Lincoln County leader. (Toledo, Lincoln County, Or.) 1893-1987, February 04, 1921, Image 1

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.!Ieia va"ey Orange met in,
J", Tiday In the forenoon. A
--r--cUU.iitu ui uraugera were
present. At noon the tables were set
ml a "L""" kuickbu ainner was owing to tne storm Saturday even
erred. This Is the social and pleas-. Ing, the- dance was rather ooorly at
mui part of the grange work and a
ih J lMl wna tne niember of
we order together. Women have '
flual privlleg-os with Jthe men In the I
Kronee and thv fair . 1
. . ' - miciD.i,
the success of the Order as men do.
Especially do they shine In beautifying
n nail and In keeping order and da-1
corura ln time of meeting. After din-
Tif Brange was called t0 or'er by
xoe Master, Ralph Hamar and some
.u.poriaiu Business was transact,
wi aiior wnich the grange closed and
round table talk was engaged ln by
onjuem jirewsui, doui men and
women. Con Christianson and Mr. !
Tindall. both prominent dairymen. I
were present representing the Oregon '
iryrnen s cooperative League. Mr. j
. ' tlBon "" lne cnalr ""i ed off :
m. we aracusslon which soon became I
... ui,ouo couiu bbk questions,
ia regard to the League which were ,
lil y answe'-e satisfactorily j
itber by Mr. Tindall or Mr. Christen-
wjn. u was genorally agreed that tHe
asue was the best organization yet f
yruuucea 10 protect tne dairymen In
ineir cosiness. It requires the signing!
P or .5 per cent of all the dairymen In
-.ouo u eueci ona organization. 1
ib a nig concern hut it puts the
Miryinan in full control ot his own
cosiness and fully protects them in
. uiKir nsiiis. 1 ne uairymen an over
T egrnnlng to appre-1
elate trw League and are dolne an .
toey can to have every dairyman otand looking over the situation of the
tvuuu, iuiM j. 1 iie oue oairy-
en are nearly unanimous in favor of
uui League.
The Sunday School and Church bask-
l social was held in the evening In the
government School Building. On this
u.4oiuu ins cunimunuy spiru seems
to prompt everyone to ;ke ac Inter-si i
ad as ognal the house was crowded.
A iiurt but interesting program was
rendered. The, speakers and perform
ers were all well trained by the teach
ra of the school.- Song, America by
the auttence; duet, Ada and Clifford
c!hkb- Clnitorllla nHnuri !! inn. I
Snowflake by the Sunday hnoi?
Hattimonial Adornment; cast Prof, j mother, Mrs. B. F. Grant. Mrs. Grant
EBT. Miss Brown, Mrs. Colvin. Blanch !,s.r,'"ne, better now... . , .
rring, Kdward Colvlnrthia was a very 1 ''rs- Lena Cator and Mrs Emma
musing play and frequently brought . Hithaway vlBited Mrs. B; F. Grant
the house down ln roars of applause. I Wednesday.
Sons by Miss Brown, Mrs. Colvin, I Mr- and Mrs- Erbes BPent f !ew
Prof. Kigy, Blanch Fring Reading, 1 day wlth Mr- nd Mrs- Charles Arthur
Pioneer story by Prof. Eagy. This ! las' wef' ,
closed the program. W S. Hall was1 Mr- ani1 Mrs- Les'er Grant and fara
In chae of the program. Then came "" R- E- Grant-. w"e, andd"uhte,r'
the Belling of the baskets, and the
erring of a lunch in cafeteria style.
The Kale and use of the baskets were
Srently enjoyed and so was the cake, and sandwiches. When the fuc
was s.11 over and the money counted it
amounted to $64.20.
Saturday, January 29th, was an un
OEnnl day. Dark hevy clouds hung
ovrr the hills to the west with an oc
cassional gust of wind and then it
vould, break away and clear up but
tli a clouds would thicken up again.
Abont noon or a little after a strong
gust of wind came along at the rate of i
about 90 miles an hour in the shape ot
a cyclone, struck Lee Wades new
fconse (bungalow) ana raised it from
the foundation and blew it over about
ten feet. The building was enclosea
-and tho roof put on with the front
porch partly finished. The building
when completed would have cost about
S.000. The house cannot be raised
JI)IIVI,bU n wuiu ut T w www v .
mod replaced but will have to be taken j
to pieces and rebuilt. The loss Is large
and affects the whole community. !
