1 1 1 1 1 v.i.wnM, f SANITARY I Barjbor Shop LINCOLN COUNTY LEADER, TOLEDO, OREGON. FRIDAY, MAY 2nd, 1919 An up-to-date place in every thing that constitutes a First Class Barber ShH LADIES' SHAMPOOING and MASSAGING Agency for the STEAM LAUNDRY Basket goes twice a week, Wednesdays and Sundays HOWE & DAVIS, Props. FOR SALE Good milk cow. Now giving abour4 gallons pir (lay. . Gentle and kind and an easy milker. I. N. Center, To ledo, Ort'iion. , $5.00 REWARD -If the party who found my steel wrecking bar in the road or along the fence in front of my place will 'ret in ii it or notify me where I can get It, I will present them with a $5.00 Hill and ask no j questions. C. M. Vermaas, To ledo, Oregon. X ' WANTED Farm hand. Must Know now to milk cows and , handle a team of horses. Will : pay $50.00 a month and board. u. u. i nompson, ona, Oregon. MOHAIR WANTED I am now offering a very attractive nrW 1 . uy uni,roveu' "ck or dairy; for uL, ,J ysi .IPli" 94 acres Benton county. GO acres Tlin NEW WHST MAGAZINE "BuiMIn Ttl. Weal" Eitablialwd For tht dr.tlopmmt of TVaaiern imiuptnei, airrlcu ira, minim, oil. ana1 acanie :tr.clii.n. (' ,r.t In tna Wnlnn Invratrir. farmer anil ht-ccr. Prlr.!l on high rotl paper i:h coi -r r.a;f-tona llluitrationa. Yfar. U ; copy. Vk. .Sa.-npl, 1.1c. hack num. Dn lor -o?. y.n.1 row. ', ;y, r.'.w Was'. Majia. '2,1n'n.wfll',:r T:'V B:,l- s" city. Truh : IOC! Whi'.a HM., Seattle. Wa.h. : T'JO Vnnxlward Av.. Vitro,:, luVh. A4 Irn. near. tt i,(fire, or place your ucripuoo, turuuah thi newepaper. Buy W. S. CORVALLIS TO NEWPORT "Give us good roads." Is tlio demand from all over tlio county. If every demand that Is backed by a community of Individuals who sin cerely belk'vo they are only asking what they deserve was granted in full It would well let us see what it would mean. liiised on the figures of 1918, the valuation of Lincoln County is 19.486, 429. The general tax levy is 16.4 mills This brings in a general fund of $155, 503 Out of this amount the county commissioners are able to save mak ing It Ihk'i about $75,000 for roitrl nnr. i' ' WANT To buy a stock ra n ch Tin-re are in v.ic county about soo , In Linrol.i County. Must have mih s of public roads and roads that some iniprr vements. Give i Olll fiiouia be public roads, tUmorins for plcte descriptioi and uriee in attention. We have J75.000 or $250 pe milo with which to build and keep up these roads. There Is no mile of road in the county that can be properly opened up and gradtd up for less than $500 per mile. An estimate of $1000 Is very conservative. That means a cost of $300,000 for dirt roads alone. TV? hive 150 miles of road clamor ing for rot k. This can not be put on for ln than $1500 per mile of a cost of $225,000 "VVe need $75,000 worth of bridges FOR SALE 15G acres near Nortoris. . Lots of out range, small orchard, house; 20 acrs slashed and seeded to grass. Two miles from railroad. t II. E. Allen, Toledo, Oregon. WANTED Milch &oats. Any one having Milch Goi'.ts for sale, please write me and I will come and lock them over, as I wish to purchase a few head. H. V. Ilolgate, Nice, Oregon. PACE EIGHT FORDS ON TRACTOR HERE I have secured the agency for the Fordson Tractor for Lincoln County and will be pleased to demonstrate same, at any time, at my ranch at Lower Farm. Sieing is believin'g. A. C. Crawford. FOR. SALE Red Duroc pigs and shots. Inquire of Mrs. Greenbrook, box 212, Newport, Oregon. FOR SALE Goose eggs, and goslings. Also two pi'gs. W. F. Early. Toledo, Or. 1G0 ACRES Lincoln countv. partly improved, stock or dairy; for mohair. See. write. phone me before you sell. C. II. Wakefield, Elk City, Or. FOR SALE Good team"f work hnrses, harness and wagon for $100. Also harrow, plows, and a e-ood DeLaval senarator. $25. See John Nye, Newport Or. LOST Plain gold ring. Same was lost on Main street last Thursday. Suitable reward will be j.