LINCOLN COUNTY LEADER, TOLEDO OREGON, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 14th 1919 PACE 2 SHERIFF'S SALE fn the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Lincoln Theodora Pilz, Plaintiff, VS. Barbota Dunkl, - formerly Barbeta TVahlgemuth, and Stephen Dunkl, her husband, C. Holms, and Jane Doe Holms, his wife, and E. H. Wright and Cussie L. TVr.ght, his wife, Defend ants. By virtue of an execution and order Of sale issued out of the above entitled Court in the above entitle! action to jue directed and dated the 18th day of October A. D. 1919, In favor of Theo dore Pilz, Plaintiff, and against the above named Defendant for the sum of 1114.95 with Interest theroon at the rate of 6 per cent per annum from the 23rd day of September A. D., 1919, and a, further sum of $25.00 attorney's fees end costs taxed at f 26.00, and costs of this writ commanding me to sell the following described real property sltu- ate in Lincoln County, Oregon as fol-V pie a, ii Inwft. to-wlt: The Northwest Quarter of the South east Quarter of Section Twelve (12) Township Eleven (11), South, Range Ten (10) West, Willamette Meridian, Jn Lincoln County, State of Oregon. NOW, THEREFORE in compliance tvith the demands of said execution end order of sale I will on Saturday the 22nd day of November A. D. 1919 et 1 o'clock P. M., at the front door of the County Court House, in the City of Toledo, Lincoln County, Oregon, sell to the highest bidder for cash, all the right, title and interest of the above named Defendants in the above named action, in the above described property to Sttiiafy said execution and order of talc, interest, costs and accruing costs. Date of first pub., Oct. 24th, 1919. Dato of last pub., Nov. 21st, 1919. W. E. Simpson, Sheriff of Lincoln County, Or. SUMMONS FOR PUBLICATION IN FORCLOSURE OF TAX LIEN In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Lincoln County. TV. C. FOSTER, Plriutiff, vs. Frd TV. Tway, Deuonda::'1..' To Fred TV. Tway, '.he above nnmod defendant: In the Name of the State of Oregon: You are hereby notfiied that TV. O. Foster, tho holder of Certificate of De linquency numbered 69 Issued on the ,25ih day of May, 1915 by the Tax Col lector of the County of Lincoln, State of, Oregon, for the amount of Forty six and 66-100 Dollars, tho same being the amount then due and delinquent for taxes for the year 1912 together with penalty, interest and costs thereon upon Che real property of which you are the owner as appears of record, situate In said County and State, and particularly bounded and described as fallows, to-wlt: Tho Northwest Quarter of Section Twenty Five, Township Twelvo South of Range Ten West of the Willamette Meridian, Lincoln County, Oregon. You are further notified that said TV. C. Fcblor has paid trxes on said promlees for prir c r subsequent years, Willi Uie rue of interest on said amcuivts, as follows: Year's Date Fd. Certifi- Amt. "Rate c' Tax cate No. Interest 1913 May 25.1'J15 119 $41.65 15 Year's Data Pd. Tax Re- Amt. Rate of Tax celpt No. Interest 1914 Oct 1.1915 4899 38.68 15 1915 Oct. 10, 1916 4662 25.36 15 1917 JulvO, 1919 6C97 31.49 15 1918 Sep. SO, 1919 4381 34.51 15 Said Fred W. Tway as owner of the legal title of the above described prop erly as the same appears of record. and each of the other defendants abovq named are hereby notified that w. C. Foster will apply to the Circuit Court of the County and State afore said for a decree foreclosing plaintiff's lien against the property above dea oribod.and mentioned in said certi ficate. And you, and eacii or you are hereby summoned to appear with' In sixty days from the date of the ser vice of tliia summons upon you exclu sive of the day of such service If personally served within the Slate of Oregon, and within sixty days irom tho first publication of this summons exclusive of the ley or saw nrst pud licntlon if served by tho publication thereof, and defend this suit or pay . tho amount due as above shown to gether with costs and accrued inter est, or for want thereof decree will le rendered foreclosing the lien of taid taxes and cosls against the land and premises above named free and clear from any and all right, title, estate. Hen, or interest that you, or either of you, may have or claim there in or thereto. This summons is published by order of the Honorable 11. R. Miller, County Judge for tho Sate of Oregon fur