LINCOLN COUNTY LEADER, TOLEDO OREGON. FRIDAY, OCTOBER 24th, 1919. PACE 2 LINCOLN COUNTY LEADER OFFICIAL COUNTY PAPER F. N. HAYDEN, Publisher Established Twenty-Seven Years Ago. The White Corner Store Is were you get Olympic Flour, Seal Brand - Coffee, Nuraya Tea, Red Ribbon Canned Goods and Holsum Bread All Quality Goods One Price to All. R. S. VAN CLEVE PHONE 9005 TOLEDO, OREGON Entered at Toledo? Oregon poetofflce. as second-class matter, under the' Act of March 3rd, 1879. SUBSCRIPTION PRICES One Year, In advance $1.50 Six Months, In advance..,. 75 Three Months, Is advance 60 ADVERTISING RATES Display Advertising 15 cents inch. Composition 5 cents inch. Locals 5 cents line. COURT PROCEEDINGS FOR THE OCTOBER, 1919 TERM Or COMMISSIONERS COURT Bessie Doty, Widow's pension $ 25.00 Jakobia Lesamger, same . . . . 10.00 Winifred Davidson, same . . . . 10.00 Hilda Manien, same 25.00 E. R. Robertson, clearing right COMPLETE LINE OF LADIES' AND GENTS' FURNISHINGS WE GUARANTEE STRICTLY ALL WOOL MADE TO ORDER SUITS WE ARE AGENTS FOR M. BORN, SCOTCH WOOLEN MILLS, AND ED WARD E. STRAUSS & COMPANY Made to measure Clothing. Come in arid let us take your Measure for hat New Suit. T I Toledo. Heat Co. jj DEALERS IN LIVESTOCK DRESSED AND CURED MEATS WHOLESALE AND RETAIL Highest Price Paid for Hides L. J. BROWN, Proprietor Water Front Meat Market J. L. Derr.itt, Prop. or way J. M. Loudon. Barnes . Alvin Cnajvman, same W. R. Loudon, same .. . Ora Rosco, same .... W. R. Downing, same Ed. Denford. same . . H. G. Downing, mdse. Fred Jrnps. same 91.20 24 00 .. .. 101SO .. .. a.0i .. .. 70 00 .. .. 96.00 . .. 75.00 same 121.40 . .. 74 HO NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION . 04721 Department of the Interior U. S. Land Office at Portland, Oregon. October 6th, 1919. NOTICE is hereby given that Sam uel Bauman, of Otis, Oregon, who, on April 4, 1916, made HoTr.e3tead Entry No. 04721, for the W NE4, Section 33, Township 6lSouth, Rr.nge 10 West, Willamette Meridian, ht.9 filed notice of intention to make three-year Proof, to establish claim to the land above described, before the Register and Re ceiver of the United States Land Of fice, at Portland, Oregon, on the 25th day of November, 1919. Claimant names as witnesses: James L. Waite, of Otis, Oregon; John H. Moore,' of Otis, Oregon; Oscar Hellem brand, of Otis, Oregon; Sam Selin, of Rose Lodge, Oregon. Proof made under the Act of Aug ust 15, 1894. Alexander Sweek, Register. .Iwseph Swallia, same "4 OC Jim Itidcnour. same C3.CC Bill Jones, same 57.fi1.. Joi n Hamraon, same 60 B0 Clarence Rosco, same 62 40 Waiter Cline, same .' . . 60.50 Claude Needham, same 4 00 Albert Rcsco, same 27 00 Fred Steiner, same .. . . .. .. 19-20 John Strong, same ........ 24 00 Dick Miller, same 14. 10 Tv F. Garrison, same 14.40 P. A. F.anford, same 4. SO Dale Newcombe, same 9.60 Z. M. Derrick, same 150.00 John Harrison, Sr., same . . . . 7.70 J. Little, work on Toledo-Newport road 103.60 S. T. Wilier, same ; 11.75 E M. Pettycrew, same 30.60 P. G. Eklof. -same 100.39 L. B. is,wtU. same S0.00 A. Miller, same 96.80 B. E. Burden, same 58. NO H. T. C.'