Tho wind also damaged one corner
ol the Play House.
Mr lately 8"
Some few lanl hunters corae
Cb&rles Ewlng and wife are locating
tor a time in South Beach. Wo are
.glad to welcome them to our circle
me nerce uos mai. w royui iou
-Wiled last week seems to be very much ,
The fierce dog that was reported
alive and came back to Mr. Fetterson'a
Trv badly wounded. Mr. Petterson
Is taking care of him until he can hear
n'bids fair to be a very convenient '
.. , ....
D. S. Conrad went to the county seat 1
j... K...lnoo. atuitilncr In tho
iuoauajr uii
MDozier has a brother In law vis'-1
Mr. and Mrs. Pyhtila, en aged couple
are destitute and the people took ac I
Inn tr.wari1 holntnff thATll hV rlrCUlat-
a i'hscrintion list which netted a
mice little sum of 124.05 which was
turned over to them by Neis Nelson,
VV I i . HI
.the aged couple were both highly
thanks to the kindness of the people.
Both of these old people are practically
paraiyzea ana it seems as though It is
I the country's duty to look after them.
ttnded but those present report an ex-
cellent time. A scarcity of girls was
the big fault.
Jasper Luke made a flying trip up
.1. - .1 . . ...
uib river ottiuruny in 111s tauncn WKing
Constable P S. Murry on business.
Ord Castle, county surveyor, and his
crew, have been busy the past two
weeks survevinsr section twentv-fiv
Saturday, the 22nd was Orange Day
and a large crowd turned out to a fine
dinner served at the old Co-op. store,
Both telephone lines to the Lake
and up Schooner Creek are being ira-
proved by putting up new poles and
stringing new wire. Yours for a good
telenlmnn nervlm
Sam Thompson, Schooner Creek
teacher spent the week end at Taft
visiting with Robleone and the hotel.
Roy Butterfleld was ln town Sunday
doing some trading. Roy Informed us
that the stealhead run In the river this
year was very poor,
Herman Jordan made a flying bus!
cess trip to Otter Rock last week. Ask
Herman about the roads down the
Bill Gcrttuia-and Jes3 Bosler passed
through Taft Friday enroute to Otis
on business.
- The gas schooner, Mlrene left port
'last week for Newport, taking about
thirty thousand feet of lumber for the
Sileti Spruce
a. R. DlmJck was down from New-
nnt loioi., ntvin n inmim.
wreck. Dimlck acems to think the
dock can be put back to sland ln the
worst storms.
Mrs. L. M. Lankford who occupied
the Mercler residence for the past
couple of months has left for the Val-
l0y until good weather seta ln.
Frank Allison and CJarence Davis
are both improving rapidly.
- Clifford McDonald went to Summit
Sunday. '
E'ssie Moore is staying with her
m"a U"UUE'' u,m "" '
Leigh Lang and N. Golly were dinner
guests at W. W Grant's Sunday.
Mr. Ashbarr of Feigles Creek is re
ported very ill.
Maine Brings of Burnt Woods was
over on Big Elk and purchased a horBe
from C. Davis.
John Feigles former resident of
Big Elk was on thn Creek last week.
I. R. Payne is visiting his father et
Sheridan. He will be gone several
Miss Dorothy Ownbey spent Satur-
daJ" with Miss Waylett of Salado.
Mrs. Huron Bripgs Is visiting her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. Davenport
of Drift Creek.
Mrs. Jessie McDonald Is spending a
few days with her father and mother,
C. W. Brown's.
Word has been received ihat George
Calkins is getting along nicely and will
... I ll.l i I
e ne lrom lne nospuai m a row
o9 - ; ... . .
There will be a big dance at R. L.
Hathaway's February 6th, In honor of
1SB ieecn a einer who 10 iram n-
land on a few day's visit
Henry Zblnden was up from Sileta
ffieat nd
Roy Elliott was home from Summit
where he has been working last Satur
day. Guy Chamberlin has been busy with
. euttini wood for G
h'B dnraB ?aw cutMns wooa Ior u
H. Horsfall
Since the last party went on our tel
ephone line It has been almost im
Subscribe for
ruuDernm. tuuiw
au depending on the
ta" ""i. a Wb to Nort.
. t -..pi-
K- M. I
E. M. Pettycrew has been working
M new hni.
.Le - rd Evans left for Summitwher,
well attended the dance at Siletz last
Saturday. .-..
