Lincoln County leader. (Toledo, Lincoln County, Or.) 1893-1987, March 19, 1920, Image 1

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    ; - I
i r n , , v
"March came in like a lamb and la
going out like a lion." These old
adages have been learned by obserra- j
7 ttnu -'Pencnce ana generally con-1
tain some elements of truth. The wise .
ones predict an early, spring. The
grass Is growing, the vegetation Is
starting up and the forest is made
vocal by the songs of birds and the
coming of tho swallow. These are
the harbingers of an early Bpring.
The farmers during the good weath
er started their plows: more ground
m ue p.-weu mis year ana more ,
grain and grass seed sowed than for
many years in lie past, forty years
ago when the soil was new, the Siletz j
vanpy woma procuee to ana u uusiieis
of oats and MO or 400 bushels of po
tatoes per acre. But by long cultiva
tion without the rotation of crops and
the sowing of grain that had the seed
of noxious weeds, the land has become
foul and it will take several years to
jret it under nroner riilt.vnnn nin i
The farmers have taken hold of the j
wcrk in good earnest and soon this
valle can be made to "bloom and i
blossom as the rose.'' I
Joseph Bryant and his son, Earnest !
have 'leaned the Abe Logan place of ,
Ju acres near the swe br dee and will i
put nearly the whole field in grass,
grain and rods to fred their stock of
dairy cows and beef cattle, ,of which
they have a. fine herd.
Sam Iirassfleld has leased the
William Metcalf place and Bown It to
grass and grain to feed his stock thru
the winter.
If the people of Siletz have their . nnse sanded until It also died,
way the cost of high living will be D- s- Conrad's little launch, "Red
reduced by more production. We can I Wing," looks quite nifty in its new
reduce the high prices by more pro-! t0;'1 ot paint.
ductlon and this requires more work Burt Hill has moved his family to
and less pleasure, unless you find plea- Pacific View, into the Hill Crest cot
Hura in your work. I think there la j tae-
pleasure in building up a nice home, Mr- Dozier Is tearing up the gov
and K Is a pleasure to have fine blood- ernmeni road where it runs thru his
ed stock, nice schools and churches ; Pe, as he wants to cultivate the
and educated and refined families. ! field tJiis year.
The community is what you make it.1 o
good or Lad, as you desire. Success !
is good management in the businc-s3
of Iiv!:i!; and the care and
of conducting your own affairs, 'n
(histry and thrift are the foundations
of cur daniccracy of wiic.i tlie la.
l;ftl!?s mm lia.t no fart.
Mr. end M-3. M.ihrrv Vavc movti
to Siletz and will proMb'.y make their
heme here. For the pre-tT. the tire
living with Al Taylor.
Several new fimllifs wlil move to
Sllet:: roon. Some in cr 50 pr.tcelK
of land have been advertised lor sale
by the Kcrernirent and no loii it i. est
of them will be sold. This Is the In-
dian land and bids will be opeiod J'oy
5th, 1920. j
Mr. s,nd Mrs. William Sfott
moved back to their farm on the Si
letz river. They spent th- winter at
Newport. This- was done for the bene
fit of Mrs. Scott's health and tho ad
vances of pchr-ol.
Mr. and Mrs. A. Kamley have moved
to Siletz and frr the present will oc-
cupy the Government school building
on the Upper Farm. These people
have come to make their homo here
and will, as eoon as possible, buy
eoine land. They came from Tort-
land where they had grown weary of .
the expense or living in a city. j as wtth the sawmill running reason
It is not good for a man to live: ably regular and the three shingle
alone. During the winter Lester ; niills we can expect one of the largest
Waugh lost twenty pounds while try'- thipping seasons in the history of our
ing to live on his own cooking. city.
The Ricketts Glee Club gave a con- The ladies gave a nice pleasant fare
cert on the evening of March 10th, to well party In honor of Rev. and Mrs.
a full house. This is the last of the Quist, who are expecting to leave soon.
