PACE SIX LINCOLN COUNTY LEADER, TOLEDO, OREGON, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 17th, 1920 For Lincoln Eversfiiody County Gome IF TWO BIG EVENTS County Fair Sept. 21, 22, 23. School starts Monday, Sept-. 27th. The children will all need good shoes for school and you too will probably need new shoes for the Fair, so why not get the children fitted out now, so they, too, can look their best for the Fair. SHOES When you buy your shoes here, you are sure of style, quality and durability, which you only get out of good shoes that are fitted proerly. MEN'S AND BOYS' FURNISHINGS You have one of the largest and best stock of men's and boys' furnishings in the county to choose from and you will always find our prices the lowest for cash. RAIN CLOTH I NG We carry a complete line of the best rain clothing, including the "U. S. Rubber Com pany's" oil suits, oil coats, rubber coats and capes. "Ball-Band" rubber boots and rubber for the whole family; "Boss of the Road," "Black Bear" and "Rose City" Acquapelie and Rain Repellent Pants, Shirts and Hats. MADE TO OR D E RCL 0 T H I N G AgenLs for "Strausse Brothers" and "Chicago Tailoring Company" of Chicago. These are two of the largest and oldest tailoring companies ii: the U. S. Ssveral hundred samples ot cloth Lo choose from that will only cost you between $30.00 and $45.00 HATS Our Fall and Winter line of hats is now in and ready for your inspection. Men's and boys' felt, cloth and plush in colors green, brown, black and grey, in the latest styles arid reasonably priced for everyone. CAPS Just think of it, twenty different patterns in these caps, including the different shades of green, brown, slate, blue,, buff and black in checks, stripes and solid colors. GLOVES When in need of good gloves at right prices, don't fail to look our stock over before buying, as we have gloves for all kinds of work light, medium and heavy weights. Make this store your headquarters when in Toledo, as you are always welcome at the . 52? S. E NEWKIRK, "ciojd Phone 2805 SHERIFF'S SALE In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Lincoln F.l'.a Waynes, Plaintiff. Vs. Homer is. McDanlels, and Kt!a Mc Hanl?!s hi wife, W. L. Vanllorn and A. Ntir;.( li, Defendants. By virtue of an execution and order of sale issued out of the abrve en titled Court in '.lie above entitled ac tion to me directed and dated the 17th, day of August. A. D. l!20 in favor of Ella llaynes Plaintiff and rtsainst the above named Defendants for the sum of S891.10 with interest thereon at the rate of 6 per cent per nnum from the 31st day of July, A. D. 1!'20 and a further sum of $75.00 at torney's fe.-s and costs taxed at $28.75, and cOHts of this writ commanding me to sell the following described rial property Bltuate in Lincoln Coun ty, OreRon as follows, towit: A piece of parcel of land. "Com-r-encinK at the (V4) Section corner on tiie North IJoundary of Section Five T'h In .Tovnshlp No. Eleven South of Hango No. Eleven West Willamette Meridian, and running thence S. 0 de fiees 07 minutes West on the center line of said Section No. Five (5), above described 660 feet to a post, near Wagon Ilridge; Thence East 600 feet to a post, thence N. 0 degrees 07 minutes fiCO feet to a post situate on .Yorth boundary of said Section No. IMve (5) above described, thence West long the North boundary of said Section No. Five (5) 660 feet to the place of beginning, the same contain ins' Ten- (10) acres according to the sarvev thereof. NOW. THEREFORE In compliance Tith the demands of said execution doeree and order of sale I will on Saturday the 18th day of September A. II. 1920. at 1 o'clock P. M. at the Iront door of the County Court House, fn the City of Toledo, Lincoln County, Oregon, sell to the highest bidder for cash, all the right title and Interest of i.iu alovc named Defendants In the above named action, in the above 1eccri1ed property to satisfy said ex cution and order of sale, Interest, costi aci