.mpbell, same 13.60 E. McClMXhry, same 36.60 V. Hawkins, same 8.00 Dave Rcss, same 40. SO B. F. Speake, same 9S.00 H. E. Williams, saime SS.OO G. Freeman, same 12.00 C. A. Baiey, same 4-80 T. N. H .nnessy, same 17.60 K. Crawford, same 80 C. E. WVlle. sane 16 0 (Continued next week.) rr,t We B A Cured Meats, Vegetole, Pure 6. Compound; Lunch Goods & Meat Condiments, y Veal, Beef, Poultry, Pork & Mutton; Hideo 4 Pelts Fish, Oysters & Clams In Season WATER FRONT, TOLEDO, OREGON ' a package before the war a package during the war a package NOW THE FLAVOR LASTS SO DOES THE PRICE! . t xsr SUMMONS In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon lor Lincoln County Ira Kis.T, Plaintiff, vs. Fannie Kisor, Defendant. To Fannie Klsor, the defendant above In the Name of the State of Oregon: You are hereby required to eppear and answer the ccmplaint filed against you in tho above entitled su.t and in the above entitled Court on or before the 6th day of December, 1919, that being the last day for your appearance and answer In this suit fixed by the order of the Honorable R. R. Miller, County Jude of Lincoln County, Ore gon; and If you fail to appear and answer the plaintiff will apply to the court for the rel.ef demanded in the complaint on file herein, to-wit: For a decree dissolving the bends of mat rimcny end marriage cc-ntiact now ex isting between the plaintiff and de fendant. This summons is served upon you by ibolng publ.hcd once a week for six consecutive and successive weeks in the Lincoln County Leader, a week ly newspaper published in Toledo, Lin coln Cot, Oreson, by the order of the Honorable R. R. Miller, Judge of the County Court of the Slate of Oregon far Lincoln- County, said order being trade and dated the 20th day of Oct ober, 1919 and the publkar tion of said summons in said paper for suid time. Date of first publication Oct. 24, 1919. Date of last publication Dec. 5, 1919. W. H. Waterbury, Attorney for Plaintiff, j Post Office Address, Toledo. Oregon. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION 04706 Department of the Interior U. S. Land Office at Portland. Oregon, October 6th, 1919. NOTICE Is hereby given that John Henry Moore, of Otis, Oregon, who on April 1, 1916, made Homestead Entry No. 04706, for the NWVi NW14, Sec tion 32, Township South, Range 10 Wast, Willamette Meridian, has filed notice of intention to make three-year Proof, to establish claim to the land above: described, before the Register and Receiver of the United States Liana umce at Portland, Oregon, on the 25th day of November, 1919. CU.T.ant naimes as witnesses: Jame3 L. Waite, Sam Bauman, Oscar Hellem brand, J. A. West, all of Otis, Lincoln County, Oregon. Proof made under the Act of Aug ust 15, 1S94. Alexander Sweek, t' Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION 04681 Department of the "nterlor U. S. Land Office at Portland, Oregon, September 20, 1919. NOTICE is hereby given that Mrs. J. R. Hale, formerly Mrs. Fannie Tal bot, mother and heir at la-v of Robert Louis Talbot, deceased, who on April 1 7, 1916. made Homestead Entry No. IMOSl, IOT Uie INVVVi, c-Vs n and SW'14 SEV4, Section 3fi, Town ship 7 South, Range 10'est, Willam ette Meridian, has filed notice of In tention to make three-year Proof, to establish claim to the land above described, bst'ore the Regi3te" and Re celver of the United States Land Of fice, at Portland, Oregon, on the 12th day of November, 1919. Claimant names as witnesses: Paul Stutxle, of Rose Lodge, Oregon; Thom as Cline, X)f Rose Lodge, Oregon; Dr. Fred Gullette, of Portland, Oregon; Fred Normandin, of Portland, Oregon. Proof made under the Act of August 15, 1894. Alexander Sweek, Register. 