V7 W I 1 f 4 . 1 'iv V- - - . 1 B. P Truss caaae up from Wuuu. this noon. Ed Altreo was a passenger for Port land yesterday. G. L. Gray of Newport was a county seat visitor yesterday. J. H. Sugg arrived home from Ash land Wednesday evening. John Sell after was a passenger up the line yesterday noon. W. E. Churchill and family tmved to Philomafih tjio first of the week. Rev. S. I. Ramstad returned Tues day evening from a trip to Portland. Mrs. R. S. Van Clove and children departed this noon for a visit at Al bany. J. W, Graham recently bought a new Ford truck. Billy now has three trucks. Mr. and Mrs. Ted McElwaln and son, Jack, left Tuesday noon for a trip to Portland. The Racket Store received a car of Fisher's Blend Flour, from Seattle. Tuesday. Rev. Father Pelletan has been trans ferred from this county to St. Louis, Marlon county. G. R Schenrk was called to Monroe, Iowa, last week by the serious illness of his mother. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph DeWall and children wore passengers for Albany I yesterday noon Born, Sunday, April 27th. to Mr. ' and Mrs. Elmer Horning in this city, I a ten pound girl Mf. and Mrs. E. L Chalcraft and ' daughter of Siletz were county seat j Visitors yesterday. N H. Sherwood went to Siletz yes- j terday whero h will operate the road grader for a while. Mr. and Mrs. Ohauncey Ohmnrt of Ona, returned . Wednesday evening from a visit at Salem. Mrs. Juliette Christiansen was a pas senger for Salem yesterday, where she will visit her parents. Mrs. R. A. Arnold and niece, Miss Cenevicve Tt'lotson, were passengers for Portland yesterday. W. H. Burton, of the Fischer-Storey Lw::Ict Co.. returned Tuesday evening from a business trip to Portland. Mrs. C. G. Copeland of Newport visit ed hi' re sTvcr.il days tills week with her t George Chambers, and family. There will be a meeting of the Ladies" Civic Club, ut the City Hall, Jiext Wednesday afternoon at 3 o'clock. A M. Glldersleeve came over from Portland Sunday evening for a visit with relatives and friends in this city. Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Andersen of Siletz have been visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Shenn Bateman In tills city tills week. W. W. Dillon, representing the V. M C. A., was in the city this morning, and is looking over the town with a View to establishing a Y. M. C. A. Iiere. H G. Stafford returned last week from a trip to Portland While In the city lie purchased a fine young team of dapple-gray mares and drove them home. Henry Hexom went to Elk City yes terday, wher he will saw for the Pio neer Lumber Co. He has been sawing for the t'r.etdey Lumber Co. here Die past ten djyK. Mr. and Mrs John Robertson went to Newport yesterday to celebrate the GolJuu Wedding anniversary of Mrs. Robertson's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Dlowcr of Unit place Several Improvements have been made at the creamery lately A re ceiving platform has been built, and tlio pastuerizcr raised so that a grav ity tlow is possible to the churn. Sev eral minor chnnge ure under wry f-r the confidence, und patronugc of the People. Tatronlzc local Industrie! and build up a good town. ROOSEVELT HIGHWAY r ... This bill authorizes the issue of bonds to the amount of $2,500,000 for the purpose of constructing the Roose velt Highway alotg the coast of Ore gon, upon condition, however, that the federal Government appropriate an qua! amount for the mm purpose. If the Government fall to do this, then no part of these bond can be iMued by the State, and If the Federal Government does appropriate a like amount for this purpose it wift give to the State of