accruing costs. W. E. Simpson, Sheriff of Lincoln County, Oregon. Date of First Publication, August 20th, 1920. Date of Last Publication, September 17th, 1920. Willamette Meridian. NOW, THKKEr'OUE In compliance with the d.i:i:ands of said execution ileiree and oider of sale I will on KatunlMv the 18th dnv of September A. D. 1920, at 1 o'clock P. M. at tlie front door of the County Court House, in the Cily of Toledo, Lincoln Countv. .Oregon, sell to the highest bidder for cash, 111 the right title and Interest of the above named Defendants In thaabove named action, In the above C-:r: td property to satisfy said ex ecution and order of sale, Interest, costs and acorulnc costs. W. E. Simpson, Sheriff of Lincoln County, Oregon. Date of First Publication, August ZOth, 1920. Date of Last Publication, September 17th, 1920. SHERIFF'S SALE In the C'rcuit Court of the State of Qr.'tjon far Lincoln County Tln;od .1. Skinner, Plaintiff. s. Robert U. Grry, a bachelor and R. K. Warnock end Sada Warno-jk, his ife, Defendants. Ey virtue of an execution and order f sale Issued out of the above en titled Court In the above entitled ac tion tn me directed and dated the 17th, day of August. A. D. 120 in raftir of Harold .1. Skinner. Plaintiff nd against the above mured Defen dants for the suriVof $810.34 with In terest thereon at the rate of 12 per f-nt per annum from the Hrd lay of Aii?ut A. D. 192, and $149.77 at 6 Ser-cent from August :'.rd, lT'.'n. and r further sum of $15000 attorney's fif and copts taxed at $27.00. and coFtn of this wrt commanding v c to ell the following described real pro--erty situate in Lincoln County, Oregon as follows, towit: The South-Half S) of the South West Quarter (SWVi) of Section Thirty-Four (34) in Townsh'n Ten t1"' South, Rang Eleven (11) Went of the NOTICE OF MEETING Of the Board of Equalization of Lin coln County, Oregon, for the year 1920. All to Whom It May Concern, Greet ings: Take mvlce that the Board of Equal ization for Lincoln County, Oregon, will on ti.e second Monday of September, the same being the 13th lay of Scpumber, 1920, for the pur pure of correcting, equalizing and ex amining the assessment rolls for Lin coln County, as returned by the Asses ill. T.ic frat full wee will ba set atide for receiving pe'lticus and com plaints, by !nw require!. The above mttrtlng will be held In the Cou-t Puom In thr. Court Houue at Toledo. Otegon, at ' o'clock A. Al. on Monday, the 13th day of September, 1920. A. G. Schwartz, Assessor of Lincoln Co., Oregon. NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT NOTICE is hereby given that the undersigned administrator of the Es tate of August Baumann, deceased, has filed in the County Court of Lincoln County, State of Oregon, his final ac count as such administrator of said estate, and that Monday the 4th dny of October, 1920, at the hour of Ten O'clock A. M., has been fixed by the Court as the time for hearing of ob jections to said report, and the settle ment thereof. Andrew Wendelln, Administrator of the Estate ot Aug ust Baumann, Deceased. ................. -------- I'S'I I t TTTTTTTTm I I fTM w THE TRAVELERS HOME South Beach Hotel . The Place to Stop when Traveling to and from all parts of the Valley to Waldport and Yachats via Yaquina meals served family styleJ at all hour. PRICES RIGHT BERRY PICKER'S HEADQUARTERS For Coveralls, Overalls, Hats, Shoes and Glove at Les money for cash. , The Bootery. BLACKBERRIES 3c. A HuUND Unpicked. C. M. Drake, Toledo. (31) CAR FOR SALE A 1917 Max well Car in good condition, a'l ejeed tires, chains, tools, eve.-ythina. com plete C'300.09 a bargain. Party mov ing away, call at Carsons' Garage. 