Lincoln County leader. (Toledo, Lincoln County, Or.) 1893-1987, October 22, 1920, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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of Qudiiy
(wJ&Gi$ e name "1 Crown"
VJ!i s your guarantee of r.n
all-refinery gasoline with
SpHSs. continuous chain of boil'
(jgi ino Foirits-
5?Tfc54rC tiy'aS0) standard oil company
Good producer at reasonable prices
V. hen yu biy here you do not get
fills Thry go to tie butcher. C.
Chri -tianson.
Hei-r.T Ciifi f om tl.e best producing
blood lines in the country. C. Christ
iansen. Cct Your Cabbage for Kraut, 2c.
per pound. See G. Dahl, Toledo, Or.
SALE Full Blood d Duroc
6 weeks old price 57.00. . Also
gome Oregon pullets anj year oiu Chas. Severson, Toledo, Ore.
Carmen Milch Goat Billy For Sale
Will sell very cheap. See H. A.
Sihlecht, Toledo, Oregon.
FOR SALE A iz Eaaneen billy
goat, pure white and hornless; sire
Ida Shasta Supreme, dam a 3 quart
Joe; if you can use a wellbred bucK,
he will please you Price $25.00.
Mrs. O. W. White, Toledo, Oregon.
at $250.00 Address Box 147, Toledo,
Stock and Fruit Farm, near Chitwood,
Lincoln Co.; rich, dark loam soil; good
wuter; good road3; near school and
market; 30 acres in cultivation; 45
r in pasture, weil fenced; rest
,.:..-- nnnrl tauildinas: 2 COW3J 3 2-
year old heifers; good horses;
farm tools and this yearn crop All
for $W0.CO. Titus Kurtlchanov,
Chitwood, Oregon.
Island Red Pullets. John Bradbury,
Newport, Oregon.
fS'-,) rOtl SALE Team of good
hri: welaht about 2600 lbs.
price $200 Warren Cobb, Siletz, Or.
(40) BLASTING CAPS $1.0u per
Hundred; Electric Blading Cans frcm
3 to C4 ft. fuse, $3 CD per Hundred
while they last; 6 25m Cans Blasting
Pcwder $1.50 per can. Chas. L. Ferry,
YiqiHna, Oregon.
A FARM BARGAIN on account of
poor health, I am offering one of the
best farm bargains on the market to
day. 1C5 A. I'i miles from Toledo,
all ntock. farm machinery, feed enough
for- the winter and quite a lot of win
ter apples, in fact most everything
that is needed on a farm. If you
u,n a nood olace be sure and see
thii before you buy. Priced at $7500,
for quick 'sale. Fo- '"H particulars.
Address P. O. Box 316.
Men's all wool sweaters at Colvln's.
Go, to H. E. Peterson's tor Your
fountain pens.
Wm. Toner was up from Yaqulna
Tuesday afternoon.
L. E. Bain of Ynqulna was a County
Sent visitor Saturday.
Mrs. Seth Rowe returned from the
Valley Monday evening.
1. J. Pepin came down from Chit
wood Sunday afternoon.
G. P. Croson was a passenger for
Portland yesterday noon.
For finest line of wall papers see
, Mrs. M. E. Wood was a passenger
for r.lodgctt Saturday noon.
V. D. Graves returned Friday even
ing from a trip to the Valley.
Andy Porter returned Wednesday
evening from a trip to Albany.
Fay Plank was down from Elk City
Saturday evening on business.
A. C. Crawford of Lower Slletz was
in the city on business Saturday.
Mr3. W. M. Berry of Newport was
a county seat visitor Wednesday.
Assssjor A. G. Schwartz had busi
ness at Taft the first of the week.
K. D. Martin of Beaver Creek was
in tho city on buslnesa Wednesday.
Manager G. R. Hall of the Standard
Oil Co. waB In the city the first of the
We have everything that goes into
a fruit cake. Frederick's Quality
Mrs. Jos. Swearlngen returned Mon
day pvenlng from a trip to Corvallls
and Eugene.
Manager Geo. Blanchnrd of the Ya
ouliia E!ctrlc Co., was up from New
port Mionday.
Patronize Home Industry and save
money you moy need it. Toledo
Planing M i lie.
Mrs. C. L. Morrison of Elk City was
visiting here yesterday with her sis
ter, Miss Sara Cral'.en.
Jim Franks was ever from the Sl
le'.z yesterday looking after the work
on the new bank building.
Misses Annie Hawkins and Corlnne
Pennington returned Sunday evtning
from a short trip to Portland.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wade were
over from the Slletz Saturday, going
down to Newport In the evening.
