'CM - - r . . X LINCOLN COUNTY LEADER. TOLEDO, OREGON, FRIDAY, APRIL 4th, 1919 PACE THREE The Ford Factory has not yet reached nor mal production. It will take some time, after boins entirely givon over to war work. We are getting a few cars right along, and suggest that you leave your order with us as soon as possible. Runabout, $500; Touring Car, $575; Coupe, $650; -Sedan, $775; One Ton Truck' Chassis, $350. These prices f. o. b. Detroit Don't forget th? service we give in our shops, genuine Ford Parts, Ford skill and FcM prices. i.i' "I I ' i, A. T. PETERSON, Local Agent mi 12 Delicious Sweet Corn "Golden Bantam" Exceptionally early and in flavor and tenderness not equalled by any other variety. The ears are short and compact and the kernels plump and creamy. This and a thousand other veg etables bert for the West, may be (elected from fl catalog and found at your dealers. II I I III 1 a m . . a Write 22 Seattle or Portland for Catalog, Free. WLlIlillS WRKsn&msr mil .w a-mmmm. i x m w m w mm m m m m am ksi im I Best for the West Established 1885 Tbe longest lasting benefit tbe greatest satisfaction for your sweet tooth VRIGLEYS in tbe sealed packages. Alr-ttebt and Imptirity-pToot ICIPT RIGHT The J Flavor Lasts.. NOTICE OF SPECIAL ELECTION NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN to the voters of the following described ter ritory, to-wit: Beginning at a point that Is 210 feet North and 30 feet West of the North west corner of block 2 of Graham s Fourth Addilicn to tile City of Toledo, Oregon : ninninz tru-nc tn th I center of tbe channel of Denot Slonyh- 1 1 thence down the cea'.er of the chmne' or said Depot slough in a Southerly direction to the section line between sections 8 and IS of townshio 11. i South of Range 10, West o? the Wil lamette Meridian: running thence West to the West boundary of the ; East half of section T. township 11. i south of Ranee 10. Wc-st of the Wil- ( lamette Meridian: running thence ! scuin on ue ntlt wc'ioti lire of sec-1 tiotis 7 and IS in tons!ifp 11 fin- ; of Range 10 Wtt cf the Willamette ! Meridian to the Sooth ' corner of j , the Ninh lU-li of t!:e S.-.u!'ieit qua-;-! er of section 1 In township 11 Uuth i of Raaja 10. West cf the V;UsttJ5tt .Mendt'-c: thence Ea: to the center , cf ;r.e. cracpel of the Yanu'na River: : thecce f3l!owir.3 the ceati-r channel I ' cf the Ya iU.i.i kive.- to w .re it ir.ter- : ff-' 't-'vf . . z-.e. of Cialla :. c: t.'n i ,:g t.-.e center c::i2 : iUi-r i c: J . ..1 :j N. :. . . -.vhnc r. i era Pac'f c Railroad risht cf war; t.her.ce iol'.ovir.z the N-r.h line c! t.-e &a:d ra;!rcid riaht c-f way in a North-".es-eriy direction to liie East and West ose fourth section line in Seo tfen !". township 11, South of Range 10. V.'tst cf the Willamette Meridian; tLen.e Wts'.erly cn tl.e cfe .'jitr-Ji cert- . r..e c:.an- r.e: t,: ij jv: u.l the chf-r.c-1 of I' Ncr.hww.erly dire ti.t-:: e fLilljw.a ot S'.cc1! in a ;a to vLere stid .!:ara-i rr.,;s tr.. s.--:; ; t'5-t-e3 -"etiens IT and 1? in tows.hip 11 Soo-.h cf Ranee 10. West of the W;"amf;:e Jleridtan: thence rur.ntng ; in a .ir:fce: lT direction elon? the sertion line b"t-!i sai'l sect'.-Tii 17 and 15 and e:;-r.'.''ir.i: N'rih-'.;.- cn ' th' fecti'r lir? i'-;A'f-n sr-.iit. 7 end cf I urns--;;, 11. j .u: . o: a.lc ! 10 West if the W;I!a;:!et;e i!.?rid:aa to the p3e of b-':nir!2. a'1 in tnwn- , ship 11 S -.tt:h cf !:-? Ves? of th.e ' of the Wi!Kh;e.te !.:e.