LINCOLN COUNTY LEADER, TCLF.ttO, OREGON. FRIDAY, MAY 2nd, 1919 "ACE TWO SUMMONS In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for Lincoln County Coun'y cf t.'ncrln, a political sub division of the S:ae of Oregon, Plain tiff. vs J. K. Wea-' C. O. Co-eland. R. V.. William II 1.. Y: .l.erford. Lester Waugh, Arthur 11. Carter, Colusa Wil liams, Frances E. Parker, A. B. Dwluil Martha Johnson. Aleck Catfish, Lena Charley, Cheeto Charley, Mia. & Miss Alice Buseth, Murtin Tinnerman, Guy H. Coffer, Norman D. Root, Steel & Stewart, Robert M. Gray, Ed Wade, Geo. Schench, Mary Willoughby, C. A. Cox. H. D. Hbbutt. Amanda Bolander, A H. Bungolf. Ida B. Daoust. D. J. Sillard, Ida Condit. Toledo Light & Power Co., Everett Jones, Edna Hop kins, Josephine Rader, Lavin-a A 1 tree, Jolin R. Kggmnnn, Itairy Hand, Hnttie A llav, Kloyd & Ralston, James A. Shlland, In' Wade, A. J. Mofllt, Wil liam Mathews, Catherine Ilyrne, Hum phry & Smith, W. E. Vance, W. E. Rain, Emellne Owens, Zeb H. Davis, George H. llalrd, John C. Jacobson, Frank Miller, Dentin & Krlebel, C. B. Marsden, Emerson Rupert, Woodliff ft A'icoll, Minnie 9. Mlsq. A. J. Ray, M. J. Ravborn, Unknown, Druoilla WIgle, W. Willis. Ladd & Tilton Bank, G. Messier, C. Kennedy, C. E. Rice, J. M. Nolan, Mrt,. M. E. Dunn, Henry Williams, H. L. Crayner, Mrs. Annlo Goulot, William Scnrth. R. J. Weeks. L. A. Newton, O. F. Vedor, Go. Wcath evby. Arthur Brnssflald, Edward A. Swat-nan. Wnldport Lumber Co. Ceor.e Maud C. Keidv, li-er Allen, J. W. Ingle, Oceanslde Inv. Co., Joseph Curte, C. W. . wensnn ('has. A. Anderson. Ida M. and Jack Wick, Hiram Longcoy. B. K. Jones. J. I. llartmnn. Geo. E. Lllley, Wm. S. (.uodmrn, Alibio I.. Whlitcr. I C Smith. . A. Jcfler'.o. Thos. F. Banzer, Anna M. Mat news, George A. llouch, F. It. Hotrjlitop. Crawford A. Flowers, Eugene Wlllluiiw. Floyd & Vnn liilyeu, S. G. lrvln. W. J RickanK II. y. linker, Hlchnrd Henesy & George Schenc'c. M. MeCourt ft Geo. Sclienek, Ceo. W. C. MuKnn. Willis C. Mutson, Union . I-in;l Co., F. M. Plumr-er. Di nalil McRi a. C. L. Diven. J. H. Doty. 1,. A. N.wton. Olive Hampton. Win. I'lovd. R. D. Cooper. J. H. Ki.hliu- A K. ft M. M. Fo-'r"--J. II. Iumb. 1). E. Simotison, E. F. Cox, Wi'ter VcCow.-p. Emily V.'i'lett. M. A. Iiiiiiuhl1!!. Nellie C.oadtmin. II. A. Drver. Kthol M. RevnoUIs. Alfa J. Cop- ' tan. C. 11. Pickett, G A. Taylor, J. 11. Milter. A. W. Walsh. Chr-s. Krr.t. Bea nie M. Ilnmri nil. C. P. Wills. A. J. Kriiler. Ernest M. Welch, W. T. Shop pard. G. II. Thryer. C. M. Colllrs, It. F. Oiler. Oil. Steel. S. A. Phipps, I). A. Curtis, G. M. Holmca, W. J. Schror, . Marshall Coleman. Wm. Plilpp. J. K. Isliatu & Ahrnhart Co., W. H. Jack son. John H. Kllcy.. W. A. Perkins. W. A. Waltz. .1. E. McKlnnon. H. H. Wood & F. C. Sutlff. Uittle Bmln. Jon Vlvola. Gust Olson. A. U Taylor, Lin coln Cc. L-.:v 'rv. Co.. R. M. D Cun ningham. T'.cs. Iron. V. U. Smith. Jacob & Cu!!m. R. F. George. S. D. Hembllng. M rv Alphine. Claude War reii. Cl.iud Krntst Warren, M. J. Ravborn, Oliver Wight. B. F. Taylor. !'.. V. Uiytnn. J. B. Walktr, Geo. Kouct'.inur. Maud Burkhart. Chas. I Ilnisi. Geo. Ganno, B. F. Arnold, H. K. WheeUr. S. W. Stari G?. Korth nur. M; ry Acklcnis, S. H Iook. W. 0. Porter. Frank Whipple. 0. A. Waggon or. T. J. Ruford. Gto. Kour.hour, W. H. M'llholl. ii. John Graff. Carrie Karl and.i'n, Jo'in Snyder. Earnest W.r ren. Otto Koppe. Chas. L. Hrus) .H'l'e V. Plfc. Chin. Greenfield. C. Allison. M. J. Conner. Sarah Whitney, B. V. I. T.vfon. A Ciiuthorn & Son. E. M. ttrldwi 11, A. II. Shammo, C. Cese, W. B Scott. .1. W. Ravborn. Geo. Mer cer. M. M I'avls, C. B. Crosno. Ilc--.n Klb'er. Vl ry E. Henkle. Joseph IliM-'T. L. U Homing. T. .1. Stewart. A. T. Keeee Fa:mie ll'illT. W. I. Mongers. Prenbi'Mii & Manror, Got tlt'li' c.rium r. l. -lina Van Bu'nkirk. P. O. Wlln.n Be'ie E. Wilson. John Jacbs'm. K Giiitc.i'd. R P.. Forln-s & A. I". Galhipe Sauli A. Bradeld. S K. Brown. E. Guittrd. M. J. Ravborn :. o. h .iiiih D M. Lnr;e. Geo. A. wr';cr-r. A A Sk nk. W. It A. V- -er. iint. Waiilnctcn, Alice Grlmmri. J. A. S.ilcer. .1 B l'e. S A. Brassfleld Vmclin KeUo. A. N. Berlin. AlfrcJ rteron Chr's' Pa.'lj-n. Lorcpr.o Ir n. Annie Iy?chrn!.: P J. I.nn.l. J. N. (ork'ns. Chas. Kine. E. K. tnwood t. 1 McGrnth. FreJ Swnn.n. John ljin(!d. Ilel-n .le!i:on. C. W. Scott. Geo. V l!app-!v, ?!:- T. Wolf. Sam oel Col'.'n. Henrv lies. H. AMrich. Nettie K. ,!arvl. F M. WnUer .? L Fl.x k, Clara Mon:l-th. Jas. C. Tavlor. Klein Wihex. .1. W:n. Willis. C. M It' dlleld. h. W Wrlirbt. J. R. BrvhOJi. IUbt. Smith. Jas W. Taylor, s. E. t-ung. Jcrceicon Marx. Hobt. I. fold. V. It .MElroy. V. t. w!ier, John V. t heney. T. L. Williams. W C. Ro-.k. Il.ry H. Uhn:kulil. 