the County of Lincoln, and eaid order was made and dated this 30th dny of Octobor, 1919, and tho ditto of the first publication of this ummons is the 31st day of October, 1919. All process and papers In this pro ceeding may be served upon the under signed residing within the State of Oregon at tlie address hereafter men tioned. . G. B. McCluikey, Attorney for Plaintiff. Address, Toledo, Oregon. SUMMONS FOR PUBLICATION IN FORECLOSURE OF TAX LIEN In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Lincoln County TV. C. FOSTER, Plaintiff, YS. 3. R. Keep and Edward T. Price, Defendants. To J. R. Keep and Edward T. Price, the above named defendants: In the Name of the State of Oregon: You are hereby notified that W. C. Foster, the holder of Certificate of De linquency numbered 15 Issued on the 26th day of May. 1816 by the Tax Col lector of the County -f Lincoln, State of Oregon, for the amount of Forty Three and 26-100 Dollars the same be ing the amount then duo awl delin quent for taxes for the year 1913 to- ,1... .ith umIiv. Interest and costs pnwioi ...... r ' ' - - thereon upon the real property or which you are tne owner as bpi of record. sHunte in said County and Plate, and porticulaily bounded and described a follows, f'It: The Southeast Quarter ot Section Tlilrty JSix of Township Twelve South of Rane Ten West of the Willamette Meridian In Lincoln County. Oregon. You are further notified that said W. C. Factor has paid taxes on said premises for prior or subsequent years with the rate of Interest on said taimouiita, as follows: -Year's Date Paid Tax Re- Amt Rate of Tax - celpt No. Interest 1914 Oct. 1,(1915 4864 $38.68 15 191)5 Oct-10, 1916 4674 25.36 15 1916 June 5,1919 5837 38.89 15 ! 1917 June 5,1919 5665 29.07 1 5 1918 Sep. 30, 1919 4392 32.59 15 Said J. It. Keep as the owner of the legal title of the above described pro perty as the same appears of record, land each of the other defendants above named are hereby fmther notified that W. C. Foster will apply to the Circuit Court of the County and State aforesaid for a decree foreclosing plaintiff's lien against the property above crlbed, and mentioned in said certifltale. And you, and each of you are hereby summoned to appear 7 'VLr ' 'sorvice of this summons upon you ex- lv,.. ,hA nf ,1- elusive of the day of such service it ppirffonally served iwlthln the Suite of Oregon, and within oixty days from the first publication of this summons exclusive of the day of said first pub lioation if served by the publication .thereof, and defend this suit or pay the amount due - as shown together with costs and accrued interest, or for want thereof decree will be rendered foreclosing the lien of said taxes and costs against the land end premises a!Kve named fr?e and clear from any and all right, title, estate, lien or In terest that you, or either of you, may Hinve or claim therein or thereto. This summons is published by order of the Honorable R. R. Miller, County Judge of Lincoln County, State of Oregon, and said order was made- and dated this 3rd day of November, 1919, and the date of first publication of this summons Is the 7th day of Nov ember, 1919. All process and papers In tins pro ceeding may be served upon the under signed residing within the State of Oregon at the address hereafter men tioned. G. B. McCluskey, Attorney for Plaintiff. Address, Toledo, Oregon. SUMMONS FOR PUBLICATION IN FORECLOSURE OF TAX LIEN In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Lincoln County TV. C. Foster, Plaintiff, vs. Anna Rathje, Defendant. To Anna Rathje, the above named defendant. In the Name of the State of Oregon: You are hereby notified that TV. C. Foster, the holder of Certificate of De linquency numbered 76 iusued on the 2th day of May, 1915 by tho Tax Col lector If the County of Lincoln, State of Oregon, for the amount of Thirty One and 25-100 Dollars, the same being tho amount then due and delinquent for taxes for the year 1912 together witli penalty interest and costs there on upon 'the real property of which you are the owner as appears of record, situate in said County and State, and particularly bounded and described a3 follows, to-wlt: Lots Two and Three, the Southeast Quarter of the North west Quarter, the Northeast -Quarter of the Southwest Quarter of Section Eighteen, Township Thirteen South of Ranse Eight West of the TVillametta MerldhJi in Lincoln Corr.tiy, Oregon. You are further notified that saiid W. C. Fester has paid taxes ou said premises for prior or subsequent years, with the rate of interest on said amounts, as follows: Years Date Paid Certifi- Amt. Rate of Tax cate No. Interest 1913 May 26, 1915 121 $32.47 16 Year's Date Paid Tax Re- Amt Rate of Tax - celpt No. Interest 1914 Oct. 1, 1915 4847 34.48 16 1915 Oct. 10; 1916 4655 24.47 15 191S Sen. 30. 