LINCOLN COUNTY LEADER, TOLEDO, OREGON, FRIDAY, APRIL 23rd, 1920 PAGE 3 i:-"" PAPERS AT ALBANY RAISE AD RATES Albany, Or., April 5. (Special.) Both the Albany Democrat and the Albany Herald have announced In creases In their advertising rates, duo principally to the abnormally high cost of print paper. Telegram. o HIDES Are NOT Junk S Ship Your Hides & Calf Skint To The H. F. Norton Co., Portland, Or. N0TIC5 TO PRESENT CLAIMS Notice Is hereby eiven that tli nn. deralgned has been annotated hv th County Court of Lincoln County, Ore gon, administratrix of the Estate of Elizabeth . Craige Hanlon, deceased. All persons having claims against said estate are hcieby directed to file the same with me at my residence at To ledo, Oregon, within six months from date thereof, duly verified and with proper vouchers. Dated April 23rd, 1920. Rachel C. King, Administratrix f the Estate of Eliza beth Craige Hanlon, deceased. NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE OF REAL PROPERTY In the County Court of the State of Oregon, for the County of Benton In tile matter of the Estate of Eben S. Sprague, deceased. Notice is hereby given that under and In accordance with an order of sale made, by the County Court of Ken ton County, Oregon, on the 19th day of March, 1920, in the above entitled state, directing and ordering me, Jo- Boph Davis, as the administrator of said estate to sell all of the real pro - perty belonging to said estate at pri Vate sale to the highest bidder for cash to Batlsfy the claims, charges and expenses against said estate, which order was duly recorded at page 431 Probate Journal Number 14; that I as such administrator will proceed to sell at private sale from and after Saturday the 29th day of May 1920, all of the right, title and interest which the said Eben S. Sprague bad at the time of his death, or which his estate has acquired since h!s death, in and to til following described real proper ty: Beginning at the boulheast corner of the Southeast Quarter of Section 8 in Township 11 South of Range 10 West of the Willamette Meridian in Lincoln County, Oregon, and running thence West 90 rods more or less to the East bank of Olalla Slough, thence due North 35H rods, thence East 90 rods, thence South o5'i rods to the place of beginning, containing 20 acres more or less, in Lincoln County, Ore gon, to the highest bidder for cash, and said sale will be maJe subject to confirmation therof by the above en titled Court. Joseph Davis, Administrator of the estate of Eben IS. Sprague, Deceased. CITATION Jn the County Court of the State of Oregon for Lincoln County In the Matter of the Estate of Mar garet Barnes, Deceased: To William H. (Barnes, Mary A. Book, A. H. Barnes, R. M. Barnes and M. E. King, Heirs at Law of the above deceased, and to All Others Unknown, If any there be, Greeting:. In trio Name of the State of Oregon: You are hereby cited and re quired to appear in the County Court of the State of Oregon for the County 'of Lincoln at the Court Room thereof In the city of Toledo In said County and State on Tuesday the 1st day of June, 1920, at 3:30 o'clock In the afternoon of said day, then and there to show cause, if any exists, why an order of sale should not bo made of the following des cribed property: k The Southwest wyjter. of the North east quarter and the Southeast quarter of the Northwest quarter of Section 10, Township 11, South Range 9 West, Will. Mer. In Lincoln County, Oregon, as praycl for in the petition of M. E. Kin.;, Ai'Timstratrix of the Estate ot Margaret Barnes, deceased, which said petition was filed in the above named Court on the 4th day of March, 1920. Witness the Honorable R. R. Miller, Judse of the County Court of the State of Oregon and County of Lincoln, and the seal of the Court affixed this 19th day of April, 1920. Attest: R- H. Howell, Clerk. Date of first publication, April 23, 1920 pate of last publication, May 21, 1920. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Department of the Interior U. S. Laudolilce at Portland, Oregon March 25, 1920. Notice is hereby given that William A. Crawford, of Nortons, Oregon, who on Sept. 25th, 1916, made Original vr m Kin 04S06 for Lots 7, 8, and 9, Sec. 1, T. 10 S., R. 9 W.. W. M. and on Mm n 1918. made Additional H. fc. No. 04987, for the SV4 SWtt, Section 36, Township 9 S., Range w.( Wil lamette Meridian, has filed notice of Intention to make Final Three Year Proof, to establish claim to the land above described, before the Clerk of the County Court for Lincoln County, Oregon, at Toledo, Oregon, on the 5th day of May, 1920. Claimant names as witnesses: William I. Southwell of Nortons, Or., A. L. Crawford of Siletz, Or., C. W. Bemrose of Orton, Or., and H. M. Henry of Nortons, Oregon. Proof made under act of August 15 1894. Alexander Sweek, Register. C. E.HAWKINS Attorney-at-Law Toledo, Oregon And net Fill I u,i. I for them V L Price List & Shipping y Tags on Request C o Someone In Albany stole Mrs. O'-1 Leary's cow. Since prohibition, a Chineso of San Francisco named Ah Why started a drug store. Ah, why? . When the boss read In his paper that Mary I'lckford was married again, he picked up the telephone and called Douglas 1. Champ Clark say It Is no trick to make a good speech providing the speaker talks about something he knows something about. Another River of Doubt Nobody known where the Wurzburger flows. Someone Is Baving the money you waste. Why don't you save It your self? Get the W. S. S. habit. A San Francisco woman beat the higb cost of silk stockings by wearing two pair of cheap silk stockings. No one knows that she has two pair of stockings on, and they look like seventy-five dollar variety. That is Thrift with a "kick" In It. COURT PROCEEDINGS OF MARCH ADJOURNED TERM OF COUNTY COURT Walker & Lebow, mdse 46.75 H. Lutey. et al, work on road 82.25 Yaquina Electric Co., lights .. .8.00 L. T. Stephens, work on high way 70.00 D. F. Dudley, same 52.30 O. C. Voigt, same 18-65 B. MoflU, same 27.00 H. C. Smith, same 47.80 Walter Cline, same 11.25 A. A. Chapman, same 15.75 C. H. Hoscoe, same 15.75 Ora Roscoe, same 15.75 C. A. Roscoe, same 20.25 N. A. Harris, Eame ' 4.50 Albert Roscoe, same 4.50 J. Chapman, same 4.50 J. McDowell, same ; 4.50 J. Newconib, samu 4.50 John Yasek, same 16.00 J. B. Doyle, same 236.80 D. A. Ross, same 24 50 R. Dunn, same 29.50 L. B. Wiswell, same 14.10 A. B. Dwlnnell, same 32.00 E. 11. Dwinuell, same 9.00 C. L. Johnson, same .. .... 9.00 C. M. Newman, same 11.25 Coe Dhooha, Ean.'e 3.50 Flora I'epin, same 41.50 Sam Levens, work on Yachats Road 21.00 j. L. Hartley, same ;. 21.50 Floyd Thissell, same 7.00 C. S. Ohmart, et al, work on Ona road 50.50 E. S., Oakland, work on Bay view road 1002.50 R. W. Pepin, work on Cedar Creek Bridge 932.00 Ord Castle, surveying 10.00 F. W. Chambers, surveying . . 3.50 Z. M. Derrick, approving platD 3.50 C. K. Crosno, deputy health of ficer 88.43 A. G. Schwartz, salary, expenses 130.00 Mary Geer, work In assessors .office 90.00 R. D. Burgess, health officer . . 110.50 A. J. Brown, work in Newport 60.00 S. P. R. R. Co., freight 12.18 Toledo Meat Co., meat 7.65 E. M. Stanton, work on road ... 60.00 C. H. Lumber Co., lumber .... 316.34 American Express Co., express 45.54 John Dillon, work on roads . . 52.00 H. R. Stratton, care of poor . . 3.00 Boys & Girls Aid Society, care of poor 70.00 F. W. Gertula, ferry 20.00 U. S. Spruce Co., iron-.. ..1921.05 C. R. Ellsworth, care of J. E. Parker 40.00 Clarence Doty, building bridge 100.00 Yale Lock Co., tool house keys .74 Ed. Mauch, caps for road .. 