Chautauqua tntertments for tills Lee Doty has purchased the farm of
year. The entertainments of the com-, E. W. Cannoy on Drift Creek. Lee
pany were all good. The troupe did j has oi fine farm and we bespeak sue
all they could to please and succeeded, cess for him but can ill afford to lose
The last performance was the best of 1 his services on the mail route,
all. The music, both instrumental and I j. c. Ludemann received a severely
vocal, were of a high order and the ' sprained hand and wrist from coming
humorous part , was hard to excell. j In contact with .the fly wheel of a gas
This was a treat for the children, j engine. It will lay his up for some
worth all it cost. The manager, Mr. time.
Ricketts, thanked the people of Siletz u-
for the splendid order and fine ap-
preciation. we incKeu oqoui n.uu
coining out even very good.
. T f Till.. .1 .1 -I..,. 1
iurs. James nimuu aim ui'in. vino
Winkler were in Nashville Monday
afternoon, attending to some business,
a"eksnCummis came in from Port -
land Saturday for a short stay at the
Immn nf his Darenta northwest of
NhviUe Parent9 northwest of
ri r.,.. j .r.
mr. miu mi., jiii.ui, o ,m .....
end Mrs. W. H. Martin spent Sunday
with Mr. nnd Mrs. Cochell.
Koa waBii came aown irom me rancn
Saturday to spend the week end with
Mrs Nash and. Mary I,ou who are
?,:,,VL?Z i";, J,? A?.
Rod NaBli came down from the ranch
word has been received of the death
in Portland of Mr. E. L. George, alter
a brief illness from pneumonia. Mr. '
George formerly owned the ranch at
Nashville known as the Disbrow place
and made his home here for a time.
? u'.r.
for his brother, W. at the mill spent
Sunday with his family at Newport.
Arthur Barnes and Jay Gill spent
the week end in Albany.
Mr. WhKe came in from Nortons
Saturday to do some horse shoeing
for Bert Smith.
Mr. and Mrs. Ben Hogvohl of Word-
en, near Klamath Falls, have amnounc -
ed the birth of a little daughter, born
Feb. 29. The little one has been nam- i that time and a good program is be
ed Eva Bonita. Mr. and Mrs. Hogvohl jng prepared. Then there will be
formerly lived at Nashville
Mrs. W. H. Martin entertaima in-
formally Saturday evening with cards
and dancing. Light rerresiimenis anu
coffee were served at midnight, Miss
Ruth Butt erfleld assisting the hostess,
Among the guesw miaiues
Smith, Cochell, Nash, Leavitt and
Martin and Miss Ilultcrli.l. ' L. L.
Leavitt, Bert Smith, W. H. Martin, Cra-hnt W N nrwl I'. K
(;, M:tfcrn In Portland Thursday,
Friday and Saturday.
Hoy llamar is homo again.
It. R. Lakin is visiting the Hamar's
while getting back his health after a
prolonged Illness.
Wm. lltzcharles and littTe daughter
returned from the Valley Sunday.
l.'n'.il the roads dry up Vic DurdalL
and wife are "at home" to their friends
Hi Liiiy haB muu lfcVer
Marseille Feltou has returned to
NaHhviUe and is with Bigiow-Doano
Mr. Tarn in of South Beidi has pur
chased a launch and will run it on the
Henry Omlid went to Toledo Tues-
day with Mr. Tanim cs he made tin
11 'P 10 trv h's ,lcw boat
Mrs- Haao.liurst Is again visiting at
l"1 L'each wit" llcr niotlicr, Mrs.
Julia Cox.
At !?ast a Part of the omdal board
for tn" election 1n our new voting
i"'"' - " avyiu.
John Mocre; Judge, D. S. Conrad;
Clerk. Mrs. Margaret F. Conrad, all of
South Beach.
Mercine Felton went out to the
Valley last Sunday where he expect3
to get work.
Mr. Plowman, after losing his. last
cow, had the misfortune .to get his
Fiiio vt-cathcr, so comrncn In this
country It is hurdly worth liile to
Tlip Citv duds nre n skine seme sub-
5'.ai;tlal rmprovunents on Mill and !
Riit S', streets. Keep the good work
1 lie good Schr. Roamer arrived yes
terday with a cargo of merchandise
and tho balsnce of the machinery for
'the new shir.s'e mill of the Waldport
Shingle Company, as they have their '
building in readiness ajid the power
installed, thoy will soon be turning
cut shiaglc-c, and E3 IMs a double mill j
we anticipate a laxfo output. I
The Everson & Parsons shingle mill j
started operating a few days ago and
Is doins; rood business.