29 PIGS FOR SALE From 6 weeks to 2 and a half months old, all weaned if you want pigs, tee Sam Brass field, Siletz, Oregon. WANTED A BOY from 5 to 10, who lives too far from school to go. Must be studious, loving, obedient anu not fussy. Might learn twice as much as at school. Wiite to, or call on C. M. Drake, Toledo, Oregon. (33) FOR SALE CHEAP if taken at once 40 acres of land at Chitwood. Elmer Martin, Chitwood, Or. STil AWEERRY PLANTS New Or eson 81.25 per hundred; also Yellow Daffodil and White Narcissus Bulbs John Steiger, Toledo, Ore., Box 105. (30) FOR SALE A FEW GOOD Fresh Cows Cheap. I have one Jersey giving two and one-half gallons a day that I will take $40.00 for if taken at once. L. A. Hulbert, on Dunn Ranch, Phone 1804, Toledo. FOR SALE Highly Improved 962 Acre Stock and Dairy Ranch at Nash ville. Or Will Divide and Sell West 490 Acres. W. H. Martin, Nashville. FOR SALE One brown Jersey cow, will be fresh In January. Monroe Nel son, Toledo, Or. COLT FOR SALE Weight about 1000 tbs., two and one-half years old. If Interested see Leo R. Bateman, To ledo, Or. BUNGALOW For sale, located close In. Priced at $1200 for quick sale. See G. B. McCluskey. (29) WANTED ONE 1400 tb LOGG ING HORSE, not over 8 years of age. Address Albert Cook, Chitwood, Ore. FOR SALE A RED SHORT HOrtN BULL, 4 yrs. old this fall. A fine ani mal. Fat, perfectly gentl sure. Price $75. I have two and don't need him any more. V2 miles west of To ledo on Yaquina road. D. J. Derby. FOR SALE TWO GOOD MILK Cows ALSO Span of Young Horses See Seth Rowe. WATERMELONS at GiMersleeve's cheaper than you can steal them. NEW ARRIVALS Dark Grey Kid Lace Shoes, Cuban. Heels; Black Kid With Grey Suede Tops, Military Heels; Brown Calf Lace Shoes, Cuban Heels. THE BOOTERY. FOR SALE Good young team,!? Inth nhnn) Mnft C , New lino of men's hats at Arnold's. Lorn ButterEcld of Orton is in the city today. Hoxle Simmons of Ortcn is a Toledo visitor today. Frtuf; Wade was over from the Ag ency tins morning. Do not fail to see Colvln's glaranteed Alligator rain clolhes. The Toledo Bakery will serve lunches during Fair week. Miss Verne Ross Is assisting at Frederick's Quality Store. Come In and see the new Fall and Winter hats for ladles at Arnold's. Mrs. H. W. Jackson and son, Lavton, returned Sunday from a trip to Port land. We've got it if we haven't we will make it for you. Toledo Planing Mills. Gildersleeve is going to give away a barrel of Flour at the Fair ask him about it. Quite a number are planning on go ing up to Harlan tomorrow to ilie Grange Kalr. D. L.. Chesley, the sawmillman, re turned last evening fiom a trip to I Valley points. j Patronize Home Industry and save j money you may need it. Toledo ; Planing Mills. Supt. Geo. Blnnchard of the Yaquina j Electric Works is up from Newport ; this afternoon. I Mrs. G. W. Trommlitz and baby de- part.-a tne ti;st of the week for a visit ai fcugene. Anton Martinson of Tidewater passed mru this nocn enroute to Port lana 10 attend the wedding of his oaugnter. Mrs. Wallace Flah and daughter, Norma, is visiting T. P. Fish of ihii city this week, arriving the latter part oi last wecK. Frederick' Quality Store offer a Special Prize for the best loaf of bread made from Blend Flour read the ad in our regular space. Call at my store and I will tell you how you can get a barrel of the Cele brated "Olympic" Flour Free. R. S. Van Cleve. This section was visited by a heavy wind and ijin Btorm last Monday, the same being very unusual for this time of the year. No serious damage has npc-i rr;cri!.J. Miss Gladys North arrived over from rortiand Wednesday evening. Miss vtiui 13 a niece of Chas. North, form erly of tills city, and expects to teach in tiie crjn.j- this winter. inosa onng.r.g donations In glass jar- may receive empty jars in re turn as word has been received that one hundred had been shipped ana were ex;ectea Here this week. Mrs. Lulu Weber of Portland arrived Tuesday evening for a visit witli her niece, Mrs. Lola Cruson. Mrs. Weber is one of the early residents of Toleuo. She will spend some time at Newport also. Mr. and Mrs. Barber arrived this week from Golden, Coloiado. and will make their home here. Mr. Barber will be employed at Van Cleve's store. and Mrs. Barber will teach In the To ledo schools. E. S. Oakland and family of Bay view passed thru Toledo yesteruay en routfc to Albany where they will reside this winter. The move is made to 3ivo Miss Oakland the advantages of the Albany High School. I. H. Scott of the Albany Canning Co. arrived in Toledo last evening to make arrangements for the purchase of Kvargre.