Claus Ludomann of Tidewater was
visiting here with his son, Nick, and
family, the latter part of last week.
The Toledo Canning Co. will pay
7Y2 cts. for Evergreen B B. delivered
at ranpvru ffti halanr.A nf this mnnth.
mis. luimiij' i tint-'iv auu uaiiiuci
went out to Lebanon yesterday for a
visit with Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Richardson.
i'.d. Eiurker, Democr-ilie Candidate
for Assessor was in the city yester-
juty looking after his political inter
I eats.
S. C. Quant, one of the prosperous
Men's Heavy Wool MackinaW3, Solid and Plaid
Man's Heavy Wool Rainshed Shirts, Bluo and
Plaid Colors
Men's Light Wool Serge Khaki Shirts, Be sure
and see these
Men's Heavy Wool Overcoats, Brown, Grey and
Black Colors
Boys' Heavy Wool Mackinaws, Blue and Plaid
These are all exceptional Values!
NOW IS A GOOD TIME to be ordering a New Suit
for Thanksgiving, as the Tailors will be very busy
a little later and it might mean some delay with
Twelve (12) years experience in taking measure
ments for Clothing, and 500 Samples of Cloth
from Two (2) of the Largest and Best Tailoring
Houses in the U. S. to chooso from is a Guarantee
of Quality and Fit, We Guarantee a Fit. Come
in and look our Samples over
S. E
Phone 2805
In the Circuit Court of the State 'jfarmer8 of the Eddyvillo section, had
Oregon ior umco.n Uu,,ty , bHs:neg3 in To,Mo the first of tlle
una Willoughby and the Estate ot week. !
John Wiiloughby, deceased, by Anna ?um McNally of Taft was a county r
Where the climate brings sunshine
and flowers the year round
Play golf over splendid courses; tennis cn championship
courts; polo on fields of international renown; motor
over perfect highways; horseback riding along picturesque
bridle paths; surf bathing on smooth sandy beaches.
Winter Excursion Tickets
via The Shasta Route
On sale daily to March 31, 1921.
Final return limit April 30, 1921.
Stopovers permitted at all points within limit of tickets.
California booklets will help you select the resort of your
choice. Secure your copy now. They are free on request.
Inquire of Local Agen's for particulars as to fires,
routes, sleeping car accommodations and train service.
Southern Pacific Lines
General Passenger Agent
Will, ughby, Administratrix, Plaintiffs. pP.,t visitor Wednesday. Mr. McNally
Jesslo Majaska, Defendant.
To tne Defendant, Jessie Majaska:
In the name of the state of Oregon
you are hereby required to appear and couple of weeks.
answer tne l;ompiaini oi me piainuns ; tcr at present.
rpnnrtn lota of salmon in the blletz
hav thla ftpaon. if
W. B. Haydcn and son, Max, have
both bern cn the Rick list the past
They are both bet-
Fard Dates, California Figs, Citron, Orange and Lemon
Peel, Soft Shell Almonds and Walnuts, Seedless Sultana
Raisins, Seeded Muscat Raisins, Re-cleaned and Washed
Currants, Evaporated Poaches, Prunes, Apricots and
Black Figs
the above items are clean, fresh stock
are selling at prices that will please you
In the County Court of the State of
Oregon for Lincoln County
In the Matter of the Estate of Mar-
.garet Barnes, Deceased;
NOTICE Is hereby given that the
4 filed against you in the above en-j Banker C. E. Hawkins went down ' . k :x.&
T titled suit on or before six weeks from : t0 Waldport Tuesday evening to get
the 17th day of sep'emDer, izu, me
date of the first publication ot this
Summons and if you fail to so appear
and answer, for want thereof ths plain
tiff will apply to the court for the
relief prayed for in his Complaint, to
For Judgment and Decree against
von for the sum of seven hundred dol-
f7ntt nni UV. intrant thai-ortn '
IttlD If .ti, luitibai ti.v.x.u,t
at the rato ot eight per cent (8) per
annum from April 16th, 1917, together
with the sum of one hundred dollars
$100.00) attorneys' fees In this Ruit
end for their costs and disbursements
incurred herein.
That the mortgage dated April 16th,
1917, is executed by Jessie Majaska
ily all week.
it V ll:trt nf Pnrvnllla naaapfl tlinl
i'to the St. John Sanitarium covering to Waldport last evening. Mr. Hurt
the following described real property
J 'situated In the county ot Lincoln,
state of Oregon, to wit:
Lot 1, the southeast quarter of the
X northeast quarter of section 23, and
in on the salmon trolling. He return
ed yesterday noon. . I
Mrs. Grace Hoover and children
were down from Nortons yesterday (
visiting with Mrs. Hoovers parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Carson.
