Lincoln County leader. (Toledo, Lincoln County, Or.) 1893-1987, March 19, 1920, Image 3

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MARCH 19th, 1920.
Sale of Siletz Indian Lands
The following list of Indian lands located on the Sileu Indian Res
T! r L' C"ln Cliun,-V- Oreson. is offered for sale under existing laws.
I fame wi" be received until 2 o'clock P. M.. on May 5,
1920, when the bids will be opened for consideration. All bids shall be
enclosed in a sealed envelope, which must be conspicuously marked "BID
FOR INDIAN LANDS." -The DATE of the proposed sale' must also be
placed thereon, but nothing else. No bitller will be permitted to include
jnore than one allotment in any one bid. Should a prospective purchaser
desire o purchase more than one allotment he should submit a separate
bid for fich, and if he desires to purchase less than an entire allotment,
he may submit a bid for one or more legal sub-divisions thereof and such
bid will be ci nsldered In connection with the appraised value of each such
legal subdivision. No bid for loss than the appraised value will te consid
ered. The tipht to reject any or all bids is reserved by the Commissioner
ot Indian AT airs.
E.ic.a bid must be accompanied by a duly certified check, certificate of
deposit or cashier's check on some solvent bank, payable to the order of
Edwin L. Chalcraft, Superintendent, for ten per cent (10TV) of each bid.
a & guarantee for the faithful performance by the bidder of his proposal.
Cash lu lieu of check will not be accepted and will cause bid to be rejected.
If the bid chall be accepted, and the bidder shall within thirty days after I
due notice ol the acceptance of his bid fail to comply with the terms of j
bis bid by making final payment, the money represented by such check
chall be lerleited to the use of the owner of the land. The checks of all
unsuccessful bidders will be returned to them within ten days after the
opening of bids.
Tlu successful bidders will be called upon to pay the costs incurred
in advertising this land for sale, and the receipt of a bid will be considered
evidjece that the bidder accepts this requirnient The cost for advertising I
will be kept to the minimum consistent to giving this advertisement due
Tin patent issued to purchasers will contain a provision to the effect
that there is reserved from the lands granted a right of way for ditches
and canals constructed under authority of the United States.
Deferred payments at six per cent Interest can generally be arranged,
provided a payment of not less than twenty-five per cent of the purchase
price Is ir.ade when the bid is accepted. The bidder should mention the
allotment number, name of allottee, give the description of the land covered
by his bid. and the character of payments intended. For further informa
tion apply to the undersipned.
Address all bids to "Edwin L. Chalcraft, Superintendent, Siletz, Ore
gon,' In lime to reach his office by 2 o'clock P. M. on the date specified !
above. All interested parties are invited to be present at the opening" of !
the bids.
I EDWIN L. CHALCRAFT, Superintendent.
Allot No. Name List of Lands: j
Fresh Cream Fuflj each Saturday
at the Bakery.
Lea Butterfield was over from Or
ton Tuesday.
Miss Ella Abbey of Elk City was a
Toledo visitor yesterday.
J. N.- Loudon was duwa from Eudy
ville the first of the week.
B. M. Armitage of Newport was in
the city on business Tuesday.
Titus Kurtnchanov of Chitwood was
a county 6ect visitor Tuesday.
Select your Easter hat at Arnold's
Millinery opening Saturday, 27th.
If you need an apron, get it at the
Akin building Wednesday afternoon.
Warren Daugherty was up from the
Resort City Wednesday afternoon.
Eanker C, O. Hawkins of Newport
forlfhtn? all material and building J
the following bridges: One across the
Yaauina River at Elk City, one across
the B'g Elk River at Elk City and one
acre's the Yaquina River at Pioneer. I
Ail litli to be in accordance to plans
and specifications on tile with the
County Clerk and must be filed with
the (. ierk en or before 9 o'clock A. M.
Saturday, March 27th. 1920. and must
be a companied by a check amounting
to 5'i of the bid submitted.
