Lincoln County leader. (Toledo, Lincoln County, Or.) 1893-1987, November 21, 1919, Image 1

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them already sacked, soon appropriat
ed thorn.
Delbert Ewlng shipped ia some fine
birds to his mother a few days ago,
'from Nashville. They are of the White
Leghorn strain and are beauties.
'Mn. Plowman has been having a
siege of the grippe, but Is getting
Messrs. Chaa. and Ernest Ewlng and
mother and MJtb. Ernest Ewlng were
visitors at South Beach last Sunday.
The jeltymen had some more mis
fortune last Monday, as the rock train
Hked to have collapsed off the track.
Fortunately It was 'not out over the
It's a Poor Rule That Don't Work Both Ways
Miss Florence King of Chicago,
president of the National Worn
en's Association of Commerce,
says It Is up to her sex to lead
men back Into production fields
for 100 per cent effort if cost of
living Is to come down She say
woman stood behind the men on'
the tiring line and that they're
till standing behind them In
' The Siletz High School basket ball
am journeyed to Newport and Toledo
Jost Friday and Saturday, overcoming
many obstacles in the way of bad
.roads, and defeated these teams, 11
to 10 and 13 to 10 respectively. The
careful guoadini Oi tlij Silrtz team
was a feutura of both games. After
the Toledo guime the Toledo Hish
School o.udents and teachers gave a
banquet to Siletz which was greatly
At the call school meeting held ct
the public school building Tuesday,
"W H. Dunlap was elected trustee tfo
tiH the unexpired term of Bert Robin
son ani Maurice Andersen was elected
Clerk to fill the unexpired term of
Itoy Chandler. A budget was adopted
to m-r the expenses to the next school
veer. aEgreeatlng something over
99,000. It was decided to build a play
hn.i 40 by 100. costing about ?2,000
The buiMing will be floored, enclosed
n all four sides wltli sliding doors
end revereable soats so games of ball
ctm be seen from the inside of the
IwBdiDg. It win have a seating cap
acity of about 300 persons. The meet
ing was largely attended by the pat
of the- school aod citizens, and
Un sentiment was unanimous in try
ing to make the public school the most
important factor In building up the
prosperity and welfare of the com
munity. Now people care coming In most
very day looking for locations.
Mr. Kearn, of the Williams & Kearn
Cm, la here laying off and preparing
iri set out the ten acres of logan ber-
xiea. The ground Is in fine condition
and tha plants are fine and thrifty, and
it is believed every plant will grow.
It is the purpose of the company to
raiso each year a crop of potatoes
Ue the plants are prowlng. The
jlnU aire set 8 feet each way and. the
rows are made perfectly straight, or
as near so as possible. The only com
plaint I hear about the logan berry Is
they will grow so rank and produce
so abundantly that It will be hard to
.get them picked, as their season is
so ehort. But I think this can be
overcome by getting pickers at homo
and this will give employment to the
.nme folks who have been in the habit
oin to he Valley to pick) hops
and prunes along the malaria districts
r the Wlltamette valley, where tne
children so often, get sick as well as
Uu older DeoDle.
Lee Wade has leased the Collins
nwmni .nd will commence operating
the same about the 1st of December.
Tba logging camps are already being
urfafallHhed. Lumber at Siletz is in
great demand for building and fence-
inir mimeses. The local demand is
murine better all the time but the
lumber trade from the outside is inr
- creasing right along and this trade will
' ,Vb the business pay. We also have
shingle mill. Thia puts Siletz in
fine shape for Improving.
Road Supervisor Ohmairt has a crew
of men repairing the road across the
B3aver Creek bottom this week.
Guy Twomhly and Ed Oakland of
Bayvi-w passed thru here Wednesday
on their way to Toledo.
Mrs. H. E. Weber returned Wednes
day from a months visit with her moth
er in Aberdeen, Wash.
Chauncy Ohmart and Clifford Phelps
went to Toledo Thursday returning
Friday with ten head of fine sheep
which Mr. Ohmart purchased of T.
B. Butler.
Mire. A. L. Sperling and children
departed Wednesday for thoir home
in Portland after a fortnight's visit
with Mrs Cperling's sister, Mrs. E. L.
Wilson. i
H. J. Wood and Chas. Burch have
gone to Pool Slough where they have
a contract to cut wood this winter.
Miss Neta Phelps, Mrs. Hattie Ed
wards, Cl:.Tord Phelps and Guy Twom-
bly attended the dance at Yaquina
lat,t Saturday night. 1
Fred Commons spent several days
with his father and mother at West
Yaquina last' week.
Mrs. Frank Myers and Mrs. Harry
Goldsworthy of Portland are visiting
this week ait the home of their brother
E. L. Wilson.
v 1,. -
Lee Wade has leased the Siletz saw
mill and is mow busy getting same in
shape to operate. The mill will be
thoroughly overhauled and put in first
class shape. Sawing) will cc-mimei'
about December 1st. Jesse Daniels
will have charge of the logging opera
tions which will be conducted in Mr.