1910 4380 27.73 15 Said Anna Rathje as the owner of the leical title of the above described property es the same appears of re cord, and each of tne otner aeienaanis above named are hereby further noti fied that W. C. Foster will apply to the Circuot Court of the County and State aforesaid for a decree foreclosing nlaintiff's lien against the property above described, and mentioned In said certificate. And you, and eacn oi you are hereby summoned to appear with in sixty days from the date of the service of this summons upon you ex clusive of the day of such service If personally served within the State of Oregon, and within sixty days from the lirtvb publication of this summons exclusive of the day of said first pub lication If served by the publication thereof, and defend this suit or pay the amount due as above shown, to gether with cost3 and accrued, or for wont thereof derive will be ren dered foreclosing the Hen of Bald taxes and coats against the land and prem ises above named free and clear from ianv and all right, tltl-. estate, Hen or interest ilhat you or either or you, may havo or claim therein or thereto. This summons Is published by order of the Honorable R. R. Miller, County Judge, State of Oregon, for the County ot Lincoln, land said, order was made and dated this 30th day of October, 1919, and the date of the nrst puDiica-. tlon of this, summons ie the 7th day or November, 1919.- . . - All process and papers in this pro bn mrved UDonthe under signed residing within the State of Oregon at ne Maress nerciamr uiu tioned. - Q. B. McCluakey, -Attorney for Plaintiff, - . Address, Toledo, Oregon DR. A. J. HENDRY . . DENTIST Udy Attendant , Office Hours: to 12; 1 to I - . .- Evenings and Sunaays By Appointment - Office In Andrews Building To'er'o, Oregon C. E.HAWKINS Attorney-at-Law Toledo, Oregon - C. B. McCLUSKEY Attorney-at-Law Toledo, ' Oregon LINCOLN COUNTY LEADER OFFICIAL COUNTY PAPER F. N. HAYDEN, Publisher Established Twenty-Seven Years Ago. Entered at Toledo, Oregon postofflce, as second-class matter,' under the Act of March 3rd, 1879. SUBSCRIPTION PRICES One Year, In advance.. 1.60 Six Months, In advance ...75 Three Months, Is advance 50 ADVERTISING RATES Display Advertising 15 cents inch. v Composition -6 cents inch. Locals 6 cents line, . MONEY RUNNING SHORT The Miami Quarry Company, which has the contract for the building of the south jetty at the mouth of the Ya quina harbor, claims to be running heavily behind on the contract, and have asked the joint ports of Toledo and Newport for financial assistance, and to( this end a meeting has been called for 1 o'clock tomorrow after noon oft the City Hall, Newport, for the purpose of discussing this matter and determining on a course of action. Of course we all realize that costs have advanced amazingly elnc-j the letting of the jetty contract, but, again was not that the amain purpose ot"u.. contract, to safeguard the interests of the ports In the face of rising prices. A large number of our people were opposed to beginning the work whilo the Great Wiar was in progress, and while the government was so busy with problems of war, that it had no time nor money to co-operate with us. But thalt time is post, we went ahead without the government, and now the' contractor threatens to quit unless he is paid more money. The contractors are under "bond to complete the con tract as it stands. The question Is shall we force them to do this, or shall we bear the loss ourselves. Again, supposing the contractors had made twice as much money on the contract; as he had figured on, would he have came to the ports of Toledo and Newport and said, "I have made more on tire contract than I expected, will you let me turn part of it back," do you supose they would have? We wont to see this work go ahead aa it is vital to the interests of the counity, liuit we cannot see that it Is anymore just that the taxpayers of the county should make up -the Iobs, than the quarry company should. Perhaps