-iven for return of tfra ring. Mrs. A. E. Franklin, AM IN The market for all kinds of cattle. See nic before selling. L. A. Hulbert. on Jay Dunn ranch. Phone, 1804. timber, bal. partly improved: $15 per acre. Adress 533 Yamhill St.. Porthnd; Oregon. For Ladies or Gents wrist watches. Write F. M. French & Son. Jewelers and Enerravers. Albany, Oregon. We make a snecialitv of friend ship, engagement and weddinir rings. F. M. French & Son, Jew elers anu hiiigravers, Albany, Or. WANTED Young pi-s. G to 8 works old. O. I. C. or Poland China. Henry Mattson, Elk City FOR EXCHANGE My 320 acre stock ranch at Glen, with or without stock, for suitable ranch property reasonable close to High School at Waldpart, Newport or T iledo. . . J. W. Davenport, Sahdo. Or. FOR SALE Ulack mara. about 10 years old, weight about 1050. $75, cash, or trade for stock. Work single or double. C. A. Thompson, Ona, Or. first letter. C. O. Morgaii, Loma U"' N-vennary bur Colorado .Eeon- Formerly Veterinary Sur- geon U. S. Army. 445 S. 3rd St., FOR SALE A 1918 Ford Se-iCorvallis. Phones: Ino. 4307, dan. Cost $875.00. Used three BelI 106. , sir s .a sra; 1 T,PEmS cash, balance in negotiable se- i"XrItlto Graham & Wo11b. Cor curity or easy monthly nav- lva.lll8l 0re80n- Agents for Lin- ments. W. G. Emery, Newport, icoln county. uregun. ELEVEN YEARS AGO Ci.mir Ludemuu of WaUtport was In To'., ;lo Monday. "i ; t. Henry .ii e of Lutjcns was do iiv; 'siiu'.-s : the county seat Wei'.. nemJ iv M". Klma Hyde returned Monday evoning from a visit with her son, Frai.lc, and family at Eddyvllle. F, A. Godwin of Nashville visited the county seat Wednesday. Everett Cook was down from Elk City last Friday. t'hes Morrison of Pioneer was n county seat visitor Friday evening. C. K. Hawkins ha purchased the old Sam Logan place near Storrp. Mr. Hawkins intends dividing the farm Into small tracts.. Postmaster Arnold has sold his resi dence on lwt St. to John MeOluskey. Mr. and Mrs. McCluHkey will leave the farm Mils fall and move Into their new home. 65 ACRE FARM For sale, or without .stock, household prtrla ont.i !-.-. 1 , . . v. uiiuen euuuo, Dwmg lllllJJeilieillB, good m me county mamng a grand total iences, iz acres In crop, nice or cost of jeoo.ooo for road facilities. chard with all kinds of fruit. The upkeep of these roads will not House, 2 barns, chicken house be less than ten per cent their cost pig house, etc., spring Water and We have at the very hlRhet estimate I IS of out range. Owner has $7.".ooo to meet and maintain our 1600, j business in the East and must ooo road task. j leave, and will 'give you a bar- Listen. The citizens of Lincoln Co. gal" at your own terms, are demanding el;rht times as murh Tnreo and ne half miles from To- road work a there ore funds to d.i i lod0' on Olalla Slough. with, without considering the upkeep. Owing to the character of the soil the cost of building and keeping up a R. Grand, box 402, Toledo, Or. WANTED To bnv rnttlo fit fiubstantial rrad is more than double!;?1" Be only. In some parts of tlie county than in IIenry J- Stocker, Newport, Or. oiners. Ainm. i ronu passing arrow cttivntivn it c t. a series of hills and valleys will cost ! IBr Iag $ a great deal more than one following roST bhi"8,er8- Newport, BV. Ill W fcllllllV county coffer an ever flowing fount that should pour out Its wealth to create a rond fo- rhelr convenience no Will sell for assessed value matter wbat the cot. $1500 cash. $300 incumberanco. We fliu-t admit the county rnmmts- Address Jim IlodgCS, Elk City, loners and Judtre have some nerve Oregon. . raking music to face. I The State at large has been wanting FOR SALE One team horses for a long tlme to get a road thru ! an harness, grey