John Blosser made a trip to Mortons!
The rain In this section continues
unabatedly consequently the road work
has been BUspendsd until betterweath-
II Ink' CdIw.o,fj n
"UisagreMble process in some cases palrtfui, Iur u.akes
for greater strength arid vigor; solidity pnrt st.','.i''y."
er. -
A windstorm,, last Saturday after
noon, 'did considerable damage' to the
timber on the hillside near Cass
Wolfe's ranch on the Alsea river. The
residents, thereabouts sought shelter.
elsewhere until the storm subsided.
Since WoBley Webb has obtained
another boat, he and Walter Martin
son are kept busy with repair work ex-
cept on Wednesday and Saturday even
ings. "He a a wise man who knoweth
hi3 own gasoline engine."
F. O. Johnson and C. J. Smith have
been butchering calves.
A party of Tidewater young folks
spent an enjoyable evening at the
home of F. O. Johnson's and partook of
a spienaia supper.
At present the Tidewater mill Is
busily engaged sawing lumber for
O. Johnson's new residence which he
intends to erect this summer. Next
week they will begin to saw the lum
ber for Tidewater's new Community
Hall. -
A small kitten scarcely a month old,
recently caught, and after a desperate
struggle, succeeded in killing a large
woodrat, almost twice Its -wn size.
Since this marvelous feat the kitten
has been renamed Jack the Giant Kil
ler. Mr Walters recently resigned his
position as chairman of the Canal
Creek School District. Mrs. Mollie
Hurt was elected to fill the vacancy.
Ray Barclay an'd family, have taken
up their residence I11 the float house
formerly occupied by the Thistle fam
ily. Claude Atherton and family will
move to Washington soon, where he
will be employed ln a sawmill.
(To late for last week.)
Last Wednesday was one fine day
and we all made good use of it. .
Dr. Newth ot Philomath seems to be
making regular trips here of. late.
Rumor has it that Fred Wagner is
married. ' If so, Oh you Fred. .
W. F. Wakefield made a trip to
Corvallls and then on to Silverton
last week. W. F. Is looking for a
Holsteln bull to head his fine herd of
high . grade cows and heifers. Mr.
Wakefield says the- best is none to
good for Lincoln County. .'
S T. Loudon went to Blodgett last
week to organize a new grange and
'then- back to summit to install the
officers of Summit Grange. S. T. re
ports the granges ln a very thriving
e Tn d Woodbi Irnlast week
where she has been visiting relatives
end friends the past month
Our Sunday School Is gaining both
in membership and interest under the
able management of Mr. Quant as
I superintendent. The Epworth League
ana noung reopies iubbuub uro
coming very interesting but we need
more earnest work.
(wetL'.&RftNOMft- SOD
peoptc. car see -in the
eisv(kr- ?v"
1 0ur school is progressing very nice.y
due to the efforts of Miss Miller and
the school board. There is a full at
terfttance moBt all ot the time.
.- Mr. Cutsf orth of Gervals, Or., was
6aUhe Lititle Elk last week looking
after property interests. He says Lin
coln County looks good to him.
Every one is looking forward to a
busy and prosperous Bprins and sum
mer which means good times next
winter. So, let us put our shoulders
to the wheel and keep things rolling
for we had all rather wear out than
rust out. Let some one make a good
slogan for Lincoln County .and pub
lish It in the Leader and then all
push and don't knock. Who will get
tlie slogan? Who will be first
( The Toledo Chamber of Com
merce adopted the following sTogarf -
Pull Lincoln County Out of the Mudl"
(To late for last week.)
At the Siletz school additional re
pairs and improvements have been re
cently made. In the gymnasium can
can be seen new goal baskets at the
ends of the basket ball court. These
new ones are exactly regulation ln
size and neat in appearance. Also at
the south end of the court is the new
locker and dressing room which Mr.
Thompson has Just completed.
The room between the Bchool build
ing and the woodshed has had the
windows repaired and in place of the
mfcdellaneous unused scraps of ma
terial can now be seen tables and
benches. , Arrangements are worked
out for a-'cooperatlve warm lunch plan
in which many are interested. It it
felt that this will be a great advantage
especially tor those who cannot go
home for lunch at noon.