R. H. Howell,
County Clerk.
was In the city on business yesterday
' 361
0 00
Susan Marshall, Shi SEU SEhi
S.- M T. S S. R. 11
Peter Tmb, Sli't NE'i. or the Lots 1
& NE'i NE"4 Sec. 25 & Lot 9
W. 73.30 Acres; appraised value,
& 3. Sec. 35 & XW4 NWU
T. 6 S. R. 11 W. SO Acres;
Sec. 27 & Shi SWU XY.'U
.70 Acres; appraised value,
T. 9 S. R.
Engineer C. R. Wrizht was up from
the Resort City yesterday afternoon.
Mr. Daniels of E!k City was trans
acting business in the city yesterday.
Robt Tronson was ever from the
Agency on business the first of the
;ur. ana .nrs. n. r. ooia anu son, qj-'-'o
Eugene, are visiting at Waldport this
M-rchant Ed. Mjuch wa3 down from
Eddyville between trains Wednesday !
afternoon. j
Mr3. Huffman of Eik City was a 1
county seat visitor Wednesday and
Born, this morning, to Mr. ani Mjs. '
T. P. Hawkins, a seen luI a half;
pound boy.
M. J. Brown who operettas a sawmill '
near Chitwood was in the city on busi-
cess Wednesday.
Dr. Kellogg. Eye Specialist will be
in Waldport Friday ar.d Saturday.
April 9th, and 1Cth.
Olaf Erickson of X -f c.s wes in the
city Tuesday and Weiiie-day Laving
some dental work dor.?.
Mr. and Mrs. S. E. New kirk have;
Denrtrr.ent of the Interior
C. S. Land Office at Roseburg. Oregon,
March i. lath), j
Notice is hereby given that Claude
L. Huff, of Alsea, Oregon, who on
Ausust 31. 1916. made Homestead En-
; try. Serial Xo. 010799. for W', XE
i XW',. NW4 SE'- NWi; and E4 I
; ship 14 S.. Ranee 9 W., Willamette
Meri ltcn. has filei notice of intention
to rr.ake Final Three-year Proof, to
establish claim to the lind above dt3-
lorited. before the C!rk of the County
Court -f Beslon County, Oregon, at
: Corvulits Oregon, on the 12th day of
f April. VsJt.
! Claimant naxes as witnesses: Percy
Steepro-. of Alsea, Oregon; Fred Den
ier, of L'-ecztr, Oregon; Irbiti Skaegs,
, of Ais. a, Oregon; Alec Ross, of Alsea,
W. H. Cannon,
helps them to grovr into big, strong, hcalrhy bird.
I A clrr n, vrnoo:r:, natural food no dutt no waste.
Keeps the cKici hra!-liy and ir.&kes them grow fast.
Look for err Same end Treat f.ferh on Ezrj Original Package
Of "Diamond Quality" Poultry Supplies, listing
everything neciry iar tie prctuabie production of poultry
mailed free on request. Ask for Gtulcg No. T 20
Old M lgZ&&Xira&& Poultry
"BUCKEYE" Incubators and COLONY Brooder Stoves
: rrrairnTriTnilrl-M11B'IT
or Lots & S bee. Ab,
appraised valu, $912.50.
Eila lien, Lois 22. 2-i. 2i. 21, Sec. 10, T. 10 S. R. 10 W. SO Acres;
appraised value t-l-oOU.
Nc-lile Jackson, '(Ateul, Lots 20-ui-22
Sec S T. 9 S. it. 10 W.
Nellie Johnson, (Lane) NVi S' & N'H XEU Sec
. 9 W. SO Acres, appraised value &S9S.00. Orton, Lot 24 & W'i SV4 SW4 Sec. 6. T. 10 & SE'-i XW'j
Sec. Z. T. 9 S. R. 9 W. 79.86 Acres; appraised value,
Kins Rippin, WVs XE'i or Lots 2 & 7 Sec. 8, T. 10 S. R. 9 W. 81.15
Acres; appraised value, $1383.75.
Lpna Rlnnln. SU Tit is I is i. vi stti: fiP.i: Bop k i- WU.
iii l x. vu-i: rit c Go, s t in c n o r in i' nesday, April 5, 6,
Acres; appraised value, $1774.55. j Miss Francel Stanton came ov?r
William BattUc, K2 -NE,i Sec 12 T 10 3 P. a W. SO Acres; (rom Corvalhs Wednesday evening for
appraised value, $14,0. 5. James Battise, et al, heirs. , ...