-id;an aid In i . Lincoln Coutty, Orei-on. ! of a specicl election to be held within said described terrlto-.r cn the l&Ji day of April li'.'J. betwec-a the hours , of eight o'clock in ti e forenoon and eight 0'ckx.k in the afternr-cn of said i day, the poiiin? ice ta be the resi dence of Dan Grady in said territory, said election to be held for the pur pose of sutzjiuics to the qualiS:-d electors cf said described territory j the questicn of altering the bousdaries of said citv bv Inrhidinr wl.hln th rirs , city limits of the City of Toledo. Ore- : gon. or annexing thereto, the territory hereinbefore described, the proposl- i tion la be submit?.-! to thu s voters of s'.d JerHtorr rm iM i-y ! tha boundaM c? the Citv cf To'edo. , Oregcn, le altered by aus aaexin? there- j to the following territory being das- cr:N-d and bounded .is r-'.'. -,ws: Beeinalng at a ?f.'r.t :'.;' i 2t f :et Nc-h and r.O fe.-t Wis: c! : V N.r h ! wt corr-.- of LIoc'c of C .hrt-o'i I Frur.h Addition to the CI-v of Tci -2 i Oregon: nsslne :h :n:-. .Vet t '.' i center of the ihsnr. :! cf IV-po; ' , thence dia the cea'er of the chanr i of said Dept Slouch ia a Souther v direction to the se tin liae betwe :. 1 sec-lions and H rf townh:p j South of Ranee 10. West of the W i llamette Meridian: runc'ng thr. West to the West boundary of t' e East half of section 7. townshio ! South of Range 10. West of the' V ' 1 lamette Meridian: running then I Sou'h cn the half s-rlii Ij;r of s i tiots 7 snd IS In township 11 Son ". I of Ranee 10 We.-t of the Willarr-e; I Meridian to the Southwest corner '. the North Half if the Southeast cur i er of section 1 ic township 11 Sot or Kange 10. West cf me Wularce: Acr.uau. lueace tasi to me cen - r . of the channel of the Yaqulna Rivr. t.ience following th.e center chaan - of the Ya;u!ns River to where It sects the center channel of Oh; Slough: thence following the cec channel of Olalla Slough to here Intersects the Nc-th Line of the P. - ern raclfle Railroad right of Itwen sections 17 and IS in town j 11 fv-u-h of P..'.r,- in. v,-.-t r.' Willam ette Merf J:aa: theace runn -f I In a Northerly direction along the ttticn lin betseen j. d s'ti n- '. and IS and extending Northc-ly . the "'lon lln between section 7 end 8 of township 11, South of Raa; , i thence following the North lin of westerU direction to th,. East and , Oivgcn. owned by Catherine E. Bate-I Y given inai in u:c- sald ro'lroad right of war In a Ni r.. West one f..ur.U section line in Sec-1 " t' tAl xvlnMTT ct t-'Mtn westerly d.recton to the East anl tlca 17. township 11. S..uth of Range i 001 7 of BIock 3 ot Vincent Addl- ?'A"7W Alinger. deceased, has bU-ol West one fourh section line In 10. We? of the Wlllam-tte Meridian- 'tlon to Toledo. Lincoln Countv. Ore-: bi "u1 'crour't ,h County toart tkn 17. townsh.ip 11. South of Ra-.e thence We.terlv on the one fourtn ' on- owned by Western Ores n Con- f. ' -tl' . YT'" Lor.!Jv"S:a i 10. West of the Willamette Merldi.m : section line to the renter of the chan- ''f Association of Sevi-nth Day ?u? , T;-on. , 'v"10 nlh thence Westerly on the one f.-:h net of D pot fkueh : then following ' Adventlsts. ! ' r'- ;' the hour of ::.l jsc-ticn lln-ti the center of !!. r' ti e ebannel of l pot SNuih In I 1 Lot 1 of Block 4 of Vincent, Addl- " 1 k ,!n -.-! t'' eel of Dep. t Sh uch; then-e f!!.v-i: .z .Vo-hwe-terty dire, tion to where said , tlon w Toledo. Lincoln Ccutitr. Ore- f"'1 fLV ".iH1? t ",KT- l 'he cbin"l C pc-?' piou-th lr. channel rrs-ej the , .on I'ne be- Kn. owned by Lincoln County oreeon. , ,, ea "PPointed by aid Court s (North... .... .