'H0USANDS OF WOMEN suffer miserably from 1 periodic attacks of headache, never dreaming that a permanent cure may be had. Headache nearly always results from some disorder of the stomach, liver or bowels. Take Chamberlain's Tablets. They will correct these disorders and there will be no more headache. Many have been permanently cured by Chamberlain's Tablets. THE LAST DROP of our delicious Soda Is as pure and refreshing as the first drop, and as enjoyable. For a satisfying beverage no thing could be better, or more cooling and comforting. We have all the most-in-demand flavors and you may rely upon the positive purity of all. We , use only the frechest fruit Juices In flavoring. Come In and try a glass. You will -1 T"7N.Tf 1 " then know how delicious It is. ......... .... .. ...... .. ..................... . ..... ... ,1A.T.A ....-. f f,A I FOBDSON TRACTOR I PRICE NOW $750 F. 0. B. FACTORY f stage and has on the market. This Tractor is past the experimental nrnvprl to ht nn nf thfi het Tractors , r -.. -j. I A. C. Crawford, Local Agt., Siletz, Oregon fri W NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION 04925 Department of the Interior U. S. Land Office at Portland. Oregon, , October 6th, 1919. NOTICE is hereby given that Loyal F. Chandler, of Siletz, Oregon, who. on 'September Sth, 1919, made SeaonJ ! Homestead En try No. 04925. for Lots 13, 14, 15 and 16, Section S Knd Lots 1 2, 3, 4, 13, 14 and 15, Section 17, j Township 9 South, Rango 13 West, Willamette Meridian, has filed notice of intention to make three-years Proof, to establish claim to the lana above described, before the Register and Re ceiver of the United States Land of fice, at Portland, Oregon, on the 20th day of November, 1919. Claimant names as witnesses: Max Anderson, Albert Taylor, Sam Brass field, Warren Hall, all of Siletz, Lin coln County, Oregon. Proof made under the Act of Aug ust 15, 1894. Alexander Sweek, Register. t I SANITARY Barber Shop I SHERIFF S SALE In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Lincoln Theodore Pilz. Plaintiff, vs. Barbeta Du'nkl, formerly Barbeta Wahlgemuth, and Stephen Dunkl, her husband, C. Holms, and Jane Doe Holms, his wife, and E. H. Wright end Gussie L. Wr.glit, his wife, Defend ants. By virtue of an execution and order of sale issued cut of the above entitled Court in the above entitlei action to me directed and dated the ISth day of October A. D. 1919, in farf.r of Theo dore Pilz, Plaintiff, and against the above named Defendant for the sum of $114.95 with interest therccn at the rate of 6 per cent per annum from the 23rd day of September A. D., 1919, and further sum of S25.00 attorney- fees end costs taxed at $25.00, and costs of this writ commanding me to sell the following described real property situ ate In Lincoln County, Oregon as fol lows, to-wit: The Northwest Quarter of the South east Quarter of Section Twelve (12) Township Eleven (11), South, Range Ten (10) WeBt, Willamette Meridian, In Lincoln Countv, State of Oregon. NOW. THEREFORE In compliance with the demands of said execution and order of sale I will on Saturday the 22nd day of November A.' D. 1919 at 1 o'clock P. M., at the front door of the County Court House, in the City of Toledo, Lincoln County, Oregon, sell to the highest bidder for cash, all the ri.dit, title and interest of the above named Defendants in the above named ax lion, ki the above described property to eikisfy said execution and order of sale, interest, costs and accruing costs. Date of first pub., Oct. 24th, 1919. Dale of last pub., Nov. 21st, 1919. W. E. Simpson, Sheriff of Lincoln County, Or. - An up-to-date place in every thing that constitutes a First Class- Barber Shop LADIES' SHAMPOOING. and MASSAGING BERT HOWE, Prop. i m i ! ii a i ii-t-va-i Remember that When you bring your car to us for mechanical attention that you the genuine Ford service materials, experienced woricr-.ri cr.a Fe-rjf factory prices, xour rwu 'tnn useful, too valuable to take chatir-? wim mechanics, "with equally poor quality materials. ' Bring it to us and save both time and money. are authorized Ford dealers, trum ea uy trie Motor Company to look after the wants of nmi vs that's th assurance we offer. We l etting a few Ford airs and first- come first receive delivery. 