Chester Bell. V Lots 4 & 5 Sec. 9 & K'i Lots 1 & 8 Sec. S. T. 10 ! ft vlslt wuh her V-
S. It. 9 W. b0.!O.Acre3; appraised value $1107.01. Henry Lynn Van Cleve ceparted for Tort-
Bell, heir. Und Monday. Jo:
iseary tiiapman, oc-.i a v u ec. j i. lu S. K. 10 W. 40 Acres;
appraised value, $151S.OO. Clara Chapman, et al, heirs.
Lillie Davenport, Lot S Kec. 12 T. 9 S. R. 11 W. 15.93 Acres; appraised
hoved into the Man
j house on Graham street.
: Dr. Kellogg. Eye Spec:alist. will be
I in Toledo Monday, Tuesday and Wed-
and 7.
Department of the Interior
V. S Land Office at Portland Ore?on,
March 5th, 1920.
Notice is hereby given that James
B. B.-izgs. of Bay-view, Lincoln County, I
Oreeon. who on November 20. 1914. !
made Homesteid Entry No 0441V for;
NE- SWU. S2 SK' NW;4. SW-j j
SW!, NEi4 and N4 XW", SE'. ;
Section 15. Township 13 South. Range ;
11 West, Wii.jntette !?ri!ian. has 1
fiVi nmice of in'.T.tion to niik? three
year Proof to establish claim to the ;
land'cbove Ce .Tibed. before the Clerk
of the County Court for Lincoln
C'oun y. Orecon. at Tcle-lo. Oregon, on
the it';:-. .iy of April. H20.
Ciaiti ant nitne? as witnesses: W.
II. s'ittimons, cf "rt. Orezon; A.
V. SlaioE? n. of Bayvic ..-. Orerion; OU
Olesn. cf Bayview. Oregon; Serena
Sheppard. of Ettrview. Oregon.
Alexander Sweek.
Proof made under the Acts of Juae
11. lt"06 and June 6. 191,..
Notice i? hereby given tit- un
1 dersicnttd administrator of Uie crta'.c
of V;i:-rO Mitchell Do.y. Dc 1
has !ed ia the County Court of L'r.
cc".n County, Or,gun, his n.-.l accouji
1 as such Eu.nrticstrator of said estate
i and thai M nday the 5th day cf April
' i;o). a; the hrtir of 10 o'clock A. M. of
a McClusksy has ' said day has been fitted ty said Court
I taker, his olate as at ti.e : as t..e time for of objections
1 big mill.
T. i
value $1,14.4S. John (Calusa) Williams, et al. heirs.
Veston Fairchield, Shi lt 9 Sec. 9, T. 10 S. R. 10 W. 10 Acre3;
appraised value $1025.00. Baldwin Fairchild. heir.
Washnutza Jourdan. K NW4 NE'4 & NEl XE'4 Sec. 26 Lot 8
See. 25 T. 8 S. R. 11 W. 70.26 Acres, appraised value
$1535 40. Daniel Jourdan, heir.
Harriet Klamath, EVi NW4 NE& Sec. 12 T. 10 S. R. 10 W. 20 Acres;
appraised value $1139.50. Issac Washington, heir.
r.-!kt Lane, Lots 3. 4 & 17 Sec. 28 & NW'4 SWU or Lots 29 & 30,
See. 20 T. 9 S. R. 10 W. 80.S8 Acres
$2047.00. Martha Johnson, heir.
Melissa Lane. SM. Its 33 & 34 Sec. 21, Lots 5, 6. 7 & 9 Sec. 2S
9 S. II. 10 W. h9.45 Acres; appraised value $3775.75,
Martha Johnson (Woods) et al, heirs.
Julia Irene Lane..NEV4 SE4 & EV4 SWhi SE'-4 Sec. 19 T. 9
S. R. 10 W. 60 Acres; appraised value $2391.50. Martha
Johnson (Woods) et al, heirs.
Lva Lane (Muggins). K NEU NW'Vi & Lots 2, 3 & 4 Sec. 19. T. 9
S. R. 9 W. SO Acres; appraised value $5510.75. Perry
IJtittise, et al, heirs.
Delia Lane, Khi SW'i Stc. 33, T. 6 S. R. 10 W. SO Acres; appraised
value $2418.50. Harriet L. Klamath, et al. heirs.
