" .rf- incoln VOLUME 28 TOLEDO, LINCOLN COUNTY, OREGON, FRIDAY, APRIL 16th, 1920 NUMBER 8 ounfu t tatter SILETZ Superintendent Kdwin L. Cha'.crafl has gone on official business connected with lils office. He wiil go to Grand Ronde and from tliere to Portland and other parts In his district. He wil! be absent ten or twelve days. The cold stormy weather of the last few days have stopped the farming end other Improvements that were go ing on in Sllciz Valley. The Indiana are very much pleased and elated over their new roll of be coming citizens. Some complain of high taxes but they will get used to that. Alec Cattish saya he wr.Ltu the white men who are uoing business for the county not to run in debt so as to put riiem all iu tha poor houst. Alec says It will be all right if the county officials and port commissions lont get us in debt too deeply. He thinks the big timber cwnars should pay thoir share of the taxas sad not shift It off on the small tax pay?rs. These timber barons are mllllonalrs and could buy the wlwlo county and havo monay left. When these iimbcr men want the timber moved and rail roads built they wiil build them and move the timber and this will not be done until they get ready. When these big timber owners use up their timber elsewhere they will come to STdz and liuiil railroad;; and mills and put to work a thousand men and the business will start as if by magic. - The big interests' can build milla and railroads easier than the county could build one mile of hard sruface road. Mr. Catfish has a nice farm and is one of the big taxpayers. He wants to eee the county go ahead and get no back sot Mr. Catfish would run for County Judge but thinks lie is too new a citizen to take up such an Im portant office, besides thore are three candidates already In the field and all of them are good men. This gives the "voter a chance to select the best man for the job. Mrs. Cattish says she will vote tor the best looking can didate. There are two candidates running f.ji as-;cssr, ar.d live for coiu mlbMoiier, auJ its up to the voters to select the best mull for the job. The Commissioners Court is the most im portant thing in the county and should be composad of men of sound judge ment and good courage. The County Court has charge of the county affairs the building of bridges, roads, and purchasing of machinery and the dis bursements of the county funds. At a mass meeting held at Newport recently a resolution was passed pur posing to buy the North Coast rail road from the government and build, equip, and extend the road to the 18,000,000.000 feet of timber in the Siletz. The road is to be kept up by the people at a cost no one can tell. The Port of Newport could not finance the project without bankrupting the district. The vole on the resolution was not unanimous. M. A. Abbey and Cap(ain Jacobson voting against it. Municipalities should not engage In buying or building railroads, leave that for the timber hollers. I am quite sure the people in the Newport district are not in favor cf such wild cat projects. Mr. Keam came over last werk and with two other persons to help him, eet out a crate of logan berries. This does not complete the setting out of the ten acres. It will take 5000 plants to do that. The. company will plant potatoes between the rows and If the price of spuds keep ut this will bring in a good many hundreds of dollars. The sawmill is running again after the loss of several day because of the breaking of some machinery. NASHVILLE 'Doc' Gillette was a Corvallis visitoi the first of the week.- Ivlrs. W. H. Martin is Btill in Port land. "Luce" Norton; is visiting here. Miss Stanton of Corvallis attended the dancing party Saturday and was an over Sunday guest of Mrs. Bert Smith. Miss Fay Wolfensperger of Yaqulna is visiting Mr. and Mrs. Wallis Nash. Verne Martin was over Sunday at home, attending to ranch duties dur ing the absence of his father. M. A. Felton was unexpectedly call ed to South Beach because of the serious illness of his mother. Vic and Mrs. Durdall had an "at home" In their mountain retreat near the Falls Tuesday, entertaining Miss Ruth Butterfield, Mrs. Fay Wolfsperg . er, L. D. Nash and Mr. and Mrs. II. N. Nash. R. R. Lakln has returned to Port land. Otis Hamar was an overnight visitor with his father Monday.' SOUTH BEACH Joe Ewlng lost a nice young cow this week. E. 14. Lynn is duly Installed as night watch at the jetty dock and likes his job. People of our little burg are glad to learn of the probability and pos sibility of a paper pulp mill coming in here in the near future. Grandma Felton still continues