The Brooks & McMillin shingle mill
has already delivered and shipped a
cargo of shingles, something unusual
for this season of the year, but the
good Oregon euther hus put the roads i
cn a re crd batils. j
J. D. Kent was the successful bidder
on tho new dock and is right on the
job with his usual promptness, and
Waldport will soon have double her
pi esent dock room on the front, some-1
tiling that has been very much needed, I
Everyone welcomed the bright sun
shine after the rain.
Some of tho high school boyB have
been trapping moles for a pastime.
Clare Slocum of Corvallis visited
, . . , , . . . n-jrtD n.A-
i 1 7;';,;
nn- she went t0 801,001 here last
1 Ralph Chapman a senior la tlie Cor.
hi,Kh 8 100 visitned
' Wednesday, Thursday and Friday.
The boyg haye working on the
'school grounds to improve the appear-
u i , .Alt
i UliCe 111 lUC L1U.1.1Y. II. lo livn
to the school,
A surprise party was given by the
. , , , A
I hlsh school pupils and many other
' in town- for Clare SIocum'
I Thursday night. The evening was
.?"? re
, , f "ue w"s BCI "u
. ,ul-
The high school and grade pupils
had their usual chorus practice Wed
nesday afternoon.
The pupils are all anxious waiting
I for a nice sunshiny day when they can
1 'or ,a eenem scienlc trip again and
a picnic as well.
iDon't forget the next Pomona
Grange at Toledo, March 24th. This
will be one of the best Pomona meet-
ng ever held In the county bo be sure
' and have evry Grange represented,
; Brother Snence will be with us at
served one of Toledo's famous Grange
Dinners which will be worth coming
! mneB for. There will be an evening
session. Come and help and be one
; 0f this meeting. ..
j g, t. Loudon, Master
I j, e. Cooter, Secy.
C. E. Spenee, Master Oregon State
Granre, will speak at the Court House,
Toledo, on the evening of March 23d,
t pfrtt n-Mnnk Mt ,hwt will he
"CooperaUon." All aie cordially in- j attle are visiting with Mrs. Foreman's ! Dr. Lydia E. Parmele have arrived at
vited to attend. State Master Spence ! parents, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Brassfleld ' Ta(t from Flordia to visit Rev. Puna
Is a very inipresesive speaker and at SileU. !olo'8 brother. G. S. Parmele, und faiu
all that do not get to hear him will I . .. . i ,,. , ., .
miss a treat, so come and bring some ; Mr nnd Mrs. Frank Jones and little ' Hy. They will remain there for two
one with you. Remember the date, daughter were In Toledo Sunday, vis- ar three weeks, then return to Call
March 23d 1320. Committee iting with Mrs. Jones' pa-rents, Mr. and ! fornia, and from there Mr. Parmele
MtriwriDiTi cfd ire ' Mrs. W. E. Ball. j will sail for Central America, he being
MEMORIAL SERVICE Ladie8 nU(,ntion B(jy your dress ' General Superintendent of Christian
t ho. h i, nL i, v faoods now. Prices are going higher. I Missions In Mexico end Central Am-
Parmele, wiio is viEitlng his brother j
at, sliail conduct a Memorial ser- disposal at Colvin's.
vice in the Hall at Taft, Sunday, March j ,.,... , , .
28, at 1 o'c lock p. ni. The service will ' tudelle Norgaard returned to
in memory of those who lost tiiulrjher homo In Portland Monday ot'tor
lives in the sad accident tha occured spending a week with Mr. and Mrs.
at the heme of Mr. G. S Parmele the T p Hawkins In this city.
cordially invi'.ed to attend.
Eye Specialist
Mon., Tues., Wed., April 5, 6, 7
A public rale of Grade JerBey Cows
and Heifers will be held at Eddyville
Station, Monday March 2i)th. 1020, sale
commencing at 1 o'clock p. m. sharp.
At this time the following w'l! be of
fered for sale:
1 Jersey cow, aged frmh March
1st and now has c'.f by sldn. 'i two
year old heifers comlnj fresh soon.
1 Jersey cow, milking now. 1 team
brown mares, six years old, weight
1200, gentle and true. 1 new set work
harness. 1 good saddle. 1 new De
Laval No. 12 separator.