-i-e :, r. to wi, -r- ! twe-n -v.tit. 17 end l In townshinl . 2 of Block 4 of Vin A.Idi-. ;l"1r, fT nhZ i - - -. - - .... - - kiu i ' . i . .nil., iii i l.i : i . i' i i v. i1.: in in. . ...... . . uu, ...... wi,, , ,.u ... uir ii west oi tne wtnamett Merid'an the place of btlanlr.g. all In town-Jnf hip 11 Sonth f range 10 West of t' e of the Will-mette Meridian and in, Lincoln County, Oregon All the voter, wl.hm . aid terrlfo-r are hereby not fled and requested to . ,Yl. J .' . . u u at said time, and at said place to vo.e I .V, r . p" ; '' p pMcing i'. thelr ballots the f-illowlng words; "For annexation", or "Against annexation " This notice Is given by vlrtnre of. and as directed by. a revolution paed by the Common Council of the City of Toledo, Lincoln County. Oregon, appointing smld date, said time, and aid place for the holding of said special election for said purpose, and aid Common Council appointing as Judges for said election: Dan Orady. Mrs. D. U Chealey, and as clerks for eatd election: J. C. Altree. Bryoo Snuffer and Mrs. Ella Stewart. Said boundaries to be altered and said territory Is to be annexed to said City of Toledo In accordance with the provision of that rerta'n act of the Legislative Assembly of the State of Oregon, pasted at I s regular session In th, rr I'll, entitled: "An Act prcvMlnr a rce'hod fog the rhar:n of bour.d-fi. -f c"es and towns h-e-t of ore Incorporated or that may be In corporated hereafter and repealing all acts or pr.ns of arts In conflict with this act, and being Chapter 81 of said laws. Dated at Toledo, Oregon, March 17th 113. n P Milt. e. 'n-cirdT C';v cf Tolclo. ' Lincoln County, Oregon w, ,E ur SPECIAL ELECTION NOTICE" IS HEREBY r.rrrv J peoial election to be k.M h 7h- r-,. t or Toledo. Oregon, on the 19u day of Apni. 1819. between the hours of eight o c ock in the forenoon and eight 'n the afternoon of said dav t--e po.Img place to be the city haU in f;i rltT- for the purpose of submitt lEK to the qualified electors of the City or Toledo the question of altering the boundaries of said city Including i:. :n tie city limits or annexing Jo'r.!?10 'oWo'flns described terri- do. Oregon, on the 19th h.. X : ' Winning at a point thai It ?m " r:;i snd 3 fe West of the North- i corner of block 2 of Graham s If'1"-3 .Aad:ii?n 10 t-'ie City of Toledo, I " uuu"! inence weat to the "-r of the channel of Depot Slough- J-wn the center of the channel Jj: sa ;i Dpot Slough la a Southerly f''-'M to U.e section line between J- "as s nd is of township n r u" 1 of 10, West of the Wil-! :V'" e -,lenaian: running rhAnra ! to the West boundsrv of th- i hilf of section 7. township 11,' ji i .ir.g' iv. west of tie W!!- - .vona.vn; r.: a.nr ther, i ''! tiie belt S'cticn l:no of c. . ' Ati ! iu ti-'.-n?:::p 11 Sou'h -? 10 Wect of the ' l!Cv-t,V(Tae,w! wrner of , -"ui asi iiuan- 'I in n.iP U South .1 -v:'.-"- l0; "est of the Willamette Ji-ria;an: thence East to the center t:'.".!r'il'n"' Yar!"!nl. RiTtr: : jr. i.iuuufi . 5'iutsa rtivcr to where it Irter- r-r.tr v r.t Olalla i -Z' e :o:. ..v.:.; t ie cenier o; laim :.r.ioh to where ! ' --" the North L!r-e of the S..u:h- ' Vi r..a:r;;'.i ri.-i.t of wav; ' following the Nor.h line of the nilroad ri;-ht of way in a North-1 t. ;. ' i . .. J.rf-ei:t.n i;l I i. .-Qf anil . . . ';. " "f ' - v-u rnnn nne in sec- .. township 11. Scu-h of Ranee t: - l '''l.