part of the loss is due to mismanage ment. In the early jetty construction rock was scowed from the upper river direct to the jetty. The rock for the -present work has been hauled by rail from Pioneer to W-lnant and there transferred to scows and taken to the Jetty. It appears to us that this latter method would have been much moiv expensive than the former. But this is neither here nor there, as the contractor claims1 to be finan cially unable to complete the work. If -this is true it is either up to the ports to assist the contractor or else look to his bondsmen to complete the contract. It is a hard nut to crack, but the situation must be met in some manner, as we cannot afford to let the work stop. NOTICE FO" PUBLICATION ' 05172 Department of the Interior U. S. Land Office at Portland, Oregon, November 6, 1919. NOTICE Is hereby given that John M Poole, of Harlan, Lincoln County, Oregon, who, on August 1, 1918, made Additional Homestead Entry No. 05172 under Section 2 of the Act of April 28, 1904, for Ithe SW4 8W?4 Section 15. and NE& NE of Section 21, Town ship 12 South, Range 8 West, Willam ette Meridian, has filed notice of in tention to make final proof, to estab lish claim to tlie land above described, the same bing addition to his original homestead entry 03295 for the WV4 NW14 Section 22, T. 12 S., R, 8 TV., upon which final certificate was is sued, and entry passed to patent June 7, 1919. All persons claiming the above ad ditionally entered lands adversely, or desiring to show It to be mineral in )iaraoter should file their affidavits Of contest, or protest, in the United States Land Office at Portland, Oregon on or before December 24, 1919. ' Proof also under the Act of -June , 1919. Alexander Sweek. ; .-' Register. ' Notice of the Above Intention to make proof will fee published In the "Lincoln vxMinty Leader" of Toledo, Oregon, for a period of Are consecu tive week, which I- hereby designate as the newspaper pnbHshed nearest the land above described." : Alexander Sweek, ' ' - Heglster. NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT . Notice is hereby given that the vu derslgned, administrator of tV Estate of Samuel Center, Deceased, has filed in the County Court of Lincoln Ownity State tf Oregon, his final account as such administrator of eaid estate and that Monday the 5th day of January 1920, at tho hour of 10, o'clock In the forenoon of said dty has ben flxod by v.aid Court as th tlm-j fir heurlng of objections to said report, and th. setfeme-nt thereof. Wallace Baldwin, Administrator of tho Estate of Samuel Center, Deceased. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION 04721 Department ot the Interior U. S. Land Office at Portland, Oregon, ' ' October 6th, 1919. NOTICE is hereby given that Sam uel Bauman, of Otis, Oregon, who, on April 4, 1916, mado Homestead Entry No. 04721, for the W NE, Section 33, Township 6 iSouth, Range 10 West, Willamette MerMian, has filed notice of intention to make three-year Proof, to establish claim to the tend above described, before the Register and Re ceiver of the United States Land Of fice, at Portland, Oregon, on the 25th day of November, 1919. Claimant names as witnesses: James L. Waits, of Otis, Oregon; John H. Moore, of Otis, Oregon; Oscar Hellem brond, of Otis, Oregon- Sam Selln, of Rose Lodge, Oregon. Prooi made under the Aot nf Ai.o.. ust 15, 1894. " Alexander 6 week, Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION "" 04706 Department of the Interior U. S. Land Office at Portland, Oregon, October 6th, 1919. NOTICE is hereby given that John Henry Moore, of Otis, Oregon, who on April 1, 1916, made Homestead Entry No. 04706, for the NW'4 NW4, Sec tion 32, Township 6 South, Range 10 West, Willamette Meridian, has filed notice of intention to make three-year Proof, to establish claim to the land above described, before the Register and Receiver of the United States Land Oflice at Portland, Oregon, on the 25th day of November, 1919. Claimant names as witnesses: James L. Waite, Sam Bauman, Oscar Hellem brand, J. A. West, all of Otis, Lincoln County, Oregon. Proof made under the Act of Aug ust 15, 1894. Alexander Sweek, Register. NOTICE TO PRESENT CLAIMS In the County Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Lincoln In the matter of the Estate of E. Will iam Jacobson, Deceased. Notice is hereby given that the un dersigned has been appointed adminis tratrix of the estate of E. William Jac- obson, deceased, by the above entitled Court, and has qualified as such. All persons having claims against said estate are hereby notified to present tne same duly verified and with proper vouchers to me at Pioneer, Oregon, within six months from the date of first publication of tills notice. Dated and first pub., Oct 24th, 1919. Annie Jacobson, Administratrix. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION 04925 Department of the Interior V. S. Land Office at Portland, Oregon, . October 6th, 1919. NOTICE is hereby given that Loyal F. Chandler, of S'.letz, Oregon, -who, on September 8th, 1919, made Second Homestead Entry No. 04925, for Lots .13, 14, 15 and 16, Section 8 and Lota 2, 3, 4, 13, 14 and 15, Section 17, Township 9 South, Range 10 West, Willamette Meridian, has filed notice of intention to make three-yoars Proof, to establish claim to the lana above described, before the Register and Re ceiver of the United States Land Of fice, at Portland, Oregon, on the 20Ui day of November, 1919. Claimant names as witnesses: Max Anderson, Albert Taylor, Sam Brass field, Warren Hall, all of Silets, Lin coln County, Oregon, , Proof made under the Act of Aug ust 15, 1894. Alexander Sweek, Register. SHERIFF'S SALE In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Lincoln Jenevleve Talboy, Plaintiff, vs. Ed C. Allen and Martha -C. Allen, husband and wife; H. A. P. Myers and Jane Doe Myers, husband and wife; Shute Saving Bank, a corporation; Frank Readen and Emma Readen, husband and wife. Defendants. By virtue of an execution decree and order of saile issued out of the above entitled Court in the above en titled action to me directed and dated Uie 11th, day of October, A. D. 1919, in favor of Jenevieve Talboy, Plain tiff, and against itlie above named De foTMlii.Tvta tnr tlia mm nf 970.00 with interest thereon at the rate of 8 per cent per annum from the 1st day of January A. D. 1919 and a further sum of $100.00 attorney's fees and costs taxed at- $238.00 paid as taxes, and costs of this writ commanding me to sell the following described real prop erty situate in Lincoln County, Ore gon as follows, to-wit: Lot three being tne rractionai isorin EV riiai4u. nt ha Smith Rant Quart er of Section number 16 In Township number Eleven soutn oi range uuimuev eleven, West of the Willamette Mert HIoji Axmmt tha folkrwine Dortion thereof, to-wit: Beginning at point 462 feet West of the South East uor ner of he North West Quarter, of the smith Kmi Quarter rrf said Section IS, thence running East 1382. feet, thence North -660 reek tfience west uv i to high water mark, th en oe along tilth water mrk to point ot beginning, also except a atrip of land .116 feet In width from tilgb, waer mark running along KOW, THEREFORE In compliance rim Omi dnmuMla of aaJd execution and order of sale I win on tiatnraay ih 4av nf NrvMtnhar. A. fj 1919. at 1 o'clock P. M. at the front door of the County 'Court House, in tne t;ity of Toledo, Lincoln County, Oregon, eell a hlriiMrt hMdar for cash, all the right title and interest of the above named Ed C. Allen ana Manna j. ai Ion tnshand and wife; H. A. P. Myen. and Jnue Doe Myera, husband end etui,.. Kuvinir Rank, a corpora tion; rank Readen end Emma Rea huahnl and wtf. Defendants In the 'above named action, In the above described property to satisfy saw ex ecution and order of sale, Interest, Date of flirt publication, Oct 17. 1919. Date of last publication, ov. h, w W. E. Simpson Sheriff ot Lincoln County, Oregon NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION - 04454 Department of the Interior U. S. Land Office at Portland, Oregon, September 22nd, 1919. NOTICE la hereby given that Charles R, Slielton, of Peak, Oregon, who, on February 11, 1915, made Homestead Entry No. 04454, for NW Section 26, Township 12 South, Range 1 8 West, Willamette Meridian, has filed .notice of intention to make Three year Proof, to establish claim to the land above described, before the Clerk of the County Court for Lincoln County, Oregon, at Toledo, Oregcn, on the 11th day of November, 1919. Claimant names as witnesses: T. J. Buford, W. W. January, A. J. Brooks, I. R. Payne, all of Harlan, Oregon, Harlan Route. Proof made under the act of June 6, 1912, . Alexander Sweek, Keg.'stet. SUMMONS FOR PUBLICATION IN FORECLOSURE OF TAX LIEN