PACE FOUR LINCOLN COUNTY LEADER, TCt.EDO. OREGON. FRIDAY. NOVEMBER 26th, 1920. Another Royal Suggestion DOUGHNUTS and CRULLERS From the New Royal Cook Book DOUGHNUTS! There is nothing more wholesome and delightful than dough nuts or crullers rightly made. Doughnuts 3 tablespoon shortening ?s cup augur lens 5j cup milk 1 teaspoon nutmeg 1 teaspoon salt 3 cups flour 4 teaspoons Royal Baking I'owdor Cream shortening; add t-uirar and well-beaton (Kg; stir in milk; add nut meg. Halt, flour and bak ing powder which have been alfted together and enough additional flour to make dough stiff enough to roll. Roll out on floured board to about 4-luch thick; cut out. Fry In deep fat hot enough to brown a piece of bread in 6) seconds. Drain on in paper nnd sprinkle with powdered sugar. Crullers 4 tal leapoons shortening 1 cup sugar 3 cups flour 1 teaai'oon cinnamon L tuHpoon salt 3 U-iivpions Royal Jilting Powder ?4 cup l.iilil Cream shortening; add sugar gradually an.l beat en cngf; sift together flou, cinnamon, salt and baking powder; add one half and mix well: add milk and remainder of !rv ingredients to mako ecft dough. Roll out on floured board to about Vr tnch thick and cut into t trips about 4 Inches long and -inch wide; roll In hands and twist each strip and bring ends to gether. Fry in deep hot fat. Drain and roll In powdered sugar. BAKING POWDER Absolutely Pure Mada from Cream of Tartar, derived from grapes. FREE Hew Royal Cook Book con taining these and aeorei of ethar delichlfnl recipes. Write for it TODAY. HOT IX BAKING POWTJEROO. IIS fmlum BU-Mt, M.w York City FOR SALE 300 head of goats about two thirds nannies, at $2.50 a head write G. C. Read, 604, 8. 4th St, Cor vallis, Oregon. .Phone 291. FOR SALE High Grade Berkshire pigs, 6 wks. old; $6 each W. W. McMlckle, Toledo, Or. FOR SALE Two Grade Milk Cows fresh Oct 15. Eight weeks old pigs for sale. N. W. Miller, Pioneer, Or. (41) FOR SALE AT ONCE 75 head of choice Goats, about 60 nannies. All In good condition. H. R. Robins, Ya chats, Oregon. ' FOR SALE Ford handy delivery car In good mechanical condition. Will take part or all In old growth fir or other good wood on river bank. L. C. Smith, Newport, Or. "NOW-A-DAYS" says the Good Judge A man can get a heap moreV 4-."r a.; r ii ' DauMavuuu irumasmaii cnew of this class of tobacco, than he ever could get from a big chew of the old kind. He finds it costs less, too. The good tobacco taste lasts so much longer he doesn't need to have a fresh chew nearly as often. Any man who uses the Real Tobacco Clew will tell you that. Put uh in ttnn ' W'B CUT is a long fine-cut tobacco RIGHT CUT is a short-cut tobacco muni 3 (39) FARM FOR RENT My 160 Acre Farm at Orton, Lincoln County, for rent. Write or call at O. A. Loe, Silverton, Oregon. WOODCUTTERS WANTED Win ter's Job for the right man. John Bradbury, Newport Ore. FOR SALE SO Acre Dairy Ranch 9 miles up Yachats u.lver on county road. 6 room house, large barn, or chard, all kinds of berries; cash or terms. J. F. Proctor, Yachats, Ore. Have your eyes examined and fitted with glasses by a Graduate Optomet rist Causes of headache removed, eyes straightened, and eye strain relieved. Private office for examinations. Prices very reasonable. F. M. French A Sons Jewelers and Optlmetrlsts, Albany, Or. (40) BLASTING, CAPS $1.00 per Hundred; Electric Blasting Caps frcm 8 to 24 ft. fure, $9 00 per Hundred while they last; 6 25 tt Cans Blasting Powder $1.50 per can. Chas. L. Ferry, Yaqulna, Oregon. TAKEN UP A small white horse about 12 years old, branded RG on left shoulder. Owner may get same by culling at my place and paying for this add. N. Lo'.idon, Eddyvll!e,Or. j FOR SALE FRESH MILK COWS Good producers at reasonable prices When you buy here you do not get rullo Thry go to the butcner. C. Christiansen. I STRAWBERRY PLANTS New Or- epin 51.25 rer hundred; also Yellow Daffodil and White Narcissus Bulbs ; John Stclger, Toledo, Ore., Box 105. We've, got It If we haven't wi will make It for you. Toledo Planing Mills. I WANTED PR ACTICLE NURSE Will Taks Patients In Her Home Ad dress Mrs. Olive Hampton,, Newport,' Oregon. STRAYED Holstein bull, black and white, dehorned, ags three years, weight abci't 1100. Last seen about Sept. 1st. Anyone knowing his where abouts notify Ralph Hamar, Siletz, Or. (41) GOATS FOR SALE Four nun- dred head, prices two and four dollars per head. A good bargain In the) whole flock. T. F Reviens, Kings; Valley, Airlie, Post Office. X Supplying Telephone Servic Occassionally subscribers move and ask us for a continuance of telephone service at their new location. They may be told that compliance with their desires is immediately impossible ow ing to lack of "telephone facilities" in a particular locality. "Why," one will say, "the poles and wires are on the street and the house is already