-f t--" Wi'Iartnv M.-ridian: "'S'frly on th? one four.ii A ' ' t i,t"r' ' " ff the chan- . u pot t.oug.i: ther e following T.nnnel of Depot SI mch in a '7 t.jr. to where sail 'f ti'n lire be - - 5-- ?cuth t:l ia township of Rang 10. West of the .te .iendta-.- hen e rjuning ..r'.her!y dirertion alore iha ft-.-ti.-,n ?' I 15 line N-tween said sections V and ".ending Northerly ---i i.' n lire r".wen sections 7 fr. ! i of towasliin 11. S-u'h cf anf 1;.' West of the Willamette Meridian t t r'aco of bpii:n!r.T all ia town 5 ip 11 Soii'h of rar.se 10 West of t' i .' the Willamette Meridian nH i -n county. Uregcn. T-e Proposition to be ubrt:ltted U '-";? T"'er5 of the City of Toledo c --'iu uate is: "Shall the boundaries o' l -e -! ioiedo. Oregon, be altere." tr anneilng there'o ti fo!lr-ln ta " 1 rv !rg d-nUd and bunde f-'Hows: Beginning at a point that is N-rth and "0 fee' West of t! e North- -est corner o.' block o G.ham's I-V.urth Adlftin to th "itv o' TolH,-. O.-tjoa: running thence t to the centf r of t::e channel of Depot Slough- thenc down the certer of tha .Vi of sail Dpi: Slough in a Southerly! direction to the section line between 1 section? S and 1 of townshln ll Scuti: if ?...c;e 10. Went of the Wil. larrerre Var'd'an- rcnn'r.g thence West to th IVm hs,r,Alr r. .k. East half of secion 7. townhl ll South of Range 10. West of the Wil lamette Meridian: running then South on the half section line of tiers 7 and 1 in township 11 South cf Rmee 10 West of the Willamette Menrtian to the Southwest corner of vieve. . Lhe North Half cf the Southeast quart-' L" 2 of Block i of Vincents Addl ercf se- tim 15 ia tor.r..ip 11 South ,ion to Tolea. Lincoln County. 'Ore- n nA . it- . . I inn. nvnM) hy J T Vinson Meridian: then, e 'Kt"to the' r"'" of th chancel of th vM,.in. oi...- inence toiiowing the center channel of the Yaqulna River to where It Inter-1 sects the center channel of Olalla Slotir1': the-..- f.ii'.u-rr t'i r..r., 'channel of Olalla Slcngh to where It inter- t':e N'rtii Line of the South-1 era rclft Railroad rieht of way;. thence following the North line of the Wil!.-.-ot' VA-.rl'-iT .h.ni- mnrinr . -. i m i i .1 . . - v. . . .. i . I Ann it 'on in i a Mirk I 'n.-n.r. -Ahni. ' ' ' i . .i i n a i;i n v 1 1 i - -----.-.. x-... i . i - v. . . . . 'n a N.i-i.o;lv d.-c :. r. i.1 ne the' 1 ' Block 5 of Vinrn-s ArtJI section lin between siil'l srti tu 17 la Toledo. Lincoln County, Oregon and 1 and e'erdirg Northerly cu owned by Aileen Mci'lukey. ( C: .. ti.-n !in- !t -..r. i-e tl r.s 7, I-,,t Bl.Kk of Vincrr.ts Addi end i of totn'il' 11. Sou'h of Ua.igel,1,m IO Toledo, Lincoln County. Ore 10 West of the Willamette MeridKn m on. owned by James J. Gaither. 1 the tar of beginning, all In town- ship 11 South cf rare 10 West of the the Willamette Meridian and In! Lincoln Countv. Oregon. . ail the voter. f th m f tii i Oreron. are hereby Invited nd qu"tP- fo pre'ot ,t th. poll, at ! ,4 dale Mid nd Mld P"c- t to" upon said proposition by pacial( opon ,helr ulk)ti ,he fo. htlnt words: "For annexation "Against annexation. This noliie la given by virtu re of. and as directed by, a resolution passed by the Common Council ot the City of Toledo. Lincoln County, Oregon, appointing said date, said time, and aid place for the holding of eaid special election for said purpose, end aid Common Council appointing as judges fur said election: A. Hurley. Mm Z. M. Derrick, and as clerks