Lincoln County leader. (Toledo, Lincoln County, Or.) 1893-1987, June 11, 1920, Image 1

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    0unffi Wendtv.
Mrs. Walter Ross and MIbs Alma
Ross loft Friday morning for tin ex
tended viBlt east. The former roes to
Lincoln, Neb., to visit her mother, who
is very ill and is not expected to live
out snort time, and the latter goes
to Springfield, Mo., to visit friands and
IhnitL I?v, Ut 6 V" S, ? one
I K hnn W 11 k6eP
n TS.aU dUrl"g tl,eir
.tttnZJ . X'y .v. , , ou"
lT .I u ' ' " W1"
nave a brood of thr.ruuKh Lroii i I'kenj
"fl,tt '' He milks three or fourfro8ty weather that many lost their
: . "rs , , . lre l"ey Bre
" ,r ' , . : r 111 10seln camps or
h V Pu nlKnway- nas
h- . 1 iwice on sun-;
LEn? af.H,t! ln. oUler churcn i
. 11 jioii.s in mo news ;
when necessary and taken altogether, ;
vmo iuu uu:i'm men on oiieiz.
Rev. Moore, Superintendent of this
district, iheld Quaterly Conference here
Tuesday of last week and found everv.
tiling connected with the ihurch work!
in a Vkri, snllf-rni.ln... .Ill : -
Moore preached ln the evenine a verv 1
interesting and able sermon. He is
one or our best preachers. While the
membership in the church is not large
the community spirit is very active In
trying to make this the most progres
sive and prosperous community ln the
The cream checks alone from Siletz
Valley bring in a good many thousand I
aidllars during the year. The Umber
Interest la lares and m inn hnr dJ
veloped. The sawmill at the Agency i
is toeing run mo. t of the time and the
new .'mill that is being built at the
Lower Farm will be running In
month or six weeks. The mill men !
here hav been lmndlrnnert hv th ,
,1-diortaee of cars but thin delav will hn
overcome after a while.
- t
.Tame Wank, wu a. . int.
tended tlie Good IloadniPHt,lnerpr.en. I
Jy held in Portland, said the work of
road building in the state was going on
rer satisfactorily. Said tho ()inm!s-.
e;on was compossud of able business1
men- that deolred to do the fn!r thing
by all parts or the stale. Said Lincoln
cnuntv wmii.i nnt ho r,B1rin,..i .nM
norno of the delegates wished 'to air
their oratory but the chairman of the
Commission, Mr. Benson, told them to
state their propositions ln plain Bimple
language and if it had merit it would
be considered, as the Commission had
no time to listen to long windy speech
A hnilao wnrmtni? (InnfB will ho o-lvon
at Recreation Hall Saturday evening, 1
Jllnn T T Mnlinnnv nmnrlntnp
Of couraa this is a free dance ri4'
very one is invited. The hall 1g new .
end the floor is superb. I
The late rain was sufficient to thor-
oughly wet the ground and this will
add many thousand dollars to the farm
ers Income. The ground had got very
dry and crops began to look pretty bad.
It will especially benefit tho gardens.
Mr. Gildersleevo has been doing
some carpenter work for Mr. W. S.
-Hall and now Mr Fred Chambers is
doing some papering and fitting up
some nice rooms in Ms. and Mrs. Hall's
Several new farm houses will be
milt just as eoon as the lumber can :
be had. These new homes will 1e
modern 1n all their appointments.
. Mr. and Mrs. A. a. Slocum wltn tneir
tamily have moved to Corvallls to!
make their home.. This Is done to;
have the advantage of the excellent
ecnooi facilities mat city anoras. 1 nis
family will be missed ln the school
and social circles of Siletz.
" At the last Grange meeting in an
open session a motion was made and
unanimously carried that the new
and beautiful park opened near the
Agency be named Chalcraft Park af
ter the name of the person who had
done most to have It opened up.
Born, Friday 4th; 1920, to Mr. and
Mrs. William Porter, a fine ten pound
daughter. '
Miss Alice Chalcraft' has ' just' re
turned from Salem where she had
been visiting friends and attending
Commencement exercises of the Will
amette University, She speaks of hav
ing a most excellent time.