Joseph Lincoln. NE',4 SE'i & Lot 3 Sec. 32. T. 8 S. R. 11 W. 67.19
Acres; appraised value $562.45. Jack Kelsay. et aL heirs.
to ss:4 report. Lee Doty,
Administrator of the estate cf Willard
Ralph Ludson, S'i of SW'i Sec. 28, T. 8 S. R. 11 W. 80 Acres; ap
praised value $1200.00. Major Ludson. heir.
Abram Mack. Un 5, Sec 8 10-9 & Lot 6 Sec. 8, 10-9 W. 81.22 Acres;
appraised value $2200.67. Coquelle Thompson, et al. heirs,
r.osa Orton, N E Vx SKV, or Uts 17, 18 & 19, Sec. 32 & Lot 24 Sec. 33
T. 9 S. K. 9 W. SO Acres; appraised value $1694(0.
Wolverton Orton, et al, heirs.
John Orton, UAh 1, 2 & 3 Sec. 20 T. 10 S. R. 10 W. 72.71 Acr?s; ap-
pralscd Vi.liH! $1312.05. Jacob Orion, t al, heirs.
George Orton, NEVi NW'4 .Sec- 4 T. 10 & Shi Let 29 Se;. 33 T. 8
S. It. it W. & S'j Lots 5 & 6 & Shi Shi of !. 5 & 6
Her. T. B S. It. 10 W. 85.58 Acres: appraised x.ube
$3002.55. Ujuisa (). Smith, heir.
Edward Pike, SE' NK'i mid I)ts 10 & 11. Sec. 11. T. 8 S. R. 11 W.
S4 .85 Acren; appraised value $5315.00. Ada Collins, et al
Alexis Rose, ltn 1, 3 ft 5, Sec. 29, It 39 S'4 Lot 3S & Lots 36 & "7
Si.'c. 20, T. !) H It. 10 W. 7S.63 Acrestappraiscd value
$265:1.35. Martha Johnson (Woods) et al. heirs
Ell Rohh, Shi HKtt SKV'j & NE',4 HE'i end Si SE4 NEi4 Se?. 22.
T. S. II. 9 W. ;() Ai res; r.ppralsed value $S06.50. Eliza
Albert, heir.
i.iark Kmllli, Ut IS, 19, .",0. 21, Sec. 31, T. 9 S. R. 9 T". SO Acres;
cppialsed valin: $20,'i7.0. David John. heir.
fhi,rIi-K Shirlrlmi. N '. SW' of SEVi. & XW & Shi SW'i of
NE14 Sec 22, T. 9 S. It. 9 W. SO Acres; appraised!
value SK19.50. Eliza Albert, heir.
Solomon Ktroil. S'4 KW',i or Lots 31, 32, 33 & 34 Sec. 20 T. 9 S. R
10 W. 80 Acp-h; nppralHed value $2375.50. John Albert '
heir. I
Entires Shi Ion, S'4 SWVi Sec. 3 T. 10 S. R. 9 W. SO Acres; ap-'
pntlHid value $1940 50. Newton Sutton, heir. j
C.ifalii While. Ni:i,i NW, K:. 11 k. SE'4 SWh or Lots 27 & 2S .
See. 2, 'i'. 10 K. It. 9 W. SO Acres; appraised vulue 1
$1917.25. Beth, Hell, et al, heirs. !
I'dly While, NW't NK'4 f Uiln 3 & 4 Sec. 11 & SW4 SE4 or
liKlH 29 K. 'M See. 2 T. 10 S. R. 9 W. SO Acres; appraised
value $1062. 50. Hello Uell et al, heirs.
Clarlnilii While, NK'4 NW1, & NW4 SEt Sec. 2 T. 10 S. R. 9 W
H6.I7 Acres; appraised value $932.03. Belle White Bell, I
et al, lirliM. ,
I'mil While, l-oU 15 ft 1 Hoc. 2 Lots 1 & 2 Sec 2. all In T. 10 S. R. 1
9 W. 82 4.1 Acres; appraised value $573.87. Belle White
Hell, Kl ul, iiclrn.