Wade's timber about a mile northwest
of the Agency. The lumber will be
hauled to the Fischer-Storey railroad
at the latter's logging camp, and placed
aboard the cars there. The mill will
cut yellow fir, spruce, hemlock, maple
and alder lumber.
Mr. I. J. Pepin was very unfortunate
last week, having broken his les.
While driving to the barn with the
sled, he ran Into a stump and the sled
bounced over and hit him on the leg.
A doctor from Philomath attended the
Alvin Cook went out to Portland
Mrs. E. H. Stein met z returned from
Portland last Saturday after having
spent a few days visit with friends. .
Mrs. R. R. Wilson has been ill the
last week.
The Siletz basket ball team came
off winners before a large crowd in
the game here last Saturday evening
with the local high school team, win
ning by the score of 13 to 10.
Siletz has a good strong team this
year, they beating the Newport boys
Friday evening by the score of 11 to
10. Much credit is due "their coach,
Prof. John Miller.
There are several petitions being
circulated. Some in favor and some
against letting the cattle run at large.
It would seem to people who have
any interest in their home town 'that it
should not be necessary to get out
such petitions. It would eeem that
every one of us should hove pride
enough about us that we would like
to do all we can to) make our town
something beside a cow pasture. .
Some argue that it will work a hard
ship on those who (may 'have to buy
hay. What do they do In other nice
clean towns? People are permitted
to picket their cattle out, and there
are plenty of us who would gladly
let some picket their eowsi in our1 yards.
It tmay work a hardship on someones
Some say, "Whate about the streets.
They will become overgrown with
weeds." Do the cows eat ferns and
blackberry brush? No. Our Boy
Scouts might be induced to help us
get rid of the ferns and blackberry
brush and then there would be more
grass for the cows to be picketed on.
Let anv woman put on a nice dress
and walk out on almost any of our
streets and unless Bhe holds her dres3
tightly about her sue will tear it.
There will ue a petition in favor of
putting up the cattle hanging in the
postofflce at mail time for all who wish
to sign. Yours for any improvement.
The Embroidery Club.
Plans for the issuance early in Dec
ember of forms for filling income and
excess proflt3 tax returnes are being
made by the Bureau of Internal Rev
enue Taxpayers will thus be given
the opportunity of making out their re
turns immediately upon the closing ot
their books for the year 1919, when
accurate knowledge of their accounts
id fresh in their minds.
Tonight, One Night Only
One of Buffalo Bill's Wild West
In Two Novelty Acts
Also 5 Reel Drama
30c 15c
W. H. Lawson end crew arrived up
from Yaquina Monday and have been
busy at the log-roilway in West Toledo
all week getting ready to load the
monster spruce logs for shipment to
Oregon City. One locomotive and one
donkey engine will be kept busy at
ilia nlant. and m minimum of twenty
cars Der da leaded. Actual loading
operations will not begin until Decem
ber, 1st
The Ellison-White Chautauqua Co.,
which put on a Chautauqua program
at the Liberty theatre here this week,
has not drawn very large houses, al
though the management inrorms us
that they more than made expenses.
Their programs have been good, and
we regret that they have mot received
better support. They gave their last
entertainment last evening and had a
very good attendance.
The Thanksgiving Day Service for
the entire city of Toledo will be held
in St. John's Episcopal Church at 7:30
d. m.
Thanksgiving Day is not a Church
holiday, it is a National holiday and
is set apart by the constituted autiior
ity at the 'head of our nation as the
day when this nation officially recog
nizes Its obligation to Almighty God
and returns thanks to Hiiu for the
year's blessings. It is the day that
stands as a witness to the fact that
this is a Christian nation and draws
its inspiration and Ideals from the
Carpenter of Nazareth. The citizens
of Toledo are invited to take aidvan-
taige of the arrangements that have
been made by the churches and be
present at this community service in
the Episcopal church Thursday even
ing at 7: 30. The sermon will be given
by the Rev. H. E. Buih. Further de
tails of the program will be announced
In th a churches next Sunday.
"Now that the Red Cross roll call is
ended as per arrangement with the
National Tuberculosis Association, the
attention of the public spirited and
humanitarian citizens of Oregon will
naturally turn to the Sale of Red
Gross Chrtstmctj Seals," said A. L
Mills president of the Oregon Tuber
culosis Association, under whose aus
pices the sale will be conducted in the
State December 1 to 20 inclusive.
"Eicht and one half million dollars
derived from the sale of Red Cross
Christmas Seals during the paet eleven
years, have been instrumental in pro
viding approximately $100,000,000
worth of institutions in fighting tuber
culosis all over the country. The an
nual maintenuince an d up keep of these
Institutions is more than $20,000,000."
England has only one world
champion in the boxing game, but
he's every Inch champ as America
likes them, because he's always
ready to tight. It is Jimmy Wilde,
flyweight, 106 pounds, who has
just come to the U. 8. for a "vaca
tion" and a few bouts. His wlfa
is with hiiu.