Ira Wade and Mr. Cooter were over
from Toledo, having in tow Mt. and
Mrs. Simmons, recently from New
Mexico, who are looking over the
county with a view of buying a farm.
They are pleased with Siletz and trie
beautiful surroundings.
Everybody made happy by the fine
rain just passed, insuring gardens and
other' crops to the farmers of our vicln
Ity. ' ' '
Mercine Felton is visiting with his
parents and while here is assisting
his father with his work of lmprove
mont on his little farm. Mt. Feltoh,
Sr., contemplates putting in berries on
his place as that Is about the most
paying crop of the times.
E. R. Lynn has quit work on the
jetty as they have a new man come
to take his place. Mr. Lynn has his
early hay to cut and get in.
Guy L. Coombs, formerly of South
Beach, visited here among friends the
first of this week. Mr. Coombs waa
formerly knows as Jock Dodge, hnvln
born his step-fathers name until the
time of his marriage widi Miss Jewel
Tays, when it became necessary to
take up his own name.
Lee Dotty is in town completing
hismoving. He purchased a farm on
Drtft Crek and moved his family there
tin . "w Moving
the rest cf his honsihold goods.
Th0 coId backward spring has put
bck fruit and berries quite .late here,
, .1... 1
cherries after they had set on.
Mrs. King and littlo boil, Klmer, from
Buhl. Idaho, who have been visiting at
Soutn Beacri with her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. D. S. Conrad, left for Westport
iast w.rek where slie will visit a sister
a few days before gains back to her
home in Idaho.
Vic Durdall and wife and Goofie In
their Henry the Eight Limousine trav-
ellod to anu from Albany part of Sat
urday, Sunday and all of Monday but
the evening. They brought back a
Native Son, California Preferred Stock
for a short visit. They rained In.
Roy Woodcock has mailed a copy of
a new Song Hit written by himself, to
one of his friends ln Nashville. The
song is entitled, "Won't you Lemonizc
wltn me " The tonal ejects are vocal
ana P'iuai.
Dick Cain was ln Nashville inspect-
in clty lotB wltn a v,ew to moving his
Writer residence to this city. In the
Bummer Mr- Cain is always tied up
' BHl n"'"ns vrojecu in ine
timber lands near the small station ,
01 Summit.
L- D- Nasn and wfe have trans-
I ferred their Influence from Portland
and are now at home ln Nashville.
Among .the Nashville to Corvallla I
Passengers this week were: Bert and I
vlrg" Sniltn M- B- Farrand and Roy
H,'ima,r: , , , 1
Frelda V, inkier unu Vern Oifewsmg.
were marrled the family home Tues-1
ul' - , . , ,
T. W. Stevens, veteran of tlie Shil-
llngs Best Staff 1,as been visiting
durinB the week with his daughter,
Mrs. L. L Leavitt.
Miss Eileen Stephens epent Sunday
ln Nashville.
Ina V.rviuh Air4fa o n il rn laff '
day for their new home in Denver. 1
Denver Is east of Nashville In a state
Called Colorado.
Clyde Gillette Is In Eugene on busl-
SUjclair ,Martla -came - la . fronu
P?"Ia.nd Sundav to spend the summer
wltfl n'8 Parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. H.
Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Stanton spent
Wednesday night with Mr. and Mrs. 1
Bert Smith. They were on their way ;
to iCorvallis.
Walter Harrison is the proud dos-
sesor of a fine saddle horse purchased
of Mr. Lemon.
Clarence Davis has purchased a fine '
Bulck car and made a trip over to Big !
Elk to visit hu father ank rmvia
On' the retuni trip the tar skidded '
off the grade on Mitchler Mt, and!
Clarence was compelled to walk back ' !
a mile or so and tell his troubles to'
Mr. Cator Who at once went to the1
rescue with his team and Clarence
once mora- started -on his way las;
happy as a married man can be.
Mr. Downing lost two valuable cows
lately by accidents.
Maine Brtggs made his regular
week-end trip to Toledo Saturday.
Had to get another hair-cut I
. The rain of the past few days has
stopped work On the Highway, but a )
few days work are no comparison to
the benefits we are deriving from the
Mr. Springer of Spout Creek had the
misfortune to lose a horse while work
ing on the road in Mr. Hathaway's dis
trict, by a falling tree.