wired." We wish that the problem were as simple as it sounds. There may be poles and wires, but every wire may be in use in giving service-to others. There may be a cable, but every circuit in it may be assigned to telephones already installed- There may be a telephone in the vacant house or apartment to which you move but no spare wires and circuits from your location to the central office. There may even be sections of switchboard in the central office but not available for operation on account of the lack of necessary switchboard apparatus such as ringing keys, relays, etc. The reason for the shortage of telephone equipment is sim ple. During the war period we were unable to maintain our re reserve or stock plant aj the same materials we use were required and taken for Govermrenv purposes and for industries properly favored by the Government. Since the war, with the unexpectedly prolonged problems of reconstruction, production and delivery of materials needed to meet even current demands' have been de layed. Every business concern is having similar experiences. Tho manufactures of telephone equipment 'have been bending every effort to fill our ordsr3, but they, in turn, are meeting tho tho same difficulties in securing rubber, paper, silk, glass, porce lain, tin, thread, shellac,, metal parts and other articles not gen erally associated in the public mind with telephone service. At tho same time this abnormal situation with reference to materials there exists an unprecedented demand for telephone service, and even under these circumstances our record is one of fulfillment of demand. . In the first nine months of 1920 we made a total net gain of over 7300 telephones in the State of Oregon. A fact worthy of consideration in our operations is the large number of tele phones in proportion to net increase. In those nine months we disconnected, connected and moved 41,140 instru man3 to w:uro the net gain above mentioned. We desire to give service as much as a patron wishes to receive It. vVe desire to comply with the suggestions of public authomiLS who hive taken a proper interest in the situation. Wo arc ficir abr.o md conditions but we are trying to overcome our difficulties. The Pacific Telephone and Telegraph Company Watch and Walt! T . ! T. H. S. White Elephant Sale, December 9. Miss Ardinelle Clark went out to her home at Derry this noon. Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Collins returned from Corvallls last evening. L.' A. Hulbert returned Friday even ins from a hunting trip to the Valley. Mrs. N. H. Sherwood Is assisting at Gllderslreve g grocery . store. Mrs. Willis Schleisner was a Val leyward passenger Sunday. Myrna Miller went out to the hos pltal at Portland Monday. Mrs. R. B. Collins went out to Cor vallls Monday noon. Jim Ross came over from the U. of O. last evening. Geo. Graves went out to the Valley Wednesday to spend Thanksgiving. M. M. Hoffman of South Beach was a Toledo visitor the lrst of the week, L. MV Commons of Yaqulna was a Toledo visitor Tuesday afternoon. Prof, and Mrs. W. A. Cox and son, Walter, were passengers for Albany this noon. S. T. Loudon of Eddyville passed thru to the Lower Bay Tuesday evening. B. M. Armltage of Newport passed ehru on Wednesday's train to the Valley. Blend and Crown Flour on Sale at Frederick's Quality Store for less than pre-war prices. Fred Salvage went out' to Albany Wednesday noon where he will spend the winter. Martin B. Easley of Nortons made proof on his homestead before County Clerk Howell the lrst of tho week. Miss Margaret Ferr went down to Newport Wednesday to Spend Thanks giving. Mr. and Mrs. Mtort Abbey of New port passed thru on Monday's train, enroute to the Valley. , Mr. and Mts. Ralph Salvage of Si letz returned Friday evening from a short visit to Valley points. Miss Genevieve Tlllotson came over from the U. of O. last evening to spend Thanksgiving with relatives here. ' Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Cooter and chil dren returned home Sunday afternoon from a week's visit at Portland and Corvallls. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Horning are spending a few days at Otter Rock with Mr. Horning's parents, Mr. and .Mm. T. H. Morning. Mt.