PACE TH1EE L TOLEDO. OREGON. FRIDAY, LINCOLN COUNTY LPDER. OCTOBER 22nd. 19?0. WATER FRONT L. R. BATEMAN E. R. BATEMAN BATEMAN & BATEMAN COMPLETE HOME FURNISHER UNDERTAKING SUPPLIES We Buy, Sell and Exchange New and Second riant! Furniture The International Harvester Line PERFECTION MILKING MACHINES INDIANA SILOS ENSILAGE CUTTERS AND GAS ENGINES Conrad Christiansen, LOCAL DEALER nil mn 1 1 A COMPLETE STOCK OF DIA MONDS, WATCHES, CLOCKS, SILVERWARE AND JEWELRY. L3. v Jri. E3. PETERSOM Watchmaker and Jeweler FOR MEN'S AND BOYS M ADE-TO-ORDER SUITS See our New Fall and Winter Samples of Woolens PRICES RIGHT FIT GUARANTEED We Carry Over 2000 Ladies' Dress Goods Samples We Can Please You MEN'S AND BOYS' WORK CLOTHES SEE OUR GUARANTEED RAIN CLOTHES OPEN STOCK DISHES AND GLASS WARE Colvin's Store TOLEDO, OREGON JPEAFiL OIL SMS, IIEAT AND LIGHT JpJ j Like good coffee, a good oil heater maAes a breakfast. Filled with Pearl Oil its ready heat chases away the chill of the morning and cheers up the whole room. Pearl Oil is dean-burning, without smoke or odor. Economical. Sold, in bulk by dealers everywhere and by our stations. Order by name Pearl Oil. STANDARD OIL COMPANY (California) Waterfront ieat Market S. R. ANDERSON, Proprietor DEALER IN I FRESH AND CURED MEATS FISH AND POULTRY MAIL AND PHONE ORDERS WILL RECEIVE PnM" ATTrMTfrtH rnu.vir i ni iLiinun T TOLEDO, Hdqrs. for Ground Bone. OREGON iH i i Petersen Hod HARDWARE TIN and GRANITE WARE HEATING STOVES and RANGES SPORTING GOODS and AMUNITION WE ISSUE HUNTING FISHING LICENSES Peterson Hardware Co. For men's underwear see Colvln. Adam Smouse is reported on the sick list. For Good selections of men's shirts use Colvin. , J. B. Briggs of Bayview was a Tole do visitor yesterday. MIss Ardinelle Clarke visited Sat urday evening at Yaiiuina. S. T. Loudon was down from Eddy ville the first of the week. Large line of guaranteed rain clothes at Colvin's. Miss Mary Rogers was a Valleyward passenger this noon. Chris. Larsen was over from the Agency Saturday afternoon. B. F. Jones of Newport went out to Portland the first of the week. Maurice Andersen was over from the S'.Ietz on business Saturday. Sash Door Glass Roofing and Roof Paint at Toledo Planing Mills. Mrs. R. D. Mears of Klk City was a Toledo viHltor Saturday evening. Mrs. W. K. Patterson went to Port land Saturday, returning Tuesday. Lee Wade the Siletz sawmillman was in the city yesterday on business. H. E. Peterson has a new line of fountain pen3 best on the market. Bert Geer and ui.'.y Boone came down from Elk City Saturday evening. Lawrence end Claire UcBride were down from Eddyville Mcnday evening. AM kinds of Mill Work, Ladders Cabinet Work at Toledo Planirg Mills. Frederick's Quality Store Is always first to give you the benefit of lower prices. Miss Mary Geer came over from Eu gene last evening for a vfiit with her mother. Lee Wads and Guy Roberts were passengers for the lower bay last svs-ning. Mrs. Mary Swearinzen and sister, Miss Newton, went out to Corvaliis this noon. Get the election returns at Al'ii Smokehouse. Special wire, direct to the pool hall. Mr. ana Mrs. Stanley Anderson and daughter were passengers for Corval lis this noon. Mrs. Lena Jones and daughter of Newport are visiting relatives in To ledo this week. Alec Thompson who is working at Elk City, was a county seat visitor Saturday end Sunday. A. T. Peterson and W. J. Parrlsh were attending Port Meeting at Newport last evening. Dr. Carter the Agency physician was in the city Monday, going down to Newport in the evening. County Clerk and Mrs. R. H. Howell were called to Albany this noon by the death of the former's father. The Toledo Canning Co. will pay 72 cts. for Evergreen B.B. delivered at cannery for balance of this month. Services will be held ft the Norwe gian Church, Sunday the 24th, by O. K. Anderson, in the Sianrnavian lan- BUite. See Colvin for men's and boys' made to order suits ar.d overcoato a rcduct.on of frcm rive to ten dollars on each suit. Al Waush is making arrangements to get the election returns election night. A loup will be strung to the "Smokehouse," and John Peterson will act as operator. Mr. and Mr;. Fred Rcmtvedt de parted this noon for Salem. At Salem tiiey will takj their er.r and drive ir; to CrrpTvell for a visit with Mrs. Komtvcdt's parents. 4 We are so crowded with advertising this week that we have not much room for news and at that ws had to turn down several big ads., not having room for them. Mr. and Mrs. G. B. McCluskey ar rived home from Portland Sunday afternoon. They were accompanied by Mrs. Mae Newton of Deer Island, who will visit here for a few days. Game Warden W. G. Emery was up from the Resort City Monday. Mr. hmory is also chairman of the Repub lican County Central Committee and reports everything favorable for a big Republican victory in t'iis county. James Edward Launer arrived at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Launer at Portland, October J 1th. James weighs eight p junda stripped, and if they don't treat him right he sets up a howl. Mr. Launer attended school here several years, and Mrs. Laun er was formerly Miss Grace Gill. Mr. and Mrs. R. P. Goin and son, Eugene, returned Monday from a week's visit at Waldport. Mr. Goin vis'ited the schools in the south end of the county while away. He reports hundreds of salmon as being caught on the troll in the Alsea bay. A boat will go out for two or three hours and come in with forty or fiffy fine sal mon. There