Burnt ' wood's boys are organizing
a ball (earn and are giving a dance
Tuesday night at the home of Mr. Har
mason, the proceeds of Which are to
go for the purchase of base ball goods.
Mr. and Mrs.-W, tt.- Price made a
business trip to Toledo and back Tues
day. '. Mrs. Ed. Jones and daughter, Edna,
came in from Portland a few days ago.
C. S. Wilson and wife left for Salem
recently to attend the Adventist camp
meeting at that place. '
Mrs. Tom E?lln came in from a trip
to the Valley Wednesday.
IMro, Ella Wilson made a trip to
Newport' TueBday returning Wednes
day. Mrs. Adelia Davis left for Salam
one day last week.
M. T. Whitney oame in from Eugene
Emma and Harry Wilson made a
trip to Salem Thursday.
Sammy Henry came down from their
ranch ln the hills Tuesday.
R. R, Wilson Is planning to Btart on
M 'r -n II
N"';jvr BShiiiiiiiiiiiiiii in imiiiii t 1
i 11 s m m 11 1 11 1 1
LE33? H .1 Hi
AVU XKmkeJCA fil
i'i-'i"n'-i"i--f H"I-
I !
The Dining
Toledo Hotel
... i .. -Is
now open to the Public
Meals 50c
L. H. LOWE, Mgr.
a trip' to Los' Angeles, Calif., about
the rniddle of this month,. We wish
him a pleasant trip. .
' : r" ON A
Ji. J. Wood an jP. C. Gray moved
their . families to Pool Slough the first
of tb-v wek, to spend the summer.
Messrs. Wood and Gray have a logging
contract. on the slough,, which will
keep them busy foi; several months to
come. . . .... r
Mrs. Chas. Hasman and son, Roy,
alf 0 dauRhtei j,.Fredi and Jennie, were
guests of Mr. and Mrs. win. Farnum
Sunday.' ...',.',,' . '
"A. H. Phelps' purchased a fine colt
in Toledo lost week.
Mrs' Hester Coovert attended the
program, given ty'the pupils . of Misa
Neta' Phelps' at the : Upper Beaver
school bouse Friday afternoon.'
' Mr. and' Mrs.' Ed Howe arrived down
from Portland Monday to lake charge
of the S. R. Howe ranch near South
Beaver. ' '," ' '
: Married,' Ha'll-Wllehart. At' Toledo,
Or., Juno 3, Frank Hall of (his place
md Mrs. Daiby Wilehart of Portland.
Mr. and Mrs. Hall will make their
home on the Hall ranch near Soutli
Mrs. Harriet Hill went to' Newport
Wednesday to receive medical atten
tion. While ln town she will be the
guest of Mrs. L. L. Parks. Mrs. Hill
was accompanied by her daughter, Mrs
J. R. Ooovert, the latter returning
ntKnOeRlf - AW TrflNfr Vmi n-
. . ...... 1 - -
8kX "ifirrr
U-p ji
Room at the
home tho same evening. Mrs. H. J.
Wood, Clifford Phelps and N. U Guil
liams were also Newport visitors Wed
nesday. Miss Helen Phelps who has been
employed at Yaqulna for the paBt two
months, returned home Wednesday.
Fred Commons motored to West
Yaqulna Monday.
Herbert Backus came down from
Willamette the first of the week to
work for E. L. Wilson.
(To Late For Last Week)
Dotty wan a South Bosch vleltor
Tuesday going back to his ranch on
the evening stage.
The launching of the boat of flowers
on Decoration Day was a failure, as the
strong wind soon upset it before it
had undo but a shoi't distance.
Mr. Felton contemplates putting out
berries on the place he recently bought
Berries do quite well' here and people
would do well to give them a trial.
Mike Hoffman 1 as planted quite, a
patch of legan berries this spring and
will try them IrisU.iJ of bo much
garden truck. This place bldH fair 10
open up some niw industries. People
are becoming interested in berries of
all kinds and find tliut they do well
here, and also bee culture is coming to
the front and the dairy business lias
always been good. More people are
taking interest in such things now
than they have before.
f 'm I hey: cot cot tke J I'm not wor,kng- I
(To Late For Last Week)
Newport will celebrate! The cele
bration Is under the auspices of the
Third Co., with the help of the citi
zens. Already a large amount has been
suscribed and the Committee expects
to have $1,000 to spend, and really
wake up the old burg. The principal
attraction will be a Hydroplane and all
the Improved stunts will be gone thru
by the aviator. Reduced rates have
been secured on all roads, including
the Miller logging road. It Is hoped
to secure the E. L. Smith to bring
the residents of Siletz Bay.