7 Ii Ford II get ii 1S poor ill e III rora Ford III are I 'Si THE UNIVERSAL CAR II A. T. PETERSON, Local Agent J AL WAUGH Dealer la Cigars Tobacco and Butter Kist Pop Corn TOLEDO. OREGON I SHERIFF'S SALE In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Lincoln Jenevieve Talboy, Plaintiff, vs. Ed C. Allen and Martha C. Allen, husband and wife; H. A. P. Myers and Jane Doe Myers, husband and wife; Sliute Saving Bank, a corporation; Frank Keadon and Emma lleaden, husband and wife. Defendants. By virtue of an execution decree and order of eaile issued out of the above entitled Court in the above en titled action to me directed and dated the 11th, day of October, A. D. 1919, In favor of Jenevieve Talboy, Plain tiff, and against the above named De fendants for the um of 1970.00 with interest thereon at the rate of 8 per cent per ajinuin from the 1st day of January A. D. 1919 and a further sum of $100.00 attorney's fees and costs taxed at $238.00 paid as taxes, and costs of this writ commanding nte to sell the following described real prop erty situate in Lincoln County, Ore gon as follows, to-wlt: Lot three being the fractional .Norm East Quarter of the South East Quart er of Section number 15 In Township number Eleven South of range number eleven, West of the Willamette Meri dian except Uie following portion thereof, to-wit: Beginning at a-point 462 feet West of the South East Cor ner of the North West Quarter, or tiw South East Quarter of said Section 15, thence running East 13S2 feet, tnence North 660 feet, thence West 900 feet to hlnh water mark, thence along hifch water niprk to point of beginning, alto except a strip ot land 123 feet in viihh from high water mark running along the entire front of paid lot three. NOW. THEREFORE in compliance ' wlu tli'.' demands of said exocuiou and iorder of sale I will on Saturday the 15.1 day of November, A. D 1319, 3t 1 oVleck P. M. at the front door of tlm County Court House, In the City of Toledo, Lincoln County, Oregon, tell to t' e highest bidder for cash, all the ria;ht title and interest of the above named Ed C. Allen and Martha C. Al ien, 'msband and wife; H. A. P. lyart, and Jane Doe Myer3, husband , and wife; Shute Saving Bank, a corpora tion; rank Readen and Emma Rea den, husbend and wife. Defendants in the above named action, in the nbova described property to satisfy said ex ecution and order of sale, Interest, costs and accruing costs. Date of first publication, Oct. 17, 1919. Date of last publication, Nov. 14, 1919. W. E. Simpson, Sheriff of Lincoln County, Oregon. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION 04454 Department of the Interior U. S. Land Office at Portland. Oregon,. September 22nd, 1919. NOTICE is . hereby given that Charles It. Shelton, of Peak, Oregon, who, on February 11, 1915, made Homestead Entry No. 04454, for NW14 Section 26. Township 12 South. Jtange 8 West, Willamette Meridian, has filed notice of intention to make Three year Proof, to establish claim to the land above described, before the Clerk of the County Court for Lincoln County. Oregon, ait Toledo, Oregon, on tne llth day of November, 1919. tuatmant names as witnesses: T. J. Buford, W. W. January. A. J. Brooks. I. It. Payne, all of Harlan, Oregon, Harlan Route. rn rf uiudo under the act of June 6, 1912. Alexander Sweek, Ues'ster.