Oregon all the advan tage of this road at a coat of 60 cents on (he dollar. The auto license fee already provid ed by law win be sufficient to not only pay all the prlnclipal and all the Inter eat on the present bond of the Mate and those now authorised to be Issued, but will also pay the principal and In terest of these 'proposed bond ind Mveral million dollar worth more If needed. Many thousand acre of the richest land in the State 11 along the omirt feetweoath summit of UieCoafct Range LINCOLN COUNTY SAT "HAVE YOU SEEN THE NEW GOODS AT COTTONS?' That's what they are all asking each other these days. And those that haven't are getting to the store as fast as they san to make their selections while we still have the full lines to choose from. NEW STUFF? YESS And then some. (Bi Wat Newport COTTON'S Newport A 1 WE KNOW UNITED STATES TIRES ARE COOD TIRES. THAT'S WHY WE SELL THEM. NEWrORT GARAGE S. DAIIL NEWPORT and the ocean Thia lane. 'rich, but ttnderelooed portion of the State la eat off from the interior by the Coast Range that hae only four or Ave available Daeaei. thru which the prevent highway department hat already planned to build roads to connect the Court with the Willamette, umpqua. and Rogue River Valley. Construction upon those connecting roads will begin this year, but without LEADER, TOLEDO, OREGON, Si NEW NEW NEW NEW NEW NEW NEW NEW NEW NEW NEW NEW NEW NEW NEW NEW NEW NEW NEW NEW NEW WHITE WOOL CREPE CREAM WOOL WHIPCORD BLACK WOOL SERGES BROWN WOOL SERGES BLUE WOOL SERGES GRAY WOOL SERGES MERCERIZED COTTON SUITINGS WHITE INDIAN HEAD WHITE PIQUE DEVONSHIRE PLAIN BLACK SILK POPLIN DUCK BLUE SILK POPLIN SILK PLAID TAFETA JAP SILK PLAID DRESS GINGHAMS RED SATEEN BLACK SATEEN MOHAIR DRESS GOODS (Solid Colors and Stripes) CORSETS LACES EMBROIDERY At 'ffv '"ft: t if. ir r. r standpoint. We arc in the tire business here, to stay. We can remain in business o.iy t.o lonz as wo p.'ease our customers. Consequent!, it pays U3 to handle ro"J tires United States Tires. They're tho tiros we sell. They're tho tires you should use. We have them to meet every need of price or two. United States Tires are Good Tires the north and south Coast road, the people from the faiterlor can only go to th Coast and, fat some instances, come tack the suae way, while the Coast road they can go one way, come back another and for commercial purposes makes the whole Coast territory avail able to any portion of the interior. Th Coast country can only be develop ed by a north and south road conneov ,Uig the cooununlllos and further dovel- FRIDAY, MAY 2nd, 1919 Mere's the way we look at it oped by local roads leading from ttte trunk road up th valley. 1113 PAPCft hZPREStNTCO t-OB F0Rf.CI ADVtli'ilSmS BY THS ocncnal orricr NCV YORK AND CHICAGO BRANCHES IN ALL THE PRINCIPAL ClTICI ' , NOTICE OF HEARING On Petition to Form Drainage District in the County Court of the State of Oregon, for Lincoln County ,iiCVa i,e,rebv rtven hU a hear hirf. !i10 'ollowln PAtt.ion will he "M,T Co"" House in Toledo, Lin coin County. Oreom on the 4th day of June 1919, ftt the Hour of 10 o'clock in the forenoon of uid day, for the purpose of dotermlnlng whether the pruyer of eaid petluon shall be grant All persons owning or claiming an 1?" ta described In said petkl.m are hereby notmed to appear .,!2.,plac6.on saW dute "1 how cause if any there pe, why the prayer of id petition should not be granted 1 H' "owel1- Plrk of County Court in the County Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Lincoln PETITION For the Organization of' the Lincoln County Drainage District No. 1 To the Honorable County Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Lincoln ' Come now your petttlnners, persons rJiown by tho records of Lincoln' County to be the owners of fifty per cent of the acree In a contiguous body of swamp, wet or overflowed land situated 1n said Lincoln County, and herewith present to your Honora ble Body their petition that they may form a drahiasa district, pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 340, General Laws of Oregon, 1916, as amended Chapter 414, General Laws of Oregon, 1917, und also House Resolution No. 7b37. 