In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Lincoln County W. C. FOSTER, Plaintiff, vs. L. M. Scroggin, Harold MacDonald, Harold R. McDowell, G. Orlo Jefferson, B. W. Jones, Arthur Ford, Defendants. To L. M. Scroggin, Harold MacDon ald, Harold R. McDowell. G. Orlo Jef ferson, B. W. Jones, Arthur Ford, the above named defendants: In the Name of the State of Oregon: You are hereby notified ohat TV. C. Foster, the holder of Certificate of De linquency numbered 12 issued on the 25th day of May, 1915 by the Tax Col lector of the County of Lincoln, State of Oregon, for the amount of Sixty-Six and 61-100 Dollars the same being uie aimount then due and delinquent for taxes for the year 1913 og aher with penalty, interest and costs thereon up on the real property of which you are the owner as appers of record, situate In said County and State, and particu larly bounded and described as follows to-wlt: The Southeast Quarter of the Northeast Quarter, the North Half of the Southeast Quarter, and Lot Seven In Section Thirty-One cf Township Seven South of Range Nloe West of the Willamette Meridian in Lincoln Counijy, Oregon. You are further notified that said W. C. Foster has p-ald taxes on eaid prom ises for prior or subsequent years, with tho ira;e of interest kn said amounts, r. followc: Year's Date Paid Tax Re- Amt. Rate of Tax celpt No. Interest 1914 Oct 1, 1915 4861 175.90 15 1915 Oct. 10, 1916 4647 1916 June 6, 1919 5844 1917 Juno 6,1919 5688 1918 Sep. 30, 1919 4393 63.19 15 15 15 15 67.14 65.29 77.56 Said Harold R. McDowell as the owner of the legal title of the above desribed property as the same appears of record, end each of the other de fendants above named are hereby further notified that TV. C. Foster will apply Ho the Circuit Court of tho County and State aforesaid for a de cree foreclosing plaintiff's lien aginst the property above described, and mentioned in said certificate. And you, and each of you are hereby sum moned to appear within sixty days from the date of the service of this summons upon you exclusive of the c?y of such service if personally gerv ed within the State of Oregon, and within sixty days from the first pub lication of tills summons exclusive of the day of said first publication if served by tho publication thereof, and defend this suit or pay the amount due as above shown together with costs and accrued interest, or for want thereof decree will be rendered fore closing the , lien of said taxes and costs against the land and premises above named tree and clear from any and all right, title, estate, lien, or in terest that you, or either of you, may have or claim therein or thereto. Th jj summons is published by order of the Honorable R. R. Miller, County Judge, State of Oregon for tho County of Lincoln and said order was mode and dated this 3rd day ot November, 1910, and the date of the first publi cation of this summons is the 7th day of November, 1919. All process land papers in this pro ceeding may be served upon the un dersigned residing within the State of Oregon at the address hereafter men tioned. G. B. McCluskey, Attorney for Plaintiff. Address, Toledo, Oregon. NOTICE OF SCHOOL MEETING MOTICR IS HRREBY GIVEN to the luril vMnra nt Si'hiuvl nislrict Nn. 2. of Lincoln County, State of Oregon, that a SCHOOL MEETING of said District will be held at Grammar School Building on the 29th day of nWmhoT at 1 o'clock in the afternoon to vote on the proposition ot levying a special uisu-iui mi. The total amount of money needed hi. h rileitrlpt dnnini? ftha fiscal vear beginning on June x-919, and ending on Juno 30, U20, Is estimated in tne roi lowing . budget and Includes the unmmto tn h received from the county school fund, state school fund, special district tax, and an otner mon eys of the district: Budget Teachor'a salares ..$8000.00 Furniture 100.00 Aonaratua and supplies .. .. 100.00. Repairs, painting . . . . .... 1000.00 Janitor' wages 1000.00 Janitor's supplies . . . 60.00 Fuel .... ovu.vv Water ... .. ... Clerk salary. '.. '' r " f ? PoKtaxe and stationery . . . . xv.w LFor the psjmen ot bonded debt ana interest wereun, issued under Sections 117, 144 to 148. an 422 of the Snhonl Un of Oregon. 1917 600.00 Interest on warrant lnueDic ednesa .. .. To apply em warrant ind-Jbted- 480.00 1000.00 Total estimated amount of money to be expended for -all purposes during year . . 