Ahruhiini Llni iilii Whim, riE't SE4 Sec. 3 L SWVi SWV, Sec. 2 T.
10 H. It. U W. SO Acres, appraised value $1360.00. Melin-;
lii Kekilli, tt III. heirs.
CroviT Clevi'liinil Whim, NW'A Sec. 11 & NE NE4 Sec. 10 '
T, HI H. II. 9 W. SO Acres; appraised value $940.00. ile- i
llndii Ki kiin, et al, heirs. I
,MHKli WIImhii, IxIk r., li & 7 & NEV4 SWV Sec. 18. T. 8 S. R. 10 W. '
Mi (Ml Ac ieii; appraised value $5169X0. Lucy W.lson ,
IHiiiiiiieln) lu lr.
Kilty ('hurley, IIckIiiiiIiik ata point on the riKht (West) bank cf
ui' nniMB mver zii leet west and 30 feet south of th
Nil corner of Ixit 22, Sec. 11 T. 10 S. R. 10 W. of W. m'
tlieurn niiitilng west 294.20 feet; thence south 3S8 feet I
I Ileum mini 141 feet to bank of the Sileu River; thence
iiiirlli-itriNU'rlv nlonir west hank nr Klf di... i
' ' - "v ' 1 HJ Jjliit c
ul Im-kIiiiiIiik, coni-jlnlng 1.93 Acres, more or less; ap-pralHi-d
value $144.75.
filletr Indian Aww y, MM, Oregon, March 5, 1S20.
I Andrew Wisniewskl of Taft was in
Toledo on business Monday. He call
ed in and subscribed for the Leader
! while in tow a.
I L. Wolfe of Taft was a Toledo visit
j or the first of the week. Mr. Wolfe
! is a Republican candidate for the clSce
appraised value of County Commissioner.
r nrA tK r r ritiiar i-j c;it
I were in the city yesteruay enrou e to
Devitt, at which place Mr. Fuller will
i work in the logging camps.
I It is cheaper to wear Colvin's Curt
J om Tailored Suit than a hand me
; down. Our woolens are guaranteed,
j Large assortment to select from,
j Mrs. Ludwig Anderson and little
j daughter returned to their home at
(Junction City this noon after a short
visit with relatives and friends in this
! city.
) You will always find our regular
j retail prices the lowest bjt think of
this: 16 2-3 ' or 1-6 orh cf our regular
retail prices on Shoes and Rubber
Boots. The Bootery.
Mr. and Mrs. Dale Klmes and liule ;
son arrived over from Philomath Sat
urday evening and have taken up their
residence in the Heyser cottage on
Seventh street. Mr. Kimes Is cur ne .v
S. P. Agent
Messrs. Bntssfield and Foreman cf
Siletz were in the city Wednettiav en-
i route to t.e Valley. We understand
that these gentlemen are puttinj in
; a shingle mill at the Upper Farm, an 1
! will soon have same in operation.
At Oln Skstmpr p:rk
Dealer in
The County Court for Lin-oln County ;
Oregon, will receive sealed bids for i
Mitchell Doty. Deceased.
In the Circuit Court for the State of
Oregon for Lincoln County
John S. Harper, Plaintiff,
1 vs.
Anna M. Dtvis and Joseph Dav's. 1 er
husband, and J E. Shepardson and P.
J. Shropshire. Defendants.
' To A.nna M. Davis. Joseph Davis.
J. B. Shepardson and P. J Shropshire',
the above named defendants:
, In the Name of the State of Oregon:
You are hereby required to appear
and answer the complaint filed against
you in the above entitled 6uit, on or
before the expiration of six weeks from
t'tte date of the first publication of this
summons, and if yon fail to so appear
c.-& answer, for want thereof, plaintiff
will apply to the said Court for the
relief demanded in said complaint
The relief demanded is the foreclosure
of a certain mortgage executed and de
livered by Anna M. Davlg and Joseph
Davis, defendants nereln. which said
mortgage was executed and delivered
en the 3rd cay of AugH6t, 1915, and
was given to secure the payment of a
certain promissory note given by the
said Anna M. Dvis and Joseph Davi3,
in the sum of $550.00 payable one year
after date, with interest therecn at
the rate of seven per cent per annum,
which said mortgage conveyed unto
plaintiff for that purpose the following
described real property situated in Lin-c-jln
County. Sta-e of Oregon, to-wit:
Ail of tne South Half S4) of the
Northwest Quarter (XW4) tho North
er.: t Quarter (N2:) ot the Southwest
C'lan- (SWi4) and the .'orthwest
Quarter IXW'J of the Southeast
Quarter (SE' I of Section Eight (S)
'.r. Towrship Thirteen (13i South,
Rang? Eight (S) West of Willamette
V.-ridian. containing 160 acres, situat
ed in Lincoln County. State of Oregon.