65th Congress, Second Session, for the purpose of having such lands reclaimed and protected by drainuKe or otherwise, from the effects of water for OKrieullurtiil (urjosea, the tame being conducive to ihe public conven ience and wolfare and of public utility and benefit, and for owners have prepared and signed this I petition in which they reBpeotfully state: I 1. That Che name proposed for this district in "IJucoln County Drainage , District No. 1," formerly known as he 1 Depot Slouch Dlkl 111? AuuvHnt Inn 2. Tluit tlie boundary linos of said district are as follows: Heginning at that certain point which i the south quarter corner of section 7. township 11 south, range 10 west of tho WillunvpiMa Meridian, in Lincoln County, Oregon: thence west 4S0 rods, more or less, along the south '" ui'ii 1 aim station 14 u me Mouihwest I'onier of section 12; theuco :me or .section 7 and section 12 to the north lt!0 rods to tlie northwest cor ner or section 12; thence east 320 rods to the quarter section corner bo tween se tlon 12 and section 7; thencfl north bO rods to a point 80 rods south f tlie n-irthwest. corr-r of section 7; l.c ei4 liiii roils to the line mil l's' north nnd south tlir.iii"h tho cent er of sec: mi ,; theme nor'li i0 rods mor,. cr I. to :l p:,)lt SO rvls south ol the ( titer of senium B: tlnmce west f'O n.ds to tho tinier of th soiitiiuw qni'itir of section K: II. !- ,,..n, ' 1 "'".II o, ineneo llorlJl -10 roils, more or lens, to the towm-hip line; tlieace w e.-i i ilie spilth quurter corner r.f e..-H,, "i .... i ,n . .. corner of feet Ion 31. Icu-ckIimi Hi 1. ran go 1o west: thence mirlh 210 nxls. mor? or Icks. to the center of the north half of section 31, In said township mm ran:,-i., wienoe caul .'-in rods, more or ieF, to a point which Is the nort'j oast corner of tho southwest one-fourth of tlie northwest one-fourth of section a--, towndinp w soin.li, range 10 west of tho Willuniette Meridian; tlieneo soiilh SO rods to a point SO roils, more or less, west of tho center of said section 32; thence.west H0 nxls, nioro or lesa, to the section Hue betwoen sotlon 31 and section 32: th encn qmith along the east line of die 20 acre tract belonging to O. A. Copelund, as shown by the Lincoln County deed records, volume 22, page 68, to the southeast corner of said tract ; thence west along the south line of said (Vipeland tract to the intersection of said line with the center line of tse Depot and Slletr. road; thence southerly alonr the cen ter lino of said county road to a point 80 rods, mom or lens, south of the north sii-tlon lino of section 6, town ship 11 south, range 10 west, where eaid road Intersect the north line of the southwest quarter of tho north piist quarter of section 6 In said town ship and rango hint referred to; theuco east to the renter of the northeiis' quarter of so Hun II; f ien' e tam'.Ii 1 !0 rod, morn or lens, to the center of 'lie southeast quarter of section 6; then 'O east .0 n.lH, more or lens, to Ihe north fast corner of southciint quarter of fnld ttoctlim; then-o soiitli 210 rods, more or less, to tlie east quarter cui ncr of section 7, tosvnihip 11 south, range 