Terms: All sums under ten dollars,
cash. Sums over ten dollars, six
:non:ha time, on i'A bankable note.
5'v discount for cat-h.
John R. .Miller, Owner
S. T. Lcu'.on, Auctioneer.
In this ;stue v. ? l.'-ve the announcement.-,
of several now candidates who
aspire to be clevtr-d to county cl'iccs
on tiia lioulHcon ticket. U Wolfe of
Taft is a candidate for the nomina
tion for County Commissioner. Mr.
and is h?-vin,' r,'u: a farm in the Taft
section. He has resided in the county .
sciiie lour or nve jt- s. no a uwi
he is an advocate of good roads and a
square deal for everyone.
Dr. F. M. Carter of Siletz, candiiate
for the nomination of Coroner, is so
well knewn that he needs no Intro-
auction to the voters. Dr. Carter has 1
made an efficient coroner and the vot-
ers will make no mistake in returning
him to the office which he now holds.
G. B. McCluukcy, candidate for the
nomination to the otilce ' District j
Attorney is also well known by ihci ;
voters, having been born and raised
here. Ho was admitted to the bar ,
about ten years ago, since which time
lie has practiced law In the county, j
About a year ago he was appointed .
JJJS1.11V-V K "1 il - .7 JJ 1
nnd has filled the office with both
credit to himself and the county.
W. H. Waterbury is also a candidate
for the ofiic9 of District Attorney. He
Is a resident of Newport and maintains
offices both at Toledo and Newport as
well as acting as city attorney in each
place. He is wen Known in me county
and needs no introduction.
Saturday, one night, "Lombardl
Limited,'' a 7 reel Comedy Drama of
the liviest sort. In this picture Bert
Lytle tries to run a fashionable Ladies
Tailoring Establishment. $10,000
worth of gowns are shown. Also l
reel comedy. 30c, 15c.
Sunday Jack barrymore In the Lost
Ei'ldegroom,'' und Ford Weekly. 25, 10.
Wednesday, 10th Episode of "The
Lure of tho Circus." 2 reel Western
D'uiua and 1 reel comedy.
Ccming next Saturday ninht, Aurora
Mardiganian, the Armenian girl in
"The Auction of Souls," which shows
the actual experience of this girl dur
ing the Armenian massacre.
i-A niirnp irrn DA Al C
Oregon Agricultural College, Cor-
vallls. Farmers of Lincoln county are
now able to keep reliable information
relative to rout of producing thler
farm products. The department of
farm management demonstration has
prepared and issued a Farm Account
Book, which Is being distributed by
local banking institutions in the county.
Desitlcs giving the fanner an ac
curate record of his bucinesa at any
period. It gives the necessary Informa.
tion for the correct filing of income
tax returns, and the necessary inform-
aumi lirr 4iuL'.;i uuiiiuK i;iidi jl iiiuuuv
l v..nlnii firm nrnrtlli-l a
The bonks of Lincoln County have
distributed 25 of these books, which
means that 25 farmers have been aided
In hiiufnnaa nririoxiA in Knn if tliP.r
individual farms. The banks do not
cl.iige for these books and are glad to
give them to anyone desiring them,
The officers of the bank believe that
of public if' ihe'
their records to determine cost of
their products.
Keep Your Eyes'
I 'P Hamar, would be County Com-
' niissioner, was over from tho Siletz
on business yesterday.
' ... ,, ,, , ,
Mr and Mrs- c- c- foreman of Se-
Largest selection on the coast at your :
County Judge R. R. Miller went to
PortU.nd Monday to be In attendance
at a conference of the Salvation Armv
l.nni. r,f tho atofa iio rnim,wi if i
President D. L. Chesley, of the Ches
ley Lumber Co. went to Portland on
business Saturday, returning Sunday.
He purchased a new planer while in
the city.
Manager Con Christiansen of the
Toledo Creamery Co. wect to Portland
on business Monday afternoon. He
expects to purchase a new churn while
in the city.
Mr. and Mrs. F. L. Womack of Nor
tons were Toledo visitors last Satur
day afternoon. They went up to Elk
City in ithe evening on the Transit,
for a visit with Mr. and Mrs. J. M.