0 J. MrMahan. Geo. W Wolf. Josephine Pirona. Aucut Hodes. J. C. Tavlor, K. P. Grlffoi. Ala Harris. Ella J. IUy N ' W. & Addle V.. Steven. A. J. W H Irsh. P. M. Zetroff. John E. llallidnv. C, W. Qulvev. J. E. Hall iIt. Phillip Webber. John Riley. M. E. Quiver llelle Johnson. W C. Craw D. C Sherwtn. John Zles. J II. KMfford. J ,B. lpe (Truatee). lin Mootloth. Marion It. Johnson. Geo. A. Ilewb. 0. M. Allvn. Ja. Robertson. lUlpi Keham. Mrs. C A. Stanton, Geo II. Utile II M Prentice. Abulia lie is. W. H. Mullhollen, C W. Y.uH S. S1n,a.ln(:ton. John E. Goodv, 0 D. Pavls. Ceo W. lllnkle r, F Wastel. Mm J E. Cross. Ira W. Tutiten. Geo. W. Cooper H. H. qulK lfv. Chas. Aldir. Harrison Phillips Frank V Shnmrker. Jennie Hendricks Y. A C. 0ln . Ilftrrisin Jonca. H. H M;imm C. H lye. Al C !trrwn Aim- it I.-is. Russell W. Osborn. Annie L' s H""'''. I',,"l' Star in in. Sweedifli Mission Church or Em-1 n-a Iv.p iMsnn., Christine ChriMlensen. Mirilm Helm Osterdahl. Uena 0-rdahl. ChH Osterdnhl. A J Aim. J AltiK-r. S X'vstrm. Chas. W. Sdt. A. V. ll-pdrl-kson. C. Stuiistid. J. A. k ( has Ha'-'-s'ni'd. M V. Mattsen, liuisa Olif Incood. Ellen Hen-1-lckson. Undhlnm. Harry East. M-ar M;bn". Axtel Vest r. J. A Jli tiMn . H Asderon, M. Johnson, Kii'M u Nelson. Chrtmn.! Stefflnson. C. It r.eilm. Al'red Jo'itunn. Alex Flnt b'd. T. C. JiMins Columbia Henkle. M.irv tt .Vtina Ji.h:n. Jas. F. Savnoe. P II O. Iionne'l. C. k E. W rren. I N Foster ft O -. MrUp". C. F. nltsot. W V.. IV-' r. Geo Wlr. A. II GuM'.n. J ibn I' ffcr. B. 11. DUon, Jlo. Bimaa, Jot titC. U N. Her nolds, Fred, W. C. Andrew, J. Yv". Foster & O. C. McLagan, Antone Panck, FYnnk I'aiiek. John F. Clark, W. I'. Chandler, L. J. IVorgeiulahl, D. M. Reyr.olJs. K. A. Merrick, dwnrd J. UarsJi, J. S. JCcKeuzie, Henry Na'.lMii, .lulin M Geo, Mrs. Emma Mc Kecn, Annetta Wynne, k. T. Tannet, J. IL bmith, Jolin B. Grim, Luke O'Drlen, John Priest (Heiiu), J. N. Stark. Wlllinai Poek. Jaa. O'Nell. John Priest, Allen Parker, John Brcdley, II. R. Forbes, Farra & Na&h, Annie E. Parker, Schmidt & Radir, Lorenzo Saner, Marparett Mr.rshall, J. Llndoey Hill. CM. Davis, H. Lacy, Wm. Kirby, Olif Nelson, Jas R Short, Dutton Jos eph, Grscnleld & Beior, Geo. E. Bush-' nels, Irene Huntsucker, Benj. R. Dew cese, F. R. N. Rotors, A. A. Bairne, J. J. Bullis, C. B. Cropno, Maiy A. Lo pan, Kate Schribold, W. S. McFadden, T. A. Bell, Mortiha E. Barxm, R. S. Strahn, Sarah V Campbell, J. R. K. Irvln Est., Frank Wood, A. G. Hul bert, Don Drvenport, Mutliew Kyle, John H. Kelly, A. Slnehart & J. E. Johnson, Marshall Hatch, P. A. Taylor, J. A. Hoover, S. D. Corsey, Arthur Louden, W. E. & Ella C. Lemon, Mra. Emily StevenB, E. S. Piatt, Geo. D. Cooper. J. T. Hair, Mrs. R. L. Gore. John Hart, Chas. M. Redd, Elizrfbeth L. Rash, Robt. R. Gardinur, Mra. E. A. Smith, R. A. Freeze, M. Koshland, Al lison nrenlmm, S. J. Barber, John J Newbegln, Marie Sapiers, Anna M. Bie- telle, W. N. PaURhby, Z. Zimmerman Alblna M. Peterson. L. Barclay, C. F. Stewart, C. A. Bates, Anna E. Mc- Candles, W. F. White, Phelo Hole- brook. Jas. Dnvldson, E. W. Eator, H. Gerson, L. M. Cox, Enoch Bretpll, Mon roe HelKler, Ja ob Schmidt, Francl3 Clalmo, Kittle Rutt. Geo. C. Smith Clarence M. Wiley, B. & E. Mjittlngly Geo. Smith, I. J. Lacy. L. M. ORlebee W. Kins. A. J. Wolf, T. J. Jones, J. M Oelebre. G. E. Cauklns. C. F. Cnid dock, Isaac Hulme, Stenrnburg & Sen ders. IV W. Scars & J. F. Graves. W H. H. P.tch, Jolin RowlltiK. A. A. Sam ue'.s. J. 0. McCarty, Inora Crosbv P. A. liiidwln. Margaret Ilamar. J. H Hewitt, Isaac Humme, MrB. A. M. Elk Ins. E. F. Fox, Nooma YounK. Sara J AltV.onse, Richard W. Sharp, Carrie Nh h las. Ceo. Wadax, P. Seolt. Sam Smith, Geo. E. Gibson & Chas. Btium Firten. '.. P. Thompson, Jus. Parker. Klvin Glaus. II. W. Jolinson. G. W. Mn(n. R. L. Sabine. J. llurness, Chaa. B. Plntt. J. T. MeRcn. A C. Holme. Jas. Keller. J-i. A. Squires. J. P. Tiiomp ff.ii. It W. Jolii":n. S. A .Pliippc. Jhn Kdscy. Jos. Encs. W. 11. Johnson. I). tt. Ijarltln. Waneo Messnwlck, Al Ghul dlnit. R. M. Holms. Mrs. II. Crandle Micheul Conhnn. .lames Keller, John i'- irclay. Ban It. Job, F. M. Wadswor h, Wm. Gnnt. .Simon Grant. Lucy D !