TtTACE .-CUR LINCOLN COUNTY LEADER. TOLEDO, OREGON, FRIDAY. APRIL 4th, 1919 2S at 3 S V ft j,a I I i Ittfttttl l"t"t"f"t"t 1 111111111'' J The Latest Sheet Music at TOLEDO DRUG CO. T. P. HAWKINS, Proprietor tf Ml I l . BATEMAN E. R. BATEMAN I BATEMAN '& BATEMAN COMPLETE HOME FURNISHER UNDERTAKING SUPPLIES We Buy, Sell and Exchange New and Second Hand Furniture rut i in tut nil tiliiiit1 m THE PEOPLE OF TOLEDO SHOULD KNOW ' THAT BY TRADING AT ' .Frederick's QUALITY Store "They can Save Many Dollars and at the same time get the Best Quality Groceries. We buy for Cash and in large quantities. We are satisfied with small profits. We want your Business, and we have Prices and Quality that appeal to the Discriminating Buyer. P. FREDERICK. - . ...... .....t.j.j.j.j.j.i i i m I in Yaquina Bay Ry & Lbr. Co. ! Electric Light and Power Toledo Meat Go. DEALERS IN LIVESTOCK DRESSED AND CURED MEATS WHOLESALE' AND RETAIL CHECKING THE GOVERNMENT Evsry plees of meat we tell, In addition to the O. K. of the U. S. Inspector aa to purity, t bears our onw O. K. as to qual- I Ity. Texture, grain and grades of meat are trade technicalities, but your butcher's knowledge of X them meana much In determln- Ing his customer'a satisfaction. T Highest Price Paid for Hides v . NASHI& BROWN, Props. it " miiu , - t II t 1 A1AVA11GH Dealer la Cigars Tobacco and Butter ej-ist Pop Corn r 1 t A Complete Assortment oft t iai,iis, viocks, ieweiry, I TOLEDO JEWELRY CO., H. E. PETERSON TOLEDO, OREGON jt Manager and Watchmaker im I. yr VMUtUM WATCHiaNv X Pour cars came hi from th Valley last evening. J. B. Miller cams down from Port land lout ' vealng. Billy Orf.lioim werat to the Portland on buslines Tuesday. Peter Tln'S?n was a passenger for Portland Tuesday noon. Campbell's Store, of Yaqufna, has a new add In tlito week. Wtm. Poland of Harlan was a county seat visitor Wednesday. L. M. Common 8 of On a. passed thru to the VaiUey Wednesday. Geo. Tubbs was down from Harlan Wednesday of this week.. . Mm. Edw. J. Clark returned Tues day from a visit at Newport. Banker and Mrs. C. E. Hawkins went to Newport Tuesday evening. Mrs. T. Dowllng of Yaqulnu was In the city Wednesday afternoon 'S. R. Cotton the Newport merchant passed thru to Portland Monday. Mrs. Lola Oruaon returned Sunday evening from a visit to Valley pollute. Dlclc Evens of Waldport was tran sacting business in Toledo Wednes day. R. F. Baker the Newport Reality main was In the city on business Wednes day. ' W. O. Sliarmnn of Yachats is im the city today, having arrived on the noon train. Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Trapp returned Wettncetlay evening from a visit at Albany. Mrs. R A. Andersen and Mrs. Carl Nelson visited on tlie-Lower Day the first of the week.. Mrs. Pish went t j, Portland Wedn day noon to purchase her stock (-. Spring Millinery. School Supt R. P. Goln returned Tuesday evening from a trip to the ciat part of the county. Capt. 0. P. Jacobson of Newport, passed thru Tuesday evening, etirouto heme from Wie Valley. ' Miss Isabel Lingcnfelter arrived home for a visit last evening. Miss Isabel Is studying musk at Mt. Angel. Conundrum Why does the electrio power always go oft on press day? Leave answers with the lighting editor. Are you a booster for the Roosevelt Highway then buy a liulton. and help raise ir.cney for publicity propaganda, Ktr. and Mr C. F. Robertson were lu the city Wednesday evening en route to their home at Taft. They arrived on the evening train from the Valley. Mrs. Gannon departed Friday for a view with her daughter, Viola, who lives in Portland, and Emtella, at Spo kane before returning to her home in ' Montana. ' I R. M. and C1. F Horer arrived over from Salem last evening in their car. I Owlnff to Uie rain last evening they left the car 'here and went to Newport by rail. Mir. and Mrs Herman Horning of Grants Pas passed thru to Otter Rock the firet of the week. They expect to visit Toledo relatives land friends be fore returning Uiome. K. C. WUMamBon of Tidewater was in the city on bustnass Wednesday. Mr. Williamson went from hero to the