This week the State Highway Com
mission met lu Portland to apportion
the road money raised at the Inst elec
tion. A committee of Newport citizens
consisting of B. F. Joiifs, S. G. Irvin,
S. Dahl. Mrs. L W. Williams, Mrs. C.
C. Belt, appeared before them in the
interest of the Coast road to the North
end of the county, and asked them to
put ln the connecting link of seven
miles between Lincoln ond Tillamook
counties. At first they met with Hat
refusal, but finally agreed that if the
Forest Service would put up one fourth
Lincoln and Tlllarflook counties each
one fourth, that they would furnish the
other one fourth of the funds. The
committee was also assured that the
Newport-Corvallis road would be com
pleted. The Electric Co. are putting in a
new line between Newport and Toledo,
and also in tho City of Newport are
renewing many of the lines. Tho
work is in charge of Supt. Geo. Blan-
The Midway Theater has been mov
ed to Its new location opposite the
Gas is still very scarce in Newport,
but it ia hoped some will be obtained
by boat from Portland.
Manager Harry Clement or tlie Mill
port mill is ln the city after repairs
for the mill. He stateB that they hope
to have a load of several hundred
thousand feet collected nt 1 aquina
siou for shipment to Han Franuis.:o by
The Third Co. team handed the
Waldport team a Rood lacing Sunday
on the home grounds. Well, they say
turn about Is fair play.
Jim Blacketer, Charles Wisniewsui,
Bruno Rydjeska and sister, Esther
Neinil. and brother were visitors from
Taft and Millport this week. Pretty
hard lines when you have to walk
thirty miles to get a toothache stopped
or a sore finger attended, but that is
what the North Lincoln county people
are up against. No road to get out
any direction. If some of tha Elk City
people were In that condition for roads
they imlght have some kick coming.
Dr. Carter the "Big Ingun" from Si
letz Agency, was ln town this week.
Gene Williams surprised the oldest
Inhabitants by building new sidewalks,
shingling and completing other im
provments on his Front Street proper
ty. Paul Chatt of Taft was In town Tues
day, and not alone.
Hans E. Peterson of Toledo, Oregon,
Ib here today meeting a lot of old
friends, after ah absence of 30 years
spent In the coast country. . He was in
the jewelry business here from 1882
to 1890 when he moved to Fertile and
afterwards moved to Toledo, Oregon,
where he has been located in the Jew
elry business ever since. The West
hna aereed with hlra both physically
and financially. He looks almost as
young as when he left here 30 years
ago. This Is his first vacation In all
that time and he is greatly enjoying
the visits with the "old timers" who
still remain here.
The 48th Annual Reunion of the Ore
a Plnnoar'a AfiRAniatinii will be held
Bvil ....... , . ...
at the Public Auditorium, Portland, on
July 1st. Reduced fares win De grant
ed on all railroads. All persons going
ah mi 1H ha cure tn set revolt certificate
for same from the agent, as thla receipt
will enable you to get your reiuni
ticket for one-third fare.
The graduation exercises of the To
ledo High school were held at tho
Movies Theatre In this city Wednesday
evening. As UBual the house was filled
to capacity nnd all enjoyed the pro
gram prepared.
The graduates were: Ruth Brautl,
Kathryn Wadgh, Rose Derrick and Al
vin Andersen.
M'iss Waugh was presented with a
free scholarship from the Albany Col
lege, as a reward for having the best
Coiinveiii'ing Monday, June 14, bread
prices will bo raised one ;piit per loaf.
The large loaves will sell at 17c, and
the small ones at 12c. Tills raise is
' made nececsary by tho Increased cost
OI Hour, iiieseare ruiimun fin."
Lincoln County Bakery.
Hon. Lester Martin, chairman of the
Lincoln County Republican Central
Committee save a bunquet at the Ab
bey Hotel, Newport, last evening, to
the Central Committeemen of the
county, and a few Invited guests.