Ewiug. ,
Ivan H. Loughery, representing
Frank Loughtry fi- Sons, famous Jer
sey breeders of Monmouth, has been
In the city several days this week ne-
, gotlating with the newly formed bull
a;ifx:v.tijn3 for tho Bale of bulla.
The treats ere on Chris Larson of
Sild. Mr. Larson came over from
ho Agency Wednesday to attend Po-;
mona Grange, just oiw week too booik
ChV.i Is a rust4er,. a!id says It. is better
to be a week too early than a week too
A marriage license was Issued the
first of the week to C. W. McLaughlin
iand Miss Manrnret Wesscll. Mr. Mc-
Lan u empjuyed on the jetty
construction at South Beach, nnd Miss
Wessell Is the daughter of Mr. and
j;rs, Fre(i Wessell, who live near this
The St. Patrick's dance at the Club
iIjU8e Wednesday evening was well
n,lefl aml d to ue a very
enjoyable and successful affair. The
Toledo orchestra Is improving right
, ftnd ar(j a crodIl tn tl)0
town. At midnight a splendid supper
was served on the balcony.
The Peterson Hardware Co. received
a carload of Fords last week, and are
expecting another car in next week.
Among those getting cars last week
were: J. W. Graham, Toledo; Victor
Niemi, Siletz; County Agent Cooter,
Toledo: Frank Huntsucker received
a new Ford Truck for use on his mnil-
route, and Clayton Pond received a.
Fordson tractor.
Leader subscriptions received this
week are; Warren Cobb, Siletz, Or.;
W. E. Lingenfelier, Newburg, Or.;
Everett Jones1, Elk City, Or.; Salvation
Army Hdqrs., Portland, Or.; Andrew
Wisnlewski, Tuft,, Or.; R. It. Gwyun,
Toledo, Or.; C. M. Vermaas, Caldwell,
Idaho; Bid Boyles, Newport, Or.; L.
Wolfe, Taft, Or.; John Isaacson, Orton,
Or.; Robt. Moone, Hoqulum, Wash.;
C. F. C. Anderson, Siletz, Or.; Chester
H. Willis, Dallas, Or.
home from Portland Tuesday evening
at which place she has been taking
treatment for rheumatism for some
time. Mr. Kinj came over and went
up to Eddyville on the noon train to
meet her.
D. S. Young was up from tho Resn't
City Tuesday on business. He report-1
eel mat TaK collector oimpson got.
away with all his money whllo he was
j (n l0WIli nnd (f )l0 n51in't had a round
, . . , , - nononul(ii
come a permanent resident,
sovmour H. Bell, of Portland, ono
of the bond holders, (not stock hollers
"9 we recently stated) of tho local
'electric company, arrived In the city
it evening. We understand that they
ftr9 trvng to arTang0 matters bo the
k n be d-
Tlie outbound frelgiit was wrecked
about a mile west of town Wednesday.
No one was hurt, and tke rolling stock
was not dumaged much. About a hun
dred feet of track was torn up which
necessitated transferring around the
wreck for the east and west bound
Dr. Kellogg, Eye Specialist, will be
in Waldport Friday and Saturday,
April 9th, and 10th.
Rev. R. W. Parmele and Ms wife,
lu the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon tor the County of Lincoln
..John B. ErickBon, Plaintiff,
Hugh Johnson, Defendant.
Under nnd by virtue of an Execution
Issued out of said Court with a copy
of said Judgment and Decree Attach'
eu inereio ana maue u pari oi uiu
same In said cause and to me directed
dated March 15th, 1920, which Judg
ment and Decree is dated August 4th
1919, and Is inl favor of said Plaintiil
and againBt said defendant Hugh John
son for the sum of Three Thousand
Dollars and Interest thereon at 8 per
cent per annum from August 15th,
1914, and the further sum of Three
Hundred and Ninety Six Dollars and
interest thereon at 8 per cent por an
num from August 3rd, 1917 and the
further sura of Two Hundred and
Eighty Seven and 24 100 Dollars and
interest thereon at 8 per cent per an
num from February 24ih, 1919 and
the further sum of Thirty Nine and
891-100 Dollars and interest thoreou
sinco July 7th, 1919 at 8 per cent per
annum and the further sum of Three
Hundred Dollars and interest thereon
at 6 per cent per annum from August
4th, 191!) and the further sum of $12.25
cost aaJ. dlabursments nnd interest
thereon since Augu-it, 191!) und the
costs a.nd disbursements of tins Writ,
commanding mo to make &alo of the
following described Rar.l Estate in
L'ncoln County, Oregon, viz.: The
houth Half of the Southv.e.-t Quarter
of Section 14. the South Ksilt of the
i tf.ou'Jif
Oiinrtcr. 'the Northwoct
ounrter of tlie Southeast Quarter and fi and 9 of Section 15. The entire
i Northwest Quarter and the Northeast
' l-uarLcr oi llie niiuuihrs; Jnr.i mr ui
Section 2.'t, Township 14 South of Range
11 West of the W. M., ciiiiUiining boiho
4!5.10 Acres.