-m blackberries. He has mado arrangmeunts with r. Colvin to handle the berries here. Do you want $10.00 In Gold? Do you want $5.00 in Gold? We will pay $1C.OO in Gold for the best loaf of Bread and $5.00 in Gold for the second best loaf of Bread made from Bleno Flour. Frederick's Quality Store. The County Court recently sold their steam shovel to parties in Lane county, consideration $10,000. Wo are Inform ed that this is more money than was paid by the court for the shovel. The thovel has not proven a success here. Leader subscriptions received this week are: Mrs. Addle McElwain, To ledo, Or.; Mrs. Dora Emerson, Wlnant, Or.; Ora Copeland, Portland, Or.; Scott Lano, Siletz, Or.; Wm. Darnley, Toledo Or.; Oscar Oakland, Bay view, Or.; J. JH. Glines, Waldport, Or. Ladies coming to the Fair, remcm. ber to bring an extra jar of fruit or vegetables for the abandoned' women and children of the Louise Homo and Albrrtina Kerr Nursery, and leave at Rest Room near Post Office, where thera will be found empty jars for ex change. The regular Wednesday afternoon business meeting of the Girls' Friend ly Society of St. John's Episcopal Church was given over to the entei- taining of the "Bluebird Society" of the Methodist Church. There were fifteen girls present and the afternoon was spent in playing various games after which refreshments were Berved. TTTTTTTVIttT 111 I AL WAUGH weigth about 3200, Siletz, Or. See Jesse Daniels, (31) FOR SALE House and 10 lots, well fenced In Toledo for $1000. Only $400 cash, balance at 7 per cent. Good Investment so take advantage of this offer quick. Write Alice Frederickson, Toledo, Or. Dealer In ; Ciga.a ! Tobacco ! and Butter ; Kist : - ; Pop ; Corn ; TOLEDO, OREGON i Predetucls's QUALIT Store Y MAKE A LOAF OF BREAD FROM BLEND FLOUR, TAKE IT TO THE LINCOLN COUNTY FAIR AND WIN THE SPECIAL PRIZE OF $15.00. WE OFFER $10.00 FIRST PRIZE; $5.00 SECOND PRIZE. BREAD ENTERED IN COMPETITION FOR THIS PRIZE MUST BE MADE FROM BLEND FLOUR WE SELL IT. P. FREDERICK S. R. ANDERSON, Proprietor Water Front Moat Market I DEALER IN FRESH AND CURED MEATS FISH AND POULTRY MAIL AND PHONE ORDERS WILL RECEIVE . PROMPT ATTENTION 'TOLEDO, Hdqrs. for Ground Bone.- OREGON VISIT Howb. Go. eiersosi During the FAIR HARDWARE TIN and GRANITE WARE HEATING STOVES and RANGES SPORTING GOODS and AMUNITION WE ISSUE HUNTING and FISHING LICENSES Peterson Hardware Co. rand econom You gain an advantage in the resources, experience, knowledge and equipment of the Standard Oil Company, which combine to make Zer olene. They insure a uniform product of quality. They cre ate an efficiencyin the manu facture of fine lubricants hard to duplicate elsewhere in the world. Our Board of Lubrication Engineers has determined the correct consistency of Zerolene for your car. Their recommendations are avail able for yuu in the Zerolene Correct Lubrication Charts. Get one for your car at your dealer's or our nearest sta tion. Use Zerolene for Cor rect Lubrication. For Tractors There is a correct grade of Zerolene for your tractor. Get our booklet on its Cor rect Lubrication. Ask our Agent for a copy. STANDARD OIL COMPANY (CUforni) A grade for eaai type NEW CLOSED SPRUCE CONES WANTED W. P. Manning of the firm of C. H. Manning Sons For est Tree Seed Collectors will be in Toledo soon, to in struct anyone desiring to collect Spruce cones. Watch these colums for the date. R. O. BURGESS PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON 7oledo, Oregon Office In Andrews Building. Office hours: 10 to 12 a. m.: 2 to 4 and 7 to I . m. tti-jmwj? alls . anv tlm (31) FOR SALE Good sound youna team, weight about 3400. See Chas. Miller, Chitwood, Or.