on the sick list but is reported sora? better. Dr. Forbes of Newport Is at tending her. The Hunmane Officer passed thru cur burg this week and found a calf that had been foundered on chicken feed, and ordered it to be taken up and fed, which has been done . for some timo past, letting It run thru the day. The South Beach Commercial Club met last Tuesday evening and elected new officers, re-electing Win. Sherf as president, and Mike Hoffman as vice-president, and planned for future work. The cleaning up of the ceme tery was discussed, but no deflnate plana were decided on as no one seems to know who it is deeded to. A committee was appointed to look it up. Some Improvement on the school house was decided on, and some other questions discussed. Committees were appointed for different things. RESOLUTION OF CONDOLENCE Mall of Lincoln Lodge, No. 124 A. P. & A. M., Toledo, Oregon. Re it Resolved: Whereas the wis dom of the Supreme Grand Master has called from our midst our beloved Brother Arnold Hurley, to a brighter life, and we regret his departure and will miss his good council: Therefore We extend our deepest sympathies to the bereaved family, who are left to mourn their loss. Be it further Resolved, That a copy )f this resauitlon b9 furnished the widow and one copy furnished the Lincoln County Leader and be spread on the records of this lodge. We, your committee respectfully urge the ad option of this resolution. Committee: J. J. Gaither F. W. Chambers, M. N. Anderson Dated 'this 12th day of April, 1920. O W. V. FULLER WRITES Dallas, Or., April 12, 1920. Editor Lincoln County Leader: I wish to say to my loyal friends in Lincoln County, that I feel deeply grateful to them for their support at the time I was a candidate for Joint Representative for Polk and Lincoln Counties. I have been urged by many of these friends to again become a candidate for trie same office, but to my regret, my business arrangements will not admit of my acceptance of the office. However, the loyal support you have always accorded to me, makes me bold enough to ask your favorable consideration of lh rinrii. dacy of my friends and neighbor, Geo. T. Gerlinger for Joint Representative. Mr. Gerlinger was born in Chtcoga. in 1K7H, came to Oregon in 1S94, and to Pnlk County in 1902. He organized the WjHanictte Valley Lumber Com pany in1?06; built a railroad from Salem to Biack Rook, and his operat ed a large Saw-mill in Dallas, since that time. Many of the men who were iu his employ when he first started opi.-ation in Polk County, are still with him, and tliere has never been a strike !a his mill or camp. Mr. Gerlinger Is well and favorably known throughout the slate, and is one of our largest tax-payers. As timber is the main asset of Lin coln County, I wish to say, that as Mr. Gerlinger Is a member of the Ore gon State Board of Forestry, he is particularly well advised to the needs of the timber portion of the State.- In serving two regular and ons Spec ial Session of the Legislature, I find that the County Is judged by its Rep resentative. If you give Geo. Gerling er your hearty 'support, you will not nave cause to regret your action. Sincerely yours. W. V. Fuller. SUNDAY SCHOOL CONVENTION Dont forget the Lincoln County Sun day School Convention to be held at Toledo, Saturday and Sunday, April 17th and 18th, at the M. E. Church. Will begin Saturday morning at 10 o'clock. Everybody invited. Come and bring your friends. r ANNOUNCEMENTS I hereby announce myself as a Dem ocratic candidate for the office of Sheriff of Lincoln County, Oregon, sub ject to the will of the voters at the Primary election, May 21st, 1920. (Paid Adv.) W. E. Simpson. I hereby declare myself a Republican candidate for the office of County Clerk for Lincoln County, Oregon, sub ject to the will of the electors at the Primary Election to be held May 21st 1920. Carl Glldersleeve, (Paid Adv.) I hereby announce myself as a can didate for the office of County Com cissioner, subject to the will of the Republican voters of Lincoln County, Oregon, at the Primary Election, May 21st. 1320. (Paid Adv.) Ralph Hamar, Siletz. I hereby declare myself a Republican candidate for the office of County As sessor for Lincoln County, Oregon, sub ject to the will of the voters at the Primary election, May 21st, 1920. (Paid Adv.) - A. G. Schwartz. I hereby announce myself a Republi can candidate for the office of County Judge, for Lincoln County, Oregon, subject to the pleasure of the voters at the May 1920 Primary Election. (Paid Adv.) R. H. Howell. I hereby announce myself a Repub lican candidate for the office of County