- C. rant, Alexr.ntler Grant. S. & A. Caw thorn, S. W. Walker, E. W. Hos'. Goo. Stratum. A. A. Samuels. It. . Cooper. W. J. Bemberton, Z. H. Pav's. A. Anderson. C. G. Smith. Ed. L.- Lal'e dee, Marlon R. Johnson, C E. Wapfion er. J. M. Nolan. Ida L. Kennedy. J. F. Nell. Chas. Clark. M. K. Will, F. H. McOcnaH. R. Patty. W. R. Newland, U Y. Wilson. W. L. Davis. Wm. W. Pnul Minnie Rt.'.'or'srn. Sarah Fbher. Frank Conover. J. S. Crawford, T. E. Wilson. T. H. Wherler. Ceo. F. E'.rin. Nick Reason. Ora Delia FlemminK. Willard Myser. L. M. Thornton. Jas. Hamer. Henry E. Kln- M- c W. S. Morrill W. H. Vincnt, J. A. Korr. J. H. Hoyce. W H. Adame. Henrv E. Dove, L. IVeno.'Geo. W. Knox, U. S. G. Morouatn. T. J. Armstrons. Vllhird PenniiiB. E. W. Moore. Bruce I.. Carr. Carrie Lund. M. Beno, Allonis Limpert. Eva B. Eaton, Andrew W. FlUor. A. NT. Elk'ns. M; F. Kennedy. Pet-r A. McDonald. W. B. Fronter. John Tonpe. W. Palmer. Chas. F. Stewart, W. H. Norman. E. W. James Ella S. Bless. J. D. Beal. W. Ward, fcancv E. Campion. Mrs. Mathews Ger batv. Paul S. West. J. S. Beal. Frank S. Brown. Emily McDonald. W. M Don'ld Pnidahm & Ileekate. J. G. nall. Svlvla Stewart. H. E. Labis imiet. J!in B. Wnnley. E. Gaddard F.l'en Henderson. B. C. Burk, John nJv. Peter Hobklrk. Heliert Till"' .l.,s McGowam. W. B. Tronlner. W. r Frew. A. H. Eerwln. Marion Keartv R Irvine H. N. De France. .1. W. Gill man. It. Mcndenhrll. H. H. Thompson. J U E. It. Llllianthpl. Wm. Gallo wav. R. Itatsford. B. Murphy, Tom Burnett. Ge-J. II. Ireland. Tom Ham mond. W. E. Newhouse. A. Rothbos-j. Marv J. Courtney, Frank Keller, Fan nie F. McPhelln, Donald Ro. Jennie E llurnham. F. M. Johnson. Frank W Mitehel, Warfm 11. Louden. A. J 0-Connei M R. Johnson. Collie B. Carlton. W. W. Gilliam. Thos. Gray. W H. Dairdorff. H. M. De France. 7. B. Nicholas. Mrs. A. M. Elklns. r. M -rlo Wadsworth. J. N. Ia-hc i. F. M. Wadsword Ruth A. Pnidom. hchenck ft Crosno. T. J. Pott-r. Chas. A. Br'RP". C C Chen-y. W. W $p"l'-,'1l- 11 8 Strahn. S'al Rock lnvs t Co.. Mrs Vupuita Hesele. Mra. .losephtni Har ris Lvdla Brassfleld. Emellne Burns. M rnmnbelL Chaa. B. Cooer. f w n itnneld. W. H. H Rich M L. Almstead. O ft A. Kleeman. Wm. F. Slarr. A. T. Cart nen. Sia W. NfcBride. Mra. J. jt- fc Inc. Marv B. Knowlet. R. A. Arnold, n...k. trwln Robertsn. P. . Emerson. H. C. Lenrd. - Pd R -Croft. J. C. Johnson. W. P. Uood. Lerl VV. Ball. W. tt Crowley. Frances . i-.... r.ihrin Scott. MaurW-e 14-lbman. 0. W. Boeschen. Isaac Small. lna. M. Mlnto. r. u. wumm. Hiarn. Mrs. Hannah Scott, May M. Rice. Bell Jessup. W. L, Stevena Otto Ro.)er. W. AnnMroni;. P. H. Crim. Glaer ft Kim. U W RWe Henry I'elmkee. H!r-im Brasifield. H. M. Wil liams. 0. W. Matson. W ttummsr. Frank Caulhorn It J. C. Clark. Nellie Bowen. John Brant. Sarali L. Kratf. E J Hearn, Crelti lAmbert. W. C. Bowers. M. M. Harrla. W. A Cuslc. Mrs. C. Kern. Eva I-ee. Jas. 8 Short, A. B. Stelnback. Chaa. Wlhon. Han nah Wadsworth. Sancho Prassfle'd. Sol Oiwnbeltm-r. Mr. Estella Hatty. T. J Habcotk. Alice M"rly. Geo. W. Itnlin l.vdla Jolinsim. T. E. Hodirklns. n P. ToniDklni. Mm. Chs. Nlchals. W. U Stevens. Sophia Montv. C. H ifc V. C. Riches. Mary J. Humhrm. Wm. NU-Carty. W. H. Cook. I. R. In son. Ida ft Sarah Jacobs. Wm. P. Stitt. Chas. F. Stewart. T. ! Clark A J Wll.n. W. M. Wlsdoai. Mirr Stinsen P T Richardson. John Whltas r. J H. Mcgunde. H. Y. Flciir. W. II if.ilmL Wlker A l.-bow, Orlera Ru ble. A. H. Mven. Dr W II Cetlev F.stella Gllrher. Clavtim Went-. S'fph .m A Bower A. D. H lm. M H. Grif fin. B B. Case. O. R. Dinwiddle, loi -i A Johnson. Pete Ursen. C. W. Mlll.-r. , f.vo. C. Hodte. I- 0. Beam. Ruella S , Schafer, K. M. Shrlock, M. V. buartoc, U. b tm Uua, Vc;i: W. Marden, Ivuh Wcntz, KnjotiilWS bcJield, .au'j A. HuUon, Fost er P. Wentz, Defendants. To each and all of the ubove named defendiuits, jkiu, !o all persons .tnowii or unknown .caving or claiming to have any interest in, lien or claim up on the respective properties herein after described, in the Name of the State of Oregon-: You and each of you are hereby notified that the County of Lincoln, a political subdivision of the State of Oregon, is the owner and holder of a general tax certificate of delinquency issued to it on the second day of Oct ober, 