6.75 Fred Horning, wood, drayinff 21.44 R, S. Van Cleve, mdse 18.69 Morris & Hallmark, shovel .. 1.60 G. I. Smith, abstract of entries 3.40 Liberty Coal Co., coal .. .. 488.25 G. L. McCaulou, lumber .. .. 7.93 State Highway Com., machinery 11.60 C. A. Overlander, et al, work on Big Elk road . . . . : 184.24 R. R. Miller, salary, freight .. 111.86 A. J. Stocker, et al, work on Newport roads 23.75 J. A. Peterson, work on highway 25.00 Jay W. Dunn, freight 252.20 Alva Strome, rafting lumber . . 26.00 Al Taylor, same I9 60 Harley Taylor, same 6.00 Chas. Wooding, et al, work on roads 33.50 Joe Dowd, work on Slletz road 15.75 J. S. Lloyd, same ' 8.00 C. W. Brown, work ou Salado rrmd 1400 Pnc. Tel. Co., phone service 35.00 John Yasek, hauling lumber . . 20.00 R. PI Goin, exp. of Institutes . . iso.uu J. W. Graham, draying 11.75 A. B. Slocuui, truant omcer .. n.oa Marv Fowler, meals io.uu E. C. Paine, rent of scow .... 15.00 5.00 98.00 95.50 Harry Flsk, scowing .. . . .. Uateman & Uateuiau, uunai oi .!. E. Parker Fred Luethe, ct al, work on M'olrlnnr ruada P. S. Murray, et al, road work 105.00 c! W. Warren, et al, same .. 21.00 W. E, Simpson, salary, expends of prisoners 189.75 L. F. Robbius, et ai, wuik. uu f .'..IvvIIIb roads 5.50 W. F. Wakefield, co. com. and money advanced Standard Oil Co., oil .. .. .. 75.54 J C Altree, work on oridge . . bi.UU Petition of C. C. McBride for rebate of taxes, granted. Petition of Ed Huble for rebate of taxes, granted. r. H. Howell, Co. Clerk. THAT DULL ACHING I Don't worry and complain about a bad back. Get rid or it: or wean kidneys, lame and acny dbckb, your neighbors recommend Doan's Kidney Pills. Ask your neignnors naw statement: ... . Mrs. L. J. Strong, 1453 Washington m. nr.. savs: "Doan's Kid ney Pills have been a. household medi cine for the past eighteen years and they have never failed to give good satisfaction. My troublo is mostly a dull ache across my kidneys and they are more or less irregular in action. After I have used Doan's Kidney Pills a. few davs. I am relieved of that mis ery in my back and my kidneys are normal." PHen fine, at all dealers. Dcn't airrmiv oak for a kidney remedy get Doan's Kidney Pills ths famo that Mrs. Strong had. Foster MiiDurn o. Mfgrs., Buffalo, N. Y. rrof. and Mrs. W. C. Cox are at Newport this week attendine the In- suiuie. I Mrs. G. F. Cruson and children were Valleyward messengers Satur- day noon. Ira Wade returned Friday ev nine from a trip to Salem and other Val ley points. Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Foreman of Sl letz were In the city Wednesday en route to Salem. Born, Monday, April 19th 1920. to Mr. and Mrs. John Crooks in this city, a ten pound boy. Dule Klmes, the local S. P. agent, was a passenger for Portand Tuesday, returning Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. P. Frederick and lit tle daughter, returned Sunday even ing from a trip to Portland. Dont forget the supper and enter tainment in the Oddfellow's Hall, next Friday evening, April 30th. Miss Mable Booth, who is teaching at Yachats, arrived home Saturday tor a visit with her mother. J. S. Akin went up to Eddyville Sunday where he is working with the State Highway engineers. B. F. Speak was called to Portland on business Monday. Mr. Speak will be In the city for some time. Mrs. Cora Bratton of Portland was visiting here the first of the week with her brother. Si Hanson. Mrs. C. G. Copeland of Newport passed thru Tuesday evening enroute home from a visit at Corvallis. Mrs. G. L. MlcCaulou returned Mon day evening from Newberg where she has been visiting with her mother. Mrs. Bert Smith of Nashville was In the city Sunday visiting with her sister, Mrs. E. M. Stanton and I.u band. ' Mr. and Mrs. L. Hanson and child ren departed Saturday for the stiue of Washington where they will make their home. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Frary arrived down from Raymond, Washington, Wednesday evening for a visit with relatives here. Wm. Southwell arrived down from Rock Creek Sunday evening. Mr. Southwell has accepted a position with the Roberts Lumber Co. Miss Margaret E. Simmons, who is teaching1 at Lower Farm, was in the city last Frlciy enroute to her home at Falls City for a short visit. Prof, and Mrs. John Miller of Sl letz were in the city Tuesday evening enroute to Newport to attend the teachers' institute in session there this week. County School Supt. and Mrs. R. P. Goin went to Newport Tuesday even ing where Mr. Goin is conducting the; annual teachers' institute this week. ICity Recorder, D. T. Harding, of Newport passed thru Friday 'evening enroute home from a trip to Portland. Miss Ruth Chesley was a passenger for Waldport Friday evening. iF. N. Austin and family arrived over from Salem Tuesday and have rented apartments In Mrs. Ofstedahl's house. Mr. Austin contemplates going into the banking business- in this city. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Mitchell departed for Dallas Tuesday. Mr. Mitchell Jus been employed in the local depot the past several months, but will now be stationed at Timber on the Tillamook line. Mr. and Mrs. David Baird returned Saturday evening from an extended visit at their old home in Kansas. They visited with relatives in Color rado, Nevada and California on the way back. Raymond Stewart camo down from Portland Friday evening for a visit with relatives and friends here. He returned to the city Monday. Ray mond has a good position with the O-W-R & N. Terminal Company. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Ross arrived in Toledo last Friday evening for a visit with Mr. Ross' mother and other re latives In this city. Jack and wife have been living at Bend .the past several years, but will now make their home at Lodi, Calif., they leaving for the southern city Monday. NOTICE OF SURVEY AND LOCATION OF BOUNDARIES LINES AND CORNERS To Myra Gallagher, Lnnd ft J Live Stock Cmrpauy. Ladd & Tilton Bank, Estate of Samuel Case, decpae-l I Estate of Thomas Kerr, deceased, Emily Steven3, Lydia flaiimussen, 12. M. Howell, T. C. Howell, NeJr Com pany, M. M. Davis and each of you: WHEREAS, a pi tition signed by Myra Gallagher us th ovner of M West 920 fe l ot the East halt of the Northeast quarter and Lots three and four Section 22 TowiiRhip 11 South Range 11 West of tho Willamette Me ridian, Lincoln County, Oregon, has been filed with me as county survey or of Lincoln County, Oregon, In which said petition thrt said Myra Gallag her petitions and applies for the sur vey and establishment of the lines and corners between the above described traict and the tract of land adjoining it on the east, particularly described as the East 400 feet of the East half of the Northeast quarter and the East half of the Southeast quarter Section 22 Township 11 South Range 11 West, of the Willamette Meridian in Lincoln County, Oregon, and for the location of the section corner between sections 22, 23, 26 and 27 all in Township 11 South of Rango 11 West, and WHEREAS, the said petitioner has furnished me with the names and ad dresses of all persons residing in the county or elsewhere, so far as known who may be affected by said survey, iNOW THEREFORE, you, tho said persons affected by said survey and locations of eaid corners and each of you are hereby notified that I will be gin said survey on the 10th day ot May, 1920, and will survey and estab lish the boundaries and corners here inabove set out. Given under my hand and seal this Kllh day of April 1!'20. Ord Castle, . . County Surveyor of Lincoln Co., Or. 11 OIL (KEROSENE) jfor HEAT STANDARD OIL COMPANY (CALIFORNIA) Buy W. 8. S