Commissioner, subject to the will of the voters at the Primary election, May 21st, 1920. C. M. Warren. Good roads and development of Lin coln County's resources. I hereby announce myself a candi date for the office of County Treasur er, subject to the decision of the Re publican voters of Lincoln Ccunty, Ore gon, at the Primary election, May 21st 1920. Ira Wade, (Paid Adv.) I hereby announce myself a candi date for the office of County School Superintendent, subject to the will of the Republican voters of Lincoln County, at the Primary election, May 21st, 1920. R. P. Goin. (Paid Adv.) 52 How would YOU like a raise. like this? WlWmS 34 Years v- -,5 THAT is the kind of increase In salary the minister has received. His living expenses have risen just as fast and as far as yours. ' But he fa paid on the average just 52 cents more per church member than he was paid 34 years ago. The Minister Never Fails You Every officer of the Government with a war message to deliver appealed to the ministers first ofalL But 80 of the ministers receive less income than government economists figure as a minimum for the support of an average family. When hospitals neei money they enlist the Support of the ministers and receive it. But when sickness visits the minister or the members of his family they isust be treated in a charity ward. His pay is less than a day laborer's. 8 out of every 10 ministers receive less than $20 a week about half the pay of a mechanic. We Pay Him Half the Wages of a Mechanic '-- And of these pitifully inacteqtiate salaries,' how much do' you contribute? Nothing if you are outside the church; an average of less than 3c a day if you are a church member. All of us share in the benefits of Christian ministers to the community. They marry us; bury us; baptize our children; visit us when we are sick. In their hands is the spiritual training of the youth. We Are All Profiteers at Their Expense Part of the Interchurch World program is this a living vt ge for every minister of Josus Christ ; an efficient plant, and a chance to do a big man's job. If you want better preachers, help to pay the preachers better. It's the best investment for your community and for your children that you can ever make. W3 IMTERCMURG WORLD MOVE 45 WEST llth STREET, NEW YORK CITY Tha publication of this advertisement it made poaaiblm through the co-opormtion of SOdenominxttiona. To the legal voters of Lincoln County I hereby announce myself as a candidate for the office of County Commissioner, on the Republican tick et, subject to the approval of the voters at the coming primary election. (Paid Adv.) L. Wolfe, Taft. I hereby announce myself as a can didate for the office of County Coroner rubject to the will of the voters of Lincoln County at the Primary election May 21st, 1920. F. M. Carter. (Paid Adv.) I hereby announce myself a Repub lican candidate for the crtiSe of Dis trict Attorney, subject to the will of the voters at the Primary election, 1,'ay 21, 1920. G. B. McCluskey. (Paid Adv.) W. H. Waterbury for District Attorney Republican Ticket May 1920 (Paid Adv.) I hereby announce myself a candi date for the office of County Commis sioner, subject to the decision of the Republican voters of Lincoln County, Oregon, at the Primary election, May 21st, 1920. C. W. Brown, Salado. (Paid Adv.) I beg to announce to the live voters of Lincoln County my Candidacy for the office of County Commissioner. If elected I will make good. Paid Adv. C. E. Linton. I hereby announce myself as a Re publican candidate for the office of County Judge, subject to the will of the voters at the Primary election to be held May 21st, 1920. Paid Adv. R. R. Wilier. Work- MENT FOR JUDGE I hereby announce myself a candi date for the nomination of county judge on the Democratic ticket, sub ject to the primary election, May 21, on the following platform: "Equali zation of timber and other property of farmers, merchants, producers and others, and my record in public office." (Paid Adv.) John Fogarty. I hereby announce myself as a can didate for the office of County Asses sor, on the Democratic ticket, subject to the decision of thej voters at the Primary election, May 21, 1920. (Paid Adv.) Ed Stocker. HON. W. B. DENNIS of Carlton, Yamhill dimly, present representative In the lower house of the legislature, and the chairman of the Roads and Highways committee during the last two sessions, la a candidate for Joint Senator from Washington, Tillamook, Lincoln and Yamhill counties. SLOGAN: "Kor belter roads, bette farms, better homes, better men and a better Oregon." (Paid Adv.) I hereby (innounco myself