o'clock
A M. at the County Court house at To
ledo, Oregon, sell to the highest bidder
for cash in hand, all the right, title.
Interest and estate of the above named
defendants In and to the following;
described rnal property, to-wlt:
Lots 2, 3, and 4 of Section 6 In Town
ship 7, South of Range 9, West of the
Will. Mer., containing 152.37 acres,
situate, lying and being in the County
of Lincoln, State of Oregon.
Said sale will be made for the pur
pose of satisfying a judgment and de
cree In favor of the plaintiff and
against the defendants, Henry C. Starr
and Grover Clevelud Starr, for the sum
of $600.00 with interest at 8' per an
num from November 2, 1915, until paid
end $75.00 attorney's fees, together
with the costs and disbursements 'axed
and allowed at $35.70 and also a furth
er judgment and decree in favor ot
the defendant L. M. Scroggiu, and
against the defendants, Henry C. Starr
and Grover Cleveland Starr, for the
sura of $662.90 with interest at 10
per annum from December 28. 1911,
until paid, and $100.00 attorney's fees.
The purchaser at such sale will be lot
Into the lir,Tediate possession ot the
caid 'premises. 1
Wi'i'KESs my hand as Sheriff of
Lincoln County, Oregon, this 2nd day
ot M'arch, 1921. M. Simpson,
Sheriff of Lincoln County, Oregon.
Otto W. Helder, Attorney for Plaintiff,
Sheridan Oregon.
... $27,676.68.
County 'of Lincoln ' )
I t. T. I.(rrn fTiuhinr of the flboVft
named bank, do solemnly swear that
the above statement is true to ms
best of my knowledge and belief,
L. L. Linn, uasnter.
Subscribed and sworn to before tne
this 1st day of March, 1921.
Clara Everson,
Notarv Public.
Mv commission expires April 12, 1921.
CORRECT Attest: mj
J. W. Walker, W. J. Brugman,
wkiia hv lat Cotton Felt Mat
tress $12.00, 40tt 9 by 12 Grass Rugs
fl50 Japanese Matting 50c yard also
one remnant Fibre Rug J25.0O One
Chiffonier $20.00 Rag Rugs 38 oy 03
inches $3.00 eacn. .uateman a. caxe
man Furniture Store.
Toledo, Oregon
Office In Andrews Building. Office
hours 10 to 12 n. m.: 2 to 4 and 7 to 9
p. in. Emergency calls at any tim