1916, by the tax collector of Bald county, sVd general certificate being for the amout then overdue and delinquent for the taxes for the year laiz, together with penalty, Interest and costs thereon upon sundry pieces and parcels of real estate situate and being in said county and state, such portions of said real estate being as sessed to you and each of you as are set opposite your respective names In the list hereinafter set forth, and you being Che owner or ownera thereof, as appears by the tax roll for the year 1918, now in the hands of the sheriff for collection, the property and the owners thereof and the amount of said liens being as follows, to-wit: J. K. Weathcrford, Lat 5, Sec. 7. Twp. 8 South, Rrg 10 Weft, Ant. M.02; Lot. 3:, NEV NW14. Sec 18, Twp. 8 S Rny. 10 V Amt. ?7.85; Lot 7, NEVi SE'4. Sfc. 13, Twp. 8 S., Rng 11 W., Amt. $.50; N4 SWU, Sec. 14, Twp. 8 S., Rag. 11 W., Amt. $4.22; Nlfc KE'4. Sec. IB, Twp. 8 S., Rng. 11 W., Amt. $4.22. C. G., Lot 3, NW'i SEH : W4 NHV, SK'..',, Sec. 21, Twp. 8 S., Rng 11 W., Ami. $21.51. It.' E. Williams, Lota 23, 24, S 9-10. Sec. 17, Te p. ! S.. Ittitt. 10 W., Amt. Mfl.92; SWU NEVj.: NEVi SE4: Si SEU NE'4, Sec. 18, Twp 9 ., Rr.g. 10 W Amt. $119.54. J. K. Wonihe-fc rd, E'J SW,.i. S'i REi. fee in T-n S Tlr in w" Amt. 31.(12; EJ NEU. S NEVi, SEV, NW't. Soc. 23, Twp. 9 S.. Rntr. 10 W Amt. $30.03; SE'4 Sec. 23, Twp. 9 S., Rn?. 10 W., Amt. $3003; WV4 MK4. NW-4 SKhi. Sec. 25. Twp. 9 S., Riii. 10 W.ji W SWV4; SW'4 NW'i. Sec. 25, Tf p. 9 S., Rng. 10 W., Amt. $r.0.f.9 R. L. Wea-.herfofd, N NW'i, SE'i NW'i. NE',4 SWi. Sec. 25, Twp. 9 S., Rng. 10 W., $34.(12. J. K. ntherfoi-d, NE4. See. 25, Twp. 9 S.. Rng. 10 W.. Amt. $25.44; Lots 27, 32, Sec. 28, Twp. 9 6., Rn-?. lt W., Ami $2.04. Lester Wriush, Let 16, Sec. 29, Twp. 9 S., Rng. 10 W.. Amt. $2.95 - J. K. Weathcrford. S SE4, NE'4, Sec. 32, Twp 9 S Rng. 10 W.. Amt. $:fc'.21: NE'4' NW' V. See. Kfi. Twp. 9 8., Rng. 10 W., Amt. $7.0S; NE'4 SE'4 .Sec. 15. Twp. 9 S., Rng. 11 W., Amt. $3ft.9S; NWV Sec. 25. Twp. 9 S Rng. 11 W., Amt. $75.17; SE',4, Sec. 26. Twp. 9 S. Rng. 11 W, Amt. $80.52. Arthur G. Carter. E SWV, SEV4, ec. 33, Twp 9 S., Rng. 11 W., Amt. $15.50 J. K. Wealher'ord. WH W4. Sec. 34. Twp. 9 S., Rng. 11 W., Amt. $59.04; NE14 SWVi, SMj NE4. eu seh, Sec. 35. Twp. 9 S., Rflg. 11 W., Amt. $257.24 Colusa Wll !ama. All that part Ivlrg north of Sllttz River in E'.i NW', SW4. NEt4 SWV.v Sec. 5, Twp. 10 S.. Rug. 9 W. Amt. $2.65 Frances E. Parker, WV4 NWV, SWt4. SWH SW'.i. Sec. 28. Twp. 10 S.. Rng. 9 W.. Amt $9.88 A. B. Dwinel, V4 SE'i. E SVi. Ex. 85 acres sold & R R. & Wagon road, Sec. 31, Twp. 10 S., Rng. 8 V., Amt. $52.22 MarihBJohnv-n. WH SWti NV'4, SE'4 SWU NWV. Sec. 3, Twp. 10 S.. Rng. 10 W.. Amt. $12 91 Aleck Catfish. EH EH SWU NW',. Sec. 5, Twp. 10 S., Rug. 10 W., Amt. $5.55 J. K Weatherford. Lots 9, 10, 11. 23. Sec. 8, Twp. 10 S. Rng. 10 W.. Ai:iL $7.08 Lena Cliarlev. Iots 28. 29, Soc 10, Twp. 10 S Rag. 10 W.. Amt. $11.01 Frank S. Brown. Lot 2. Sec. 31. Twp 9 S.. Rng. 9 W.. Amt $10.15; NE' NE'-.4. Se-. 36. Twp 9 S Rr.g. 10 W., Amt. $11.48. Cliecto Charley. W4 NW'i NW',. Sec. 14. Twp. 10 S.. Ri.g. 10 W. Amt. $6.63; E'i NW4 NE'4. NEV NE'4. Sec. 15, Twp. 10 S.. Rag. 10 W., Ann. $16.26 lna Charley, E4 NE14 NW'i, W'i NW'i NEK,. Sec. 15. Twp. 10 S.. Rr.u. 10 W. Amt $10.71 Mrs. Miss Alice BuvV.h, Wi, SWVi NW4. Sec. 26. Twp. 10 S., Kr.g. 10 W.. Amt. $5.94 Martin Tlnr.erman, WV4 SE4 NW',. Sec. 26, Twp. 10 S.. R;ig. 10 W.. Amt. $594 Guy H. Coffer, SVi NEi SWi, See. 26, Twp. 10 S.. Rng. 10 W., Ann. $9S Norman D. Root. E'4 NEti NAVV4, Sec. 26, Twp. lo S.. Rng. 10 W.. Ann. $195 Steel ft Stewart (Stewart Vj In terest). IjOU 2. 3. Sec. 30, Twp. 10 S, Rng. 10 W.. Amt. $10.86 J K. Wratherford, NE'4 SE;. Pv 4. Twp. 10 S.. Rng. 11 W.. AniL $S0 52; E-4 NEK,. Sec. 8. Twp 10 S Rng 11 W.. Amt. $S 55; NE-4 NWS, SH SE',. Sec. . Twp 10 S.. Rng. 11 W.. Amt. $32.31; NH SEV,. SEi, SIC1,. Soc. 1. Twp. 10 S, Rng. 11 W.. Amt $15 50; All of Lot 8 lylnx N. of Reser. line. Sec. 21. Twp. 10 S.. Rng. 11 W.. Ann. $37; SE'i. See- 52. Twp 10 S.. Rng. 11 W., Amt. $12 44 Robert M. Gray. S4 SW 14 , Sec. J4. Twp. 10 S.. Rng. 11 W.. Amt. $16 f.i Ed Wade, S-l4j SWKi. Sec. 35, Twp. 10 S.. Rng. 11 V.. Amt. $7 08 Geo. Schenck 4 Interest, SE'i SEU. Sec. 36, Twp. lo S., Rng 11 W., Amt $4 21 Mry Willoughby, Lot 1 (See De.d Rec. 15 P 433 41. Sec. 4. Twp 11 S . Rng. W.. Amt. $13.28 C A. Cox. NW 1. Sec 4. Twp 11. Rn 10 W . Atrt. $2.57 H. I Ebbutt. SE'4 NW'i NK'., Sec 4. Twp 11 S., Rng. 10 W, Ami 12 47 Amanda B-Und-r. E4 W4 SWtj NE1,. Sr 4, Twp 11 S., Rng. 10 W, Amu $2 47 A. II. li-;nrolf SW'i SK'i Pb'i, Pec 4. Tp. U a. i0 W. Amt. f ; Ida B Iout. NWV, SEV, N' , Sec 4. Twp 11 Rn 10 W.. A ;,l $2 47 D. 1 Sillard. W'4j E4 SV'4 SF', P-. 