LINCOLN COUNTY LEADER, TOLEDO OREGON, FRIDAY, MARCH 19th, 1920. PACE 2 f -ft 1 TABLETS &JmI w rpHIS is just what you need, madam. Many i women who wcrs troubled with indigestion, a sallow, nv : 1 'r skin, indicating biliousness and habitual constipation, have been permanently cured by the use of Chamberlain's Tablets. Before using these tablets they felt miserable and despondent. Now they are cheerful and happy and relish their meals. Try them. They only cost a quarter. i LINCOLN COUNTY LEADER OFFICIAL COUNTY PAPER F. N. HAYDEN, Publisher SUBSCRIPTION PRICES One year, in advance, $2.00 Six Months, In advance $1.C0 Three months, In advance, ...... .Go :;Btabli:,licd Twenty-Eight Years Ago. m SEE 81 l $r3 Water Front Meat Market i gmr wMm j. l. Demitt, proP. wmmm Fresh & Cured Meats, Vegetole, Pure Lard & Compound; Lunch Goods '4 f Meat Condiments. We Buy Veal, Beef, Poultry, Pork & i Mutton; Hides & Pelts Fish, Oysters & Clams in Season WATER FRONT, TOLEDO, OREGON $ I 1 rc M VV viI TV VL.n 1 1 (.INCORPORATED) TOLEDO, - OREO'U ANI- DOES A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS DIRECTORS C. E. HAWKINS C. 0. HAWKINS J. D. BOOTH Interest on Time Deposit Kntered at Toledo, Oregon postollics. ua Becotd-cluss matter, under Hit Act of March 3rd, 1S79. ADVERTISING RATES Display Advertising 15 cents Inch. Composition 6 cents Incn. Locals E cents line. DR. A. J. HENDRY DENTIST Lady Attendant Office Hours: 9 to 12; 1 to 5 Evenings and Sunaays By Appointment Office In Andrews Building Toledo, Oregon filial f ! For the Simplest Dish or the most Elaborate Delicacy, you will find the "DIAMOND W" BRAND Offers just the combination of Quality, Flavor, Econo my and Convenience so needful in modern cookery. You will find it at GILDERSLEEVE'S Toledo fleat Co. I DEALERS IN LIVESTOCK DRESSED AND CURED MEATS WHOLESALE AND RETAIL ' Highest Price Paid for Hides L. J. BROWN, Proprietor The White Corner Store Where Merchandise of Merit is handled, at the Lowest Prices. Saturday and Monday will be SPECIAL SALE Days, when a number of Stiple Articles will be cut the LIMIT. Call and see. R. S. VAN CLEVE PHONE 9005 . TOLEDO, OREGON " 7 BUY NOW WHILE DELIVERIES ARE POSSIBLE 1 Buy your Ford Car now while deliveries are possible. There is only a limited, specified number of Ford carj alloted to this territory. You will be wise to buy one now while we can get cars to deliver. A signed order with us is your protection. Even our small allotment of Ford cars is not shipped us until we have bona-fide orders for them. This is be cause the demand for Ford cars all over the country is greater than the supply or production. 80, don't depend on spring delivery. Only so many Ford cars will be shipped In to this territory; only so many will be able to get Ford cars. If you would be forehanded and plan ahead, you will have us deliver you a Ford car as soon as possible. Then you will have It to use whenever you want it. The Ford is an utility In your home or business. Its serviceability, Its ease of operation, It low cost of main tenance has made it such. It will serve you the year around. Spring and' summer, autumn and winter, It is your servant; always re?dy to do your bidding. A. T. PETERSON, Local Agent Colvln does cleaning and pressing. Everett Jones was down from Elk City Sunday. Mrs. Niels Andersen went to New port last evening. A. C. Crawford of Lower Farm is a county seat visitor today. Win. Kruger of Upper Big Elk was a Toledo visitor Saturday. J. W. Gale of Siletz was In the ciiy Saturday enroule to Portland. Geo. Walling of Newport was a county seat visitor yesterday. Miss Gladys Jones of Newport va visiting friends in this city yesterday. Ladies, don't forget the Millinery opening at Arnold's Saturday, March 27th. Ladies. Don't forget the apron sale Wednesday afternoon at the Akin building. Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Ewing of Ellt City wCi-s county seat visitors Satur day afternoon. Fred Horning went to Corvallls :tlio latier part of last week and purchased three flue horses. Dr. Kellogg, Eye Specialist, will be In Toledo Monday, Tuesday and Wed nesday, April 5, 6, and 7. Mr. and Mrs. M, W. Small of Elk City were In the city Saturday after noon, returning home on the Transit. R. E. Collins departed Saturday fur a trip to Tillamook where he will visit with his daughter, Mrs. Earl Mlarker, and family. Fred Horning lost one of his fine bay horses ubcut a week ago, and dur ing the past week had the further mis fortune to lost his cow. County Clerk and Mrs. R. H. Howell went out to CorvalliB Sunday to spend the day with Mr. Howell's father, the ocasslon being the latters 80th birth day. Shoes and Boots are going fast, and you will sure regret It if you fail to buy your footwear during this 16 2-3 or 1-6 off regular price sale. The Bootery. Mrs. R. P. Goin entertained the Ladies Whist Club last Wednesday. Mrs. Ira Wade captured the first prize and. Mrs. J. A. Peterson the consola tion prize. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Ellsworth of Portland arrived .Saturday evening for a visit with Mrs. Ellsworth's brothers, Fred and Elmer Homing, and families in this city. Miss Winnie Lake arrived Friday evening for a visit with Jier brother, Prof. Coral Lake, in this city. Miss Lake is employed as teacher in the Shedd schools. Mr. and Mrs. Max Church of Port' land were in the city the first of the week. Mir. Church is an attorney, and was stationed here last year with the Spruce Division. S. T. Loudon was down from Eddy ville Friday evening. Mr. Loudon re ports that his sale held last week was very successful and everything went for a good price. Harry Junkin, formerly of this city, but now employed by the Pioneer Lumber Co., at Elk City, was in the city Saturday afternoon shaking hands with old acquaintances. It. A. Arnold is busy this week put ting a temporary glass front in the Akin Building, to be occupied by the Bakery. As soon as it can be secured plate glass will be installed. F.eel Old? Overwork, worry, anxiety or sorrow undermines strength and health. These causes contribute to kidney trouble, and weak or diseased kidneys make one, feel old in middle age. help weak, overworked or diseased kid neys and bladder so that the system is Uee from waste and poisonous matter that causes one to feel old, tired, lan guid. ' They banish backache, rheu matic pains, sore muscles, stiff Joints. Mrs. J. D. Millar. Syracuaa. N. Y.. writas: "For many years 1 suffarad with kidney trouble and rheumatism. I hid aavera backacha and ieit miserable end all played out. I got to place where I had to do something After tak ing two hottlei of Foley Kidney Pills I can say my backache is gone, and where I used to lay awake at night with rheumatic peine I can now ,,,f in comfort and enjoy s Seed Bitot a caaU I OUT-O-SIGHT t I Mole traps $1.00 POSTAGE, 6 CENTS I Peterson Hardware Co. , LADIES MILLINERY GOODS ARNOLD'S also COMPLETE LINE OF LADIES' AND GENTS' FURNISHINGS WE GUARANTEE STRICTLY ALL WOOL MADE TO ORDER SUITS WE ARE AGENTS FOR M. BORN, Made to measure Clothlnj. Coma In and let us take your Measure for hat New Suit DING'S NUTS PFABI oh (KEROSENE) MEAT'" Ff COMFORT jii I fu STANDARD OIL COMPANY ftZLX&ty (C ALIfOUMI a) ,v5 W fit L Nv 4 y VALTHvM WATCMCS It CONFECTIONERY CARRIES THE FRESHEST LINE OF FRUIT CANDIES COLD AND HOT SODAS t tW A COMPLETE STOCK OF DIA- MONDS, WATCHES, CLOCKS, SILVERWARE AND JEWELRY. Have Your Soles Sewod on. Prices Reasonable Mail Orders Promptly At tended to. DICK WENNER & SON Shoe machine repair shop Newport, Oregon R. D. BURGESS PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Toledo, Oregon Office In Andrews Building. Office bourn: 10 to 12 a. m.; 2 to 4 ind 7 to I a. ra, Emeigea.; cs.Ua uij Urn NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT In the matter of the Estate of Robert R. Black, Deceased. Notice is hereby given that the un dersigned administrator of estate of Robert II. Black, Deceased, has filed his final account as such administrator with the Clerk of the County Court of Lincoln County, Oregon, and tho said Court has fixed Monday, the 5th day of April, 1920, at the hour of 10 o'clock in the forenoon of said day as the lime, and the County Court room in the County Court House in Toledo, Lincoln County, Oregon, as the place for hearing any and all objections to said final account and for the allow ance and settlement thereof. Dated February 24th, 1920. Frank Davis, Administrator of the estate of Robert R. Black, Deceased. I-I. IE. PETERSON t Watchmaker and Jeweler $ 1$. SHERIFF'S SALE In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Lincoln O. B. Durdall, 'Plaintiff, vs. Edith R. Carey, and R. B. Carey, refendants. By virtue of an ex3.ritlon and order ef sa'e Issued out of the ah.