for said election: Elma Waagh. Mrs. Ethel Roes, Elsie Andrews. Said boundaries to be altered and said territory Is to be annexed to said City of Toledo In accordance with the provision of that certain act of the legislative Assembly of the State of Oregon, passed at Ita regular session In the year 1)11. entitled: "An Act providing a method for the changing of boundaries cities snd towns here tofore in. orporated or that may be in corpWated hereafter snd repealing all acts or part of arts in cm 1 let with this set,- and being Chapter SI of said laws. Dated at Toledo, Oregon, Slarch 17th 119. R. R. Miller, Rccotdcr of the CI-v of Toledo Lincoln County, Oregon. NOTICE . NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN of he of the City Ccat-Il cf the rty r To. Oregon, to ccuse to be improred: All of Grabaip. Strtet of the City of Toledo. Oregon, from the inter section of Second Street to a point where the South side of A Street intersects Graham Street: A Street from the intersection of A Street with Graham Street to the inter section of A Street with the West line of Enderley Street; Ender'.ey Street from the intersection of Enderley Street with A Street to the intersection of Enderley Street with Street, commonly called Division Street: Street, commonly called Division Street, fror the intersection of the West line- of Endcrly Street with g Street. coramocK- called Division Street, to the in tersection of the Eea-t side of C Street with . Street, mm- monly called Division Street; C s-creet. from the Intersection of C btreet with Street co-ii- monlv called Divfsir.n Street, to the :?.uth side of William Street : and In front of the following descried prop-:ty nhu'tire ar.d adjo'.nlns -aH streets prvpoW to he improve!. ! abutt'r.T nrrnprrv hn'r-f- n-n.rf putHd to b0 owned by tbe following repertive persin ; Lot-s 6 and 7 of dock 2. of T.'!l Lincoln fount v. Omrm ru- n -. I hv C. E Crono. ' ' ! Lot IS of P'.ock 4 of Jones odV.icn io loieoo, Lincoln tountv. orecon. ownpd hv Geor.-e R. Schen.-k : I-.- 1 " t t m v- , t . i Addition to Tc'edi. Lincoln Couiuv. Orecun. ouned by C. E. Crono. Loti 5 and Vot-' 4. J. ns' Addition to Toledo. Lincoln C-i.i. Oree. n. ow-.ed by Matilda Esrx v. ' Lts s. 10. 11. 12 of Block 3. of Inpnj' ... -r..i J ft i " " .-..u..i.-u VtJ H'lt'l". 1111 '111. Count v. Oreeon. owned bv School trict No ?? l inrnln fn,ln Its 7 and S of rr.o k 3."of J..-' Addition to Toledo. Lincoln Cou--v Oregon, owned bv Ansan-Ia M. run-.- ' Lot 1 tf Block 4. of Jones- Stvor. ! Addition to Toledo. Lincoln Cour.'v Or?on. owned bv S..ph'a N ' Rfcck 2 of JoneV S... ,nd ..,!.! t-, - , to Toh-do. Lincoln Ouatv, Oreg. a owned bv Gust Olson. i Bio. k 2 of Jones' Second Addition . t T,,i.t n.mi. n-. i owned bv lna Sturdevant. fiin. lr i ss ijji-i... to Toledo, Lincoln County, Oregon. owned by Relle Archibald. Lot 1 of Rlock 4 of VuhM HrliM,m to Toledo, Lincoln County, Orejon. owned bv R. D. ItHrgesn. Lot t of Block 3 of Nashes Addition to Toledo. Lincoln County. Oregon, owned by C. A. Ofstedahl. Lot 12 of Block 3 of Nashes Addition ) to Toiedo. Lincoln County, Orvg -n. owned by Henry A. Newton and Frances A. Newton. I Lot 1 of Block 2 of Nahes Addition : to To!-do. Lincoln County, Or-.