is no market for the floh, and those v.ho troll for the sport of it give their fish away to anyone who wants them. NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE OF REAL PROPERTY In the County Court for Lincoln .County, State of Oregon In the Matter of the Estate of Gustav Vlljannen, Deceased NOTICE IS HEIEUY GIVEN that the undersigned as administrator of the above entitled estate, was dulv authorized, licensed, empowered and directed under order and license of the nbove entitled Court in the above entitled matter dated and entered therein December 9th, 1919, to sell the real property hereinafter described at private sale in the manner provided by law, and that he will pursuant to said license proceed to sell at private sale for cash to the highest and best bidder from and after Saturday, the 20th day of November, 1920, subject to confirm ation of said Court, said real property belonging to said estate described as follows, to-wit: The southeast quarter of the north west quarter and Lot five of suction six (C), in Township Seven, South of Range Nine (9) West of the Willam ette Meridian, all lying and being situ ate in Lincoln County, State of Ore gon. Bids may be submitted to said ad ministrator at Rose Lodge, Oregon, or at the office of his attorney, Edw. J. Clark, Pendleton, Oregrn. Dated and first published, October 22nd, 1920. H. C. Starr, Administrator of estate of Guslav Vlljannen, deceased. y I IHtt and ardieg and Coolidge AND TO THE AMERICAN VOTER: Are you satisfied, even content, with existing conditions of life? Of course you are not. You are burdened with taxation and the high cost of living. For everything entering into your daily life you are paying an ab normal price an unprecedented price. Why? Largely, if not altogether, because of the extravagance of government at Washington because of padded payrolls because of colossal waste following the war because of looseness, laxity, inefficiency and incom petency in handling the country's affairs. You are paying the bills for all this you, Americans, men and women, who make up the good citizenship of this nation. You are paying, and paying dearly, for all this. Your Liberty Bonds those I. O. U's of Uncle Sam in which you invested so proudly, so generously, so patriotically, to help win the war, x are today Lelow par. You made sacrifices, some of you, most of you, to buy them, and now, with the war long over, but with peace not yet fully established, you must make further sacrifices, if compelled to sell those Liberty Bonds, in order to meet the abnormal conditions confronting you and entering into your daily life at every turn. Think of the tragic climax thus put upon your patriotism! WAR MEANS WASTE. WAR IS WASTE. BUT WAR WASTE SHOULD HAVE ENDED WITH THE ENDING OF WAR. It did not end then it has not ended. It has gone on prodigally shamefully. And you, long-suffering American citizens, are paying the bill paying in taxes and high cost of living the price of it all. Is it not time to call a halt high time? A Republican Congress curtailed governmental extravagance to the extent of TWO BILLIONS or more reduced the department estimates to that extent in spite of the resistance and obstruction of the Wilson Administration. Think of that! But that was just the beginning of re trenchment and reform which cannot be effected fully until the Executive and Legislative departments of the government are working together ef ficiently and in unison to bring about retrenchment and reform. And this means A COMPLETE CHANGE AT WASHINGTON the substitution of efficiency for inefficiency, capacity for incapacity, all along the line. Then, and then only, will you be relieved of the burdens you are car rying today. You are hearing talk about America's duty to the world. Much of it is intended solely for campaign purposes and is as full of deception as the cry, "He kept us out of war," the Democratic slogan of 1916, when the Administration at Washington knew full well that no power under' Heaven could keep us out of war, and that, in fact, at the very moment, when an election was being scantily won by false pretences, the Nation was even then virtually at war. America do her duty to the world! When, pray, did America ever fail to do her duty her full duty in any crisis or contingency affecting mankind? Never! And America can be counted upon as confidently in the future as she has been counted upon in the past. AMERICA IS A DUTY DOING NATION. Any suggestion to the contrary whatever the individual view as to the adjustment of world . affairs, whether through a League of Nations or not is an affront to every true American and must be dealt with as such. The Republican Party pledges you Good Government. It pledges to you efficiency, economy, courage and the square deal. It pledges you an American government the sort of government that a long and illustri ous line of Republican Presidents have given this Republic. no NOT ALLOW YOUR COMPLETE CONFIDENCE IN THE RESULT TO KEEP YOU FROM THE POLLS ON ELECTION DAY. Do your duty as a citizen an alert, wide-awake, American citizen just as America has ever done and will continue to do her full duty as a nation, and thus will you help to put your Uncle Sam's house in order. Vote for HARDING and COOLIDGE and a REPUBLICAN CON, GRESS on November 2, and all will be made well. HARDING and COOLIDGE MEAN GOOD GOVERNMENT. And GOOD GOVERNMENT is what we all need and must have. REPUBLICAN NATIONAL COMMITTEE Government