4. Tap 11 S- Rng. 10 V. A 1 S3 IS Ida Coi,dit. Ki;V,SE',SE',. S- 4 Twp. 11 S.. Itng. Ut Amt. $3.18 Toledo lr t ft Power Co. Iai N . 28. (See Deed rorord 2S-20 P 37-. 7i; Everett Jones. Let No. C!' (See i).-e-i Rec. 22 P 227-17 K) Sn-;. 17. Twp 11 S Rng 10 W., Amt. $3.15. Edna Hopkins. Lot No, 67 (See Deed Rec. 9 P 42-17 K) . - . V,, Twp 11 S., Rng. 10 W., Arr... CUi Josephine Knder, Loi ..'o. 69 (S; Deed Roc. K P 2. '2-17 M) r c. 17, Twp 11 S ling. 10 W., Amt. $2.17 Lavina Altree. Lot 12 & Lot 9 ex 12 A.. SE14 NVVH EX. 12 A. sold. 8-;. 18, Twp 11 S., Rns. 10 V., Amt. $35.04 John R Egpemr.n, U1 No. 4 (See Deed Rec. 22 P 303) 19, Sec. 19, Twp. 11 S.. Rng. 10 W., Amt. $3.37 Henry Band, (ot al) , V4 Int., SE'4 NWy. NEV4 SW'4. Sec. 3, Twp. 11 S., Rng. 11 W., Amt. $13.66 Hattle A. Ray, Lot No. 1 (See Deed Rec. 6 P 626 4), Sec 4, Twp. 11 S., Rng. 11 W., Amt 3.67 Floyd & Ralston (Floyds Int.) Int. Lot No. .11 (See Deed Rec H P 175 4A), Sec. 4, Twp. 11 S., Rng 11 W., Amt. $3.67 James A. Shlland, Lot No 13 (Sec Deed Rec. F P 380 4A) Sec. 4, Twp. 11 S., Rng. 11 W., Amt. $1.35 . Lea Wade, Lot No. 14 (See Deed Roc. B P 88 4C). Sec. 4, Twp. 11 S., Rng. 11 W., Amt. $13.66 A. J. Moffit, Lot No 13, (See Deed Rec. 16 .P 496 7) Sec. 7, Twp. 11 S., ling. 11 W., Amt. $7.28 William Mathews. Lot No 14 (See Deed Rec. 28 P 9 SB) Sec. 8, Twp. 11 S.. Rng. 11 W Amt $23.91 Catherine Byrne, Lot No 7 (Sec- Deed Rec. 17 P 453 9A) Sec. 9, Twp 11 S., Rng. 11 W., Amt $17.03 Humphry & Smith, Lot No 8 (See Deed Rec. H P 188 9A.) Sec. 9, Twp. 11 S., Rng. 11 W., Amt. $3.67 W. E. Vance or W. E. Onln. Lot 'No 3 (See Deed Rec. 1 P 399 10), Sec 10, Twp. 11 S., Rng. 11 W., Amt. $10 30 Emellne Owens, 4 Int., Lot No 2 (See Deed Rec. D P li)7). Sec. 11, Twp. 11 S., Rng. 11 W.. Amt. $.37 Zeb H. Davis, Lot No. 1 (See Deed Rec. H P 87 14), Sec. 14, Twp. 11 S., Hug. 11 W., Amt. $1.13 Ge orge H. Baird, Lot No. 2, 14. Sec, 14. Twp. 11 S.. Rng. 11 Amt. $1.13 Ed Wade, Lot 3 14. Sec. 14, Twp. 11 S.. Rng 11 W. Amt $.67 C. Jacobin, Lot No 4 (See Deed Rec. 1 P 97 14). Sec 14, Twp. 11 S., Hug. 11 W.. Amt. $.58' Fmak MJller. Lot No. 6 (See Deed Rec. H P 92 14), Sec 14. Twp. 11 S., ling. 11 W.; Lot No. 1 (See Deed Rec. 1! P S3 14), Sec. 14. Twp. 11 S., Rng, 11 W, Amt. $4.70 liorsin & kriebel (Berlins Int) I it No. 9 (Soe Deed Rec. 7 P 439 14 A). Sec. 14, Twp. 11 S., Rng. 11 W Amt. $57 C. B. Mirsden. Lot No. 22 (See Deed Rec. J P 363 14 C). Sec. 14, Twp. 11 S.. Rng. 11 W., Amt. $1.13 , Emerson Rupert, Lot No 25 (See Deed dec. J P 397 14 C). Sec. 14. Twp. 11 S., Rng. 11 W., Amt. $1.13 Woodliff & Nlcoll. Lot No. 26 (See Deed Rec. M P 67-.r9 1-iC). Sec. 14, Twp. 11 S., Rng. 11 S Amt. $158 Minnie S. Misq, Lot No. 27 (See Deed Rec. 18 P 24 14D) Sec 14, Twp. 11 S., Rng. 11 W.. Amt. $1.13 A. J. Hay, Lot No. 29 (See Deed Rec. J P 256 B P 111-14D), Sec. 14, Twp. 11 S.. Rng. 11 W- Amt 111.07 M. J. Rayborn. NVi NEVi SEV. Soc. 14, Twp. 11 S.. Rng. 11 W- Amt. $9.00 Unknown, Lot No. 31, Sec. 14, Twp. 11 S. Rng. 11 W., Amt. $1.13; Lot No 32. Sec. 14, Twp 11 3.. Rng. 11 W., Anit. $1.13; Lot No. 33. Sec. 14, Twp. 11 S., Rng. 11 W., Amt $1.13 Drucilla Wlgle. Lot No. 1 (See Deed Rec. 1 P 49 17). Soc. 17, Twp. 11 S.. Rng 11 W., Amt $1.33 w". Willis, 114 lut Lot 5, Sec. 22 Twp. 11 S., Rng. 11 W., Amt. $2.39; 1-14 Int., SEVi SE'i, Sec. 21, Twp. 11 S., Rug 11 W., Amt 200 Ladd & Tilton Bank, SW'i SW'i. Sec. 23. Twp. 11 S., Rng. 11 W., Amt $18.94 O. Messier. Vt Int., EV4 EVJ SW'i NWVi. Sec. 25, Twp 11 S., Rng. 11 V., Amt. $2.30 C. Kenncdv. Lot No 1 (See Deed Rec. K P 257 29), Sec. 29. Twp. 11 S., Pug. 11 W.. Amt. $2 50 C. E. Rice. Let No. 2. (See Deed Rec. 17 P 193 29). Sec. 29. Twp. 11 S.. Rng 11 W.. Amt. $2.60 J.'M. Nolnn. Lot No. 3 (See Deed Rec. J. P 360 33); Lot No. 4 (See Deed Hoc. L P 134 H P 242 33). Sec. 33 Twp. 11 S.. Rng. 11 W.. Amt $1.96 Mrs. M. E. Dunn. Lot No 7 (See Deed Rec. L P 6 33 A). Sec. 33. Twp. 11 S.. Rng. 11 W.. Am.. $1.05 HVnry Williams. Lot No. 9 (See Deed Pec. I. P 2S5 33 A). Sec. 33. Twp. 11 S., Rng. 11 W., Amt. $1.05 1 I, Cravner. Ut No. HMSre Deed Roc. L P 2'JS 33 A). tc 33. Twp. 11 S.. Rng. 11 W.. Amt. $1.05 Mr Annie Goul-t. Lot No. lf'S'' peed Rec. L P 2!o 33 B). Sec. 33, Twp 11 S., Rng. 11 W Amt. $2 31 William SeartU. SE-i NW '4, Sec. 34. Twp 11 Ri It . . Am;. It j. weeK. uoi 1. vm Rec. 3 P 433 34. Sec. 34, Twp. 11 S.. Rn. 11 W.. Amt $3.41 t it Weatherford. WV4 NE'4, E4 NWV,. EV4 SW',. W4 SEV4. Bee. SO. Twp. 12 S.,Rng. W-. Amt $36.92. SWVi. sec. if, iwp. i- o.. AU "Nekton, No. L See Deed Rec. 17 P 98. 