a Repub lican candidate for the office of Sheriff of Lincoln County, subject to. the will cf the voters at the Prmary Election, M?y 21, 100. R. R. Gwynn. (Paid Adv.) I hereby announce my candidacy for Polk and Lincoln counties, subject to the will of the Republican Voters at the Oi'iice of Joint Representative for the primary election May 21st. (Paid Adv.) Gee. T. Gerlinger. HIGH SCHOOL PLAY TO VISjT WALT) PORT The Toledo High School'will put on their senior play, "His Private Secre tary," at Kent's Hall, Waiu'port, to morrow, Saturday, evening. This pro duction drew a full house at the Lib erty theatre In tills city last evening, and everybody went home feeling that they had gotten their money's worth. VValdport will no doubt give them a good turn-out. ST. JOHN'S GUILD WILL ENTERTAIN St. John's Guild will give a supper ar.d entertainment hi Xhz Oddf-.lljw's Hall on Saturdry. April 24th. Supper will be served from 5:;!0. . Evorybouy como and 0-ijoy a good homo cooked meal. AT THE MOVIES Friday, Saturday, Low Cec'.y in "The Broken Butterfly," a Maurice Tour.ier production. Also two-reel "Flr.g" com edy entitled "Romance and Bia-iS Tacks." 30c, 15c. Sunday, Monday, five reel Drama, and Ford Weekly. Wedneaday, 14th Episode cf "The Lure of the Circus," tnd two-reel .Western Drama, also ono-icol comedy. FORTY DOLLARS CLEARED The ladies of the Civic Club cleared forty dollars at their entertainment at the I. O. O. F. hall last Saturday evening. Everybody enjoyed a pleas ant evening and Incidentally helped the Club raise funds for a rest room. It Is hoped that tho ladies will give more of these entertainments. JONES CLUB FORMED A number of ladles of this city met at the home of Mrs. G. R. Schenck last Monday afternoon and organized u "Fln Jones Club." The Club lu;s an Initial membership of 218. and tho purpose of the organization Is to aid B. F. Jones of Newport in his candi dacy for Secretary of State. SEVERAL NEW CANDIDATES In this issue we have the announce ment of Ed Stocker of Newport as a Democratic candidate for tho nomi nation of County Assessor... Mr,. Stock. er is a resident of Newport, where he has been In the butcher business for years. Mr. Stocker 1b an energetic young mun and in asking for till otlice he. makes his first appearance in politics. R. R. Gwynn of Toledo lias his an nouncement in this issue as a Repub lican candidate for the nomination of Sheriff. Mr. Gwynn believes in the old saying, that "God helps those that help themselves, and is going In the race to wlu. Mr. Gwynn has resided at Ona, Toledo and Siletz slnco com Ins to the county and enjoys a wide acquaintance. He has practiced as a veterinarian and also held several minor public olilces since taking up his residence in this county. SCHOOL PLAY PROVES BIG SUCCESS The T. H. S. senior play, "His Prl- fate Secretory," which was given at the Liberty theatre in this city la3t evening drew a packed house. The show was a scream from start to finish and old uncle CATTERMOLH was sure there with bells on. The several actors each were well fitted for the part they represented, nd acted them out to perfection. The play will to go wr.Idport tomor row evening, und later will bo taken to Silotz. The money riilHed will bo used In tho publication of their an nual, the "Blue and Gold." If An Oregon family of four had $100 a month to ct along on in 1913, but had srawn Into a family of ten with only $45 a month Increase In 1920, how in the world would It live? That Is the Case With The State University, the Agricultural College-, and the Oregon Normal. In 1913 they had 2250 students; now thoy have 5400. And $1 In 1913 is only as good ps 45 cents today, In purchasing power. If You Yourself Were Responsible could you carry on the work of the College, University and Normal on the same state support us In 1913? You Could Not Nolther can the State University, tho Agricultural College, and tho Normal School do It. Will you not help these three institutions to continue their useful and productive work for Oregon by voting on May 21 for the Higher Educational relief measure? Paid advertisement Inserted by Colin Dyment In behalf of the Joint Alumni Roller Committee for Higher Educa Uon In Oregon, 614 Pittock Block, Portlund. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS Oregon State Highway Construction Sealed bids will be received by the State Highway Commission or the Stale of Oregon at Room 520. Multno mah County Court House, Portland, Oregon, at 10 o'clock A. M., on the 27th day of April, 1920, for the follow ing project: Toledo-Newport Section of the Cor-vallls-Newport Highway, 5.3 miles ot grading. 