and black, 8 from some point In the Willamette Val- yarB olcl. weght around 2700 ley to Newport. About tho middle of , K,unus- 'CSe norses are WW41 tu a miio surprise is presented to no North end oil the county in the i dcPf "dable pullers and fast m of a netltlon .o bond th r,.. walkers. I want $260.00 for the team and $40.00 for the harness. C. P. Leonard, 4'2 miles east of Eddyvllle, Or.. Little Elk road. FOR SALE Or trade, the Dixon Hotel at Elk City for land along the Yaquina River, partly Improved. Wm. Kruger, Harlan, Oregon. TWENTY-ONE YEARS AGO Zonus Coprlaml. of thin place, has received, uu auuointmenL In tlio lifn- savlnjr service and left for Cupe Arugo, Coos . ountiy, last Tuesday, where he is as.-iiuued to duty us surfman. J, J. Gatther, formerly chief clerk at the Silotz agenry, has received an ordei transferring him to the Yakima agenry at Wshlnton. Juilte Hufford wmh over from Pnp. vallls tills week oniuslness. Mr, m. E. I'eulrs and children. left fcr Corva'lliB last Siturday where they will Jolne Mr. Pealrs. Elmo Davis, the reprhlliau candi date l.,r joint representative, was In the city Wednesday "Yankee" and "Dixie" are the names given to the two new war ships. Here is a combination that will make Spain howl. Henry Hums has a contract to -ret out some logs for Oregson's mill and has a rang of men at work. O "LET'S SWAP VOTES" Eastern Oregon Is mighty Interested in (he postage of the spec toil measuro to he voted cu at the coming special election to be held uu Juno 3rd. known as the Irrigation Interest Guarantee Jlwuure. This bill will cost the State aa a whole hundreds of thousands of acres of the best laud In the world that Is now either too swampy or too arid to produce a healthy weed. The Pacific Coast counties are migh ty Interested in the passage of the measure known as the Roosevelt High way bill providing for the building of a north and south highway along the Pacific coast, the Bon.l.i not to be issued unless matched ly a spcelal up- propriaithm from congress. Tills mca a M4y.mr i I Ask the Man Who Knows Any claims that we make for Federal Motor Truck efficiency are not as convincing as the statements of men who cwn and operate them some for more thaw ten years. Their praise has an enthusiastic ring to it. Tho powerful and sturdy Federal has proved to be one of their most profitable Investments. That's why such a large percentage of Federal sales are repeat ord:u-s. "Building Bigger Business" and a current copy of "Traffic News" arc publications you should have both free. Currey & Snuffer TOLEDO REPRESENTATIVES FOR THE Earl B. Day Motor Co. DISTRIBUTORS IN LINN AND LINCOLN COUNTIES F. V. Parsons, SALES MGR. FOR LINCOLN COUNTY : F' iati"u iiviii i:uuKir. 1 Ills llica- WANTED Good second hand j sure will not cost the State muc h and steel frame harrow C. A. Thompson, Ona, Or FOR SALE Heavy three in. wa'ion. with heavv ilrav hnx price $40.00. Also two hogs, weight about 75 lbs., price $15. each. C. A. Thompson, Ona, Or. FOR SALE Or rent, five acrfi 1 tMamriu tract nair mils from town, eood house, enquire County Agent, three miles from Toledo, with will greatly benefit tlio isolated people of tlio coast counties, who now have to wait until the fog settles In order to travel their roads. Let Eastern Oregon boost for and vote for the Roosevelt Highway and in return we will graciously receive the support of the coast ss'ctions for the Interest Guarantee bill. Malheur FOR SALE 3 splendid sows and 22 pigs; one sow, priced at $00.00, brought 16 fine pigs at her last fan-owing, a splendid animal, but I wir.h to breed only registered stock In future. The . - - I nOVf n tmn An h v vu FALK 155 acres and 0",,"-, ",,c the Elk City Telephone Circuit. 1 80,w' r0URi1rtn1r1fine Pigs and H Will sell for assessed vnlni. ')rlood at '5n-0(). nnl a youiiR sow, same stock, $30.00. 