Last Friday the high school basket
bull team went to Newport where they
played with the team of the Newport
High School and returned to Siletz
Saturday afternoon and evening. Al
though receiving somewhat the lesser
score in the game, the boys felt that
they were well treated and had en
joyed a real excursion. -
Adjutant General White, and
Major Dusenberry, accompanied .by
Captain Matthews of Newport, were
in the city Monday with the view ot
forming a platoon here in Toledo,
same to be a part of Lhe Newport
company. The Idea did not (neet
with Immediate favor, as the locals
wished to organize a company of their
own. Adjutant-Uenerai wnite ex
plained that there was not sufficient
funds on hand to do this. In the
meantime a committee was appointed
to see what could be done toward
organizing the platoon.
. i
' The wind storm of last Saturday at
ternoon wrecked the new house being
built by Lee Wade at Blloti. The con
struction work on the house was gett
ing pretty well along and we under
stand the loss will amount to 11000 or
It was reported that two boats had
sunk during this storm, on the lower
bay, but the story proved without
foundation. Farther north along the
Oregon and Washington coasts the
Btorm was much more Bevere than
here, and considerable property dam
age and some loss of life is reported.
This winter aeems to be trying to
establish a new record for wind and
rain, and aeems ln a fair way to suc
The next Pomona Grange will be
hold with Toledo Grange March 23rd.
Ed. Cary of Carlton, Or.. will be pres
ent and give a talk on silos and
breeding for a dairy herd. There will
also be Installation of officers so all
the newly elected officers are request
ed to be present. New plans will be
made for the year's work.
All grangers are expected to be
present and help to form plans for
the coming year. So be sure and
come and bring some one with you.
Remember the dale March 23rd.
8. T. Loudon, Master,
J. E. Cooter, Lory.
First Episode of "Lightening Bryce"
with Ann Little and Jack Hoxle a
leads. Both have been Paramount
6-Reel Drama, "The Inn of the Blue
1-Reel Comedy
Adults 30c. If alone If with a friend
2 for 30c Children 10c
Prtcllla Dean in the 7-rcel special,
"The Virgin of Stambnn"." This is a
$500,000 production. Alter the making
of this play Prlcllla Dean married the
leading man, Wheeler Oatman. Also
1-reel comedy 40o. and 20c
The time is Wednesday Evening,
February ninth.
The place la the Dime Theatre.
The people are the Toledo High
Students. ' Come to tee them
program of readings and music.
Something different.
Admission 35c. and 15 cents.
In a
The regukir monthly meeting of Al
den Abbey Post No. 54, American Le
gion will be hold February 6th, at the
law office of G. B. McCluskey, Toledo.
Come on BuddleB, get In step.
The Legion is planning for a good
dance to be given the evening of the
22nd of this month, or Washington's
Birthday. Posters may be seen at an
early date.
The basket ball game at the Fair
building last Op urday evening1 be
tween Waldport and Toledo resulted
in a tie score of 16 to 16 at the
end of the second half. ' Five minutes
more was then played to play off the
tie and Toledo managed to make two
more baskets.
, The game was hard fouglnt from
start to finish and was very Interest
ing. . L. E. Bain of Yaqulna acted as ref
Items taken from the Leader
February 4th, 1M0.
Altree's pile driver haB been busy
driving piling at the mill and in the
slough above town.
The electric light company started
giving regular eeryice Tuesday and
the lights are fine.
W. K. Merrill of Portland and R. B.
Walls have purchased the Lincoln
County Telophone Co's. lines.
Toledo market . report: butterfat,
40c; eggs, 26c; potatoes, lc lb.,
apples, 70c. box; beef, 5c. and 6c. lb.;
chickens, 11c. lb.
Assessor W. E. Ball went to Salem
yesterday morning where he was
called a witness ln the case of ithe
State of Oregon, vs. C. & E. R. R., to
settle the ownership of some Lincoln
County tidelands.
li.ems taken from the Leader pt
February 4th. 1898.
A meeting of the several Masons of i
this vicinity will be held tomorrow
night to consider the feasabillty of,
nrffnnlv.lTitr r Majtnnip. Indue here. f
j.Tt r.. a nnni unit has made nr -
. .