Llietll. VV . ft. IftlLClOUU . .1 , t .1 U filJ L fll ..
purchased the Bert Gear bungalow on SsVaTrix oi sUta ofMaK
orovo Street, moving his family tato,-"''1
same yesterday. This Is a nice house S ofDln coty. Orl
well located. r,in gon, and that the Court has fixed Sat-
A I. Turner returned from Corvallls November, 1920,
Sunday afternoon . and is rain chief at t!iye' hour of &clock ,n the after
The Chesley mill started up Monday
noon ot said day as the time and the
ofPce of the County Judge in the Court
morning and has been running stea ' . Tnlfi, ' na .., .
for hearing objections, if any, to the
final acount so filed.
M. E. King,
Administratrix of the Estate of
Margaret Barnes, Deceased.
McFadden & Clarke, Attorneys fo
Date of first publication: October
reports that things look very favora
ble for Stanfleld in the Valley and
that he will carry Corvallls by a nice
The Leader office has been busy this
lot 4, the southwest quarter of the week gettting out the ballots for the ' ,
t " . .. .1,: S .. r. "",.". " ?B"eluL. ,uui' ., ' . , . I" . i Date of last publication
znu. xne uuuui is juhl mice ibclm,. icon
1 nnA If inlrna ton flinlionnH ffr ""
What One Fordson Tractor Ownes
Says in Lincoln County
township 6 south of range 10 west of
the Willamette Meridian In Lincoln
County, Oregon, containing 168 acres
more or less;
Be foreclosed and the said real prop
erty be sold in the manner provided by
law to satisfy the sum of money that
f J. J. j,! lV"" 8nu a" Perous claiming uiruu;n.
foreclosed of all right, title, interest
and equity to redemption in and to
the above described real property in
every part and parcel thereof and for
such other and further relief as to the
court may seem just and equitable.
This summons is served upon you by
publication by order of the Honorable
It. R. Miller, Judge of the County
Court, for Lincoln County, Oregon,
made and entered on the 13th day of
Sept., 1920, directing such publication
to be made in the Lincoln County
Leader once each week for six con
secutive weeks.
The first publication is of date the
17th day of September, 1920, and tne
last publication is of date the 29th
day of October, 1920.
Geo. Estes, and J. H. Hobart,
Attorneys for plaintiffs, 302 Lum
bermen's Building, Portland, Oregon.
Orton, Oregon, October 15, 1920.
'fturson Hardware Co.,
TufeXo, Oregon. ?;'
I purchased a Fordson Tractor from you Mar. 15, 1920. Since that
rwn I have plowed approximately 130 acres, threshed 200 acres, harrowed
'Jtl acres, discsd 120 acres, run binder on 140 acres, filled 4 allot and am
mur preparing to cut my years wood with same and am very well satisfied
mta its work.
You may use this for advertisement If you think It is worth while.
Yours respectfully,
Clayton C. Pond,
Orton, . Oregon.
9. S. Please address my mail to Orton, Oregon.
A. T. Peterson
(meral Housework.
ncts. Mrs. W. Ft.
or WOMAN fori V.'A.'NING On account of cattle
Modern conven- .ill hun'ers please keep out of tideland
Stokes, Yaqulna. ' from log-dump up on Pennock and
Dunn place. L. A. Hulbert
a beating
Diorm in a
IklK I IliUiVJ
this county. Some Job!
. Claude Wright was up from New
port yesterday. Mr. Wright expects
to leave soon ior Grays Harbor, Wash.,
where he will be in charge as engin
eer, on harbor work, that It is esti
mated that it will take five years to
Mrs. R. A. Arnold went to Portland
Sunday, returning Tuesday. She was
accompanied on her return by her sls-
tpr, Mrs. Jessie Wodward, of Baker.
Mrs. Woodward recently Buffered a
broken ankle and is obliged to go on
S. E. Haggard of Portland, repre
senting the Case Machinery & Tractor
Co. was in the city Wednesday looking
over thla territory. Mr. Haggard
makes his headquarters at Albany,
'and expects to pay this section another
visit when the roads are better.
Initiative measure number HQ on
the ballot to be voted In November
will give to Oregon a port equal to any
nort on the Pacific Const. You are
this bill, it will not Increase your
taxes. lllO tum in uuiliu U) mo iutt -., ., ., ,!,
of Portland, but all Oregon must vote nlftint1ff wrnnnIu , , nrt fnr
en.. r.e:. YL3,1'0"18! relief in the comprint demanded and
uaiiui 1-.U...-U1UO. .u ....... nravprf for tn-w t !