NOTICE TO CREDITORS Notice is hereby given that the un dersigned has been duly appointed administrator with the will annexed of the estate of Edwin Wallace, de ceased, by the County Court of the State of Oresnn, for Lincoln County, and has qualified. All persons having claims against the said estate are hereby notified to present the same duly verified, toge ther with proper vouchers therefor, to the undersigned . administrator with the will annexed at his law office in Independence, Oregon, within b!x months of the date of this notice. Dated and first published April 2nd, 1920. B. F. SWOPE. Administrator with the will annexed of the estate of Edwin Wallace, de ceased. . SUMMONS In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Lincoln County Lloyd L. Lilllard, Plaintiff, vs. J. II. Skinner and Richelmor Co., a corporation, both of Chicago, Illinois Defendants. To J. H. Skinner and Rlchelmer Co., a corporation, and each of the above named defendants: In the Nnme of the State of Oregon: You are hereby notified that Lloyd L. LilManl, the bolder of Certificate of Delinquency numbered 115 issued on the 2.r,th day of May, . D. 1915, by the Tax ( ulle tor of the County of Lincoln. State of Oregon, for the amount of Twenty-two and 91! 100 Dollars, the same being the amount then due and delinquent for taxes for tiie year 191.1, together with penalty, interest and costs thereon upi.n the real propry of which you are the owner as apueam of record, situate in said County ami State, and particularly bounded am! described as follows, to-wit: The Northeast quarter of Section 22, Township 12, South Rango 8 West ot the Willamette Meridian in Lincoln County, Oregon, containing 160 acres in Lincoln County, Oregon. You are fuithei notified that said Lloyd Llllard has psid taxes on sal J premlBcs for prior or subsequent ycara with the rate ot interest on said amounts, as follows: Year's Date Paid Tax Re- Amt. Rate of Tax celpt No. Interest 1914 Oct. 1. 1915 4895 $18.15 15 1916 Oct. 10. 1916 4649 15.18 15 1916 Aug. 24, 1918 5613 24.64 12 1917 Aug. 24, 1918 3637 20.60 12 1915 Feb. 6 1920 5241 23.74 12 Said J. II. Skinnei as the owner A the legal title of the above dosc.rib".! property as tn-i same appears of record and each of the or'fir defendants a'.cvo named are hereby further notified that LIuyd L. Lllla.-d -vill apply to l.ho Circuit Court of the County and State aforesaid for a decree foreclos na; plaintiff's lien chains', the property lereinabove des !ibed, and mentioned in said certlfi :r.t.. And you, and tach I f -vou ar here'w summoned to appeir within sixty days from the first pu'j- licatlon of thu sunmons exclusivi of lif day of sad f.i'st publication, and fi.-i'ond this suit i.r pay the amnu.ii due as above shown, together ci bts and accrued interest, or fo"' want thereof deuee will be rendeted f reclosing tlw lien of said taxo? and crfts against th lend and premiers herein above named, free and clear from any and all right, title, estate,. Hen, or interest that you, or either of you, may have or claim therein or thereto. This summons Is published by order of the Honorable R. R. Miller, Judge of the County Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Lincoln, and said order was made and dated this 31st day of March. 