"rangements to move her stock of gen -
eral merchandise to TSlleti at an I ah urjeni idyiiuuu,i sivtu iu
early date. ithe citizens of Toledo ito be present at
Albeni. Meator will ship another these studies and learn the way ot
carload of cattle from this place in eternal life.
the morning. I The theme next Sunday is tlie word
A pleasant party was held at Mr.! "loved" and will be interesting to
& Mrs. C. Helge3en's on Olalla Slough every man, woman and child of To.
last Saturday evening. ledo. 1
f WOW Wt:
oTHec see m
rill mMT jMJ
III .1 I I
klflS AIL
It He pfwufi
II XTT I 1 1 TI TV Lii . I rVLLH la1
I I fl Till I I am I I iJ-j.u-j.iJ I l lia va
1 1 iu--r-T-T-r-r-r rt t 1 1 ft Lnvi ia
A road meeting was held at New
port last Saturday evening, ln tire
dining room of the ble Hotel, to
listen to the report of County Com
mlssloner Jay Dunn, and to advise the
Court as to the people's wishes.
Mr. Dunn reported tnat while at
Eugene, Thursday, he had a confer
ence with chairman, Booth v of the
State Highway Commission, and that
Mr. Booth made him a proposition to
the effect that if Lincoln County would
Issue bonds to the sum of $360,000 and
turn the. money over to the State High
way Commission, that the Highway
Commission would take over and com.
plete the Newport-CorvallU nigliway
and would also survey and locate a
north and souah highway across tho
length of Lincoln county, and woulff
grade and rock this highway. And
further they would allow the county
to-retain the money now in the Cor
vallis Newport road bond fund, aoma
$40,000, and use this for the construc
tion of other roads and bridges in 'the
After Mr. Dunn's report came sev
eral Interesting talks, principal
of which were those by Dr. C. E. Lin
ton of Waldport, C. E. Hawkins of
Toledo, B. F Jones of Newport, J. C.
Dixon of Elk City and others. The
consensus of opinion was that Lincoln
County should take advantage of the
off or at once, if the othnr members ot,
tho highway commission would agree
and a resolution was offered Instruct
ing the County Court to meet with the '
Highway Commission in Portland :
Mbnday evening.
Tills road work as outlined would .
cost In the neighborhood of ?2,000,000
of which sum Lincoln county would
havo to put up but $360,000.
Judge Fogarty and Commissioner
Dunn arrived home from Portland last ,
evening and In a talk with them -this
morning they stated that the outcome
of their conference with the highway would be in doubt until
aftor tim lojdsln'ur auj.ii.ruwl and H
was seen what action the Inplslature
took with regard to the paosufcu ot the
Roosevelt Coast Militnry Highway
Bill. .
There will be a meeting of thorn
Interested and, eligible to organize a
platoon of the 3rd Company, Coast
Artillery, O. N. G. of Ynquina Bay.
Everybody come to the Court House,
Sunday afternoon, at three o'clock.
The school gymnasium was some
what twisted and moved at one end
from the foundation by the unusual
wind of Saturday, but Mr. Thompson
now has It squared up and reinforced
on the east side, making It perfectly
safe to use n;Taln.
On Wednesday, the flue which had
blown from the Bchool building was
rebuilt and the roof, which had been
broken up by the falling tlue, la re
paired with new shingles.
The High School has Just been
finishing examinations on subjects of
the first semester, and the new semes
ter schedule is now under way.
On Friday evening the basket ball
team is planning to play the team of
the Toledo High School here.
The hot lunch system which was
started more than a week ago In a
rather modest way has b.-!Pn steadily
growing ln Interest. This Is purely
cooperative ln Its nature and tho thus
far the costs have exceeded the re
turns it is expected that in the long
run it will be self supporting.
During the last report month, which
follows the period ot. measles, Eu
low epidemic the attendance is very
good again, the highest percentage be
ing shown ln Mrs. Colvin a room, by
a small fraction.
Notice Is iereby given that all war
rants drawn on School District No. 2.
Toledo, Oregon, and endorsed not paid
for want of funds, up to and Including
Warrant No. 765, dated May 14, 1920,
are hereby called end Interest stopped
this date.
Dated this 1st day ot Feb., 1921.
L. M. Starr, Clerk.
The congregation of St. John's
Church has entered Into the study ot
that most famous verse In the Bible,
John 3:16, and which reads as follows;
"For God so loved the world that he
gave his only begotten Son, that who
soever believeth on him should not
perish, but have aternal life."
This study began two weeks ago
and ta tn frtnttmm fnr thrV rnmnindar o
the Lenten season, under the direction
!.. v.. n TT T.-. Tl.. .. .
oi mo vicar, nev. noinw c. uun;i,
every Sunday morning ut 11 o'clock.
Y HeaeD vo'o"