6. Sec.. 6, Twp. U S., Rng. 11 W. Amt. $2 28 - O F. Veder. SWVi NW'i. Sec. 16, Twp. 12 8.. Rng. 11 W.. Amt. $8.46. Geo. Weatborby. MVVi BEVi. Sec. 16, Twp. 12 S.. Rng, 11 W.. Amt. $8.46 Arthur Brassfleld. Lot No 4. See Peed Rec. L P 279 26. Sec. 25, Twp. 12 S., Rng. 12 W Amt. $1167, Edward A. Swatman. N4 SWV,. Sec. 28, Twp. 11 S.. Rng. W.. Amt $1122; E4 SE'i, Soc 29, Twp. 13 8., Rng 9 W.. Amt. $16 72 Waldport Lumber Co.. 4 In- "'t K Ully 4 Int.. NWVi Sec 31, Twp. 13 S. Rng. 10 W Amt $46 10 Ceorge McNalr. W4 SWVi SW'i NW'i. Sec. 8. Twp. 13 8., Rng. 11 Y. AMaudlC5Keady. S4 SE'i Ex W 1 iie 19. Twd 13 S.. Rng. 11 W., Ami 14 .88: WVfc NW'i, Sec. 24). Twp. a lin 11 W.. Amt $22 23; NEVi NWC NE'i. K', SWU NW'i NE'i. Sec. 30, Twp. 13 S. Rng. 11 W., Amt ,4'lnVa Allen. NE'i SWVi. See. 32. Twp. 13 S.. Rng 11 V-.. Amt. $76 J W. Ingle. NWV, NWV4. Sec. 34, Twp. 14 8.. Rng. 11 W.. An.t $9 38 Oceunsld" Inv. Co.. !-ls 1 to 16 Inc. Block 1. Orennslde Lake, Amt. $583; txiia 1 to 16 Inc.. Block 2. Oceanaide Lake Amt. $5 s:t; Ixls 1 to 1 Inc.. Mock 3. OoeansMe lte, Amt. $6.83: Z 4 to 16 inc.. KX. 12. Block 4. Dceanslde Lake. Amt $4 42 Joseph Curte. jr. 3. 131k. 4. Ocean .ld Uike.Amt. . ., , I Ex. 0, Block 5, Oceanslde Lahe, Amt. fau, uuio i w, iu mc, in -ck o, ij''nn Eida Ijalce, Amt. $5.83; Lots 3 to 16 Inc. Ex. 3, 4, Block 7, 0.:Uin9kie Lake, Amt. $4.42; Lots 1 to 16 inn ex. 6, 7, 8, Bloel: 8, Oceanside Luke! Ami. t4.77; ols 1 io 14 inc. ex. '!! V 9. Ccean s'.ile Lake, Amt. $4.77; Lots 1 to 11 Inc., Block 10. O- oar.sUo L-.'-o, Amt. $5.83; Lois 1 to 1C inc., r.Urk 11. Oceansitle Lake, Amt. J5.S3; Lets 1 to 16 inc. Block 12. Ocoanside liki. Amt. $5.83; Lots 1 to 34 inc. Blocl: lo, vjce.1U1.1de iMt. Ami $12.1(1: Loto 1 to 34 inc. Clock 14, O eansldo Luke, Amt. $12.16; Lota 1 to 34 inc. ex. 11, 12, 13. 14. Block 15. Oceanaide lake Amt. $10.76; Lots 1 to 34 Inc. ex. 4. Block 16, Ocoanside Lake, Amt. $11 81; Lots 1 to 34 inc. Block 17, Oceansldc Lake, Amt. $12.16: Lots 1 to :4 inc Block 18, Oceanslde Lake, Amt. $12.16; lib 1 10 33 inc. Block 19, Oceanslde Lake, Amt. $11.81; Lots 1 to 32 Block 20, Oceanslde Lake, Amt. $11.46; Lots 1 to 6 inc. Block 21, Oceanaide Lake. Amt $11.46; Lots 1 to 32 Inc. Block 22, Oceanslde Lake. Amt. $11.46 C. W. Swensen. Lots 6. 9. Block 23 Oceanslde L?.ke, Amt. $1.44 oceanslde Inv. Co., Lots 1 to 32 Inc. ex. u, 9. 21), 30, 21, Block 23, Ocean side Lake, Amt. $8.96; Lots lvto 32 Inc. ex. 4. 6. 6. 8. 26. 27. si. niock n Oceanslde Lake, Amt. $9.00; Lots 1 to 32 Inc. Block 25 Occansido Lake, Amt.; ijois 1 to 32 Block 26, Ocean side Lake. Amt. $11.46; Lots 1 to 32 inc. uiock u, uceanside Lake, Amt; Lois 1 to 32 Inc. Block 28. Oceanslde Lake. Amt. $11.40; Lots 1 to 13 inc. Block 29, Oceanslde Lake, Amt. $4.77; Lpts 1 to 8 inc. Block 30 Oceanslde Lake. Amt. $.1.01; lxta 1 to 8 inc. Block 31, Oceanslde Lake, Amt $3.01 ; Lot 1 to 8, inc., blk. 32, Ocean side Lake, Amt. $3.01. Chas. Anderson, Lots 6. 7, Block 33 Oceanslde Lake, Amt. $.74 Oceans'ile Inv Co.. Lois 1 ex.6. 7. 2. 12, Block 33, Oeoansido Lake in. .-.; iiis 1 to 21 inc. ex. 14 Block 34. Ocfansldn Lnkn. Amt J7 0-.-l.o's 1 u 32 inc. Block 33, Oc.eanside Lake, Amt. $11.46 Ma M & Jack Wlelt, Lot 4 Block 4 Grand View, Amt. $.70 Hiram Longcoy. IiU 3, 4. Block 6 Grand View, Amt. $1.96 n. P. Jones (et al) 'i Int., Lots 2 to 11 inc. Block 1 Otter Ro.-k. A-t $2.50; Lots 1 to 6 Inc Block 2 O'ter Rock, Amt. $.D2: Lots 1. 2. 3. 4. 6 7 8 Block 3. Otter RL-k Amt. $.81; Lots 1 to 8 Inc. Block 4. CMr Rock, mt $.P2; Lots 1 10 6 Inc. inV r, Ot!" Kock. Ann. $.69; Lots 1 to 6, Block 6, Otior Rock, Amt $.92; Lots 1 to 12 inc. Block 7, Otter Reck. Amt. ,2 04 Lets 1, 2, 3. 4. 5. fi. R, Block 8 Otter Rock Amt. $1.33; Lo s 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Block 9. Ottr Rock. Amt P6; lyits 1. 2. Block 10 utter Rock Amt. $.76-l-oli 2. 