12755.00 Estimated Receipts pwtti! miintv Rchool fund dur ing coming year $3000.00 From state school fund during xnminf sr.hool vear 400.00 r,ah tutor tn hands of dis trict clerk 1200.00 Cash now In hands of County Treasurer, belonging to dis trict .. .. .. 3300.0 Estimated aimount to be re- , ceived from all other sources during coming school year. High School .. 800.08 Total estimated receipts, not Including the money to be received from the tax which it is proposed to vote . . . , 8700.09 Recapitulation Total estimated expenses for the year ..J12755.00 Total estimated receipts not including the tax to be voted 8700.00 Balance, amount to be raised by district tax 4O55.O0 Dated this 6th day of Nov., 1919. Attst: J. w. Robertson, ' Sarah C. Booth, Chairman Board District Clerk of Directors. ESTIMATE OF TAX ESTIMATES Notice Is hereby given that the County Court for Lincoln County, State of Oregon, wiH meet at the Court House in the Citv of Toldn rvamu and State aforesaid, on Thursday the un oay oi uecemoer, 1919, at the hour Of 10 O'clock A. M. in rocnilar inidnn and will discuss with the Tea payers, until Saturday, the 6th day of Decem- oor, at b oclocK F. M. of said day, the following estimates required to defray the expenses of the several offices and other departments within said County for the year 1919. County Court Salary as Judge 1200 00 Salary and expenses of Com missioners 2000.00 Expertiug Books 250 no Postage and Stationery ..." 60 00 Tptal $3600.00 Circuit Court Witness Fees .. ,.. .. .. jinooin :: :: :: E Total .. .. $3000.00- n"e.,Fef,8 150.00- tZl" lorees 100.00 Jury Fees ;. 1uAn Witness Fees i50;00 'To'al $ 500.00 , , Sheriff's Office - alarv of Shtu-iir .,. Salary of Deputy " 10SOM Stationery and Books 450.00 Total $5000.00 Clerk's Offirn Salary of Clerk ii25o.OO Salary of Deputy 1080.00 Records and blanks. Tran scribing indexes 7AA An Stamps and Stationery 15000 Total $3180.00 Tr amir r' AfRA. - Salary of Trunin Books and Stationery 125.00 Total'.1'. ..'..$ 925.00 Superintendent'! riffle. Salary of Superintendent .. ..$1000.00 expenses .. 200.00 Teacher's Institutes 190.00 8th Grade Examinations .... toiui Teacher'e Examinations .... " 8o!oo btamps and Stationery . . . . 175.00 Total .. '.. .. $1725.00 Survvni-' rtffiA. Salary of Surveyor .... .... .$1000.00 Coroner's Office Fees of Coromtr t cnn Jurors and Witnesses .. ..' .. lOOOO- Total $ 150.00 Assessor's Office Salary of Assessor $1200.00 Office help .T 1500.00 Help, of Field .Deputies .... 400.00 Stationery, blanks, postage , 400.00 Total $3500.00 District Attorney's Office ..$ 50.00- Health Officer 500.00- Truant Officer 100.00 County Agent .. .. .. .. 1500.00 Road Viewers and Axmen. . 400.00" Rebate of Taxes 600.00 Publishing Delinquent Taxes 225.00 Court House Expenaes Janitor's Salary .. $ 600.00 Water 72.00 Fuel 200.00- Lights ; ... f 15000 Repairs . , . . 300.00 Phone Service 178.00 Total .. .: ..$1600.00 Jail " $ 500.00 Care of Poor 2500.00 Widows Pension " .. 1500.00 Care of Insane . . ; . . . . . 100.00 For Reform School .. .. .. 60.00 Scalp Bounty 500X10 Fire Patrol 200.00" County Fair 500.00 Sealer of Weights 80.00 High Schools .... . . . . 6000.00 School Library Books .... 200.00 Elections 2500.00 County Public Schools .... 43000.00 Estimated State Tax . . . . 25000.00 For Market Roads . . . . , . 9000.00 Interest on Bonds . ; 9900.00 For Roads,' Bridges, Ferries 60000.00- . Total $185,785.00 Receipts' Clerk's Office ,. ,.$3200.00 Sheriff's Office ..' .'. .. .. .. 150.00 Interest on County Funds de posited in Bank $1000.0 Interest on Bond Funds de posited in Bank 8000.00 Refund from Stoto on bounty - ' Claims .. .; -560.00 .. x , School 1 . ..$7710.00 ..- -..J 625.25 . ; .. 269.00 391.60 .. .. 482.20 .. .. 656.60 .. .. 615.98 .. .. 153.0S .. .. 860.00 .. .. 659.00 .. .. 807.02 .. .. 616.33 .. .. 249.56 .. .. 358.70 .. .. 1002.60 .. .. 781.60 362.20 .. .. 420.00 .. .. 523.20 .. .. 627.65 .. .. 594.05 H. Howell, " " Total .. District No. 4 School District No. 7 . . School Distrio. No. 11 District No. 16 District No. It District No. 20 District No. 21 District No. 23 District Tio. 33 District No. 30 District No. 42 District No. 45 District No. 48 District No. 60 District No. 51 District No. 62 District No. 59 District No. 61 District No. 68 District No. 70 R. School School School School School School School School School School School School School School School School School County Clerk.