Valley where he will purchase soma full blooded Jerseys for his Tidewater ranch. Raymond Dlrk9;:n arrived home from Son Francisco last evening fir a visit with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. O F. Dickson He was injured in an airplane accident In France and has been confined to a San Framc-lsco hos pital. L&srt Saturday evening Uie friends and neighbors of Mr. and Mrs. II. A. Schlecht arranged a surprise on Mrs Bchtectit, the owuikm being Mrs. Schlecht's birthday. About eighty persons were present, and spent the evening In dancing, B. F. Beeiley of Portland waa m the cWy last Friday enronte home from a trip through the south part of the couniy. Mr. Ileoztey Is connected Willi the Forest Service and was looking over the roods in the south part of Uie county with a view to doing some road work. Leader subscriptions received this i week are: W. N. Cook, Chitwood. Or.; Archie Zeek, Toledo, Or.; F. T. WUiton, Newport, Or.; J. IUowor, Newport, Or.; K. C. Williamson, Tidewater, Or.; John Buckley, Newport, Or.; Henry Cerme, Orton, Or.; John R. Dickson, San Fran cisco, Calif. 'j New Shoes Arrived Have Just Received a Shipment of the Latest in Fobrwear for Spring WE INVITE YOU TO COME IN AND INSPECT THESE NBW ARRIVALS WOULDN'T YOU PREFER to make a Select-' ion of Shoes from a Large Stock, embracing the many Colors and Styles? SURELY YOU WOULD, because you get the Latest Styles, Perfect Fit and Everything Guaran teed at the Lowest Prices for Cash. NEWER STYLES BETTER VALUES In SHOES and MEN'S FURNISHINGS AT 5 w IIP, w v.-.-.-. .:.:- .-.v v.a . .: ! ill. li.'M u rii ill. n Uliif.l f' '' Will Wm. CopTTlBht mi k; H. J. beynoldj K TEVER was such right-handed-two- I fisted smokejoy as you puff out of a jimmy pipe packed with Prince Albert I That's because P. A. has the quality t You can't fool your taste apparatus any more than you can get five aces out of a family deck! So, when you hit Prince Albert coming and going, and get up half an hour earlier just to start stoking your pipe or rolling cigarettes, you know you've got the big prize on the end of your line ! Prince Albert's quality alone puts it in a class of its own, . but when you figure that P. A. is made by our exclusive patented process that cuts out bite and parch well you feel like getting a flock of dictionaries to find enough words to express your happy days sentiments! Tojipy rtJ Jbak tidy rJ tint, kanthoma pound and half-pound tin humttlor and that clotty, practical pound cryttal gtatt humidor with tpongt moitttntr top that hemp A (euacce in acA perfect condition, R. J. Reynolds Tobacco Company, Winston-Salem, N. C WHEN In need of Plaster ing, Cement, or Connvre work, flue building, septis tanks, cto. seo Chas. Mock, Toledo, Or. WANTED Milch goats. Any one haviag Milch Gop.ta for aile, please write me and I 'will come and look them over, as I wish to purchase a few head It, V. Ilolgate, Nice, )reon. Foley's Honey ana Tar COUGHS-COLDS-CROUP For muf Y th Sfeukdardl Furubr Coth Modkiat TakmNo Subitttut for FoUy Honey & Tar bOUtn... W Evarywhsrs FOR SALE Heavy three in. wa'jon, with heavy dray box, price $40.00. Also two hogs, weight about 75 lbs., price $15. ' C. A. Thompson, Ona) Or. WANTED Good second hand steel frame harrow. C. A. Thompson, Ona, Or. WANTED To buy cattle fit for beef only. I ienry J. Stocker, Newport, Or. FOR f?ALE One . aero, all fenced, houss, barn-and well. E. Ludwick, Toledo, Oregon. FOR " SALE Black mar?, aliout 10 years old, weigh about 10r,0 $75, cash, or trade for stock. Work single or double. . O. A. Thompson, Ona, -Or. SIHNOLTNG lloag & Barger professional shinglers. Newport, Oregon. . .. Campbell's Store Yaquina, Oregon COTTON'S BUILDING iWe want your trade And .Produce We will jdo our part You do Yours COME IN AND SEE US .FOR SALE Or tradrj, the Dixon Hotel at Elk City for land along the Yaquina River, partly improved. Win. Kruger, Harlan, Oregon. - -TTTTTTTtTTtTTtTtttTtttT THOROUGHBRED Rhode Is land Red Eggs for setting, $1.50 pwir setting of 15, from a good laying strain. Everett Miller, Toledo, Or., or Phone 1026.