The party set down to dinner In the
spacing dining room of the Abbey at
about o:30, and the meal, which was
served in courses, was up to the usual
Abbey standard. Hon. B. F. Jones of
Newport was sr-ated nt the head of the
long tible, and C. E. Hawkins of To
ledo sat opposite him at the other end
of the table.
Mr. Jones made an appropriate little
speech at the close of the meal, point
ing out that Lincoln County's long fight
10 secure am on tlie improving .i Ya
qtiina Harbor was at last getting re
sults, he having received telegrams
from the Oregon Delegation at Wash
ington, assuring him that the River
and Harbor Bill had passed, the bill in
cluding money for this harbor.
Immediately after the meal tho party
repaired to the parlor of the Abbey,
and Chairman Martin called the meet
ing to order, Dr. W M. Berry acting
aB secretary.
(Nomination of a new set of officers
for the ensuing two years was the first
order of busineas, and tlie following
Is a list of the officers elected: G. W.
Emery, Newport, Chairman; Miss
Gladys Jones, Newport, Secretary;
Chas. Hassman, Yaqulna, Treasurer;
B. F. Jones, Newport, State Delegate;
C. E. Hawkins, Toledo, Congressional
Delegate. .
After election of officers came
speeches, and all 'In all, a lot of en
thusiasm was stirred up. The meeting
ehow?d the right spirit, the enthusiasm,
belni contagious, and we believe this
spirit will spread all over this good
old U. S. A. before election time next
November, insuring tha election of all
Republican candidates from President
to Constable. '
Friday, Saturday
Lieut. Locklear in the 6 reel
drama, "The Great Air Robbery"
The hero leaps from one plane
to another. One reel Comedy.
30c, 15c
Sunday, Monday, Lew Cody and
Rosemary Theby in tho drama, "Are
You Legnlly Married?" Also Ford
Weekly. 26c, 10c.
Tuesday. 4 reels of tho Serial, "The
Midnight Man." 1 reel comedy. 25c, 10.
Wednesday, Thursday, 5 reel drama
"The Silent Lady," one reel comedy.
25c, 10c. '
The home of Mr. and Mrs. Gus
Winkler of Nashville, Oregon, wa tha
scene of a pretty June wedding on
Tuesday noon, the 8th, when their
daughter, Elfriedo, became the bride
of Mr. Vern Gruslng, of Lebanon, Ore
gon. The bride was most beautiful In her
gown of cream silk crepe, and was at
tended by Miss Mllldred Cummins of
Nashville as bridesmaid, Mrs. Walter
Winkler of Eugene as Matron of Hon
or, and Miss Kittle Dowllng of Albany
as Maid of Honor. Tlie groom was
attended by MeBsrs. Max Winkler, Wil
lie Cootes, and Walter Winkler. Rev.
Ellsworth of Toledo officiating.
The guests numbered about sixty..
Those out-of-town guests were: Mr.
and Mrs. Hall and Mrs. Julius, (paronta
and slater of groom), and Mr. Rock
well, from Lebanon;; Mr. and Mrs.
Walter WInklor and children of Eu
gene; and Miss Kittle Dowllng, of Al
bany. A bountiful wedding dinner was
served after the ceremony, and the
bridal couple left on the afternoon
train for their honeymoon trip to San
Francisco, California.
There will be services at the Luther
an church on Sunday the 13th of June,
at 11 o'clock A. M. Services will be
held at the Sunny Ridge schoolhouse
nt 2:20 tho same day.
The Lutheran Ladies Aid meets with
Mrs. E. Ofstedahl on Thursday the 17th
of June, at 1:30 o'clock.
The Toledo baseball team won the
game at Newport last Sunday with the
Newport tbim, by tlie score of 6 to 4.
Tlie game was interesting from start
to finish, although toward Uie last it
began to rain.
Another game Is scheduled for next
Sunday, between the same teams, and
on the same 'grounds.
The ladles of the Whist Club are
giving a whist party at the I. O. O. F.
Hall tomorrow evening to raise funds
for the Rest Room. An admission of
25 rents will be charged and everybody
Is Invited to attend. Supper will be
served cafeteria style, at cafeteria
prices. Come out and help a good
cause along.