9 sow For Indigestion Constipation, Sick Huadacbc, Bit ioua r.cat, Bloating, Sour Stomach, Gat oa the Stomach, Bad Breath you will find nothing better thou that wboleaoma rhyiic FOLEY CATHARTIC TABLET Never diiappoint. Take one tonifiht and feel better in the morning. J rnliatlie Tablrlt hava proyin (o bo the beat .. . . ., ,.-v anu I ITT tiivta lor coattlpatiun aud bUiotiaaaaa." 6uiU i.eiyv.'ii April the form of a petition .o bond the county for $1SO,000 ns part cost for btt'HIng in co-opi.nt!on wr.i th. Sttit", n hard surface read from Philomath ti New port, by way of creek valley, TCd dyvllle, Chltwood and Toledo. The FOR SALE 100 acres of un- mnrrit'-Jl lonrl Ihran mllAK - -,..vu iuiim, iiiivc iiiiica uviii .an.u .o uy ine r- -ens t:' lOICUO, Oil UOpOe SlOUgl), SUlt- L.-.imln Co. at n poc'al floMc.n Juno able for stock ranch. Address. 3rd- O. A. Iandreth, Newport, Or. nnre are some important questions for the county court to nnswor; What ! 11ml ,l flm na ,1 I n'U .mil" lii'i Ill M.I '"tr'l ', flS.'U TTllll, 1JUII surface road to beT Wlio pay for the C J. McCauley, Elk City, Or. upKerp or tiT is it to cist .il.n'it f 21 . 000' a mile like the rest of t'.. T-nvid liif)t-ay s1 far contmrtrd fm '. H"i' tlie county got to maintain It? An px pi l se near'v e'i'inl 'c Its pre ro.id fund. N the rond following t'" most nnn . economical route, ovory.hlnr . w .h. h R. THOROUGHBRED Rhode Is land Red Egcu for setting, $1.50 per setting of 15, from a good laying strain. Everett Miller, Toledo, Or., or Phone 1026. GOOD BUY Five aorR 1 mlb from Toledo In Olalla val- jley. Three acres In cultivation; pigs suitable for breeding slock ! '; " w taken and i rouummj ..ou apiece; oaiance Jfo.oo apiece. S. J. Stewart, Toledo. WHEN In need of Plaster ing, Cement, or Concrete work, nue Diiuuing, septls tanks, Jir... seo Chas. Mock. Toledo. Or. FOR SALE One aero, all fenced, nous-:1, barn and well. E. Ludwick, Toledo, Oregon. TO TRADE A fina I,ey' . .nree acres m cultivation; with ton. for a irood work hnrRn' l no.,B. no I STRAYED Two heifers, com ing 3, both hava left ear Rplit. Phone 1803, or write Woyde meytr & Johnson, Toledo, Or. of the ctutity win-re It muni-, i t, territory to the onts!do marl't' and It nearly eo.uat In value t a r.ntroad following the noun rotitoT o dnen K parallel a rnllrond, thus r"'it-lng Its value to a plea -aura atk-krr- tHsrh way, of HuJo value' in doyoloiil' the resources of the county aa a v!k,'"? ride. Price $:.o no Wm Backus. Yaquina, Oregon. FOR TRADE 2 unincumber ed Portland lots, one block of Woodmere school, 5 blocks of Mt. Scott car, for acreage at, or final rTr.1nt4 ArtstwAaa kt. 1AF !l UL Via ruumj H I WJH, ', .wa, a vi'.uu, nuuiCDO UUA E. m. Pettycrofw, Norto.-i, or. ' Toledo, Oregon. orchard bearing; new barn and chicken house. Price reasona ble. Address J. O. Young, Tole do, Oregon. SIX PER CENT State School money, for farm loans. See Sara Crahen, Toledo, Oregon. f Jl'laaii'muil' Sill WnaMlujllantl 1 1 .WWfl'Tl W'lliiia',tt I HAVE secured the Agency for SPAULDINC SILOS, FEED CUTTERS and Other Products. ALSO HAVE Line of TRAC TORS, ENGINES, and MA CHINERY IF. YOU are in the Market, would be glad to figure with you. CHAS. H. GARDNER HAWKINS & McCLUSKEY Attorny8-at-Law TOLEDO. - OREGON W.H. WATERQURY Attorney nt Law Phnna Tolod. Ore-rcn , , TO i sl I A Flavor for f j every taste UP 11 (LL seated alr-ticht and (mpurltv-proof. In the wax wrapped, safety packages. Be sare to fict miGUEVS because It Is supreme In quality. 13 . The Flavor lasts ;i Fordson Tractors EDW. J. CLARK Attorney-at-Law TOLEDO, - OREGON G. L. PFPKIMQ Shoemaker and Harness Repairer Shop on Hill Street TOLEDO, OREGON A. C. Crawford, Local Agent Siletz, Oregon . WMH W.MHtM.MtMH.M 1 1 II I IMMWHM.MH