And a furthur decree barring and
f "closing you, the said defendants,
t: d each of you. cf and from any and
.il! interest, right and title in or to
t: said real property and every part
:1 ereof.
This sun.mons is published by order
; the Honorable R. R. Miller. County
ige of Lincoln County. Oregon, and
-. :d order was ar.d enttred the
",'jih dav of January. 1920.
Date of first pub. Feb. 6. 1920.
Last publication March 19. lt20.
G. B. McCluskey,
Attorney for Plaintiff, Post Office Ad
dress: Toledo, Oregon.
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon for Lincoln County
GAD JONES, PlaintiJ.
P. W. Holte and Anna M. Holte, his
; wife. Defendants.
To P. W. Holte and Anna M. Holte,
'the above named defendants:
In the Name of the State of Oregon:
You are hereby required to eppe&r
and answer the complaint filed against
' you in the above entitled suit on or
before the expiration of six weeka
from the date of the first publication
of this summons, and If you fail to so
appear and answer, for want thereof.
; plaintiff will apply to the" said Circuit
Court for the relief demanded in said
j complaint
Toledo, Oregon
"An all-around good shot. 4 That's us.
WHAT we're
aiming at, is
that it takes both skill
and precision to
blend tobaccos the
Chesterfield way.
Maybe this is why
you find "Satisfy" in
Chesterfields and
nowhere else.
Why'are -
flavors like the
pyramids of Egypt?
Because they are
And URICLEVS Is a beneficial
as well as long-lasting treat.
(t helps appetite and digestion,
keeps teeth dean and breath
sweet, allays thirst.
Sealed Tfeli
Kept Right
d-1 M -1
T!te r"Ii"' demanded Is '.! fore
closure ; a certain morrrete e- uted
and dellverej by P. W. liol'.e and
Anna M. Holte defendants harein.
which sa:J nortcaee was execu-d and
deliver- d on the SOth div of Mavh,
1S15. r,U ns riven to to Jr. !. ? ray
meat cf a "rtaiti pron, note
friven by t' said P. V," 1".- !?
Anna M H ' o a th f '. V r.e
Huodre-1 '-' Ats j a-'.C . . . ;t .ae
on or bef re one year a!;r d-l with
interest U.ere-c at the rate ol six p-r
cent fur arnast and intrt n pi',
due prin atJ Jntert at t- i p-r
cent ar.r;i'r.. r.-Mv' sr.: I rt rtcase
cosTcyjd -.) j!itn;:ff for t'.-t pur-p-1.
tit- I -tuwlfjt d?tr;ifd r-. 1 .rvi-e-tv
r: !.!n"in (irf. State
(..r-.. h. ! -..; t T:.c a ra!f cf
lie .j-th Eii,: tX. !i cf S. E.
,1 of Section Thirty four t34. the
West Half ot the South Wet QuMrtor
("V. i cf . W. Section liiirty
Five (35 1 Township Eleven 11 cviu'h
of Range Ten (10) West of the Will
amette Meridian.
And a tur oer decree barrtt.ft -nl
rltsir. ytu. C.e a;d dv-nd-jta
end each of you. of and from aoy ind iatcrest. r ght and title It. t - te
: said rtal pro;trty at-i ri tJirt
This stininion is published t. order
cf the llo:ior?ble R. R. Miller, County
jdie of Ljn- o'n County. Oregon, made
aad entered the Cth day of Keb . 1"'20.
ia:e of 1st publication, Feb. 1". K-:'0.
Fate of las: publl.ation. Mar. S ' If 20.
G. B. M:Clt key.
A'T.r-.y i -r i'kitr-::!. Post (W ? til
dress, T.-lcio, Oregon.