10 west; thence west tiO rods, nioro or less, to tho Intersection of the renter section line with tho center line of the )cMit and S'lclz i nui ; road l:i a.U soil 'on: the: co sotitherly along tlie eent,-r line of Hiidl ronrl In the inter. section of tho said center line Willi tho south line or suction 7 In Ihe snuiii east quarter of scild section 7; thence west along tho south lino of section 7 to the point of beginning, being un- proxliuaU-ly 1350 acres, all In town ships 10 and 11 south, range 10 west, of Willamette Mjrtduui, all in Lincoln tmnty urogon. The huiils within tho boundarls above eut forth coiiKlilute a contiguous body of iwuiinp, wet, or overflowed land. 3. That Uie land In tlie proposed dUtrlct Hoe wholly within Lincoln County and haa a total area of ap proximately 1360 acres. 4. That the names of owners of land in eaid district as shown by tho re cords of Lincoln (XMinty and tlie acre agn owned by each of anid owners art aa followi: James McDonald, 2 Acme mora or Vena; 8ondre llomtvodt lOnUte, 126 Acres, more or loot; II, A. VOpOBWIU, HI liiwm v J. W. Rogers, 93 Acres, more or loss; Huh Murray, 20 Acres more or less; a D. Murray, 19 Acres more or loss; Sytonta Burkhart. 40 Acre more or less J. W. Parrlsh, 40 Acres mors or less; A. L Jacobson, SO Acres more or less; Li, m. uoncsw, ai.i A. T. M. Dundon. 128 Acres more or less Julia Christiansen, 102 A. more or loss U. M. Wtllinms, low nrrvm mm l(ODC M. Wlinwiin, DU n.. imnv " John niioades, 80 Aoree more or less; jonn luioanes, i otb mm" i nam-lei Duhl, J7.4 Acres more or less; Geo. W. Hoeflotn. 1 A. more or less; John F. Btenl. Kst., 16 A. more or less; County Roads, 12 Acres more or lun; PACE FIVE Yaouina Bay Ry. a ut. Co 75 A more or less; U. S. Army, Spruce Pre duotlon Divteion, 4.5 AcUore more4PC1Ximate ftrea 1327 8 AcrM 6 That the proposed reclamaUon or tory purposes and that such .proposed reclamation or protection will be con- hKlu welfare anuf public utility or benefit. 6 That all of the lands included is. said proposed district are properly ao ly affeoted by the operations of the proposed district. 7. That the benefits of such proposed reclamation, or protecUon will eiceed tlie danuage to be done and that the best interests of .the land Included and of the owners of such land as a whole and of the public at large, will be pro! moted by the formation and proposed operations of such district Pr0P0Sel1 aitJ a)B f?nnation f a drainage distrust under the provls.Ion8 of an act entitled, "AN ACT to provide for the organization of Drainage District (s) for the construction, operation and maintenance of drainage systems, for the payment of tlie -cost of such svs I'HI,al"! Pt" incidental tiie're to lied In the office of tlie Secretary of Slate. February 26, 1916, some being C hapter 340. General Laws of Oregon. 1915, as amended, Chapter 414, General Lrwb of Orecnm 1917 1., . advantageous method of accompllHhing Kji.uMauun ana protection of the hinds Included theroln. 9. That the following Is a brief, gen eral, informal statement of a proposed plan of reclamation and protection ana such general facts as wiU enable the court to dotermlno thsut there Is a reasonable probability that the objects sought by the formation of the district limy be accomplished, to-wlt, that It is planned to drain and reclaim the lands in tho said dlwtriet by the construction of a dam. tide gates, an dike across Depot Slough, 100 feet more or less, north of the south qunrt er corner of section 7, township 10 south, range 11 west; that the mala millet for tho district is Depot Slough, near the south quarter corner of sec tion 7. township 11 south, range 14 