3, 4. Block 11, O-.ter Rock. Amt $1.19: Lois 1 2, 3. 6. 7. 8. fl. Block 12 Otter Rock. Amt. !2r!4: L-es 1 i 1 Inc. r.loclc 13, Otter Rock. Amt. $2.50; Lots 1, 2, 3. 5. Block 14. O'tT Rod ATM. $ !?; txit 4. Blocl- 15. Otter Rt ' Amt. $76: All of Block 16. Ott-r Roc' Auit $2.11; Lota 1 to 8 inc. Block 2, Jones & Nehrbas 1st Add to Otter Rock. Amt $1.22: Lots 1 to 8 Inc.. Block 3. Jones & Nehrbaa 1st Add to Otter Rock. Amt. $.92; Lots 1 to fi Inc. Block 6. Jones A Nehrbas 1st Add to Otter Rock. Amt $.69; Lota 1 to 8 Inc. Block 7. Jones & Nl rbas 1st Ade to Otter Rock. Amt. $ 92: Lots 1 to f Inc. Block 8. Jones & Nehrbas lt Add to Otter Rock. Amt. $ 92; Lots 1 to 8 Inc. Block 9. Jones & Nehrbaa 1st Add to Otter Rock. Amt. $.92 J. U Hartman. Lot 7, Block 10 Jones Nehrbas 1st Add to Otter Rock, Amt $47 B. F. Jones, (et nl) V4 Int.. Lots 1 to 8 inc. R1v-k 13. Jones & NVfcrbas 1st Add to 0:ter Rock. Amt. $12: Lots 1 to 8 Inc. Block 14. Jones & Nehrbas Is' Add to Otier Rock. Amt $92: LoU 4. 6. 6. Block 15. Jones & Nehrb? 1st Add to Otter Rcvk. Amt. $ 35; All of Block 17, Jones & Nehrbas 1st Add to Otter Rock. Amt. $.30; All of Block IS Jones ft Nehrbas 1st Add to Otter Rock. Amt $ 30; All of Block 23. Jones ft Nehrbas 1st Add to Otter Ro-k. Amt $.61; All of Block 24. Jones ft Nehbrn 1st Add to Otter Rock. Amt. $ 61 ; All of Block 28. Jones ft Nehrb A.p to Otter Rock. Amt. $ 61; All of Block 33. Jones & Nel.rbas 1st Add to Otter Rock. Amt. $.61 Wm S. Goodman. Lot 12. Block . EenchTark Add to Newport. Amt. $.61 Abble L. Whltton, Lot 6, Cooper Block 1, N & Ts Add to Newnort Ami $.61 L. C. Smith. liOt 22. Ktawm-t 1. N ft T's Aid to Nejvtnrt. Ami $9.69: Lot 2. Ocean Bluff. Blk. 1. N A T's Add lo Newport, Amt $4.94 s. A. Jerferles. Lot 6. Kollog Block N ft T't, Add to Newport. Amt. $7.79. Thos. p. Bnnrer. It 10. Corm,!.. Blk.1, N ft T's Add to Newport Amt. Anna M. Matthews. I.ot R Riv n Newport. Amt $26 29: Lot 6. Blk w' Newport, Amt $9.69. George A Houch. Ii R Ttiif C ft Bs 2nd Add to Newoort. Ami' $1.76. P. R. Houghton. Lot 7. nik ? r t. B s 2d Add to Newport Amt. $1.75. Cmw'ord A Flowers. Lot ?. P.I!.- 51 I C ft B'a 2d Add to New Don. Ami i $1917. Eugene Williams. Lot 1 Blk. 34 r B t 2d Add to Newport Amt. $33 ta Floyd and Van Bllyeu. L.n 6, Blk. 67. C ft B s 2d Add to Newport, Amt $267. 8. a. lrvln, Lots 6. 7. Blk. 75. C ft B'id Add to Newport. Amt. $7.13. W. J. Rlckardj. Lots 7. 8. 9. 10. Rlk 78, B. ft C'i. 3rd Add to Newport; Amt $38 14. R. F. Baker. Lots 3. 4. S. Blk. A Olsons 1st Add to Newport. Amt. $11.68 Richard Henesy and Geo. Schenck. 4 Int., Lots 9, 10. Blk. B. Olsons 1st Add to Newport, Amt. $2.73. M. McCourt and Geo. Schenck. 4 Int., Lot 6, Blk. 3. Olons 2nd Add to Newport, Amt. $1 42. I'nknown. Lots 3, 4. Blk. 4, Olsons 2d Add to Nerport. Amt. $5.S9. Geo. nnd W. C. Matson.. Lot 6. Blk. 4 "lons 2nd Ail to Nowpon, Amt! $3 04. Willis C. Matson. I,r.ts 3, 4. mK. 1. Frvlrl -ksliurg Amt. $5.41. Vnlon I.nnd Co.. It 7, B'.k. 4, Frtd rh kslmrg. Amt. $.73. F. M. Plunimer. lAt 8. Bile. 9. Fred rlclisburg. Amt $3.78. Donald McRea Ut 12. Blk. 36, Preil rlikshur. Amt. $3.78. C. U Dtven. IV( 1 to 14 inc., Blk. 16, Phelps Add to Newport, Amt $23 M J H. Dotr. 1x4 :t. Blk. 20, Thelps Add to Ni wport Amt. $1 42. L. A. Newton. Lot 12. Blk. 2, Thclps Mi lo Nerrorr Amt. $1 42. Olive HimTitoi . T.nt 11, I'lk. -Ba'reru 1-it Add ' v Nev.port, Amu. .JO . in. I''!'.yd a'i Int., II. I), doner Vi Int. All of B A. liot. Block A. Bakers 2nd Add to Newp rt. A "it $17 03; Ixts 1 lo 12 Inc.. ''Ik. 13 Baiters 2n l dd to Newport. ' $in.:'0; Mi l to 9 Inc., Blk. 14, Bu.. tb 2nd Add to New port. A . .. .'.5a; ' B 1 to !i inc., Blk, 15, r'.iiiters 2nd :'..! 'o Kt vnrt, Amt. $7.5'.i; IMS 1 to 1" it: ., Blk t. linkers 2n-l A dd lo I -v iiiv Amt. $!'''. .1. H. Pa'v, Lit 1. Blk. 17, Bakers 2nd Add to Ncwptirt. Amt. $1.42. Wm. Kloyd and R. D. Cooper, Lots 3 to 12 Inc., Blk. 17, Baiters 2nd Add to Newport, Amt. $14.4.!; Lot3 1 to 9 Inc., Blk. 18, Bnkeis 2nd idd to Now nort. Amt. $13.00: Lots 1 to 12 inc., mv 1 Bakers 2nd Add to Newport, Amt $14.43; Lots 1. 