Mrs. A. L. Crawford or Slletz was p decree adiudeine that the
,n Toledo yesterda y enroute to Cor- L. t Zh cVpWnt b.
vallls where they will make their fd ... . n,, hFv vIrtllo
itir AVArlann I . u
In the Circuit Court of the State
Oregon for Lincoln County
Adolph Southman, Plaintiff,
Jullla Kollis, Amanda Sirberg, heirs
at law of John Wolbruk, deceased, and
the Estate of John Wolbruk, deceased,
and all other representatives of said
deceased known and unknown.
To Jullia Kollis, Amanda 'Sirberg,
heirs at law of John Wolbruk deceased
and the Estate of John Wolbruk de
ceased, and all other representatives
of said deceased known and unknown.
In the Name of the State of Oregon
You are hereby required to appear
and answer the complaint filed against
you in the above entitled court and
cause, on or before Friday, November
26th, 1920, said date being more than
six weeks from the date of the first
publication of this summons, and be
ing the time prescribed for such ap-
ori on win " ""Dl' l"" "'".Ipearanlce by you In the order of pub
Itally nterested in the passage of, catlon of 8Ummong hereln enJred
of record, and if you fail to so appear
home. Mr. Crawford went overland
driving his team out. He and Corpv
Roberts drove Mr. Crawford's two
autos out last week. Mr. Crawford
has not decided just what he will do
at Corvallls. Siletz's loss is Corval
lls' gain, as Mir.Roberts was a hustler
and a good man to hava In a commun
ity. SubsTlptions to the Leader received
this wpek are: Jusse Bosler, SiliUz,
Or.; (' M. Wirren, Grand Ronde, Or.;
V. Bloom, Rose Lodge, Or.; E. R.
Jones, Chitwood, Or.; C. C. Daugher
tv, Tillamook, Or.; Mrs. Edw. J. Clark,
Pendleton, Or.: J. D. Cain, Toledo,
Or.; Mrs. I. W. Gill, Portland, Or.;
A. L. Oglesbee, Toledo, Or.; G. Dahl,
Toledo, Or.; Tom McNally, Taft, Or.;
S. E. Haggard, Albany, Or.; Jim Ross,
Eugene, Or.; G. B. Perrlne, Hillsboro,
of said mortgage, given and executed
by John Wolbruk, to plaintiff on the
21st day of September, 1918, and re
corded on the 10th day of October,
1918, in the office of the County Clerk
of Lincoln County, Oregon, In Records
of mortgages, for said County and
State, be decreed to have a first, prior,
superior and subsisting Hen and claim
upon the real property in said mort
gage described to-wlt:
SE4 of NW The East of the
SWK and the SW& of the SE of
Section 27 in Township 6 South of
Range 10 West of the Willamette
Meridian in Lincoln County, Oregon,
to the full extent of the amount of
money alleged to be due plaintiff as
set forth in the complaint, and the
payment thereof is secured to plain
tiff be decreed to have Judgment
against the defendant The Estate of
John Wolbruk, deceased for the sum
ot $500.00 and interest thereon at the
rate of six per cent per annum from
tho 21st day of September, 1918, until
paid, and tor the further sum of $100.00
attorney's fees and for the costs and
disbursments of this salt, and tnat ex
ecution do issue therefor and that the
aforesaid described real property be
sold by the Sheriff of Lincoln County,
Oregon, upon foreclosure execution in
the manner prescribed by law, and that
the proceeds of said sale be applied in
whols or in part as the cane may be,
of the amounts of money adjudged to
be due the plaintiff from said de
fendant the Estate of John Wolbruk,
deceased, as in said complaint set
forth herein; that each and all of the
defendants ami any and all of them
claiming through or under them or any
of them be severally and respectively
barred and forever foreclosed of end
from any and all right title, estate, lien,
interest and equity of redemption ex
cepting the staturory right of redemp
tion, and every part and parcel there
of; and for such other reliet as to the
court may seem equitable.
This summons is served upon you
by publication thereof pursuant to an
order of the Honorablo R. R. Miller,
County Judge of Lincoln County, Ore
gon, and said order was made and en
tered therein on the 29th day of Sep
tember, 1920, ordering that this sum
mons be published for six successive
weeks, beginning with the first publi.
cation thereof on October the 8th,
1920 The date of the first publication
is October the 8th, 192Q.
B. F. Jones,
Attorney for Plaintiff, Newport.
Dealer in
W. P. Manning of the firm
of C. H. Manning Sons For
est Tree Seed Collectors will
be in Toledo soon, to in
struct anyone desiring to
collect Spruce cone3. Watch
these colums for the date.
Or. ....-itn wJ.&Liiw4