-goa. owned hy R. H. Com ' 12 of Block 2 of Nashes Add'tlon ' ,0 'r'l,f,lo Lincoln Countv. Oregon. owned by Joe-h .iri- . Lo" - 3 Block 1 i.f Nhh. A .1.1;. ' tion 10 ToI'J' Lincoln County, I "on. owned by G. it .M. fhi-V.v u1 5 of m : 11 ! ,f N.hes AdJ'tion to Toledo. Uncoln County, vrpj;ua. urniru uy 11. it. uurges-. Lots 1 and 2 of HU k S of Nuh.es Addition to Toledo. Lincoln County. t Ore jon. owned by Firl Nye. I l-ott J n1 4 of Bl'H-k S of Nashes Addition to Toledo. Lincoln County uregon. owned by W. Gifford Nsh Lots S and 8 of Block of Nashes Addition to Toledo. Lincoln Countv. 0r-ron; owned by J. R. Turnidge and ! Lot S. 4. 5. of Block 2 of Vincents I Addition to Toledo. Lincoln County. ""5 v "'vwo . nnrmore. 1 n(l B!oc'' 3 ' Vincents ' Aaa!Uon 10 Toledo. Lincoln County, . Oregon, owned by Emma A. Nulton. 3 na of Block 3 of Vincents Addition to Toledo. Lincoln County, Oregon, owned by Julia A. I'arker. I Lo,s s "n( ot Block 3 of Vincents goo. owned by Carrie M McKinnev na 1 hereinbefore described streets ,r improved as follows: ,Ie graded to tbe full wld-n of the trrets according to the oT.iutl gred "nd elevation thereof, and planked through the center of said Mrer's in w'dhr, " fw"' nch Innhlckness i . . U .L.L. a I Sl .ia Thl SJi" f ? 'Vh,rk- Wmette Meridian has filed notice of Dees, and trie Diankfnff f.i&r.n.f1 n nnn . . .. or'M .m.... Z tv. ''" intention 10 mass inree-year rrar. :se. d stringers with 0 penny wire . t0 e,,.bH(,h rialtn to u, Und abo-- SI IS. .Ihin Tn":'0. bT TlrtU,re ,0f-' C.;Vco.rt for Lincoln Count O -iif lHlt c' 'T'U"' t Toledo. Oregon, oa tiit fl.-.u f t t K ,h Commn Co"acii ot i1"1 1 dsy of Slav. 11. thereof on the l.th day of March, ll 9. , K.n, (..o,.. Colvln James Wua SfT, T " KSt 0 Johnall'of Vldptxt Recorder of said city to give notice . Oregon Vh. ,1 1?.25. C!AL.ClC.0nc" i Pwf msd. under AcU of June H. of tbe City of Toledo. Oregon, to cause said atreeU hereinbefore set forth to be Improved as herelnbef ra deecrlbed and directing (hat this no tice be given by publication thereof h In the Lincoln County Leader. news paper of general circulation published I ta the City of Toledo, Oregon, said publlietlon being for a period of ten days, the date of the first publb stion of this notice Is the list day of March. ll. and the date of the last publics-1 tlon ft this ntl e to be on t!i 4-.h day of April. 11. R. R. Mills-, Recorder of the City of Toledo. Lincoln Connty. Orvgon. . NOTICE Notice Is hereby given of tY Inten tion of the City Couc. il of the City of ' Tj lo. Orcg. n. to i--.blisii a rnid. ' aud lo cause to te nnpro-id Uruvu j ! Street of the City of Toledo. Oresarsg. from Pmt 9 feet North of the Intwe. : !TU0 ?' ""e Street with the NorCft ' ?laeot ,0.ru Street of said city, mod I in front of the foLowms- deecrfbuI viui;riT auuuiog sjm joining aa ' portion of Grove Street proposed to i.nprovea. sal abutting prope-.v- bev ; ins owned or reputed to be owned fey the following respective persons ! No. 1 of Block No. i: of Gm- ham s Fourth Addition to the Citv tf ; irao, uncom lounty. Oregon, ow j ed by Methodist Episcopal Church. I . -o. 12 of Block No. 12 of Gr j hara s Fourth Addition to the city tX i Toledo. Lincoln County, Oregon owi. ed by W. E. Lingenfelter. I Lot No. 1 of Block No. S of G-? Pmrr- fourth Addition to the city of TohJ. 'Uncoln County, Oregon, twaet! h-w JL j R. Turnidre. " , Lot No S cf Block No. 9 of Grvhim-a , Fourth Addition to the citv of T.,rJr Lincoln County, Oregon,' owned fc Episcopal Ciiurch. Lot No. 1 of Block No. !5 or hams Fourth Addition to the vi-y rri Toledo. Lincoln County. Oregon, eers by V. W. Carson. !! No. i; of BUvk No. 15 of Orrv- .