Now, by vlrtite of said Execution
Judgment and Decree and in compli
ance of its Command and said writ I
will on the 17th day of April, A. D.,
1920, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon of
said day at the Front Door of the
Court-House In Toledo, Lincoln County
Oregon, sell at public auction (subject
to redemption) to the highest bidder
Tor cash ail the right, titlo and inter
cut that said defendant IliiKh Johnson
had oft the 17th day of August, 1914,
or since said date in the above des
cribed property or any part thereof to
satisfy said Judgment and Decree and
Interest, taxes, costs, attorney's fees
and disbursements and accruing costs.
Dated Toledo, March Kith, 1920.
W. E. Simpson,
Sheriff of Lincoln County, Oregon.
Department of the Interior
U. S. Land Office, Portland. Oregon,
February 17, 1920.
NOTICE Is hereby given that Henry
W. Allinon, of Harlan, Lir.colti County,
Oregon, who, on April 8, 1915 mada
Original Homestead Entry 04484, for
lots 1, 2, and 3, Section 14, and on
November 15, 1915, made Additional
Entry 04613, for the Ni NV4 SK't
NWU and NVi N SWV4 NE'i. Sec
tion 1'4, Township 12 Smith, Range
9 West, Willamette Meridian, bus iilcd
notice of intention to make three- year
Proof, to establish claim to the land
above described, before the Chirk of
the County Court for Lincoln County,
Oregon, at Toledo, Oregon, on the 6th
day of April, 1920.
Claimant names r.s witnesses: Hust
an Grant, P. H. Martin,' C. L. Allison,
L. T. Grant, Ul of Harlun, Oregon.
Proof mado under the Acts of June
6, 1912 and June 11, 1908.
Alexander Sweek,
Notice is hereby given that the un
dersigned administratrix of the Es
tate of James O'Leary, deceased, will
hy virtue of an nrdc of sale duly mado
and entered of roenru In tho County
itnnrf nf l.lncnln f'nnntv ' Orpeon. on
j ti0 16th day of February, 1920, autli
orlzInT and licensing the underslgnod
I administratrix of said estate to sell
mo real propel ly ucimiikiuk lu b;w ub
tate, I will In pursuance thereof on
nnd after the 20th day of March, 1920,
at tlie hour of Ten O'clock a. ni. of
said day, at the office of the Yaauina
Bay Land & Abstract Company, at
Toledo, Lincoln Counly, Oregon, offer
for sale at private salo to the highest
bidder, tho following described reul
property belonging to said estate, to
wit: Tlie South half of tho Southeast
Quarter, Section 31, Township 11
South of Range 10 West of tho Will
amette Meridian, In Lincoln County,
Terms of sale, cash In hand.
Dated nt Toledo, Oregon, this 16th
day of February, 1920.
Sara Crahen,
Administratrix of the Estate of James
O'Ltary, Deceased.
Petitions are being circulated ask
ing1 for the calling of special election
for tlie purpose of voting' on the ques
tion of Issuelng bonds in the sum of
$100,000.00 for the purposo of building
a bi iUHe across tlie Vaquina river at
thiai place. This bridge is badly need
ed and will do much to open up and
develop tne county, and will soon pay
for itself. Wo are heartily in favor
f the project and hope to see the
arly completion of this bridge.