2, 3, 4,7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, Blk. 20, BaKera znu auu vj Newport, Amt. $19.17. J. H. Kltchlng. lts z . Terrace Heights, Amt. $1.35. A. U. and M. M. l onner, iml Blk. 2, Terrace Helgnw, Amt. 01. J. K. Lamb, Lots 27, tsitt. t. Terrace Heights, Amt. $1.3o. D. E. Slmonson, ua: u, uia. race HelghU, Amt. $.67. Henry H. Ilimkulil. JM 21. BlK. 3, Terrace Heights, Amt. $ 87. E. F. Cox, Lot 25, Blk. 3, Terrace Heights, Amt. $.07. . Walter McGovern, 11 ,( lnc-. Ex 20, Blk. 4, Terrace Heights, Amt. 1'29- . . Emily Wllieu, L101 " " race Heights. Amt. $.68. M. A. Laughlin, Lot 10, Blk. 7, Ter race Heights, Amt. $ 67. Nellie Goodman. jt 7, Blk. 7, Ter race Heights, Amt. $ 67. H. A. Dryer, Lot 19. Blk. 7, Tor race Heights. Amt. $.67. Ethel M. Reynolds. lot. 21, Blk. 7, Terrace Heights, Amt. ?.7. Ida B Daoust, Lot 22, Blk. 7. Ter race He'lphts, Amt. $ 67. Alta J. Ch pan, Lnls 23. 1'4, Blk. 7, Terrnce Hclglils, Amt. 1.?.r.. C. II. Pickett, Lot? 21. 30, B'.k. 7. Terrace Height. Amt. !l -"-G. A. Taylor, lt 24 Blk. 8 Ttr- race Heights, Aim. .'!. J. B. Miller, I,t 2'.. lilk. 8, Ter- race Heights, Amt $.67. A W. Wilsh. Iit fi. Blk. 9. Ter- ra-e H'.'irhts, Amt. $.07. Clir.s. Kra'z. Ix.ts 7. 8, 9, Blk. 9. Ter race Heights. Amt ?2.:2. lk'.'sio M. Ilaniif.'.nd. Lot 10, Blk. 9, Ttrraee Heights. Amt. $.t.7. C. P. Wills, Lot 12. Blk. race Heights, Amt. $.07. 9, Ter- A. J. Krider. Lf.U in 20, Bl'c. 15, Kewanc? Add Newport. Amt. $1.35. Ernest M. Welch. Lots 1 to 3 Inc., Blk 1", Kewanee Aiid Newport, Amt. $2 22. "aTj. Krider. Iots 11. 12, 13. 14. Blk. 17. Kewanee Add Newport. Amt. $2.89. W T. Sheppard Lots 11. 12.19.20. Blk. 20, Kewanee Add Newport, Amt $2 S9. "a. J. Krider. Lots 1. 2. 4. 5. Blk. 21, Kewanee Add Newpti.-t. rut. $29. O. H. Tl ayer. C. M. Collins, Lota 1. 2. Blk. 22, Kewanee Add Newport, Amt. $1.35. B. F. Oiler, Lot 3, Blk. 22, Kewanee Add Newport, Amt $.67. B. F. Oiler Lot 4. Blk. 22. Kewanee Add Newport. Amt. $.07. I'nkuown, Lots 1 to 20 Inc., Block 1, Virginias Add Newport, Amt. $6.93. A. J. Ray. Lots 4, 6. 11. 12. 13. 14. 19. 20. Blk. 2, Virginias Add Newport. Amt. $2.89. Chas. Steel, Lot 6. Blk. 2. Vlrglnaa Add Newport. Amt $.33. S. A. Phipps, Lots . 2. Plk. 3, Vir ginias Add Newport. Amt $.67. D. A. Curtis. Lots 3. 4. P.Ik. 3, Vir ginias Add Newport. Amt $ 67. A J. Ray, Lots. 6. 7, P.:k.3. Vir ginias Add Newport. Amt $.67. 0. M. Holmes, Lot 8. Blk. 3, Vlrglnas Add Newport. Amt. $.33. W. J. Schrer. Lots 9. 10. Blk. 3. Vir ginias Add Newport, Amt $.67. Marshall Coleman. Lots 17. 18. Blk. 3, Vlrglna3 Add Newport. Amt. $.C7. Wm. Phipps. Lots 19, 20. Blk. 3, Vir ginias Add Newport. Amt $.67. A. J. Ray. Its 1 to 10 Inc.. Blk. 4. Vlrglnas Add Newport. Amt. $3.66. J. E. Isham and Ahrenhnrt Co., Lots 3. 4. Blk 6, Vlrglnas Add Newport, Amt $ 67! . W. H. Jackson. Lots 5. 6. Blk. 6, Vir ginias Add Newport. Amt $ 67. John H. Kelley. Lots 7. 8. Blk 6, Vir ginias Add Newport. Amt $.67. W. A. Perkins. Lots 11. 19. Blk 6. V'r ginlas Add Newport. Amt $.67. Unknown. Lots 12, 15, i5. nik. 6, Vlr glnas Add Newport. Amt. $1 np W. A. Waltz. Lots 13. 14. Blk. 6, Vir ginias Add Newport, Amt $.67. D. A. Curtis. Lots 1. 2. Block 7, Vir ginias Add Newport, Amt $.07. J. E. McKlnnon. Lots 4. 6. 6. 14. 16, 16. Blk. 7, Vlrglnas Add Newport, Amt $2.22. W. A. Perkins, Lots 9. 11, Blk. 7, Vir ginias Add Newport. Amt $.67. H. H. Blood and P. f. Sutlff, Lota 13. 17. Blk 7, Vlrglnas Add Newport. Amt $ 7. W. A. Perl.lns. T,ots 1. 3 R 7 a 11 13. 15, 17. 19. Blk. 8. Vlnrlnn. kA Newport, Amt. $3.66. Lottie Brain Lot 6. Blk. 22. Grahama 4th Add to Toledo, Amt. $4.1.1.- Joe Vlvola, Lot 6, Blk. 22 Grahama 4th Add to Toledo. Amt $4 14. Oust Olson, Lots 1, 2. 3, nik. 27, Crahams 6th Add to Toledo, AmU $29.68. A. L. Taylor. IiOt 4. Blk. 27. Gra hams 6th Add to Toledo, Amt. $10.04 Leo Wade. Lots 3. 4, Blk. 1. Jones ft Galthera Add to Toledo, Amt. $6.10. Lincoln Co. Land Inr. Co.. Lots 6, 6, Blk. 6, Jones 1st Add to Toledo, Amt $8 06. R. M. D. Cunningham, Lots 1, 2, Blk. 2. Alexnnderla, Amt. $1 01. Thos. Irons. Lots 1, 2, Blk. 3, Alex andria. Amt. $1.01. V. R. Smith. Its l. i, 7, 8. Blk. 4, Alexnnderio, Amt $2.22. Jncobson ft Cullem. Uts 3, 4, Bit. 4, Alexandria, Amt. $1.01. R. F. George, It 2, Blk. 6. Alexan dria Amt. $.52. 8. D. Hembllng. ImI 7, Blk. 6, Alex anderla, Amt $.62. Mary Alphino, lxts 1, 2, 7, Plk. &, Alexandria, Anil. $1 73. Claud Warren. l,ols 7 8, Blk. 10, Alexandria, Amt. $ 67. L'ncoln Co. IjiihI ft Inv. Co., Trart B. Alexandria, Amt. $1.SK; Trnct P, Alexandria. Ami. $1 SS; Tract D, Alex andria. Ami. $1.8N. Claud A Earnest Warren, Iots 1, 3, (Coiitlutivd on Page 3)