Saturday night, Louise M. Alcott's
dory. "Little Women". A Paramount
Artcraft Special Attraction. Admis
sion, 30c and 15c.
Sunday, Jack Plckford in "What
Money Can't Buy." Also Ford Week
ly. Admission, 20c and 10c.
The Rev. V. Urbino will preach at
Nashville, Sunday, at 11 a. m. and at
Eddyvllle at 3: p. m. The public is
cordially invited to attend these ser
Mrs. Mills and two daughters de
parted for Seattle this week, after en
joying month at the Beach.
F. U Moore of South Beach has gone
to the Beaver Lake Club House to
aling hash for those who sojourn there.
Mfm. Sherf lost five sacks of potatoes
m tew n!ht ego. The thief flndinf
Sunday School at 10 o'clock a. m.
Preaching at the usual hour, 11 o'clock
a, in. Epworth League, 6:30 p. m. ,
Preaching again at 7:30. The public
Is cordially Invited to all these ser-
Coming Under the auspices of the
Enworth League. December 6th and
7th, Prof. Horner, of O. A. C, who will
give lectures on "Oregon." Remember
the dates.
Newport, Or., Nov. 14, 1919.
Joint meeting of committees fron
Toledo. Siletz, Elk City, Taft and New
port as called by the joint Port Comr
niissloners of the Districts of Toledo
and Newport, to recommend ways and
means for the prosecuting of the work
on the South Jetty to completion, was
caHed to order at 8:20 P. M. by Hon.
B. F. Jones, who explained the object
of the. meeting.
Mr. George B. McCluskey was nom
Inated and elected Chairman of the
meeting. C. S. Davla was nominated
and elected Secretary.
Messrs. McCluskey, Cooter, Ball,
Roberta and Burton represented To
ledo; Dr. F. M. Carter represented Si
letz: Messrs. Dixon and Schmidt rep
resented Elk City; Mr. Wm. Scott rep
resented the Taft district; Messrs. L.
C. Smith. S. G. Irvin, C. 0. Hawkins,
W. G. Walrad and C. S. Davis repre-
Rnnted Newport.
Communication from Mr. Lee Wade,
Joint Secretary of the Toledo and New
port Ports, together with a copy of a
latter from the Miami Quarry Co., ana
the resolution as offored at the Joint
meeting of the Port Commissions on
the Si'.h Inst, were read.
Mr. Wrleht. the Port Engineer, had a
letter from Teal, Minor & Wlnfree,
stating that U their judgement that
tho payment of part of tho returned
10 Dcr cent did not invalidate uie con
tract entered toto by and between the
Joint Port Commissions of Tolerlo and
Newport and the Miami Quarry .-o.
Mr Wrlsht also reported that tnore
was a balance of $8569.00 of thn ten
per cent that was still in the handfl of
the Commissions.
Motion by Dr. F. M. Carter: That
Mia contractor complete the contract
in accordance with plans and speci
fications', second by S. G. Irvin, carried.
Motion to adjourn at 9:16 r. M.,
Cha'rroon, Georgo B. McClusksy,
SacrcUuy, C. S. Davis.
The Pioneer Lumber Co. has Its new
mill at Elk City all completed and saw
ing commenced last Monday. The mill
has a capacity of twenty-five thousand
feet per day, and gives employment to
twelve men In the mill. Five crews
are busy logging for the mill and their
boom is overflowing with logs. The
mill is cutting for eastern shipment.
the first order being for ten cars for
Utah points. M. W. Small is manager
of the mill, and G. B. McCluskey secre
tary. The stock Is mostly owned here
in Toledo.
There will be English services at the
Toledo Lutheran Church next Sun
day, at the usual hour.
At 3:00 o'clock there will bo services
alt the Sunny Ridge sclioolhouse.
Everybody welcome to these ser
Nice clean lard palls wanted at tha
Water Front Market.
As announced thru the columns of
the Leader last week there will be a
"Mission" in St. John's church begin
ning next Monday evening and lBt!i
thru the week. The pastor will con
duct the Mission himself. Such an
undertaking, while now in Toledo, is
one of the accustomed activities of the
EDlscooal Church everywhere and has
for Its purpose the widening of the
knowledge of the Christian religion In
the community and tho deepening ot
the faith of those who choose to pin
their faith to Jesus Christ and to fol
low Him.
Knowledge and faith are the two
things sought to be promoted in To-
1 ledo by these special meetings and
' therefore everyone at. all interested Is
I invited to take advantage of the Mis
slon. The pastor will have a colebra
I tlon of the Lord's Supper daily at 8
a. m. and a service of song with an
I address every evening at 7:30. He
will be at the church every forenoon
'and can bo seen there by any who
may desire Ms council in matters of
religion'. This Mission is not an effort
to make "Episcopalians" but simply
an opportunity for all who are at all
interested in Christianity to increae
I their knowledge of the same,