Tlierj in a ciie;;t!on, however, as to t.. Ii miltV in lioulnn tlia
ter too much, us Hon. B. F. Jones, who
recently returned from Washington.
iiero ne was sent in tlie interests or
if RnrKPve(t Tlitrliwnv kuv, tlm ha
believes I onirres.i will net
on the project. If they do build the
Roosevelt highway we will get our
bridge for nothing, and thereby save
Olir own llionev fur nthor nnrnrteoa
We are not throwing cold water on
ne online propcsuuon, dui we Deltevc
here is such a thing as being too
Other petitions are being circulated
asking that tho Corvallis-Newnort
lighway be located via. Toledo-Elk
Itv-Chitwood. etc Thin miO'toi- wan
left in tlie hands of the Highway com- '
miRslnn tlV tlie fnnrt nnri tlia mtrKum,...
engineer has recommended the Simp-
Huii creeK route.
As to whether it Is wise to get into
road at tlie present time is doubtful, as
the Hhrhwnv CnnnniKtnn snnma in
clined to back down from their agree
ment that they would rock from New
port 10 me uenton county line, and
should the nennln horn pynriia rito-
satlsfaction as to the road as located
by th'j Commission, they might take
it as Kill PXClLse fnr lilrklnrr a lfut,iatA-
ful obligation, and refuse to build the
roaa at. an.
On Sundav. M'ircli
school nt the Tolodo I .llthemn rllllmh
ut 10: lit) a. ni.
Services at thn Iinirnrnlrlo ohml
hu.iMe, Siletz. at 11 o'clock.
llie Ladies Alii Will Iinvi, nn nnmn
sale at tho Akin bulling (m Wednes
day, 'March 2-; ili, in the afternoon.
I hereby announce mvsclr n a r.
ocratic candidate for the office of
Sheriff of Lincoln County, Oregon, sub
ject to the will of the voters at the
rnmary election, May 21st, 1920.
(Paid Adv.) w. E. Simpson.
I hereby declare muirlf a Rn.MU,
candidate for the nffiro nf r
Clerk for Lincoln County, Oregon, sub
ject to the will of 4he electois at the
primary blection to be held May 21st
192- Carl Gildsrslteve.
(Paid Adv.)v
I hereby announce mUnif a an
didate for the office of County Com
ciasioner, subject to ths will of the
Kepublican voters of Lincoln County,
Oregon, at the Primary Election, May
21st. 1920. '
(Paid Adv.) Ralnh Hamar. Siletz.
I hereby declare myself a Republican
candidate for the office of County Aa.
sessor for Lincoln County, Oregon, sub
ject to me win of the voters at the
rnmary election, May 21st, 1920.
traig Aav.) A. G. Schwartz.
I hereby announce mvself a Ri-nnhli.
can candidate for the office of County
Judge, for Lincoln County, Oregon,
subject to the pleasure of the voter
at the May 1920 Primary Election.
fam av.j R. H. Howell.
I hereby announce mysolf a Repub
lican candidate for the office of County
Commissioner, subject to the will of
the voters at the Primary election,
May 21st, 1920. C. M. Warren.
Good roads and development of Lin
coln County's resources.
I hereby announce myself a candi
date for the office of County Treasur
er, subject to the decision of the Re
publican voters of Lincoln County, Ore
gon, at the Primary election, May 21st
1920. Ira Wade,
(Paid Adv.)
I hereby announce myself a candl- r
date for the office of County School
Superintendent, subject to the will of
the Republican voters of Lincoln
County, at the Primary election, May
21st, 1920. R. P. Goin.
(Paid Adv.)
To the legal voters of Lincoln
County I hereby announce myself as
a candidate for the office of County
Commissioner, on tho Republican tick
et, subjoct to the approval of the
voters at the coming primary election.
(Paid Adv.) L. Wolfe, Taft
I hereby announce myself as a can
didate for the offico of County Coroner
subject to the will of the voters of
Lincoln County at the Primacy election
May 21st, 1920. F. M. Carter.
(Paid Adv.)
I hereby announce myself a Repub
lican candidate for the crtice of Dis
trict Attorney, subjoct to the will of
the voters at the Primary election.
May 21, 1920. G. B. McCluskey. '
(Paid Adv.)
W. H. Waterbury
District Attorney
x Republican Ticket
May 1920
(Paid Adv.)