1920, and tho date of the first publication of this summons is the 2nd day of April, 1920. All process and papers In this pro ceding may be served upon the under signed residing within the State of Oregon at tho address hereafter men ti'jued. E. D. HORGAN, . Attorney for Plaintiff. Address, Corvallis, Oregon. SUMMONS In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Lincoln County Jennie F. Oilar, Plaintiff, vs. Willard Wing and Margaret Wing, his wire, Zulla Hickman and Harvey llieknian, her husband, Jennie F. Prescott, Ella Oik, Gilbert Spluwn, and lone Smith, Defendamts. To Willard Wing and Margaret Wing his wife, Zulla Hickman and Harvey Hickman, her husband, Jennie K. 1'iescott, Ella Oik, Gilbert Splawn, and lone Smith, and each of tho above named defendants. In the Name of the State of Oregon: You and each of you are hereby renuired to aDDcar and answer the complaint of the plaintiff in the above entitled suit now on file in the office of the County Clerk of Lincoln County reeon. on or before the day of April named in the order for publication of this summons made by the Honoraiblo R. R. Miller, County Judge ot saitt Lincoln County, which said order anu time for answering said summons are hereby referred to, to-wit: On or be fore six weeks from and after date of the fli-Bt publication hereof and you the hereby notified that if you fail to appear and answer the complaint as herein requjred, plaintiff will apply to the above entitled Court for the relief demanded In her complaint, namely: For a deoree of said Court that plaintiff's title to the following described real property, to wit: Ixts one, two, three of section twenty-two, and southwest quarter of northeast qu-.vrtor; northeast "Smooth as silk, eh? Same here" Music Lovers Choose the Brunsrwick yTUSIC lovers choose the Brunswick Phonograph to play their favorite records, for it plays all records at their best. The Brunswick Method of Reproduc tion makes this possible. It consists of two outstanding, exclusive features the Brunswick Ultona and the Brunswick Tone Amplifier. Just you bear thJ Brunswick fom in today for free demonstration. WARREN B. HARTLEY CO. Newport, 1VTEVER has there i. I 1 preserving your property than at the present time. High costs of construction have greatly increased the value of homes and buildings, no matter how old they might be. Paint GOOD Paint, will do more to preserve and increase the value of your property than anything lse you can possibly invest in. It is the greatest safeguard against the ravages of time and weather. It is the best kind of insurance. Guard your home and buildings with FULLER Paint and other products. Back of them are 71 years of paint-making experience. Thousands of property owners have used these products for years. Look Up, a FULLER Dealer in Your Town , W. P. Fuller & Co. Northwest Branches at 2 ftland, Seattle, Tacoma, Spokane, Boise quarter of northwest quarter; south half of north west quarter; north-. half of southwest quarter of section twenty-three in township thirteen south of ramie eleven west of tho Willametto Meridian in Lincoln County, Slate of Oregon is Rood and valid; that you, the said defendants and each of you have no riht, title or Interest whatsoever In or to eaid lands or any part thereot and that any andull claims that you may claim against gild lands Is wrong ful and without right .whatsoever. That you, tho said defendant and each of you be forvr barred ana enjoined from asserting any el.ilm whatsoever in or to tain li'tn.!. v : 1 1 i v part, thereof p.dveiso t') rlB'.'i' ; l,n'' for such otner and fu. tl . i 4 Chesterfield CHESTERFIELDS are "hitting on all four" smoothness,' taste, quality and value. What's the good word, everywhere yougojp They satisfy I mm km Oregon PAINT been a better reason for may bo equitable and Just. This sum mons is published in the Lincoln County leader once a week for six consecutive and successive weeks be ginning with the Issue of April 16th, lil-'O, under and pursuant to the direc tions contain d 'ii an order ma ki by the Honorable R. It. Miller, Canty Judge of Lincoln County, Orf'ton, which said ordr is dated this 14th day of1 April, ly.i. Q. B. Moiil' -Vey Attorney for Plaintiff, Postof .j ad . dress: Toledo, Oregon. C. B. McCLUSKEY Attorney-at-Law Toledo, Oregon 'J t year Your Home