-.i.ri ,l!:-io!. t the ci'v rt oln iounty, Ortgca, owat y. W. f;. rst r. No. 1 jf ni.x-V No. 10 ,yf r-- T, ;. Ji: -i F-,ur;h Addition to the citv c-T Ti . -wo. Lincoln County. Oreson, o-r- ! ty .larr-ry E. a: ..1.4 .Ws A.Mie McEIwain. L No. S of Pl.xk No. 10 rf Gra- L' Eourth Addition to the -I-y g i-uk.,u ouciy. ureaoc. rt i,, r.'. -iM I I. KACC I-ft N... 1 of Hi-v k No. H 1 '-K-ur.:-. AM.:i-n to the t l.n-d'i. Lincoln County. Oregon fir.. ow-t- e. t v Iveri A!tr-e and GerL n Hv- ' f-h.v; Lot No 1 of UK k No. 1C . f Cra--hum's Krurth A.lli'ion to th. .-ity .f Toledo. Uncoln Countv. Oregon iiirr ed bv F. E. Altree and Margerv' atider. u t N- 1 of Rlock N !l h.aii'.'s K.-unh Ad l;ti..n t !i T. i-do. Lir. -oln Ccunty, Ores ed by lu-rt Uee L"t No 8 cf Blork No. II -f r- of Grj t. rr- .. .. f r ":rt:i am :;t:,,n to t.-.f- . . Todi. I. in... In Coutty. Oreg.-t. e.l iy Ma.v, ry A:,.jij!er. Lot No. i; of Block No. 19 .-f "am i .Mir:.-. ..i-ij,.n to th'- -t of Toledo. Lincla ivanty. Orefc-oti, owCt ed by J. J. Red Held. Lit No. cf It! w-k No. of drt ham Fmrth Addition to the citv c . v .v r jj. Milium vuuniy, urt gou, oir ed by Arthur C astile. an(1 ,he ,!,! hereinbefore derrilv-r3 portion of Grove Street to be IrLprovod u fcllo: Rraded the width of sa.r4 ftret. the crown of said grado of IK in.hes with s 10 foot corb cn ea,-tj 8:,e of jid street 10 Inches In kP- '--at at trie intersecticn t .' reei wiin si Sixth Street nf Q.-.rf inj. me graae on tee West sld flwr of ,0 lowered for a convenient f.;-w ljn, m 't to give acc-i to ml coniorm to we grade of Sixth t-j-4t cl 'ala 1 18 notue Is given by virture of. acal .a conformance with rewo'.ut.ott a.t. ei by the Common Council of the Cvcr ". Oregon, at a regular .-siij thereof, on the 17th day of Murcfi. said resolution directing :nr i-j City Recorder c-f said ctty to giri & 'b notice of the intention of said CViv Coun. II to establish grade up." triion of Grove Street and of tic aa t ntion of sid City Council tu cioaa said portion of Grove Street to be ks proved as hereinbefore set fortli. ansa directing that this notice be given tmr puuucanon tnereor ru the Ltnmn '"""'y Leader, a newspaper of gencrva . uuia;i .n puunsnea in t.19 City of loieao. uincoin Coun'y, Oreg.in saifl publication to be for a period of ia day., the date of the first nublirwtnn m b the :it day of March. 1SH. ar.d tl Jat of,,:,e. ' Publication th-reof tj "c vn ' ,a ""T l April. 1!0. R. R. Miller, Reorder of the City U Tudc. Lincoln County. Oregon: NOTICE OF FINAL ACCOUNT lf the County Court cf Lincofia County, State of Oregon In the Matter of the Estate of Andrew Aimger. Deceased. thereof. la-.id and flist published S". rtii 14". 131'i. Abe Abrams. Adtn'nl.'fa' ;rm. B. F. Jones. Att .ic v NOTICS FOR PUBLICATION. . 04;.V) Department of ths Interior C. S. Land Office at Portland. (rep-r March 17. l.if?. Notice Is hereby given that Oscaj: C. Wolfe, of Waldport, Oregon. whc in rebruary :ird. 191. made Horoev 1JlW and ,un f m ru " Campbert, Register. For Biliousness ' i I , i "ntry No. 04.M). for the SU of and to i 12 Inches gE of the NEV,. Section rs. Tnaa- Sick HcfcUche, Sour Siomscb, Llct kaf. Gss, Coosiipatioa sILUms du troing eoatco,urncrs of taditeatioa sra svoukd if the bowels sra kec? opca sad rrfular. FOLEY CATHART1C.TABLETC set promptly, without pais or untt They clor tbe bowrU, sweeten thai suxaecb sad loos up tbe liver. F R. WVIiW. R f. a. I NWort. Va eoia fcvsrjfwotrs I . i t . i . ( l .1