63,400 cu. yds. excavation, 3550 lin. ft. guard fence. No bid will be 'considered unless accompanied by cash, bidder's bond, or certified check for an amount to five (5) per cent of the total amount bid. A satisfactory bond will he required for the faithful performance of the contract in a sum enual to one-half of Hie total amount bid. Proposal blanks and full Informatlou for bidders may he obtained at the ofllce of the State Highway Engineer. I'api ol Building. Salem, Oregon. Plans, speculations and form of contract may be inspected at the same place or may be obtained upon the deposit of $5.00 for each Ret ot plans and speculations. Plans and specifications are also on file at Room 1301, Yeon Building, Portland, Oregon, and at the County Court House, To ledo, Oregon. The right Is reserved to reject any and all proposals or to accept tho pro posal deemed best for the State of Ore gon. Oregon State Highway Commission S. Benson, Chairman, R. A. Booth, Commissioner Ed. E. Kiddle, Commissioner Attest: Herbert Nunn, , st"te Highway Englneor, Salem, Oregon, April 12, 1920. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION 04514 Department of the Interior U. S. Land Oltlco at Portland, Oregon, March 12th, 1920. Notice is lierohy given that Joaoph U Th..M!,(ii. or Toledo, frrm, ttll.. oft Anmict 1, 1915, nia(ic Humesto.-.d En try No. 01514 for KV, hkia. i 32 Township 11 South, Range 10 West Willamette Meridian has filed no tice of intention to year Proof, to establish claim to the bind above described before the Clerk of tlm i' i . for Lincoln County, Oregon, at Toledo Oregon, on tho 27th day of April, 1920. Claimant names as wltnosses: Tliomi as B. Butler, Samuel J. Stewart Floyd E. Butler, Will torn Darnlcy, all of To ledo, Lincoln County. Ore.-o.i I'roof made under the Act of June 1 '1 1 ' A I 6, 1S12 mcxanoer sweek, Register. CITATION. In the County Court of the State of Oregon, for the County of Lincoln. In the matter of the Estate of August Baumann, deceased. To Jean Butm.uim and all other per sons Interested in tho ubovo entitled matter, greeting: In tho name of the State of Oregon, You aro horehy cited nnd required to appear in the County Court of the State of Oregon, for the County of Lincoln, at the Court room thereof, at Toledo, In tho County of Lincoln, on Monday the 3rd day of May, 1!)20. at ten o'clock In the forenoon nf that day, then and there to show causa if any exist, why an order should not be mnue ror the sale of the real property belonging to said estate described as follows: The south half of the northwest quarter and the north half of the southwest quarter of section twelve township seven south of raniro ten west of Willametto Meridian. I.iiwnln County, Oregon. Jude of the County Court of tlm Stute of Oregon, for the County ot Lincoln, with the seal of said Court atlixed, this 30th day of March, A. D. 11120. Attest: a H. HOWELL. Clerk. NOTICE OF SHERIFF'S SALE By virtue of on pxacutlon du'.v Is- aued by the Clmk of tho Circuit Court of the County of Benton, Stato of Ore gon, dated tho 7th day of April, 1920, In a certain action hi the Circuit Court for said County nnd State, wherein Minna Berreth ns plaintiff, recovered Judgement against .1. P. Allen and May Allen, his wife, and each of them for the Bum of $72.15 with Interest there on at the raio of 7 per annum frnm January 12, 1920; nnd the further Bum of $10 attorneys fee, and $10 costs and disbursements, on the 12th day of January, isi'0. Notice Is hereby given that I will. on the 24th dny of May, 1920, at the front door of the Court housa In To ledo, in Lincoln County, Oregon, at ten o'clock In tilt forenoon of said day, soli nt public auction to the hjghest bidder for cash, the following describ ed property, to-wit: The northwest quarter of the mirth- eu.it quarter and the northeast quarter of the northwest quarter of section four, township eleven, south of range eight west of the Willamette Meridian, in Lincoln t ounty. Oregon. The northeast quarter of tho south west quarter, the north half of the southeast quarter and the southeast quarter of the northeast quarter ot eection four, township eleven south, range eight west of tho Willamette Morldlan In Lincoln County, Oregon, taken an J levied upon as the prop erty or said J. P. Allen uiU May Allen, or as much thereof as may bo neces sary to satisfy the. said Judgement In favor of Minna Berreth against said J. P. Allen and May Allen, vlth in terest thereon, togother with all costs and disbursements that have or may accrue. Dated at Toledo, Oregon, April 15 1920, W. E. Simpson, Sli3rlfl.