-and Mrs. !t. J. Dickson arrived ever from Corvallls last evening to Bpend a few days with Mr. Dickson's parent on Drift Creek. Miss Lucy Rogers came over from O. A. C. Wednesday evening to spend Thanksgiving with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Rogers. , Curtis Chambers arrived over from Portland Wednerrlay evening to spen! Thanksgiving with his parents, "Mr. and Mrs. Gee. Chambers. Mrs. Rachel King and daughter, Mrs. R. D. Burgers, went to Newport Saturday evening to visit with their son and brother, Burl King, and wife. Mrs. Myrtle Rica returned to her home at Salem the first of the week, after spending a couple of weeks vis iting with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Paine in this city. Leader subscriptions received this week are; N. W. Miller, Pioneer, Or.; M. M. Hoffman, South Beach, Or.; Adolph Southman, Rose Lodge, Or.; G. S. Parmele, Taft, Or. Johnny Ludemann and Chas. Rob bins of Waldport were Toledo visitors Tuesday. These grmtleinen expect to leave soon for Alaska where they will put in a cannery. Chas. North of Portland was a To ledo visitor the first of the week. Ho returned to the city Tuesday, accom panied by his niece, Miss Gladys North, who Is teaching in the Orton district. o NOTICE OF SCHOOL MEETING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN to the legal voters of School District No. 2 of Lincoln ' County, State of Oregon, that a SCHOOL MEETING of said District will be held at Principal's Room, Grammar School Building, To ledo, Oregon, on the 27th day of No vember, 1920, at 1 o'clock in the after noon to vote on the proposition of levying a special district tax. The total amount of money needed by the district during the fiscal year beginning on June zisti ana ending on June 30, 1921, is estimated in the following budget and includes the amounts to be received from the tuuiity schorl fund, swte school fund, special district tax, and all other moneys of tlie district: BUDGET Estimated Expenditure Teachers' salaries $10,000.00 Furniture 200.00 Apparatus and supplies, such as maps, chalk, etc, etc, 200.00 Repairs of schoolhouses, etc .1,000.00 Janitor's wages 900.00 .Tnnltor's supplies 60.00 Fuel KM 00 Water 160.00 Clerk's salary 60.00 Postage and stationery 15.00 For the payment of bonded debt and interest thereon, issued '. under Sections 126, 162 to 166, and 434 of the School Laws of Oregon, 1919 600.00 Int on outstand warrants ....480.00 Sinking Fund for payment of bonded indebtedness 1.000.00 Re-adjustment Prices The Shoes in the shelves have yellow tickets on them, with the Regular and Readjustment prices marked plainly We are keeping in close touch with the Shoe and Clothing market, and when there is any declines, you will always find that we have dropped prices accordingly You, too, can be of big help in this Readjustment Period; First by not demanding a large stock assortment to choose from; Second by patroniz ing your home merchants If you are going to need a, new Suit for the Christmas Holidays, you had batter order it now and play safe, as it takes 18 to 21 days to get a Suit tailored to your measure S. E. NEWKIRK, Prop. Phone 2805 Toledo Drug Co. T. P. HAWKINS, Prop. LADIES' MILLINERY GOODS . ARNOLD'S also COMPLETE LINE OF LADIES' AND CENTS FURNISHINGS Call In and look over our line of Hats, Caps, Gloves, Ties, Shirts, Hos iery, Ribbons, Jewelry, Etc., Etc. t44 Total estimated amount f money to be expended for ail purposes during the year $14,955.00 Estimated Receipts From county ci hrol fund during the coming school year ..$3,000.00 From state school fund during tlie coming school year .... 600.00 Cash now in tho hands of the district clerk 804.25 Cash now in the hands of the county treasurer, belonging to th3 district 1.008.00 Estimated amount to be received from all other sources during the coming school year ....5,344.76 . Frederick's QUALITY Store Good Clean Wheat $4.00 per Hundred Pounds Whole Corn $2.80 per Hundred Pounds Cracked Corn $2.95 per Hundred Pounds Ground Corn $3.05 per Hundred Pounds Mill Run $2.20 per 80 Pounds Rolled Oats $2.00 per 70 Pounds Clean White Feed Oats $275 per Hundred Pounds Cid, Caiiey 53.C0 par Hundred Pounds Rolled Barley $2.40 per 80. Pounds Cheat Hay, Fine Quality, $27.00 per Ton Alsyke Clover Hay,' the Dest Hay for Milch Cows' $29.00 per Ton P. FREDERICK tWi What Ojne Fordson Tractor Owner Says in Lincoln County Orton, Oregon, October 15, 1920. Peterson Hardware Co., Toledo, Oregon. ' Sire: v ' ' I purchased a Fordson Tractor from you Mar. 18, 1920. Since that time I have plowed approximately 130 acres, threshed 200 acres, harrowed 100 acres, disced 120 acres, run binder on 140 acres, filled 4 silo and am now preparing to cut my years wood with same and am vrw u. ... with Its work. You may use this for advertisement If you think It Is worth while. Yours respectfully, Clayton C. Pond, Orton, Oregon. P. S. Please address my mail to Orton, Oregon. PRICE $790.00 F. O. B. FACTORY A. T. Peterson Total estimated receipts, not in cluding the money to be re ceived from the tax which it is proposed to vote $10,657.00 Recapitulation Total estimated expenses for the year ?14,f 55.00 Total estimated receipts not in cluding the tax to be voted 10,667.00 Balance, amount to be raised by district tax $4,298.00 l9oted th'B 5th day of November Attest: L. M. Starr, District Clerk Cialnnan Board of Directors,