-iv entitled Court In the above entitled action to tne directed and dated the 25th day of February A. D. 1920 In favor of O B. Durdall, Plaintiff and against the above named Defendants for the sura of $1698.18 with interest therein at the rate of 7 per cent per annum from the 3rd day of February A. D. 1920, and a further sum of J150.00 attorney's fees and costs taxed at, and costs of this writ commanding mo to sell the following described real property situ ate in Lincoln County, Oregon, as fol lows, to-wlt: The South-half of Section Nineteen, Township Eleven South, Range Eight West, of the Willamette Meridian, in Lincoln County, Oregon. NOW, THEREFORE In compliance with the demands of said execution and order of sale I will on Saturday the 3rd day of April A. D. 1920, at 1 o'clock P. M. at the front door of the County Court House, in the City of Toledo, Lincoln County, Ore gon, sell to the highest bidder for cash all the right title and in terest of the abovo named Edith R. Carey and R. B. Carey, Defendants, in the above named action, in the above described property to satisfy said ex ecution and order of sale, interest, costs and accruing costs. W. E. Simpson, Sheriff f Lincoln County, Oregon. Date of first publication March 6, 1920. Date of last publication April 2d, 1920. CITATION In the County Court of the State of Oregon for Lincoln County In the Matter of the Estate of Mar garet Itnrnes, Deceased; To Williams H. Barnes, Mary A. Book, A. H. Barnes, R. M. Barnes nnd M. E. King, Heirs at Law of the a.bove Deceased, and To All Other Unknown, if any there be, Greeting: In the Name of the State of Oregon: You are hereby cited ana required to appear in the County Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Lin coln, at the Court Room thereof in the Citv of Toledo in said County and State on Tuesday the 13th day of April 1920, at 3:30 o'clock in the afternoon of said day, then and there to show cause, if any exists, why an order of sale should not be made of the follow ing described property: Southwest quarter oi isorinwesi quarter and suotneast quarter oi Northwest quarter oi csecuon iu, Township 11 South Range 9 West, Will. Mer. In Lincoln county, uregon; as prayed for in the petition of M. E. King, Administratrix oi tne Miaie oi Margaret Barnes, deceased, which said nptition was, filed in the above named Court on the 4th day of March, 1920. WITNESS the Honorable R. R. Mill er, Judge of the County Court of the State of Oregon ana uouniy ot Lincoln end the seal of the Court affixed this 4ti day of March, 1920. First publication juarcn oin, ltizu. Last publication April 2nd. 1920. Attest: R. H, Howell, Clerk. FORDSON TRACTOR, $850 F. O. B. Factory. Write for Particulars - A. T. Peterson J L. R. BATEMAN E. R. BATEMAN X BATEMAN & .B AXEMAN COMPLETE HOME FURNISHER UNDERTAKING SUPPLIES We Buy, Sell and Exchange New and Second riancJ Furniture 1 1 1 it NURSERY STOCK Italian prune, apple, pears, cherry, plums, Deaches, apricots, etc. Logan, strawberry, raspberry, etc.;the kinds for canneries. Use our MONEY SAVING SYS TEM Order by Mail Get FRESH stock. Send for PLANT ERS LIST. 29 years in business. Carlton Nursey Co. Carlton, Oregon A Helpful Seed Book ESS B 'ills If fJfiifS ILLUSTRATED WITH COLOR PHOTOGRAPHS No wise died huypr will think of pitri-hnKliig Ihh rf Tiulrements without Arm I'rnnultlnir Oils uo,. It u-IIh positively ot tho "IIKST si:i:l KOIt TUP. KsT." Urimful ot authentic information and containlns over 30U photo enernvlntrs allowing actual remilts fnm Lilly's Seeds. It is ncknou-leigot to be the Li:vl)IMi tSt'l'r'.lt. HEKD CATALOG. ' nu n i-int un it ui' kiiiw The Chas. II. Lilly Co. Seattle Yuklinii I'ortlai'iil 5 11 NOTICE FOll PUBLICATION 0447S Department of the Interior U. S. Land Offlce, Portland, Qrccon, February 17, 1920. NOTICE is hereby given that Charles L. Allison, of Harlan, Lincoln County, Oregon, who, on April 8, 1915, made Homestead Entry No. 04476, for NH SWVA NEU, N S SWV NEU, Nft SE NW4, NV4 S SE4 NWii, and all of Lot 2 except the NE, Section 15, Township 12 South, Range 9 West, Willamette Meridian, has filed notice oMntentlon to make three-year Proof, to'establlsh claim to the land above described, before the Clerk of the County Court for Lincoln County, Ore gon, at Toledo, Oregon, on the 6th day of April, 1920. Claimant names as witnesses: P. H. Martin, Hustan Grant, H. W. Alli son, L..T. Grant, all of Harlan, Oregon. Proof made under the Acts of June 6. 1912 and June 11. 1906. Alexander Sweek, Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION 04477 Department of the Interior U. S. Land Offlce at Portland, Oregon. February 20th, 1920, NOTICE Is herebv etven that. .Imi,. A. Hodges, of Salado, Lincoln County, uregon, wuo on March 23, 1915 made Additional Homestead En ry No. 04477 for W and WV4 NK'A of Lot 7. Hoc tlon 1, Township 12 South. Ranee 10 West, Willamette Meridian, haB filed notice of intention to make three-year Proof, to establiHh clnlm in itlm bnH above described, before the Clerk ot the county Court for Lincoln County, Oregon, at Toledo, Oregon, on the 7th day of April, 1920. Claimant names as witnesses: E. H. Bryant, of Toledo, Oregon; Fred Mont gomery, of Eddy ville, Oregon; JoKpph, Parks, of Elk City, Oregon; William Parks, of Elk City, Oregon. Proof made under the Acts ot 3-2-89 and June 11, 1906. Alexander 8week Iloglsler.