west of Willamette Meridian, Lincoln County, Oregon, and that the dike lead ing from the Yaquina Hay RoilwaT & Lumber Company's railroad to the said dam in Depot Slough will be rt Used and properly strengthened, so tlictl it will nioro thoroughly exclude excess uuai waters. (Tlie general plan of drulnagm b (indicated on tho I ciwi vk uiuuLiKiT k auuicaicu on T.I10 uttiu'hed general nuip.) The detailed plan will bo sucli as may be adopted I " uio Hoard or Supervisors after sur veys and plans have been prepared by tlie engineer for the district, 10. That the signers hereto agree to pay anv and all expenses incurred and any lax or ti-xes that may bo lovi.-d j against, our lands fur tho purpose of paying tho expenses of organizing, or lU'etiu'tlng to organize, the proposed district j Wherefore, your petitioners ask that "'.'Ml Hi-Hi I llll'll, or S'.ll'li "f h mi.y be founl by this conn , to '"' l"") i ly included within tlie nrfiih.wi..1 ,l,ui-l.. ..,!...- . ,. ine lanus 111 rein described. 0.1.1. proposed district, either Deriii'itien 1 1 1 or until further Investigation and sur vey may permit elimination, shall bo organized 11(0 a drainage district. A. T. M. Dundon, Toledo, Oregon. Gabriel G. Dahl, Toledo, Oregon. J. W. Parriah, Toledo, Oregon J. W. Rogers, Toledo, Oregon. John Rhoadet, Toledo, Oregon. O. A. Copeland, Toledo, Oregon. James McDonald, Toledo. Oregon. Hugh Murray, Toledo, Oregon. 8. D. Murray, Toledo, Oregon. F. Romtvedt, Toledo, Oregon. A. L. Jacobson, Toledo, Oregon. Mrs Julia Christiansen, Tuledo, Or. Geo. HoeMeln, Toledo, Oregon. R. H. Williams, Toledo, Oregon. L. M. Donckel. Notions. Orecon STATIC OK O.iKGON ) Iss. County of Lincoln ) I. A. T. lhimlun. Iielnir first riulv sworn, say that I urn one of tho peti tioners in 1110 anove en ti ilea petition; Hint I tiavo read t1m same, anil believe tlie allegations und the statement!) iuii tuined in said petition are true. A. T. Dundon, Subscribed and sworn to before 1110 this 20 duy of March, 1919. J. W Pirrlih Justice of Uio 1'eaco for Toledo Dist, Lincoln t ounty, orcgiiii NOTICE OF FINAL ACCOUNT In the County Court of Lincoln County, SMte of O.-cgnn In the Matter of the K. tat... of John A. Turses, leciia.sil. Viitli. lu Iw.i-i.l v irlvt.ti fliiLl tin utifierslgiied Administrator of tli'i Kk- lato of ,lo!in A. Turkir. dec iscl, lias lllcil Ma final account In tl Court of the Statu of Oregon fur l.n- coin Co in'y. 1'lial on .Monday Ihe alh day of M ly, liUO. ai tho hour of in o'i lui It In tin1 fur Ml 1 mil of said dav nnd lit the (Yurt lluoin of 4iid Court, hat been iippointi.d by said Court 1. . c tinio and place fir hcau-ing 01 nhii - ' Ions tliureio und a tutUement ilmreof. Dated and llrst publislied, April 4, 1919. M. A. 8eits, AdmlnlAtnitor. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE In the Mattir of the Bstuto of Jolr Kelly, Deceased. Notice is hereby given thul the un dorslgned has been duly applimtcd bv the County Court of Lincoln County. Oregon, administrator of the Kwtnte w1h liA iwlll nnnniAil nt 4hn atntA of John Kelly, deceased, In the S'ntr or Oregon, ana nss auiy quaiuieu. .a 11 persons having claims against Bait cuf ua am tiarwihv nrrtlfliwl to nrenent the same, 'properly verified, to m" st my Office Ul tommio. uregon. wiuits six monttis from the date of first pue llcatkm of tilts notice. Dated and llrst published April life. 1119. Ira Wads. Administrator of the Estate with tire will annexes: 01 jonn n.euy, Lmcsaaeu. R. D. BURGESS PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON 7oledo, Oregon Office In Andrews Building. OITIee hours: 10 to 12 a. m.; 2 to 4 and 7 to i a, m, asr.say calls ft any Uius